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The Signal, 1917-10-18, Page 8
R THURSDAY, OCT. IS, 1917 ,. ,.,.-..,..:. THE SIGNAL - GODEfHCA, ONTARIO New Dinner Ware A large consignment of English Wedgwood Dinner Ware. 97 pieces. Special dose price $ 19.00. Only 8 sets to be sold at this price. w td•el 11 Pt,' per Special inducements during month of October. Occasiorlallyehe world loves a lover, but moue often it sympathizes with him. THE SINGER STORE Stamped Christmas Novelties on Hand New Ideas for Gifts - NOW is the time to make your Christina. Gifts. By costing soon you have your choice. Elegant Bath Towels a Specialty. Numerous patterns of Lace and Embroidery. I take thlik opportunity to announce to customers front a distance. that mail orders will be •filled as usual. Miss Susie Noble Sn:icsor to Dir, Tabic. AT DAWSON CITY. MI$ERABLE FROM Pias Grace Dickson Tells of Her Trip to the Far Nude. Mrd. `:nae Dickson.formerly a the STOMACHTROUBE Gods public school staff, who lett re - Miss to take a position as teacher at Dawson City. has sent to her relatives in ber 3rd. which Tile Stgrial is privileged to town the tolloeing letter, dated Septette- reit Wretched Until He Started To Take "Fruit -a -tires" 594 CaArrLAI$ 8r., Mogra3AL. "For two years, )t was a miserable sufferer from RAdrwrrlism and a'* Trersi/s. I had frequent Dizzy Smells, and when I took food, felt wretched and sleepy. I suffered from Rheu- matism dreadfully, with pains in my back and joints, and my hands swollen. haps you read about it. The engineer A friend advised "Fruit -a -tires" and and his son were both killed, but the pas- from the outset, they did me good. se publish: Well. here I ant in the large city. but not settled in it yet. 1 may be able logo to the Nurses' Home to board. but that has not been decided yet, as they are talking about dosing it for the winter. At pres- ent 1 am at the hotel. The tnp floret Skagway to the Sumnut was quite an exciting one. There had been a bad accident there on the previous Monday. It is the fust bad accident they have had on the White Pais.Per- When We reached Skagway we were war car did not go over. After Me firs! box, !jell 1 r (Me r told that we might be two days or r- well and I can truthfully say that haps a week there. but they managed to "Fruit -a -trues" Is the only medicine ake the through passengers on. The that helped me". LOUIS LABItIE. ittp was a veryfdlow one. but the "'eat rs tee. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial Use, 25e. Iderful I sense it is more wonder do www�ww�����ttttt from such a height. The small a -tires Limited, Ottawa. traseemed like a toy one to me. The road 1 a narrow-gauge one. The trip is, -- usual) taken to the Summit in about six tracks were all twisted and the marvel is ALMOST ANY PERSON IN ANY hours and it took us twice that longthat more people were not killed. The They hall to transfer us bag and bag- two men who were killed lived in Skag- PROVINCE e! where the accident was and, way and were both very well known and walk a narrow plank over r We waited at the Summit until Will Tell You of Kidney Troubles Cured g chasm. Looking down, almost dark and thea the White Pass by Dodd's Kidney Pella. e could see the top of the people brought us in hard-boiled eggs and I t had gone over when the Janos' .. 0., Man., Oct. 15th. Special.; e away. It looked not sandwiches and we certainly appreciated _..hey ,kache left me, the noise in my n a .t took. Thr tom'' My clubbag had been left behind ears nd 1 regained my appetite." ' in the transferdand also a suitcase, so they That's aha Jacob huk, a w•eU- had to send back for them, and fortun known sett) here• answered to the ately they caught the train we had come yuestion "W t have Dodd's Kidney .up on before it went through the tunnel. Pulls done for y. The different cars are taken through the t r felt better a i hap taken the first tunnel separately, so we were glad to see box " he added. am not able to say veryb(ily rtould use wy1 In n s fu1 than the Rockies, because you look At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit - School of Commerce CLINTON, ONTARIO e Cool se., ie BOOK Ki;EPI NG, STENOGRAPHY, PENMANSHIP, SECRETARIAL WORK, ETC. EIJCIENC:Y is the motto of .this School and it is the aim to fit students for position, is which they will do credit to themselves and command good salaries. Girls may room in the School. RIO CROt1S NOTES. The Salt( branch of the Red Cron Society pe ed for the month ending October 16 68 pain of socks and 11 trench shirts. 