The Signal, 1917-1-18, Page 1Printing THE SIONAL is ready to handle your Printing work, large or small, and give you a satisfactory job every time. Let u. have your nett order. Telephone 35 The Signal BIYTY NIN leek YLlhNe. J 47 .: m3$,�► w,sire«,.+sa.xewslwswra,::ns1+IRarls1•11l,,,..:•,.,+•a._..... 41117,48...084P THE STERLINQBANK OF caNaMIr'"` SAVE, Because -- Your thriftiness affords practical evidence of patriotism. PUBLIC NO ICL GODERICH WATER and LIGHT COMMISSION. WATER RATES FOR 1917 ARE now due and Ifpaid est Jeaurrr 10 per swat, discount will Mi showed. _ Those in arrears for water and asWrrio light tom b 1t uppity Malt with at as eaAmore an early dt. W. T. MUS'. RR, M STRATTON, C, mtrm$e. Weser & Lighlt641 Coll • FOR SALE pas LX 1111011114 Vane. Apply T.OUR DRY. 177-11 BAMS.-ORDAR POSTS. ALSO c. AstitP W. T. RIM/LP. 1 sty r /U117C GODERIOH. 0 RIO.' THURSDAY. JAN. 18. 1917 _ n a tam I HURONS' CHRISTMAS DIMMERou aro't light a fire, for fear Mr.ITHE LADS IN KHAKI. Fri s would see you. 1 used to think, Renewal Time This is the .time to rents jeer subscription to The Signal - before the price is advanced. Your doll** NOW ensures you fifty-two weekly visits of Huron's hest and brightest paper -- The Signal TH1Ca1ONA4 PRINTING CO.. LiMITID, Pl'suseca A JUDUL FOR rjria JUVENILE \, !LID, To the Editor df The Signal, -As one who took ..owe interest a decade or more ago In the work of those who were endeavoring to Stave the Boy," 1 was greatly interested in the ar- ticle in last week's Signal from the pen of Mr. James Mitchell, president Cbildreo'e Aid Society for the county of Huron, In which he suggests the adoption of the new slogan "Saye the Children," and the establishment of a Juvenile Court ter 'Huron county in - - order to make_ b. *logan el effective for and I might, Pe pe. o still taking s deep interest in the wel- fare of the rising generation of your 7- -town, although many who would now' come under the influence of a Juvenile �- Court were unborn at the time I lived among you. 1f there are any of your reader who did not read t heat tat ticle in question 1 would sugges do mo now, and learn something about the part, the present and the prospec- tive manner of dealing with juvenile delinquents. A little more care given during the /mutative period of the coming gene. ation will prevent a great harvest of crime and suffering ; and with the passing of those who now crowd our prisowI, our poorhouses and asylums we may look forward to the passing of there institutions them- selves, for with the proper care of our little ones, which is scientific care as well M religious care, there will be none to take the place of t h« present dwellers in these houses of detention and refuge. 401,4...„aimaahaBut the .urcee$ ltsnd ore or failure ocbmf all ef- ild life and bettet human conditions depends largely H not entirely on the man in charge of the work. For several years Mi G. M. Elliott. secretary Huron i)ounty Children's Aid Society. has been doing • work for which com- ing genet$tionb will have great reason to bless him ; sod which has been a good training ground for the wider sphere of usefulness for which I now propose his name. Mr. Elliott has all the qua( iflcatlons essential to a surcess- tut JuveniteCourt judge. in the licit place, he i a Christian gentleman with a heart and a rout that beats and -feels for others. He understands child -life and child nature as very few tuen can, and intuitively knows to do the proper thing et the proper time. In addition to this, he has a sufficient fund of worldly wtadom and coniwon sense to keep his decisions free and un- hampered by were legal technicalities; but rather to render judgments its har- mony with the dictates of humanity and that Chi .train charity to which few, if any, of Our courts of judicature have as yet risen. In the interest of the child life of Phe present day, and in the interest of unborn generations which esus! l&a vitrbt Y Rected obut Ina ),•!awl .; 'y juientle delinquents, a Juvenile Court .houtld at ones be established in the county of Huron, with George M. Elliott as Juvenile (' rust judge. (:. MoartrtsR BszgAt. Kitchener, Ont.. Jan. 15. 