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The Signal, 1917-6-28, Page 1
Printing THE SIONAI, fa ready to handle your Printing work, large or small, and give you a satisfactory job every time. Let us have your next order. Telephone 35 The Signal SIXTY NINETH YEAH -No JQ7u .,.. Ales v s y ee(krd_4 111.'44'4. '-1.+.�.x.,►-+-• e ,41•1111.4.1.444.41,40,004,444.44, - Have You Forgotten to pay your subscription for The tiignal for 1917 ? We need the money. and if you etre in arrears' would ask you to make payment promptly. DO IT NOW THE STERLIN6BJ1Nk, OF CANADA dwaiewerfteediewwwillailipillwaHimed w' SAVE, Because -- Independence develops with each dollar saved. Foe SALE OR RENT. 1OUSE 7'O RENT. -MODERN house on l:I 'tweeter,Terraee, Amity to EPH GRIFFIN, Gaoler. 7,-1! POR SALE. -ONE -AND -A -H A LF ii tory frame lows, screw rooms. good a. with iuwbrr of flue fruit arra.. eoruur maria and Napier onsets. Apply on tire 1a il••sa to MRS., C. M(: BRAY. d►yC L'ARM FOR SALE,--I.OT 6. l'ON- CglastIUN 7.. Colbor.* tuwn.hlp, ooasbUnt Of •.w hundred acres of the bed farm land In tie tow n.hlp. Good orchard, plenty of .wrier sad' some other bush„ Uood spring water. never goe4 dry in summer and never urerftows aer. On the farm is a good two -,tory red house. liarns, stables sod shed. is and- elem condltlon. Two third- of purcha.e eoe.y Ay remain un mor'ttage id ata per c.v4, ASe Iib to THOS. BURNS, H. it. No. 5, Uuderleh. - - - Halt 11R MALi AT A tl I lYINli BAR - ii OA1N IF TAKEN .A NC& A si-alery trams dwealart, eaetalnigg parker, dtnlugroom. kitchen. pantry, three bedroom., loth. toilet. electric lights. hot mod mid water tats in kitchen. pantry and bathroom, and a Sotclam MO, weltllgkled ostler with plas- tered walls .'d cement floor under all the hoarse )here is a full lot and the propertyis le a good ueigbborbuod. t•oovenient Io Vl4. torte sliced and the Collegiate Insult ute. Pries glen aid ca -b. k.la,.re to salt pureh.aer. Al o new fro collage. (ordaining parlor, dldneroom. kttche.. pantry, good cellar. and two lou. es, will ell with one lot. Pilo. 01.150. lather of these propertied will pay good lour - set If bought to rent. Hare also fur sale two lanes brick reiddencos, centrally located. ,a..•11 ounve•leno.s, that rem be bought, well worth the money. rias THU8. GUNDRT. Goderich. CRAIO.E'S REAL ESTATE BARGAINS The following Is a list of properties which i h ave for sale. and on tnret•tigatino proepe,-tive buyers bill and that the prima are put down where the properties can be poreha.ed 10 make some money No. 1. Fine ted prick hotter, fully modern. to Am Acme. full ba.eent. corner Last and VI si ��ee•..att.� TM. la one of the most deed nods Ar 6 W Iowa d dbeeteli. Peat. Na 2. Floe red brick house, fully modern. with bot water heat Ing. 7 roan... full ba.ement, situated west side Victoria street, This le the bee; buy In town. Price g2,791, No. 3. New red brick home. )oat built 1914 electric light and hath. 7 rooms, two Iota with fruN trees and good garden. more available land If desired. situated east aide Huron road. Good buy. Prove EJ.Int No. 4. W'hlte brick. lietory. 7.room house. bath and electric lights. Good bum. two Iota with fruit trees, situated on the corner of Cam- eron and itaelau streets. intoe 1111.1100. No. S White brick groom home, all modem esavenleneee, hot water heating. fireplace In living room and parlor, situated on the corner of Nelson and Cambria. Price Il;lJuu. No. a. Frame house, Ii story. it room., two Iota with frill traps actuated on the west side of Wittier street. Price Woo. No. 7. Frame house, 7 room, and bath. two lots with fruit tres, situated on Warren .1.4.4.. Price 1181,0. No. R. Block of six of the hest garden Iota in town, situated on the went aide of Huron