The Signal, 1917-4-26, Page 4r
4 THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 19,17
Received this week, two lines of the popular slip-
on Overcoats for spring and fall. One made in a very
pretty grey and the other a rich brown shade. Sizes
35 to 38.
PRICE $18.00
Don't buy your boy a Suit until you haverlaeen
our range. Our Boys' Clothing will please, for style,,
fit and material. Made in all the leading stiles, in-
cluding the popular pinch -back.
Bort�no Hats
tr.r:Nr Il.k
'Phone 57
King Edward Cafe
The weather is now cool. People
coming to town dao be served
Mot Coffee, 7 ea or Cocoa at be
Meals also served 35c
Highest price,. paid for butter and egs..
The lest barn in town for stabling.
Joseph Murray
K.ngston Street OODERICH
School of Commerce
APRIJ. 106, 1917
Yon have alwtys intended to
taiie a Coin:nerdal.and Strop J'
graphic Course some time. Do
it now. A course here puts you
in a position to command a good
income whenever and as long as
you want it. Can you invest
your money and time in any
.tock, war loan or anything else
that will promise you so great a
retutnl' __
We Gttaraatee Position
to Graduates
\Vrite for fall information.
B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts.
Headlight Overalls
WRDNESDAT, April 25.
More Taylor, teacher of Porter's
Hill school, is able to resume her
duties again after heiug oo the .ick
It.t tor a while.
Lieut. R. L. Dunemore, of St.
Thoma*, who is • grandnephew of
Mn. T. C. (:ox, was among the Cana-
dian officer. who visited Bu.;kingharn
Palace, Loudon, on-tiaturdry, April
11th, and were pr.ieeoted with the
Military Cross at the bands of King
George. Lieut. Densmore was
awarded the Distinguished Conduct
medal lar December.
A tew weeks ago • few of the
players of the Goderich t'wnehip
harebell team celebrated a little re-
union io the trenches (n Flanders,
whin Pte. Joe Yuill. Corp. W. John-
ston ("Mouttie"), Pte. George Row and
Pte. Gordon McDougall met unex-
peeteil ore day. They were 'lorry
Corp. Ai• a. Chisholm could not be
with t ,m, es he is in the hospital
with .,ennuetiem.
t .Riortc SOCIETY NOTES, -The
P. gar moothly sewing and business
siting of the "Jutted Patriotic So -
el. ty will be held at the home of Mrs.
!, than on Wedne.dey, May god, at
2 80 p. ID. Although this is the busy
eea4o0 on the farm, surely one after-
noon can he •pared to work for the
soldier boy. so • large attendance will
1.cEwan Fatale 1
Exclusive agents for
for Goderich
and District.
Best Coal Mined.
Any quantity hest all Maple
Slabs, Mixed Wood, Hemlock
and Kindling (Cedar or Pine.)
TELEPHONES, *nice qg
e• residence els or 6e
be expecte I. Mr. Wm. Edwards held
tis ticket for the noted calf, which he
jg{Dn'roody ret nned to the Society.
N. Moklaatb has wince bought the
edit our 55. Altolr•ther the amount
malls d war $52.53. Goods shipped
this month : 47 pyjama suits, 63
pain of eucks.
TUESDAY, April 24.
Mr. Kelly, of Gode,ich, delivered a
new Fund oar to Mr. Gro. Greenslade,
one dry last weea
Rev. It- McL. Smith, of Hensel!,
will exchslege pulpit-. with Rev. A.
Macfarlane on Sunday next.
Mrs. J. Richardson received word
fr.rm Ottawa that her brother, John
Mackenzie, had Leen severy Iy
wounded in the trencher.
Quite a number from the neigbbor-
attended the funeral of the late
m. Scotts of Bru field, whin* Wok
place on N tnd astern .en.
-The w.,wrn otett. An lrew'e church
held • "bee" oo Friday of last week, I
when about two dozen spent a bury
dry, cleating the cher ch both upstairs
and in the basement and laying the
new carpet on the aides and platform.
Mr. Chiller end M-. Foster. of
Varna, h of just finished their wurlfof
decorating the walls and ceiliug with, d•noz a very creditable j .b.
and the budding with its. new '•fix•
Mug.." loosed very well indeed on Mon-
day when it was reopened for e.rvice.
Baby's Own Tablets
Cure Constipation.
