The Signal, 1917-1-18, Page 3ill% Oa «tt. ,Airttlef,t%E.WV444tiqrt«.. 141%""111"4"*P"Rillr"rfirrt ***-• s** ' HttItN4' I,OVAISt ttA .1441, 14Ativa,„•gt4 043' kP.4't , liflf, , ;0„ea;i4,,,--Zeiti401 ;via+, IligaltAidaNtAIA18#44A4440,10 obteriolus toti,Itt444 40 «.«17111 *talnwrilikeeMilienta -8"4,043titilt- fA 0.30-dif wo • 1-'444:tt "** • 0:• 44 ttit 4r:7;11;'Aietkr. 1441 P" '; 6 i..;;“ 44,0,./F4thiliittt;Iglir 444'44 ...,14,4c,mritiu•sdilti„ugka,„ WItiViitilk • r:1" 4 WHIWP1411.114k4ArrMtnfi."1=11213* 7711 • ,V. "Wt S. • '" o.,of t viol, v1,144, ft.'6 4 »fri.d. 4 '0144, II; 4;49113 etre** r i HE SIGNAL GoDERICH ONTARIO THE SAND MARTINS Bulth !THE BLESSING OF ORIGINAL QUEER, SAFE NESTS' IND ONLY GENUINE BEWARE OF !MITA- TION8 SOLD ON THE Milne Qk MINIRD'S LINIMENT 8 0 0KBINDING rtiALICAEsi-s and AN, 1.IBRARIES bound or repaired. JOLD LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS atal at TR 118°10V11.ttsodM 1. Goderiai.. Isavim A. Z. TAYLOR. itsRA WORD. MEDICAL • nit. OHO. kikILEMANN, OSTEO A/ PATH. .pseiallat in women'e and chil Area's daera.e.. acute, !bromic and Defeat. di. eiders. Is, ear. pore And Ihree‘sertiol dela hablgo▪ retool e I without the knife. °Moe et and rheumatic cosditIons. Adt ✓ esideoce. corner Nel..on arid St. Andrew'. ; 4 West& At home *Moe Monday., Thursday. mid Saturdays. any everolnyy by appoktiosnt. rtieK • wir DENTISTRY ;IR. H. G. MAcDONELL.-HONOR Graduate Toronto Unirerrity. (Madame ;rya 'Wiese M Dental Burgeon.. Semoce.....r to the late MaJOr sale, Omc,. tort tinaarcand Woe street, thaderkh. AUCTIONEER THOMAS OUNDRY AUCTIONEER tics 67.0cl:fetich. All is .110011r. I) O. .111 al bisr•I 4f1.,wl11 be praniPt17 • seded te. /Walden°, telephone 119. LEGAL JL. MAY3 BARRISTER, SoLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. Marte-Sterling Bank Block. Hamilton Crest. Mark& Tehiptiousati. Real hetet* Loans and Institutes. PROVILWOOT, KILLORAN & COOKE BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. NOTARIES PUBLIC, ETC. Moe on the Square, weak door frees Beni litre Areet. rrivate Nisi. to wen at lowest faun. W. Pion. brow, K.C. J. L.. LLJLAHILAN H. J.1). Courts. 111 U. CAMERON, K. C., liARitin .tiitoitor, nano' public. Wilms. toe ritziest. Roderick, loud doer fr ore. At t. Linton Thursday of each week ut, Albert Street occupied by Mr. r. uflice.liour. 9. eau. (01434441. LBARLES ISARKOW, LL.B., bd HIS111.1t, attorney. 103101(0,, sta. God. Monty to laud at lovirok rate. e 1 SEAGER., BARRISTER, SOL. leiter, Notary Public and Conveyancer. 111c0.1 -Court House Ooderkh, INSURANCE, LOANS. ETC. - - chILLOP MUTUAL Flith IN IJI hORANCIA CO. -Farm and hoisted Lawn property insured. Okerv-J.... (-moony, Pres., tioderich P.O.; lee. Et Vioe-Pres.. Beechwood P. O.: 1'b�,» L. Hays, bec-Treas., Seaforth P. to Directors -D. .Y McGregor. lleaforth ; Jobs, 3.r1eve. Winthrop ;Kinn, t modem. John liennewek, Brodhagen ; Cleo. MeCat tut y Beak. th , Robert I. errb,, Haricad : Malvern, alekiven, Mruceneld. Agent.: J. W. Too, ; Alex. Leitch. Clinton ; Chesney, Seaketh . binchloy. rrealorth. NOLLCI-LIGHlara Cab ps- siessesdnenui and trot their cards ritualised a R. J. Morri.he Cla.Uting Store, Clinton, R. ChM. Omer's, gininoun mreet. Ooderieb, w J. Al. Reid'. f neral More, Bayfleld. 