The Signal, 1917-6-28, Page 5•
.14=- -7777711111- .1 :47' • -
11117$8511T, jar* IS. NO
Prize List
For Dominion Day
' Girls. Free to All Boys, Riding Our Wheels
Once around the Square Once around tile Square
First Our Best Lamp I First Our Best Lamp
Second Cyclometer I Second Cyclometer
Third Any Bell We Have I Third Any Bell or Horn
For the Most Comical Decorated Wheel
Open to any of our wheels
First ... . . Carrier and Stand
Second Bicycle Bell or Horn
Third Pair of Rubber Grips
Any prize may be exchanged for goods of equal value.
Prizes on show at our Garage
Eight sew Bicycles just arrived GET ONE NOW.
Owned and Operated by a Practical Man
'The Baptist Young People have
cloised thetr meetings for the months
.of July aha
At Knoz aturch next Sunday morn-
ing Rev. R. C. MeDernod's theme will
be : "Fifty Yeir. of taratefid Retro-
spect." Evenin subject: "The Call
to Advance." ‘,
Rev. Gordon M. 111,olmtw will preach
at both services in I liftlnaptest church
next Sunday. The ordinance of the
„Lord's Supper will tolloW the morning
tweeter. The evening subtest will be
-Canada - Fifty Years tr, Natioo. "
Visitors and .ungeIs are Mode wet-
Sunday, July 1st, bevize been de-
signated by Government as Patriotic
timidity. the Sidtford elunday school
will observe the day with a *petard
patriotic progrstu commencing at 2 A,
o'clock p. t. Addressee will be given
by Rev. J. K Ford and Miss Strang.
Parents of the *cholers and other
friends of the school are invited to be
present. The offering for the day
will be in aid of be Saltford Red
Cross Society.
The annual flower service was held
et North street Methodist church on
Sunday alteration. The auditorium
was appropriately decorated with flow-
ers and flags. The program consisted
of choruare by the school, solos by
Miss Ade McClinton aud Miss Keit&
Lyttle, and an addrees by Rev. 0. M.
Holmes. This last, entitled "Lemons
Nom the Flower.," was divided into
three distinct sections, each of which
brought out some telling point..
St. Georges Church.
Fourth Sunday after Trinity : 11
•. m.. Holy Communion ; 7 p. cu.,
choral eventioug.
Commencing on Sunday, July 1st,
the Bible clew and Sunday school will
meet at 10.15 a. ni. and will be held et
that time during July and August.
F Iday, June 20th, being St. Peter's
Day there will he a *bort service and
Wiese at 7.30 p. in., combined with
the wow' Intercessory service.
1 Model a e
GEO. E. KING, Prop
OF JULY 2nd, 1
Monday and Tuesday
The famous\etars EDITH STORY and
"The Taranhila"
An exceptional picture, a story of love spurned and
woman s vengeance.
The Great Popular Serial
Lost Without The Signal.
Mrs. J. J. Edmonds, of Plymouth,
Mich., sending a change of address tor
her copy of The Signal, writes : "I
am ;shwa lost without my dear old
Signal. Have received it ever since 1
left Ontario. Nether was one of the
very first subscribers to The Sigurd."
Death of Adam Nichol.
The death occurred at Alexandra
hospital today ( Thursday) of Adam
Nichol, atter a abort Mums of rheu-
matic fever. The deceased was forty-
eight years of age and is survived by
his wife. The remains will be taken
to Parkhill for burial.
From Rev. Dr. McGillivray.
From the office of the Christian Lit-
erature Society. :Shanghai, Caine,
coulee W The Sigma an article, "An
Easter Outing," written by Rev. Don-
ald McGillivray, D. D. As the writer
is well koowo to Ouderich, his native
place, the article, which is publisbed
on page 6 of The :Signal tbis week,
will be read with es•rcial interest.
Mr. J. H.Lauder in Business.