1 The rocks were knit by the following Mts. Connell. 6 pain: Mrs. W. Phillipa 5 pain: Mrs. A. McLeod, May Mc- Manus, Annie Bisset. Margaret Bisset. i pairs each; Mrs. Carrell. Mts. Daw, Mrs. Baxter, Mrs. Goldthorpe, Mrs. Bowie Mrs. S. Bisset. 3 pairs each; Mrs. J. McLean. Mn. J. Walter, Edith Mc- Manus. Mol. J. Bisset. Mrs. G. Bisset. Mrs. P. McEwan, Annie Buchanan, '2 pairs each: Mn. Gibbs. Mn. R. Walter, Mrs- J. Graham, Mrs. Murphy, Mrs. tippet. Eunice Lamb, Mrs. Adams, Mary Gliddon. Mrs. W. Gliddon, Hazel Sym - moods. 1 pair each. The trench shirts were made by the following : Edith Mc- Manus. 4: Mrs. Connell, Mrs. R. Walter, 2 each; Mn. Daw, Mrs. Harnxon, Mrs. J. Steep. 1 each. Thanks are due from the Goderich Red Cross to Mesdames Aitken, Colborne, Dunlop and Hume. for cutting out: Mes- dames C. Bates, Barton, H. Blackstone, Coats. Craig H. J. D. Cooke, Cornell. R. Clarke, McCreath, jr., H. J. A. Mac- Ewen. Mitchell. Parsons. John Robert- son, Rumlall, Thomas, B. J. Saults- Misses Bluett, Craig, Frances Johnson, Manson. McDonald, McVicar. Proud - foot, Saults, Sturdy and Whitely, for `wing. gage sou we all hao quite a ya far below us- baggage sbaggage car t huge rock br much larger SAI.TSIFKII EYS OR BUDDER BOTHER our things arnving. enough for them. We had the novel experience of eating Dodd s Kidney Pills" at a roadhouse which was used by the This is just one of t many testimonials early "rushers." We had a good hot Dodd's Kidney Pills that are heard all ' meal about 10 o'clock. Then we reached _to.rough the West. Harmless to auah Bidneya sAd neat3'al right on board [thite Horse he nvert 2 oboat, wheclock e het pertinent. The • y cure Ise irritating acids -B leadid g y Thry have been doingr it tang P had another meal for us. We did not Canada for over a quarter for system sail till 7. ras hesthere was a fog. and re ac- Ask anyone anywhere and count safe the swiftness of the cement it of some case of backache. dro isn't sate to go ahead in a tog. That as atism, diabetes. heart disease snit why the trip often takes more than That, disease Dodd's Kidney Pills eight hours coming down. The river is beautiful and if you ever CHURCH NOTkS. sant a nice, delightful. restful trap, take -- this one. It really is beautiful, and 1 Rey. S. F. Sharpe. of Exeter. will have enjoyed every (minute of it. The duct the services in Knox church on aptain on the boat was awfully nice. The day next. Mr. McDermid is to cond t goeslakod I t get this nic today, so mus anniversary services at Exeter. y are no ex - y disease.; n alt parts of f a century. wilt tell you y,' theum- Bright's h. '•e clued. Kidney and Bladder weakness from uric acid, says a noted audio The kidneys filter this acid from pi blood and es it on to the bladder, wh it often remains to irritate and inflame, -causing a burning, scalding sensation, or setting up an irritation at the neck of the bladder, obliging you to seek relief 1 two or three tiurs during the night let The sufferer is in constant dread, the water passes sometimes with a scalding nv sensation and is very profuse; again, 1 there is difficulty in avoiding it going t Bladder weakness, most folks (all it, 'but. of n - t er off. Rev. A. L. G. Clarke was at Stratford stopped at several points on the on Wednesday attending the semi-annual nd they are not very prepossessing. diocesan convention of the Woman's Aux - to wonder what Dawson was be like. It is really quite nice, iliary of the Church of England.The union prayer meeting on behalf of ourse rather crude. Mr. and the war will be held in Victoria street because they can't • control urination. rtrs. Bra g met me and. they are both Methodist church next Wednesday at 8 • While it is extremely annoying and some- very nice i ,eed. They invited me over o clock. A cordial invitation times very painful, this