The Signal, 1917-2-1, Page 5RIGHT BEFORE TOUR LIES
we will take your wheel apart
ti xplaiu exactly the work
required to repair It. Know
that we are past masters of our
business, do onr work thorough-
ly and quickly.' Bring us your
wheel today ,and estimate --the
cost will be low, the work satis-
East Street Garage
Owned and Operand lav A. M. GLOVER
• Practical Man. Phone 24a
Advertising Page!
MacEwan Estate
Exclusive agents for
for Goderich
and District. '
Best Coal Mined.
B. Teylor, D. Moody end L. Scrim -
'sour have formed a partnership, and
have bought the lumber yards belong-
ing to Luxl.,u Hill, which they intend
to operate on an extensive male.
1The wiser who ham money to horn
pullbt 1. with. to take ih-hire whim- hisflute.
Have you renewed your suhscrIDtion
and secured one ot The t3tgntcare et
!-ratendare ?---- _.
Any quantity best e11
Slats, Mixed Wood, Hemlock
and Kindling (Ceder or Pine.)
TEL/WHORES, office 9
• f
residence roe or d$ 11
__ .. e•tt'T,
Oataiilb'a.Bat Rosiness College
lents may enter our classes at any
-Commence *your course- flow --
rand 1 qualified for a position by_
midsnmt . During July and August
of last year received calls for
Over 2 puce assistants
uecould not suppy.. Our graduates
are in .lrmawl. Vritr for onr tree
D A. MeteACHi. AN, Preerddpah
odel Theatre
DEO. E. KING, Proprietor
Week of February 5th
Monday and Tuesday
"The Girl and the Game"
Chapter ,?--\The burning train. Helen's rescue of Storm by
'trete acro s trac from telegmI.Dk to
tree top ad seizing hits as ruing train speeds be-
neath. Explosion of f t'e cars dynamite=
thrill ever attempted.
Wednesday and Thursday
The Common Lave,VI
Itiec slx•cial a'l )
Friday and Saturday
"The Dream Girl"
A good attlaction.
Coming Feb. 14 -16 -"UNDER -COVER," the great play bit
oL.New_Voru,-.starring Hazel Dawn and Owen Moore.
Women's footwear was
never so beautiful as
this season and never
have we shown such
variety. There is nothing
ornate about these new
boots. Their beauty lies
in simple, graceful lines
as smart and exclusive
as the footwear for which
some stores ask a great
♦ deal more.
Phone 138
Goderieh, Ontario
Citizens' Social Service League.
The minuet buslneu meeting of the
Citizens' Social Service L.egne will be
held in t he Tentoerance Halton Tbur,.-
dey, February Srh.larginninikat 8 p. M.
Rev. E. G. Powell, ,field'Item etary
for Huron and Perth, wall be present.
All biter -roved in temperance w irk
and 14w enforcement are cordially in-
vited to he present.
At the l' and Le..huen church
11111111110 on Thureday, February let,
Rev. Jas. Hamilton, B. A., totted In
marriage Mime Alice Alheuta M•:Whin-
ney. daughter of Mr. ,lee. McWbin.
ney, Dungannon, end Mr. Francis
Diver, merchant, of Fort William.
Mr. and Mre. (liver left for Toronto
on the honeymoon trip.
Perth Has Juvenile Court.
A Juvenile Court for the city of
Stratford and the county ot Perth has
'teen established, with Mr. Jewett
Torrance, collectnt of customs at
Stra'tnrd end formerly member of
the Legi.lature for 'North Perth, as
judos. A sieei4ar. comet for Harron
county wee advocated in le'ters re-
cently published in The Signal.
Huron War Auxiliary.
-TbrAr. et asiaatal meeting -of the 4tv--i+
fon Cou'ity %Var Auxiliary will be
held at l'lirrtou on Tuesday, Febtuarr
3 h. commencing at 11 o'clock. A re,'
presentative from Toronto of the Sol -
di •n' Aad Commiesion will he present
to address the meeting on the subject
of "Vocatiotal'i'reiuing for Invalided
Soldiers," and the annual election of
nfflce1r will take place. As the matter
of procuring new occupations for the
returning wen. who ere unable to re -
sums their forme positions, is of
great interest rod the utwoet• iwpor-
tanee, it ie desirable thot every muni-
cipality shall be well represented.
