The Signal, 1917-3-1, Page 5• ... • rrsab t RiAls161t'i �.,. �It it to v 'a+•."�e° ' 'ems.`.': • `.sarexR''F' 17 Y7'Wi,9 "M:•{ tAia E'ls'e` rale tare ri s. 1 ea. THE SIGNAL t OODERIOR ONTARIO It Y.a 9,1r irrt Tal7atrDiAT, MAae 1, 1917 gy AVING spent the Waiter-gaininga sp ,t's knowledge of STORAGE BATERIES, when we open up in the Spring we will be able to give the same expert service on this work as we have been doing in the past as the leading Ignition, Carbur- ettci and Engine Experts of this district. We will be able to do any repair to arty make of Storage Bat- tery and even build a new one if required In addition to this we will offer service in OXO ACETYLENE W ING, RADIATOR REPAIR WORK and VULCANISING. r. if; 11'11111 If sae do a job it will be done by someone who Beall& knows how. NeiggWaii; EAST STREET GARAGE Ne :to Town Hall cam. a2L* pj� m,. Goderich Owned and Operated by a Practical Man Y „ ARTHUR M. GLOVER LOCAL TOPICS • Still There's More to Follow] The following additional suir.ctip- tiunti to the Y. M. C.IA military fund have been received : Mee. Lech. 112 ; Mts. Clark (Colborne tuwnshirk as; John Sharman. a1 ; T. M. Dtvis. 41 The total received is now $I24.5il. .No Excursion Rates. Owing to the special demands made upon the railways for the transporta- tion of munitions and war materials, it is uoderstood that the usual holiday excursion rales will not he given this year, at least until the time of the Toronto fair. Every effort is to be cede to keep frights moving. .Accident at Herber. Mr. J. M. Proudfnot, superintendent at the Guderich Elevator Co.'s plant. L 3, 'slipped on the icy wharf Monday !morning aid lotting his balance fell i headlong into the ha(bor. between the wharf arid the steamer Franz. His ' right arm was be °ken and his *boulder !dislocated.' Although bpi. Will sulTet- hig considerable pain, he hopes to be lout next week. 'Huron Promotion txaminatio s. • 1'be uniforw' promotion amina- • Mom for the public st•oob of Huron frill he held on Thursday and Friday. ' March JN h and VI)th, 1917. Perm arra provided for junior and senior second and third classes and junior tourtb class. Tea,•,bers must notify theft school ins; etVor at user, stating the number of papers requited for each ;clam taking the examination. Board of Trade Meeting. I The annual meeting of the Bosed of Trade. called for last Monday evening, was adjourned to next Tuesday even- ing, when it will be bell in tbe council MO del Theatr ., r,' GEO. E. KING, Proprletor- Week of March 5th, 'I7 feR M,..:.r+r i+ Monday and Tuesday 447-'4 LUEBIRD PHOTO PLAY 111, 1 ` The Play's the Thing" itiwt The .tory of a Parson who could Fight and 'Preach "The Measure of a Man" intrallticing the two favorite stars J. WARREN KERRIGAN and LOUISE LOVELY Founded on the story by Norman Duncan. - ALSO _ --- "The Girl and the Game" ry Wednesday and Thursday Here he is!---WALLACE REID rvQ` IMr �, and Cleo Ridgely - zyw r.,i ► IN - +,3' "The House of Golden Windows ir,,z t You remember "The Selfish Woman" ,'ftct` t Friday and Saturday BLANCHE SWEET fdk""n4it -IN- ...,,...lot. s*.tax �. uwa�*•rao.",t`' "Public Opinion" ro? Regular Prices. Coming next week---PAULINE FREDERICK in "The Woman in the Case" 4 'i r.