The Signal, 1917-4-12, Page 44 ti .11 s.r ArM_.. 4 THURSDAv, Atom 12, 1917 "TIE FIRST LONGS" Did you ever hear of the "first longs" before 1 If you didn't we will tell you just what it means. It sthe first suit of clothes with long trousers for the youth who is dis- carding the short knick- ers and for the first time is wearing young men's clothing. Our "first longs" are designed to fit the youth who at that particular age is very hard to fit and be- sides they give the boy that smart appearance so much desired by every boy. Made in new pinch -back style, sizes 33 to 35. PRICES $15.00 to $18.00 SANFORD-MADE-CLOTHES WALTER C. PR1DHAM 'Phone 57 20th Century Clothing a4 McLaughlin Buggies I have ju.st received a carload of the nicest • and best Buggies that can he made. .1 great variety of styles to Fick from. Robert Wilson Massey -Harris Dealer te,t. God rich YourNew Suit see should like )'alt to call and see the new S iiti11ge Rtt(1 ercoatings f b r spring. if you want something that Looks 1;(1(111. and is good, at a trasonable price, - WQ believe we can suit HAYFIELD. r Tt►LsoAY, April S.. Miss Edith Spackinan leftlaatBat- mitey to take a pewit in at Toronto. Qniten nnmrer f,otr the village s tended Mr. Dergaty's sale on Frida Ian* and repin•t excellent prices for ieverything. Rev. F. Rickert' rpt. iened last week i fr•+m Viet ori• hospital. London, t where he had been t . king treattnent for several ,weeks. Mr. Rick,.r.I. we King Edward Cafe (SOMITte1N0 NEWT The weather ia now cool. People corning to town can be served Hdt Coffee, Tea or Cocoa at 5c Meals also served 35c Hleh of prick, paid for butter and egg.. The best barn in town fir stabling. Joseph Murray Karsten Street 000ERICH R. J. Armstrong 1 MERCHANT TAILOR is nth Side !4ltiarn. Orwlerirh. `Ille Only Brand Prize! (Hiihest Award) . 4iv en Lor Dilctionarles at the Panaraa- Paciftc Exposition was y'r titled to THE SIGNAL - GODERICA, ONTA RIO .s-- - are pleased to see, is feeling much better. GODENICH TOWNSHIP. W5DNt 8DeY, April 11. Mies Myrtle 13.chao, of Bowman- vilir, in .pending Eaetrr holidays at home. Mis. Mar,taret Yui11, who teaches school in Asbtt••Id, la spending the Easter vacation atlhome. Mita Willa OoI, teacher of the Forks school, Banorofr, Heating, county, is st home for Easter week. A FAILILWBLL GATHsRINO. — On Saturday evening the neiehts+,ri and friends of Trooper Hiram Cox, of the C. M. R. at Hamilton, gstherd at his home to say farewell to blm. Phe evening was spent in g+rnee ant w' - sic. Then John Cox, • r,, called the gatbrr:ng to order and g.ve A touch- ing speech, and Mise Petrel Potter pre- sented Hiram with a pocket kodak. The reap:eat war completely taken by surprise, but replied in spleudid style. A few otter speeches also were made and before diepereing all joined handl. glad elided round and sang "Auld Lang Syne" Sud "God be with you till we inert agaiu." Trooper Oex is in it draft of reinforcements that expert • to go ov. rsese short ty, Pal Rio?IC NOTrS.—The Vatted Pat nutre Society will bold a sewing at 'he home of Mr-. Isaac Salkeld. Ray- field r..ad, un bVrdoe-day, Aura 1:3, et 2.30 p. m. It it desired t to,. all pyj t- old, otitis and 'sock. he banded it Ire - feet. T wedgy, Ap it 17, ready 1. r the next ebipweut. The Society to v. ry gre,.eful to those who w kindly r - .ponded to the huuec-to-house collec- Lion, wbicb amounted W $18.14. The noted •Saltford Red Crocalk has been donated to this Socia by M. R. McMatb. The loon, \realized by the disposal of this Balt will'help to provide tuore comforts for our tor. at the (root. Another shipmen of •rag•, paper'tj, wakaziues, etc., will wade in May. Baby's Own Tablets an Excellent Remedy. When the herby is ill—when he 1s constipated. has indigestion, colds, simple towers or any other of the minor ills of little ones—the mother will find Baby's Own fabless an excel - lett remedy. Tbry regulate the stom- ach and bowels. thus banishing the rause of moat of the ills of childhood. Concerning them Mrr. Paul Dinette, Cbrnevil.e, Q tis., w'itre : '•I can re- commend B .hy'e Own Tablets to all mothers, it I have used them