120,000 PRIVATE.- FUNDS 'lb loan. Apply to M.(. CAM CRON. Barrister Hamilton street. toodericx W R. ROBERTSON. ow • INSURANCE AGEN'l VIRE •ND LIGHTNING : British. Canadian GM' American. SICIGNILANI aserLovsstiv LIAOI ITT : The Ocean Accident and Guarani.. Cor4poration Limited. of Loudon, Noe. IrlielJTY AND HUARANTILL HONDII : Th. U.4' Fidelity and Gus iintee Company. Ogloe at roddmice, ortheam corner of Vh eerie arid St. David's street.. 'Phone IM MARRIAGE LICENSES UJALTRK044aliaLaLli.4.. P., ISSUER Or MARRIAGE LICENSER. Patents, Trade lInLks, Designs /Secured in Ali Countries. • Write for free book "PATENTS PROTEC. TUN. 'I ells all about and how to eon. pat Mita BABCOCK & SONS, extabliedid 15'7 ternielly Patent Lilies Isamu' jeirilleeter of Patent Law., Registered Pate Orb. ye eta, in St. James street. Montreal. B See - Ultima and Waddington. Repress. vie In all foreign countries. wagamoweiw."~towsoaftew4wwo Brophe3 Bros. 00D181.11018 • ki w lie Leadlog Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders carefully attended to u all hours, sight or day. Werls Most induetrioua Bird -Small A IlHEALTHY BODY boys Meet Clever Opposition In These "wallows" • writer from Western Canada we: The sand martin or hank swal low. as It is sometimes called. is pos del the most industrious of its feathered brethren. as it persistently rebuilds its nest in the face of the sternest opposition. 0 is not a large bird, being about Bre 'aches long and ot a dull greyish brown color, with white on throat and breart; but is extremely graceful as it appears on a calm evening skIniniLli to beautiful curves almost to the ground, then gracefully rising above one's head into the bias. lien.- Places- - 'nor usually- build their treatf-1514- smith the beams In vacant huti, in eaves of old stables or in steep cut banks of the rtvers, and are particular- tr partial to a district where limestone abounds. In these J:fanks they have been known to excavate two or three feet, working with their bills and feet, making a hole just about big for a man's hand at the entrance and widening gradually at the_inner part. Those holes are usually about four feet from the creat of the bank and 0017 • few Inches apart_ They are - lined with dry rootlets of grass or • • OI these downy cushions are laid the five little white eggs with spots of reddish brown, where the er bird may hatch her young. , Crows Are Enemies moisture necessary for making the walls Arm is readily carried In their beaks- from the shore of the river, and while these banks are prac- tically safe from intrusion by man, the crows learn to know the hatching sea- son and are on the alert to devour young swallows as they emerge from ,the nests. The small boy has been known to lie flat on mother eortb. and reaching over the edge, ob- tain the eggs. but It is a risky under- taking as the steep banks are of shift- ing is.nd. From the river bank below, the hill with Its myriads of holes pre- sents a honeycomb effect. and almost seems to more as the little heads peep ea and out. Has Not Had An_lienes Sickness Saco • Takin' g 41FRUIT-A-TIVES". TECHNICAL EDUCATION Canada's Backward Position Shown In a G ment Report in 1910 the Dominion Government appointed a Royal C,ommianion to en- quire