• ehdeober at the tows hall. at 8 o'clsek. The animal Moeda' of oSeers will take place, sad a 'general review of the business oonditione of the town will be given In the president's sonnet address. Every boatsmen mat, Io tows should attend and &how his Interest io the affairs of the Board. Sock Shower for the Hurons. The Gummi Brough Obapter, I. 0. D. E.. is pl•noing to bold about the middle of March a "bock 'bowie" for the 181st (Huron) Battalion. Every womao and girl in tows it Invited to help by bringing a pair of socks. The date and It.. place will be announced later. This will give the women of Oodericb 'mother opportunity of showing their regard for the comfort of the boys who have gone trout our county to tight to honor's cause. None Can Compare with boderich. Mr. Arthur M. Glover, who has been away this winter visiting factories ie different parts of the Province, in order to keep la touch with the latest ideas in Ids One of wort, writes The Signel.a follows : "It is Dice to see a home paper when away hour home, and while 1 hese seen town* lou busier than Goderich during this winter 1 have yet to see one that can compare with It for liv- ing in. No other town meow to be so well laid out or kept so clean and tidy." Hydro and 0. W. S. Railway. At the meeting of the Hydroelec- tric Railway Association at Toronto last week Goderlcb was represented by Mayor Munoings, Reeve Nairn and M1•. H. E. Hodgen(, stud the township of Asbfleld by Reeve Stewart.' The local delegates saw Bir Adam Beck and were iuforwed that the report ono the O. W. S Railway would be ready in aholichen days. For the rarys on the O. \t, 8. line an offer of 44) a\ ton was made -considerably tetter than Lite previous offer. Sir Adam prom- ised that. • representative of the Hydro Commission would he sent to address the Fanners Clubs in the neighboring townships to talk up • plan for the supply of electric power to fanners. Come Due to Wealth. Theoung people of the Baptist church held a vety succea.ful literary evening last Monday. A &bete was held, the subject of which was.: "Re- solved, that wore crime is due to wealth than to poverty Miss L. Whiting and Mr. Fred Beavers sup- ported the afflrmettve, and won the argument aginst Mr. Hume Clutton and Mr. John Donaldson. The judg- ment was reached by Messrs. G. Lamb, J. H. Marshall and' A. Laahbrook. HQtheides of the question were _well delisted, each speaker showing a fair gra.p of the subject and also no little talent in presenting his or her case. Among the contentions put,forth was that, though poverty at first sight ap- pears to be the cause of certain crime, yet wealth is back of this se the real cause. It was also pointed out that the lure of wealth was instrumental in deb ming men and leading them iu the way 01 crime. Among other features of the evening were •solo by blies Hol- land and a male eborue. Soldier Should Have Appointment. There is much indignant talk among citizens over the granting to a civilian or toe privilege of issuing automobile license.. a bit of Provincial Govern - wept patronage that, it is claimed, should be giveu to a telururd soldier. .Mr. F. H. Wood is now the official dispenser of automobile licenses, and, needless to say, there is no objection on big account personally, and under mbar circumstauces the appwottueot would be both proper sod popular ; but •( the pteaent time it is very ✓ woung y held that the appointment, which re sold to be w,,rtb perhaps ij'J'Ju in the yetµ•, should go to one of the te- t..rued soldiers in town. Everybody . , or should be, interested in seeing tort the mess who have been at tbe front, and have Dot been able to re- g ular their lordlier occupations, should be given every opportunity of making a comfortable living ; and here war an appointment that Could very well nave been tilled by one of the re- turned war heroes and would have been a considerable help to bits. J udg- ing hotel the cowmsute remit town, the local dispenser of patrunege Made a eetious error of fudgweot in this care. Spring is �.at e: Coming! "ed. a And you should be getting ready for it. We are here to do your tailoring, and can fit you out for spring with glary to of quality, which means up-to-date style; heat -lass mater- ials and expert work- manship. andaee R. 1. Armstrong 1 4'l i;. ft„ a MERCHANT TAJL,OR $..nth Side Square, G„d.