The Signal, 1917-1-25, Page 2rfil$ SIGNAL PRINTING cu.. LTD,
'1`Mi— Iia- L—kr published ever, needle
use the oast la The ay1gival Bedding. North
Street. god, Aoh Ontario Telephone No. 34
RMC•HU-rtuN TIMMS.-line Dollar and Fifty
emu. net yeet: tf 'mud ecrlotly in advance One
Dollar will be tweeted ; to +ubeorlbere In the
United Slate„ the rata L, One Dollar and Fifty
('este .tnotly in adveuax Sube,orlbern who
sell to receive Tits nluvAl. regularly by used
Nll,unfer r favor by teoutinUtot the Wibileb-
of the trot at to early •dale at possible. N' ben
thugs of Andrews t. &mired, both old and
in.. new address should to given. Itrmlttaooen
way to made by bank draft. expires mousy
order. post oleos order, or rtodrtared letter.
Yubsrrtpttone luny a AHA:AAA rt any time.
.a DVOJTWINU Trgra-states for di,play and
a.wtrant ad vert %%entente w111 be given on appll-
.suon. Legal and other .Imilu tdvertientente,
an puts per Iina for tlrst lneerttun rod four
-tote per line for teach ubeeyueut (nnortluu.
Mea.ured by a wade or solid ooripueil--twelve
Intent* as itch. Hindus. cud+ of AIX boos
and under, Five I4olbu • per year. Advertlee-
monte of Lied, Found, Strayed. Snurttone
V scant:equations Wanted; Boner for Sale t -
lo Rent. Fanuc for Sale or to Kerr, Articles
for SAW. eta.,,wt. exoeedingelelit line•, Twenty-
five .'ene.each blew, nc tine Dollar fur deli
mouth. Piny tent. for er. belt .. •uuent month.
Larger adverttwmrnt. u, vroporllon.
we'teeeeets te oedraary =ton.,
per Inc.iNo 001 MO than Twenty
live (vents. Any %portal no -lint the ob.lect of
whiehie the perunr.ry benefit of am indh•1d-
eel or aewrlulo'. to be considered au adver-
ti.emrnt and channel at •onttnriy.
To lbMRtuusovu1NTs.-The tau operation of
our .ubw•riber• and reader. i. cordially Invit-
ed towardem.tking THE aluSA1. a weekly nvore
of . 1 I.avtl, ennui and dietHet doing, u cunt
munlcatton will be at tended to m.l•,.s it c»n-
trin. the nAme and- addrese of the writer. nut
oecesrrily for publication, Lit ow an evidence
of go d faith. New- item...beuld reach THK
814.1.11( iodine not later than Werineeday nmu
of seers week.
Northwest Toronto went Tory on
Monday. The Dutch have taken Hol-
Anothel Patriotic Fund campaign
18 in the offing. _Pe prepared to do
Anyway. how Id the Toronto
(ills expect to down • inan named
MacPherson ? it{e fair redeeklui.
r As soon as that diepule over the
Bowe report is settled Canada will he
ready to give its •ttenI ion to the war.
The rights of humanity will not be
secured by speeches delivine i ht the
United States Senate -or anywhere
else, for that matter.
Seven new Senator. have been ap-
pointed, but as (ioderick's nominee,
••Hoh" McLean, is riot it.clnded
list we are not interested fife flet -An-
noullcement. ...�,.
'l heosly thing Ixcking at 'I'assdiij
night's farewell to Rae_. J. H. Fothel-
Ingham wee a speech in ((relic by
That ardent Scot, "Ire" Kidd, Un-
fnr ornately bewas
that evening.
Dr. Milne has been elected \\•Arden
of Huron -whereat the county clerk
may he expected to remark that tbe
Doctor owes lite sir's*• As a O'sblie
representative to the feet that he is
constantly feeling the pulse of the
e. •-
P nt has opened for knottier
ems on, which, may ptfoye to t
bust one fore a general election. For
the first ti a since the election of 1911,
the Cnneer.>etives are now in control
of both Housirs, recent appointments
to the Senatekavit g given the Minis-
terisliste a majont.y in theft chamber,
Mr B owrnan wait one of the men who
organised the left!) Bruce Hattslion
not only hie tine but his
fih{inay in securing proper equipment
fo the soldicre before going overseas.