into the needs and equipment of ty Dominion respecting industrial tral ne and technical education. and Ito the systems and methods of technical instruction obtaining In other countries. The following Is from the report of the Commissioners. showing the need of industrial and technical education in Canada: "Until recently Canada was an Interested and debiting spectator of the move- ments for industrial efficiency. The trebling of young workers to deftness In manipulation and technique, and to an understanding of the principles and scienees which He at the base of all trades and industries, was not pro- vided for in2the courses. When manu• factures, goods were wanted la in- creasing quantities and variety, and towns and cities were growing by leaps and bounds, It was discovered that there had been practically no organization of means for' preparing the hundreds of thousands of young people, to beorne the best qualified ardeans, farmers and housekeepers athn e world. The country's growing wealth was ample for the costbut the educational work was becoming bookish 311 the extreme, and, worse than that, was developing into school systems that had few points of con- tact with or relation to Industrial, agricultural or housekeeping life." WEDDING RING FINGER Traditional Reason For Choice of Fourth on Left Hand There is a very ancient belief the a blood vessel extends from the has of the fourth flngcr of the left han to the heart, whence, as is alleged the choice of that linger for the wed ding ring. In literature allusion t is inade as the "yens amoria," o love's vein., finlike most notions o the kind, Oils idea is entirely correct for a vein does arise directly at th root of the ring finger and. runnln over the back of the hand. flnds 1 way through the "royal" vein. th "axillary," the "subclavian" and the "innorninate" to the heart. This ves ael is very conspicuous, standing ou clearly when the hand hangs limply downward. The reason for putting the ring on the fourth finger. however, Is prob ably quite different. Its use for the purpose goes back to pr historic Omen, end dts selection is likely to have been due to the fact that It is the least free In its, movements of all Angers. Accordingly, a ring en- circling it will Intisrfard less with the use of the hand than If placed on any other digit. It happens that the extensor tendon of the fourth ranger is attached to theme of the third And fifth finger* by cross -bands which re- strict the movements of the ring ,fin• ger conniderably. Anybody may test this for himself by holding the third and fifth fingers forcibly bent and tiling at the same time to extend the ring finger. • A real good curefor all skin eruptions and diseaaes. Contains no injurious or poisonous matter. °r Foster-Dack Co. Limited f Toronto N. MARRIOTT - -73 Lees Ave., Ottawa, Ont., August 9th, 1915. "I think it my duty to tell you what "Fruit-a-tives" has done for me. Three years ago, 1 began to feel run- down_andlirsel, and auffered very much from Liver and A'idoeFy Trouble. Having read of " Froit-a-tives", I thought I would try them. The result was surprising. 