•ri••h. lunch w *eed, and afterwards there wascrancing, the program in- cluding several pretty novelty dances which were greeted with entbubiasm. Model Theatre Notes. As announced last week, Mr. King is introducing the Bluebird features at the Model Theatre., and -for Monday and Tuesday evenings each week tbere will be a Bluebird photoplay, which means an attraction chosen on its merino and produced by teal artists. The motto of the Bluebird people is "The Play's the Thing"-wesxging that their productions are cho.en because of their intrinsic merits rather than because of any name attached '0 them as author, actor or producer. Bluebird (*attires stood on their qualities au effective plays. A fortunate choice has been orade err the first of these Bluebird ,troduc- tiotr to be given in Goderich. Any- body who ba. read Norman Dnncan'r story, "1'h. Measure of ,a \leo," will realize ire capabilities for the making of a sarong pbotopley, and this story of "the fighting parson" will be pre- sented at the Model Theatre on Mon- day and Tuesday evenings of next week as . the introductory bluebird play. . Friday and Saturd4y.Marcb ltttb end 17th, are the d•.es for the greet special feature '••rhe Christian,' from Hail Crine's web. -known story. to order to allow as neatly as possible to see tine picture. tn.re will lie a matinee each day. State should bit (....meed early, ar there will doubtless be big bother fur this splendiu alt aac, ion. Lord's Day Alliance. Tbe anuwd Meeting- of the Lnr.l'r Day Alltahce, Goderreb braucb, was held in the lecture r.eau w of Knox cburab 9m Monday eveuiog last, the attendance being small, owing, along with other reasons, to the muWAlet- ency of the notice given. The coneid- er scion tf the annual report wasp de- ferred to a future meeting, owing to Lbe absence trona town OI the officer in cbxr•ge. The meeting decided to elect outrun for the currant year, as follows : President, G, M. Elliott secretary. Rev. Janes Hewllton treasur,r, Jellies A. Campbell : execu- tive committee, who with the ofti •era will co-operate with the local nartor,-- W. T. Fellow, Nor .b sheet M ethodjet church ; C. M. ttoller..on, Viet' ria street : James \I it -bei!, Knox ; He.•,lr Porter, St. George's; James A. Camp- bell, Baptist. After discussing with the reP re.entstite of the Alliance, Rev. R. 11. Stevenson, the work at Inge and tbe cooditione as he finds thew in Goderich. it wen agreed that he should visit this Lown for a Sunday V) be agr •ed on by the local clergy and present the work of the Alliance w at ihoist two churches, with a visit to one of the adjacent country charges. That there has not •been a strict obedience of the law witb refer •ace to Monday selling was made choir, end Mr. • Stevenson stated tbut he Macdougall -barrow. Tbe mai rialto took place in St. Aod- rew's cbutcb, Toronto, on tieturdily ni 'ruing last, at Maty Beatrice Gar - ..w, daughter of the late Mr. Justice G..r, ow and of Mrs. Geri -ow, formerly ut Goderich, to Mr. Alan Kenneth Macdougall. Res. Dr. Thowrs Eakins officiated. rhe service -wise , euth sly choral. Dr. Nor►usn Anderson was et t,.e organ. The bride was given awny by her brother, Mr. E. F. Bar- row. With her charming gown eat ivory crepe de chine aid lace, wiLb tulle veil 14 d orange blursomv, wan worn • peed end aquamarine brooch, the gift ot her wirier. Het corsage 'coquet was of violet•, and she car- ried ad Ivory prayer took. Owing to rexnt beaeavewruts the wedding was a very quirt one, and only iwutediete relatives. wete present after the cere- mony at the wedding breakfast et the borne of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. (Jarrow in Roxbuiough street. Mr. and Mrs. Mac- dougall lett for a snort