The Signal, 1917-1-18, Page 2ree '41844..tva:L:
• ; AM,
bag SIGNAL le published every Thursday
.00s the MI WI IN The Signal Building. North
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e Saberriatioes tug omunieure li*Ne
ADV/LicriaiNG tioemeL -HAI.. for cospiay sea
*detract advert ,aementa will be 010 00 spun -
ashen. Legal and other similar sdvertirnienle.
tea mute Net line for dna insertion and four
'mita per line tor each subeettuent inatertlon.
lillemarod by amide of stile] nou well -twelve
hoes to an Inch. Widnesoardof di linos
and under. Five per year. Advertise-
ments of Load. Found, Strayed. Situation.
•speot.litt waUoris Wonteg.ScUlee for tilde r
ito Point, rums for Sale or to Rel.t. Articles
for Sale, etc.. not exceeding ei,:ht line-. Twenty.
Ave Cent. oacb itt.ert ion ; one linnet for don
mouth. Fifty Cents for ea. kat . uuent mouth.
Lugar iiinLINEGANG4
oonnc,ments oramery -rmattifillitaltie. en
ernes per fine. No none* hoe than Tereoty-
See Conte. Any special nolloe. the cavort of
WbIchII the pecuniary benefit of any
sal 01 or aosociatIoni-leebe oenAnlered an adver-
tisement and chained ao••ordingly.
' To COKRicaroNDENTIL-The co operation of
our snlatsrlber- and readent I. cordially Melt -
Vtowards making THE StuN•t, a weekly record
ial local. coUnty and district doing.. No coin
munIcatioo will be a.tended to onto* it con-
tains the etude and address, of the writer. not
:c'cireolri rUy forreir
,sevAt. Mace not later than Wodosalay 000n
of mob week.
THURSDA JANU A-H•V fie ffif7
Sprang is coming. The Signal this
week publishes the first spring seed
ad. of the weson.
- —
Anyone Who thought West Sinnott
might elect_ the Grit candidaUs must
have failed to count the number of
__Quinge_iodges lathe riding.
The woist feature oe the cuttailed
train **vier is the tremendottetarain
it places upon the eitizeine who ueed 10
foregather for their daily papers at
half -peat eleven and who now have to
wait until 2 or 3 o'clock.
There appears to he • somewhat
end belief that J. W. Mayes is in
to. -The heads of the amnici.
paliti interested in ehe 0. W. S.
Railway mild make it a point to as-
certain the ruth of the matter.
The circulat
„ vice caeds has
W M. thinking as
cooftict with tbe
casese-probably, the HI
caed will be followed b
wenn the gooier of maim
A man named thane has been c n
as the Liberal candidate in North
Toeonto. It is now in order for the
grand old joker The Mail and Empire
eo remark that the Grits have of
coarse, so hope of winning the 5.51.
but are just follovetng up the policy of
raising Cane whenever they get an
opp irtunity.
It is reported that, in spite of the
congested state of traffic on the rail-
ways and the holding up of many
trainloads of coal and of other com-
modities urgently needed, several cor-
loads of lioutheru etrawberries have
got through to Toronto. The city
swell* must heve their little watite
supplied, no matter what heppene.
Attie National Ser.
lade every man dc
o his part in the
Wis. In Many
g MIL of the
age nd
Mr. Bezeau's letter in another co. -
wino of this issue will he read with in-
terest, nut only bemuse of the excel-
lent suggestion it advancee.‘but also
because of the evidence it contains
that the writer has not lost touch witli
this town in which he spent a number
of years. Goderich is always pleased
to hear from those who have left but
have not forgotten het.
▪ The Peatriotie Fund allisteenCee to
three women in the ci;unty of Middle-
sex have been cut off became, of
proper conduct. Thow in charge of
the Fund have a great respensibility
. in administering it lu such a way Diet
it will encomege thrift anti right
living, instead of looseness and indol-
ence. Fortunately such cases as throe
reported from Middlesex appear to be
very rare.
Armin tne fleet step of ibe new Poet -
master-tieneral, Hon. P. IC Blonde's,
was to cancel the recent order which
direotedthat all lettere addressed
''Berlln. Ont.," should go to tbe dead -
letter office. The late Postmaster-
Otmeral may have been rather hasty
In Inaklag such an order, but once
made it. should have remained in force.