Childhood constipation can he
promptly cured by Baby's Owo Tab-
let. These Tablets never fail to regu-
late the bowel., and stomach, thus
curing conatipatinn, colic, indigestion
and the many other &Moor ills of little
ones. Concerning them Mn. Louis
Nicole, St. Paul do Buton, Q ie.,
writes : "My baby suffered Ir.,m non-
stipation but thanks to Baby's Own
't'+hlets he is a fine healthy boy today.
it gives we much pleasure in recom-
mending the Tablets to other
%qoothers," The Tablets ate sold by
nfedictne derriere or by mei! at 25 cents
a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, Ont.
TUESDAY, April 17.
We are ver y sorry to have t , report
the sad news ref death of Mrs.
Alexander MacLean, which occurred
on Tuesday Inst. Elbe had spent the
past few years with her daughter,
Mr.. Rod. Catnphell. litre wee in her
eighth -fourth year and wee very highly
respected by all who knew her. The
funeral took place up Friday to Kin -
tail cemetery.
LOTHIAN L/a`ALs.-Mr. Everett Hen -
demon, who enlisted with the Royal
Engineers at Mu tlr'eel, was home for
a few days visitg his parents, Mr.
and Mtn. T. F. Henderson, before
leaving for ov. areae Mr. Cyril
Ford, of Geo. getown, spent a few
days visiting bu. sister, Mrs. George
Swann ...Mi. John ,Na:kenzie, of De-
troit, spent is few days visiting friends
herr... Mn. Lae lett yesterday for Chi-
cago, having spent a few days with
her sist r, Mrs. Rod. Campbell, and
also av,endiog her mother's funeral
here Miss Lena Henderson was
horse from Wungbam for over Sun-
day . Mr. Alex. B.rnhy has re-
turned M '1'nronto, having spent his
Easter vacation at his borne here.
How IL -C. Lindon Found aSr'>re is
Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Ellecot•, Alta , April 24 (Special). -
The growth of popularity of D d's
Kidney Pills in this section of the
Great- West has horn phenomenal.
They Lure kidney disease. That. roach,
has been proved again and again One
of the latest proofs comes from M. C.
Liodos, well known and highly re-
spected herr.
Thanking Dodd'. Kidney Pilte
seems a small way of expressing say
gratitude,' M. t'. Lindos states. "1
suffered tr nn headaches and dizziness
and was unable to find anything that
would do me any good. i tried sev-
eral medicines that were advertised t
core my trouble. but they did not.
Dndd's Kidney P1I14 were recom•
mended W m•• be a h iend and 1 writ
fur a box end gave then, a tried.
result in that i am feeling fine now, i
.1--/111 shell alway4 keep a hot of D.x1d'r
1 Kidney Pills handy."
"The Secret Kingdom"
Vitagraph's Superb Serial of Romantic
Adventure. In 15 Episodes.
(Now running at the Regent Theatre, Toronto
Charles Richman, Dorothy Kelly,
Arline Pretty, Joseph Kilgour
and an All Star cast including NED FINLEY,
LEY and a host of Vitagraph favorites.
Starting Monday and Tuesday,
May 7th and Bth
The Life, Love and Happiness of a Hero Prince and a
Wonderful Princess --The Destinies of a People -All were
bonnd,A , in a Sealed Packet.
Sat." l he Secret Kingdom" and learn the secret of the,
AsDset's contents why men risked lives, and women bone,
to wrest it from its rightful &Avner.
Dlass't M .e Steins 77ias Pkftarra 1 ; t
1f r
WEDNESDAY, April 23.
Mr. (iso. F. Yungblut's new auto
art ived on Tuesday. •
I Mr. A. A.qultb bag unloads! a ear
1 McLaughlin 1
juggi es
t have just received a
carload of the nicest
anibest Buggies that
can be made.
A great variety of styles
to pick from.
Robert Wilson
Massey -Harris
a/ ,,
lldmilton St. hwitrich
of West-rn oats and • ear of flour and
fend during the part week.
Mr, b tiejwig jya� bttyifngfur Aisrumer
fur bredu-thisvfee
Mr. O!{as. Asquith moved hie effects
W hie orw house on Monday.
Mies Ethel Gorier is vuriting her
aunt. Mm. Wm. B. Patterenn.
Mesw. John Ferguson et reed on
TueWay morning on • trip t.. vistt her
daughter near Saskatoon, Sask.
Mr, J. C. Clark has sold hie imple-
ment shop t , Mr. H. H. Hill, who in-
tends continuing the loternajional
At the service in St. Mark's church
on aunday. April al, there will he •
special collection for the suffering
A enmities, Ohri.ttans.
Theoung people have started prac-
tising for the presentation of the play
"rhe Young Village Doctor," and in-
tend giving It early in May in aid of
the Red Cross feeds.