In another column of The Signal
this week Mr. J. H. Lauder, the new
proprietor of the drug Mutineer, lately
conducted by Mr. A. L. Caldwell,
makes his bow to the public. Mr.
Lauder le one of biodericha popular
young men and is fully qualified SA a
pharmacist, and he will doubtless do a
good business.
The Sig Storm.
Goderich and district were visited
with • violent electric storm and a
heavy rainfall which comtnenced
about midnight Monday and continued
otr, rod en until noon of Tuesday..
Notwithstanding the severe lightning
no damage was done, but many fields
were almost completely submerged by
water. It was one of the moat violent
and probably without exception Inc
longest continued electric storm this
district he. known in many years,
W. C. T. U. Officers
The annual meeting of the W.U.T.U.
of bioderich wee held on Monday after-
noon. After the eppoiuung of com-
mittees in connection with the •r-
nitwit/neats for the county convention
to be beld at Knoz church next week,
the officers for the coming year were
appointed as follows • President., Mrs.
J. P. Brown ; vice-president., Mre. A.
Davidson; corresponding secretary,
Mrs. Geo. Johnston; recording secre-
tary, Miss Alli ; treasurer, Mrs.
County W. C. T. U. Convention.
The county convention of the W. C.
T. U. will be held in Koox church.
Godericb, on Wednesday and Thula-
day DP1L, July 4th and 5 h. The
opening motion will be at 1.30 o'clock
Wedoesdey. On Wednesday evening,
commeocing at 8 o'clock sharp, there
will be a double gold medal contest of
recitations and singing, and Mrs. Gor-
don Wright, president of tbe Do-
minion W. (7. T. U., will give one of
her inspiring addresees, her subject
bring -Women's aVork in Wart ow."
The public is invited to all the ero-
sions, and there should be an especially
large attendance on Wednesday
Death of S. J. Grierson.
News comes from tiaginew, Mich.,
of the death of Samuel J. Grierson,
former resident of Goderich who
moved to the Michigan city in 11100.
Mr. Griereon carried on • tailoring
business while in Goderich. He was
born at Prescott. Onttrio, sixty-two
years ago. Two years ago he suffered
a stroke of paralysis and he had not
been well Pince. Mrs. Grierson died
about three years ago and two sons
and four daughters survive. The sons
are Frank. of Detroit,and William, of
Cleveland, and the daughter.. Mrs.
Chas. Si. Mary, of Detroit ; Mrs.
Arthur Kent, of Portland, Ore., and
ttie and Susie living at home. Mr.
ierson was a. member of Huron
ge, No. ft.2, 1. 0. 0. F.. (inderich.
Bel Retires.
Oti urday it epecial meeting of
the pap library hoard was te:id to
receive\ a" resignation of Mr. D.
Naltel, Wb. has filled the potation of
secretary e board for • period of
fourteen y Mr. J. Ades Fowler
was appointe& the position of sec-
retary, Mr. H. ...g to that of chair-
man uf the board, d Mr. Coulthurst
chairman of the boo committee.
The board content *tee the com-
piling of a cat /110a ue ot ltd books on
some easily accessible pd system,
that the public may learn what the
library contains and faciti to their
choice of a book. The boa invites
suggestions from the readers .
able hooks preferably not' too,
thmt may come under their notimia, WI
purchase of new works will soon
At the Harbor.
The steamer R. P. Fitzgerald
arrived on F. mar' With 2,200 tons of
cord and the steamer George A.
Graham on Sunday with 110,000 bush-
el. of wheat. both for the aVestern
Canada Flour Mille.
The tioderieli Elevator itk Transit
Cm reports the following arrivals for
the week : Glenlivet, :41inday, with
110,000 hoshels of barley and wheat ;
Ositland, Monday, with 00,0013 bushels
of wheat.
The Government steamers Simcoe
and Lambton were in port, for it flew
days. 'rhe Sitneoti, which carries sup-
plies to the lighthouses on the upper
lakes, was in command of Capt.
