The Signal, 1917-6-28, Page 3ose• •
DR. (1E0. HEILEMA , °era°
WPATH. epeclallst in .omIi. and chll
rtio'N Mormon, scut& :bromic aod nervous dire
Seders. eye, ear, nose and throat. Imrtiel deaf
me. lumbago and rheumatic oonditiona Ade-
_ galls 11111110,11,1 without the knife. Office at
e leklenee, oorner Nelson andSt.iidrew's
tweets. At homoffice
e Mondays,
cod Saturday,. any evening by ap truant.
nit. H. Mat DONELL -HO IR
,gy Gredurte oronto Univereity. Urad te
aye* ollege of Rental Surgeons.
Successor to tge late Mmur Side
rrier Square and V. est street. Goder k h.
Se: 67, Ooderich. A1-1 instructions by mail
or left at Signal tele. will tie promptly at
soled Gt. Residence teleybone 11V
PUBLIC, en..
gase-Sterling Beek Block. Hamilton 13.reet,
ederich. Teleoglom altl
Bea Wets L.U. and Insurance.
Oilloe on Ib. Square, wound door from Ham.
MC= Atreet, floristic&
Private funds to imia at *west rams
W. Pimsworoor, EX. J. L ElikOmait
H. J. D. Coosa
too Street, Uuderich. tilrel door tr.
TER, solicdtor, notery public Offices
At Clinton Thursday of each week in
oi Albert btreet occupied by Mr.
r. vibes hours 9. a.m. to • p.m.
aiteetrary. solicitor.
Ammer to Wei st lemma raise .41";
6.) uc
r y Public art Coorieneer.
SCHANCK CO. -Farm sad imitated
teen property insured.
()gloom -Jos C0000lly, Proc. Goderich P.O.;
Jae. i
. eechwood 1'. O.;
Thomas IL lnye, Sea Treas... iteaterte P. O.
Dlesetore-D. F. hictiregor. &Worth ; Jobe
41. Grieve, Winthrop ; W UT.Im Itinn,Consteoos;
Jobe kiennsowele, Brodharren; Geo. McCartney,
Ileagorth ; Robert IferrG, Harlock ; Malcolm
Ilielgweri, Brumfield.
Agents J. W. Yeo, Gods:lel] ; Alex.
Leitch. Clinton; William C'hesney, Seaforth ;
klinchley. Eleaforth. Police -holders Olin Pal
aseemmenut and get their cards remipted at
.1. florrteh's Clothing Store, Clinton. R.11.
(.4.4.. Grocery. Kingston street. Uoderlob, or
J. IL IteldS General Store, Hayfield.
g090011 lean. Amity to M. G. CAM
Harrhiter Hamilton street, Goastriali.
VW •
fris AND laiserrntmo British. Canadian and
Aileuesery. thmewses ANO 8.IIPLOY11111. LI•BIL
ITT: The Oman Amddent and Guarantee
Corporatlon, Limited. 04London. Eng.
11111111LITY 4X13 tfU•ItAterit BONDS: The U.S.
OVUM ty and Om -antes Com pony
Odilce at reekisoce, .orthesat corner of Vic-
toria and St. David a streets. Phone 1744.
Patents, Trade larks,
Secured in All Countries.
Write for free book "PATENTS PROTEC-
TION. Tells all about and bow to gets pat
onto BABCOCK fit SONS, establiabed 1117
torseerty Patent Leto* Examiner. Baste ot
Putout Laws, Registered Patent Attorneys
stet. CI lit. James Street. Montreal. Breaches-
tAtewa and Washington. Representatives in
011 foreign countries.
Brophe3 Bros.
lie Leading
Funeral Directors
sad Embalmers
Orders carefully attended to
at all hours. night or day.
The Best Newspaper
In .Western Ontarid
the tonbon
*11 Mail Editions SP Pee Year
List of Roads Designated by County
Council Last Week.
Following is the list of roads selected
by the county council at ita special
session last week to be included in the
system of county roads under the
Provincial Highway Improvement
Act :
No. 1. -The London road from the
south boundary of the county to Clin-
too, thence through Huliett township
between Iota 25 and 241, easterly along
the townehip boundary line to !Myth,
thence along the boundary line be-
tween Morris and East Wawanosh to
Wiughanr, and continuing through
the township or Turnberry to the
northerly limit of the county.