The feeling here is strong against the
tactic+ of Col. Currie on the political
platform, and his unfair attack on Mr.
B ,*men will do himself and his party
more hams than good.
A staff correspondent of The Tor-
onto World, reporting the.recent con-
vention of Wattern farmer* at Bran-
don, rays :
"In too part of the rountry does the
fire .•f pattiuttru, burn with such a
fierce weld*. Howe of unee!Hab devotion
as in the prairie Nest. 10 Brandon
the other day the tarmacs refused to
adopt a reeoletion against the leor•
rrnmet,t cowwaudeering their wheat.
Individually they thdught that such
couauandrering would be unfair. host
if the (1lovernutent needed the wheat
to gerey no the war that was .11 there
wtw to It; bio swatter wbat price war
paid, or whether any price wee paid at
all. In much therein. unerl9-b spirit
the Western farmers have declared
_' •eel sauy Dt eference 11y. tete Uri' 'eh
Government in favor of colonial wheat
if thrroby the laboring pe..ple of Eng.
band have to pay a fat tieing cute for
the bread 1 hey nerd."
Thr U, 'Ilia Packet declares that the
Libel al leaders err responsible for the
"scandal" of a contested election in
West Siu,coe at iamb a time s1 tine.
\1'e do not follow The Packet in this
statement. While there are strong
reerou!_e gine the. plunging_ of We
country into the turmoil'0'C" it genet al .
election while the war is still unde-
cided, such reasons do not hold against
the contesting o( bye -elections. Unless
we art{ to have something approaching
a diet,torship, the people should have
none opportunity of directing public
policy, And bye -election campaigns
Afford such opportunity. In Great
B, itain bye -elections have leen con-
tested right along+ nd we We never
beard any complaint about. it. It may
be that in • contest like that,io•West
bIIHCO. more heat than light was gen-
erated, but at any rate this was not the
fault of the Liberal candidate, and it
would be going A little oto far to say
that the Liberals should not bring un
contests .because the Conservative
campaigners do not tehave them-
selves. The vacant siege lacus Hasse
of Commons should have teen fttkd
brfere the present session commenced.
and if this bed been done Premier
Borden would be able to present a
stronger CAW. for s further extension
of the life of Parliament.
A8'4,8 NW
Does Patriotism Pay ?
I'ure•,t Free Preen
Twenty two member," of the (7 toe
dian Parliament have crossed the At -
lento:: to unit om,melitisrel Conserve-
ob•erv -fver and three Litetsle. l'be three
Liberals are on active service D,.
Beland, of Beaute, has been a prisoner
of war in Germany for almost two
years. Major ( Dr.1 Astley, of Hutu -
tepid t, Sask., is doing good work in the
Army Medical Corps. Private VarrniI.
of (Jape Breton, wee so anxTou. to get
into the trencher that be spurned com-
missions and went u* a cotton et sol-
dier. Of the nineteen Conservative
P,'■ two have wren actual fighting.
Hart y Baker, of Krouse,- was
killed in action. Colonel Jobn Corrie,
of Siwcoe, war gassed at Ypres and is
now on leave. Ma1o • )
Major 11 1. Stewart,
ofu r lit p
L 1, n t g, N. 8., is an incluse buns
member of the A. my Medical Corp.,
The remaining sixteen Conservative
M. P,'s in uniform are on hill pay, but
without command'. As nlentters of
Perliawent and member,' of the Ex-
peditionary Force -with the force in
rbryaoce-tbese gentlemen are en-
titled to three pay envelopes. the re--
sion indemnit y of $2,5110 and their ac -
tire *ervlce pay, which is chnaidesably
better, and the separation Allowance.)
They sling their beloved country
th,se Lodes in the same place. 1t is
not on re-ord that any of them have
refuted to take any one of their three
blessings. Every last man of thorn
will be found in company with the last
duller that is coming w them.
Having German Names.
The Weekly scan.
A hundred years or more ago, a
cnnsidrrahie immigration crowd the
Niagara River, settling the adjacent
townships and advancing s. far around
the lake as North York and Markhaut.