road Price rot. No. 9. One of the, choleeat building lots to town, satiated on. the C nt. Full sire lot. Price *M. Several other listings can be had on seldloa- Hon .t the once_ Number of bowie. to rent. Furnished and Unfurnished Summer Cot - twee. Wanted to Rent. -Six hooses, with all oonveoiseces, at ooce. J. W. CRAiGI& Ineurancoald [teal Estate. Osee between U. T. it. and C. P, R. Ticket Oise! Phone •J4. PUBLIC NOTICE. NOTICE. -OWING TO INABILITY tesecure proper train Nerviest. It has been dell i% to canoe) the propNned Tw*ftk d July lion In Goderich this year. CARTER. W. M., L,0. L. !Iffele, GIGO. E. SYMONDS. Secretary. NOTICE. -ALL THOSE HAVING aceounte with DR. W. F. CALLOW .A requested to can at his home and arrange foe the payment of gime without delay, as he ex- pecte to prooeed overawes In the near future and whiles., to have all amounts et &l(ttteoed up before he leave. at -11 WANTED. WANTED. -61R1.10 HELP WITH housework. Mast be fond of children. Good home Mr respectable girl Apply HUx M. SIGNAL. Wtf a tax -- L' BOARD WANT E D.- Slnele lady watts board at good farm home on or near Lake Huron, [run, about mid Ile of July to mlddh• of Align --r. MVO yell Pnkelare se to term., tont ion. etc„ and date a werorld lady anuki al.., he taken, ',reviled one room is occupied. Address H , Signal of, are. Ooderich. j.jOYs WANTED. -%V E CAN GIVE L employment to . number, of bort box - lc skim. (N)DYHICH ]l.t\UFACTCHIN0 co., LIMITED. WANTED. -A WOMAN TO CAKE care of an old lady. Apply MRS. STEPHi,.N YATE.. St. Patrick'. st,..et. tptf /11ItLti WANTED.—APPLY (iODE- VVII MJCN KNITTING CO. • FOR SALE MORE POTATOES FOR SALE. Two carloads arrive this week. Goal your order in early. R. R. ELLIOTT. 'Phone 16 r 7 Goderich Rural. Box 871, Goderich P. 0. FOR '&ALE.-S1100ND-HAN D baby earrisees Appy at SIGNAL OF- FICE 1FmaseSA LB. -CID -CART, RI4 e -CART, IN PIT - 7 eouWUen ; large bond. wood ED des% bahta. -w.lker. Apply Jf1R.T. TIOIf/►log=-{ta04i, 8 A L E.- DiO�plendld copy d lo %rebores hiternat cal ltietio'Jary (over 2. .l Pegeel. Owner hes no further use for ams and will Nil at a baraala. Apply et rt3E SIGNAL. won NALE.-ROWBOAT. IN GOOD E eondfUoo• Apply at SIGNAL UFFIC& FOR RALE. -ONE AUTO TRUCK. ty 14 terse. Suitable ter express front,delivery ur farm work. Pneumatic tiro." In rear axle. the Hassell internal geardrive. Speed. 12 to Ai miles per hour. One Jitney auto car. clo-ed body ; to carry eight passengers. Pneumatic tltes all round. Roth call be .ern at our factory or drop u■ a postcard for full particulars and pricers of either. THE PAGET GRAIN DOOR CO.. LTD.. 36tf Goderich. (Jot. CARD OF THANKS. MR. JOHN P. LiNFiEL D DESiRES to tbaak his many neighbors and friends who extended their help and sympathy On the ocw.be of his recent bereavement, CARTAGE Having enlisted With the 161st (Huron) Battalion for active ser- vice overseas, 1 have made arrange- ments with Mr. Nelson Yeo to carry on my cartage business in my absence, and I would respectfully solicit from the public generally, and from my old customers partic- ularly, a continuance of their valued patronage until such time as I can again resume my occupation. Any business entrusted to Mr. Yeo during my absence will be carefully attended to and will be thankfully appreciated by me. ALFRED H. JANE. Telephone orders to Mr. Veo, No. 167. Required Large quantities of SCRA P IRON Terms—Cash on delivery to The National Shipbuilding building Co.,r' GODERICH Limited 01 1 _......n.a w • _ .41,,.. 