G. C. I. Notes.
As already announced, the net pro-
ceeds of the G. C. I. entertainment
held on December'Llet were $75. This
amount will probrody he expended,as
-.welkin : ( dian Red Cross. $'a ;
Y. M. C. A. fund, $111; Secoure Na-
tional, $s.
The remaining $:ti will he used for
eying honks fur the library and
mounted epeeim"ns of bird...
The brat "Lid." of the term will he
'held on Friday erecting of this week.
,;tint: to the difficulty of beating
he gymnasium the L'taary execn-
ive hate decided to postpone the
euti-ennitel "at home" until just be -
ore the Easter vacutioii
i. Rheunwlitun ofthe back.
The cause is Uric Acid
in the bk.od. If the kid-
neys did their work titre
would be no Uric Acid and
no Lumbago. Make the
k llneys do their wont. The
sure, positive and only
cure for Lumbago is
McMillan -Bogie,
A wedding witaiszsoietly celebrated a
he Union and Lseburn mane,, (lode
rich, on %Vednetday, Janueay alai, a
.30 p.m., when Rev. Juniata Hamil'or
. A.. united ,n marriage you.* Flor
epee Rlizebeth, eldest daughter of Mr
and Mts. Wm. Rogie, of Sheppardtoo,
land . is. it i-1 J. McBogie
and Spf
Loyal. Diss Vi - let Bogie ao¢.J[?, '11
Robe- t J. ,ptckjillan acts.( as witoetwp
land t M4 a watt, given swat by ber
h(rotbet•' ,`'iehold -Mosier-1%a jwtir'
wned in white with
g#th tI 1 fM: i '; RMurtOe happy
couptufeft on the 2.30 train for To,.
onto`• a`iipend an extended honeymoon
the bride wore a hlack broadcloth suit
with white bat and Persieh Iamb furs,
the gift of the groom. Menv are the
good wishes that go with them as they
begin their mare iod life.
Farms Changing Hands.
Mr. Thomas Bell has gold bis Hat -
acre farm on the Bayfleld road. Gods -
rich township, to R J. Harmer, who
taker possession Dell tail. The price
was $.;100. Mr. Bell bas bad the place
Mr, Will am Young, Sheppardton,
has *did his fartu to Phomas Bogie
and will retire from active work. Mr.
Bogie gets possession in the spring.
The farmiconteina one hundred acre*,
and the purchase price is reported to
he $0,000.
Mr. P. McLennan was the purchaser
of J.K. Brindlry's term on the 4th con-
cession of Goderieh township, the pur-
chase price being IN 500 for about
eighty scree. Mr. Brindley moves to
the Polley fitful, which he has pur-
chased. Mr. Brindley also purchased
recently the farm on "Poplar How,"
in Colborne township, owned by Mr.
Frank Sallow*.
Recruiting for the Navy.
There was • large attendance at
Victoria Ope,e House last Thursday
night, when Cul. Kelly Evens gave an
i address in the interests of naval re-
etviting. In the absence firm town
utkla or Munnings, the chair was oc-
ciaMed hy Mr. C. A. Reid, chairman of
the local branch of the War Auxi-
liary. The county counell was pres-
eereDt in & body on the platform. Col.
!Keane inside an eloquent plea for
Canadian recognition of the great
work done lay the British navy in the
protection of the' Empire. The call
: for recruit! brought to the front
Lawrence Fraaet and Fred Arnold, two
I young lade who etpres.rd their desire
Lo enlist with the navy. Information
and Wank forms of application may be
obtained at any of the Inca) bank,.
and in each municipality the Reeve is
supposed to orgenize a naval recruit-
ing so that the appeal may
reach the whnle county.
Musical Recital.
A large sod appreciative audience
tilled the lecture roam of Knox ehurcb
last Friday evening, the occasion
being • recital of vocal and piano-
forte music given by the pupil* of Mr.
