The Signal, 1916-11-16, Page 54
bound or repaired.
Atlantan. prompter attended to au Imaring
tem ea THE SIGNAL, God/inch.
• dnetwass. acute, :hunk and 114ITYOUP
e rden. eye. ear, now end throat. partial deaf
ea. lumbago and rheumetic condltieoa Ade
weeds remove withnnt the knife. Oittos at
West.. At home aloe blenders. Thursday.
Graduate Tonna.) University, Otuduate
041CCPIP.Or to the tate Major 5410 Office%
terser Square en 1 Wee street, dedwich.
ha at Wane! elite will be promuuy
milled Rasiesses mimeses MS.
Penult:. SM.
Adloo-Stallag !kat Bleak. HAMM& Sawn.
Mot 111oto- las and lowaromat
011os on the Situate, seclood doot from Ham
Private fund. to loan at Motet meet
Square At ',num tnurelay ot each week In
adios on Attica lotreet occupied by Mr.
Boom r. tants 'Were a a.m. to 6 pm.
yarselsittur,rtNirry Poetic and CooLvaancer.
JIML ItURA It co. -Terre and Isolated
Vice -Pres., liecchwood P. O.,
:Irina, Winthrop; N Rion, Cone/Loos.
Agents : J. N. Yee, Holmseville ; Alex.
rems awl get their card. receipted si.
l..R11/2. orrish'e Cluteing Store. Clinton, It. it.
3. B. Reid's General Story, Bay field.
N. Barrister Hamilton street.
✓ illa AND laawnsteet British, Canadian and
flrf : The Ocean Accident and Guerautee
Corporation, Limited, of London, Eng.
fidelity and Gus "mow Company.
Moe at read roce, animist corner of Vio-
lins mid Bt. David etreets 'Phone 17a.
Patents, Trade s,
Secured in All Countries
• Write tor free hook "pATENT8 eltorke
TION. Tells all &beet and how to get, pat
seta. BABCOCK SONS. establish
flormerly Patent (Aloe Examiner. M
Patent lewd Registered Pateut Atter••711
.ittawa and Waphelgton. Representatives in
ail foreign ecnintrlee
Brophe) Bros.
'he Leading
Funeral Directors
'led Embalmers
Orden iseetully attended to
at ell Rear% night or day.
Ottawa, November Id -The Borden
Government bas atinouneed, era the
Teronto Cattle Market
ruby lips of the Hon. A. fC. Kemp, Steers, choice weighty j; 90 to $8.641
it can get It. The stipulation is, how-
ever, that Perliament must be unani-
mous and that if the Opptoitiou is re-
luctant about it tbe Government will
ge t.o the country, throwing( the onu.
of • wer-tinee election with a dull
sickening thud on the wicked Grits.
When he made this announcement,
having come sti eight with the dread-
ful news from a Cabinet meeting at
Ottawa to a Conservative Ward As-
sociation meeting in Toronto, Mr.
Kwup registered extreme horror. As
• registerer of extreme horror, Mr.
Kemp is • falee stern). His perform-
ance lacks conviction. His touch is
too heavy -like an elephant playing
the piano.
()stetted:Ply Mr. Kemp wan horrified
at the possible infamy of the Grits in
refusing to geant the Borden liku-
ernment &nether ear's extension
frost* October, 1917, n which to make 50o. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25o.
their profiteering friends in the food At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit -
trod shell Industries rich. What he *Alves Limited, Ottawa.
really was horrified at -although o'
coulee he wouldn't admit it publicly
-waa the prospect of • general elec-
tion that would turn the shilly-ehally-
ing Borden Government out before its
cold storage masters had squeezed the
last dollar coma the Cenadian people.