No. 2. -The Huron road from Gode-
rich to Olillt011 and Sleaforth and on
to the eaatern boundary of the county.
No. 3. -From Seaforth through
Biucefield to Hayfield and from Hay-
field to Goderich along tbe Lske Shore
No. 3 a.-19 the township of Stan-
ley. the road between concessions 6
and? from Varna southerly to the road
between lots 10 And 11, thence west-
erly to the road between concussions
10 and 11.
No. 4. -Commencing on the line be-
tween CODCO011i011111 5 and 6, township of
Usborne, the road between lots A
and 1 westerly to the boundery line of
Usborne and Stephen, continuing
westerly between lots 5 and 8, Stephen,
to the road between concessions 2 and
3. thence northerly to the road be-
tween lots 10 and 11, theuce westerly
to the road between concessions 21.1
and 21 and thence to Grand Bend;
with a spur in the 1-4. concession of
Stephen to the shipping point at. Cen-
tralia station.
No. 6. -In the township of S'ephen.
the road between Iota 20 and 21 from
Exeter westerly to the road between
concessions 6 and 7.
No. 6. -In the township of Usborne,
easterly from tbe London road through
Ellinville and Winchelsee and thence
east, south and southeast to the *loth-
esaterly boundary of the township.
No. 7. -From tbe village of Exeter
westerly along tile boundary between
the townebips of Hay and Stephen -to
the road between concessions 16 and
17. Stephen.
No. S. -In the township of I7eborne,
the Thames road from the village of
Exeter to the road between conces-
sions 10 and 11, Usborne (at Farquhazi.
No. 9. -In the township of Hay,
westerly front the village of Henan
through the •illure of Zurich to the
road between concessions 12 and 13.
No. 9a. -Froin Zurich north to the
boundary of Hay township.
No. 10. -The boundary line between
Hay and Stanley trona Kippen to
No. 11. -In Tuckersmith, the road
east from Hensel' to the lith conces-
sion .
No. 12. -From Seaforth north
through the township of McKillop to
Walton. thence along the boundary of
Grey and Morris to Bruseels and con-
tinuing north to the village of Wroxe-
FN.' 12 the" rocrnship of Me-
Killop, the road between lots 30 and
31 from the road between conceesions
12 and 13 northerly to the north
boundary and thence misterly to the
Morris and Grey boundary.
No. 12 b. -In the township of Mor-
ris, the road between concessions 9 and
10 from the east boundary westerly to
the line between lots 24 and 24.
No. 13.-1n the township of McKil-
lop, the road between lots It and 11
from the south boundary line north to
the road between conceeeions 4 and 5
No. 14.-Tbe eastern boundary of
McKillop from Dublin tn the road be-
tween concessions 4 and 5.
No. 15. -In tbe township of Hullett,
the road between lots 5 and 8 from the
email boundsry to the road between
concessions 8 and O.
No. 16., -In the township of Morris,
the road between concessions 5 and 6
from the west boundary to the village
of Beuamis.
No. 17. -In the township of Grey,
the raid between concemions 11 and
12 from the western boundary to the
road between lots 15 and 16.
No. 18. --In the township of Grey,
the road between conceesions 7 and 8
from the western boundary to Ethel.
No. 19. -In the township of Grey,
the road betweeu lots 25 and 26 from
the road between concession@ 15 and
16 northerly to the road between con-
cessions 9 and 10, thence westerly to
the road between Iota 22 and 23.
thence northerly to the road
between conceesions 7 and ft,
thence 'utterly to the road between
lota 26 snd 25, and thence'northetly to
t be road between concessions 1 and 2.
No. 210. -In the township of East
Wawanosh, from Belgrave westerly
Lo the line between lots 32 and al.
No. 21. -The boundary line between
Feist Wawanneh and Turnberry from
the northwesterly boundary of Turn -
berry to the town of Wingbam.
No. 22. -The boundary line of East
and West Wawenosh from the road
between concessions 10 and 11 to the
earth boundary.
No. 28.- From the northern bound-
ary of Ashfleld townehip at Lochalsh
to Hinted and thence south along the
Lake Shore road to Goderich.
No. 24. -In the township of Ash-
fleld, the roads between lots 15 and 16
(W. D.) from the 12th conceesion rood.
to Amtiet ley.
