The Signal, 1917-9-20, Page 5•,, \ THE SIGNAL - (4ODFltIC1l' ONTARIO► - lill1l11 l 1 'die Michelin Universal Tread is not only Thick Ut it is Broad f Flat as well_: Count the number of square$ on the raised part of the tread They total over 54 whole squares or more than three- fifths of the entire surface that is ruled off. The large, flat wearing surface of the Michelin Universal means increased mileage. Once you try Michelins you will use no other. They give the utmost tire economy. �N�I East Street Garage Ownsd and Operated by a Praceical Man ARTHUR M. GLOVLR Ooderich Ontario 1 ••The Birth of a Nation" Mr. W. McLean proprietor of Victo[ia Opera House, ant= for Saturdtay, October ,4th, and Ralf the famous spect•ac !lar tion, " e Birth of a Nation.' On Monday, which will be Thanksgiving Day. there will be a matinee in addition to the night performance. Fruit and V*1eteble Market Large quantities of local fruits and vegetables are now arriving quite freel y and mercharu&Are finding a brisk demand for them. Pears are retailing at from Glc to 75c per basket according to qual- ity. and plum►lbring from 91- to $1.00. Early apples are Wane and sell at from $1.00 to 11.50 per bushel. This week will probably mark the minimum price for tomatoes, the selling prices being from ti5c to 75o per basket. LOCAL TOPICS the entrance board. All the junior public school graduation candidates who did three months work on farms will receive diplomas at sown as three are received from the 'Education Department by the secretary of the entouwe board. At the Harbor. .r: The first of the new wheat arrived at Goderwh the past week andproved to be of excellent quality. The steamer Netwsta arrived on Friday with the first of the new crop, there being 100,000 bushels on board for the Goderich Elev- ator Co. On Saturday the steamer Amencia docked with 121,000 bushels of wheat and oats for the sante company. The steamer Glenlyon carne in on on - day with 150,000 bushels of wheat, 53,000 bushels of which was for the Western Canada Flour Mills. Yesterday the steamer G. A. Richardson arrived with 100,000 bushels of wheat and oats for the Goderich Elevator Co. For some time the Western Canada Flour Mills Co. has had men repairin the steel evaporating pans of the; salt works. This work is now nearly com- pleted and preparations are being made to construct a concrete pan which will be somewhat different from any other now in we. Sallow, -.Samford. At Toronto. on Saturday mo-ning, September 15, the marriage took place of Clara Alberta, daughter of the late Wil- liam Bamford of Auburn. to Mr. R. R. Sallows, of (oderich, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Jas. Wilson. of Dover- court road Presbyterian church, at the manse. The bride wore her travelling suit of myrtle velour with Hodson seal trimmings and small black velvet hat. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Sallows left for a start stay in Al- gonquin Park. On their return they will reside in Goderich. U*monstrataon in Canning. Over one hundred women were present at the public library on Tuesday afternoon to witness the demonstration of canning by a representative of the Department of Agriculture. Mies Foote, the demon- strator, first gave a talk on her subject, and then showed in practical fashion how the work is done. Tote demonstration in- cluded carrots. corn, beans, plurals and peaches. It was an interesting and helpful afternoon for those who attended and the demonstration was considered about the best thing of the kind the local institute has ever had. Save ,Your Eyes Did yoll ever realize the re- lation between Good Trues and Good Health ? Possibly not, but you do know that eyestrain is often responsible for headaches and nervous spells Don't you think it would be a good idea to have your eyes examined regularly by a competent authority. Con- sult IS QP'AND Mi0.. OPTICIAN 11651 AT INC POI GUGVts. Sao GRAY HAIR AUBURN. WswNg+oAv. Sept. 19. Dr. and Mrs. Weir and Miss Josephine motored to SSo�fr�hroy on Tuesday to visit the D oto r'sltmdther and take In the local fair there. (try. Mr. Eastman concluded his term as pa,.ttx of the Baptist congregation on Sabbath to resume his studies at the University. Mr. Ralph vestein has moved into his residence -Tit connection with his bar- ber shop. Rev. Alex. McMillan, a former pastor, will conduct the service in Knox church on Sabbath evening at 7 30 o'clock. This