'During the ai years past, 1 have taken them re' gtilarly and would not change for anything. /have not had as hour's sills:est since 1 com- menced toting "Fruitm-tives", and I know now shat 1 haven't -known for a good many 3 CSN- that is, the blessing of a healthy bo.]y and clear thinking a . WALTER J. MARRIOTT. 50e. a box, 6 for $2;50, trial,sise, 25c. At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit -a -tires Limited, Ottawa. JtarVaie COM*, 1,40nerwai3Stritet and Square HIGH-CLASS and SANITARY We serve excellent meals a la Carte daily PIES TO TANK 011T Private Luncheon Room for Ladies and Gentlemen CAREFUL SERVICE Our Motte-Creani.ness Always OPEN 9 A. M. TO I A. M. Will You ,. - Forget :-.' to get to -day that necessary tin of mecca Ointment Be sure and obtain the real %Mecca. Do not take any imita- tions or substitutes. Sold ia 25e., 35c., 75e. and $1.25 sizes by g JAMES A. CAriPBELL • , kalif the Dairy Caw Because the converts is larger per- centage of her teed Into form suit- able fessittnnan .14besumpt30n, the dairy oow is considered a more efficient pro- ducer of food than any other animal Antamla slitightered for beet return only about oae-fourth as much of the &erg, In thellr feed as much cows. 'An alto Lire will not be hurt by the Ms of a few pounds' pressure due te pot possible to obtain an. musing. Teets have shows that itt t jtessure due to overbeating=res. nine sufficient to injure the tire. • A woman is the invest/1r et spud glad Oat rises s bdII when the *at It marks mien, it Well -fitted Bathroom te".. 11 is one of the greeted luxuries irnaginahle( and at the same time \ it is comparatively 1 inexpensive. If you want estimates or any information about bathroom fittings, consult • • FRED. HUNT "THE PLVMSER" Hemmen Wien • Phew, 118 MARKET QUOTATIONS -0 JANUARY 16th - • Toron'te Cattle Market . Mee weighty steers .. $9.75t410 ,25 do. medium 9.00 9.60 Butishers', choice heady 8.76 9.60 do. good 8.26 8.76 do. medium 7.25 7.76 ' do. common .., . . 1.40 7.00 - Butchers', choice cows7.60 8.00 ' do. good 7.00 7.26 do. medium 6.26 Butchers' bulls, choice7.50 9.00 do. good 6.76 7.26 do. medium 6.76 6.60 do. bologna _ 549 _ . readers. 800 to 1,000 Tba, 4.73 7.26 4.50 i is. 6.26 4.60 do. med., 700 to 800 6.00 9.40' Stockers, 700 to 900 ib ,40. cymmon light-- LI 09 4.76 Cutters .........•---- A AO _ Canners 4.10 4.46 Milkers. good to clsolce.110.00 100.011 do. common to med60. 00 70.00 Springer.66.00 100.00 vim, veal, choice 12.00 13.00 do. medium 8.00 10.60 do. common 6,00 7.60 -do. grass s.00 6.00 Sheep, lambs, cholce18.50 14.60 do. culls 8.00 10.60 Sheep, ewes, light 9:50 10.00 do. heavy and bucksi 7.60 1.00 do. culls 4.00 7.00 Kegs, weighed off cars 17.50 ' --FM- do. fed and watered 13.26 0.00 do. f.o.b. Toronto12. 26 0.00 Trento Grain Markets Manitoba wheat -Track, bay ports. No. 1 northern, 52.08; No. 2 northern. $2.06; No. 3 northern, $2.02; No. 4 wheat, $1.87; (old crop wheat, 4 cents higher). Manitoba oats -Track, bay Ports. 146. 2 ('.W., 71c; No. 3 C.W., 11914c; extra No, 1 feed, 693c; No..1 feed, 119%c. Ameirican corn -No. 3 fellow, $1.10, Ontario wheaWLoter, new crop, No. 2, $1.80 to 11.82, according to freights outside); No. 3 winter, new crop, $1.78 to 81.80. Ontario oats --According to freights outstde: No. 2 white. 