Mr. Blondin is the man who made the
eufortenate speech shout shooting
holes in the British flag, and it is pos-
e ible that he has none of the Britisher's
feelings about the state of snails at
ship. Two • time,
and • long tens epart-have beets per-
mitted to bit as councillors at the
tioderich township board, but the
Heave's chair hits Stever been profaned
by the. occupancy of an unhallowed
Grit. -
The result .of the Weal. Simms bye-
elei lion was the return 1 the tiovern•
meta candidate by • majority of &JO.
'1'he niajoi ity of the late Hon. J.
Mad in the electi of 1914 was
in 1911 the seat went by reclamation
to the Conservatives, and in 11XIN the
Coneervative cuejority wee 904. So,
although the leiberals del not do as
well aa evidently they eapected to do.
Wert Sitticor way be placed in the list
of bye -election resultince the gen.
eral elect ion of 1914 as one more ex.
hibit of the dee g strength of the •
440V4Itit4*atalls Weal. listateiltens.
Madam, Peel, North Perth, Southwest
Toronto and West tiencoe all tell the
-ttosaismeseart - e- 0010010454the - • , - „
-4141"4/4-44"1-1"-"1"*"4 silleam4HHIM••••••••••••••••••••
ha* -aw tmENSL‘N NAVAL VIC
pepularity that war the portion of thei
Whituey Governmept.
I I Read lkil• Of this column may rens. on -
How many id thr 111 unmanlier* of tier an accouiii publiehed riertr;y two
the Ontario Legislature are farmers. Yew?, 'ego of the gehapt arid pee dorms
do "you suppose Jort seventeen. 1 es- ire ol sevent v nisei
And the electors of %Vest. leitucoe, len , ship Fut guidable, torpedoed in is Kriel')
age icultural conetituency, refused to the Channel, by a little fishing setisicl,
elect a farmer to socceed the late the Provident of Brizhain in Devon,
Minister of Agriculture, bat those Manned by her skipper. Wile •ni
jultEad & e.„.alingesued teerrene. 1. “. Mere tau wee_ suado boy. The Eng -
that farmers are too broadminded to , 104i papers of recent date give details
care about being represented by men of an atack wale on the trawl' re Of
if tbeeeow„ieem. or ta 11 that farmer, ' the Brix hem fleet on Noveni-
are so devoted to pa,ty tie, -that ber ZS by a submarine which without
warning rank two of them and tben
the party label, Grit or Toiy, is all
they look Joe when ,k a candidate a p. delilwrately tired on the 'small boats
pears before them? One thing we do in which the crews had taken refuge.
This was the Neal set in the Peuve
know -that the, armee*, by refraining
upon a recognition of I dent'. eventful history.)
Skipper %Veneto Lyme of the smack
their claim to • larger representation
Lynx asserted that the Get -roam de -
in the iteee_etliteli bedj." are a-INwettg --iiiveratelyetrited Wendt the.mallTiieaTil
ether classes not nearey so strong 1II 'after. they had pushed away clear
numbers to get, aheadof them in -from the smacks. ft was 2. o'clock in
matters of legislation.
, the afternonn, in broad daylight,
) when the submarine popped above the
outface and coenwenced her woik of
Tbe Conservatives must haye been attacking the defenceleee fl-herusen.
fearful of losing %Vest Siincoe, oreure- "She must have watched it; .boot
ly they would not. have peritted'ehe our gneatr, 'iteP
id Ca tee '
" L nn "as we
bad our gear lowYtt aquarter
tactics Oat were empleyed in their ot an hour before lobe opened tlee en
behelf in tee ridine. Two toetnbers'; tem -Provident. Then the Amphitrite
of tin Provincial Cabinet, Hee. H. H. ' Yeas attacked, Both vessels soon sane,
Ferguson and Hon. I. Id. Lucas, and skod both crew; had to take their
ceatice in open bootie. Five or six
• (loneervative membered the Federal ; shots fell to the Amphi-
erite's'isoo. •Ihat crew had 'the nar-
rowest **cape of the whole lot It is
• miracle *he wee not destroyed.
-We hung on to the Lynx until one
shell whietlere just above our topmast
head. Then we thou' ht it was time
to heave out our boat and shove
away clear, Shells f• II about us.
They •iused at thr boat and 'hemlock.
Once tbe aubbierine was only 200 yards
asray. There was no excii-e that ...hey
could not see the hot, We sew men
on the deck of the sebtuarine, and
they saw ue, se we were betwren them
and the smack."
1 le Lynx ivese found detehet and
broileht to port later. Mhe hear. sigris
of shell-fl'e. Her capstan was *hitt
clean away.