No. 25. -From Dunlop. on the Lake
Shore road, through the townithip of
()olborne to Auburn, and thence to
No. $5 a. -In the township of Mor-
ris, trent !Myth east along the road
between concessions 9 and 10 to the
road between lots 10 and 11.
No. 26. -From Auburn north along
the boundary of East and Weat Wa.
wenosh to the road between conces-
sions 4 and 5, thence westerly in the
township of West Wawanoeh 10 the
road between lots 21 and 72.•
No. 17.-Froni Lneknow 10 ()erlow.
No. II s.. -In the township of Ash -
the road from Dungannon west
10 theleintlieVween iota 6 and 7 (ED.)
No. 1I heilla the toirseisio of Ash-
field, tire read between coneessions 8
and from the eastern houndery to
the reed between Iota 11 sod 4 (K. D.)
No. 28. --In the townehip of BsErick,
the road between lets it and 11 from tiff
road between etineestions *and 8 north
to the road- between ooncessions 14
and 15.
No. N. -la tie township of Howick,
Choke heavy emery $11.00t0611 • 66
S. good
"Fnilt-a-ths" Builds Up Thll
Whole System
These wbo take "Fruit -a -elves" for
the first time, are atria astonistsed at
the way a brads awes we and mates
Mew feel better allover. They snay be
takiag "Fruit.-&-ttres" tor some specific
disease. as Comnipatioa, Indigestion,
Chronis Headaches or Neuralgia,
Kidney or Bladder Trouble, Rhea.
matism or P.are in the Back. And they
find when "Fruit-a-tives" has cured the
diseaae, that they feel better and
stronger in every way. This is due to
the worederful ionic proarrhes of these
famous tablets, made from fruit juices.
50c. a box, 8 for $2.504 trial size, 25c.
At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-
a-tives Limited. Ottawa.
the road from Redgrave to Wroxeter.
No. :40. -In the township of Howick,
the road between lots 26 anti 21 from
Ib. south boundary northerly to the
centre of conceesion 16, thence easterly
to :the line between lots 21 and V,
thence northerly to the road between
concessions 16 and 17 and thence east-
erly to the east boundary.
No. 30 a. -In the township of How -
ick, the road between concessions 16
and 16 from the road between lots It
and 21 westetly to the line between
Iota 17 and 18.
No. 31 .-In the township �f Turn -
berry, tbe road between concessions 6
and 7 from the east boundary westerly
to the road northeast of concession
A, thence northwesterly to connect.
with road No. 1.
Drinking Tea
Upsets Nerves.
Mr. Burroughs Compares
Canadian Customs With
Those in Old Land awl_
Tells How Nerves
Were Set Right.
Orillia, Ont., June 24.-"Ilow to be
well and strong P" es the qtrestion
many at/ asking at this time of year,
and in this letter you will find the
lt tells something of the blood -
forming, nerve -invigorating influence
of Dr. Chase'. Nerve Food, the great
restorative which is musing so much
talk here just now.
Nature's way of curing disease is by
building up the vitality of the body,
and this is exactly what Dr. Chase's
Nerve Food does. The blood is made
rich and red, and it nourishes the ex-
hausted nerves back to health and
The experience of Mi. Bdrroughs, as
described in this letter, is similar to
dist of hundreds of °therein this com-
munity who have recently put this
well-known food cure to the telt.
Mr. George Burroughs, ZJ Peter
street, Oriliia, Ont.. writes : "A few
years ago, after cooling out to this
country from England, the change of
customs seemed to have some effect
on me. In tbe Old Country the habit
of drinking strong tea was prevalent,
anti after arriving hs re I suffered very
notch front nervousnesa. If I put my
arm down on the table it err old shake
very noticeably, and while performing
my work I would easily tile and want
to sit down and rest. A friend recom-
mended Dr. ChaseS Nerve Food, so I
secured some and took a treatment.
It built me up and made we strong
and healthy. I have not had • trace
of the nervousness since. I have used
Dr. ()base's Ointment also, and tind
that it beats the skin very quickly. In
fact I find all of Dr. Chaire's medicines
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50 cents a
box, a full treatment of six boxes f
$2.50, at all dealers, or Ednlaosnn,
Bates & (Jo., Limited, Toronto., Do
titute. Imitations only dint.
rlisp oi
not be talked into acceptiogi sub-
sThat Did it.