will be the thirtieth anniversary of his in- duction as pastor of the Presbyterian con- gregations of Auburn and Smith's Hill. His many friends will be glad to welcome him. 1 Rev. A. Laing. a tomer pastor of Knox church, spent Monday in the village gathering in the productof his garde:. Misses Curing Skin Troubles. New Classical Muter. The Collegiate institute board has en- gaged Mrs. E. K. Urquhart, B. A.. of Collingwood, as classical master. Mrs. Urquhart was gold medalist in classics in her course at Toronto University and has taught most successfully in some of the larger Collegiates, having been in Sea - forth six years, and Guelph two and one- half .years. Her testimonials speak most highly of her work as a teacher and dis- ciplinarian. She begins her duties on Monday. September 24. Mn. Urquhart's husband, Rev. D. Urquhart. died early in the year and she is returning to the profession in which she Was formerly engaged. Mutt, a Profitable Duty It Is not what you earl) but what you save that► counts. And remem- ber, too, that It is of little use to pare down expenses if the money so saved is not put to work. As a personal and patriotic duty, save every dollar you can, and let it tam Interest in a Savings account. ✓ 'Goderich Branch—F. WOO LLCO M BE, Manager. returned from a pleasant visit to relatives place of business on Sunday and sat Yeti in the West. She was accompanied on gasoline' ' I have no objection to help - the trip by her sister, Mrs. R. K, Miller, sig anyone out who accidentally runs out of Si. Helens. lana( cama.t,-gsf ht his do;tanaaon We Mies Vera McNee, after spending her l y, ig}ly think, such, but people at rents, 4 r. and Mrs. should see that they are vocalist with her pa supplied oil Saturday or else stay at Mone James McNee, of town, has rester, to Sunday. itindly bear this in mind II OlivWinnipeg,accompanied by her sister, bliss and don't ask us to fill your car herr- Olive McNee. after on Sunday. J. I'reelrr.j Lieut. G. R. Elliott left on Monday for Godsrich Girl in French Plays. Friends of Miss Helen Howard, grand- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Mac- Murchy of town. will be interested in the following. which is a portion of a news- paper report of a Red Cross benetit per- formance at Portsmouth, N. H. : "The funds of the Portsmouth branch of New }lampshire Chapter, American Red Cross, were increased Hs' nearly S50 on Tuesday as a result of the presenta- tion of two delightful French plays by the young ladies of Camp Beau Rivage. the French camp under the auspices of the Deverell Schoo. of New York City" The young ladies have been in camp at the Walker bungalow at the Sagamore creek and the plays were presented at the Hotel Wentworth. A large number from this city attended and fully enjoyed the program. la Princesae Emeraidr" (The Emer- ald Princess(, starring Miss Nadine Nash and Mist Helen Howard. of New York City, was admirably acted. In fact, the faultless accent of all those tak- ing part reflected wonderful credit on Madame Dupres, the French teacher at the camp." Miss Howard alto took part in another play, •'Barbe Bleue'(Blue-Beard). So =ay people. bots(, men anen d women., suffer from skin troubles, such as ec rma. blotches. pimples arta imtation, that a word of advice is necessary. It is a great mistake for these sufferers and those with complexion ccplexion to smear themselves with greasy ointments. Often they could not do anything worse, for the grease clogs the of the troubled skin and their :tion actually becomes worse. When there are pimples or eruptions, or an irritating or itching rash, a soothing boracic solution may help to allay the imitation. but of course that does not con cure the trouble. Skin complaints e from an impure condition of the blood and will persist until the blood is thor- oughly purified. it is well known that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have effected the best results in many forms of skin disor- ders and blemishes. This is due to the Ella Wagner. Ida Howatt (act that these pills make new, ri Verde Asquith and Margaret Lansing left I and that this new blood attacks the i on Monday to attend Stratford Normal purities that give rise to skin troubles and School. ; disperses them: so that Dr. Williams' Pink Lecture and Entertainment. -The in- Pills cure skin disorders from within the duction of Rev. R. J. Rows into the charge system -the only