Theo. E. Nuobmy, organist of the
church, under his dire tion, The pro-
gram consisted of eighteen number*,
which wete given with promptness
and 'demoting variety, and weirs attent-
ivelyreceived and enthusiastically
appauded. 'fbe inatauinental eel-
eetion.. pian.' silos and duets varied
in kind according to the et•.ainmentm
of the performer, but junior and
senior pupils alike exhihitaed at knowl-
edge of tecbmque and • correetnese of
execution that evidenced most care-
ful and *killed training nn the pert of
the instructor, andconaldershle talent
amongst the player.. The vocal num-
ber'., comprl-ing soprano, rnntralto,
tenor and htritnne *Moe. led a
number of floe indent, mntne of which
are &howdy well developed and pleas-
antly familiar, white In other eames
the youthful singers were making
their first ppihlir appearance. On the
whole G.'deri-b i. to he eongrattil 'Led
utr'n pos..,sing so mulch programing
meucsl talent, and also,upon baying
Mr. Sunbury, who bas proved him -
Saturday, January 2716, and
the following week
Stamped Corset Covers, beet
quality Nsinsook, regul.t'ai.•.
tor ago
Pure Linen, large-sizd finest
Towels, re ar 3ac for28c
Hair Ribbon., r guitar 12e, for Mu
or ? yards for 259. Colors=
red, paddy, rose, sky, Cupen.
hagen and white.
Boys' Wool Cape. regular Su- for..
4ao, regular :tic for .... 25o
('rochet Books, all the newest
dc:l"ns, regular 'tic for 20o.
regular 10c for ao
Just a chance for ONE
self so wZil ahle to develop find train
this talent,, give his attention to
thin work. Mile ouch aa this are
highly desiralle '4 r the twofold pur-
pose of interesting 't(te public in the
work being seconophd in musical
circles, and of cultivating the cou-
fldence of the youthful artists and
helping them to acquire a natn(•al and
grateful manner when performlog in
The Death RoIL
Pneltwoni•, which ham been unuau-
stly preealent Ilia winter, carried off
two (ioderich resident., yesterday.
Mr. William -F. Taylor died at the
bore of Mr. John Tiffin, aged sevens y -
seven vear.. . Deceased bad no rela-
tive& in town ; aeon and two daulitt-
tent live at Clevel,sud.
Mrs. Elizabeth Jardine, Widder
street, died yesterday of pneumonia,
in her flit y -seventh year. The funeral
will take place to Colborne cemetery
Saturday afternoon.
The death occurred suddenly at
New Westminster, B. t, . on Ft iday,
January :Alth. of Mary (May) E. Mal-
mo:mon. wife of J. T. Latvia. The dr -
ceased was the only daughter of the
late Sutherlend Meleotnson, of Gode-
rich. Mr. P. A. Malcontsin, harrie'er,
of Kincardine, and Mr. Sydney Mal-
eomaon, of New Westminster, B. C„
are brothers, and the decer.ed is sur-
vived also by adaoghter,about sixteen
years of age.
Mrs. Sinclair received word this
Take tablespoonful of Salta if BMt
harts or Bladder bothers -Drink
Iota of water.
We are a nation of meat eaters and
our blond is filled with uric acid, says a
well-known authority, who warn, us to
he constantly on guard against kidney
The kidneys do their utmost to free
the blond of this irritating aeid, but
become weak from the overwork; they
get sluggish: the eliminative thistles elog
and thus the waste is retained in the
blond to enjoin the entire system.
When your kidneys ache and feel like .
lump' of lead, and you have stingin
pains in the hack or the urine i/ cloudy,
full of sediment, or the bladder is
obliging you to seek relief dunng
the night; when you bare severe head-
iehes, nervone and dlvzy spells, sleeples -
nes, acid stomach or rheumatism in bid
weather, get from your pharmacist sheet
four ounees of Jed Salta; take •
tablespoonful in • glees of water before
breakfast each morning and in • few
days your kidneys will act Ane. This.
flumes rite is made from the said of
grapes and lemon juice, combined with
lithia, and has Teen used for generations
to flueb and stimulate slogged kidneys,
to neutralize the arida in veiny so it is
no longer a sourer of Irritation, thus
ending urinary and bladder disorders.