tr.p, after which they wall reside in '1'ur•ontu. Mr. Charles Ga row, of tows. brother ottbe bide, was present at the wed- ding. Masonic "At Home." Maitland Lodge, No.33, A. Fr. A, it, held an "at home" on Tuesday even- ing last which was one of the most &ucaeyeful and enjoyable of these an- nual affairs ever given by the Lodge. There was a large attendance, the ac- cpommrdatloos of the rooms in the Masonic Temple being taxed to the utroost. in the absence of the W.M.,Mr. R. J. Megace, the chair was taken by Mr. Alex. Saunders. who conducted ibe proceedings in his usual energetle manner. The program included solos by Mrr. Oro. H. King, Mini McClin- ton, Miss 1'rly ot, Memos. 14 Sturdy and G. L Pareooe t recitation. by Sheriff Reynolds and Mr. Fred Weir, end piano dues by Miss Lemon Elliott aud Mr. Geo. H. King. One of Mee. King's selections was Mr. Pritehatd's ..ung "There's a Girl in Ht ron," which with Mr. Parson* leading in the chorus was a deelded bit. The noisiest pre - gram was in charge of Mt'. King, and was carried out roost elfeetivety. • At ib• tooeliseios of this program, w is NCS 1' is Rheumatism of the face - Uric Acid lett in the hkiod by disordered kidneys lodges along the nerve which branches from the eye over 1 he forehead, and across the cheek to the side of the nose. The c- uv is the same as in all R umatism - diwnrdered Kdeers. The cure islike. • wise the seine- Dodd"s Kidney Pills had given warning ro c.rt•lo penman 'bet any further tHfllsg with the law would lead to strict prosecution sod a demand for the enforoemsot of the penalty. OBITUARY. RO8$1Nn8.-Mrs. J. N. Robbin., whose death occurred oo Wednesday of last week et the age of thirty years, was born at Brantford, Ont., • daugh- ter of the late John Young. She Ceme here with her husband, the proprietor of • he Balmoral Cafe, a little over • yew ago,lth cod bad been in poor hea sthe ince death of her little daughter Ont summer, The remaing were taken to Brantford, when ber mother and three sisters are k ing, enJ The Brant- ford Expositor gives the following ac- count scount of the funeral : The fuoeral of the late Mre. Rob- bins., of tiodericb, took place from the residence of her mother, Mrs. Young, 19 Edgerton street, on baturdey titer - 000o to Greenwood cemetery. Rev. J. %V. Gordon, of $t. Andrew's church, conducted the aerelem. The following were the dors, tributes : Pillow, hus- band ; wreath, mother and eister., Mis Robbins add family, Mr. and Mrs. \Vthman, Mr. and Mr.. Hollinrake ; creaceut, Uncle Will: anchor, Mr. and Mrs R.dou, Hamilton ; gates ajar, brehein Bros,. and employees : cross, Ww. Patterson Co., employees of chocolate room ; .prays, employees William Patterson & Mous, Mr, and Mire. 11. Willoughby, Mr. and Mrs. \Vilfuug and daughter., \Ir. and Mrs. Thur. Edgerton, Mr. and Mrs. %V. A. Klckley, Mr. and Mir. W. H. McClure, Mr. and Mrs. Wbitler, M►'. and Mrs. C. A. StedWsn, %Vw. Patterson Ito. ltd. Mr. and \1... Frank Munn, \Ir. and Mrr. Goivun brierson. Mr. and Mn. Denton, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Dewar, Mr. and Mis. Aikrut and Gertrude, Mrs. Cook and Mabel. Mr. and Mis. Frisch, Mr. and Mts. Primer, Cousin Lou, Mrs. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. t outbeck, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hemp - ton. Lady Macabres, Mrs. I'atter'eon and Mis. Chipman, Mei and Mrs. Al- fred Livingston, Mr'. and Mrs. 'John McHutebeoo. ;Ir. and Mn.. Chris. Sutherland. 