It is quite true tbat the Borden Gov -
treatment is enjoying an extension right
now •t this moment of which eleven
months is st ill unused, but that doesn't
prevent Mr. Ke0111 reachiug out for
another. The honorable gentleman is
guilty of taking with bit muuth full.
lb. answer to his protestations is, of
course. "Get. rid of what you've got
Just here the questijen arise*, what
is the Berden Government defog with
its present extension of power ? It
met ing good use of it Has it done
anything that would entle the people
of Canada to grant it • other year of
power -making al; sgeth r seven years
at retch foraGovernmeht that wasn't
intrinsically worth throb And of
rrhaps four, hem; been ch racterized
ter than
the way,
full ad -
"Fruit-a-tives" Soon Relieved
This Dangerous Condition
632 altaltsim ST. EASY, TOrmeTO.
"For two years, I was a victim of
Acute Indigestiqp and Gas In The
Stomach. It afterwards -a/lacked avy
Heart and I had pains all ',Tor my body,
so that I could hardly move around.
I tried all kinds of Medicine but none
of them did me any good. At last, I
bought the first box last June, end
now I am well, efler wig/ may three
boxes. I recommend "Fruit -a -Byes"
tO anyone suffering from Iedigestion".
y opportunities for graft •
have ten, opportunities, b
of which the Borden
menCs frie ds have taken
vantage. me of the shell ofiteer-
hundred per crinL prattle Naturally
the friends of the, Borden Govern=
meat don't .want it to abandon the
trough while the gorging is good.
Fleece these outerree for another' ex.
trosion on top rif the one that is *t-
reacly being so frilly utilized.
The Oovernment's keennees on
these exteneion niovemente hes two
main objects -exercise and more time.
object of the PitTellte the same
as the otlect of all these Swotted*
movemente-to remove the paunch,
to reduce theorwelling roused hy the
war gle011ieee• that it will not he ob-
served by the public eye. The Govern-
ment reckons that in two years the
war profile of their friends. which now
fintightlylient) in the ver
m• iddle of, the body politic. can be
shifted bi war' of tit:tall) ale backs
of the people, thus putting the hutup,
where it he/onge and at the same time
an all -too -obvious &mei ty. What
this metaphor means to ray ia Mit le
the long run the pe..ple pee the profit-
eers and that the Ilerden Government
trusts to the beelinti effects of time
to rusks the people forget that the*
are being taxed to mace the Borden
Government's friends and maulers else *begot,
rich. easer-o use 's 'Kidney
but time to sore ette the relit of the -Airy nters.wela tether he 4 erithl,IVP
elAVy. "Let weii enough alone"- second frustrated I. an her firer.
e dollars then aentie
friends than erre-
it. So why dissemble ? What Mr.
Kemp was horrified at was not the
prospect of • general election, but the
prospect of what it would do to the
Boe den (invents -tient. His horror WAS
00 doubt inte,psifled by the thought of
what generel elections had done oo
lionaervative Government• in Mani-
toba and British Columbia. Mr.
Ketnp's honor mid that of his col-
leagues. is horror at the abyss into
whiet they are duelo plunge.
The people of Canada do not. feel
horror now at theproapect of a Fit-
eral election torch as they felt In 1914
or again in 1915 when \the Germane
still had the edge oath,' Allies end
victory was none too certain. Now
thet our ultimate triumph s assured.
Canada turns with • lighte heart to
its troubtes at home and he chief
trouble there, she finds, i, the \B,,rden
Government. What Caned/16*dt do
-to the Borde*Government whea she
gets the chance will be horrible enough,
hut that is no reason why Mr. Kemp
should try to blaine it on the Chita
Everybody wants to get at the Horde
Government -it doesti't seem to he •
party question at all In one thertee it
won't be- an election, it will be capital
puniehmene Iiierited of lingering on
fru • year front &Giber, 1917, the
Borden Government ought to take the
first rbaneli to drop out with as little
tubs as pomade. The sooner it's over
the se e'er to sleep. No floweret
Dodd's Kidney Pills Cured When Dooltlirs
nye yea's' standing and of which three
doctors felled to cure hiru. Mr. II. A.
