The Signal, 1917-1-25, Page 6TMVR.DAT, JAN. 23, .ill
52nd Annual Statement, 30th November, 1916 have re.ulute°yProt4tu Your Directors
9 eke ••• to counte-
apecufatlon, bug ha
tmued the policy of (
Batik's cheats in tea legl a
infante t
a oredl t account. Ye -edit o a our t, 90th November, m er, 1918 ,
Met protea, tor floe year, atter deducting expenses and management.
iatsrest due depositors, reserving fur interest and exchange
and mak,ng provision for bad and doubtful debts, and for
rebate on bulls under ,jiscount, have amounted to
7r:6/Rt line Mean wyptted• a. foamiest- -
, &attend *"o, 116, 2 •per tent., Bald let March. 1,14.. 1111,10001
Dividend No, 117, 2 per cent.. paid 1st .lune. 1911 100,000 iie
• btvldend No. 114.•2 per cent , paid lot September, 1616 100,000.00
Dividend No. 119. 2 per cent., payable 1st December, 1614 111,001.1'
Bonus of 1 per cent.. payable 1st December, lilt 5000004
Transferred to Contingent Account 150,100 00
Contributions to Officers' Pension Fund 10,110.00
Contribution. to British Sailors' Relief Fund 6.00010
War Tax on Bank Note Circulation to'30th November, 191060,001.11
\Balance of Profits - carriod forward .. 13.100.41.
_Capital stteek .. ..
• of Profit and Lois Acooiritt earrl.d tor-
rnclairopd Dividends 63.493.160.47
Fevidend No. {II, payable 1st Deeember, 1011 0.010.00
Bonus u( 1 per cent.. 100.000.00
\\ payable Lt D,celnber, 111660.000;00
3, N7.1 T3.l6
1/41.i40 42
$ 1.111.111/,66
Noise of the ]tank in Clerulttiea• `. ` '$1.I47.173.tiu
Deposita,,not beat Interest 1 4,12 .642.11
Deposits berried -int st .. """ "" ?9.122,148. St
Balance' -" .... .. 60.144.940.6(•
due to of Banks In C
Balances due to Banka and itankingaCorrespond- 30'936.13
ents elsewhere- than\,in, Canada 1.476.335.12
dreeptances under Letters of Credit - 6,311.077.11
Liabilities not Included In\the foregoing 61?,:81.12
. 116.60
and Silver Cola
1bo. n1°n tloveMtmeat Notes 63,139.49_.:6
.. .. 9, 966, 5.29.00
airtime with the Minister of F'itaittteg the 11.105,022i.t4
1.:Ifttita on Fund . trpoii of the
Deposit a the Central Gold Reserves 700.000.01
Noes of of -r Banks 4..00.000.00
heques on, o er .Banks 937.860.00
lances due . • other Banks In Canada 4.014,138.03
:minces due by to nes and Banking e aeresigOLw_n._ elsewhere _ 411.37'_.6.0
n In Canada
nlon and 'rov clal i . r
kat' value .. ternraent =r u. es not ext ng
Cana • 'an Muc.ielpal ` ttrltles, and Br flab, Foreign and '111,647.04
Colo '•1 Public Recur e■ other than Ca Ian
• ..ilea and other Bonds, Debentures and -.tock, Mit exceed- 14,445.701.011
ins m rest veto. \
Call and • ort (no exceeds f0 day's) Loafl int Ca o
Bonds, benturea and tttoc
Call and 8h n (not exceeding 10 •aye) ` Ln.... `,.._._--\ than 7,616.411,64
sloe seeze-.SE,
in Canada
Other Current,
of interest)
ane and Discounts n Canada (lees rebate
,Other Current Lo ns and Diecounte• else 4!,173,367.11
tea -rebate of y Canada
Liabilities r, curtot re under Lettere of C it as per contra 341, 1T.23t
Aeal Lata_. other th n Batik Premises 612,63!.22
Stertgreges en /teal i7 ate hold be the Sank ,632.24
(,ret'd"r t)ebts, eatlmn . , low. provided for 411.6
Stank 'Premises. at not ore than coat, less .moon written off 1 1 1'142.67
tether Arsets not Include in the foregoing , .414,66
itee 040,3:{,03
OF Tut
1.424, 69 7.11
In accordance ,with the provjal, a of sub-secNons I9 and 20
sr the Bank Act, we report to the •areholders as follows: -
We on N
]lead Officeem o witect 1115. certified t Liana erneSheet
the branches. "tech sat
We have obtained all the inform, tine and explanations that w• hale
required, and are of the opinion that the transactions of the Dank which bavl
eome under our notice have been with' the powers of the Hank.