"The submarine did not frilre tie any
chance. The clew deliberately treed
to sink our open host." added Captain
Lynti with enaphiasie. "Of that I have
not the elightest doubt. We bad a
miraculous escape."
wageni.M.„ :"MoWsmAt•••,muismillr-Miegt' I,21"-IfWe 'ets
A Daily Treat
Always Acceptable and Delicious!
The Tea o all Teas.
Black, Green I Get a package and enjoy
or Mixed -J a cup of Tea "In Perfection",
House, Col. J. A. Currie, madee
speeches during the campaign that ,
were a disgrace to themeelves and to
their party. Col. Currie made hinted(
perticularle obnoxious by his insinua-
tion. against Mr. Chas. M. B
M. P. P., who, became there are Bow -
Inane in Waterloo county. Was slated
as belongiug to • disloyal prietiermen
elensentein the country. As • matter
of fact, air. Bowman hap not& drop 1)1
Garman bfasod in bis veins : but even
if heeheel hehae given proof',ofbiu
borough loyiety, and only a politiCal
wrarbsewould employ such mei hods ,
atteatat ta ,discredit an oppon- '
en*. bete bier net been heard of
the, matt , and fe '1. 1.. th h I
Col. Currie nd oe rIof his kind may
discover that ' is an healthy kind '
of sport to du fello &midi 4 no as
traitors wed perets mans. !
Some Respectful See
Toronto Saturday Nigh
It transpires that Max Ai, ie to
take unto himself the nameof ire-
michi, and not that. of B una wick, as
previounly reported. IL has been SO
gested that My Lord of Mirainichi
might quarter ,hie benner thus : A
neap lock, conintemorating the Indian
mune Miramiehi, ales the method- of
getting on financially when the get-
ting is good ; a silverlake on it golden !
field, in honor of the water Max put
into sorne of our indisetries : a dri.mici I
cod, rainpante a reininder of his nate..
Province, end also of the smell left be-
hind by certain tranesctions in high
finance; and lase, but not least,
(e)lIpower picture of Honer Law, Sam 1
Hughes, and others who helped Max ,
orr hie way. All bring respectfully I
sue ltd hy the Cenadien School of
We used to think that, Ooferich
toetneblp was in elms by Refill, hut
we learn thee **there are others." The
Simone Reformer hot week reported
the election to the reareepaip of
dIetos of "the Oho Libotel who has
over woo that poitiou." The
tovenship of Townsead Is now, Maya
The Reformer. the oely maelcipatity
in Norfolk minty that him Invariably
declined to elect es Reeve asymosat a
&Serest peuitaai stripe from that of
the majority et tas rotate of Oa Iowa- •
Toronto relegoun.
May the e g session of the Fed
eiel Parliament prove by ite actions
that "thrift" is entnething more than a
text fur political sermon+. Many
weep, of paper must he gathered and
sold to provide the millions that go to
make up a hand-out to • decrepit.
railway. Many • new grewn has to be
fenterworn tes pay the expeitiel of p
tic spirited statesmen whose sense of
duty impels them to visit England and
make a 'Cook's Tourist" trip to the
ttenches. Many a dainty must. dime -
pear from the dinner Wale to provide
*dere* for winnoissions whose work
could be done, and should be done, by
Parliament iWelf. "Thrift" IffrOn• •
shortening of the war. It should also
mean a ebortening of thaw political
frills that form so exteneive and ex-
pensive a part of government if Can-
ada is to get • full return for the sac-
rifices the is making in the trenches.
Shows Promise,
leriend-"What is your baby going
to he when be grows up r
Financier -"A blackmailer. I'm
Friend -"Impossible WhoLotakes
you think so ?"-
Finitaciet -"We bay* to give him
something every littte while to keep
him (last.
Easy Going.
"I shouldn't think it would be so
bad living &tweed."
"Why twit r
"if you can't pay your debt* yeti
just &dare a moratorium Altdi If
you are kite for w.)rtt you shoplaursea
the &sett beek."--LonievIlle
ptain William Norris, of the
Amphitrite, gives it very vivid de-
scription. "We hied just put down mar
gees, he said. "and then had barely
finished our linnet *hen the mote
ahhitied ont : up on deck :
there're, submarine firing et us.'
"We hai heard the shots white we ,
ere down in the cahit.. We jumped
u onMeek and found that the 'asth-
ma ns' WMs firing at the Provident.