Moirison, a well-known rear dent of
thin pltwe, ha. no hp.itlition in arm lee
t ha he oweri his health tri Dodd's Kid-
quarter irit• mil.. and today I am aide
to attend'utt my work as well ae 1 WW1
"For ft., 141... I sofferod fr kidney
disease: litras treated by three tkilful
doctors hut \ got, no benefit. Then a
friend advi me to ewe Dodd's Kid-
ney Pillar. 1 ent to the druggist/sod
got flve boxer Before I bed used tutu
thAL WWI the Tory elegem in 1911. In If a man imp ism
191d it is "Let well enough alone." he laterally fuss mo
with this addition, "and we'll mien, ' -
thing that's left." -
iteanwhile Whet_
urged why A Government, which
not esed one month of its rese
tension of a year; pieta given
another year'e mortgage o the fu -
tore ?. Has it meat go wkh its
present. extension ? Wb r are the
fruit is Colonel Bruce's port on the
rotten state of the C adieu Army
Medical Seevice in emit Britain
leeded up as it is w• incompetente,
dope fiends and p y hacks. The
Canadian end is t much betWr in
ex -
snare places. our -mar lit AO
Jett investigate transactions at the
base hospital in Toronto in which non-
commimioned officers are said to have
looted thousandis dollara' worth of
supplies- For this stupid blundering
the hospital cononendehrt, or whatever tow„..
they call him. has been selieved of
his job and transferred to an ornam-
ental position where his fatheadedness
can do no more harm.
The next of the first -fruits is the re-
cruiting muddle, tire appointment of
sepon-partisan National Service Cone
irbission with eleven out of twelve,
Tory recruiting directors, the resigna-
tion of the chairman, Sir Thome/
Tait, when he found that there wasn't
enough non-partisanship to permit
him to choose his own secretary, the
selection of R. B. Bennett as chairman
-R. B. is so non-partisan (bet he
thinks Of God as a Tory -and the
famoui attempt to band Sir .Wilfrid
Laurier A th•t ill to sey. to
hand him a full share of the 'blame,
while bolding out on the glory, to
which he was not entitled because up
to that, nroment Sir Kam and his
humble and inferior assoeiates of the
Cabinet bad conducted it as exclusive-
ly a Tory war. Whereat. se Mark
Twain says. Yey all laughed except
ye ladye Alice Dillbury, yet silly old
thing. es.
'Chore are the first -fruits, of the
present -extension and it rests with the
people of Canada to say whether the
Borden Government ought to get
another to do the same thing* with.
There isn't much chance that they
will do any better. You can't teach a
six-year-old dog new twirls -eve -1 if
you do extend him &nether twelve
months. It goers without saying that
the Government doern't want that
other year to repent in -it has more
pressing emitters than repentance to
get busy about.
There la no doubt in my mind that
Mr. Kemp's horror Wel genuine
enough. The trouts'., as I said before,
is that he wasn't at liberty to revel
the true object. BLit!, everybody knew
do, medium weighty ..40 .
Butchers' choice handy7.10 7.60
sins' cows, choice6.40 6.76
do. good
belmma 5.50 6.10
4.86 1.90
. good
4.20 4.60
3.76 4.10
Milkers, good to choice 76 . 00 110.00
Gives, veal, choice 10 .60 11.50
do. Medium
6.00 6.50
do. common
Sheep, ewes, light 8.25 9.00
do. heavy and bucks. 6.60 8.00
60. culls 8.00 8.00
Hogs, weighed off cars .10 .65 0.00
do. fed and watered.10 .90 0.00
Toronto Grain Markets
Manitoba wheat- Track, bay ports,
wheat, 51.87; (old crop wheat, 3 cents
Manitoba oats --Track. bay ports.
extra No. 1 feed, 738fic.
American corn -No. 3 yellow, new,
51-14. immediate shipment, track,
'Ontario wheat -Winter, new crop,
mercial, per car lot, according to
freight outside. 11.83 to 51.84; No. 2
commercial, 51.72 to $1.75; No. com-
exorcist, 51.63 to 51.67.
Onterio oets--According to freight
outside; No. 2 white. new, 66c to 68c;
No. 8 white, new. 6rsc to 67c.