1917. ST. GEORGE S FAREWELL TO HEV J. B FOTHERINOHAM. a - - Addresses Presented from the CAMS" - gallon and the Choir. with Parting Gifts as Mementoes of the Pleasant Hslations That Have Existed tSe- tween Rector and People. term w incumbent 1' Rev. J. B. Fotheringham closed his len ot the parish of bt. George's, Onclerich, ou Sunday last, whet lir-delivered two sermons characterized by the breadth of thought and vigor of expression that have invariablysmoked his pulpit ut- terances in Uoderich. At the evening service he addressed some words of farewell to tbe congregation. express- ing hie gietil ude for all that bad been done in the church during his term as rector, and thanking those who in the various cbannele of the church's work had given their assistance, He thanked especially those who had con- tributed to the beautifying of the church edifier, particularly mention- ing the new lighting system presented by Mn. Horton in memory o. berbus- band, the lata IY�L_Hurtnft�_- At the conalueioo of the moreina service the rector was waited upon in the vestry by Messrs. Eliot. Porter end Parson* and presented, in behalf of the congregation, with the follow- iothe ♦.J R Fosh.eluzhaut. it. A. MUSIC RECITAL . A recital by vocal and pianoforte pupils of Theo. Sunbwy, A. A.G.O., L.D. C. M., will begiven lit the lecture room of Knox (:hutch on Friday. Jane - wiry 98th, at R o'clock sharp. Silver collection. The prograru will be'',ge follows : p dr[� �p�t i-Aw'f II. Y II \-t�rade..tn-same.. . Ba7s I .. c. evh, std B..4n !bashes eoDsa.w. Bola -Oh Dry Thor 'lean IM lucre Mies Philo, Howard. ?taco nolo Doors luilleene. .... Borough III. Nellie Parnham. Tenor Solo Some ere a vow. 4 Callir(e \ Tata Mr. R. Pinder Piano Sole -Crimple Aeen .... .. 1 Miss Helen t easy. Coat Sis-Abetsets .. M Yore F.ldw Stoddart. Ptaas -TM Waudorer. RotorsLonga I r+M I.+edagth waits. �M1100-Vsiv 1'bromntlque Godard 114.. L Jack.uo --- Selected 0 � when 1 was home, when the drily GODSPEED Not Much Left of boo Pounds of Turkey papers would intim t things quiet at • and boo Pounds of Pudding. the front . there was nothing doing. Rev. J. K. Patriot!. formed!' of I but forget it! -the shells and bullets ar•n flying all day and night --m Clinton Vet 1/0&.1 0Ve.uss as chaplain of st night than in the daytime, to Morer. the 101st Huron Battaliuo, writes The German is always thinking we are Signal the following interesting let- t hisngguii going. r to see him. Well, and he uees I've id enough for andel-. Wishing you ter : Dear Mr. Editor : When it was anuoaoced to the Battalion atter church parade on Christmas morning that dinner Would he "served" at 11.90 -all officers to be preeeftt-it goes without raying that every Ulan "sib up and took notice." For at that lige the men of the Bat. taboo were to oro the guests of the officers at diener. Some diluter, 'i d,. nie'tandir yme scene t Just try g can, Ueu•..-Ca•l. Combe. Major Neaman, Capt Van,tooe, Major Shaw, Capt. MiTaggal t sal Capt. 'Two all armed with a carving -knife and fork and struggling with*, turaI key, and some oto hungry men wait- ing to be served. For once the men gave orders and the officers were on parade. The officers who were not 1 carving, were flitting about from table to table with plates of turkey, etc. - and generous plates at that -and then it went from turkey to Christmas pud- ding. 1 tt ish you home folks could have steppedin and seen we oflltters in whtsmocks and aprons ; Capt. Allen at the dishwashing ; the chap- lain drying ; our hand playing or. Pis Cowell coaxing from the piano tunnel '11N(i1NO 'INCLUDING SIGHT- Rp:AWNO sed VOt"1t CULTURI). Ami and IOK(WAN taught by LR NI('HOL. BUN ITcbr•.. Certif. Roy. Acad. Mss.. tend ), erean.t and cholntater et- ue. ry Murch. Wile kh Term. ogle en t with twr'efuI Mrs Freok bimodata. r►RT 11. torte Duet -Hilarity March .. Rathbun Mr. Prod and Mos Julia Hoovers. ,Rebus Piano bolo--Y� Isabel Me\.riu. Bar Moor Solo-.Tbe (hamites tier Mr Eric Wneon. las Jean ('h•penae. ri rile- 17. Malden Wlrli t�lne Renoir -Ise a " ogle (pro temp - Soprano . a e0w er write BOX 2Ii. Iitederlca. tales Nether Mume .A.bford Sartorio Chopin Piauu ado - 1.es Adieux . ' . > ...Deaeak E. $UNBURY}-A. A. (i 0.. ( 1+- bream N'a14Ni. 1 1A D. C. III., Ilre•elet sa4 Choirmaster el /ocean Soto From Paa dice .D rdelot CDIU . Timelier piano. .01.'