Mn Marvin Porth, has been spend-
tpg a le? 42•150 1• ot• ,Mugge after an
enlorxd absence of two wootha
through illness. His many friends are
pleaerd to see bum improving.
OlITUARY.-Una village was sad-
dened oh Monday evening by the
death of Mn, Ciao. Dawson, sr., which
occurred in her seventy-third year
after a few days' illness Besides her
Aged husband, she leaves three sons -
George, of West Wawanosh ; John,
of London, and James, of Auburn -
and three daugh'err-ter., A. Oabald-
eston and Mn. A. Wilkins, of Gude-
[• ch, and Mrs. A. Ball, of Mullett.
The funeral will t eke place on Thurs-
day afternoon t s Bars s cemetery .
Early Tueeday morning Mr,- M.t-
(new Lockhart departed this life,
deato resu t ng from an attack of
satbwa atter a few hours'tlloees, Her
unexpected death wee a shock to the
community. On Thursday she had
visited her son and brother in West
Wawanosh and appeared to be in her
usual health. Sb. leaves her husband,
four sons and four daugutere to mourn
the lose of wife and mother. The bops
are Benjamin and David, of Bast
Wawanosh ; It 'beer, of Outlook,
Sask., and Charier, at home ; and the
daughters are Mr.'. Smylie and Mrs.
Howes, In the West.; Mrs. T. Brad -
nock, of E tat W awan.wb, and Mn. J.
Johnston, of Auhu,n. The funeral
will take place to Westfield cemetery
on Sunday afternoon after a service in
the Methodist church bore. The
heartfelt sympathy of all goes out to
thew, two families bereft of the
motto of the bombe.
Wheat, TauRaoav, April >M
per bush 5 [.a1 to 51.90
Oates. per bu.b .71. to .75
Barter. Per bushe0 to 1.10
Pea.., per bu.b 2.00 to 11s
Buckwheat per bush. . 1.1u to 1.9D
r lour, family. per owt 1 75 to 5.110
Flour, palest, per owt AM to 159
Bra.., per too sass .. PM' to 1100
8horte, per too .....1.i V I la 41.Al
Hay, per too . ..... 11.011 lo 11.03
Alfalfa 1100 to 13 00
:linter. loam, per too.. ,.ter to &W
Wood, per load 4100 to del
Dairy Butter, per lb.... .35 to .M
Creamery Butter „ ./1 to .45
Erid., freeb, per doe..... ......... 11 to Set
Potatoes, per bush 151 10 3.00
Cattle, butcher...chotoe, Parent. 550 to 10.50
Cattle, butcher. reedlem,per cwt 8.50 to ANI
Hua.., nee weeret, per awl. . .. 1550 to 1550
Sheep. per cwt . - 6 oh to 7.101
Hides, per lb'. to .19
'fallow, rendered, pet lb ..L f. . 0! to 118
bleep Pel* Lou to LuO
Tell How Pte. C. H. Robinson Met His
Death -' • Wasdt Afraid of Anything."
Mrs. Fred Robinson. Wolfe street,
whoa. .on, C. H.. was killed 1n action
last Septetsb r, has since received letters
from two of bis come idea, Pt... Davie,
an Exeter boy, and Pte. Robert Bowl-
ing, formerly of Nodrrirh.
Pte. Davis writes February 2Oth
from a hospital in England :
"Roles, as we used to mall him, was
a good chum of mins. We left Canada
tng.ther and tran.fer•rrd from the 71st
Battalion to the lar I Highlanders to-
gether. We were going into the
trenches in Pozieree on the Somme
(this was our second time in nn the
Mountie -he got through the Unit all
r •
More new Georgette Crepes and Crepe de Chines. in all the leading colors. Moo Silk
Voiles in dress lengths, no two alike, fine colorings and very new
American creations. Nothing choicer to be had.
Taffeta Silk is the favorite this season and nothing nicer can be had for your spring suit
or dress. We carry all wanted shades and black. 86 itst1ies wide, at 51.50 a yard. ''This isa snit'
Silk and one that will wear. Duchess Silks are good and we have them in all the color!, 36 inches
wide, at 51.60 and 51,;5 a yard.
Collars and Collars and Cuffs are greatly worn, and crepe and silk crepe de chine are the
best cloths for Collars. Our stock is new and these Collars are made by an exclusive firm that
makes nothing but Collars. We have many styles and a style for everyone.
We are all getting ready for house-cleaning and with it we find many places where some-
thing new must take the place of worn-out Curtains and Floor Coverings. Our stock of these
goods is complete and we are in a position to take care of your wants.