is really one of last night . d i spent. a very pleasant on lock. of air the churches is extendedke town the most simple ailments to overcome. evening at t r cottage. All the homes on all alto( to be church Get about four oetpwes of Jad Belts here are small, but they Jock very cozy: nt. from your pharmacist and take a table- I wish you cou see the flowers here at The district Epworth League conven- 1 spoonful in a glass of water before Government H, • The pansies surpass tion• held in North street Methodist breakfast, continue •t.his for two or three anything i have ver seen. They grow church on Wednesday, was fairly well at- da This will neutralise the acids in night and day, of • rse. and Mrs. Bragg tended. Addresses were given on many T• o ,•• ..a eb m right away, as she subjects of special interest to League int would likely nip workers. A report of the convention will ays are as warm be given next week. . W. Graham. of course it gets Rev. general secretary of the Methodist t church ' y tell me that l:eee Y month. of Canada. will preach in Victoria street the Nurses' Methodist church next Sunday morning. 1 laundry is The pastor. Rev. J. H. Osterhout, will out. The preach in the evening. Sunday school and ably here Bible class at 3 o'clock. All welcome. teachers Rev. Gordon M. Holmes will conduct 1 could Me services in the Baptist church next corn- Sunday. In the morning.- the subject ;stay will be "A Review of the Work of the os- Ontario and Quebec Bahtists during the Past Year." in theevenittg. aGospel mess - e age will be preached. A cordial welcome to all. 1 Rev. Dr. J. W. Graham. of Tor onto ill preach in North street Methodist urch next Sunday evening. Dr. Gra- is always heard with great interest erich and no doubt a large congre- will take advantage of hearing him evening. Mr. A. T. Cooper, of the urine so it.no longer is a source of wanted m irritation to the bladder and urinary or- . stud she thought the gars which then act normally again. them last night. The Jed Salts • is inexpensive, harmless, as our June days yet. and is made from the acid of grapes and cold at night here. lemon juice, combined with labia. and September is usually a n is used by thousands of folks who are The board -and roam subject to urinary disorders caused by Home is INTI) a month and y uric acid irritation. Jul Salta is splen- extra: That has to be sen did for kidneys and causes no bad only other way of living cont( . efrects whatever. is to rent a small house and tee • Here you have a pleasant, effervescent 'run it. That would be all right i lithia-water drink, which quickly relieves find someone, but the others are a bladder trouble. I (ortably settled and 1 guess I'll jus at the hotel if I .can't get in at the - pital. When we came down the river we ca through the Five Finger Rapids. The cu rent brings you through a place where they had to blast a channel between two -- high rocks which tower up above the boat. There are rive rocks sticking up h and they are called the Five Fingers. 1 in wish you could we Selkirk. It looks like gati some place on the map, but pow it is a Stsn— little Indian settlement with very few Clinton. will assist the paster at the white people there. We got off and morning rvice. talked to the Indians. I think 1 likedt lAn orga Bible class has been es - the river trip better than the trip on the tablished 1 connection with St. George's Princess Alice from Vancouver. The church. the rganization meeting taking • scenery is wonderful and it seems so queer place on Mo ay evening. The officers I to come for over 400 miles and see noth- are as follows. President, Ernest Lee: ing hut hills.udhich are good to look upon vice-president, iss Irene Saults: ureas - but where there is so little growth. It urer, Miss Tich ne; secretary. Miss seems such a waste of land. You would _ think that something should he discovered ----- ---- — there (potash, for instance; it would be BA©iACHR, LL'll[BAGIO AND very valuable at present. as it came from have wishyou could .' 