sure way. of Knox church will take place next Wed- It should be added that Dr. Williams' nesrlay afternoon, 2Ath inst., at 1.30 Pink Pills have a beneficial effect upon o'clock in the evening a lecture on the the general health. They increase the Rev. appetite and energy and cure diseases A.Aar will be given in the churchspent bthat arise from impure blood. months overseas Graham, sofe sLasks who twelveaYou can get these pills through any ovgrstin as a militarygchaplain. the medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a Miss ,rn' quartette of Dungannon. the box or six boxes for 12.50 from The Dr. U lllb roi musical and Mrs. C. ding- Williams Medicine Co.. Brockville. Ont. will give musical selections Admis- 25c, children 15c. All are invited" C O. F. Decorative -Day. The local Court of the Canadian Orden' of Foresters held its annual decoration day last Sunday, when floral tributes were laid on the graves of all the deceased members of the Order in Maitland cemetery. The members of the Court met at their rooms on North street and forming in procession. about seventy strong, marcher' to the cemetery, led by the juvenile Kittle band. The service opened with prayer by Rev. J. H. Osterhout, and Rev. R. C. Mc- Dermid delivered a short address The Sarin was led by Mr. E. C. Maier. Atte the benediction by Mr. 01terhout the graves of twenty-seven me7obers of the Goderich Court and of a number of mem- bers of other Courts were visited. R e id -Walters. At Knox church mann• on Wednesday morning Rev. R. C. M Dermal solemn- ised the nuptials of Mr. Bert T. Reid, of Clinton, and Miss Alma May Walters, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walters, Britannia road. The bride wore her travelling dress of navy blue with hat to match. The wedding party took dinner at the home of the brides parents, and in the afternoon the happy, couple left, amid showers of confetti, on a motor trip, intendidg to spend two weeks in visiting Oshawa, Toronto, Niagara Falls and other points- The bride was the recipient of a large number of lovely gifts. The wedding party included Miss. Gladys Mann, of London; Mr. Robert Reid, of Clinton, father of the groom; Mr. Will- iam Walters, of 1,nndon, brother of the bride; Mrs A Walters and Mr. William Walters, of Saltford, grandmother and uncle of the bride. Calgary, accompanied by his wife, who had spent the summer in Goderich.• F1 Lieut (sett, who has recently returned from England, goes to Calgary on duty. Mrs. Porter, of Leicester, Eng., and late of Winnipeg., is in town on a visit to her cousin, Mayor Munning,. yesterday she received word that her only brother, Fred..Munning,. had been killed at the front of er serving two years and a half. We notice that Mr. P. A. Malcomson. barrister, of Kincardine . a Goderich old boy -is one of those mentioned by The Kincardine Review as being engaged in the greater production campaign. Mr. Malcoxmson has a plot id the country Kincardine on which he is growing vegetables. Too Much Sunday Business. A Zurich m achant makes the following announcement in The Herald. the local newspaaer: Notice to Automobile Owners. If you want to use your automobile on Sunday don't you think you should pro- vide yourself with gasoline and oil on Saturday and not ask us to open up our Birthday Celebration at Seaforth. The Seakrrth Expositor of last week had the following: -A rather unique birthday party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hawthorne in Egmondvifk, on Wednesday evening, September 12th, when Mr Hawthorne celebrated his nine- tieth birthday. In spite of his advanced age Mr. Hawthorne is remarkably well preserved both in body and mind, and is possessed of all the heartiness of a man of half his years. Born in the parishi Girthon, Kirkcudbright, Scotland, in the year 1827, he has had the novel experience of living in the reigns of tar British sovereigns William IV, Victoria, Edward. VII and George V. Wbenin his axteenth' year he came to Canada with bis p�a+rents• and settled in the tosrrttdtip of liullett, la CHURCH NOTES. Mrs. Moore, of St. Marys, rendered a very beautiful solo which delighted the used .• e, .c,.d• s ear•••••d „<•r.