3111. and Mrs. R. Bettie, Mr. and lire. Gro. Sigwan, Mr. Gro. Miller, Mrs. Chris. Miller, Mr. and Mace. F. Vinall, Mies Maher, Mr. Hallinys, Fenwick, Mra. Rozelle, Fen- wick : Doric Lodge, A. F. and A.M. From Dunnville, Mr. John. A. Scho- field and \les. Schofield, Mrs. Henry D. Fillies, Alex. and Josie. From Goderich, Nr. and \Irt. . \1'. F. Clerk. Mies Anger and Mrs. Nichol. BOND. -Of the Isle Fred 1'. Bond, of Galt, formerly of Gudericb, who died rt Galt on the 171.h of February, The Gall Reporter rely: After a haltering illness attended by much suffering during the part three years, death came on Satordsy night at. N all to Mr. Ft ed C. Bond, for over thirty year. well-known druggist of this city, and one of the best-known wen of Last and vicinity. The late Mi. Bond wee the youngest sou of the late John Bond, druggist, and for twenty yeas rnatiegrr 0f the diepen- k•i yy department of Lyunsn Brothers., in Toronto, and who after d g busi- ness in Aurora and God -rich caftan to Galt. In 'loroiuo, Aurora and G.de- tich be was accompanied by bis son. the late Fred C. Bond, who continued the business in Galt after the de.ease of bib father, and the fact that he heel been bo the businese all his life was accountable for the fact that he knew the business so thoroughly and was considered one of the cl t drug- gist/. of the day. rhrw years ago he became 111 and has lingered. and al- though suffering great pain, visitors at bis home always found hie congenial and cheerful. On Tuesday Iset he autfered a stroke, which rendered him belplevu, and on Saturday niybt he very quietly breathed his last. The late Mr Bond was a member of the Galt bowling club, of which be was preeidont at one Uwe, and he was one of the oldest members .3t the lndelwndent Order of Forester". He was .also r mrinlwr for thirty years of Trinity Anglican church. Of a musical nature, he iden- tified himself in earlier years with everything musical, anti war known in Galt and Ihis vicinity where he took a great part in concerts and local owes. Of a very congenial nature, he gained many friends and was well liked by All with whoa, he came in contact. He was waked to Hinnie Chepmnsu, youngest' daughter of James 4'. Chap- man, of Ingerscll, who sursives hum. with one daughter. Minuet ta. et home. An only son, , Louie, predeceased him f • years ago. One si-tet, Mrs. W.A. Hmmoayy 0f Tontine. Alen *urvivee him. The line's.' took place on Mon- day afternoon et 4 o'clock from his late r•esidetce, Water street sou:h, to '1'rinit y cemetery. A large Icer 01 h iende war" present and many fwsuti- ful Hower. sdoneed the e•.sket And were sent as tokena of regard and syrupatby. The Best Newspaper Value .tri In Western Ontario the tonbon ``r# r ERbvertiser AN Mail Editions SS Per Year :1. Huron Presbytery. Th.. Presbytery of Huron held its Is-gnlu• gnat [ply mes'ting on i'u.•s lay last. at Hens. II. Th.• following neve liren.•nt : Mr. IaingK, Int Aerator, 1►r. Fletcher, \les.rx. Ile D crotid, 'I'.•Iforl. 1berryy, Aitken, .1ohnst.on, \IarFarlane, Mutit.h, Shirrs., Was xis anal 11 '114a,, ministers, aunt Messrs 'iladuuut. 1►ryys- .lute, I'unninghana, \lan.un. \lamely, Al organ, \leLean and McGutvun, elde•t•s. \tr Argo was appant.sl moderator mf Lit' Penhy tory for the ensuing six months. The elders' r ism' 111)1111h" various rongr•gatiotts carie received. The• ti reports of the committee,' of the Presbytery were given : the report on Horne Missions and isiebilISe -vi. by Nr. Sinithi the repent on :Sabbath M,-hools an.1 V. 1'. Societies. by 41r•. Laing: r•p.•rt nn standing (' `tte.•s, by \Ir. MacFar- lane : that an Syetematie H.•nrHrenee, by Mr. Johneton ; that. nn 4 %inference, by Mr. Irving; that. on Stetimties, by Mr. Hamilton. The fnilowing were appointed on the different standing r rte... for the year 1917 :- '.11))11 uterus:am AND .Ia l41..rtkVi('a Messrs Smith, Sharp and \IacF'ar- lailne. \ )0RI1111( MIMMItNM Meagre. Abery, Mel/emit] and Hogg. M.'AMn V P. age IftTIK. M. . using, Aitken and Cerewell, MT KM ITtl• NKNIY.i•t('Y.