The Signal, 1917-3-15, Page 72
TtfutWIA v. \t cat II 11, 1:117 7
School of Commerce
Winter Term Begins
January 3rd, 1917
YOU have always intended to take a Comtnercial
and Stenographic Codrse some time. Do It
now. A course here puts you in a position
to command a good income whenever and as long as
yon want it Can yon invest your money and time
in any stock, war loan or anything else that will
promise you so great a return i'
Write for full information. DO IT NOW.
B. F. WARD, B. A., M. Accts.
wedding tookplac. on Thursday even -
Ing, March 1st, at 7 o'aloe*, at Clover
Lra P.rrn, the hove of Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Reid. The contracting parties
were Mise Bunn* L Reid. thee eldest
daughter, end Mir. Weyer B. Weldon,
gird c ,nrsreion, Huruu. The bi ids
er .s elven awry by ber fattier. Rev.
A. Walden. nbrOiher of the gloom.
p• rimmed the cel enemy, essietrd by
Rae. C. Rothe' ford, emetnr of Pine
River P.esbytrrean church. The
b• 'de'. gown was white silk crepe de
' el, ne, trimmed with idlest trimming
Iand lace. Mho wore the regulatioo
veil and carried a beautiful bouquet of
white cermet Iona. The wedding march
was played by Mies Mamie McDonald.
Just the iu.wrdiate relatives of the
coetracting parties were present.
After the weddtng supper the evening
was spent In games and music. The
bride and groom left on the early
train for a honeymoon to Toronto and
other points, followed hy the good
wishes cf a bort of friends. The young
couple received sonic beautiful gifts,
among which was a beautiful set of
Community silverware from the Pine
River church choir, o1 which the bride
itwas • member, and a handsome
Wet ber chair from Lbe Olivet olioir, of
which the rootq was • wewber, and 1
uiifurfriined picture time the
Olivet Men's Bible Claes, of which be
was also • member.
to Clinton. .
A unique and eaeellent entertain'
mete was given recently by the Clin,
tot Yqunp l.uiirs; Patriotic Anxil ary
welch rreltzed more than SeIM) for
their (unto. The program included
*short. piny,* minuet, and s minstrel
show—the Irioll' pt! dal kies end end- (
WWI cat the lett. trill replaced by
twenty or thirty dusky maiden., whirl
sang, danced, and *eel ease tied ' in a
Mighty surces.ful (*.bio).
One of theytown's beat -known cite
emote George Hoare, paed away vei y .
unexpectedly 00 Mwwtch H•h, aged C
seventy yea's. He was an intellieet.
and pr•tgres.ive ratan, but preferre
rural life; and took an active 'share i
form and gerdeu work, and was vice-
president of the Huron Stock Assurir
tion. He wen unworried and lived
with his brother, C. Hoare, who, with
ooe other brother and four sisters,
survives him.
Mrs. (Rev.) Flowering and her little
Son have 'eturned to their house in
the Were.
Garfield (hatrander has bought the
Royal hotel property, and will provide
stabling accommodation for thos3
driving to town.
ilitertleisinerTfi foe the -Writ last
week, and- %Villi ins Smith, who spent
the winter in this locality, has re-
turned to Saskatchewan, taking with
him • carload of horses.
Pte. Dan. MacDonald had the wi.-
fort une to -slip 00 the ice -covered side-
walk, and fractured his arm, which
was juet healed from wounds sustained
in France. The new hreek is abad une.
A strong difference of opinion exile.'
Among tbe members of the vileage
council in the matter of appointing a
constable in place of J. Cameron, re-
signed. Two tenders were fore the
council, and a corutuittee was ap-
pointed to investigate the uestion,
and report at a special meeting of the
Corner M.ntreallalr..t and Square
We serve excellent meals
a la Carte daily
Private Luncheon Room
for Ladies and Gentlemen
Our Mello Cleanliness Alsrars
OPEN 9 A. M., TO 1 A. M.
llacEwan Est
Exclusive agents
for Goderich
and District.
Best Coal Mined.
Any quantity best all Maple
Slate, Mixed Wood, Hemlock
and Kindling (Cedar or Pine.)