In addition to our verification at the th November. we have, during the
year, checked the rash -and verified jbe sect • ilea representing the Investments
of the Bank at its chief office and prinelpal arches and found them to be la
agreement with the entries In the books of t Bank relating thereto, •
In tour opinion the Balance Sheet is prop I)' drawn up tor as to exhibit
a true and ..erect stew of the ala{e of the aRa rs of the Bank, ar n
the best of our information and the explanatloto us. and as shown
by the books of the Sauk. p given c rdlni to
2'. HARRY WFSBB. E. 8. READ, C. R. REI.M2,
Au. (tors
- VKli1:B. of the of
Winnipeg, 20th December, 19:6. Chartered .ice, ntants.
.. t
rplendld evidence
We have not yet reached a Point ,hI the .bili with w
*bars It would be *tire to try! to •n, off men handled dot
lOsage what will fuel of uneertelnt
hoppers In the near peril.
y' --•-•r
f Kure. but that need` t atm
taken;; stock of wh . p stand-
from And now t9 Mme to 11 own case.
a hat ease been the eR of .tend- The (general teenager will .10 a you his
da. of the past t"r m analysis of our particularly
tostatement. he well re_
(1 M radian a(woks ytn ears °f drfare-on fpr more p.'articulapy to the andel
41 4k• Uplon Bank In genes and nn aapt,'t. The Inion Rank le ow 1*
lOplong Fant, tf oarticulttt. The its .?ltd year. • Starting in • Mier
eiceta solvency of nom.,ur 1. tho
un. with a small rappel. 11 had a , d
then comae the rap tions-- marl to. travel until Its manage nt
t1 de markable inches/se awoke to the value ofthe
greatposit• •a pleasing feature for development which w.a,,, op n d
ich In the growth or savings se u In the Nortp Penin.
,nts, showing thal the rank and hip upon this opportunity prairies; of_
41 of our people ars alive to the Im- heoearly y whip, he
po-t nee of ■ tea (tart[ is the early esta lis the
are ening. spending lest than h.y U on Nene proceeded to establish it-
ur aka have foliose self th aughout the Wear by fol.
s { policy to-
wards iia clients has reached a posi-
tion of strength and Influence that
wee beyond the dreams of any of us
few years stem.
V d the w1.,
eters* oY\ carrying ample cash re.
% n anti of keeping themselves In
liquidpartition to "mettle them to
M.+'t nue freestbte contingency, and
also to do ?boll' pert In flnencln4 the
war ezpendtturof the (lot•ernment.
Net far they- hovers ken fretted--mttihma
of Brttieh end C adlan loess. and
are prepared, and Ie to take fur-
ther large anmuwte revolted. I4 la
Godetich District L inst.
officers elected spo a few words for
After the would routine the election the good of the o e. and all past
LNetrict L. 0. L. was held in the hall
'rhe SHIM fit -.lino of Oteierich of "Mc*" 10"k 01*". wi 'IA- district roasters present 'were called
lows ; Bro. John McClure. member of
of RIvertoo L. 0. 145, on the lieb I..., 0. 1. 145, wad elected distriet they did in an efficient veal, and re-
ttglOn to give shoit addressees. which
of SOS 1. 0. L., depti y district toaster; opmfilad.
BI,.. John Woods, of L. 0. I. HA It was carrial tinsinimousle that the
chsplam of District Lodge,' K• J/ next annual meeting be held in the
W M. of Ie. 0. I. !K2, "de' Orange Dalt o tiodisrich.
ton Woods, of L. 0. 1. 14Ik fillaboial L. trill be cued to hey. tbe 12th of
agerrioty Bro. John Stara?. or L. O. July celebration in tbe musty town. I
L. 182. tiodetich, (notelet tteatutror one 04 ros hoot looming* fly the,
Bto. elpinul, of I., 0. L. 182. Ooderich District L O. waa then
Goderleh, direntor of eteremonlee ; firm brought to a does by ere brethren
it,. merino', of I.. fJ. 1. 189, lee- singing "God Have the King "
Dow. Rec. Racy.
v oon-
ng the
to ex-
P tit
always had hetorthem the import.have
ante of encouraging
London, England.
Our London Otboe continues to
Mime satisfa.'(ory progress. ti's have
been established thane for five piano
and the gra b..ya g /.crease in our
busineae is due entirely to the *IM
Advisor advice and attention of our
Wood. y Committee, Major_ .1. Leigh
C M.Q., Lieut, -Col, the Hon.
Sidney Peel, and Mr. F. W. Aube.
With the rapid growth of our re.
sources has come the need of improv-
tt.a our [acnitiss for handling the
produce of tips country, and. to this
end. 11 1. grataf;•!ng to your Board of
Directors to be able to announce to-
day that we shall In the near future,
open an agency lo the City of New
York.' Our Foreign Exchange De•
partment ha. increased Its business
In a satisfactory manner during the
Peat yeas. and the contempt/Asti ar-
rangement w111 better enable 05 to
handle- the rapidly increasing busi-
ness between London, the United
States, and Canada.