1 TROUBLES. • n thinkTI� T L)� seenY. the Taku Glacier. Whad the last B trip through for this season. ipow Mr. Editor -1 wish to tate that They usuallyhhot go the siren whittle that I suffered greatly from backache, lum- bago and rheumatic trouble$. I used the ice will freak up, but we went • Anuric,' the latest discovery of Doctor through very quietly so as not to strike Pierce for backache and kidney (roubles, against It'she ice. Thegreen coloringr is wonder- and I can cheerfully recommoild the evfoe the clearest shining Moe that t • Anuric Tablets• to anyone suffering musts sawe and with theg sun on it loss ani_of those maladies be very dazzling. tons truly Mr. Bragg went over and got my letters J. �, OAtrRltz last night for me. The first one he had ` - had for a week and so had expected me Nm's• It Is now smelled with eon - sooner. it must have gone by Prince .dente that these painful effects due W esP,Rupert. I'm glad 1 didn't go that way, uric acid in the a; stem are entirely eradl- its P. R. is the most miserable-InokinR rated Anew : medy, eallod •Anuric • place 1 have seen for some time. bas been discoverredm byi Der Pierce, and 1/ Vancouver is lovely, but it isn't exactly the cause of - drainagc outward of the shat 1 expected at that. uric geld with trbtch ft come In cornetWell, 1 must get this posted so it will within the body. It will ward o? back - he sure to go this trip and 171 write again ache, headache, and the darting pain and sem. Love to everybody. aches of articular or musenlar rheuma- tlsm—of those diseases which are caused GRADE. by too much uric acid, such u gout, Guard the children from asthma, sciatica, renal cal-.1u..'An- ode a prolongs 1e because ell people, neo - ally mutter from hardening and thickening -_ ..-Autumn Colds. of the walls of the arteries, doe to the excess of uric acid In the blood and h u 1oa11u nl it. writ•' 1„ B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts. 1'n+rpt. 2(.i Principal Delco Light Means city comfort and convenience for - the farm - - When you are its town for the Fair next\week call and let us show y,, how you can have all the advantages of electric light an( domes- tic power at small' cost. Many up-to-date fanners are now installing Delco Light and find it a great boon. Robert Wilson The Massey -Harris Shop 1 lamilton St. Goiter irk A SHOE SURE TO FIT .. your ideas of shoe gniility and (thee value can he had Isere bet- ter than anywhere epee. Our shoes are selected .for their wearing qualities, their style and their perfect fit. ' Thee we make the price such that every man who buys a pair feels that he has received full value for his money and a Mlle over. Drop 18 and Zook us cider. Wm. Sharman Goderich, Ontario Ianesp� , Is director and 1'he fall is the moist severe season of the D . Pie at the Invalids' Hotel chief nd year Incfox colds -one day is warm, the next �hys1r1 l [at the nBv lids' had is wet and cold, and unless the mother is been testing Lila wonderful medicine for on her guard the little ones arc seized Lie reBef of over-worked and weakened 'I colds that may hang on all winter. Baby's kidneys The relief obtained by sufferer$ Own Tablets are mother's hest friend in has been so satisfactory that he deter- preventing or banishing colds. They act mined to plans "Anuric" with the pries as a gentle laxative, keeping the bowels rips) druggists 10 town where ppeompie and stomach free and sweet. An occasional eonki get this ready -to -use medicines •revert colds n r if it dive come Anuric • Is not harmful or poisonous, dose will pbrit aids nature to throwing off those on suddenly the prnmpt use of the Tab- poisons within the body which cause se lets will quickly cure it. The Tablets are much snfferin`• pain and misery dolens sold by medicine dealer. or by mall at 25 taste ssyert this remedy Is 37 times more cents a lox from the 1)r. William. Medi- potent than Uthia Send 10 emote las cine Co., Brockville, Ont. trial p.sksga uric" b�1ldl good u Dr PSeres'a her well-known Through an error the auction sale of medleinea wit( have boom proved roll- ducted by the pastor. Rev. W. 11. Camp - Mr. David Melti+ain. Ashfield. was an- able daring near) fifty years, snrh as tell. Special music will he gen by the nounced last week for Tully, October Doctor Parries Favorite Prasrrlptloa choir. A thank -offering will be