I TELEPHONES, office gg
tesrdence 312 or Eli
C. Raynard has told big farm near
Etbel to Mr. Hamilton, of Holyrood.
Robert Bloomfield has sold his farm
on the 1st line of Morris to Mrs. Ed-
ward Armstrong, of Wingham.
Mr. and Nee. George, Findlater, who
were visiting ftiends in Morris town-
ship for some week*, have returned
to their home at Broderick. Mask.
The death occurred at Kinistion,
Rask.. on FebruaryMoth of Margaret
Lowery, wife of Willies!) Dunlop, for-
merly of Hullett, in her eizty•ffnt
Owing to, P. J. Bishop
bas sold his fine farm in Grey town-
ship, which bee been in his fatuity
since $5(i, to Robert Cochrane, from
Molesw rtb locality. •
ot;-of Hickson, Ontario,
the well-known proprietor
at one ti
of tbe gen al store at Blake. lost his
storeand entire stock of drygoode,
hardware, shoes, etc., hy ore, last
G. Uhester Armstrong, of Grey
1 township, and Mims Pearl Turkey
were .lutetly married at the bride'.
Bowe in London township nn Feb.u-
ary 28th by Hey. E. ti. Powell, of
On March 4th, Fred Blair, of Dash-
wood, died et the bane ofshie daugh-
ter, Mrs. D. Pfaff, after a rgtby ill-
ness. Mr. Rare was sixty-ei erre of
age, and is survived by three ;dough.
tees end lour Sons.
A pretty wedding took place steals
home of William R. Moses, Morris
township, on February Zlft b, wb
his sister, Rae Margaret, was tins
in marriage to Albert Heyday Brig-
ham, of Hullo' t. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. A. J. Mario, of
Bruesels, in the presence of a number
of relatives and h lends.
Jacob Kreuter, who had been a
resident of Grey townmhip Meer 1b ,
died at bis home at Ethel on March
2nd, at the age, et six y -eight sea..
and eight mootbp. Death followed
ten days after a stroke of parelysl..
Mt e. Kreuter. fen tuerly Miss Mergerel
Huether, four sons and • daughter
are left to memo his loss.
Kincardine Review : A very pretty
eta► First
Nothing ie more Important to the P9te''
Shipper than doing IMetn.s. with ail
Hnaset-Reliable- Responsible -Safe
PLr House.
"Ship to Shubert"
the largest house In the World deaths!
exclusively In American Raw Furs.
her raw w,11 el.sre rere.y. an Accurate
and llbrnl Asserh.ent, the H sAret worb et
Free, end ep..dy. (tea`rtaeoe sr.orrier,
" Lrfae.rnt,
Write for the t.wt .diem. of -Dim
SM.bent S*ttpri' rent ening/ valuable
Verbal informations erre meet h....
1110. =Deet CJ5it5-27 sCHICAGO. U.S.A.
Address • postcard in ns nae
and receive by retyrn mail a
copy of our new indurated So -
page catalogue of Garden,
}'lower and Field Seeds, Root
Seeds, Grainy Bulbs, Small
Fruits, Garden Tools, etc.
SPECIAL—We mill elm
send spit free a packet (oak'
15s) of ear ehoica
Giant Flowering
Owe P'taw(.e C.,a.rla• This carnation is a great fawn.
it.; the Bowers are large and
fragrant and the plants do well outdoors. Transplanted into pots In the
early (a1. they bloom profusely fasts October till the end of May. Extra
plants are easily propolaird (ram them by carvings, "pipings" or layering.
Send fee ear erl.legee and kern sf ear ether relwble polonium* la
Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Limited, "„
After an extended trip to the West,
Arch. Scott has returned to town.
Pte. H. McGee, who went overseas
with the Idiot Hurons, has returned
Miss Mitchell, of Toronto, rebs was
thn gteri" of her sister, Mri, W. E.
M.,athgate, left for ber home laps
Miss Jennie McBride bac returned
from a vault of some months to Bramp-
ton and Hamilton.
H. J. Muldrew, a former well,known
resident of Egmondville, who was in
busine'e in Saskatchewan for some
years, bas come back to Ontario, end\
has accelted a position et Brockville.