The *allot knocked away her jib,
nd theesecond parted her topsail hal-
rds. Tee submarine fired twelve or
fie teen shots, when ahe steamed tin
10 th Protident and *put • bomb
shoat her. fleptain Pillarand hoe
crew shi ed away clear in their small
"Then the *Ismael:le started on us.
e fired s o • peeled between our
forestay and th mainmast. We h
got our boat read or latechine, and
directly the Putman, e 'wetted lire on
the Amphitrite, we I,re not many
eeeeede getllng Lllet over the
gam/way and into the ater. We
shoved her astern and puthard to
get out of the line of firing.
"Our boat war ii..1 more than 100
ya re. mitten 4.f the Arouribitrite when
lee Germans ed id inc at us. The
nest shot fi 11 just tett ye, de clear of
tll_r Wats _AA the shell eit. the
0 hetet, and t Iiteh:4mA leJ,1 oll &Witt
011" ilia water. It Isa as though it
school of mackerel was playing all
*limo us.
" l'he secondahot fell about twenty
yards weer us. Then the suloneritie
tired on tbe 'I tee hitt ing her on
the port bow, auti ishe stall ted to sink.
Amither•phot settled her. She giad-
many went down by the heal mete' lite
middle malt was in the water. She
stayed motionless. f'ir M conti or two.
Tiltql we saw the Sterne and ware
come uo. The boiler hsd horst. We
had utse Itowdeed- potty& of steam up
at be tine.
"The submarine then. had a go at
the Lynx, whow boaleb bee at the
first 'shoe We avemoieked up by •
petrol heal. We saw the &ohmic' ine
come tc the imur f.sce *1)1 • nude and
sehalf to the aerie ard and cheered
"Do you think the Germans delib-
erately fired at Fret r
..(!erwitily I do. One boa was clear
of the vessel good bit, quite 100
yards away. We were right astern
of the. Aeuoititeite-asd cterite- elear-of
t be line of fire."
I "How 1,r was the submarine away
'when she fired ?"
"Only 4)8or 5110 yards away. We
could have lepoken to her 'met:. We
, sew five at tile gun rand two at the
I comities( tower. N t it wold was
!spoken. They ainiply fired and henged
ialvey at tee The wenderful part of it.
I all is that none of us was hit."
; teeptaineW Mime Pillar, or ibe Provi-
Oen:. he low .1 hie step moee
I keenly. "The Oernieln.." he said,
°fired twenty mho' hee We
launched our bo -t shomi the first gun
WAS fired. When the Provident Heated
gamely sgainst the (fermata shelis, the
eubenatine eteamed up iin her mar -
board side and pieced a lamb r;glit on
the open galorwisy from which the
boat bad been letinchesi. I did not Pee
her go down. r 1 did ewe wine smoke,
but •omeihing stopped me front
watching her disappear heneeth the
water. I couldule-look in that direc-
"Did the Germans deliberately
at rime hoal
**1 way they did. The shot
pitched just lantern 1.1 our b set. The
inhume ii.e WAN only about 100 y irds
away. They enuld see lib all right.
Owe boot was lists rn of afillfsPrnvidiset,
end thus out of the line of flee. We
leuriched one boa eiiihout any prep-
aration in the way of food, as the at-
tack was eo audden."-The Daily
Chronicle (London).
• •
Somme. a Snake with threatening coils
Hung o'er a Thrush's nest,
And whi'e the Thrush against 11. 1.00.
%Vas battling hee best,
An angry Owl cried. "Twit to whoo !
You've spoiled my NINap! For ahamel
The objects of each one of you 1.
Are virtually the same."
Supposed -a Hoodlum, who Ints felled
A woman and a child,
By angry citizens is held,
When o'er the tumult wild
A voice le heard, "Thi. hullsballoo
Must'atop-you're all to blame,
The object', of emit one of you
Are virtually the same."
Supper* when Tell, the patriot Swim,
Shot at the apple tied
To his son's head, and knew to mies
Would mean infantieide.
Suppose some yodeler bad a fit
And yelled as Toll took Woe
"Too loodle loo! Whateeer you hit
'Tis virtually the satue.".
Suppose thst when we cams to blows
Wtth George the Third and won
Our land of Liberty, suppose
Instead of Washington
NVe'd had a gifted man of words
Who cried, e Why fight lo For thaw !
Our objects and Kiog bleorge the
Are virtually tbe saute."