63c to 66c; No. $ white, 62c to 64c. Peas -No. 2, $2.36. Barley -Malting, $1.18 to $1.20. Buckwheat -61.28. Rye -No. 2, new. $1.40 to $1.42. Manitoba flour--FLrst patents in Jute bags, $9.90; sezonds, in jute bagsbags. $9.40; strong bakers', in jute, $9, Toronto. Ontario flour -Winter, new, track, Toronto, prompt shipment, according to sample. $7.40 to 27.60, In jute bags; 17.25, export grade. Volk, seaboard. Millfeed-Car Lits, per. ton, deliver- ed. Montreal: Shorti, 12.7; bran, 832; , good feed flour, per baz, $2.70 to 12.80. Hay -No. 1 track. Toronto, new, $13 to 03.60, carlots; No. 2. $9 to $11. Straw-Carlots, 19.60 to $10. Wholesale Produce Toronto wholesale prices to the trade; a New -laid, cartons Egg s-- . $ .00 io 8 .66 New -laid, ex -cartons .56 .60 Storage. selects .46 .46 Storage, No. 1 . .42 .43 , Butter- • Creamery prints. fresh. .44 .46 Creamery prints. stomps .42 .43 Creamery solids .41 .42 / • choice dairy prints.38 .39 Ordinary dairy prints.36 .37 Bakers' .31 .83 -. Cheese -New; large, 25%c to 26e; twins. 26c to 26%c; triplets, 26%c to 27c; Stilton., 27c to 27%c. Poultry-- Dressed ,' Spring, chickens, lb. Old fowl, lb. 162c0c to x2250c Turkeys. Ib. 30e '33c 4: - Geese. lb. 19c 21c Ducks. lb. - - 21c 23 , , Beans -Japanese, hand picked. 86.26; ' prime, 8575; Canadianhand t r - picked, hushel, 117.2:1; prime, "Mi. t Honey -Tins. 2% -lb. iinVIIc to 1341c a Ib.; 6 -lb. t:nn 13c a lb.; 10 -lb. tins, 121,c a Ib.; 60 -lb, tins, clover, • ' 12c to 12,,4c a lb. Cotnh honey -- Selects, $2.40 o 1276; No. 2, $2 to $2.25. Buckwheat hon0y, 60 -lb. tins, 9c to 91,1c a lb. ' Potatoes -New lirunswicks. In car- lotn. $2.25 to $2.40; western, in carlots. $2.10; Prince Edward Island. $2 to 12.10. . TRORsDAT JallgalltIf 18, 1917 $ „.,.. t 8,,,o13t4,144,4 ”Afit_44,0gelid.40,04'• Xle* A January Clearance Sale SPECIAL -SALE OF COATS AFTER a most successful Fall -coat season we have about twenty ladies' Coats left. These we have marked down at great reductions to lake a speedy clear- ance. Regular prices $io $5 to $ 3 5 , to clear at Jo 18.59 INFANTS' AND CHILDREN'S OATS Our entire stock of Infa'nts' and Children's Coats to be cleared at 5 per cent' off regular prices. 04tgatvol-- Furs JF 111 Furs !ir ga Furs All that is left of cur ur stock out it goes at 25 per cent. less than former prices. Ladies' Dress Skirts to be cleared at $1.95 each. mks, Twelvelonly ladies' serge and panama Dress Skirts. Best sizes. / . 95 eac Regular.$4.00 to $6.50. Your choice to clear . . . , . . Children's Hais and Bonnets Our stock of Children's Winter Millinery being cleared out at half-price. Special Values in Flannelettes 4iiiiittY,* 36 -inch -wide English I annelette, beautiful soft quality, splendid design, exceptional special, per yard 20c Special Value in Table Linens, Towels and Napery McCALL PATTERNS FOR FEBRUARY NOW IN STOCK HONE S6 Millar's Scotch Store PHONE 56 ,.... 11,344i3..fl4t 4,4147 ,444 A 4121! ift,iffl-ifetieriS • - lea ,. . PI: ,,-,** .,7,,,,,i.r4.44I,i46;',,111,7141.11,4t4tv'''.-- 4,,i,E,'ctitlok#11110I,,,s4Iit4.44, viarwo,,,til ,..',-1:-. *',41pArvf,-14„ 4 ,.,.......„,.. , 41116V il°, itifiltbkftilIf:IIIIIistiri,?N441 ‘li.,, ''''.11Wilitis,i-ifilii*.:,, __....,,,.„...;$ "14,(tli!47!'r'''q' , : q.„ .s.„ ..„, jfi *I. ' trt'', 1i i ..4,.im.', ,,•,,,„„ ,.', ,i.l.'"';:' East Buffalo Cattle Cattle-- itvretistA. 