Barley -Malting, -51.16 to -e1.18; feed
Manitoba flour -First patents, in
te bags. 510.40; seconds. In jute,
90; strong bakery. in Jute, $9.70.
°Mario- flour -Winter, new. emelt,
Toronto, prompt shipment, acc-
Millfeed-- -Car iota, per ton, deliver-
ed, Montreal: Shorts, $;3; bran. 531t,'
good feed flour, per bag, 52.80; mid-
dlings, 584.
May -Baled, No. 1 track. Toronto,
to 512. Straw, carlote. 58 to 59.
Butter and\ Cheese Markets I
Picton-Sixtee'%, factories boarded
548 cheese, wh h sold at 23k.i3
straight weight. This 13 the highest
' price tor cheerer in Canada. ,
Cornwall --1,090 .shee3, were sold at
New Silk Waists New Voile Waists
New Crepe de Chene Waists
E are sho‘king an exceedingly attractive line-of,Waists
in silk, crepe de chene and voile, in the season's new-
est effects,„.and all- are_ personally selected frcun the, best manu-
White Silk Waists
made from rich, lustrous qual-
ity Haputall Silk. in many
styles, some with large shawl
collars and fichu. Perfect
fitting. Prices from $2.25 to
Crepe de Chene Waists
Wry dressy for street wear, in
all colors, including pink,
flesh, melon, putty, Maize,
rose, white and black.
Voile selorwes
in all the newest effects to
suit all. Perfect fitting.
From CLOP upwards.
A large stock of black Silk Waists from $2.25 to $5.50
Sweaters for Men, Women and C.4?ildren\
We carry the largest assortment of Sweater Coats in the county.
Sweater Coats
i9 all styles, in light and
heavy weight. From $1.50
Sweater Coats
in All .stylee, suitable ior all
occasiotis, in all weights.
Monarch Sweater Coats Penman's Sweater Coats
ter Coats
.; in endlees variety and all t
kinds the children like, a
colors, all sizes From 50c up.
Turnbull's Shaker -knit Coats
um toluuscraimautiful range.of wornerK6onos and Missing Gowns, ex
e and cut on full, generous lines, in novelty kimono &As and blanket
$2.50, $3.50, $4.50 and $5.75
Perrin's Gloves Cee Tee Underwear
Brockville -,-Offerings were 307• eol- mtipacupAt
ored, 711 white. Higheet fild 23c., at "1"
which -he colored And 40 srhite were •
- -Perth-L-800 .lioxes of cheese sold, Make
Tyne* price, 23 c.
I Danville, Qae.-984 boxes were of-
' fered. All 'geld It 234c.
Napaneeep875 -chiese woke boarded.
IAll sold 4123 5-lec.
Iroquois -387 colored_And 25 boxes
of white were offered; 23c bid. No
sales on the board. All sold on curb
All sold at 23.1,6c.
Mont Joll, Que.-160 boxes were of-
fered. All sold at 224,ic.
St. Hyacinthe, Que.-500'1)0am; were
offered. All.sold at •23%c. 100 pack-
ager; butter sold 'at 42Iyee. ' •
Kingston -30 white .and 509 colored
Toronto Wholesale prices to the
Storage, selects .39 .40
Butter -
Creamery prints. fresh.: .44 .45
Creamery prints, storage .42 .43
Creamer? solids .41% .43
(7hoice dairy prints .37 .39
Ordinary dairy prints' .83 p .86
Cheese -New, large, 23%c to 24c;
twins, 23lide to 24%c; triplets, 24c to
24%e; „Stiltons, 245fic to 211c.
Potetrf Live Dressed
Spring chick's. 16c 170 21c 112a
Old fowl, lb... 13c lac 16c 8 llto
Duckling', lb... 12c 190 17.1 190
Beans-Hand-plcked• it; prime, O.
lots, 52.10 a bag; western, in earlobe
51.85 to 51.90 a bag.
