The Signal, 1917-4-12, Page 5Mg SIGNAL. - GODERICH, ONTARIO
TBUR$PAY, Aral1, 12, 1917'
Engineer Brough Mere.
Mr. Walter C. N nub, of the Dom-
inion Department of Public Works, i+
In town. He her been sent up by the
Deportment to see wbst work 1. re-
quired fur the shipbuilding yards to
be located et the west side of the har-
bor. and will be here for several days
taking souodingr, etc.
The Ex -students' Dance.
The ex -students of the G. C. 1. heli
a very succeseful dance in the Masonic
Hall no Monday evening. The or-
chestra was under the direction of
Mr. George E Kiag. The patronesses
were : Mn. MacDonell, Mrs. R. Rut -
ball, Mts. J. W. Fraser, Mrs. O. A.
Nairn and Mrs. W. H. Harrison.
Lunch war served at baif-pest 11 mod
the prowedings Mole up shortly after
11 o'clock.
John C. Millian, B. A., B. D.
At the ctuvocation of Victclrim Col-
lege. Toronto, Ieet week, the degree of
bachelor of divinity was conferred
upon Mr. John C. Millian, B.A ., son
of Mr. Audrew Mllllma, of town. This
constitutes Mr. Millian a full-fledged
usiniesagg el thel‘raheeliekpWsoe, tct-
Ine oofy tbe o►Nfietioa ceremony.
Mr Millian Is now overseer, having
gone with one of the recent drafts.
Two Militant Lads.
Two boys about ei:teem years old,
filled with the patriotic spirit, beet it
out of town one doe legit week t a try
to enlist. They offered their services
to three different battalions, hot were
refused sdut ttaoce to any of theuw.
The r Learned to town on Tuesday—
no doubt with despair in their heart
at the prospect that the war will be
over before they come t a wilit'try age.
Fatality at Stratford.
On Friday morning last the G. T. R.
passenger train from Goderieh struck
Mies Margaret Duggan, a well-known
Stratford lady, at the Church street
crossing in Stratford. Miss Dungan
was killed instantly. The engineer
on the train wise Fr -auk Adams, of
Goderich, with 1) Roberts. of God --
rich, fireman. Engineer Adana' says
be bad whistled for the crossing end
the bell was ringing, 'and the rngioe
was going only about ten mile+ an
hour when Miss Duggan wee struck.
She attempted to cross the track right
in front of the engine. An inquest
has been opened to inquire into the
pia'remoitaooty pt fila tota110.,
Curbing and Skating Association.
The annual meet tog of the Goderich
Curling acrd 8katint( Association was
held on Monday evening. The Apace
elationowns the West atawet skating
rink and the bowling grounds in cue-
nection, and with the rentals from
thee. the• Association is holding its
own fiurmcially, but is not paying soy
Tells How To Cure Chronic Cough
5 Jackson, Mir.—"l am a carpenter,
mai the Grippe lett me with a chronic
eimagtt, rundown, worn out and weak.
I took all kinds el cough syrups withoui
kelp. 1 read above Vinol and decided to
tryit. Before I bed taken a bottle 1
fet better, and after taking two bottles
my cough is entire! cured, and I have
gained new vim and energy."—Josh L
Dime is.
- Vinol is a delicious non -secret tonic
which 1s guaranteed for coughs, oulda
and bronchitis and for all weak, run-
down conditions,
D.C. Dunlop, druggist, Goderich, Ont.
Also at the best druggists in all Ontario
• GEO. E. KING, Proprietor ••
• •
• •
o •
• i est
: ••
• i�� e
• j ^� N11b lit lit O W la' th 14/ li/ •
Monday and
"The Hero of
6.2,/ •
mhlftlmnl tents e
Prepared by the News
Service Department of
the Vitagraph Company
of America, and pre-
sented by special per-
mission of the United
States Naval Depart-
USUAL PRICES—hoc and 15c
ALGirl and the Gi7"
S° "The
Wednesday and Thursday
A drama of Patriotism Glorified
The screen version of Robert H. Davis' great story "We Are French."
This is a Bluebird production and is considered one of the very best plays ever pre- •
sented on the screen. The cast includes Ella Hall, Rupert Julian, Kingsley •
Btiinedict and Little Zoe Rae. •
Owing to the exceptionally heavy cost of this picture, the management is obliged to f
put on a special price for Wednesday and Thursday evenings 100 AND 20 •
Another ''ox picture
"Fighting Blood"
A virile story of the Kentucky Mountains.
USUAL PRICES- Ioc and isc.
dividends. The directors elected fpr
the ensuing year are : D• . W..1. R.
Holmes. Wen. Wallace, D. McLaren,
J. H. Colborne, (Ibas C. Lee: (ieo.
Porter, Alez. Sounder., H. J. A. Me -
Ewan. Chas. A. Nairu, Ww, Lene and
James Mitchell. The officers were ea -
elected as follows : Pr'sident, Win.