Many of these settlers were Penueyl-
van1a Dutch, as they wrote celled, and
descendants of ,efugtes nom Holland
and the German States snd Switzer-
land, who had come out about l680 on
the invitation of 11 Miami Penn, to aid
in the foundation of "A Christian state
on Quaker model." Nome years later,
a settlement from the same source was
made in the county of Waterloo, off
rhooU of which later settled at Zurich,
in South Huron, and in Nos th Perth.
In Bruce, Grey, Huron, Waterloo,
Middlesex and Oxford are thousands
of so-called Germans, whose import-
ance has Increased by reason of the
large immigration to the %Vest of the
fanners of British origin. PuIlticnlly
they control many constituencies.
Smith Huron, for example, which was
long a Grit hive of Scotch. now .ends
ode of these Germans to the Legis-
lature and another to Parliament,
both Conservatives. There bas kern
for years • small immigration t from
Germany, mostly to the factories of
Waterloo county. Apart from tbe•e,
it is inconceivable that the so -celled
Germans, who are generally by re-
Iixious conviction opposed to war,
.whose anrem or. In many caries eon -
beamed with the authorities of the
tittle for recognition of their moralities,
are' now unfriendly to tee Rritish
Reuse. It would he tenet unfortunate
were politica& viulence to drive •11
those who are not of Rruise origin in
to Dot politiasl camp.
The West Simooe fight wat-i-hum-
ger, and down in Dorche'teraonnty,
Q„ c, they are having • bye-efeet ion
campaign that reminds one of the
rough -end -tumble contests of the good
old days in this county. \Vhet's in the
Air ? In it the influence M the war
that recedes the combativeness of the
At Woodstock eleven different con-
cerns were engaged in the milk -dis-
tributing business. Ten of three have
been consolidated in one organization,
the number of delivery riga bas been
cut in half, other economies hare been
effected, and consumers are being .ap-
plied with milk At a price one cent a
quart lower than before. The question
tie, how long will the reduced price to
consumers continue, when the hive -
nese is in the hands of only Qoe or two
concerns ? Monopolies usually tend
'-to higher prices.
Goderich 'aye it bee, now, to pay
to muep for electric power. Yet it
vo against s scheme which would
redur the cost to the consumer, by
eilowing•'that municipalities to deitelop
their nwn gwsr.-8esforth News,
1f The NeM's will explain how the
voting on the intention subtnitted at
New Yeat's will 'affect the price of
power, The Signal w ile glad to pant
the explanation on to the people of
(ioderioh. Up here, after dnnsider•ble
investigation, nothing could be dis-
covered to ntbststitiate the claim
which The News repeats, Let nsitave
dotes light os thsashjeet, brother. •�
This is what The Ripley Raprses,
published in Blues cmalty, says of
Uol. J. A. Currii s attack on Mr. C. M.
Bowman :
In the Aye -election In %Vo.t Aimene
(Jot Currie rolled Cbai lie Bowman,
minder fn► Nabob Hruee in the Lexie-
let tore, • German symp st his -r, b.c•uM
his father was' horn In Pwitserland, if
Dol. Coal. was to name irno Bruce
oonnte and repeat what he 'mated 1n
Wray Bi,eres, he would M hooted oft
the Platform. The.. is no man In
Basle' moiety morel reit. ne Inset to the
�ritfkb Arg than Chdrlie Bowman.
For nearly a week altar marriage w
man will eat things he doesn't like
just because she arnked theta.
One trouble with fete le that it
band* ire mewed beef and cabbage
when we expect pis and los cream.
Three Thousand Dollars to Be Ad-
vanced tO Goderich Manufacturing
Co. of Money Kept Back from
Loan -Question of Selling West
Shore Rai'way Material -A Brief
Sitting of Council.
-The session of the Mery eoneeil lata
Friday evening etla $ brief one;
adjournment being made at 3.40. All
the members were present except Dr
The report of Street Inspector Pos-
tleithwaite for the month of December
showed that be had been a very bury
man. hav,ug attended to A Doge
amount of work which wee repo ted
in some detail
()oifretor ()ampbetl reinserted that be
-fad collected during 1914' 870,888.88 of
taxes, au increase of $,ll,tr.'1.4.4Q4 over
the coil,cliims in 1915. Referred to
(Snance cora,llli tee.