United States,
Following our London plan
shalt have an Advisory Committ
this bank at New York, and
rappy' to
esent F'yh,Mrr. Cornelius Vinyl
and Mr. Gilbert 43. Thorne have
sented to act 'upon that Committ
Is.,ynneceaaary for me to add an
at the names of these ge
me re well known In Canada
United States, and abroad, an
are indeed fortunate to have w
out a programme for the, t
which carries with it so much p
We are greatly pleased to r
the completion of arrengem
whereby the Bank is assured of
able iotrol re »onsite-'trelr-it p -w0
of Carter. Ledyard & Milburn, c
senors -at -law of the City of
We intend to feature a atatls
department in New York, thro
which all information conte
Cairda can be readily obtained
our friends in the United States,
throuRhe which we expect to be
to quickly furnish such inform*
aa may be desired by our home Irl
in regard to United State, affair
ee for
I am
ee. J
d we war contracts being aummarilf die-
orked continued. Is a question digleult to G
uture answer, but huerbanding rimeurcea
III cold neem to be me only wive poi- Iy
rem. t • to adopt. and 10 long as the war
epOh co Mum there .iat ta_other prudent s.
cob to folbow.
tam The let profits for the year am-
ou0- minted yo ;651,183.17, as against
New 1059.886.01 in 1915. or 13.604.34 less,
being 13.0t per cent, on paid-up cep -
neat stat: a res t with which pre . were
ugh well Rattail having in mind the C
ening h'fK that a tonally ample Toro- 1 N
by vision for an b and doubtful paper I
and had been made !bre elosing our
able books, and t0' th Dank malntainlne
tion very strong cash eearvea theoristt-
end. out the year. Profits have
s. been disposed' of as Nowa; divi-
dend of 1'R, and bonus 1% paid to
s are rip, '$464E10, er Ta.-
a,-note circulation. 361, Brash a
Sailors Relief ir'ttnd, I6, • : Con-
tingent Account. 1160.000. .and the at
let ( uoual eontrtbtrtton Co the Officer.' e
Pension Fund of 110.400, leaving
rets, 193,130.42 to tee caroted on to the no_
ow- Profit and •LOP' Account as a Baal
foeaotl $103,976.75 brought forward from t
year .
With nem rd to setting ad.
s° 1150.000 to a Contingent Account,
eon' this is purely a prrr••uttonary
measure which we deem wise owing
ing to fluctuations taking place from
an- i time to time in the valuation of sp.
ser l•
curates held DePoMts Rank.•
retain the benefit or his Y
r wlsdusn asd
*seer -tenni You will be asked to-
day to eptanove of a resolution in-
orsaaneg the Booed u( Dlreetora of
Mir Bank from 16 to H in order that
Ifo. Hrlfour mry immediately take his
meat on the Board.
Your Directors have decided to ap-
point Mr. Harold B. Shaw, General
Manager. He has been in the Bank's
Mrvtce for twenty-six years. has been
Assistant General Manager tor the
Peat eight year*. and previous (o
that, titled the position of Superin-
tendent of our western business for
eight years. Mr. Shaw Is a welt
trained. cunsertative and able banker,
full of energy, and devoted to the bast
interests of the Bank. Your Directors
have w
ked h*
1 career closely and
are satisfied that he will fill his new ,
of thenhtankwith
may success.
easy intheirfriends
ialnda knowing that the policy of ane III
Batik *111 be uncta*nged, and that
tiha, will carry on the traditions of
the Bank, which may be summed up
as "service and security.."
In present ing the 51nd Annual
Statement of the Bank to the Share -1
holders. there are but few ctangae
in the balance sheet, in your hands
which require explanation, or com-
ment. Owing to the exceptionally
profitable harvest of 1916, the hal-
alive of trade with Great Britain De-
mo grea-ly in favor of (';nada, the
tremendous expenditures of money
In this country, for war purposes; and
the abnormally high price. obtained
tor an aces.. crop tp 1916, assisted
bu economy money hay been ahun-
det and general spade condition.
l'roaperity in ('*nada has been C
-early demonstrated by the ease
w . t which money has been obtained
by the !•ederal Government. tor t
war purchusea, and the steadily In-
creasing bank deposits.
Notwithstanding the fact that lama
anxiety p``evalled than in 1916, the
eame conabevattt•e policy has beim
tuituw•e4 during ISIS, owing. to their
being, as yet, no indication• as to Bt
when the War troy end. What if -
fent the caseation of hostilities may
have on business generally.
ish ( olumbla - Vancouver
Granville and Robson streets,
ootever; Cite Heights. Vane
hinderby, P*Snoe Geortg,, Se
in Province of Manitoba' -CI
ter (Sib, to Crystal ('sty),
and ArKniton streets. Winnipeg
province of leaskalohawan-V
The total number ot beano
tits enema time is 309.