•^ BM/ me N m TvseoA v. Bent Ix. large congregation at Victona street resell cola. a mato,"rete•ded ►•Ac•v<w"rni Traria rar.,r�,e�ay. P►ic. iTle �"•• Notes. -Mn. Fred Hodges and son. of Methodist church last Sunday eve ng. sirrtlree - Lucknow, are visiting at Mr. George Last Monday evening, at their rMertrng ihw sN.e• Vanderburgh's quite a number at- Qgnci 1, the Baptist at eQaY n People them- tended the Western fair at London last le of week. Mesers. Leslie Cox, Murray Mc- selves to the task of serving the peop Dougall and O. W. Potter motored down the town. at in their cars M' M�eW ey Van- d+ondvillle next Sunn- Rev. R. C. day conducid will ting ann - oxt,agent Sunady---- burgh's_ _ _ - _ Mr. and Mrs. Hdwritt, of versary services, and Rev. J. Argo. of Eg- heell, spent Sunday at Mr. Charles mondvtlle. will have charge of the services •1's ...... The Ladies' Aid will in Knox church. rh Rev. J. H. Oatehout will the home of Mrs. Wm. Johnston Thhave chage of the services next Sunday • September 25th. • Victoria ctoria street Methodist church. The evening service will be a special service of 'ARLOW. and music. Sunday school and ednesday Sept 19 I Bible class at 3 o'clock. All welcome. o. Tren.stn a N.I,.tet Mar ao sto•atlw, PORTEH'S HILL. or ,ale ,. (,od,rsrh ,. J. A ter Nerd5S,. rdS(-< NOBOD KNOWS what may be the result of a ne- glected cut. Many • miaow' case of blood -poisoning has resulted from just such a small injury. All the suffering and expense which this *atolls can be avoided by the timely use of Zam-Bak. gam -Bat, Ittsmetlately It is ap- plied to a wound. destroys all germs, thus prevestlns their accumulation, watch G the cause of blood-polson- When the sore place Is thus thoroughly and medicinally massed By Zan -Bak the healing essences In the balm grow new tissue. and a speedy cure le effected. Be prepared for every little eat or scratch by always keetitng a Ws of fans -Bak en land. it is equally l good for burns and eralde. w as for weesma and all skin troubles, canna', Beres, bad legs and piles. All dealers or fans-Rnk Co -..Threat*. 114e. has. 1 for $ere Mi Mc meet a on Tu Mr. and Mrs. Ed. at Benmiller. Next Sunday is Rally Hill church. Rev. A. Huron cont then a donee 4(ewt. and has watt ' the development of thug country bore bush and shah sen beautiful utox- carte to ermting honsriiteao rrro�r�ts read automobiles. � a Period of stinal twenty-five redia Ile and bin mod wife. formerly MinaRankin, have been valued residents of Egpsosw$- ville. Besides the relatives in the awing y. there were present at the gathering a distance one son, Walter, of Goderich, and two 'brothers of Mrs. Hawthorne, Messrs. Alex. Rankin. California, and George Rankin of Philadelphia. Mr. Hawthorne's many friends and many read- ers of The Expositor will join heartily with his family and relatives in wishing them many happy returns of his birthday. Public School Notes. The West Huron Teachers' institute will meet at Exeter on October 11th and 12th. The Government representatives wil. he Dr. Emery, of Stratford Normal School and Professor McLaren, of the C O. A. .. Guelph. • The memory selections for Jr. H. S. entrance examination, 1918, ate the same as those for 1917. The public school graduation selections for 1918 are the same as for 1917. The Department of Education has ap- proved the granting of junior H. Sc entrance certificates to all the West Huron candidates whose teachers have sent in the necessary application forms properly filled in. The certificates have been sent out for the candidates by the secretary of leiter spent Sunday I Rev. Gordon M. Holmes will conduct the services in the Baptist church morn - at Smith's ing and evening next Sunday. The even" cMiflan, of ing subject will be: "Opposition to the h Crucified Christ," the second sermon on Mimics. is to preach, it bet thrtet "The Groups About the Cross. Bright, anniversary his induction R Smith's Hill. helpful services and a warm welcome_ - Mr. John Treble is receiving grain at THE 000ERICH MARKETS.the elevator at McGaw. Taorou. reipb now J. Miss Nellie t cwrtney is visiting her wheat p.r bnah s t 1.5 le $ till sister, Mrs. Wm. Bellows. Ip. re. rice nn•11 i ie be LSI a Mr. Jas. Gallagher recently delivered a boar"•°, per Men tM to t1t fine horse to Mr. Chas. Wallis, of Clinton. BPes.. ppsr bi -hsi kn.A. 1.15 u t.1A Metiers. J. McBride and Wm. Watsrn •to.ku. )..alit•,crews .....-a 7s to ova are busy erect( new verandahs. nr, patent. per cwt ot•A to act t}g Sinn to Woe Messrs. W. W. Walter and Bert Vamne. e as Wm 1.. ; • SI e1 t. OI with their friends motored to London t• i>er ten pr. qt to 71 gnaw ioe•s. Mer IM use re aha exhibition last week: also Mr. Alex. Barn- sons u ass by, who was the guest of Mrs. T. McPhee. • wt. e gels lams N Batter, earl*.