The Signal, 1917-10-18, Page 7It
en -
A fine new school has been completed
in S. S. Nu. 4. Mims.
David Geiger died at Dasttwo.,d on
Tuesday. 9th inst.. in his seventy-eighth
Pte. Webber, of Zurich. who was in-
jured at Vimy RWage, has returned home.
He was a member of the insist Battalion.
Wm. Govier and family, of Londe,- j
born' have removed to Vineland, where
Mr. Gooier, has a position as foreman em
the G. T. R.
Tnomas Fraser. of Stanley, las sold
his 100.acre farm W Mr, Colwell, of
Tuckersnuth, who will get possession in
the spring. Mr. Fraser has not decided
Where he will locate.
Mr, and Mrs. FFFed Toll, of East Ws- II
evaoosh, announ4e the engagement of
their daughter, Pearl Anna, to Ernest '
W. Laughlin, of Paris, the marriage to
take place this month.
The 10) -acre farm of the late Robert
Charters. on the Mill road. Tuckersmith,
has been sold by the estate to Mrs.!
Arthur Mason. of Saskatoon, and will be 1
� r
managed for her by her brother, Wm.
John Dark, of Grey 't wnship, and
Miss Lilah, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Wilkinson, of Morris township,
were married at the Brussels Methodist
parsonage by Rev. W. E. Stanford on the
3rd inst.
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Wright, of Turn -
berry, last weak received news of the
death of their son. Pte. Wm. Wright at
Newmarket military hospital. Another
sun died nearly two years ago at a Toronto
military hospital. '
Joseph Casemore, one of the pioneers
of Turnberry, passed away on the 5th
inst. in his eighty-second year. He had
been a resident of Turnberry for sixty
years. He is survived by his widow, five
daughters and three sons.
The hne Darns of Smillie Bra.. Ise line
of Morris, were recently destroyed by
fire. with 120 tons of hay. fifty tons of
unthrecheel grain. implements, poultry,
etc. It isnot known how the fire started.
There is an insurance of $.,0hYI in the
Howick Mutual.
An old resident of the township of Mc-
Killop,' in the person of Mrs. Chas.
Dodds, died on the 5th inst. at the home
of her son at Vanguard, Sask.. at the age
of eighty years. The deceased had
lived nearly all ter hong lite in McKillop.
Her husband Med less than a year ago
and nine ons survive, moat of them in
the West.
John Jones, an old resident of Stanley
townshi died on the 4th inst. at the
home ofhisdaughter. Mrs. Henry Johns,
of Elimville, in his eighty-sixth year. He
was born in Hastings county and came to
Stanley in 1tT0. The last five years he
had lived with his daughter at Elimville.
On Tuesday. October 9th, the death
occurred very suddenly of William Georgy
Knowlton, of Corrie, at the age of seven-
ty-two years. Mr. Kn owlson had gone to
the neighboring village of Wroxeter and
when in conversation with one of the
business men there he fell on the thus of
the shop and died in a short time. His
wife survives.
Several business changes have taken
place recently at Belgrave. Robt. Munro
has sold his farm on the third line of Mor -
ria to John Coulter and has purchased
Andrew Taylor's general store business
in tat" village. Chii. McClelland, who
has been in the general store business at
Belgrave for many years, has sold his
business to Harry Hopper. of the 3rd
line of Morris. Mr. Hopper's son, Lyle.
will take charge of the !arm.
On Saturday morning, October 6th, at
the Methodist church, Crediton. Miss
What This Food Cure
Will Do For YOU
If Your Blood is Thin
there Is pallor of the lips, eyelids and gums. and
you are eaally tired. Digestion fails you, and your
system Is run down, because the blood is lacking In
the nutritive elemonta.
In this weakened condition yon are an easy
prey to colds and all contagions diseases. The
blood moat be enriched by such reatorative taaal-
ment as Dr. ('haae's Nerve Foots helots you ell
hope to regain strength. \ T
Anaemia does not oorrect Itaett, and conse-
quently the greatest danger lies Ia taeglecting to
take active treatment until the strength is too far
Mans thonsands have been cured of anaemia
by using Dr. ('hloe's Nerve Food. and this is the
best proof that It will not fail you.
If Your Nerves
Are Exhausted
you Zack the energy and ambition which Is necessary
to attend to the duties of the day. You cannot con-
centrate the mind, nienu,ry fails you, little things
Irritate and annoy, poeaihly you do not sleep well.
and have nervous headaches or sciatic trains.' Men
have brain fag\�aand and digestion had, women ex-
perience weakheas and irregularities peculiar to
their sex. Strange feelings come over you and you
live In dread of hating ydxlr mind or of some calant-
fty about to !refill yon.