Major Harvely L. Wilson, who bas
recovered trnm his wetted* mi eived
on active service, and who is now an
officer of the 121nd Muskoka Battalion,
1s tbe guest, of his cousin, Mis. Walter
0. Willis.
Rev. A. W. Mclutosb, son of George
McIntosh, formerly of McKillop, is
leaving the Presbyterian church in
Saskatoon, of which be has been pas-
tor for eight years, to accept a charge
at Port Arthur.
Jamas Melville passed away et his
home here on February :Pith after an
illness of pose months. For many
years Mr. Melville spent the summers
working on the Government (hedges,
but was a familiar figure bere each
Many friende here heard with re-
gret of the death of William Earl
Preset, which occurred wt bis home at
Toronto on March 4th. Mr. Pripet
was born and educated in Seafortb,
and carried on a- book - and -stationery
business here for some years.
Dr. J A. McTaggart has moved into
the house recently vacated by R. H.
Ed. Mover, of Sankst•'on, made e
abort visit recently at Lim h ed
W. J. Sims.
R. H. Rnb'neon ham pnreh.aed; and
renew occupying. the residence of Mrs.
M. H. Carter.
J. Ball Imo.hitiped three c,rtoadsor
live stack from herr to his home et
Lethbridge, Alta,
Arcjtie Tunney has been appoin • d for the G. T R. and 'h•
('. P. Ii., end will '1.o conches
freight and cartage hu-lora+,
While a Beteg on the hili nn WI -
Item Sandem,n's f,., in Mise Ad+atfelt
.tee bad the misfortune to h've her
se severely injured, when the
Kb collided with a tree.
F'1re broke out. in the tesidenro of
V% illikm Meson un Much 0'h and de-
stroyed 41 flint., •h.. entire household
• Recta, n•, whirl, there wap no
anne. The fire brigade seven der it.
saving the greater part of the build-
John Wilson, one of the pioneers of 1
this district, died on March 1st in his
eigbbeth year.
The McKenzie property now occu-
pied by T. J. M.:Lean as been sold to
H. 11. Smith, of London,
Mr. and Mn.. Simon Dc w and fami•
ly, who had been resident ll of Wing -
ham for some Test•., have t •moved to
a farm near Mitchell.
One of \Vint/banes Most hlgitly es.
teemed ci izen., C. N. Griffin,\ who
had been poetntaster .in to 1011, Died
on March lith in his six' y -ninth peer.
Before receiving the eppointwrent
npo•trnaeter, he wee clerk at the Divl-
eion Court, and conducted an In.ue-
aneo loudness. Hie widow and five
ehidren'envier, twn of M. eons being
on active service with a railroad con-
struction battalion.
W. 11. Counter was called to Rime.*
last week hy the illness and althem sent
death of his sister, Miss Marion Uoun•
Mina Reta Knott, who wee a guest
at the rectory for set eral weeks past,
has returned to her borne at Clarks-
Rev. A. H. Drumm, it former reet.
dent of Clinton, hes resigned the pas.
torate of St. Prete* Presbyterian
eht,'r..h, Rown•anvillie
Alter a brief Aitsrk`ii pneumonia,
ReFwrra .1. roes, w id,.w of the late John
Pinning. died et. hi r home on M arch
11th. Mrs. Pinnies, who leaves two
daughters and one rem to mourn the
• loot. of a loving mot her. was horn in
Clinton and lived herr MI her lite.
The met retire took place et the
manse at RPM forth, on Myrrh 7,b, of
M.,rgaret, only daughter of Mrs. Wil-
, liatn \Vbestley. of town, and Rainey
Armstrong, of Ro•etown, Mesk. Be-
fore leaving for theirS Western home
the young couple *ill Melt among
their many relatives in this vicinity.
The Prerthytery of Hnron met In
Willie chnrrh nn March 2nd, tend
publicly indnrted Rev. J. R Hovg
(ntn the pastorate rat the chnrrh.
After the service a reception we. held.