1 a Ho. SO. -In this township of Howick, I QODERIOH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1917 Colborne Picnic Saturday. Remember the Colborne telephone picnic at the top of Saltford hill o0 Saturday next. The committee say., Come early and spend the whole day. if the weather is propitious there wall no doubt be a large attendance, be the subject of tbei adar-time" will d ess by Mrs. Gordon Wright, of London, in Knox church next Wednesday evening. This will be a rare treat. Also double gold medal contest the sante eveniug. Admission 25c, children 10c. TENDERS WANTED. COAL TENDERS, Teodoro will be received by the nndersprned until July Sth for two oars of hammiooue .lack coal, Went Virginia or Peourylvaula, and forty tones of ant hradte egg coal. Scranton or Lehigh Valley. Co be delivered not later than October1st, 1917. A. STRAl7WN, 70.11 Secretary Public School Hoard, - . NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTIOR TO OREDITORS, Its Tot br*i'w or LINEA W, Jacgr,N, 1.tTg (INTIM Townawtp or WAWANO.H, IN THE Corr+TT or HvaoN, YEOMAN, ugcLsaj, Notice b hereby elven, pursuant to the statute lar that behalf, that all pe.snns having claims again -t the estate of the above-named James W. Jackman, who died oo or ebeu, the lit day of Jane, 11117, aro rcq ne. ted to •end by Post or deliver to Mrs. Eva Kerr and Wiflbm exe- cutor of his lasts will) Inde test amen[. on ecutrix orrbs- fure the lath day of July. 1917, Pill pwrlleulate of their claims, and that after the said Path day of July 'Jett the said executrix and executor will proceed to distrihute his estate among the person+ entitied' thereto, having ryrard ouly to the claims of which they then .hall have re. craved ludo., and that they will pot be liable for the said estate or Hey Wit thereof to Huy person of whose claim node. shall not then have been resolved Dated at Goderich,e Sit the day of June. 1917.H. t'. HAYN, Mit Solicitor for the told Exe.-,,ter.. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Is slaw cassrx OW Kt•pHEwiA MACKAY. LATE OF Ting TOWN/Hite or ARH4ICr.n, IN Tng COCNTY OF Ht'tt*t, w•ttlow, DECKA.ED Notice i+ hereby riven. Pursuant to R, 8. 0. chapter 121. section Se. that all per -ens haring 44.401. against the a -t .te of the said huphemia MacKay. denea.ed, who died on or about the 7th day of April. 1917, are required to send or deliver to the undersigned collator for Donald wlexat.der MarU.,naid, executor of the said ,•.sate of the said droeased, on Or bef,are the kith day of July, 1917. 'heir C'hrt.tlan and surnames, addressee and de.criptlon., the full particulars of their claim.. a state- ment of their accounts and the nature of the reeurities tlf anyl held by them AND rumors Tags Nunes: that after such la-t.unentloned date said executor will pro- ceed to di -tribute the assets of the de- ceased among the p.rt tee entitled thereto, bov- ine regard orly to the claims of which he shall thou have received notice. and that the executor will riot he liable for the .old asset,, 0s, any part thereof, to any person en persons Of whose claims noire shall not have been receivevt by him at the time of such di.tribu• Lion Dated the and day of lone. 1917, CHARLES )ARROW, GedeOn Solicitorl m Solicitor for old A. MaciDon li, kxecutor. 70-34 R. R. No. 3RLuekuow, Oat. MUSIC. 111H HO. E. SUNBURY, A. A. G. 0„ 4 U. C.. M., organist and ('hoirmeeter of Eo{pox Chu r -eh. Teacher piano, voice, oorrr�.�n. Puils r Nelson 'tees, four door. east 01 Dr. Hunter's. NORA E. HURLEY, L. L C. M. Teacher piano and theoretical work. Pupils prepared for examinations. Studio. 