. a MI,", Irma Whitely. fax er0u.ln o. red Imam I Piano 11010 - 1'reludr l0 4' Mtnor. r doors ewer of Dr. B urates'.. Reohmr Kachwao00R . tea rl on �r� � I'll. tree etee0a ]fl _. - '--' thyDress 9010- N, Down in the Forest ........: WANTED. 'h, Moody Ronald 0 5 Ni-- Mildred Mc toll. (tad Save the Kies. "o .,.. Orae a happy New Year. HAIRY A. MtCa A'llls- IN RHYME AND PICTURE. A Unique Souvenir Issued by the tech C. T. M. B. An original and very clever produc- tion served to convey the Cbriatm"s greetings of the officers of the 10th Canadian Trench Mortar sheer to .their friends. A copy -mamba the editor of The Signal froom ---Lieutenant A. O. Nisbet, of the Battery and will be preserved as a unique souvenir of_ the war-' 1t ie a piloted affair of eight psges, the principal feature being a rhyming sketch entitled "The Militant Mortars," amusingly and very graphically illus- trated from begtuoina to end. Tbe author is Lieut. W. McLeod Moore, This Ie tbe history of the Battery as told (and foretold) by tlw artist : .• rhe Day ba000le."tlt.-lesbn'raa"t: "To vaegelati Earth. and paint It red. Word has been received that Sig, nailer Robert Carey, ,on of Mr. O. F. Carey, of town, has won the military cordal for bravery. He went out to repair the telephone wire under the enemy's fire. Mr. Carey is with the artiliety, having gone over with a bat- tery from Kingston. A card from Lance -Corp. H. L Watson intimates that the 1o11owiag n of the battalion band of the Hurons have been transferred to the C. A. M. C. : Chapman (clarionet), Morgdti (cornet), !Scott (ham) and NVataoo (alto), N. C. 0.. ; Reid of Seatortb (baritone), Mundy of Wing - ham (ham). Cook of Clinton (alto), Oidley of Myth (clarionet), White of Oodericb (cornet), Somers of Blytb and Newcombe of tioderich (slide trombone.), aunt Pierce (snare -drum). K'visitor in town this week is I'te. Gordon Hamilton, of the fatuous Prin- cess Pstriote's, a seer of tea tate W. C. Hamilton and of Mrs (('anon) Hill, of Regina. He was ie the treuches for fit teen months and was twice wounded, but having recovered be in- tends, after a abort visit to his relm fives in town. to lake an officer's training course at Regina. Pte. Lindsay Burrows went to Lon. don on Tuesday morning to enter tow cunvulercent home there. Mr. James. McClinton, of the Univer- sity Prainxtg-Corps. 1'..,•outo is hues on hie last pass. He returns to the city on Friday morning and expects to go to Ottawa on Friday night. There he will be attached to the Aviation Corps, having s lieutenant's ccoawis- S On. Revs aa* arts MAR 91w. -Thr parIthlooer+ of 4t ( •. Ooderleh, on the 000srlon of your departure from an to otter fields of nee- fulnese Omani ta. take thio opf,ertUDity. In bld- d�i�nrI11 you farewell. of aewuring you that the besof reteillecUtina of your mlobttratterie Will remain a•• .m the moot pleasant In the pa ehtal histor7.o • est cheerful per+tat- ur hearty Puce In maintaining Standard of the ser- vloer e well a• the R Interest you have taken the adornment avid htrnlehing of the church lace have endeared, fou t0 o., and It 4 with d V .'egret that e r t,nL ort. Year re sal writ br fwelt tiny M ns lint by the nom w•1Iy et large, and we .4.11 fol- low your Put career with Wettest ; y.,u will have our pr* •er. and nest wishes wherever yon Ro. Although we ow 14.1 no mater taiobjeol te needed by you to eep in mind your !text role charge, yet we wl to off. r ) nu for your 110- ceptanee these re emhrance. as a token of regard, trust Ina tha Mot Fetheringratni and yourself will the In u them fora snug !shirt yd life. blessed with all \nateti .1 and spiritual Mteainilng. sined on behalf or 797 ANTE') -a uuufJ OHM 1'OK` general hlas+ewett. J►RtiU lt�ist 1111 • tisReien. :R \If His WANTED. -APPLY (IOD& Ric KNITTiROrtr. - SDE es�.y,'ot; egMli too will m the town rt MEETINGS. O OF HURON COUNTY IL. . Ureic the orporams elof chamberthe , !u catch, on Tuesday, the hard da/ell Die prc.ent month, at 3 oclock. W. LANA, loafed January Nth. 14417. ANNUAL MEET1bU The annual meeting of the member., of the McK.11ut. Mutual I. Ire Insurance Compan will he held in the town , hall. *aloe h. on Fri. day. F eh, nary 2nd. 14117. at the hoer of 2 p. m. The bu.+s lnewill he to 'receive the annual \ Aatement and auditors' report, the electing of \ three director. Ind other haitter which \would be considered for the bene of the Company. The retiring director* n Jame. (...molly. Robert Ferris and William ,R11111, .ho are eligible for re-election. JAIIIK. CONNGLI.Y, THOS. K H',41.1. President. itlecretarts ' I Grand Trunk Railway Tone Table Changes. . Effective Hundey, January 14113, the following alter-ationv and tedur- tions in Oland Tf unk traid service will be made in and out of Goderich: Train No.! leaving Goderich at 4.50 p. m. for Stratford will be CAN- CELLED. -' Train No. 29 arriving Oodet•ich 11115 a. to. front Stratford will be CAN- CELLED Train No. 2l7 now arriving (lode - rich at 2.00 p. m. from Buffalo and Stratford will arrive at 1.111p. m. Train No. 219, now aniving Oode- rich 11.3) p. m. from Buffalo and Mtrat- ford will active 11.45. FOR SALE OR RENT. 000B.. COMFORTABLE BhICK 11 HU1'SE TO RENT. -Contains foresee end alt ronvenlenees., Will be rented at a low rent tba txrm.nel t unsent. T OUNI)RY le TO ENT. -SOUTH RIDE 0 N roapart est Mavens North street; gqsix mom. and th. bailment laundry, all modern nnvenienoes, nearly ' ddoorated std smite aaated. Rent reasonable. A.M. POLLEY. a►tf R RENT.MODERN HOUSE ON (iloureeter Terrace. ADDIl to J04. C. RIl TN. 37.11 LOCAL TOPiO6,IN BRIEF. r - Have you reneded jour subecription and secured one of- 'he gignal's pretty calendars Mrs. James Thurlow. Anglesea street. had the misfortune to fall and break her leg on Sunday morning. The ice harvest ie now being taken in at the harbor, somewhat earlier than in moat years. The ice is said to of excellent quality. e pwri.h. tt L kt. arr. . I•ARM)Ye. .1131 Puarxa. *ccon anving the eddve . were several nus of factional bookcase. On ursday evening lbw choir of St. (ieorge's met for a 'octet evening at the home of Mr. and Meed, O. L. Persona, the opportunity beingen to bid farewell to the rector and re. Fotheringham. 1'he following ad- dress was presented: KRvawr'to AND MAR BM.- The member. of the choir of *1. George's church cannot slow you to leave us wit Abut eqxpre..n)g our regret at your departure and the severance of the very pleasant relations whit% have existed be- tween u.; the recollection ot your-ympathe and assistance will remain for ter) many years to come. You take your teparture followed by our heartiest good wi.heA for your future eAreer In the chum wherever your lot may- be cast and as w .baht token of our regard reetoe+t your ac oeptanee of the ,..-con.panving articles as an expresdbn of our apps• -batten or your work. Signed on behalf of the choke. ('n.xTA ]eK I..ToVRaI.,. ALMA MTVIADY. U. L PA favorite chorus such as "P'AC Yuut Trou.)les in.Yuur Old Kit Bag," But John Bou did not like the notion. etc. 