Mr. Hogg is a graduate of Manitoh»
(;allege, and had several Western
chin -gra before corning to Routhamp
ton in 1910, from which place be come
Mr. end 'Mile
Bert Alexander, of
Bethune;'ltlnsk.,are the guests of Mea.
Alexander's aur.', Mrr. '1'. Houlden.
Fred Ogden, who spent the past Rel,
oral months with relatives in this lo-
cality, has returned to Fillmore, Seek.
The death occurred at London un
February 114, at the home of her son,
of Mrs. Marsh Coleman, formerly of
Mn, Samuel Sanders has sold 'her
house on Huron street to William
Bagshaw, and is new living with her
daughter, Mrs. William Fibber.
On Match 1st Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Beer
celebrated the fiftieth anniversat.y cat
their wedding day. A number of .ela-
tivee and friends gave them a surp ice
party wad presented them with a
puree of gold.
After an Illness extending over sev-
eral 'month., Mrs. Thomas Herron
pawed away on March 7+h, aged hfty-
eight years. Mts. Hart.u's uisitleu
name was Eliza Wood, and the
brothers and three sisters, as well as
ber huibsn-d e 'Berea Tip ber
The funeral of the late Jewett Ache
goo, who died at Victoria hospuel,
Loodon,ot. Marrb 1th, was held herr
the following'ruesday, from the home
of hie rester, Mr. Willi»m Du,sford
Mr. Ache.. n, who was in hip ,,r y -
I hir.l year, wee horn in Exe.. i, 91111
'lead herr p11 hie life mull temeyh.g
to London about Mx year sg, .
Mr. J. J. Tilley, one of. the hest-
known men in educational circler. in
Ontario, died in Exeter on Ma, ch 4'h,
aged seventy-eel/en years. He was
born in Cornwell, England. tai• eras
brought to Cen..dn in ief e.ry by his
parents, who -e. 11.,1 a B,e,tu, vilb.
M rill y w..s.a filth 'c *Ono 1 i.. p. ct-
o f reevenen* y ,ni , 11r n inap.c'••r
of model itch IA1 f r ih•• Pr '1' CI'
f••r twin,. -throe y ar . H.- tar ir.d in
1010 since when h• ha in .de h•• house
with his idles. Mrs Amos, of tnwu,
Mr and Mrs. James G•hnpur left
we. k for their Western home.
Rev. W. H. Ellis, of Shatinavon,
Rask.. is hie pat ente,'Mr. and
Mrs. W. Ellis. e•••• -----"
Mr. and Mrs.. Courtney Gilpin and
dqughte•r, of Viking, Albeit", are vis-
iting friends .n this district, James Moore, of Guelph, WAN.
called home by the serious illness of
hie mother, Mrs. Henry Moore.
W. H. Maunders is here on a blai- trip from Ideho, in connectlnn
with property owned in this vicinity.
Me. and Mrs, R. W . Jewitt and -fam-
ily have returned to Kincaid, Seeyk.,
after spending several months visiting
relatives here.
On March bit at the manse. Rev. A.
J. Maori united in macrlage•Fenny B.
McCallum. youngest daughter of Mr.
end Mrs. James MtCNllum, of this vil-
lage, and Louis Engler. of Grey town-
Rev. D. E. Cemeron, whire died re-
cently at Burford, was for soros yenta
tor in Brussels and'in Welton, be -
fn going to Burford, and bis widow
an children have the sympathy of
man old friend+ heft in their loss. .
(Royer Inc.. lubricates the axles of
the worl . Some people go t !trough
lite with a •Minimum squeak.
Philosophy , ay not prevent a men
frim falling i, `lore, but Inve knocks
tbe oorners off slot of philosophy.
When you start\on an airship rev -
age or a trip to the matrimonial
bureau don't worry ' .01 what n ray
be tbti ou LC,yme,
"law To Get Relief When Head
and Now are Stuffed Up.
Cmint fifty! Your cold in head nr
catarrh disappears. Your clogged nos-
trils wt11 open, the air passages of your
hetaat will elear and ymt can brenthn
freely lo more snuffling, hawking,
mIN»na etiebarge, dryness or headache;
ro stregelirrg for breath at night.