81. David's street. '57 2t SPECIAL FISH AND CHICKEN DINNER SUNDAY AT THlr, British Exchange Hotel W. H. HAIN :S, Proprietor, The Colborne Telephone System WILL HOLD ITS Annual Picnic ON Saturday, June 30th at a charming spot overlooking the Maitland at the top of Kuntz' hill. The place has no name yet, but during the day . prize will be given for the mon popular name suggested. At the picnic will be all stns of good ' things. Beautiful grounds, spring water. swifamtng, games, music, etc. Mr. E. V. Lawson will give instructions In swimming and life-saving at 10 o'clock. Eve the day. "body come prepared to spend J. N. Kersigke, G. L. Lamb, Sec's. Pres. 1 TWO NEW PASTORS. THE tlIuNALRRINTINIVCO., 1JIiIITED, Peausasa sem•• THE LADS IN KHAKI. DOMINIONDAY IN GODERICH. Ars REV. J. H. OSTERIIOUT, B.A., B.D. who comae to Victoria street chinch, Rev. J. H. O.ternout, who on Sun. day next cotntasnsea hie pastorate in - Victoria attest Me$bodist church, was born at Northefpnd, \Kent county, Ontario, where bis retched hie public school educatJo , He ptul in one year at Ridgetorlln High School and r .e Ceiv ed the rest of bie high school training at the Chathlint Collegiate Institute. He graduated in. tarts at Toronto University in 1118) wild re- ceived the B. 0. degree front Victoria College in 191n. His ordinat'on took place at the Oonferenee held at Wing - ham in '?one, 1908 Since his (ordina- tion Mr. (lsterhoot was one year at Huthetford, three years at Wruseter, three years at troture, four yea's at Londe.hor,, , and the lest three _years at Thedford. It ie worthy nt .tote that when he w S.leaviug Wroxeter he had an invitation fruw Victoria street church. to which he is now ap- pointed after • lapse of ten years. . Mrs. O.terbout was formerly Miss Nellie Gaiomage, of Char hem ; their marriage took plane in 1903. Mr. Osterhout hue beenbne of the leaders in connection with the Alma College (St. Thomas) Summer School, and is at present the president of the school. Honored at Thedford. Thedford, June 26. -The Methodist rhumb was packed to the doors on Sunday evening to hear the farewell hereon of Rev. J.,H. Osterhout, B.A., B. D., previous to -his moving to Gode- rich. Rev. James Fotite, of the Pres- byterian church, spoke a few words,of appteciatinn of the rething pastor, af- ter which Mr. Oalsrhou( preached a sermon that delighted everyone. On Monday evening a social gather- ing was bad in the basement of the church, which vies patticipated in ty members of the Jnrd and Kennedy's church, as well as Thedford. Very ap- preciative speeches were no.ide by J. Willsie, J. Mc -Donald. E. Bailey, Al- bert Wright eel -.steers on the work of Rev. Mr. Osteelt and his Wife during their three-year stay here. A complimentary edifiers was read to Mrs. O.terhout by the ladies of the -church, and she was presented with a beautiful china sandwich net Mr.• Oeterhout was presented with a line cluhbag by the members of the church. REV. W. L. RLTLBDGE, R.A., U.D. the new pastor of North St. Methodists. The new lemur of Ninth atreet Methodist church iv Rev. W. L. Rut- ledge. B..1., P.D., who has just com- pleted his fourth year iia pastor of Wet -ley church, Clinton. Mr. ltu t - ledge was ordained in DM, and hes N ne*. spent six years in Toloota•, rix pears in Winnipeg. two years at Port- age 1a Prairie, flve years at Brantford and five yeses et Hamilton. His later charges have been at Wood.t *k, Chatham, Lindon, Wingharu and Clinton. When Dr. Rutledge wits at Wingham he was invited 'by the board of North street Met h„distehul•ch to become pastor here. The invitation was not acted upon by the stationing comtttlttee at that time, but the peo- ple of North street chucb doubtless consider theweelves - fortunate in securing even after the laps[+ of several yearsa iia,, whose ministry in his various. fields has been so successful. Dr. Rntledg-'s arts degree i. from McGill University : the divinity de gree front Weeley (',allege, Winnipeg, and also from Montreal Do not forget the garden patty and baro dance at Mr.Jae.Revoolr's;Huron rood, on the evening of July 2nd. En- tertainment will be provided on the lawn. Aomieaon 10e. A tent fitted np corufortably for the use exclusive- ly of mothers and babies will be on the ground.. Hair -brush bristhse come mainly from Russia, (ialu.any, Frahm, Rote mania, Siberia, and certain other parts of Europe ar.d Asin, and it iv tine prin- cipally to the difficulty of importing supplier that the prices are advancing. If you need a brush buy now. E. H. WIgIe, druggist, Goderirb. If quality counts, use Bla•kstone's delicious ice cream in bulk or bricks for all occasions. 