Congoleum Rugs in all sizes up to 3 x 4 are in stock for you selection. This is the coming
Rug and the prices are much lower than woo! Rugs. pattern for every room iii the house.
will call and seeou."
Pte. Robtrt Bowling writes from
hospital at Reading, England, Febru-
ary 15th, and says iD the course of hie
letter :
"We were going in to the Somme
for the second time, and when the
company that C. H. war in was going
along a piece of road a big *bell
exploded r got in the company and
killed ten of them. i was entry when
I came out to bear of his death. He
etas in a different company from n.e,
but every time that we canoe out I
always went to look him up, no matter
how tied 1 was. You see, we always
went around together. He was such a
happy-go-lucky fellow, and he wasn't
afraid of anything No matter where
he was told to go he would always go
without a grumble.
"1 saw the place where he was
buried aol it is • nice place just out-
side a place called Albert, and there is
a crow with his number and name. It
ue fl rd up very nice.
"Although you have loot your boy
thereis one thing you can say, and
Yee will End relief in Zam-Illsk !
It gases the burning, stiprelg
pairs, stops bleeding and bre
ease. Perseverance. with Zan -
Bub, neans cure. Why not prow
this 7 uDrew=
� omitalerea-
that is he wasn't afraid to go and fight
while Iota of other slacken were, and
1 know you would sooner he went at
his own free will than have him forced
to go as • lot of fellows will be this
Pte. Bowling when lie wrote this
letter was in the hospital with nrut-
itie, the eff cts of living in the cold.
wet trenches, but he expected to be
going hack to his battalion befi re
long. He adds, brevets. "The fight-
ing will be pretty hand, but 1 eidsk !
will pull through all right."
--- NOW --
Arrange to visit some of the following
points -all beauty vpota close to
Muskoka Lakes Algonquin Park
Georgian Bay Lake of Bays
Temagami Kava• tha Lakes
Full information and descriptive lit.
erature may be secured on appli-
cation to
Termite, Ont.
Town Agents Phone 8
if there -Iva
house. We will 1
the trouble and have it
put right. `(hit's part
of our busintss.s
We do eavestroughing,
plumbing, tinsmithing,
etc., and we do it right.
Mam,lton Street Phone 135
Killed in action.
right). We got through. Posirres
alt r ght and wire just gsltttns Intl
the rn»d again when • very large shell
Iiahted about halfway between the
company and eight of the toys were
hit, six wounded and two killed.
Your bre, was one and a lanre-corporal
named Hamilton was the other. C.
H. was just in front of rite. 1 wee not
wounded at the time, altbongh 1 bad
n.y hack hurt with a piece of hoard.
"1 was standing heeidet him when he
die. He did not *suffer much for it
9faTo111 a r�feaiie after he was bit he
died. fie muttered something, but 1
Could not make out what It was. 1
have j}ust heard that a good chum of
hie, I;T„b Bowling, hair hewn wounded.
Rob, (7. H. and 1 teen On he in the
sem. platoon 10 the 71st.
"Tbe lass time i sew him was the
day after. He was lying reliable of
the dressing station when i was paw-
ing with a stretcher, and abwwt ten
minutes attar 1 was w,..,nd••d in the
eight Mg 1 had a gash lroau my knee
to try ankle and hest haft re rev heel
knoeted oft This i•eai rluo cath re.
Septembers.,a.1r thssisetaint slow" aster.
ttj Meua.b■ ars rje.s cps
hive leen eskienapilseeeq, Ji. b
of DMe.nh.t, aft •r PW n )rf til ' sir
fourteen weeks. 1 . to none
bona in • octane of eounks' Ursa. and
Its Excellence is Within
/LOA. Ciatlliag,
Flues -de -Lye Bsai•ter
sane pries
While the smartness and beauty of the outer Gray Dort is
in complete keeping with its excellence within, it is the inner
Gray Dort that you should know thoroughly. Here. under
the surface, is beauty of another sort --the beauty of sturdi-
'eii asd efficiency -
All the Gray Do component parts are remarkable for
their unfailing dependability, simplicity, accessibility.
This kind of excellence has opened the eyes of thousands of
motorwise men and women -ted shade them Gray I)ort
owners. it makes the Gray Dort a car that the whole family
can use and enjoy.
With all that quality, with completes eqquipment, with :het
ar' refinements ..d c tienaea, tout 'Gray Dat is i
moderate priced ar .-'s -gad it is a ser
DrToely 1.641 car
THE GRAY -DORY h�QTOItS, 1,I11t11TF.D, ch tie da:
,;.et.hi1tCHEll, N. A. TAYIOR,
£slir GodericJ. Dittributor, Rlyth