'Those who were not eating were I And mid so -(through his lordship (yp.rheu, [ era • Ob ! It was a great time we brad to- gether, and 1t helped us to forget for fa a little while that we were so r from bonne. What wasthe menu Turkey -- -- -. Cabbage Salad Potatoes Plum Pudding and Sancti - Pickles end Relishes Candies Orangesti Tea Crics h We 11. we had enough to begin with, lint l can assure yoq that when the "Hiltons" got finished there was not touch of the dM pounds of turkey uods ofPft, and as Christmas little ofthe NCOF ' ding. '1'0 our ret t 252 of our boys were gi sinng and serving a t6 me brie n Nuts Did we have enoug patriotic euchre, under the *ue- plc of General Brough Chapter, I.O. 1.E.. will he held in the Meneee- tung 1 noe Club rooms on Thursday. .lath to ., commencing -at--4 o'clock. Tickets Dr. Gal lecture on Masonic Hal The lectures the s •me hour wishing to take course should arts w gave his introductory home reining in the on Mendes, afternoon. 11 be given weekly at (4:t) p. m-) 'Those advantage of the the next lecture. Royal Naval R. N., C. V R. - IN Recruitin Meeting Victoria Oper NJIouse Thursday Evening, January 25th r -COL. KELLY EVANS Rcconlpanied by a bluejacket Instructive and Educational Limiters ite>rs Thin Will Be Shown MAYOR MUNNINOS, Chairman At 4 o'clock in the afternoon Col. Evans will meet the members of the County Council, the Wer Auxiliary, the executive of the Patriotic Fund and citizens generally in the Court House. ith in France ar ' could not join w u,, but they v • e not rot gotten ; every one of them as sent a Live -franc note With our good wishes.Ger but a short We way he•.toget time longer M a battalion, but our nee to prove that Mr. din: ex 2t•, !ii ow,Christina. Day, All of which g 110111, wilt always stated tat as Doti of Rudyaad Kipling fors,aaw the creation the hap iest of the amity boars lij5'!bt of the Tenth Canadian T'ttench Mortar together.'\lWe believe that. our bbddys Battesywhenain and kargoment'� jubewrote: are pot about RS clean and manly & a� bunch of fellowe as ever left Canada. Tbe.,; only one torp,- which 4 perfect -that's and Huron titay well be proud of os.• ON HEADQUARTERS STAFF. Pte. L. W. Curren Has a Comfortable Mr. and Mrs. 1. Correll, Saltford, • have received a letter from their son. Are Pte. L. W. (Turrell, of the orderly room offlc;e tura at headquarters of 'the 101st Battalion, Shorndiffe, Eng - !� o ,tounst did the .crap begin Than Canada at once iolaed in. A while Oermanle made none progress And proved herself a perfect u.reus. But when the lith C. T. M. B. sc Came on the wen,. M Yell rsee. rs Th. Pico got more than ire ooetd ewaUow. And Spew that he was beaten -hollow. Ills High Command becoming addled. He (to put it bluntly, Sunt skedaddled. Wt meafter. het log scored a wan. Phil bah(' 1'. M. B. apt.eaached Het lu). And Lhere, dictating term. of peace. From Kai..erhood gest a "6111 relca-e. So home land what perhaps odds- I. Our hetes, real.) felt quite mode!. Yet glad were they. their task completed. By youth and beauty to be t. ted. Which is the tale 'without etude flattery Of the 1014 Canadian Tench Mortar Battery. them. To the folks at home we would send greetings and way the new year bring to us the peace that will enable us -to return home to deaf ()id Huron. NOT JUST LIKE HOME. Dugouts in the Front-line T Not e Place for a Rest The folio tog letter was receiv Tuesday of C The articles referred to were a clubs hag and surplice for Mr. Fothering- ham and a case of scissors for Mn. Fotheringham. Mr. Fotheringham made a suitable atknowldgement, ex- pressing his appreciation of the aesie- tance given by the choir in the ser- vices of the sanctuary. Both the addresses were taeautifull ill untioatied, the work, we understand, of Mr. J. Ades Fowler. Mr. Fotheringham left on Monday for hip new chatge at Brantford. and Mrs. Fotheringham and children left this afternoon. Mr. Fotheringham will he in town again next week, and will be the guest of the Canadian Cluh at luncheon on Tueeday evening. Coast -sealed oysters, solid meat fresh from the ovate beds, at Black etoiw s. Phone 240.