Heights, strongly. When you take Into ac-
Visa- count. Gentlemen, torty-.even of the
purer: beet years of • man's life. devoted in
uanilsh, the roost loyal and faithful manner
earwa- to th• upbultdIng of a burins.s te-
stament stltutton, and 'when advancing yearn
. In bring him to reasoil 'with himself that
origin. it le better to shift the- burden of re-
ties at tPonstblllty on to younger 'shoulders
• an4 en)oy a wag -earned rest after .o
Manyyears of arduous work, we *20.t
conclude that the Mvering of ahs this
2 and which bind men together in business
whose life 1s a .erfous thing. I wish to en -
and dome fully all pt the words of eulogy
ow- which the preceding speakers have
t•olun- used In connection with Mr. BatouVs
stead- long years of service, and his decision
la • to now resign the burden
1 per Man ,noGeneral0 con-
k has Managership of the Bank, sad to ooh_
gratulate the Barre, at the earns how.
den a
that he is to be made a Member of lir
Board of Directors. eo that the vast
fund of information and detail know -
lease bus(nerswilslenotybembort tothe
thee *-
We ave a
female. NM, or as total le ao 1,543.1
duties are greatly Inc reased,
are being cheerfully performed
!ng to so many others having
leered for overseas duties. The
fly lncreaetag oast of living
erg rt
Po ant factor to
sons on salaries and the Bon
endeavored to lessers the bur
much as possible In its ad-
justment of salaries.
periodical ad -
863 members of the staff have en-
listed for overseas active service. Ot
these we regret to announce 40 have
been killed. 21 wounded and 3 are
the sorrowing leaving
34 vesnour1ehearltd-
feat sympathy- b extended.
T1s1. Is the last occasion on which
1 shall have the pleasureof addres,-
Ing you aa General Manager '' of Abe
Bank, as I am relinquishing mune
tire duties on the 31st instant after
nearly forty-seven years of tetfve
settle., the la -t thirteen and a -half
of which I have been General Min.
The Bank has shared to a vary
appreciable extent in the proaperlty-.
of the country during this latter per-
iod, and i am euro the following
n this connection will D. read
with tnueh interest----------_-_--_____
1000 • 10111
apital Stock .$ 2,46,411 1 110,411
Rest Account. 1,1 1111'1 4,411.444
Profits . , 811.400
Dividend . _ 105.000 450.000
Rote of
dend 7% 9%.
Not.. in Ctr-
oulatlon .... 2.300.000 8.800,000
Dbposits . 13.300.000 89.Lo0,000
fences due to
ch*r bank. 8.000 1300.000
io and (3u,'- -
notes 1.:00.000 10,100.000
ot'ernment ('1r-
culation fund 91.004 260,000
epoait 'n Cen-
tral Gold Re-
serves., .. 7881 • 4,700,000
ons and •-..
Re -
Cheques of
other Banks {6, " . 4.964.
(ansa* due by
other Banks r 40,411 760
,ode and
Stocks .. . " •41,411 14,760.otn
all Loans . i ;-31,111,000
urrent Loans 16.ttll4,441 p14,000,0 0
umber of
Shareholders 147 2,436
No of Bran_,
rhes , . --
owing to
Conditions generally throughout
the country are •-r more satisfactory
that' could have been foreseen. The
remark:. me hart est of 191.. s
freights to our railroad., a mar
to our manuta.'turers and mercha
employment to our people, and sh
ed the Empire what Canada is ca
Me of doing towards supplying
for the world. .
Last year, the harvest was not
nhundant but the prices realised w
an high that never in' the htatory
Canada were our farmers, speak
_generally, in such good shape fin
Malty. Every farmer has It n
Within his power to do a real
vice. to the cauls! by bending
energies . towards Increasing his p
'duction of foodstuffs, which orb
urgently needed by the world.
I shall not gin into details of condi-
tions in the various provineea as the
reports of oue.,auperintendent-, will ap-
pear in our •annual book .form. These
edand are
e repo
worth reading.
aadly prepar•
1 must not con.-tude these brief
mark, without an urgent appeal
every one who may hear or read them.