2.100; steady; shipping utecrm, 0.50 to 411.25; but- chers, $7 to $10; heifers, $5.50 to $9.50; cows. $4.50 to 133.25: bulls, $5.25 to 41i;50; stockers- and feeders, $6.25 to 47:50; fresh cows and spring- ers stead, 850 to 4115. Veala-7,-Reerelput, 609; active; 15 to $15.50. Hopi -Receipts, 33.900; active; heavy, mixed and yorkera. .111.50; ,light yorkers, 410.50 to $11; Rigs. 810.50 to 114).75; roughs, $10 to $10.26; stags, 88 to Kn. Sheep and lambs -Receipts, 5,000; active; lambs, $10 to 114.60; year- lings, $9 to $13; wethers, $10 to $10.60; ewes. $6 to 19.76; mixed *keep, $9.76 to -110. Meate--Wholesale Toronto wholesale houses are quot- Ing to the trade La ' Beef, forequarters, ...911.60 to 113.60 do. hindquarters .. 16.60 17.60 Carcases, choice 1364) 16.60 do. common 11.00 13.00 Veals, common, cwt9.00 11.00 do. medium 12.00 14.00 do.prime 17.00 19.00 Heasii''hogs 12.00 14 . 00 Sho bine 16.50 17.60 8 p hogs ' . 11.50 17.60 !sottish- hogs ..... 12,110 1994i Mutton, heavy 10.00 12.00 do. light MOO MOO Lambs, spring *1.00 21.00 Chicago Livestock Cattle - Receipts, 26,000; market Arm; beeves. 47.90 to 411.40; Honk- ers and feederti. $6.66 to 20:$6; cows and heifers. $4.60 to 218.10; calves, gum es $14.26. *ode - ReCeIllta, 17,040; 'target stens: light, 410.20 to 510.95; mixed. 810.60 in 110.96; heavy, 210.61 to 111; votagh, 110.61 to 610.76; pigs, 8/11 to 96.00; bulk of sales, 810.61 to 81010. ;beep - Receipts. 11,000; market trait lambs. astir81.1.70 to Mit The Story Of 1916 showed continued remarkable progress in 1916. The H E business of the London Life Insurance Company new_ business written, entirely in Canada, was $2,000,000 greater than in the previous year -a gain of 18 per cent. The increase in business in force was $3,000,000 grea' r than in the previous year ---making the total in force at 31st Decem- ber 1916, 20 per cent greater than at the end of the previous year. A:0 'The following comparative statement shows the progress for lls past ten years : 1906 1911 1916 Insurance in Force iniurance Issued 610,376,413 $20,237,984 $41,715,317 3,387,774 7.369,183 13,036.445 Total Assets 2,100,394 3,589,797 6,975,763 Policy Reser,,. 1,901,815 3,278,616 6,294,974 Income Policies in Force 543,560 959,194 1,973,780 .* 66,025 1,3 99,627 • 151,544 ',14T.UltrIK 41, t1;', It 1 irt24.333I4C ' The Company's Sction in waiving all restrictions as to Active Service under policies issued prior to the declaration of war has meant a very considerable additional strain, which however, has been fully met out of the earnings of the Company, in addition to the amount required to maintain the present liberal profit scale. Quinquennial distributions of profits in 1917 will be larger than ever. 7,31tri,,,,1 Actual Results exceed Estimates by nearly ,;lt,t11t1 40 per cent In the 4333 444 '3 anglitiff 41144TIQVVA • 54,enr. iies, • witi4 im44t43»3»ti4 London Lif e Insurance ,,,... kii,i'mr-,142,0I-oitterie, azzo. Heacl Office, London, Canadah,rtat.,' cisovim if . . JAS. McCLACHERTY, Agent, Goderich ,444,..1,1PZEPRZIPICJ, t,741, fettI, -:ij :4' 1 ,wit, if w"v: .,•,.. ......aatttImt,...iP ...... . totgoI..« 1 :',311.0;!?4,,1111V,k,Ai7,04;;;or I 4 i:1'; I"ea' Atf iltoto,toot •I;403» ••• - • r ya"