Jail Salts is inexpensive and cannot
injure; maks • delightful effervesce•t
Mina water drink, .ad nobody as. make
a mistake by taking • little ocesulio tally
to keep the kidneys elan sad •etnv%
week of the death of her brother -no
law, Whitfield as
Dou l, which oc-
curred on 84turdsy at-Pemb.ue. North
Dakota. Besides hie wife who was
Mary Cox, eldeat daughter of the lata
George Cox of Goderich, four daugh-
ters and throens survive him. Mr.
Douglas matsoyears ago, before hie
removal to Dakota, was a resident of
Goderich, being for sows tiute ill the
Inland Revenue office here. and for a
while in the groorry taleinese in part-
neisbip with the late S. A. McGaw.
Hydro • power was off for several
boure today. creattog a good deal of
i nCln V en ience.
(;rand MaxterC.S. Parks,of Toronto,
will visit Huron Lodge, 1. O. O. F., on
Monday evening next, and will confer
tateidiillhItiatrott degree upon twelve can -
Clinton • hocitey tram will he herr on
Friday night for game. The locale
are practising nearly every night, and
as they are now fighting for arcoud
plater -in the League they will slake
every effort to word at win.
-The proceeds of the 'Thain tea."
hold in town lilt fall, ammniting to
if9;t.(r2, have beim forwarded to the
Canadian Krd Crow. to he epplied for
the benefit o1' the three God rich iw .e
who see .IWillett or *-84. so errantly.
-B. Hoots, treasurer.
Pale, Feeble Girls
Weakness Generally Comes on as
Womanhood Approaches.
Girls twee the threshold of woman-
hood often dt(it into a decline it, spite
of all catty' and attrition. How
often one ,ors girls who have Mem
streeg 'wed burly ttecnrne suddenty
weak, depreeeed, irritable and listless.
It is the dawn of womanhood -a rri'eis
in the lite of every gilt -and prompt
measures should be taken to keep the
blood pure and rich with the red tint
of health. 1t the blood is not healthy
At this t:riticgl stage the bony is week-
eoed and grave diem dere follow. Dr.
Williams' Pink Pill, have saved thotts-
sods r young girls from what might
have been .lifelong invalidism or an
early death. They area blood -builder
of unequalled richness, atrepgtltrniog
W. ak berveeand producing* liberal sup-
ply of real, heeltby blood which every
girl needs to suat.aio her strengtb, Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills have proved their
great value over and over again to
young woolens whose health woe fail -
ng. Miss A. Ste,nhtirg, Haileybury
Road. New Jw.krard, Out., says : "1
have much tramon to he grateful to De:
Williams' Pink Pill , Ise they restored
We to health, if, inured, they did not
save my Inc In 1914 1 began to bowl
run down, end the doctor who was
called in sgid that wirer wee it bad case
of anaemia. I lost Hrsh, always felt
tired, and 1 get so net von. 1 could
scarcely hold a cep to take a drink.
My heart would flutter alarmingly.
e doctor did not seem to tie able to
yelp ,run at. all_ and toy f.rraiy---and
friends all thought 1 was in a decline
and could not. recover. 1 was in bed
ter some weeks when An went came to
see me and urged that I try Dr. Wil -
Paws' Pink Pull.. My father got a
supply, and hy the time i had taken
three boxes there was a noticeable
improvement, and from that on 1
steadily progressed toward recovery.
1 contir.urd using the pills 'for some
time longer, and they restored me V'
my old-time health and strength. 1
shall never cease to mania this medi-
cine, and to mar all weak, tun -dawn
girls to give it a Lair trial, tie 1 have
p vel In 017 own case tbeir sprat
trier "
Dr. illisw,' Pink Pills are sold I,y
all deals in medicine, or you eau get
them by m at '311 cents • Mix ..r six
Mikes for I ►,,: rout the pr. %Viiliam t
Medicine bvti., fir keille, Ont.