-Oliver Herford (The New York
• • •
The Coati tion Government has fallen,
for, as A GOVernrnellt, it fad few
friends. Wbile ito formation was, at
the time, • necessity, it attracted lo
loyalties, was iinable sufficiently Li
harmonize differences. and was, there -
fere, !tempered in taking vital docile
'nee. It ottaertd ffeln IPA lack llf
_tffeetiere. =Weems. that need of whech
makes the resolution ef the Liberal
ex•Ministers not to but to go
into friendly opposition. apart from all
other coneiderations, the wisest and
111, 01 patriotic course. Mr. Asquith's
(berm meta has fatten, hut not Mr.
Amite. . On the ccntrary, the 'algae
I ler elevation And noignaiiimity of his
I addrese last Friday reveal the essential
atestnese of the men, and show 'bet
we still have in him one of the main
pillari of the atate. That be hes, like
other men, the defect of hie high dual-
' atter and arreal quelitles goes without
saying. His very generosity. Int pati-
ence, and his steadfast loyalty to flis
colleagues tended to weaken his co*
trol, as his selerevealifig remark the
other day, "I do not like dictator-
ships," plainly 'miaowed. Yet for emu-
prehensive intelleetual mastery. for
-wide experience. tor serene courage
and for ssgeCity he has no livid. When
the history of our time is'ertitten, his
figure will loom barge as that of tbe
tuao who first, seemed for deinocreay
iis full chem.., whose modetating in-
fl,.,,- treeroght-tbereefferts of his col-
leagues to full success, and wheae at-
titude throughout tbe supreme crisis
of our history both solidified our al-
liances end made possible the unex-
ampled voluutary effoit cf a united
Empire. ele. Asquith-- is, indeed,
, "heal t of oak " That be remaine in
• the active service of the nation is one
! of the pi line guarantees of our safety
1 and success..
The new Pi ime Minister, Mr. Lloyd
(ergs, is a man of dozzling qualities.
1 His awitt intuiti tttt , bis sympathetic
. illumination. hie , tunenielled daring.
Ihis defiance NI ke of obetacles and pie-
cedents in 'he pursuit nf his great en•
tei prises make him a leader to whom
great multitudes instinctively turn at
i a time when decieive action is earnest-
ly desired, and sometimes impatiently-
! demanded. 13oth i he support and the
eta...claw he wili receive give to him
an 'linnet -alb -led opportunity, inwhich
his geviius way have full ploy, and the
detects of his quern leo, from which.
like his predecessor, he is not free.
way be corrected. 11 is the &aro( all
to with hike the utmost success, and to
aesea hien to compass it.
W e have attempt held that Mr. As-
Imith ami Mr. Lloyd were in -
dispense lile tii one &umber. In com-
bination they are irreastible, for their -
qualities ate, to • remerkable degree.
. compliment'', y. We had hoped thst
the combinatien would be that of col-
leagues and comrades. Throughout
the difficulties of the pest eignt event-
ful years this has been the case. The
fruits of theiteco-operation were garn-
ered in the celebrated Budget, in tbe
conflict with the Houae of Lords, in the
Insurance Ace and in the earlier
stages cf the war. Unhappily, such
co-operation is no longer possible, et
all events, for the present. Yet the
combination in another form remains
as resent' il as before. Mr. Lloyd
George at the right band of the weak -
et.. and Mr. Asquith on the left must,
and we hope will, continue to co-oper-
ate. Mr. Asquith by supporting, both
with encnuregetnentand criticism. the
policy of the Prime Minister; the lat-
ter by giving careful heed to the judg-
ment end experience of his predecesenr.
The noisier voice," troth In Parliament
and in the prereniust not be allowed to
'Hence or disoaraiewetich criticism. 'to
far as party rontinbes to exist, the
reles of Liberal and Conservative will,
for the present, be reversed._ The Con-
servatives have shown, not for the
Ili -et tint. in their history, the disposi-
tion to rattly to an original great*.
Their etwociation with Labor, 11 11 can
he maintained, niey prove eminently
bulled. not. only in the prom:elation of
anew. but in confronting the prole
• •
: W. ACHESON & SON • i'
• •
• •
• ale of urs ! •:
• •
• •
• •
. OUR January Sale of Furs and • !
• Fur Coats Is a splendld op- •
• •
• portunity to sedure best styles •
• and values while stock Is so large. •
• •
• itieWirbliick China Dog Catii,--Made of lei -t skins.•
• . collar of Bocharan lamb, wool cuffs in sleeves, '•
't - ) •
• farmers' satin lined and .quiltql, sizes 40 to 46.