/kg Tired, Weak, Nervous Women
Beil-eiWetaire... Olio.- it 11.11 every
t weak, nervous wom n could have
Vino!, for I Dever woe* y money in
mi life that ch good as
that I spent Viten!. wag weak,
tired, worn out and neexous, and Vinol
Made me strong. wadi and roue after
everything else had failed to help me,
and 1 can Pow do' my honoree ik with
We guarantee Vinol for •1 weak,
run down, nervous, debilitat.ed con-
It C. Denim), druggist,Goderich, nt.
Also at the best druggist• in all On rio
The surfeit on vacant lands in Al -
belle and easkatchewen is so
sttisfactbrily that there er talk of
adcpting_it in Manitoba. It has been
found that this form of titx4Lion not
only increases the public revenue, hut
moveritandleirderterthaenteer,and others
to do something with their real estete
in order to make it productive. Thus,
the lendholder who, under the system
which enabled him to draw unearned
increment from vacant land because
of hig neighbor's Industry and enter-
prise, and to bold it "for a rise," finds
it necessary, under the land surtax
aystenn. either to improve the property
himself or torten to those who will in,-
proye it.
My haw sari been trembled
witli Rheumatism for • number of
years. Be was advised by • Mesa
te try
NOM K I Wirt/lb
pnrelmed a tot. and after tak-
ing tees for a week fotsnd tkat
tem gam Min wow relief. Hs
!bee pnreluteed three wore bores.
whirls were the =ekes of entirely
relieving him te now • musty
men in good /melte end stile to
attend te kis daily work for tkill
great Waage all ts gee rila rine.
Tic:: !rely, Alm. Moore.
All dregglets sell Ota Pills tie
lee a bet. or e beast fin 1111110.
iewpie free if yes Irate 5.
00. 07 AzMisalLtAbantAMEIVED
Council of above lllll nicipality Met
Your motive 4eptenther 20. Membera all present,
Reeve Murray presiding. "NV ten of
meeting read rind confirmed, on
riou4oti by No yli' end Mall mgt.
()wet° I -. 7-1 -- den of the county_ hall called a spec.1
meeting of the county eorincil at -
Kee ve M ray rep t nd that the NN
This is the season when a
Gasoline Engine would be-•
valuable asset if added to your
farm equipment.
Just at the present time we
have on the floor of our ware-
house all sizes of Engines from
one and a -half to six horse-
power. They will clO a great
deal to take the drudgery out
of life. Call and see them.
wbfrh-it-+csad_ id d h t
half -mill en the dollars no re go
to the 13titi-lt,Jlsrd Choate, this stun of
$91,2511 to be repltid to the ronnry by
the neves e nuwicipaliticein 1917. NVest
Wewanoth having added totrr-tenlhsof
'a Will to the collect or'a roll (pi evinu.
to the ale ve set ion by lbs vomit% i
mill have but one -tear It of a mall t,.
collect in 1947. Hirt y Monter wu t d ,
on council asking thea something be i
done wirh the watercourse clllprsite,
his lot, 17, 6onaesaion 7, council agree-
ing to tt y the grader on this job. Io -1
Vim by Miners. Mellough and J.olin-1
stun that J. R. Young be paid 3.1 peri
cent. of cost for digging ditch at north
half 19 15, 15, convet.sion 5, 51'1.181. Car-
ried. peeve Murray reported that he
and Councillor Naylor had waited on
Colborne township council re the
1M ins et sid ate
itnot to be cured
bye/harsh purga-
tives; they rather
but mu laeutp o, Like
and Live \Table,. 1 toy
atir op the aver. tone ttie
D elve* and fropi,, the
li▪ belist bath.
mums emmsa Young's cerek drain matter, intimat-
ROBTS WILSON eomething I ill the way of what
would be arrived et at an early date. - - -- ---
Cern teething from Oiganimition ef
Hamilton St., Goderich - Rerrourcear. Committee and Hydro.
appeared recto , le in . Georgia news -
Electric Commisaion were filed. Motion
••••••••••••• by Messes. Mallough etid Naylor Hutt "I""• 0" liti-III,.7 lb"' I'I,"'It ne"a•
a event of 65 be given Carinthian Fiee
woos the way. eir the lattet 'M COM.