His aunt was rich and elderly. She
bad called, unexpectedly/when he was
out, and his wife wawjeying to enter-
tain her by such ethods as ohs
thought to be bestftinducive to their
future welfa re.
The old lady had recently added a
gramophone to her establishment,
and when she heard that eerly that
morning het loving nephew had made
for her a tecord of her favorite cornet
solo elle was delighted.
"Ho* nice of him I" she said. "Can
I he. it r
"Well," Geld her niece, "we haven't
tried it yet., but still, I'll put it on."
It was a pronounced success, and the
old lady was charmed.
But her feelings changed when,
after the polo waa finished, the instru-
ment brought mit with fatal eleerness :
"Phew! If that's not stood for an
extra hundred Ur the old girl's will,
Im a Dutch man r
Choice heavy steers 11 00 11.60
60. gomi . 10 75 11.00
firstoherschoice handy .11.o0 11.75
do. good 10 25 10.76
do. common 9 00 9.76
10.00 10.50
9 60 9.76
8 75 9.28
Butchers' bulls, choice
do. good
do. medium .
Duchene cholas cows.. 9 60
do. good 9.26
do. Medium ..... 8.75
Feeders, 900 to 1.000 lbs9.00
do med., 700 to 3007.76
Stockers, 700 to 900 lbs7.00
do. medium 6.00
Canners 6.26
Milkers, good to clmice 90 . 00
du. own. and med40.00
Springers 40.00
Calves, veal, choice 13.50
do. medium
do. common
do. grass 6.00
do. heavy fat 8.00
Spring lambs, cwt. 17.00
*Sheep, yearlings, choice
11.50 13.00
'Sheep, ewes. light,
clipped . 9.50 12.00
do. heavy and bucks. 6 00 8.00
do. culls 4.00 6.00
:Hogs. fed and watered 15.25 00 . 00
do. off cars ... ... _15.50 00.00
xLees $3 to 64 on sows. leas $4 to $5
en stags.
*Clipped sheep are selling 92.50 per
cwt leas than wool sheep.
Toronto Grain Markets
Ti.ronto Board of Trade market quo-
Manitoba Wheat -Track, bay ports.
No. 1 northern, 92.61; No. 3 northern,
Manitoba Oate-No. 2 C.W., 77%r,
American Corn -No. 3 yellow,
91.80, nominal.
Ontario Wheat -No. 2 winter, $2.60
to 82.65, according to freights outside;
No. 3 winter, 92.48 to 12.53.
Ontario Oats -No quotations.
Peas -Nominal.
Barley -7 -Malting, nominal.
Rye -No. 2 new, $2.06, nominal.
Manitoba - .our -First patents, In
Jute bags, 913.40; second patents,
912.90; strong bakers'. 912.50.
Ontario Flour -Winter, new, track.
Toronto, prompt shipment, according
to sample. $11 to $11.10.
MIlifeed-Carlots. delivered, Mon -
treat freights; Shorts, 938; bran, 631;
middling, $42; good feed flour, per
bag, $2.80 to $2.90
Hey -Track, Toronto, extra No. 2,
912.60 to $13.60, mixed, 39 to $11.
Stravr--Carlots, 99.
Wholesale Produce
Toronto wholesalers are paying:
Eggs -
Current receipts, cases
• $ .28 to $ .30
Creamery suede .
.35 .36
Creamery prints
.351,4 .30,4
Live Poultry -Buying pri2ce8 deliver-
ed Toronto.
Chickens. spring .... .2
Hens, under 5 lbs.
Wholesale prices to the r
Eggs -
Ex -cartons
Butter -
Creamery prints. fresh...
Creamery solids
Choice dairy prints
Ordinary dairy prints
. -
Bakers' . .
5-.35 .40
.20 .23
.14 .16
.20 .00
.16 .18
stall trade:
to $ .36
Beans -Japanese, hand- irked, bush-
el. $7.60 to $8; Canadian. hand-picked,
buehel, 69.25; prime, 48.75.