for any little one for constipation and dier- rhoea.wud have found them an excel- lent remedy." The Tablets aro sold by medicine dealer. or by mail at:'v cents a box from the Dr. William.' Medicine 4o.,. Brockvrtle, Ont. LEEBURN. TU6sDAY, April 10. LSRItr•HN LOCALS,—Mrs. Roy Link - later laud by are visiting Mrs Liok- late•r'e old h et Exeter....Towuly Chisholm stent the holidays with his ,bio,her. H+r.y. at Aesuwplioo Col- lege, _'aud,rich .. . Miss lna Wil= hams is visit -ng her father at London. Misr Jrstn elution is emending the E eter.vie.tion at It •r home. Her , friendMisr E Kern • also is here .... Our teacher, Miss L,epra P.•utland, is ct. Dungannon for the holidays. .,. Mr-. R+penn, of Blyth, ie here visiting 'her r lativre the Horton* ..Miss . Loire LauLi nslayer, of Toronto, is 'spending a couple of weeks with her , nr,thrr, Mri. A. Horton Miss W nnir Sh iw canis up from Toronto and spent the week -end at her home (byre .. Our (4 C. 1. pupils ate stwnding the holidays at their respec- tive homes... Mr. Hid Mm. R. (lid- don.bave sold. their term and are mov. nig to Dunlop. They will be much missed byre. ARL OW. Ctaso Y, -April 10. RNKWt Stereo— r. D. Cr..ford, ret Hoser..u, ha+ rein, ed house after spending a tae k et slot home of Mr. A. %Vasun Mr•, 1,6 McBride ry spending E tea r holt, a or th her ; ai+t M. Ttrefnt'd, of (i rieh Mr Alex. Barnby, of Tot no, is re- newing atwade ance+ this r••k in the virinh y .. Miss Florrnnk bung i+ home frau Fat Klein \fo the East r tritest IOW Mr. Me Ty ',loan freed.+ s hu+ineer trip to t'1 tun one d sy lad weekMr. Thn,nn %Nilson spot t. S handsome new drly r, which he pltreha+e.l 1.tely in Toronto W .t :h for 'f' en at the fell furs. lir to it gr, t admirer of hos.rflesh Mr. J. Nickelson, of West Mattoon, has had two very sneee+eltil Males here of auilch cows std young e dale. A ndtnba r of tire young jump'. were rot-rtain.,l by Miser Alio. Clerk one evening Is -t week and equal. • grs,d tia.P Miss NAM) Wil -on i« 1 •aving shortly for it visit with, her sister at R.treeiu. DUNLOP. MONDAY, Aril 14. M. Frank Shiehl■ has i'veated in a WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL Superiority of Edaca&ual Merit. Th.-, ReJ--a-,ti-sr ailsnere with e. -final autliorit; all kii:4•of ptwiing quest iuits i urh a9 "l lov, is I r:, -n: yal prt.notiocc l?" "Where is ilan- den! " "What la,a a„1di,;,o, re ray - age!” "What is u/eerie, r!" "What is vitae tool!" „How it `kat pro- nnnnr'ul?" amt thousand o1otitere. Mars than 400.000 Vocabulary Taloa. 30,111111 Geographical Subiscts. 12,000 € Biographical Entries. arc: 5400 ia• i trations. 2700 Pages. The only dam. arywith the divided p -ge a etrakeeff- 1 genius. R.rrl.r .d Idis- P.,.. Wigs. Write 1ur moot- ; ip I�. -ora &'s, eta 1,.. a ort of I . hot \tapa if tome this c: ac. N(RRIAM C0-, sorwaald. P. ALWAYS IN STOCK In loot. flt and shade you ran itleAy. get the shoe you want, .t the price you wish to pay nith uu delay or excuser+ ah,rut. "just being tint of that 'particular size." from our well -kelt -up stark• of better - grade f,s,twear. Stop in and how satisfactorily. we -.erre men who want shrive ckuubininR style with wearing wie!itir.. Wm. Sharman Goderich, Ontario P. For Blood Poisoning —instant relief and Speedy recovery— by using- the household remedy MECCA Ointment S.M In 25c. 35e- 754 51.25 arm r Prepuwi by FOSTER -DACE CO., LTD. TORONTO` ONTARIO 'Sold by J. A. Glapbell, Godericb now driver, Mr. R. McDoosld has the first spring chickeue on recori. They are now about two weeks old Misses Laura and Lily Lautenslsyer aro home for the holiday.. Mies Eva Keene. of Dundee, is visit- ing at the home of M-. and Mrs. Clut- ton. Miss Inc Williams spent a few days at London, visiting relatives there this week. S'James Chisholm. jr.. LISA gone to Port McNicoll for the season, to jolts he crew of the steamer Valcarti•r. t last the United Strtee have made no their minds to enter the war. W . A pity they did not do so be- fore, t • stead of waiting till the Allies are wi . , log so many very decisive victories.. The race • t storms have done a good deal of