[With, and Mr. Arthur., Controller of
Light.. was on hoard.
A Double Farewell.
Rae. W. K. Hager gave his last ser -
mein as pastor of North street Metho-
dist church on thanday roaming and
was heard by • large congregation.
In concluding his sermon he Heide •
few farewell remarks and spoke of
the pleasnre he had hid in his aserociso
don with the people of floderich.
On Tuesday afternoon he was the
hennaed guest of the "floMen Links*
111140 class at &Oriole in Harbor Park.
anal was preeented With • gold -
mounted umbrella, soltabileettogreved, I
M • token of t fiffeeektili oit the meno
kWh df the els
On Tuesday u,4ug special
meeting of the Ifoflh Leago. the
members of the. congregate on had
another opeortaelty of 1st/ding faro -
weal to thedepiert,ecZpastor. and
speeches of apponand good
"The Secret Kingdom"
Wednesday and Thursday
Two Big Stars in Two Big Plays
in "The Price She Paid"
from the famous novel by David Graham Philips
Robert Warwick
--IN- -
"Friday the 13th"
by Thomas W. Lawson -a story of the New York
Stock Exchange in which a brave little woman
stacks up against the big financiers.
ONE SHOW -7.45
General admission 2Sc Reserved seats 35c
We will guarantee the 4ght or
.. ' P eh ( 1
If you have Backache you have
Kidney Disease. 11 you neglect
Backache it will develop into
something wcaee-Bright s INS«
eaSC or Diabetes. There is no
use rubbing and doctoring your
back. Cure the kidneys. There
is only one kidney medicine but
it cures Backache every tune--
wishes were given on behalf of various
organizations of the church.
Mr. and Mr.. Hager lett today for
their new charge at Avlureui
Sunday was marked also by the
farewell of Ur. Geo. H. King, organist
and choir -tarsier of North street
church, rod Mrs. King, who has given
such good service as soprano soloist.
After the evening service the choir
presented them with • handsome
silver tea-aervice, as a memento of
their sojourn in Goderich. Mr. and
Mot. King left on Tuesday afternoon
for Peterboro', where they assume
similar duties io connectiou with a
large and prosperous church.
The monthly roasting, of the Red
Crow Society was held in the jury
room of the court house ou Moudey
evening. June 25tb, with President
Reynolds in the cheir.
The reports of the committees were
as follows: Sewing committee : ship-
ment -16 dayshirts, 18 bathrobes, 5
pairs bedsooks, 34 suits pyjamas-
•edue *236.75; expenditure, $92.44.
Maple Leaf Chapter : shipment -
42 Turkfsh towel*, 36 duck towels, 24
triangular bandages, 441 T bandages -
value $39.40 ; expenditure, 824.75 ;
yarn committee: phipinent-2'76 peke
Docks, 1 pair kneecaps -value $276.50;
expenditure, nil.
The secretary's report was as fol-
lows Balance from teat month, $140.50;
receipts acknowledged with theuks :
Mee. Jas. Clark, proceeds of card
party, *6; stele of flowers donated by
Coate, per Mr. 0. Porter, $4.20 ;
Mrs. Geo. Pot t r, $2 ; ward collections
-St. Patrick's ward, 856.84;
Oeorge's ward, $84.93 ; St. David's
It is the something
besides Glass in
our Glasses
That has so firmly estab-
lished _us.
"Right at the Post Office"
May we make your next
pair of glasses ?
Over fifteen year's experience.
IKE AT lei Met
Pi;cAl" /GM! GUELPH, 0.•:,
Says glass of hot water with
phosphate before breakfast
washes out poisons.
To see
n your fa
clearer and
out a heeds
e tinge of healthy bloom
, to see your skin get
rer, to wake up with -
e, backache, coated
tongue or a naette breath. la fact to
feel your best, day la and day out, just
try Inside -bathing every Morning for
one week.