Another name for your condition is nervone
penetration or oxhanetion, and the natural develop-
ment from thew condition Is paralysis, locomotor
ataxia or some dreadful form of helplessness of mind
or body.
If You Have
Nervous Headaches
'I he brain in the headquarters or "central" of
the nervous system. Here nerve force OI consumed
at an enormous rate. If therels any lack of rich.
red hlocxl from which to form new nervous energy
the brain is neat W feel it and the heat! aches.
Headaches may be stopped by powerful drugs.
Mit that is like breaking the semaphore which
warns elle engineer of danger.
The only wise way is to Increase the amount of
rich, red blood in the Minion body by using Dr.
Chase's Nerve Fond. and thereby feed the starved
nerves back to health and vigor. '
If You Do Not Sleep Well
We can live without food, but not without
sleep. Many will recall Dr. Tanner's 40 days with-
out .00d. but wh , cold live a single week without
sleep and retain *heir reason :' It is during sleep
that the nervosa • stem is restored. and the nerve
force. consumed 0; She activities of the day. he re-
Rleeple.•sne'as 11 one of the first and one of the
met torturing symptoms of nervous exhaustion.
With sleeplessness you find nervone headaches,
tired, wornont feelings. indigestion, lack of energy
and strength.
The nerve force in the body Is at low ehh, and
the feeble, wasted nerve cells must he nourished
back to health and strength by- each treatment as
Ili. Chase's Nerve Food.
Mrs. R. Brant, Hanover, Oat., writes: --
"1 was troubled with a rundown aonetttntion,
and suffered principally from weakness, sleepless
soma sal nervousness. My brother had need Dr.
Chase's Nerve Food with great anooeaa, so he ad-
vised me to try It. I did so, and before the Brat cox
was finished I began to feel the benefit of this treat-
ment. The continued use of it built me up and
strengthened my system so that In a short time 1
eould sleep well. overcame the nervousness, and felt
real strong again."
Mrs. H. Hiascliffe, WiagLaa, Ont., writes :—
"i have found i>r.'Chase's Nerve Food a aplen•
did medicine for nervous disorders. I have used it
at different tlruee as a tonic to build tip the system,
and can speak very highly of He merits."
("1 am acgnslnted with tide party. and believe
her statement to be true "—J. H. Morton. Poll e
Magistrate. Wingham. Ont.)
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food
Ay supplying there elements of nature, of which red blood M oomprated. In an easily aaeimllated forme.
Dr. (:base's Nerve Food Airings about nstnral and gradual restoration of health and strength. True. It le not
In any mlraculona way. hut by the only means which nature has provided for the formation of new, rich blood
101 and the revitalising of the whole human eyarewt.
50 cents a box. a full treatment of 1 hoses for 114.7:., at all dealers. or Edmanw.n. Bates R ('n.. l Ad., T..
meta Do not be talked into &emoting a snh.stltntw. imitation. only dtsappolnt.
ASSAM Teas for Economy
Assam teas are the strongest and richest
grown: It is of these teas that Red Rose Tea
chiefly consists. That is why it yields the
very large number of 250 cups to the pound—at the
cost of about a cent
for five cups, and.
every cup rich, rIthop
strong, delicious tea.(p(
Kept Good by
the Sealed
Wilda G. Ganes. youngest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Banes, was united
in marriage to Gro. E. Hepburn. sun of
Mr and 11s. John Hepburn, all of
Stephen towriehip. Rev. C. W. Baker
officiated. After the wedding trip Mr.
and Mrs. Hepbuni will make their home
on the farm el Stephen formerly occupied
by the groom's parents.
Mrs. H. M. Chesne and daughter,
Miss Ella, have returned from an exten-
sive trip throughout the .West to the
The death occurred on Octdaer lith of
Thomas Kidd, one of the veryy\ old resi-
dents of Seaforth. The deceased was for
years one of the foremast business men of
the community, being interested in the
art. The chief obyection to the latter.
tt was said, was that while he was an old
campaigner he was a new member of the
Howe, which hit entered only last session
as an independent Liberal. Some thought
Mr. Carter would be an ideal man in
many respects, though handicapped by
lack of legal training •and knowledge of
'Parliamentary procedure.
Most of those spoken to believed the
party would select a leader from among
1 the present members of the House. Thr
Liberals went outside wben Mr. Rowell
was chosen, but the general opinion yes- I
terday was that this precedent would not
be followed in the present case.
How's This?