'Phone 2411. SpendDornjnjon Day in Goderich I - --- Big All- Day Program MONDAY, JULY 2nd Morning Events—on the Square- -FREE GRAND FLORAL PARADE Decorated Autos and Bicycles, starting from Victoria Park 9.30 a.m. Baby Show 10.30 a. m. Children's Games Afternoon Program at Agricultural Park GRAND PATRIOTIC DEMONSTRATION by school children, with chorus of 200 voices. Address by Rev. A. L. G. Clarke, Rector St. George's Church. TWO GREAT TRACK EVENTS Free-for-all ....... ........ ......... Purse $250 2.40 class Purse $150 These liberal purses are expected to make two of the keenest races ever seen on the Goderich track. HIGHLAND DANCING AND PiPING A company of skilled dancers has been secured, also a first-class piper. BASEBALL Victoria School v. G. C. I. Goderich Band in Attendance �'"' • d t102, groucndchs, il2d5c ; cihildnprocessiren under fflSSlon 15 : ren on, free. Autos 50c ; single carriages 254. Evenirtg'd Free Open-air Band Concert in Court House Park. Come and enjoy the day in Huron's County Town, now looking her best I uamw Oen at ata 1 saran oa toe n.goe.. rasa, Among the names of the returned soldiers who arrived at Quebec on Saturday was that of Pte. W. U. lfezzo, of Clinton. On Monday Mrs. R. E. 8mitharu, of town, received it wire stating that her son, Pte. F. W. J. Hmithaiu. Xird Bet - talion, had arrived safely at Quebec. He is expected in town at the end of the week. It Was officially - announced this week that Pte. Howard Hays, sou of Mr. James Hays, of Seafnrth, bad won the wintery medal for distinguished service et the front.. Pts. Hays is well known in (loderieh, having lived here for a number of year. Before entering the army he wile attending McGill Uthversity, Montreal. He went overseas, with a draft of the "Princess Pate," Mtn, Jt hn McDonald, Elgin sienna' has t•eceiaed word that her ..on, Pte. Neil McDonald. was admitted to the Northumberland war hospital suffer- ing ft•otu trench fever and gar. Mr. ;George Morrow lime received word that his son. Poe. T. 11. Morrow,,, ham, been admitted to it hnepital oat Bradford, Yorkshire, England, after •pending six weeks in. it hospital at Boulogne. Pte. Morrow waft wounded in the tight shculder and lett art&. The Goderich Reb- ekah Lodge, No. 89, has received acknowledgment from Pte.. Clare Anderson, H. Mc- ()teath and ('has. Knight of parcel', of socks and linen sent to them. The boys say the parcels Were very touch appreciated. ( EXTENDING iTS PLANT. National Shipbuilding Co. Taking Over the Paget Factory, Another important development ie taking place in Goderich's induetrial circle. The National Shipbuilding Co. having secured some further lanae contract., and requiring additional apace and tquipluent,.ie taking over the factory of the Paget Grain Door Co. opposite the G. T. R. track., rhie factory wile huiit Nome years ago by the Doty Engine Works tin., the in- tention being to nee it as a boiler shop, hut it was never equipped for this purpose and several years ago it was purchased by the Paget Co. The lat- ter Company is trying to make an arrangement with the town council fur the use of the Wheal Rigs factory forits business. Mr. ]Hutchinsofy, preNtlent of the National $piptrollding Co.. is building up a largd husinese here, and this latest undertaking will mean another Important addition to the town's in- dustrial payroll. LOCAL TOMS IN BRIEF. The Haines Iltshire Oil Co. has o ned omoss i the Dunlop block, est street.