The annual request for a grant to
the National Sainte' elm Associatioe
was referred to the finance committee.
Mr, %V. F. Saunders wrote complain-
ing of a post at the southesut corner
of Nelson and Church streeta with
which his moEor car had collided. Hr
raked that the poet he removed and
suggested that the town should be-
come reeponeihle for the amount of
the damages to his ear. Keret red W
the public i works committee.
The tressuirr of the (inn tai.
e b Pat-
riotic Fund called attention to the fact
that there was still due to the Fund
from the town the sure of $
the balance of $5,01lO ►uhsctibcd in
October, 1915- - -
When the town council vote( this
contribution in 1013 it was stipulated
that the payments were to be in twelve
monthly instalment.} dating from the
sale of the bonds. The bossdr were
sold in April last and payments have
been made regularly esnh month.
fteeve Nadi n- gave notice that --be
would move 't the next regular meet-
ing of the council to rescind the mo-
n alio this • i
t llatitn as to
monthly payments. Thio will enable
the council to pay op the ballfnce in
one sum, if it sees Ht to dorm.
The finance cornnlittee recommended
the payment of a large number of ac-
count., and the grant If $10 to the
Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto.
A further recommendation was as
follows •
"In the matter of the rrquert from
Metiers'. Proudfoot, Killoren K Woke
on behalf of the Goderich Manufactur-
ing Co., Ltd., for payment over to the
C pany of the $o,IXX) whicb is being
retained by the town until the 'Com-
pany has constructed a dry -kiln, your
committee find that the dry -kiln has
not been constructed, butour com-
mittee hoe been handed a list of ar-
ticles which have herr) Added Ln the
plant since tbe inventory was made by
the town -lee valuation of thew new
at ticles bring 'shown se about $Xf,500
and your commmittee recommend
That $3.000 be advanced to the gode-
tick M..nufectuiing Cu„ Limited, out
of the $3,01i0 twin[; retained, and teal
the matter he left with the chiirwen
of this committee and the solicitor to
make the neceseaty arrangements' to
pry over this $3,000. Your committee
have bed a._Ieater. from our &elicitor,
dated January 19th. on the matter,
.latlltg that there would be no legal
difficulty incurred by paying this pot -
Linn of coney as recownrended
Tie report was ad 'pied without die-
The public wo ks committee re-
ported that permission bad been
granted the Bell Tel. phone CO. to
place three poles and wipes nn Trafat
gar street, west from ('niubrta road.
In the matter of the public works em-
ployees' the committee reported that
John Johnston had been laid off. Acid
Unit, Alert. Clark had been allowed two
weeks' pay while sick and hen mho
o held . R anti, r. quirrd. The re-
port was adopted.
Reeve Faint started that
people had been 1..^king over the Doty
plant and a few other* were expected
bon no far there was no definite offer
for the plant. • •
The wetter of the insurance on _the
Doty plant, whicb bee been kept in
force by J. W. Craisie witb.,uit any
definite understanding, was ref -,red
to the spreis! tdmmit'ee on the Doty
and Wheel Rige planta.
On motion of Reeve Nairn, recnndrd
by Councillor Wallis, Mi. \\'illi .tai
Campbell was rdap i
' ioted P•eseor
and collector at a salary of $7110. he
q iestinu of payment for his bond to he
re ported on by the finance committer.
Councillor Wilson raid he "did not
want to throw any stones at Mr.
Campbell," hot 1:e 'bought it should
he understood that the sown -meta
should he completed this year within
the eta,ntory tome.
°num-illor Mower said he quite agreed
wish *bar Uouncilldr Wilson ball 14111.
The motion to reappoint Mr. Camp-
bell waw can ied unanimously end the
bylaw coefirwing the appointment
we. read three times and passed.