We offer one h.r d•c.1 Inline. ,e+u for on
manufacture of salt as quell as in general COO Of cat irrb that toucanbecor... t by Halts.
merchandising. For many years lie was (;ensue twee
chairman of the Collegiate Institute board. Will Catarrh dote b.o been tale n by
Nine years ago he went to New York and no. b o. b know °.+tthet u...t a Ab
City to make his home with his dough- remedy for catarrh. Hill''. ('atarrb Pure oda
ters. through the blood on the mires. surface.. its•
W'INGHAM. prlIb1.a. d.g the moon ufromthe blued and fleabageabag
the d
Aftery..0 hate taken Halle atarrb ('are
Ex -Reeve Simon Mitchell was elected for a .sort (' ease you wino* a great WIPP/lye-
town councillor by acclamation. in succes- nient In your Rogers! health. -tart f
sion to A. H. Wilford, res geed. Hadi. •'ata.rb Lure at once and get rid et
catarrh. Bend for Vetlenonial+bre.
Wingham (all fair, held last week, was t. J. CH VolI4 Y & t;o..Toledo. 0.
well attended, the gate receipts on Wed-
nesday amounting to over 5600.
Flight -Lieut. Richard Lloyd and Pte. THE TOWN COUNCIL.
Harry Coutts have returned from the war --
and were given a hearty welcome. Bylaws Passed and Engineer Apooiated m I
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Preparation for fewer Construction.
'Haines, their daughter. Annie Alberta.
was united in marriage to Jo' n H. SkfIly. Thr regular meeting of the town council
of Cobalt. Rev. J. F. Dingman otttciafing. was held October 5th, with all the mem-
Mr. and Mrs. Skelly will make their home bers present except Councillors Wilson
at Cobalt. and Clark.
Word has been received of the death oft A letter from the Bell Telephone Co.
Pte. Harvey Willis in England, as the re- asking permission for the placing of poles
salt of an attack of pleurisy. Pte. Willis, and wires on Britannia road, between
who was with the Army MedicalCorps, William and Widder streets, was sent to
was the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. the public works committee.
W. H. Willis of town. 1 An application for the use of the muni -
On Wednesday. October 3rd, at the cipal buildings for the sittings of the ex -
Baptist parsonage, Rev. J. F. Dingman emotion tribunal under the Military Ser -
united in,mamage Miss Rhoda Mae Bar- vice Act was received, and the request
rett, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs Thos. was granted.
Barrett, to Thos. M. Bran fon, eldest son Reports of the finances, fire, special aid
of Mrs. W. J. Brandon, oi Bayfield. The puouceworks committees were presented
newly wedded couple will reside in and adopted.
Wingham. 1 The fire committee reeommended that
BRUSSELS. the request from the Dominion Asto ia-
The doctor found it necessary to ampu- ton of Fire Chiefs to inaugurate a tire -
tate J. J. Gilpin's tight foot, with which prevent. n and clean -iso week twice a
he has had trouble for some time.
year be carried out, and that the dna er'
Mr. and Mea. Teasdale Whitfield and of havny all rubbisnaod contbustibie ma-
daug r have removed iso town tarn teral gathered up and premises inspected
during some heel in October be left
Grey township. having purchased the nn
rthe hands of this committee.
residence of W. A. Grewar.
I The public works committee reported
James H. Fulton has purchased from that a carload of sewer pipe had been or -
Will Livingston his farm of sixty-two dered from the Dominion Sewer Pipe Co.; I
eery just east of Brussels, the price beirg that a reduction of $46t$ in the bill for
$5,000. Mr. Fulton recently sold his street sp inkling had been sec e I from
farm near Walton. the water and light comimisu.on, -on ac-
CLINTON. count of the use of tarvia on some of the
roads; and that the highest tender for the
Mrs Marshall has received a telegram old Mclver cottage was $101.55, from
stating that her son, Pte. John Marshall, Mr. Jams Chisiolm, and the committee
had been wounded. I recommended its acceptance. I
The town council has voted one mill to Some of the members were orr'oeed to
the Red Cross funds. to be divided one- the sale of the Mclver house at chi :
tenth to the Italian Red Cross and nine- 1
tenths to the British Red Cross. This
amounts to about 1e50. iDIEUMATiSM ARRESTED
Geo. Levis, a well-known resident of
Clinton, had a sudden call from the dread
messenger. On Tuesday night of last Many people suffer the tortures°, lame
week he was stricken with paralysis and w.srles and stiffened joints became, of im-
on Wednesday night he passed away, in
his sixty-first year.
An Exeter young man while at London
being examined for military purposes was
relieved of the sum of $45, which was
taken from his clothes left in an ad)oining
Sold by all u. ugaIs(a, 73c.