-.-- A tswt.-____A branch of the tering( Bank has been opened at Heneall, with Mr. H.A. MacEwen as manager. Mr. Thos. Leckie has, purchased a handsome McLaughlin \ car from Messrs. Kelly At Maclrwan,' The free-for-all event In the Do- minion Day races has brought in some good entries, and an exciting race is in prospect. Mr. F. L. Willgonae, Mus. Bac., A. R. C. 0., was in town on Wednes- day conducting azaruinetions in piano for the London Conservatory of Mu- sic. Since the middle of April Mr. R. R. Elliott hae brought to town five can (about 2,540 hags) of potatoes. to re- lieve the shortage here. Remember the tag day or! July 2nd for the benefit of the patriotic ftmd of the Ahmeek Chapter, I. O. D. E. Everyone will -be expected to purchase a tag to help along this good cause. The regular monthly meeting of the Oodei•ich branch of the Women's In- stitute will he held at the house of Mrs. C. Stewart on Thursday, July filth, at 3 p. m. There will he a demon- stration on "Setting the Table." The suhlect, "The Broader Outlook of Woolen," by Mrs. I. Salkeld, Visitors always welcome. The Camphellford Herald, reporting the anni venar services of St. Andrew'e church, Campbellford, epeaks in warm terms of praise of the week of the nrganiet and choir -leader, Mr. i), Nicholson. On Monday evening fol - owing the anni y Sunday Mr. Nicholson gave an organ recital and again earned high commendation. Mr. Nicholson was formerly organist of Rt. George's Church, Goderich. Mr. J. D. Edgar, of the Ontario Ag- ricultural College, Guelph, was in town this week on behalf of the Prov- ocial Orgenizat.ion of Resources Com- mittee, in order to report on what Is )sing done in this meet ion for increased production and to secure any pointers for a similar campaign next year. He will he able to report it very general response to the appeal on the part of the townspeople, in the way of the Cultivation of back -gardens and vacant ote. Do you need a new hair brush ? if you use the same care in selecting as we do, you'll get one that. will give long and astiefactnry service. it will pay you to select front our stock. We handle only the beet makes and can give you the beet quality of materials and perfect workmanship for the price. We have some exceptional *slues in handsomely finished solid back brushes. An assortment of styles and sires from seventy-flve cents up. E. R. Wigle, druggist, Goderich. lialrarsemsmsmanassostrismi • els. 1 Bee AU -day Program, with Something to Please Everybody. A big crowd is expected in town next Mondry to celebrate Canada's fiftieth birthday. There will be "eowethiug doing" all day long. and with good weather the celebration will undoubtedly be oue of the most interesting ever held in Godericb. The committee has been dieap- pointed in one of the events advertised for the day. By arrangement with Lt. -Cul. Lewis, the 63rd Battery was to he here from the artillery camp at London, and the men were practising for the exei clues which they were to give in connection with the afternoon program et Agricultural Park ; but this morning word war received by telephone front Major Cameron, in atmmand of the, teird, stating that orders had cowe to transfer the Bat- tery immediately to Petawawa, and ctutrequently the engagement with Holm ich could not fie filled. Thie is one of the little dirappuintweots of war -time. lar older to make up for the absence of this attraction, the ter will endeavor toetrengtben the nthu t• feat meg of the program, and everybody who attends et the Agri- cultural Park may look for a good big quarters two rah. The upend events in theuwelves will doubtless