Peas -Dried, bushel, $4.50 to $6. ,
Dressed Meats -Wholesale
Toronto wholesale houses are pirat-
ing to the trade as follows:
Beef, forequarters, cwt.$16.00to$17.00
do. hindquarters ... 18.00 20.00
Carcases, choice 17.00 18.00
do. common 13.00 13.60
Veal, common, cwt. 9.60 11.50
do. medium12.50 14.50
do. prime 19.00 21.00
Heavy hogs , 16.60 18.60
Shop hogs 21.60 22.50
Hutton, heavy 10 . 00 12.00
do. light 17.00 19.00
Abattoir hogs 21 . 60 22 . 50
Lambs, lb.' 0.21 0.23
do. spring, lb. 0.28 0.32
Kist Buffalo Cattle
Cattle -Receipts, 400. Market slow.
Veals-Recelpts, 125. Market active
and weak at 95 to $15.60. Hogs -Re-
ceipts, 3,200. Market slow. Heavy,
$16.10 to $16.26; mixed, $16 to 916.10;
Yorkers, 915.90 to 916.16; light York.
ere, $14.76 to $15.60; pick 914.50 to
$14 76, roughs, $14 to 114.10; stags,
$12 to $12.76.
Sheep and lambs -Receipts, 100.
Market active and steady. Lambs. $10
to $19; yearlings, $9 to $16.25; weth-
ere, $11 to $11.50; ewes, $6 to $10.75;
mixed, $10.60 to $10.76.
Chicago Live Stook
Cattle - Receipts, 1.000. Market
weak. APRVPR, 101.50 to $13.80; stock-
ers and feeders, $41.90 to $10; cows and
heifers. $6.76 to 311.70; calves. $11.50
to 315.75. Hogs -Receipts. 9,000. Mar-
ket slow and 10c to 15c lower. Light,
$14.50 to $16.60; mixed. 314.56 to
$15.90; heavy, 814.70 to 316.05; rough,
314.70 to $15; Div, ;It to $14.35; hulk
of sales. 615 to $15.70. Sheep -Re-
ceipts, 10,000. Market steady. Lambs,
satire, $11 to 616.75.
Cleanse Markets
Rt. Hyacinthe, Que.-1,000 boxes
were offeree. Ali sold at 110%c. One
hundred and twenty-five packages of
butter sold at 34%c
Mont Jolt, Qat-299 bones chitties
were offered and all sold at Itic. 110
bolos butter were offered and all sold
at 36e.
Rellevirite, Ont. - 3,4e0 bosom of
white were offered. All sold at 211Set.
Vatiltleek Hill, Ont. -1.480 hoses
white abased aari 50 °Moved cheese
boarded and sold 11.1% tor both kinds.
Lotalcre, Ont -- 1.060 boutawere of-
fered The bidding was Two
fared. Tba bidding was -la. US
botao Data al f Is
THURSDAY, JUNI 28, 017 3
• •
• Exceptional Hosiery Values
• There is a great scarcity of Summer \Hosiery, consequently prices
• are very high. Many of our spring shipments due here in the beginning of
• the year have just now arrived, so we are in an excellent position to supply
• your every need in Hosiery for women, girls, boys and infants.
• Flags and Bunting for Dominion Day decorations. We have Bunting in
• New Silk Sweaters
Women's Silk Fibre Hose
Lustrous silk fibre Hose of very fine
quality, silk ankle length, will give
thorough satisfaction. Black, white and
all colors, 85c per pair.
Women's Kayser Glove Silk Hose
These Hose aremade of heavy quality
glove silk,14 fashioned, perfect fitting,
wear guaratIteed. Black, white and
colors, $2.00 per pair.
Women's Lisle Hose
Super quality women's
Black, white, tan, Russian
less. Per pair 60c.
Lisle Hose.
calf. Seam-
Childres4 Buster Brown Sister Hose
These Hale are well known for their
good wearing qualities. Lustrous finish.
Black, white, sky, pink and tan, 25c and
35c per pair.
Princess Rib Hose
The most populir Hose for children's
wear. 1-1 rib Lisle. Black and tan. All
sizes from 5 to 10, 25c per pair.
Children's Sox
Children's Sox are becoming more
popular each season. We are showing
all sizes, in white Lisle sill. finish,
trimmed red, blue, pink, tan, with the
new cuff. 25c per pair.
Radium Hosiery
Kayser Hosiery Crown Hosiery Pen Angle Hosiery
Decorations for Dominion Day
all colors and Flags of all the Allies.