•• _ CHURCH NATES. Robe tloderich. AR Mia. ED the 1 'ky (or unlock }Panel n to land in front -lint trenchek be thought. I`(1 drop you are about aA dozen Oode the front that came over from England, and 1 want they wet a needetia. as the poo reinforced were' standing in m water for fifteen hours at a rim hep th y went to their dugouts HOCKEY NOTES. Mltcheil 5-Godertch 3. On Friday night last, the Mitchell Juniors vialtadliodetich sod defeated the locals by the *core of 5 to 3 it) what is considered the best hockey match seen here/or some 'time. During the first two periods both te•une put up toms clever hockey, but in the third frame the bottle team slowed down, allowing three 'cores. The locals were very much hpndicapped y ab- sence of,Brhb, their fastest player. The visitors. were cf alleizes, the big gest being at leant six feet tall. The two kids of the team, Cook and Gat- enby, were the star* of the evening, easily outekating anyone else on the toe. Cho k put up the beet game for the Ioettgilea„ The Mitchell teamahowed evideoce of more practice. They out- guessed their opponents, checked hack better and displaced wucb better teem play. They were inclined to rough a little. though, and Tours, the referee, allowed them to mix -in whenever they wanted to. Mitchell secured the initial tally in five minutes of play and ten minutes later Bowler tied it. In the' second period the visitors again scored, but Clark, after having hard luck in sev- eral elites, notched one. Iri'the third frame Mitchell got' lits- cuwl,iata- tion working and made three counters. During the last five minutes of play Johnson found the corner of the net for the last goal. Tbe liue-up was as follows : Mitchell. Cioderich. Shoracliffe \ � I s week : I land - \ Dear People at Horne, -Received t •F rist maw 1 ra y. Somewhere in France, your etter chard December2nd and 1 �need not say how glad 1 was to receive i am glad to know you have re- The subject for discu4ion at the. Men's Monday Club at North street Methodist church next Sunday morn- ing will be : "How far should then be conscription of wealth!' Miisisnary anniversary services will be held at North street Methodist church next Sunday. Rev. Daniel Norman, B. A.. missionary to Japan, will he the speaker at both services. Rev. 0, M. Holmes will preach next Sunday in the Baptist church at both services. Tbe subjects are : In the orning, "The Local Church," in the eningg, "Uaiepha. Judging Jesus. A .'rata! welcome awaits you. -As I was one of ). ones of the 1111 st ',ince and the e Christman, I line. There ich men at the draft tell you ors Wei d and end ey ly had to el ep with their Wet and mu clothes o . Don't think Chet dugou are it home. You have to Esc* dow about them to get into them ; they twenty feet underground and t high enough to stand up hp, and of utile Tan, orary Change in C. P. R. Pasasn- r Train Service, Effective \ bunday, Jan. 14. Leave Goderich 7 it ni.-arrive Toronto 11.51 a. m., Hamilton 11.20 a. M. Leave (inderich 4.20 p tn.-arrrive North Toronto 9 p. ut.. Hamilton 8.30 p. tn. Leave Toronto R a. m.. Hamilton R.IR a. m.-artivs (ioderich 12 56 p. m. Leave Toronto 4 p. m., Hamilton 4.25 p. m. -arrive Goderich 8.15 p. m. Our subscribers are very mock i pleased with the handsome calen- dao issued this year by The Sig. sal. Be sure you get yours by re- newing early . ce ho COMP So y had arri would, el We atriv day. disemh* after trevellin ShorTtcliffe and rliffe stet ion to c ved some of my lettere. M I know one feel's when tette!' do not hen expected. had word Sunday\ that we ed Satot•dav, 1 thought you 1 might have cabled. about 2.15 a. us. Rotor - ed at 3 15 p. m . and by train from --to %erbing from Shorn- rnp arrived Immo. thing after 1 a.m. Slrr.day, and Relieve Inc we were a tired IJ(. J _ A package of Ooderi I pipet came In today. llnw nice it is to get new, ares cote', own town. WP• have jniit oonipleted t tr*nefer of he orderly roots into the A.S.O., British Armored Cars with the Russo-Ramanun Armies. The ppictureives one w .light idea of the difficulties encountered by the .quadrenas a armored cars in their long jnurnye+ through the snows to *saint the Rua+o-Rumanian semis+. T. Yates - goal -M. Pridham H. Lederman r. defence 11. Moline,. L. Davidson 1. defence A. Hebei H: Nlotwnz rover1. (;ll, 4i seler A. Rlowen I. wing L. Oatenty r. wing T. Johnson J. Cook centre C. Hood She laughed at my suit When 1 asked her to wed - "On to Pridham the Tailor Pi41 a slit, dear 1(d.