\.'a Mestere. nhneton, Larkin, Uledman, iliggine, . (man and -Manson. IrrPF.RINtT 'Ynh:N(IC oil, NTI tigMTM Meagre. Te and Mbarp and lire Fletcher. Mann OF cx cad►, a i Our' Baking Servke Covers Cavia Through this Branch, one of over Three Hundred established throughout the Dominion, the Oshsa Bask of Canada Is prepared to give you every service Which a progressive bankcan render, either In connection with your business or your private finances. Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manage%, Y)IKR1iKN('T Mesarm Woods, Hamilton and Ma.• - F awns. •. & 1. al. A\n W. & 0. Messrs. Fletcher, Argo end Corriere. p1NAN1'K ANI( trrAT1M•rrem ' Messrs. Hamilton, bring and Cars- well. Al•IHTOItM • . -. Messix Abery and (Madman. The following were appointed eo11u- lui.xiunerr .to the next General Assembly : 11r. Flet bier, Messrs. Leung 1 :ergo, ministers, and Mrastc. 'Taylor, 1.1 Grand end. Morgan, of Thames it+sad, and M -Nay, of Kgs I- tille, eWetx. 1)r. ilet•he r Was numninat.ed for the uuxleratot•ship of the General Assieu, blt• and Mr. ('arriete fur the uurlrr- aun•ship Synod. the Syni. ' Ih. 1�Irt•her WAN MIM) appointed lepr•sentative 11 the I'ry.bytvy on the .1 seem 11 v'- biwi urea -"mutt l tte-u and Mr. Telford .fur, the $yn.xl's orr•sp.ndi11g r tbw. It. is pl,lsse•d to 1.11,1 inrilitutes during the year iu rIIin -t with the work of Sabbath s010..1/1 and 1`uuug People's S.x'letlex. 'rhe next ttt.y•tiug is 10 be held at Ilensa11 on thi- rob. of May• at Id , ahs k. Coast -reveled oyster., sdld from frolbe oyster fords, at stone's. Phone 240. The slight- est rough should he cured at once. It will 'equity only a few doves of Wiglr's Syrup of White Pine and Tar. Sold in 25c and 50.: bodes. Thata good many, kends weir not cracked Ib,. week was not tht. (sill of some people who neglected to clear their sidewalks of ice. Efuilds up the Farm. E. Hodgetts, Lambeth, Ontario, rays : 1 used 'Homestead Bone Black Fertilizer on part of iyy oat Held. The previous owner of the farm paid mei visit this xontmer. and in walking over the ferns we came to the ,it field. M> friend asked -me why the oat* on a part of the field were of much greater length and quality than the rest. i informed hitt what i bed done, and be said he could, not have believed, if he --bad not aeon it, that Homesteed Fertilizer could give such result.. I can recommend it highly to anyone wishing to boird up their farm and grow big crops." neat. Black - SYR. TAR with COB LIVER 01L COMP. Tastelessi A CERTAIN CURE for Coughs, Colds and All Bronchial - Irritations LARGE BOTTLE 35c Guaranteed Ar L. Caldwell, Phm.B. Prescription Dniggist Flares Na sM Irk North Side Semre 4 GIRLS WANTED 411 the .lac,+ of For oma work toa m.•n "h-• m.ve pone of .r" laving to the front. Young women cam Tender the . ountry teal corvine by prep.,fingi[ to take •porltiour la bank,. and -Murtha., .*p.,-b,l courses et training 1.. gook keeping. %ho. thand and all uthur font me.elai •ubjerts now in prearaa St aid en nod ro tttedany Use. Illu.tfwted catalogue tree. Northern Business College, Ltd. Uw:N ii0U • rt. UNl'. 1'. A. )'I.KMINU, Principal. x fr�rtklf'aa. -.."411111:0remmyrlp iMs �G ... �i>• The Prize Packet in the Mess Kit is 3R1 reg - et r. - r ;P sal a Sy 1.4 6y: • • '1 RIGLE The Flavour Lasts Made,, in Canada .t1� Sealed Tight Kept Right Millions of bars supplied every month to the Army and Navy. Every bar means more power to our forces- at home and abroad. Send some in every letter and parcel to the Front. Small in cost, but big in benefit. 14'2" Delicious -Antiseptic vis Cleanses mouth and teeth. Helps appetite and digestion. Refreshes, soothes and satisfies. WM. WRIGLEY, Jr. CO., Ltd. Wrigley Bldg., Toronto Fl 1;. at 71 LI The Flavour Lasts! LiNommimmilim r= I Ms o; tt ..i`.jl ,t•�y�t,q it v