TwuxsnAY, Oct. 18 It'll 7
rig 41.01111111111. IMP =ISM allINIMID
il How Does This Weather Catch You ? 1
It's time to talk about
Winter Overcoats
We have just the right thing
for you, and it won't cost
you a fortune. Call and see.
You will want to stock up
with heavier
for the coming cold months.
Our stock comprises all the
best makes.
•Tile Semi -Ready Tailors
The Square Gude rich
but the renal was adopted.
Councillor Story moved, seconded by
Deputy Reeve Laithwaite, that Tax Col-
tr tot C tmpbell be refunded the price of
his cond. There was some discussion
over this, Councillors Maser and Cutt •
holding t'at this matter should be dealt
w,th by the new council for next year.
Finally it was decided to refer the matter
John'ton. C. E., of Stratford, was .tp-
poot e 1 e winter to take charge of the
tonsil uction of the sewers.
The c mord then aolo>urndd.
"Maybe the b^1tt which tenors are
putting on young men's (Date this (.ell,"
s lys fhe Port Hope Guide, "arc to give the
girls a better chance to hold on to the few
the ftnartcetense ; that are left."
Bylaws 12, 11 and 14, in connec-
lion with the sewer construction work
being undertaken this year. were read;
three tines and passed. Mr. Sidney M.
Pay as you go, but save enough (so get
back on.
Many a man who is sur' he is dight
lacks the energy to go ahead.
''�•,���iiiiii� /nisi
Mrs. Arthur Honor and child. of Fort
George. are visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
H. E. Huston and other friends in town.
Mrs. Honor was lormeny Mika Mabel
Kemp. In company with Mr. Honorand
two children she has been visiting in Tor-
onto. Fort George is on the Hudeon Bay
in the northern part of Canada and in
making the trip down they travelled in
canoes for about two weeks.
Who Will do\L.skier of Prov.ecial
Discussing the question of a successor to
Mr. Rowell as leader of the Provincial
L beral party of Ontario, The Globe says:
The consensus of opinion was that Mr.
Charles M. Bowman, M. P. P. for West
Br uce and chief Liberal whip in the Legis-
lative Assembly, was the logical man to
succeed Mr. Rowell in the leadership of
the Liberal party in this Province. Mr.
Bowman, who resides in Southampton.
has been a member of the Legislature for
nineteen years, having first h nen elected
in 189K. He has never been defeated, and
the se who mentioned ned him as the probable
new wader pointer to his popularity. He
is a great favorite not only on the Liberal
side of the Hoare, but also with members
of the Government. He was Mr. Rowell's
first lieutenant in the Ontario Howse, and
is an effective speaker, a conacientirnls
member and a level-headed, successful
Meiners man.
Other men mentioned as possibilities for
the leadership were Mr. Witham Proud -
foot M. P. P. for Centre Hurn; Mr. H.
H. _wart, K C , M. P. P. few South-
west Toronto, and Mr. Sam Carter, M.
P. P. for S eith Wellington.
it was pointed out that Mr. Proldfmt
was an able and experienced Parliament-
arian He Ines been a member of the
Legislature for nine years. The opinion
'55. (ressed that he would have a larger
fons,wing in resat Ontario than Mr. Dew-
........m.s_..........�. r.r .* ...... -
purities in the blood, and each smcceeoling
attack seems more acute until rheumatism
has invaded the whole system.
To arrest rheumatism it is quite as Im-
portant to improve your general health as
to purify your blood, and the cod liver
o(1 in Scott's Emulsion is nature's great
blood -maker, while its medicinal nourish -
mint strengthens the organs to expel the
impurities and upbuild your strength.
cott's Emulsion is helping tbowsanda
every day who could not find other repel.
keluae the alcoholic substitutes.
A Definite Object
For sixty-five years Ye Olde Firme has had one
definite object always in view—that has been to
make the
the World's Beet Pismo. Those who know
this piano best—artists, c ritics, owners—say that
the object has been attained- _
�,1Hl('s 1'. "l ll(tnl�l)fl
Altair denier
Call and WC 04 4111, new Hart
That Plumbing
yon have been thinking about
all summer - NOW is the
time to get it done, before the
cold weather sets in.
1f yon want a bathroom
fitted np, yon will fined it to
your advantage to consult us.
"THF PLUMMER Bares. pass. rag
t ter
Flash Light!
_ _.__
I have dust received a large avant
sent of the celebrated
Hessco Flashlights
(The limp with the big lens)
Just what yon need on a dark night
in the basement, around the barn, or
in fact anywhere that it is dangerous
to light snatches.
Phone e2 Root. Tait 'Phone 193
t ter