•. Mrs. ,Wm.Mr Tyndall is visiting her =rw ..t aev,.r . •r•,, - .„ a .11 dlu�hter, Mrs A. Culbert, of Dungannon. ser M�a.; ,, .., ... sin d told Mils Gertrude Patrick who aped* a few sees. wart* ,,.. /eau s M Cattle. btwia.r. etostas• p» weeks with friends here, lett on Wednes- ii:Itir:=;:raki:r. cwt +las a in day to take a course at Alma Ladies' .7.15 r. m.1A 1. to .17 College, St. Thomas. �ws rapesee. so. ik .. Ie r so M -_- rsuea •hasp u . 11.08 to O. tit ��,,.a ism to it.m they are fur Siete rw the eeat)riverer •• :.i.T. para.......... all to .73 PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. A. Hislop. of Brussels, was in town on Monday. Dr. and Mrs. McCarten, of Winnipeg, are visiting in town. Mr. E. B. Hale, of Stratford, made a brief visit to town today. Mrs Biddle. of Port Rowan. is visiting her daughter. Mrs. C. H. Humber. =emir- --;•= s^► to sur --IRaopbreiw're' i t lfilvig�+tnm we.ul - �/ gs...:.... .w sa a 1 Lumbago Is Rheumatism of the back. The cause is Uric Acid in the Mond. If the kid- ney. did their work there would be no Uric Acid and no Lumbago. Make the kidneys do their work. The sure, positive and only core for Lumbago is odd's Kidney Pills i,, Mr. and Mrs. C. Moore. of St. Marys. visited their relatives in. town this week. Miss Pearl Fraser left today to take a course at the Macdonald institute. Guelph. Mines Delphine and Adelaide Nairn have returned home after a Reek's visit at London. 1Nrs. Orr.) Gunn, of Calgary, and Mrs. W. M. Martin, of London, are visiting Mrs. l:raac Salkeld. Miss Olive Goldthorpe, has retu from Winnipeg atter spending a year the Manitoba capital. Pte. !toward Youngman, who has undergoing treatment at Toronto, was home for the week -end. Pte. Jos. Morris was up from Toronto over the week -end visiting at the hate of Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Allen. Mrs. J. S. Davey and little son have returned home after spending a month with relatives at Kincardine. Mrs. Victor Dean and children returned to Buffalo en Tuesday after a month's visit with their relatives here. Miss Sutherland has returned to her home at Detroit, after a visit of a few days with her fnend Miss C. Campbell. Mr. Thos. Pritchard returned to town on Wednesday after spending a month visiting Toronto, Peterboro, and other places. Mr. Harry Carey, who spent the sum- mer months at Chippewa,has naged as returned an immigration inspec town. Brussels Post: Miss Getrude Mc- Donald, Goderich. is here on a holiday visit with her cousin, Miss Violet Mc- Cracken. Miss Getrude Lauder is visiting her sister, Ming Beatrice Lauder, at St. Cath- arines. where the latter is on the staff of the Collegiate Institute. Mr. and Mrs. !John Thurlow and family motored up from Kiitche els on Saturdayand are spending avreek rs. Jame% Thurlow, Anglers street. Prof. J. C. Robertson and Mrs. Robert- son returned to Toronto on Tuesday after a visit at the home of Mr. W. R. Robert- son, who Govt hues very ill. Mrs Hamilton. of Janesville. Wieron- sin, was the guest of Rev. J. and Mrs. Hamilton for a few days and left with hem elsie week to visit friends at Hatt.' Mia Balked, of the Bayfield road, has Something Dif 'jiregt., In a photograph—that distinc- tive quality that raises it above the ordinary. 'Phone us for a sitting. We make special efforts to satisfy critical customers. We have the modern equipment that enables us to produce work of exceptional quality at low prices. J. T. FELL Photographer SUCCESSOR TO J. W. TRUSSLER. • Go to the office with new vigor -throw off that feeling of weari- ness and fatigue with Dynamic • Tonic Por overworked urea and women, for feeble folks of • old age and for delicate children, this tonic is recom- mended highly Read the exact !form- ula on the label Let it help you it surely will if properly taken. 7bc and $1.50 J. A. ampbell, <.0 " North St. and Square, Gralerich 81 4 The P ;word to please , for the fighte ; abroad and wc, -kers at home is WRIGLEYS The name of the famous r Chewing Gum that has won its way everywhere. Small in cost Big in benefit It is Sweetmeat. a Stimulant and an, th-help all in one. It benefits ter breath, appetite and diges- tic It steadies stomach and ne, s. It is ever -ready refresh - me when you're fagged. Made In Calaada Sealed Tight—Kept Right The Flavour Lasts