draw a large crowd. The patriotic demonstration by .the school pupils, under the direction of their Leacher,, is a new feature of D • • Day in Goderich and will doubtless effort] a beautiful and invit- ing elk tttecle The den.oitstration will include a number of drilla and patri- otic choruses by :d1)0 voices- Rev, A. L. 0. Clarke in a hiief add, era will give moire to the patriotic feeling underly- ing the whole celebration. The exhibition of Highland denting, a lively harebell game, music by the Goderich hand, with other features in •1.roepect, will fill out the program of a long suu)met,•a<tternoon. Mr. A. M. ©lover, of the Hest street Garage, is giving several rpectal prizes for events which will try run; off in connection with the morning program oilthe Squalor. Porticulers are given in Me. Glover's ad. on .page 5 of The Nignah,\ The earn Dance. Great preparations are being made for the garden party and barn. dance W be bald at J. B. Reynolds', Huron ' road, on Muuday evening, July 2iid, under the auspicee of the Patriotic Society of Ooderich township. The attractions include vocal and intorno mental music, speeches, fortune-te) l- ing, refreshment hoothe, etc. The dancing will he held in Mr. Reynolds' Hoe new ham, with its hardwood floors and slew fe lights• There will be a jitney service between the Square and Mi. Reynolds' place during the evening. Adwiasion to the grounds only Inc. As the hill. nay, •'Conte and bare the time of your life." BOARD OP AGRICULTURE. Annual Meeting /leftist Dungannon on • Wednesday. The annual meeting of the West Huror Board of Agriculture was held in the Foresters' Hall. Dungannon, on \Vednesdey. There was a good at- tendance and the interest manifested augurs well for the succese . of the iloatd in its undertakings for the com- intg year. l)fllcers elected for the year were : President, J. A. Mallongh ; vice- president, J. %V. Salkeld t secretary, Wm. Bailie.: auditors, Thai. Stothers and John Duetow ; directors, Wm. McQuillin, Lucknow, D. McEvoy and W. T. Marney, Goderich. it was decided to hold meetings next season et Holmeseille, Dungan- non, St. Helene, Kintail, Londesborn end Auburn. At the. first three places there will he classes in stock - judging, a feature of educational work which is rightly receiving special at- tention in thin stock -raising section. SASKATCHEWAN GOES LIBERAL. Tuesday was Provincial election day in Saskatchewan. The result was a sweeping victory for the Liberal Gov- ernment led by Hon. W. M. Martin. Of flfty-nine sews in the Homer at least fifty are Liberal, The Premier, Hon. William Melville Martin, ie a Huron "old tiny," having spent his boyhood days at Exeter. John Salkeld, who was elected for Mottsornin, and is one of the few Con- servative members of the new House, is a cousin of the Mears. Salkeld of the Hayfield road. Be sure to hear Mrs. Gordon Wright on Wednesday night in Knox church and also enjoy the donhle gold medal contest. Admission 25t', children 10c. "Gerard" was asked who he would sooner be if be wasn't himself.. He said he would sooner be his wife's second husband. His wife, like Pridham the Tailor's clothes, was a good wearer. Eat Pure Ice Cream and give your children none other. Edwards' 1s pore. Phone 200. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -June 28. Nat. fi Notice to edltoaw-CharlsOstrow 1 ('and of Thanks- John P. !infield ......... 1 Home to Rent Jn.eph (Irillln 1 Reader. - W, C. T. U .. .. 1 Notice to Creditors -R. C. Reye t New Directory -Hell Telephone Co 44 Goal Tenders --A. Straiton 1 Grey Hair Tremolo supply co.. Toronto t Strap Iron Wanted National Shipbuilding W lt.oa's Fly Pale _ ... ... .. .. 4 To the Pt►Ile J, H Lauder a Deily Excureloe.-C it H Line g -1 rHutrtt hRro r.111C'ns I