•' - She knew that 1 knew III swam suitings he lett, y§u 1 had no trouble in getting her to wed. Any quantity of dry hemlock slabs for .umuter wood at MacEwan's (phone Intl. 22.00 per cord. tf Make 1t One Hundred I \C6kt? (L,detich'ecunt rtfutinet-to the fund for 'serving soldiers through' the Y. M. U. A. military work, Our boys are getting the benefit tf it, as their letters show. Do y r bit to Goderich 4-Seaforth 4 help it along. On Wednesday night the Goderich Already reported Juniors played in Seaforth and the W. Bern result was a tie -4 all. The genie waw W.11 Pi idhanl fast and clean, both teams playing Milt. ee blethewngton better combination than when they caret it) Goderich tact week. The acme J. P. Hume by periods was :I) -G, 14.2, 4.4. Godericli Mrs. W. L. Ilurton scored two in the last thrie minutes E. of play. Malcolm McDonald, of Gtele- Itee rich,- handled the hell very otitis A F factorily. The League Standing. The standing in the league to date is : 1217(.00 2111 - 1.11) 3.110 '2.111 2.110 2.110 R. Wigii• 22.14) W. H. Hager Li.(11 Friend - 1.00 SKOP A. M. RoHKRTSON. Treiu,irer. •'THE COMMON LAW." 2:) Very Special Prodection Soon to Be Presented at the Model. lireat inlet est has I..-e•n taken in the Selznick Pictures production of ""rhe Common Law" -the famous story by Robert W. C`'hanlbere-in which the leading role it taken by Clara Kim - hall Voting. This picture is one of the greatest of Mies Young's twiny nuc - ceases, and the cant is a brilliant, one, including a tomtit*, of noted players. This production, which in heralded M a veritable ti ph of fllfu art, bas been secured at very heavy expense by Mr. King: proprietor of the Modal Theatre, (ttaderich, where it will be prevented Wednesday and Thursday, Fehutai y 7 and B. Patrons of the Model ahouid tear these dates in mind. Further announe niient next week. "PRAM the cnmiy," that is what every member of the family says when they know it is _Elam dm . Phone 2110. You know -we know -everybody" ,ws-the great advance in the pace. of all leather gond.. Now Is the time,nto .fborkat upthe n footwear wbile • you camy old prices in sue store. �1V tut -gam & Co. itchell ✓ ntun O erich Sea th Von lost 0 1 (i I 1 n :t N. which means Canadian Arm Service Cot ps. Tflp u.eof this corps i to fur- nish and t.ra spurt all necessiti of all the troops. a ry busy branch the service, I scent cot. V%e are cry comfurtahly qts •tered nnw. Each clerk has a desk 0 is own i.s and lehi Own moik to attend am convenient M cool - lie arranged, don't you think Twenty more of our m leave^for Fr*nee in DM morning._:,... We have some very defter gs here. Tonight one cannot see ten fee head, and all come on in such of. short me_ I received the Saltford Red box and *iso the one from A Maggie and the one from home. tell you they were fine. 1 will he able to enjoy myself at far as eats are con- cerned for a few days. - I must tell you of the flee Christmas dinner we had, and without any joking we had a fire dinner -all the turkey, oti ' mashed potato, salute, plum pud- ding and nut+ one could, alk for. Tbe offtcera supplied the eats. Several of the bora have box'S to- night. no we are having a little jubilee. A tnouthorgan selection to taking place now, so you can imagine how difficult it is for me to write, en will saygood night. ye to all. L.Lovo. Black.tohe'e dancing class. Wednes- day, January Loth. g p. m., at the Masonic Temple. Join now. For par- ticulars apply at Blackstone's restaur- ant. 80814. ELLIOTT. (no *atntday, January 13. at the family resldepo0.M klastreet, London. to Sergeant and Mrs. W. E. Elliott. a daugl- , ter (Florence Esther'