Councillor Curt brought up the
question of the riling of tbe rails of
the O. W 8. Railway. Owing to the
delay csueed by the necessity of con-
sulting the other municipalities, she
opportunity of disposing of the reds
had heen missed, and he considered
thet -*the: 'cnencit abound through a
committer keep in touch with the
7other municipalities, en that, should
then opportunity come again. •
u n as art d
PD y wg
age could be taken of it to make •
good hap gain.
Worship the Mayor remarked
that it was intended to have a weeL-
ing of the repr•eeentativee of the
municipalities, but they were appar-
ently waiting for the report ot the
Hydro engineerb, which was expected
The council then adjourned.
the Pigheaded English.
(A German pastor on the battle of the
Homme. )
Many wounded men are coming
hack to odr church from the dreadftol
western front. They have kern right-
ing the lino' ant English. and they flnd
that so ignorant are the English of
warfare ybwt the Rng)iah soldiers on
the ynrnfne refuse to surrender. not
knowing that they are really beaten,
with the result that terrible losses are
inflicted on our heave troops.
Rapid Growth in
Assets of Union
Increase of Eighteen and a Half Muttons
Or 20 per Cent., in One Year Bongs
Them to a Total of Over roq Millions
-Bank in a Very Strong Liquid
Poutiop--Rendering Much Assist
" ante to the Financing of Imoertal
War Orders in the Domtnioo.
Although enlarged deposit accounts
stud note cilculalloo have been a lea -
tine of many annual tack etatrmrots
recently published. there have been no
increaser recorded on a reale propor-
tionate to that shown by the Union
Hunk of Caosd& in its remarkable
balance -.beet fur the year ending No-
vember 30, 1910, lately made public.
Thio powerful Bank,which unites wi b
headquarter* in Winnipeg and a very
strong connection throughout the
Wert an old•ertahliebrt and very pro-
ductive branch system in Harlem
Caoada, ba. reaped a full harvest from
the renewed pio.pesity of both
Its ctrl asses. which a year ago
amounted to $90,0f1&UIs& and in 1914 to
$81,581,8.10, have now risen to the tre-
mendous total ot $1119,0(Q•�4, an he
cs eoer of *lout 20 me. Dent. for the
year 1916 and of 3a (.1-r cent. in two
youse, Its •non•intereet-[caring de-
porits have incsrased in the year by
more Lhon eight millions, and its lb-
trtert•braring deplete by nine and
a -half millions, its
cod note
circulation 'hews an advance of well
over A Million dullatr.
This very remarkable vol of
business is not for the moment pro-
ductive of any exceptional profits, ow-
ing to the green. 1conditions surround-
ing the bankh g businees. Pr fit. 10r
lir year were about the nano. es Inst
year ($051,184 against $1159,01iQti, and
we -ie subject 1e the came deduction of
$150,000 for eootiuge..t saecount. They
Were sufficient for the payment of the
regular dividends and honor totalling
b per cent. on the stock, which biter
been maintained throughout the war.
sou( for the payment of the war tax
of 111110n
s d • donation n f>b".111X1 to
the British Meliora' Relief Fund, Along
witht'the regular payment of $111,011111 to
Pension Fund. Kver since the war
began this Bank has, out of its annual
profit., met all r.quiremeut+ for De-
pirelation and contingent account.,
kept up ins Pension Fund subscription
and many large donations. paid its
dividenda and bonuses, and bar today
a larger profit balance than at the end
of 1913. This very creditable showing,
with its present enlarged business,
suggests that as soon as conditions re-
turn to normal President Celt and
General Manger 0. H. Balfour will be
able to exhibit proflta considerably in
excess of even the palmy day before
Current loans are practically un-
changed, and are not likely to expand
while husinetis house. continue their
present policy of paying off hank in+,
det,tedness and refraining from\ Targe
commitments. The Hank's new funds
Principal repsyah'e 1st October, 1919.
Interne payable half -yearly, let April and 1st October by
rheque (free of a"change at any chartered Bank in Canada) at
the rate of five per one per annum from the date of pus. base.
Holders of this stork will have lb. privilege of nrcrrndering
at par and &emoted interne, as the equivalent of cash, in pay-
ment el any allotment made under any future war loan inane on
caned• other than an issue of Treasury Billie or other tike abut
date aeeurit.v.
Proceed• of this stork are for war purposes only.