Before breakfast each, day. drink
glass of real hot water wit a teaspoon-
fte of limestone pbosphat In It as a
harmless ,means of washing' from the
stomach, ever, kidneys and bowels the
previous day's indigestible waste,
sour bile and toxlme, • thus cleansing,
sweetening and purifying the entire
alimentary canal before petting mote
food into the stomach. Tbe ectioe of
hot water and limestone phosphate on
An empty stomach Is wonderfully in-
vigorating. It cleans oto all the sour
ferrneniatione, gases and acidity and
gives one a spleadld appetite for break-
A Quarter pound of limestone phote
Oat* will cost very little at the drug
store but is enflieleat to demonstrate
that bast am soap and bot water
cleanses, sweetens and freshens the
'skinso bot water and Ihnestone phoe-
be* act on the blood and internal or-
uwa as: usici.4b ogo
rhen a ,
akin Is allowl and asaiplialoa
re Immo. (bat Gas week et laalaw
.11aUsiag wib Uwe them beetli iseldaa
and tallied bettor is wrary par,
word. *41.06' St. Andrew's ward,
$411.97 ; W. U. F. M. employee-, 8215 40;
total ward collection., $253.19 ; total
receipt., e255.311; sums previouvly
acknowledged, $13t1.19; expenditure*.
$117.19. BMIAliCe available for next
wout ti $284.311.
Purchases to the following *mounts
were authorized : Sewing committee,
$150 ; Maple Leaf (7hapter, $35 ; yarn
cormuittee. $150. A cheque Li' COO
was voted to headquor.ere.
Mew M. J. Robeiteon has been lip-
poiuted treasurer for Si. David'• ward
to replace Miss Ford. The treasurer
of Lite ward collections, Mr. 4. M.
Robertson. requests that all collector*
take their money to the room. on
Tuesday evening, July 3rd. It. was
etiggested that the advisory committee
of the Society be asked to inert the
collectors regarding giving in the
n &WPCS of those who are not
contribating to the Society.
The Society theortfully acknowl-
edges tbe following contributione of
socks: hies. B. Sault+, 13 pairs ; Mrs.
Reynolde, sr., 11 mitre; A Friend, 10
pairs; Mrs. Horace Horton, Misr
Mabel (lumen. 7 pairs each; Mrs.
liontry Bullard, 5 pairs; Ladies' Guild
(Port Alberta, Harold Carey,
Mrs. Lane, 4 pairs each ; Miss Whiting,
Mrs. Clifton, Mrs. Jots. 1. Warm°, Mts.
John Green, Mrs. C. Graham, /dna
Jew. tiordoe, Mrs. John Robertson,
Moo. (Jarrow, Mrs. John Sturdy, No
Name, Mrs. Leckie,. Miss Marjory
Aitken, Miss Griffiths, 3 pairs each ;
Mrs. Bernie, Mre. W. Lee, Mrs. Ball,
Mrs, Bishop, Miss D. Dickson, Mrs.
(Dr.) Clark, Miss Esther Cunningham,
Mrs. Jas. %Whiting, Miss S. Clark,
IV#N. Snider, • Mrs. Jordan, Mn. Jaa.
McWhinney, Mrs. J. P. Brown, Mire,
R. H. Cutt, Mew Row Aitken, Mrs. D.
Hay, Mrs. K. Sharman. Miss M. E.
Crineron, iiekte.-Jes. Clark, Mrs. J. A.
Dalton, 2 p Irs. each ; Misedaen, Mrs.
W. L. tior on, Miss Dark, Mrs. S. E.
Hick, Mrs. tatiachan; Mot 11, Bell,
Miss S. Dark, Mrs. Dickson, Mo..
Ford, hies. Howell. Mn. C. Lite, We,.
Kate McDonald, Miss Lawrence, Mr..
Coulthuret, Mrs. Gray, Mn. Jos.