O Special at each $25.00
• e•
O Black Bulgarian Lamb Coats of selected skins, a •
• each
coat for warmth and wear, sizes 42 to 46, at
• •
Ladies' Muskrat Cats of dark well. matche:3.00 :
- skins.2
lined with Skinner's guaranteed satin, full skirt •
• •
and very handsome, sizes 36 to 44, at each
•-• •
• $50 and $60 •
• Black Wolf Muffs, large pillow style, with head and •
• tails, beautifully lined, at each $6.00 •
• •
• Black Wolf Scarfs and Boas in a variety of shapes 0
• and styles, reduced to each ..$5!00 and $6.50 •
: Blankets---i--;21aa'AuY4''''''.." .4".443"11.1 ••
• r.
• 11,,,,:,
White Cottons '.:( ' -,";:e."'" •
4 d.
At per pair
Large size white or grey wool Blankets, beau-
tiful Oure stock, size 60 x 80 inches double,
36 -inch Lonsdale Cambric, 500 yards on sale.
4 '1 - 51 $6.50 •
• ,,,,,,,, Regular 22c, at per yard' 12!.,c •
, ,
• \ •
• . •
: W. ACHESOk & ,SON :
tense filet will emerge at the 0.00: ( intact and harmoNts in 'spite of the
elusion of Defter. The Libelee, rill, 1n1 great and ineve ai strain ; and a
the mein, rept 444411 the cant on , if the p-ople united and 'Meal behind any
rountry; it• siayiest po• er rather th-ill i Government that will honestly do its
ite dash. It ie eie net... publirespirited ' best 10 to -Ing this tremendoun war to a
and friendly c - le- it in of i he two I trinnunhant conclusion . The men who
that our soability nisei. largely de- !have handed on the' heritage. to their
pend. ,etieressora have Inn tailed: thil. have
The ro,„ ti,.,...r,.,,,.., 1 1,4,,d. over u, giii.lepaon
ite Pureese.r ill. floes, iisyr 11.4 ilast4.
ever been in the wiele. eads:
wee ; shall all de ly pray thet the nem
efficient and este-tenor „me..e..e , an 'Government will levee no woe* reeorde
surly secood imolv, if imeonti, to the ' hell its le .el .w, and sincerely- -'hop. that its ref-0rd •insiv even be apie
pecond only to III. Vieneh a-nri far 1 1"''tor ^^f--
Tie Idethodi•t Tiniest
German is rin• ; an air -service' ,.
superior to the fiet•tunri ; sin alliance ileind•ille •
We name& Vexes, iessetralt. Waite Weasel. leak. Shank
Illshes.itortre,asa slier MairarscultsclaUs yaw swam
Wow is the Raid 4e5. esderivety ROM ARIRKAN RAI=
a reilable—responsit?,le--fate Fur Houselkith an unblemmhed rep-
utation existing for more than • third of • century." • long aue- ,
ceartui record of feedlot Fur
ANTI PROFITABLE return.. Write for EU Ildielot blatierr,
the only reliable. accurate market report and Get -e list published.
Write for It—NOW--de. FRISS
School of Commerce
ttiv MAY PURC.44ASE AT PAR etticiFt
Irrfarr - .
Zia WitittiN
Principsi repayable 1s1 October, 1919.
Interest payable half -yearly, 1s1 April and let October
cheque (free ot exchange at any chartered Bank in (ans..i.L.4t
the rate of live per cent par &nem from thodate at pureitame.
Holden el this stork will hays the privilep of surto/loving
at par and seerued interest, se the equivalent of eseh, in pay -
name of any allotment made under any future war loan Mole in
130taila other than as isseered Tweedy Bills or other like abort
date security.
Proceeds of this stook ore far war purposes scaly.
A eentoiseiest of onwaparter of awe pre root win be elbowed
te resessised hod and stock broilers as snowiesta oasis is
respect of applessloo fer this look wiielt bees their stamp.
For =Moo lento apply to the Deputy Meister of
Winter. Term Begins
. January 3rd, 1917
YOU have always intended to take a Commercial
and Stenographic Course some time. Do it
now. A course ,here puts you in a position
to command a good income whenever -and a., long as
you want it Can 'iron invest your money and time
in any stock, War IAan or atiYthing else tliat wiIJA
promise you so great a return'? .
B. F. WARD, B. A., At Accts.
A.m.& •