_ _ - ; Librery foe the Blind. Bylaw eete II ;le% Gam ef fifty rears of cent' llllll us
y. The core
ing engineeen time six mantle' on Pitt -
x k..
.k. -Naylor- end Johnston. .811.0004111tA
liBBERS tertian drain, on motion by ,Memars. in n prominent ',belt. Telling the,.
Woman best friend.
Penn gi to old age. ,
theme little health re -
...were are unfailing
a clean. limit' normal
Chamberlain's temack
Tablet at night the
, sour stomach a far,
heaths -he. h••ir II
gone by morning.
All drugveta,
or by rn..JI (root
Ckamberlali Makes
tensest, Tweets it
East Buffalo Cattle.,
Cattle-Receipta, 6,200; active; -
ping steers, 57.50 to 510.50; batch,
57.00; stockers and feeders. 56-00 te
671E; trash caws aad springers. so.
tive and steady, 160.00 to $116.00.
Vitali-Receipt.). SOO; glieW, Se
Hoge -Receipts, 16,000;
heavy, $10.40 to $10.60; rnixedin
to 510.40; yorkers, 510.80 to $10-151
light yorkers, $9.50 to $9.761 pig"
59.35; roughs. $9.15 to 59.40; Media
57.60 to 58.60.
Sheep and lambo-Risosipts, 6.000;
active; iambs. 117.00 to 512-00l Tor4
lints, 55.50 to 5i1.50; wethera
Chicago Live Stook
nettle - Receipts, 57.000;
weak; beeves, 51.1/0 to 811.84;
steers, 56.60 to $10.16; stockers
feeders, $4.76 to $7.10; cows and
Hogs -Receipts. 34.000;
weak, 6c to 100 higher; BOO=
to 510; mtsed, 50.40 to 110.111
59.00 to 510 25; rough. 59 80 be 116'63
libeew-Reoelpts. 26.0001
Ares; lambs. native. IN to 111/11/11.1.1
The season is here to have
your shoes properly fitted
with Rubbers.
Quality is the most es-
sential point in selecting
the make of goods you
buy. The Lifebuoy and
Rubber Leaf brands sur-
pass all others. In heavy
Rubbers their wearing
qualities cannot be ex -
Prices are most reasonable.
Geo. M#cVicar
North Side of Square
amounting to 4482.21 were paused and
paid, on motion of Messra. Johneton
and Pardon. Council adjourned to
meet on December 15, air perestattite,
I Superintendent F ter to London.
Montreal, Nov. 14.-Charies For-
rester. Grand Trunk superintendent
at Stratford, Is appointed to succeed
W. R. Devidaron, superintendent at
London, who goes to Detroit to
reed J. Caldwell, who la retiring. R.
14. Fish, train:nester at BrantFirl. be-
comes superintendent at Stratford.
The area of London division ex-
tend. from Sarnia Tunnel to
ton, Buffalo to Gloderich, and also the
Glencoe, Petrolea, Port Dover and
Port Rowan branches.
Proved it Was Busier .
Two Scottish on their way
to the tront pruned- through Lendon
erierow,. It. war their first experience
ef the •'hig village," and they were
naturally keeping their eyes -open.
Their svatchfulnern less, however, nie
sheep enough to 'evoid taxl in the
vicinite of Victoria Station, and one
of them got knocked over. As he
pteited himself up, hone the worse for
Ms fall, hhi mate growled, "Mehhe
yell believe it's busier than Kirkin-
The poor we have always with tit -
especially poor excuses.
tb-e-policy more it folfelfed
those tweking public pattonage and
approval. And hemidee it brings re.
Anita; that in thefll.elyeli Phalli(' erne.
mend it to more eterient reloption.
What MotheFfi
Need -
is a tin of the antiseptic
It should be kept in every house
for immediate use for burns,
sores, cuts, open wounds and all
skin diseases.
Get it today mut be pure it is "Meets".
Do not let thou imitate or substilete
ost inferior article.
Foeter-Dack Co., -Limited