Tigert, Mrs. NVill Hawkins (Port Al-
beit), Miss K. Tigert, Mies Ethel Tigers,
Miss A. MeClinton, Mrs, H. McClin-
ton, Miss Clara Dark, hire. Robe: t
Clark, No Name, Mr.. tJarrie. No
Name, Mn. Alex. Stirling, Mrs. H. J.
MacEwan, Mrs. MacDougall, 1 pair
Saltford Red Cross Branch.
The Saltford branch of tbe Red
Cross Society packed for the month
ending June 19 105 pairs of socks aud
19 trench shirts.
The socks were knitted by : Mee.
Bown, 13 pairs ; Misses McManus, si
pairs ; Mrs. A. J. Goldthorpe, Mn.
Conseil, 7 pairs each; Moo. Reid,
6 pairs; Mrs. Dew. A. Bisset,
Mn. Phillips, Mr.. W. Gliddon, 4 pairs
each ; Annie Baxter, Mrs, Baxter,
Mrs. 8. Bisset., M. Bisset, Mre. J. Wal-
ter, Mrs. Curren, Mrs. W. McLean,
Mrs. Gordon Bieset, 3 pairs each ;
Mrs. P. MacEwen, Mrs. J. Bisset,
Mr-. Gibbs, Mr.. W. Lippet, Mrs. J.
Adams, Mni. J. Graham, 2 pairs each;
Mrs. Jones, Mee Murphy, Annie Buch-
anan, J. Green, Mrs, (,eo. Bisset,
I. Vanstone Ila Correll. May Currell,
Ruby McLeod. Mary (illation. Grace
Bown 1 pair each.
The trench shirts, were made by :
Mrs. Barker, 3 William ; Mrs. Drw, Mrs,
Steep, Mrs. Harriaon, J. Green, Mee,
Lippet, Mrs. G. Bisset.. 2 each ; Mr..
Mrs. Correll, Mee W. bilicidoo,
Mrs. W. McLean, 1 each.
Colborne Red Cross Workers.
The Colborne Red Cross Workers
have shipped for the month ending
June 19th the following : 68 pairs of
wicks, 19 suits of pyjamas and I shirt.
The socks were knit by : Mrs. Jae.
Scott, 7 pairs ; Mrs. Jas. McBride, 6
pairs ; Mrs. J. Gallagher, Mrs. John-
ston, Mrs. S. B. Potter, 5 pairs each ;
Mee. Henderson, 4 pairs ; Mrs. Gilder.,
Mire. A. Young, Mrs. T. McPhee, 3
pairs each ; Mrs. J. Wilton, Mrs. J.
Young, Bessie Claik, Nancy Gilder.,
Mn. Snell, Mrs. Clark, Mire. (3. Robert -
eon, Mrs. R. M. Young, 2 pairs each ;'
Mrs, A. Wilsoo, Mo.. E. Fisher, hire.
W. McIlwain, Ruby Young, Pearl
Young. Mildred Young, Marguerite
Glen, Mo.. R. M. Yonne, Ruth Potter,.
Edith NVilson, Bowie Clerk, 1 pair
The pyjamas
E. Fittest, 5 suis ; Mrs. Jervis Mc-
4(re mule by : Mrs.
Bride, 4 suits ; Minerva McPhee. 3
suit.: Ruth Potaer, Mrs. A. Willem,
Mrs. R. M. Yfiling, 2 omits ; Perk/
Young, 1 suit ; Mrs. (leo. Clerk, I
Tbe Society* thankfully acknowl-
edges the following contributions :
Mrs. W. Sallowe, 85; Mn. H. Fidler,
$2. Mate E. FISHER, tiecretary.
TUESDAY, June 26.
A SAP Evater.-A very sad death
occurred in our village on Saturday
morning, when Mrs. (Dr.) McTaggart
was called away very suddenly. On
Thursday she was bright and cheer-
ful as metal, but early in the morning
she was seized with convulttions and
from that time until death claimed
her she wee never conscious. All that
medical skill could do to relieve her
was done, hut to no avail. The' fu-
neral took place on Tueeday and wee
very largely attended. Mrs. Mcl'eg-
gat t wee one of the most popular
young ladies in our midst.. Born on
the farm (.1 heir parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. B. Tierney, in Kant Wawanoish, she
lived there moat of her life until a
year ago, when she became the wife
of Dr. Me'reggart, and moved to town.