Cees a small bottle of Fly's Cream
'Balm from your druggist and apply a
!little et this fragrant antiseptic cream
In per nostrils. It p.netrateett through
'every sir pasaage of the heed, soothing
rad hrsLng the swollen nr inflamed
tents membrane, giving yeti instant
ef. Ifead relda and catarrh yield
1 e le. Don't stay stuffed -up .nd
....sobs to sate,
Ryq4` (,
.orb+e, tis
For the first time electric light and power;are aysilableH?t oj
anyone—anywhere. t
Heretofore, the benefits of electricity have been-confineda0
those who"Te Ii "L dWA-and cotes, •
Now Delco -Light makes electric current universally available:
Uel. Light n 1 dor l furnishing
thousuds n1 farm -b 'uses with
t,nlbnt. tnnrenio,t • ,le and eco-
nunool light.
1t is furnishing power to ..perste
pumps, washing mach nts, churn.,
cream separatosa--milking
chows, ruuum clean. etc.
A is lighting canny churches,
saes, and pubI, bah..
it is furnishing light aid power to
summer home. ant camps, to
Lhousstwan and yacht., etc.
It is lighting rural -railway -stations
and e,nsteactwn camps.
It is lighting the camps of -United
Stapes tr.,op. on the Mexican.
border and at is hereto -
nes In the
depths of Mammoth Cave,
Ati••gether, ower 15.(IQn Deleo-t-ight
plants are to opereun,n, and I tel. -it -
Light ..Aces arc to hr found In al-
most every part of the world/
ithko.i.iah, . nmplete •kris plana—the enpne and .y
mann, .n - ncompact un.. c Mned e rah • set 1 'va-
cuity I, ,I, rand o drrlullr ,mat„nt 4.9.,,es ler she
Nonny r. ru net Th. pta.1 ,a ,o s.wpl• chdd can
care Ina a ant sn •r..nnno,al that .1 aenaly par. tar
m nm. a 4labor ate. 1t operates oe ether hero -
ease, ea..,I.os or eatural gas.
JN .0
Robert Wilson
Ooderlch, Ontario flerwes L,.aw
Covtxnows Asn Pres
Pow Irmo
ritish Battleship Drill«. _... 4 .
—.,r •Wei i
MR. George McLaren Brown,
European manager of the
Canadian Pacific Railway In
I.ttndon• has forwarded the acctmt-
i tiring pictures, which allow those
.19 tt ho are safe at home a glinipse
hose who are keeping ire safe at
risk of their own Yves. The
.i Illustration portrays musketry
ill aboard a Itrltltth battleship: to
t-.,• Mediterranean Sea, and the gee
u.w shows a number of .lack Tars
wading a trivet (Nick-tlring On.
1'ndoehtwlty tho• grcarc,t force .0-
gagcd In the present conllt(t 1s the
British na)y. Laver alt. the out-
break of ear It has guarded the
motherland and the dominions
jealously as a tigress protects her
ydung. Silently the navy tuovee about
the waters of the deep In search of
enemies that mighthe out on errands
of deetruction. Seldom they appear
in sight, but when they do appear a
few barks from her mouth terrifies
and chases them away.
Tor the deck, It was their field of
And the ocean was their grave.
Thus wrote Thomas Campbell of the
old-time British marines. It la true
that the mean Is to the Rens of
Britain as familiar a ileiff of eetfvtty-
as the land Is to the sone 01 other ea•
tions. lord Byron represented the
thought of the average Britisher
when he wrote:
And I have loved, thee, Ocean! and
my ley -
Of youthful sports wits on thy breast
to be
Borne, like thy bubbles. onward;
from a boy
1 wanton'd with thy breakers•--tbey
to M` •
Were a'dalight; asd 1f the fres'hntng
sea a\
Made th a terror—''was a pleasing
For 1 was as It worm a child of these
And treated to thy b11(ows. for and
And laid my hand Mem thy mane -
as 1 do here.
ant the seas of the Britl.h Rae
On are allte3P dreateral. Thar
ran live, and tight, and Oto am WCII on nal to their winter clothing arse -
land u on the sea. The third per- where In Frames L this sp
tars portrays Brltllr WOW, dress the trianhay _ _ _