taken ;at lflth. The correct date in Tuesday. Oc- 1or th. Itis of wotaen, Dnetor Pirroey both services.' totter pOth. The sale list appears in this F lea•ant Pali" the t1vPr re[ubkK lame of The . ' nal. ertA ruder • r'^ ghee no(ioklsa vedialaej The following item was inadvertently Sik- Ufsoovat7 11R rad flood omitted from a previous issue of Th • e b ng up a reputation se rflrrllurlrz<lolrinf'weflcrr71ur11 Handsome Model , Suits W E are showing some very attractive styles in tailored Suits for ladies. Materials are Serges and Broadcloths, the styles are such as will moc appeal to you. The qualities are exceptionally good as that in each garment is pure wool. They are tailored in the best manner possible and are copies of models brought specially from New York. We' are sure you will be pleased with these handsome new Suits. They are shown in green, blue, brown and black. Prices range from $25.00 to $35.00 5CMCMCDC=X:C0C A COAT STOCK OF EXCEPTIONAL MERIT Some very pretty new garments passed into stock this week. Just d little different from those formerly shown. Made in the season's popular dark shades, soca' trimmed, others plain. Prices are $25 and $30. COMFORTABLE UNDER WEA R The Underwear we sell has proved satisfactory. It has stood the teat, for we have been selling the same brand for years. People who buy it once ask for it again. You can buy it today at prices lower a good deal than you will for a long time to come. Try these values. You will not better them anywhere. At 35c Lilies' fine ribbed Underwear. soft finish, winter weight, made well, white or natural. Per garment 360 At 50c -Ladies' ribbed Underwear of excellent quality, soft finish. elastic weave, splendid weight for winter wear. white or natural. . Per garment 500 Special at 45c . This isl a particularlygood line, either vests el• or draws, soft finis, very comfortable. Per • garment, 460 At 75c `extra quality Underwear for ladies. either White or natural shade, wool and cotton nuked, with the cotton brushed to make the finish soft and forteble. Will not irritate. Every garment cut full and on scientific linea. Very c fortabie, very durable, and very asl vahte. At per garment 75c At $1.00 A splendid range of gond values at this pop- ular price. Vesta or drawers, white or natur- al. Just a little e•ntton woven in to keep it from shrinking. Per garment only - - -$1,.00 Finer Makes Finer qualities in pure wool or silk and wool mixture., light anti ratedweights, trive splendid wear, perfect fltt.ing.i garments. At 51. 25,51.50. $2 and 52.60 Combinations F'inc Corribinal i, in. in ladies' and misses' sizes. in praoticnlly all orae standard qualities. At to•r garnu•ut. s 75o to 53.00 Children's Underwear Small vests for the tiny lade., right up too the misses' sixes. We have a ctmtplete stack of vrwts and drawers for children, in several .qualities that we can recommend. They toll at froui 15c to $1.O1 per garment, act•trrding to size and quality. A S ,. endid ocicing - for Fa Wear a This is Stockin made lee -fatly for Fetweep- .easun ar. it is whatis called a ('schemer- jno. loin a fine but, heavy cotton. and it is mole W to r the place of a tow•prieed Cash- mere which blamable now. Very ser- viceable anti -pry comfortable. Ladies sizes at per pair Kid Gloves of uality Kid Gloves are [ting harder to get every day. W.• have just eeived someticularly good ones which has ' been ordered for a long time. They come in . ne, greys and vihite, in heavy fall weight, wit • attractive stitching. Gloves of unusual quail > + at 4 2air 6 and. 52.60 Good Values in Serge. All-wieil Serge' in navies, b los grento and d0 browns. At per yard 76o Chamoisette Gloves $1.00 ( sties' ('liarnoist'tte (.loves, exceptionally fine quality. will wash like a pirec "1 cotton. Plain white or with black stitching. All Hiss-, at per pair 51 .00 Extra Good Linoleum Value We have received the last shipment of famous "Near Ever" and ''«'ear Herd" Scotch i.innleutns which we will have until the war is over. The prices the mill is now quoting are practically prohibitive. This shipment w ill be sold very h under today's values. We cannot too, strongly reeoniipcnd the wearing qualities of this