*the always took a great intermit in
the work of Trinity church, of which
*he was a usenther, and she will
he greatly mimed not only in the
church, but by all who knew her. Her
bushand and ether relatives have the
eympathy of the whole commonity
ie their heavy lose.
Perterev AND OSNKRAL.- -hire.
Herffietain, of New Yot It, was in at-
tendance at the funeral of her cower',
Mr.. Mc'reggart, this week M re.
H. H. Robinson and family left ou
Tuesday morning tor a visit with rela-
tives fp Western Canada Mr.
Coombe. who was here in auendance
at the funeral of hie father, returned
on Monday to Heakatchiswan, to at-
tend to hi• &a1 as inspector of
schools there .....Kis. W. B. Haw
kilo, who was in attendance at the!
1#1001111( of 'Huron Synod at Loodoes;
lest week, returned hen.. ea Mater.
day. being toiled back ammur Lha. he
Intended ... Quite a naaabar al Ow
Coaaarvaitivoa hors are /Igo. ing on as
little use to pare down
saved is not put to work.
duty, save every dollar
Thrift, a Profftabfe
It is not what you eam,
but what you save that
counts. And remem-
ber, too, that it is of
expenses if the money so
As a personal and plinStic
you can, and let it earn
Interest in a Savings account.
God erich Branch -F. WO) LLC) I BE, M
tending the annual meeting to be held
at Wingham nn Friday afternoon ....
Mr. and Mrs. P. Mcl'aggart and
deughter, of Exeter. visited with rela-
tives here this week Mrs. Thomp-
son, of Clinton, spent is few days of
the.. week as a guest of her daughters.
....Mr. and Mrs. F. Ilsinton. Mr. and
Mee. A. Barnum and Miss J. Bainton
were in Attendance at the wedding of
their nephew,
mr.Itivt. Phillipe has ituyd
the appearance ot his blacksmith shop
by covering the front bf it with a
sheeting of asbestos.... ..The C. P.
R. trains on this division have
changed their titnetable again, the
morning train coming in at 7.20 a. m.,
the noon train at 12.02, the afternoon
train et 2 o'clock and the evening
train at 9 o'clock.... ..The council 'as
a court, of revision beld its second
and last seseion in thecouncil chamber
on Monday night, but es there were
no appeals the meeting wee soon con-
cluded.... ..The citizens aro planning
the decoration of the town this week
for the monster demount ation to be
held here on July 2nd, when it is ex-
pected there will bo one of the largest
crowds that Blyth hal ever had. It is
expected that a great mato, of Hur-
on's Old Boys from Toronto will be
here, and every minute of the day
will be taken up with the long and
varied program to be given.
Jas. A. Campbell
Central Drug Store
Phone 90
Goderich Ontario
Open House
July 2nd
Why not arrange .to have
some photos made that day ?
We have some new stylta.
Call and see them.
Studio open all day.
1 '• Like everything else, tail-
oring prices have ad-
__ vanced somewhat ; but
we are trying to keep
them within reaching
distance, and at the saine
time maintain the stand-
s, ard of quality which
\ marks the clothing turned
out of our shop.
*ow would be a good
ti e for you to order your
sUniier suit.
The Price
of Clothes
R. J. Armstrong
South Side Gosierieh
Somewhere at the Front -
Every day boxes from home are going
to the boys in the trenches. And of
the things they get, a great prize is
WRIGLE1"S - the Gum with Lasting
It takes the place of food and drink in
case of need - which is often. It keeps
spirits up -gives vigour and vim. A
packet in the pocket lasts a long time.
The Flavour Lasts 1
Chew It
after every
Made he
111.10 IS