diu$ge. blowing down tele- phone poles d putting some of the phones out o cnmuiiesion, and the snow and hes nits hare made some dangerous h es In the rdltds. Mr. sod Mn. R hard Gliddon, of l.eeburn. have bold - eir farm to Mr. }ferry Freeman, and going to live in Dunlop, having bou heeehe house and Int formerly owned their son, George, who was the last ,lack,m'th in the village. Welcome t• our new neighbors. ANY CHEST -COL -D MAY BRING Bronchitis or Tonsilitis The irritating, tickling cough affects the lung tissue and wears down nature's power to resist disease germs. , - s(offs EMULSION suppresses the cold, allays the in- flammation, steadily removes the irritation and rebuilds the resistive power to prevent lung trouble. SCOTT'S has done rrc-e for bronchial troubles than any other one medicine. It coataias to harmful drags. ac,ol a Dove*. Tarssta oat 1r +o ST. HELENS. tTrliDAY, April Mier Ramsay left fur her home nes Loudon to spend lter vacation. Mies Cu ran end Mis• Pwlmerwill spend their holidays at Ripley.' Mise Chrissie Miller is at ii..nisMtn, the guest of Mie A. 1 M•ss Miwe R the towel, a guest of Ali rr The Todd and Joynt sawmill is at work, with it staff of seven men, N. Durnin se fireman and J, bre McDonald at the new. Eeet-r visit( re include Mr. D. BPI!, of Torout•r, at the manse: Mr. A B.r- hour, td Er;n, at R. J. Wo ate' ; Miss Charlotte Oh'a, of Milverton, at Mr. %V. J. '!'oilers. Mass N. WoodeaNiu May Cameron. Mica M. R'the,ferd, Mio. Colima. ('lark, Miss M-•ry Lime. Miss Ants Stuart end Mr. Jobs Welsh are hihii- davarrg et home. The !ladies who have cb . rge of -the blocks for the a„ togreph quilt will kindly OOP t hat. they aro- Ani -bed for the At ril `net t•ng on the ltkth, also any rocks th+t are re+dy rbould he sent in ae anon ae pos-ible. THE COLBORNE STORE 3)* COLLARS COLLARS COLLARS We have just put into stock the daintiest and most complete line of up-to-the-minute Collars that we have ever had. These Collars are the latest New Vork productions. Watch for them in the windows. Colored Georgette Crepe Collars in a large variety of desigps and in many colors. No two colored Collars alike. When youthey buy onecked of theseover. colored creations you have it to yourself. Don't miss seeing this line ttdire are pi25coto 13.00 each• MUSLINS MUSLINS MUSLINS Every few days we are putting new Muslins into stock and they are the best patterns ever offered by this store. The great feature of these goods is that they come in dress lengths and no one else gets a dress the same as yours. Is this not a great advantage ? We have the newest designs. Watch for them in the windows. ` SILKS SILKS SILKS " Taffeta Silk is very good this season. We are fortunate in 'having .a good stock at the ret time and can give you navy, black, dark green, nigger brown, light blue, grey, reseda ireitn. These Silks come in 36 -inch width, in a very soft taffeta, at 11.50 a yard. We have two qualities of black Silk that are excellent value. These cloths have a duchess finish d are very heavy, 36 inches wide, at 11.50 and $1.75. olored Duchess Silk, 36 inches wide, in all wanted shades, at 11.50 a yard. lk Crepe de Chine and Georgette Crepes, in all wanted shades, 36 inches wide, at 11.50 and 11.6& Now is the time everyone is thinking of Floor Coverings. We have a complete line in all these goods. I,ET US SHOW YOU OUR WINDOW CURTAINS J. H. COLBORNE eta The prospects are that the seasoo will he 'holt and possibly the run may be somewhat scanty, but on account of the large number of trees tapped the *mount of syoip Is likely to be large. Many have bought evaporators and have tapped trove 3011 to 500 twit. James Mustard tapped this ratter number. Hie evaporator has a capa- city of twenty;to twenty-five gallons a day. Prices range around 51.50 a gallon. ANOTHER NAME CIE Otto HONOR ROLL—The sad news came on Suckle), hinron. rod is at Li. -i rear Anstin. NILE. WEDNESDAY. April 11. Mr. Howard McNee is visiting rela- tives, here. ' lir. Veen! Girvin is moving to Dun- gannon thin week. M ss RATIN B•'atty bas gone to her hose at Vyuia, having resigned as t -s h•'r her P. ' Mr. Hes.ry Kerr,is loyally rejoicing over the a, rival of a little •'wldi.