We most win the war. We cannot all
fight but we can all serve the cause In
one way or another. We can produce
.*red we can economize. Remember
that everything we import has to he
paid for- many luxuries are still
itrought in which we could perfect
veli ,1•t wrhout. and each one of the
`•k.•s t.,- hal,.nce of trade again
('a da ,o much the greater. Pro
duct n, whether of foodetutfs or
maniti no. intelligent economy, eft
cleat m agement --these need not
empty phrases -they can and shoul
he put i,11....• ffeet at once, not a mom
` rhe
Total Assets 1!,440,000 1'09.00,000
It la needless to ut1
point out that
such marked suttees could foe ' Iltave
been achieved without the aCit,Jve 11s
toleration and loyal sitjSp6't' of a
gable staff of officers, who haus,
an times, devoted their beet en.
rgies to Airtbering the Interests of
the 1nettWtlon they served- I desire
to take this opportunity of express -
Ing to them, one and alt, my 1ery
great appreciation of their valuable
After seeing the progress of Athe
Bank from 117'1 when its operations
wen very..reatr cued, and It had only
hree branches, to its prdMnt poel-
t •a of one of the important tines -
Ma institutions of the country, 1 am
rtes with mixed feelings of prlde
-and et, preds----at- the enviable
paretic scrupled. by the Bank. and
regret the severance of such long-
standing relations. always made
pleasant a congenial by the ready
easbtance Directors, Executive
and Staff,
I esteem it a great honor to be
invited to Join the Board of Direc-
tors of the Bank, and It will b. a
► ectad eband satisfaction Sders trtoe.
tain my ee*neetion with the Bank In
that capacity. 1 trust. too, that my
intimate knowledge of affairs of the,
netltution may prove of some as-
Wanee in an advisory capacity as
• ret•tor.
e President has been good en_
oug'h\to refer to my services and re-
tl t in very kind and -with Ny reds tion. with the
Prepiden t"Ive-Presidents and Di-
r*etora whom f have been as-
aoetated ha . at all times, been very
pleasant, a their advice most help-
ful. . 1 deelr to erprees my very
1ggrreat.&epee/eat n of and thanks for
the kindly Mann In which Mr. (lalt
has alluded to aft ratlgnatton,
rrou- i The deposits amou t to 199,347.001
so against 172.066.000 In felt, an l p-
preetable Increase of 1612,000. of
which 17.000.000 t Ib on -interest
bearing and 69.600.000 in Interest -
brio deposits.
Reserves. -
The percentage of quick awe
liabilities to the public has In
to 56.4% from 47.629.. last year
*6.27* in 1914, The wisdom Ot opal
talping strong liquid swerves, *1».
am sure. be commendsd.
Although the Drop was not moved
out nearly a, trimly the past season
ly as it was in (216. notes of the Bank
m 10 cirvulatinn wen In ewers about
Mr'11,208,000, boring evidence of great-
er business acti:•ity throughout the
oft country.
ent lost. There axe ter
questione every man in Can
;ohs ehou'd asit,himmeff-what can
do? and what have I done •for
country to -day? \
I have an annou ornent to intik
that, I am sure. you 111 tee sorry t
hear. Mr. Balfour boo ided to re
SOrviee rifia-lilldUllt find fa tat sr, t
his decision to take wett-earne.
retie. He haa filled. in auemasion
everv post in the Bank. •trom that
junior clerk to general manager, apd
totet tilled Mat positton during the
pant thirteen yenrs. which have
without 4:Oration, been the meet pros-
perous in the bertory of the Rank
We all feel that the remarkable pro-
gresn of the' institution to, in no ernalt
(mance(' administration of Atr. Bal-
four. To his remonality elan due
the fine esprit de. corms which per -
reeler. this • intatitution at the preeent
time. The mory of his career shoat('
the item ire ari it shows 'whet pnesi-
tits are before every alga entree -
tine man if he dOP4 httl work
Tis aaoeta of the Tainle hive pcssild
° the century Mirk, being tiet.040,221,
an inerense of $18.377,115. over Itis
✓ *hen they amounted to 190,663.063.
Dominion and Provincial Govern.
moot Securities.
here •incresased $1.416,000, made up ere. 1 to
7 desire to thank -rot
words with which you and • Direct.
are Introduced me to the public.
Ish to asoure yOtl, Sir, also the
ors aiot Shareholder* Of the
that I Mall Resume my new
ould like to add nfiwtrstireon*
set by Mr, Balfour to every
tier of the RtetY, end te eatirette
egret at login him In sti ME 1 I
ropietty at thE en of thiot month ft
ts with the greatest of satisf rtion
thor we have heard that he le 1 join
the Bourd-for we know that we ahrol
selll keep him az a friend and
1 Muth do my utmorn to live up to
the heat traelltions of the Bank, and
to earry on the wise policy or my pre-
tirelv of Caryidan War Loan issues Direct
Ba nk,
Canadian Municipal Securities sod perrities
I eh
tn th
Seselein Foreign and Colonial ' Poly -
110 Securities Other Than Can-
Since the laat statement under--tep- en
view we hay, purchased 214.000,000 mem
of British TriallulTy Bina, which no- our i-
tionnta for the 1-Irge inerenae in ac -
tyro es under the above heading.