Lane ; vioe-pt•eeldent, J. H. Colborne ;
seer, tyre -treasurer. W w. Campbell.
A Musical Treat.
A pleasant hour was spent by a
good number at North street Metho-
dist church on the site' noon of Good
Friday, when the choir, under the
direction of Mr. Geo. H. King, gave
a "twilight musicale." The program,
which was well rendered throughout.
included three choruses by the choir—
"True Till I)e th" (Batty), "God oo
Loved the World" (Steiner) and "The
Day le Past and Over" (Marks) ; solos
by Mies M. Aitken. Miss Scrimgeour
and Mr.. King ; duets by Miss M.
Aitken end Mr. D. Roberta and by
Mrs. King and Miss A. McClinton; a
viuliu Sulo by Mr. Gee. E. King, and
an er,(an number by Mr. George H.
Successful in Special Exams.
The following are the successful G.C.1
atuuents who tried the special exam-
inations last week to enable them to
work on farms. in cash caw, how-
ever, these results are subject to the
approval of the Depso tnuent :
Lower School : Mary E. Baechler,
Eva M. Cox, Norma M. Ginn, Frank
Washington. J. Elmer West, Katie
E. Weaton.—`--
Middle 'School Normal Entrance:
Lila M. Howatt, Elizabeth McKenzie,
Genevieve O'Connor. Isabelle Parker,
Madelene Sullivan, Patricia Sullivan,
Luella M. Wagner, Clementine A. E.
Junior Metriculit,ion : Ernest M.
Lee, Elizsberh McKenzie, Maitland
F. Pi ioham. Madelene Sullivan.
recut!), Entrance, Part 1 : Rae J.
Stot hers.
The marriage took place at the
borne of Mr. and Mrs. C. Bisset, Hur-
on road, this (Thursday) mor ling, of
Maty Amos., daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Wan. Moore, Sr. David's street, to
Mr. John Lawrence Sieber. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. R.
C. McDermid in the presence of only
the iwytadiete relatives.
The bride, who was unattended,
looked (Mite), in • suit of tugger
brawn striped Calle a and brown hat
with ma ze. She wore a cor.iage
baugwt of rases. Alter the wedding
diodes the happy couple left- on the
2 31) train for is short trip to Sarnia
and Detroit., 'carrying wltb.tham the
gond wishes of theiwmsny frianie fur
happiness end priesperity in their
future life. The bride received many
handsome presents, including gift. in
\Viii. Ferner •n "Fighting Rhsei' •
g•••••••••••Oil ••••••••••••••••••••••••S•
If u have Backache you have
Disease. if you neglect
Backerhe' it will doeckrp unto
something ,worse—Bright s
ease co Diabetes, There is no
use rubbing and doctoring your
• back. Cure the kitL*ce i. There
is pnl):ftte kidney tnrtlicine but
it cures backachee._cry.time--
cut. glass, linen and silver. The
groousts gift to the bride was a gold
wrest -watch.
At the owe time and place another
ceremony was perfuemed—the chria-
t.-uing of a nephew of the bride, Phil
Bisset, son of Mr. mod Mrs. C. Bisset.
Prize -winners at Cone al School.
The Easter closing exercises at Cen-
tral school took piece on Thursday
afternoon last and were especially in-
teresting. Atter is short program
given by the pupils, Inspector Tom
gave a talk oo gardening in a way cal-
culated to interest and encourage the
children in the work of production.
Prizes were them presented for the
beat bird-bouses constructed by the
pupils. The first prize, which was
donated by Mr.. Heger, was presented
by her to Annie Westbrook. Other
prize -winners were Ronald Wilson,
Leolla Here, Willie Smith and Archie
Johnston, two of these prizes being
contributed by Mrs. W. L. Horton;
and a special prize given by Mr. John
Uutt was awarded tteElwood Robin-
son. The afternoon's program was
.,oncluded with a brief talk by Rev. R.
C. McDermid.
Me bird -houses built by the pupils
of Central .ebnol have been on ezhib-
itioo in Howell's store window on tbe
Square and make a very attractive
display. The boys and girls made
nearly sixty of these little shelters, in
a great variety of architecture, and
any bird looking for a home this
spring will have a large range of
dainty little mausions (rum which to
At the annual meeting of Victoria
street W. M. 8. the following officers
were elected for the year : President,
Mn. J. McNee : vice -resident, Mrs.
(Rev.) Ford ; secretar , Mrs. id. Hog-
garth ; tresaurer, Mrs. W. J. Meir :
corresponding secretary, Mn. B. W -it -
000. A pleasing part of the meeting
was the preeentatinn of lite member-
ship certificates to two of the wen-
ber+, the honored ones being Mee. B.