New Wool Sweaters •
56 •
• PHONE 56 Millar s Scotch Store PHONE
7 s
• •
Notable Additioos to the Faculty of the
Westun University.
Three nu re new professors of a rank
equal to those of any Canadian uni-
versity have just been appointed by
the Western University, London.
This with the notable advancements
made a t the Western in recent years
will guarantee that students can now
secure as good courses in arts and
medicine at the Western as are given
anywhere in the Dominion.
Professor William Sherwood Fox,
Fb. D.,of Johns Hopkins University, a
Canadian who spent years in the beet
universities of the United States and
Europe to equip himself in the very
best manner possible and who has for
the last six pens been sr prominent
professor of Princeton University,
now supposed to have the strongest
classical faculty in the United States,
is the new professor of classics. Be-
sides his distinguished scholarship and
excellent since* as a teacher, he h. an
author of note. He bag 'Platten many
scholarly &aides in the classical ma-
gazines end bis recent six -dollar vol.
unie on Roman and Greek mythology
is one of the niost notable contribu-
tions to that subject. In research he
hag been especially successful, deciph
ering certain texts that were given up
by the noted German scholar Hulsen.
Professor Arthur A. Livingaton,
Ph. D., now proteseor of Romance
languages at Columbia University,
New York, is an unusual "find."
With the single exception of Gustave
Liaison, the very dietinguished
French critic, lie is considered the
ablest of the large Romance faculty at
this, one of the- strongest American
universities. Though a young man
under thirty-five, be has become
known as one of the best American
scholars, largely through his volum-
inous writings, being the author of
Iwo or three important hocks and
several 'core scholat ly articles. He is
also the most active of the editors of
the well-known Romanic Review. Dr.
Livingston has studied and travelled
rxtensively in Europe and no superior
teacher of French, Spanish and Ital-
ian can be found anywhere.
The third of the appointments just
made is that of Professor Walter B.
Ford, 'Ph. D., as professor of math. -
trusties. Dr. Ford is considered on
the highett authority one of the two
ablest men on the msthetuatical staff
of ttie University of Michigan. He
also has studied in Europe and in
American universitien, taking his
Ph. D. froru Harvard. Like the other
two, Ile has proved to be a very pro-
ductive scholar, two books and minty
scholarly articles in the beet mathe-
matical magazines of Europe and the
United States being to his credit,
90t110 of them written in French. He
le chairman of the Chicago erection of
the American Mathematical Society
and is considered among the leading
mathematicians of the United f4ta4.ets.
With • staff made up of men of this
stamp, it would seem unnecessary Inc
Western Ontario pupils to go beyond
London to secure a university educa-
tion of the highest rank.
For office work to fill Use places of
men who neve ft one or are going to the
front. vov,,s women COM r,-,ut,'r I lie
country retil 'WI VICO by pr@peirlflit tO
take poeltione In bank. and busioe.
Speeial roureen of training in Book-
keeping. Shonband and all other -
111.111n1 •IltdOCI ot 110M pr08ro.
Student. admitted (My time. Illustrnted
cataltatne free.
Northern Business College, Ltd.
C. A. FLI‘MINO, Principal.
The Saults Coal Co.
eneoesson to McDonagh At Gledhill
We deal in Hard and Soft Coal,
Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire
Clay, also Hard and Soft Wood,
Maple and Hemlock Slabs
Fresh cars of Lime and
Cement just received.
OFFICE PHONE - - - - 75
B. ). Saults' Residence 275
W. W Saults' Residence 202
Getting Personal.
The recruits stood lined lip ready for
kit inspection, with everything ready,
hut the officer was in a pat Ocularly
had ternp.r. Up and down the line he
marched, grimly eyeing eisch man.
bundle, and et last singled not a, very
mild -looking private for his unwel-
come attention. "Toothbrush ?' he
roared. "Yes, sir." "Razor ?" "Yes,
sir." "Hold -all P" "Yes, sir." "H'rn!
You're ell right, apparently," growled
the officer. Tben he suddenly harked
out. "Housewife 1" "Oh, very well,
thank ye, sir," returned the recruit
with a sheepish grin ; "how's yours P'
After a girl has broken a man's
heart ennui other girl comes along and
mends it.
You *if mkt 2anillnk
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