Oidl and Sheet Loans, Elsewhere
Than in Canada.
000 than in 1916, and are secured by
Britiati Treasury Bills, In London.
faith ully and with a single eye to
Rename he has been, uniformly, the
The Sharehtaldero should nnt be die- mime coo roue and high-minded gen-
atorilinted that ear terrain's have not tleman. el have a elncere- affec-
IS entirely due to our nound h mkgortune ere we to Mae Men but
maintaining a strong and liquid peal- am glad to Mit that he hal agreed to
flan. Thle. Ire know. 10111' 111001 With join the It., if,' ft Wf. shalt. therefor^
Pot work to flit the phone ef
men h "Ion re !wing to the
ham'. y..• ng semen min render 11.•
take t..1 tons Is bonito arid b noels
ttptsiAl 1', 'Ir.... training tri Rook-
keeetor ',no 'hand and all other Pont.
s eon In pesmass,
Illadeel• all 'Her! nols, time, Illustrated
estaloate tree
tures (by atielannatiritil,
The useetrng was then Ittlf,tilrflOd
which the officers were installed by
treiety Mastee Bro. Oen. Ilan- You can never toll whether a girl
ley, of 14 0. L. ISE. like* to he kismet] or not unless you
After the inetallatios tree o'er, Me let, It frees ber own lips.
Seven brooches shave been opened
during the year, viz: Province of
Province of Suokatchowan -13111Yea.
thee' were not being Operated at a
;cocoa and Weiland striseta.
Province of Queber---et. Catherine
donqutestee. 1a Prole/hoe et Alheirtie-‘
sievon. Persona. 1- Proyinee of Reif.
Six Millions Required for tqt7---The
Share of the Counties in This.
In Many (anterao count ie. this
the comity entincils vein he dis-
cussing thp &ill*. Of the grant o be
roade for 11/17 to the Canadian Petri -
or le Fund.
It will be of much importance to
the Pond if the coorioffiliht should
have full conerionne that the people
will ho il approve of liberal grants.
We here no doubt that the raterwyers
of the Province ore behind the Pond
For 1917, owing to the Inereasing stye
of the Canadian armies, the demends
of the Pond co, Ontario will mouth six
The important change taking place
to -day in the general mensgement
the flank whereby MT. n. H. Petrone
is resigning as Oeneral Manager
after forty-neven year' of service.
and the appointment of Mr. H. 11,
Sheet, who haa eo well served the
Rank for number of years As•
instant 40 flenerat Manager. to toll
Managerehip. haw impressed ma vete
Mr, H. B. Shaw, who 1. now to be
the General Sanger of the Bank, la *
100 well known 10 you all to need any
words of introduction from me. 11•
has been oonneeted with the Bank, in
one position or another. during all of
,his working life, and. her many years,
has been Assistant General Manager.
His well known efficiency said great
ability as a' banker la sufficient war-
rant to us all that the affair* of the
Institution will be in good hands.
The prea.nt business conditions
brought on by the greet war, have
made New Yorksty a great finan-
cial/ centre and boPirder to avail It.
self of its proper hare of the n-
Ptle's tlnaq he t time,
land to Amoeba its *hare aoMI
the financial problem' skieed are
bound to ensue at the close o( the
war, the Union Bank has deem4ld tui
,wise to esta bltah an agency In _teltCw
York City,
The Officers of the Bank, in their
negotiations for suitable connections
there, have been most extraordinarily
fortunate in securing the services of
Masse. Stuyvesant Flab, Carnotite"
Vanderbilt, and Gilbert 0. Thorne, as
Members of an Advisory Comm_.
These gentlemen are so well ka
everywhere on this continent,
seems superfluous Wetly a word ID the
prairie, but 1 cannot perpa by the oppor-
tunity of saying that the nam ag of
these gentlemen, connected with ,.
business, institution or enterprise,
an absolute guarantee of cotes___
tient integrity and efficient manage
mens, and is an endorsement of the
Union Bank itself, not only In New
York Otty, but in the Dominion of
Q.nada as well -a fact in which we, as
Stodthulders. should take great pride.
in summing up thr situation, gentle-
men. I am free to say that the Onion
Hank L going Into New York City
with lt■ agency under the moat ltvor-
a le auspices possible.
On the Nth of August last,.fle pet'_
errors of the l'nlon Hank, accompan-
ied by a few invited Russo,, began a
trip of 13.days of Memo tion of West-
-ern Canada with referene* 10 business
conditions and prospects generally, and
apeolhCally, with reference to its own
bewitches ex -tending throughout the
Province. of Manitoba, Samtatche*an
.and Alberta.
