The Signal, 1917-2-22, Page 7THE SYONAL : GIODERTCH : ONTARIO
Tuutteu&Y, FsuReA'cv 2.1 1t017 1
this or
Actual Retail Value 95 Cents!
This is what 50 cents will buy this week
at every store where PALMOLIVE Products
are sold:
THREE (3) Cakes of Famous PALMOLIVE
Soap, regular price at 15 cents a cake, 45 cents—
ONE (1) Jar of PALMOLIVE Vanishing
Cream or ONE (1) Box of PALMOLIVE Pow-
der, as you prefer, regular price 50 cents—
Actual Joint Retail Value of These Goods,
95 Cents!
We are making this great gift offer to in-
troduce you to PALM OL I V E Vanishing
Cream and Powder, new members of - the
PALMOLIVE family that you will enjoy
Because each embodies the PALMOLIVE
quality that makes the name synonymous
everywhere with toilet goods perfection.
Every dealer whose name is listed below is
ready with an extra big stock of PALMOLIVE
Soap, Vanishing Cream and Powder to act as
our distributing agents.
Go to any one of them, hand out your 50
cents, and state which you want to try first,
PALMOLIVE Vanishing Cream or PALM-
OLIVE Powder.
He will give it to you, together with three'
full-size cakes of PALMOLIVE --the famous
Palm and Olive Oil soap— the most popular
bath and toilet soap, measured by sales, that
this age has ever known,
A. L. Caldwell
J. A. Cantpbell
H. C. Dunlop
E. R. Wigle
= ONT.'
The Story of an Impeller.
l'be Christian unudtan.
or some years a Miss Lottie 7i1Mt-
has been visiting our Canadian
rches and lecturing in them ander
umatanoes which aroused con•id-
le e..picion. Mhe would write.
the Ladies' Aid of *church, and
ke an arrangement to lectors in
church at some time in the future
half the proceeds, the church to
vide for her sutertainseut. Then,
possibly two years afterward. the I
Ladies' Aid would receive news that 1
Mir Tillotson would lecture for them
ve It Mme
{p evening. o • cerL• R
happened that the Aid by`thi• time
did not went her services, and told
her ,o, Mit they were promptly in-
formed that the agreement wbfeh they
bad foolishly signed was a cast -troll
sffalr anti the lecturer was coming.
And she did cotue. And when *be
came the church, of enures, had W do
some sdvertieing. and when the lec-
turer appeared on the platform there
was usually a most mortified ladles'
Aid W witness the perfnrwtauee. And
when the distribution of the proceeds
Dass to be attended to Mies Tillotson
was on hand wl, h an eye for the
peonies which would have done credit
to a Mhyloek. end • somsaod or vitu-
peration whish would haws put to
*berms the provechls.11 The
flotsam, was in praetieally every ease
Ike Ioewl ebnrsh learned a teems in re -
grad to er,g vise strain* IPetttroes
whish it re,reratweed for years. Hut
there asems stimuli's in Marsala,
and Mies Loafs has been en the job
new. we Udell, for eV* ten years.
Het the erad has ernes st last. Rhe
was to haws Isetured is ens of the
M\ieg IW11ha La knot% BM. load,
est week, but when ,be arrived to de-
iver the lecture Immigration Inspec-
tor Reynolds, of Ottawa, was on hand,
'item Tows sae Ikea Wm& pone
Is e7 bad flat I Dari& sea work.
1 rasa slant els Ta1L sad soak
far s saeple sag wee Vol. tial
*mite the lobo ewe teams
sag the* I wet owing bne,.
1•:Mew,s MM 1.4 tats\ Ib •re
[ WI
1.6..•• re tee- 4.
8 s•
t+d r t� sf •w •
es,. sew 1 yessv •r. ..
per, w e test Ow ft.M-
t its re-' erne f•norP 'the sowing of there
rozen oats in put yews has given the
W ell. ern
genes*I impression that
oata will not do well in Ha -tern Can
Ada th- filet veer. Home-grown seed
oats of Rood quality are so scarce this
year that farmers amid,' be specially
warned against ming the feed grades
for seed.
Rastern Canada farmers are advised
to procure local grown nate of the best
quality and clean them W thirty
er W
and he conducted Miss Tillotson before riscol tion, in ..rd P i
Pleaded guilty to the chargey
laid against her, and was sentenced to or .•ntrrtalner withou• authoritative
pity $.i0 and costa or spend three infnt s. ation as to the character of the
months in j ell. She preferred to pay man o woman who seeks its paten n -
the fine, snit then she ass escorted toilL Peewt notices are sometimes
the Nude,. and returned to Uncle Wed, and often wholly unreliable.
dam's domains, where she rightfully OM elle, alias McLean,
einer and con -
And now it transpire, that this mole victed shoplifter, claimed, If we re -
Mies Lottie Tillotson, under the name member •eight, to have been a pee-
of Mary McLean, was, on Rept. 4th. sunal friend of Miss Prances Willard
1913, sentenced to sit months for shop. and to have her endoreation. Let our
lifting. And in the same year. in the pinschers impress upon our people the
city of Hamilton, under the name of itlwtdute neomssity .or asfaguarding
Melba Costello, she was given a sus- nor churches against such most tin-
pend.d senuinee for • similar offence. desirable charsc era. One lesson of
And we recall th •t. some trot, ago this kind should be enough.
someone, purporti• g • W he Mine — married sister in the United
Staten, wrote to • ptrty in Canada FEED OAT GRADES UNFIT FOR
ailing for information es to Mise Til- SEED.
lotion's wh reale-tots, so eh. had not
heard from he for sons. months. We [flour and feel .dealers who offere
presume that ase this tlm-. Mian Til- 1. -est iv mien .•f W••strrn o•a should he
Wenn was twins' hoarded et the ey- wet y careful n warn (seiner porches -
passe of the stats for sir moot he. ere a,lalnat using theist for seed. The
It must he an exceedingly mortify- fr.d grades contain MVO which see
heir thing tor any sbureh is Me..11 f.osen or otherwise unsound and not
that it had snch • woman lectu.{ng ii• nUable for milling empire's.. They
1 11, taoto of
tustertiesMand wo��se would Ili widest gerso give linai�ion. whist) to in serious
the police magistrate, where she cutre. •re N.. church should enter No
which he an Pngs ement with any lecturer
pounds pr. none r or better if . talsitrle.
This fa, n• •I et han 100,001) bushel..
1V - ern '.• .1 0 tea IIHdN a
of No 1 MI is
free f ...It oats are av,.ilahle iu
5Wrag••. It nifty he found n r• rotary
W tusk. a me d. for No. 2 sn Pi wain
conttlining .,1 more then Piet t wild
oat."rtr rhrt pound. This would ►.e
v.ty Much superior to the milling
or feed Kral. s, which are fou with
noti.,uw slid other weed seeds -- Sk,t,i
Branch, O. arra
5 Safety First
„Nottf•t i• e,or.Imppn",r tan t to the Tar
Shipper than dein. M,.I....a with •n -- R.lisht. - R..pon.Ibi. 8.f•
ar Honaa.
"Ship to Shubert"
tha largest bona* la t1.. world 1.atlne•alr 1n Animism Raw T,m
whore res .fn eh. VII r r.1.... Awe...
tied IAb..I tae R.tilsf•rat
and t', nasal •Y•�.e'p,...�,.
Writs t etre lot tst1.. .f -Crag
Maria 1•fraliart� rite mot b..•
val. .4.
A. B. SHUBERT, IneseD. ICA • C84CA a' U.A.A.A