Ethel NnIM attended the' "'a• boats" to
the Normal School rt rani ford>l.`t Friday
Mr and M.., will(»,,, Sharman on
Tile dal for('alffornia. where they
about thre month..
Mr. H. kJ dolmen. of the local -tatf of the
Sterling Houk,pea been Lran.ferred to Tricula.
•nd Mr. J. H. eagan wagons to the Bayfield
Finds Health In Our Vinol
l'olline' illy, 111-"1 suffered fro.. a
nervous breakdown and terrible head-
aches and was tired all over• totally
worn out and discouraged, but as I had
a large family 1 had to work d.-itpit.' my
suffering. I tow Vino] advertised and
decided to to it, and w ithin two weeks
1 noticed a decided improvement, and
now 1 am a well woman." -Mrs Ari
%%e guarantee Vinol, our non -secret
tcnie, to 'strengthen and build up
weak, run-down„ overworked mothers,
delicate children ind feeble old people.
11. C. Dunlop, druggist, Goderich. Ont
Also at the best druggists in all Ontario
The Mark
of a Man
is to some extent the
clothes he wears. Be
sure your clothes fit
you and bear the
stamp of good taste
and gond workman-
ship. That it the
kind you get from
R.J.. Armstrong
- HURRDAT, FrRRUARY i 1917 5
Is facilitated aqd en-
couraged by the open-
ing of a Joint Savings
•a. Account In the names
of Husband and Wife, Father and Son, Brother and
Sister, or any two or more members of the family.
Either can deposit or withdraw, money at will, and
the Interest accrues to the credit of both.
Ask the Manager for full particulars.
Goderich Branch ----F. WOOLLCOM BE, Manaer.
brunch. Mr %1'. t'. Mateo, from Mmck(o,,, 1, re-' lect.d pre-Wentof the ('hill. Th. pit l
novo on the .tate here.- lett', let Uri' Talmo tool,d.
a a as rt.' ,a
carton, .0 that Mr•K.•dy eons In fora vary
•west Irf[,fkl. oIJWa.gel nij ►a li evee,ug.
21int Maraca and Mr. John Mn.
moraine for Battle (se 1, 'Js t, 'shere ths-
ore,ePtWlFat'crttr-,ted -were.. 111rrer-ai.d re -
4,,L. -
Mr+. Harry Ii. %En.u11. of Toronto, 4114 Mrs
1r1.. K. Nov-ard. of 1.0,50.., K.• 111011. Apush•
tar. of Mr. and Si .. Iks *Id xl.-ar.4r I. alae
ctaftted their strut . 1
Usti. ., , rte• ui nday with
her daughter, Min Helen. who a .tel. Mlle,
1►were;l . Vrenrh *Awl for girl..
Mr. W: -it. Kelly was at (Tinton Weh,eetay
ereub.a 1.4 lhl. week .. lel ,t,. g .the annual
ling dge of the 1 Moen 5' .1h n. rhe guy t o' al.
follow -maul -trate, Mr. :+. J. Andrew.. who waw
A Cor'ectidn,
Mt. J inter (:onriolly. president of
Hie %lt I lllop. F'•t Insura,.e. t.'Om-
piny, w'i-h-a 10 ent•reet » 'nie'ake iu
-mrotomS - _-, t .rn' 1111, t3 the pal -
icy hnhiet a. The report re : sir
N. %Valters. . 'tall for hone killed by
lightnii'g. This . Id his__$13111. .
Tbr'e wnuldel be enough wises la -
go t uulad if every bird was early.
- - t
r ,
:FIE 51111111 WOMA'.
Woman"—at Model Theatre, Wednesday
_ and Thursday next.
relief from
thirst; here's
fresh vigour
for the boys - -
at the Front and
workers at home!
Soothes, refreshes,
and sustains through
weary hoursf sus -
pease and strule.
it helps appetite and di-
gestion too. ` Delicious and
antiseptic — wholesome and
After every meal and ih the long
watch, it cheers thousands every
day. A boon to smokers. Send
some packets or a box to your
f:Oldier lad.
' The Flavour Lasts!
the packet
Wim Wrigley Jr Co., Ltd.
Writers tibia, Toronto