Durno* tate trip we met 1:+1! Drench
ltaaag r*, with whom the L rectors
discussed very freely. 'herr rep pentive
local condition.' cot • rosprctx. The
meeting of these Itranch Managers,
(most -of them young, vigorous. lntell-
Igent mens to some of ie was a r.'v.
elation. We found them. uniformly,
loyal and enthusiastic workpra Ica the
good of the Union Hank. well *dvisert
as to their own local ctond tions. and
what was rett'olred for the betterment
of these condition use` respect* mixed
farming. The paying of greater at-
tention to amok thereriy min-
imizing the risk with 'Mirth a hotlines
or a rornmonlry emnstttn stands in
rs•Rll. by reason of depend g upon one
crop only.
Reports Presented and Officers Elected at
Annual Meeting.
The annual meeting of the Uoderich
Industrial and Agricultural Society
was held on Thursday afternoon, 18th
inst., in the town hall. The usual
routine business was transacted and
an interim report from the treasurer
was read, in his absence, by the sec.
retar -a condensed statement of
which le given below. • •
The fnllowtug were elected officer,
for 1917:
President -0. W. Andrews.
First vice -president -W. T. Mut'.
'Second vice-preeident-Thos. Gun.
Directors --X._. $, Beit, J, 8. Clark,
U. F. Edward,./k, Fi*bet, J. Fowler•
L. Flick, H. Gleet, L. L. Knox, (3. O
Leithwaite, M. E. Lvmburner, W.
1'. Millar, I. tialkeld, John howerbye
G. 0. dturdy, T. R. W*Ui*.
Honorary directors -B. N. Lewis,
M. P., EL McLean, Jar. Connolly, .1.
C. Laithwaite, W. Warnock. W.
Pi oudfnot, M. P. P., Chas Reid. J.
W. Salkeld, C. A Nairn, J. J. Moser.
It was decided to hold the Fall Ex.
hibition in the last week of Idepterrec
bar, the feeling of the townsmen to b*
ascertained mi the question as to a.
two-day or a three-day fair by a cow-
mil ter appointed ,for that purpose.
and to be reported et a meeting of the
new board.
`Mewls. -Lone and Porter were reap.
pointed auditors fur 1017 and were
thanked for their services,
Balance from 1916 16 110 OS
Grants 4 Ct00
(:ate and grand ateod .. 11H1.43-
(1:43Concessions . 105.00
Memberships, etc .............:: 170 26
Fees, ads„ etc 1010.45
Wet weather insurance 910.05)
Memberships retained 8225
cultural develophaent at dttfeeent
;ince of thrift and prosperity In the
purely agricultural district,. among the
birmers. We also found a very matte.
factory condition prevainng in the lar-
ger towns and cities of the Weet with
'regard to commercial affaira, lehleh
seem to have been reduced to deonngs
ataple articles and necessities of
life, rather than the luxuriea. In thee*
lines there was reported a very satin -
factory volume a business. We Moo
found an enormone amount of liquid*.
Ono or Indebtedness. partit-tlerly
amnng the farmers. by reasion Huy
pareptIonally forge ceciiigt of grain. with
rood prices. during the years 1515. and
The trip wee very Interesting to
many of the Directors by reason of
the passing through of so moch new
and hitherto, to them. unknown tee -
Mtge.,. and particularly the Peace
River' rountry, which seemed to open
op on enormous...BMA for aottlemen?
at a Inter data The Peace River
country- is now being invsded by the
a Mr. .1. MeArthur, who has ex-
tended the rafts Of the Edmonton,
vo” ha P•010o Rleer Crowing. and It
ts to he hewed that ne will receive
murales he has dieplayed In this WM.
is only 'proper to state our hearty
aogrreiciatien to Mr. McArthur for tbe
many courteeles metered at Me heeds
during the Pregfena of Bits triP.
Road. C.A.. and C. R. lieges C.A. of
the firm of Wotan, Reed, Helton. Cal-
iingharn & Co.. were re -appointed se
auditor,' of the Rank.
Thal following wore elected Direc-
tors: Sir William Pecs Honorary
President; Mr. John Ota, president;
Mr. R. '1'. Riley and Mr. Deo. Thom-
son. vIce-prealdenta: Meant, W. ft
Mian. G. 11. Balfour, Hume Rinke.
K.C.. M. Bull, MaJor-Oeneral John
0, mc.fyonoch, tr. E. Kematon and WM.
will be spent in this Pmvinee. But
this le more than we raised for HMI, so
it will he necemary that we conte Rolle
even more liberelly then In the most.