Hoggarth and Mrs. 8. Stokes.
tlMendel for leer week.)
•Fu.rRslAY, April :a.
Mrs. Jas. Wilson, of Elora, is visit-
ing her mother. Mts. Davidson, sr.
Mt•+. H. McKenzie has returned
hence after .pending a,.week with
blends at Winghaoi.
Miss A. Polley, of Bnderich, is
spending a few days with friends
Mr. Thos. Smiley left on Tuesday
for Southern Altterta, where hissones
\Qtr are wry to hear that little
George Milo is sick, but trust he will
rune recover.
Mrs. Innis hmi returned to her home
at Hswtry after spending a month
with her sister, Mrs. S. K. Sanderson.
Mr. Alex. l'rutlaad and enn La-
verne left last Seturday for Ilemil-
t an. wlTere they will visit friends.
r air. Wan. M 'Ie has m aved bis house.
hol.l eft -et, to the farm he recehtly
purchased, trout Mr: Ed,, I)nrnin.
M+a Dionne is innving tutu the house
v ..sated by Mr. Mole.
Mr .1 arvi. Anders in has opened up
hie herbal. ship. NV, wish him roue
i Rev. H. li"t..liVilliains left on \V •d-
ne.dey with his family and effects for
his new appoi9t(pent et Wy onning.
Mr Williams Will, be miesied. sa lie
I hey ;made many (mends during he-
Istay here.
\\ BDNttsu.aY, April 11.
t i11tIEF8 —Roy F rittlev and Victor
Green left Lust week for 1a•ieau, where
obey intend spetlding the eunurier
—� roma he :.e.taeurge jlicb'rdsrrn is
basis __aernodi led this
spring.<.:.;The Alaxw.11 tinning car,
tH r„ lielorging to the latel,,hn Kuntz
`will 14. sold by pnblir auction next
w, ek Sten.W. Rirheed-on h•u
ret u•ned t a her home aft. r nding
mr, t of the win'rr• h. with her
denehter, Aura. Hugh Stew •r'
(:apt, W. 1. Headetr. of the C A.D.0
smolt Easter with his parent... Mr,
and Mire H. Boyden Mr. era
Mr,. E. 1)renngn awl son Heymond,
of 0 ,ierich, spent I'. a -ter wi h Mr.
and lbs. J. Cousin., , .1 this place
■ •
t, r . t .,
We have just'recttived samples
of the"hew mail's. -Why not
come sort-. have a look at /
them ?
t' t
i 4,
Our stock of all kinds of Ford t •
and o!her
Auto Accessories *�`
is particularly complete now
and worth seeing anyway. So
drop in at
first chance you get.
Owned and Operated by a Practical Man
Our Rankly Servke
Covert Canada
Through this Branch,
one of over Three
Hundred established throughout the Dominion, the.
MOM Bank el Cauda is prepared to give you every
service which a progressive bank can render, either in
connection with your business or your private finances.
Goderich Branch F. WOOLLCOh1BE,
Mr. and Mrs. Peter look, of L uck-
now, spent a day with their dlughter,
Mrr. John Metier, last week Mr.
Charles Brickwen end Mr. Louts
Hutchison, of sow ford, were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Holzkamp
last week .. . Miss C. F. Hawkins, of
St. Thorne's, is spending her Easter
vacation with. bet ciste , Mn. W. O.
DEATH 411' JOHN 83iALi.—We are
antsy to annuun••e the death of Mr.
John Swale, whlob occurred herr
today at the great age of ninety-
three yearn. The funeral will be held
from the home of hie grandson, Mr.
John Harrows, on Saturday afternie,n.
to the Port Albert cemetery.
Thee Ideal Spring Tonics
row is the time'to hnild u •our system and here
are the tonic, that will help you
Penslar Laxative Alterative Compound
stimulate. tile 'u , aur; which rent°the poisonous
waste matter and impurities from theesystetu. Price
Peii star Sartsaparas
one of the most favored blood toyics tob lied. 1:1
Iwo generous sizes, btk and $1.00. •
Peslar Triol Akeratire
a perfect blood • purifier and. cleanser, excellent for
rebuilding a run-dotvn system. ,Inc and 11.00.•
Start taking one of these tonics now for the new strength
it will give you.
North street and the Square Goderich, Ont.
The Prize
Packet in
Piless ?j et ;.43
¶1• i
The Flavour Lasts
Millions of bars supplied every month to
the Army and Navy,Every bar meads more
power to our forces-- at home and abioad.
Send some in every letter and parcel to the
Front. Small in cost, but big in benefit.
Cleanses mouth and teeth. Ilelpw appetite and
digestion. Refreshes, soothes and satisfies.
WM. WRIGLEY, Jr. CO., Ltd.
Wrigley 111dg., Toronto
The F14-2vour tacos