Linoleum. They have ,stood the test of time and we 'have no hesitation whatever in saying that they an. the test values in the trade. Attractive patterns, heavy weight cloth, thorough! seasoned. Per sttuare yard_ _Sao. 500 and $1 HODGEI'S BROS. Direct importers Gertrude Porter; teacher. Rev. A. L. G. Clarke: organist. Miss Alma Sturdy. Next Sunday will be Children's Day at George's church. The regular services a 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. will be conducted h the rector. whose sermons will be on work. . In the of 1 0 th subject ect Sunday school afternoon, at 3 o'clock, there will be a special children's service in the church. which will be conducted by the members of the Sunday school. and which the parents and friends of the children are invited toat- tend. The members of the Sunday school are to assemble in the schoolroom at a quarter to 3 o'clockand march to the church. A special song service was given by the hhoir of North street Methodist church Sunday evening and was much appre- ciated by the congregation. The choir sang two anthems. "0 Worship the King," and '11ark! hark! my soul." the solo parts being taken by Miss Ada McClinton and Mio Scrimgeour. The solo "Open the Gates of the Temple" was sung by Miss Kata'. Lyttle, and "Lead. Kindly Light" by Miss McClinton. Miss Seager played a violin solo. The whole service was carried out most effectively under the direction of the organist, Miss Scott. ithe The pastor, Rev. Dr. Rutledge, pulpit and gave an excellent sermon. ST. AUGUSTiNE. On Wednesday evening, October 31st, the St. Augustine Women's Institute will spend a social evening in sch(x7lhouse No. 2. West Wawanosh. A goodam is being prepared. Everybody welcome. ed Proces for soldiers' comforts. Admis- sion 25c and 10 cents, GUDERICH TOWNSHIP. WEDNESDAY, Oct" 17.. Anniversary services will be held at Zion church:on Sunday next. 31st inst., at 11 a. m. and 7.:)0 p. m., and will be o on - - teeatearw. ane staging of -God Savo Saar fipieadid Men' • ..t Signal: The members o iso south choir' met at the home of Mr. ' F. Hick. Chestnut Farm. oue evening r ently to honor a fellow -member of the c firho was about q to enter a new and imps ant life relation- ship. An aallress was give by the pastor. Rev. W. A. Campbell, a the close of which a handsnme dock was • ted to Miss Clarice Irene Hick, daughter of the host and hostess, in honer of her ap- proaching marriage to Mr. Albert Roy Oke. of Toronto, which happy event took place a couple of days later. The even- ing was pleasantly spent in music and social intercourse and all had a good time, breaking up with best wishes tot the bride-to-be. You Would Shudder If You Saw This LITTLE Belgian children their fathers fighting, dead, or in German bon e --thousands mother- less, are slowly succumbing insufficient feeding. A bowl of soup and • aIle of bread all they gat each day. Think of it1 Their one ray of hope Is to ha taken loo Holland and Dere nursed bark to health by Dutch authorities. tb..ork Ming financed through public contribution to the Belgian R.Il.f P'und. Fat• has protert.d you from artaally SEEING these little waife dying from a1ew s4nationl Open your purse and holy! Mark your eontribetlon for the Belgian Children's 'Health Fund. *1.70 maintains e Bdean orphan for a month. This Is for little ehildrn she are absolutely helpless and frl.ndl.as. Alone In the world. Contributions to this caves should he marked "Belleau Orphans' Pond." Rem.mber your eontributlnn roes Padre, through the H.Ie y Mildew of th. Interior (In Francs() to the Dutch authorlflea, wise administer the relief work under the approval of Ow 8r1tlsh and D..teh Governnwnta. - What .111 you de for the .if. of Belgium? BELGIAN RELIEF FUND Oaten. Drone\ Se ghee at. west. Tarmacs J. W. weeds, Ens., Claim. art .f the Adclsery B.erd Mrs. Artbar realer. ( \atria*. of the CaneMee /sad eeatrIMttens t. idles Isabella 1.. George. Ren. Tr.ueerw, er t. teem (. ,mieeee Mee* r\N••• Myebi. 1. the Istria• RAW ...a De, not J',grl lr., free Ii.wr•e'r Cann! Roe, Fled /\r 0.a4 soder Ririe .rf.r, , behold Mr oared /rover re 1.7..d,... , e "* AM'TMMt. 11t If h had him, old Pontin asked Stade if he sal i1