The work the Fund ie doing in oaring
for the families of the men at the
front must not be hindered by lack
of money, and we eroull stiggeat to all
toittiotie citizens that they take deer,
opportunity of encouragine the county
councillors to see that the sumo voted
level up to the etandsird of the hes -
paying counties In the Province. Thor*
is perhaps no fairer way of spresding
over all the people their share of 'Iv -
burden of cerrying the Pond then i•
altorried by wunty taxation, and tell
should he too proud to let any other
put 04 tlei Pr31,1110e hear • larger pro-
portion thee we lire blearing, and ripe-
teinly too proud ts lot any other Prov•
help tint Ontario in narhig for its
ewe people.
Ile le a mown rnan who still let a
woman marry hitn for his money and
then show hot that he hasn't a dollar
to ton name.
Guard the Baby Against
To ottani the betty against colds
nothing oan tomtit Bebe.' Own Tableta.
The Tablets Aro a nalid lawative Chet
will keep tbe /ittle ono's stomach and
r.c gn,sed foot that where the stom-
ach and hostels are it. good order
(mkt. will not souk : that the heelth oS
tittle rots roll he good and that he
rein 'brit. and he happy and good.
nattiest,. The Tablets aro sold by
medicine &Relent or by mall at 26 cents
s. hoz frenn the Dr. Williams' Medicine
Broetvilla Ont,
\ Expenditures. 112.14' 2.41
eld crop* 75.00
nd and attractions 442 10
Military drill 88.65
Printing. etc 251.81
Working expense* MICRO
The report of the retiring board of
directors wail se follows :
To the lforobtaa Of tbe tioderich Industrial
nod AnTIOOlt urnt Societe.
tort in presenting their annual nsport
mi t he pi oceedinge of the Society feel
that they oan coogratulete yon Mb
the euecessitil mal•taining of the Pelt .
Exhibition. which in spite of the
conflicting adeereet conditions tirr44:24
out to be. with thdexce lo f
or three drosses, /untidy on a par with
those of previous year*
From tbe unusual conditions which
prevailed in the weather in the spring
and summer. it was antic/hutted [het.
the show t.f fruit, 8.14 lamb?, vege-
tables end flowers would '• j Miry
abort of the average : but th did not
show so great a falling oft air . tor ex -
Not quite scrwroth fruit WS& shown
and in general the rite ems not so
large, but taken ma the whole the
display was not discieditahle to the
district. One very noticrnitle want
grain. With a- fairly Vbeititis prize
list. and the eneouragenient given by
the field crop competition, it was ex-
p/ected that. the display of grain and ,
seeds would be much increased. Only
sixteen entries were reeeiyed and only
one-half exhibited in 1016. This is a
reflection on the producers of the dis-
trict, and it is a condition whirl"
could be retnedied by making a rule
that all throw who are prize -winners
in the ffeld crops competition ithould as
• condition of rectri•ing the wiz-. ex-.
hibit a bag of their produce so that
comparieons could he mad
another set \of judgment@ on the
threshed giain Would be given which
would be, lir should he, of as much in-
terest as the tiold crop conapettion, end
some t eturn would be obtained for the
money expended on this blanch of
their sere k.
In the horses. the entries were
hardly two-thirds of the previotie
year*. Cattie. sheep and pigs were
entered slightly More, but Were shown
less tbe weather being not favontble
fur many.
Classes in liclies' work, donkey/tic
manuf.ictures, floe arty, flowers and
vegetables vrers well filled tip. Pool-. -
try entai rei up to the average of for-
mer yeara. but not all i.hoWit. The .
attractions although not extensive were
satisfaetowy and the attendance ware
It is a regrettable fact. and one
much retnalked, that the exhibits in
the lower part of thegrounds--anirnalle
and fowle--attract -0 little attention
from the mejority of the vie/hors to
the Fair, although the prizes for
theve are by fee the larger port of our -
prize list.The judging of enimitis alone
shotild pregame interest sufficient to
draw a docent Crowd.
An effort should he made, as ting -
opined by the IIirector of Aseocie-
tions. J. Lockie Wiloon, to induce the
owner* of the building, the town of
Ooderich, to give the huildinga a coat
of paint, to brighten up the premises
and preserve the buildings from de -
the deficieney in gate receipts has
heen in some nneesure made good by
the grant from the Depertment of
three hundred dollars insurence; the
full amount which could be given. ,
The Society heti not at present re-
ceived any refund of the amount
promised for billeting ehartres of the
physical drill rotted which were sent
to the Rxhibition by Col. H. B. combs
to boast recruiting. which be. been
&polled for at headquarter., more than
The treasurer's report will give in
detail the various items of expendi-
ture end inrome. .
Theflooiety's tEanks are doe to many
lobo gave doretionit. to the muninipal-
ity of tint-towe of tionerirb and to
tbs. ermine of Huron for grenta, also
to judges and °there for personel &m-
oistener, at the Rithiblitrin
Secretary. Preside*,