-r h..s" St his how. the other day. Friends bete were grieved to learn it( the death of Mr+. Wni. M ty, which rurrrd et tea' home AL SOUL8LP. ie on friar it, day night. e following Collegiate *Matteotti ere P •--Wing the garter vaeatfon at their , WY. his 1 Miser Lilh►n N i Etnms Seidl, David Mae - Di rind nd tense McPhee, of the G. C. 1., '. is. M tie Wetson. from W ingb.m, a1h0 tltmiley River', fr.rw Owen Sottnd. . WESTERN CANADA NEEDS - Thousands of Men Fl1R SPRING SEEDING Steady Employment and Good Wages For tickets' ltd information arpix to J. W. CRAIGIE, Insurance Goderich CANADIAN NORTHERN that another of onr boys, Willie Ma K•y. bed made the rtprrune eacrlfloe In defence of our fele land. He was a run of Mr. Eric McKay. of Tucker - smith. The list of fallen heroes who formerly lived in this vicintty now includes Bruce Logan. William Hocking. Fred Skelton, George Mul. holland and Willie McKay. Fred Weir lived nearer Brumfield. Lieut. Wm. Me(. seen, who was wounded and is now Bowe, lived near Bruce - field also. • GRAND TR 15 rs EM PLAN YOUR SUMMER VACATION NOW---- -- Arrange to visit come of the following points -all bxvuty +lots -r1, 14- 1" llnture. Muskoka Lakes Georgian Bay Temagami Algonquin Park Lake of Bays Kawai tha Lakes Full information and descriptive lit- erature may he secured on appli- cation to C. E, MORNING, D. P. A , • Toreete, Ont f F. F. LAWRENCE & SONS Town Agents Phone.8 Call us up if there is a leak itt your house. We will locate , the trouble and have it put right. '!'hat's part of utfr l)usiutss. lt'e do eavestrougliing, plumbing, tinsmithing, etc., and we do it right. FRED. HUNT •'THE PLUMBER" sam.lton Street Phone 13.t KI PPE.!4. TugitlDAT, April 10. On Good Friday MiewhtEuiily Iviann ai.F-Aso -Ila Grail ,w cam's hose fr Toronto for the Eimer vaostiou. The latter rimy not rr, urn. Mrs. IVillisit Ivisoo has come borne +(ter spending the watt aitIt friends !•iPeterborough. A11 are pleased to sbe tree i iiotne once more. On Sunday R -v. Dr. Aitken held a memorial service for three members of his..congrrgation who have fallen at the fr int. •These are Bruce Logan, Fred Skelton and %Vattern McKay. On (loud Friday evening Rev. Dr. Aitken showed another instalment of hie Palestine stews. The choir and s-nior Sunday school classes sang sev- eral seleetione, and the entertainment was a great snneees. A sad death .occurred lest Prides, when Meta John Pepperjformerly Mira Floes Taylor) died in Hernial' of IMP ii1, leevit.g Ave small chit- IrPn the •youngest les' than two the old. The tuners' boa the home of her father, Mr. Dau Taylor, ,,n Mond..y, Was largely attended. A ntniher went from here on Monday, the 2..d inst., to Neaf..rth to attend the Inneral ret the late Wilhett etetnn, who died -f Infllmttsat.ory rhe,tteaCion. He was t se Pldeet son of Mr. and Mre. Alfred Sutton. wh formerly lived in this vt.atuty In !hanky. The rause of ientb was in- flammatnry rhrunlatiuo .sff etlne the heart. Th. betrayed farrt,ly have Lite sympathy of a large allele of acquaint inc.. and friend.. MArt.N t(YRt,P.—M+king maple syrup is all the 110 among t. rmers. Its Excellence is Within 910 F.O.B.eChat llpm, Completely Equipped Fleur -de -Lys Roadster same price While the smartness and beauty of the outer Gray Dort is in complete keeping with its excellence within, it is the inner Gray Dort that you should know thoroughly. Here, under the surface, is beauty of another sort—the beauty of sturdi- ness and efficiency. All the Gray Dort's component parts are remarkable for their unfailing dependability, simplicity, accessibility. This kind of excellenc?ltas opened the eyes of thousands of motorwise min and women --and made them Gray Dort owners. it makes the Gray Dort a car that the whole family can use and enjoy. With all this quality, with complete equipment, with 'hig- car' refinements and convepiences, the Gray Dort is • a moderate priced car-- —and it is a supremely good car THE GRAY-DORT MOTORS, LiMiTED, Chatham, Ont. T. H. MITCHELL. N. A. TAY' OR. Dialer Goderich Distributor, bIyth