A caeeiaaion of one-quarter of one per cent w1l be allowed
es simegaised bond and .In -k bookers on allotments made is
respect sf 'mobs -snow far thio ,Leek whir/ bear their .tamp.
isr application forma apply to the Deputy Minister el
](brie*, (Straws.
OCTOiaa Ths. Yla.
• -4 -_ •
: aleofFvrs!:
:�UR January Sale of Furs and •
•O Fur Coats Is a splendid op- •
: portunity to secure. best. styles. , ••._
• and values while stock is so large. •
• Men's black China Dog Coats, made of select skirts, 0 -
• collar of Bocharan lamb, wool cuffs in sleeves, _• •
•farmers' satin lined and quilted, sizes 40 to 46. . • , '
• Special at each $25.00
• Black Bulgarian Lamb Coats of selected 'skins, a 0 ,
•t coat for warmth and wear, sizes 42 to 46, at
• each _ $132.00
• Ladies Muskrat Coats /of dark wellmatcllled . skins,.
• with Skinners guarante`o satin'1 iI -itrrt •
• ' and tery handsome, sizes 36 to 44, at each • •
• N .. 1.... $50 and $60 •
• Black Wolf Muffs, large pillow style, with head and •
• tails, beautifully !fined, at each $6.00 •
• Black Wolf Scarfs and Boas in a variety of shapes •
• and styles, uced to each ..$5.00 and $6.50 •
•\ �\ •
Large size white or grey woc4 Blankets, beau- Ai
tiful pure stock, size x 80 inches double, L
at Per pair $0.50
: Blanket4 ;
•Whte Cottons ' . :
• Ira Lonsdale Cambric, 500 y On sak. •
• ---- ular 22c, at per yard ....... r . #21':'C •
• 1 r •
• r♦
: W. ACHESON & SO1�`
-- so.'---aassare.r.aprg --
are therefore chiefly invested in cash
and sernritlec, cit which the Rank
holds fifty --ix and a-hnlf millions
•� mat
.f about
lid million. hundred mill n •1'lirU1 inn Bank's
',contribution Lc the financing of the
Brit ieh munition Mosinee. in Canada is
.hown in the i .111
Municipal fl terrine. teed B iti•l
Foreign and 0J.0.4401 neeneitiee ether
than f ansulirn," which r.w,idna $14.-1
445,700 as SS .ins 1 .•.,tg $:113,1190 is year 1
ego, the dif erenee (wing unlrtstnnd
to consist of Britisb Trrd•u, y recur
fort nn the 'sorb and the, other on the
running hoard of his Ford. A smelt
NI passing called out : "Hey, mister.
where a your other roller skate?"
due., my dad t have
been w pretty had boy.'
Tommy-••Wbat maker. you think
that?" --
Willie- 'Hrrau*s he knows -racily
what questions to ask nir et ben he
wants to know what I have barn do -
A commercial•man 011.041 with one .ing"- Puck.
TRAPPERS 6cet`_ Money"
qtr- rases*. reals. rarvat, whits weasel. Mak melee,
SHIP TOI7 PITHS DIRECT is "SHCHpRT--Ike 51awe'.�er•.
homer Me Medd wags/ exer/Net= /
ly la Net= RAW=
a reuabw--evapun.ulee-erje Fur House 'rah ao unblennsbr, rep-
utation existing for more than a third of a century.- a'nnr ems
Cewfel record ofeending Pur Shippers prnmp..SATISPACT'•RY
AND PROFITABLE returns Write for tb.In1 tlleteeer
the eels reliable. accurate 'Market report and pre-eh/it pu bbshed.
Write for lit -MOM -W• PUPS
A. B. SHUBERT4 Inc. Dept( -27 "L HlAcwscoTIN tau s
School of Commerce
Winter Term Begins
January 3rd, 1917
YOU have always intended to take a Commercial
and Stenographic Course some time. Do it
now. A course here puts you in a position
to command a good income whenever and as long as
you want it Can you invest your money and time
in any stock, war loan or anything else that will
promise yon so great a return ?
Write for full information. DO IT NOW.
B. F. WARD, 3. L, M. Accts.