The Signal, 1916-11-16, Page 4-r ay • tsvaan*T. nova:alma 16 1916 THE SIGNAL PRINTING GU., Len., Pvertefttrxe Tug dinaai le publlyrthed every Thumbs Streeeut i. ilode ioli The Telephone too 3511, 11:14•WKItTION '1'Ilrtta.-4)oe Dollar and Fifty ♦ arae 'art yu,tr; Ifpaid *ttlotty to ad calms 4010 Itutlthr will be sooeated • to rub-criberr. in the (Jutted state" the rate to the lwtlar and Fifty Cent* strictly in advance. 8ut..crttx,re who tall to teuetve 1'lla somal regularly by mail Rill+outer a favor by rogral uti ter 1a,bl4r- uf the fart et ae early a date a. pue•i Ddu. When change of wide.+. tr de.tred, both old- and *ht, newaddrur ihuu/u be given. tteailtta,.ee. orgy ire mode br. harts draft, exert... money order. orkt-utllee order . dr' rnari•neit letter. Mubr•rtpt ion. mai' oouunence at guy Blau. .4 tW MTir•1 vu lamina -Kate. fordienlay and uanlree...d vern.o,u,.•et. will Wait -on 00 apPI1-! canna leatilaodolhrr.lndla, vivertt'.,ueut.,' :4.0 meta &VI „Ike. for Nr.I lo♦.atmn and four' "eat. per Iluc for eaeb .u1l.eque,It ln.mltoO.1 Mua"u ed by a clot' or "olid nonyarell -d welvr liner to an inch: Itu,lbe-. card. of rag hoar .,d under, fT\e'collar- (,pr year. advantage-, wont. of 1.3et. 1'band, •mats ld. tiltualiuw Vaexnt•tfitnation. Wanted, 44, a-qo for tlatelr, to Itr'Ii, ravine for Hide or ru lte:,t,.-4r1LJa, for rraIr. ere., not exceeding I. hi hue, Twmty. Ave Crute "ooh la.ar,.yti1 gen•• tt.i110tor Nrt �.a jfor ti wrgc tura., ynept w th. 1,rrp ,weertt•enn.44t. to ••:‘,001-I••:‘,001-IIP/14.,.t. dn_� me9ar'.rtl.'ta• in oHIH.'trv. mottr,g type. 1'en, C•nt"per line. No nal .r 1..• 0....1)1...n,ty- • Ate Cent-. any .4wchtl *:o be. the atrium. of ' tr which*. the peruotnry •r•',flt-4L y t0div-irt- -araos-a...a:latiutr.-1...Lc4:,+ti-,lanallau edv�F end M,are..dyas t+ln,*ly. TC, C.Aat..*•i,kf1'\- Tae cooperation Of nm .air- •r Ib•l 844't l-..4er•I-1. r•or.i4 (t) Own - r•, t•,wer'4- m,,tlr.0 ort •'r. t 4l. a'. e.•kiyr♦ retort of.alltur:,(..•a. i)' .u4dt..tririaolnr^. \.•,vol n.nuicaltuu will la• 811,,103.1d to i i•••- It .011- 1840. tow nano nn+i i+,4 ire .*f tbr. writer, oatnrr4-..rlly- fur _nu lbTra*NIp too lo. o, c. ldru.,u of a,aal fneck'ee- hewn it•al•t owl! 'IHR b1us.Luthrenet utcttkau %t.d..o.d.y 15000 u( t..rh w IAA,• .. ''.r;.1 9"-,w;. ,sw,t, .-rw, rev -t.7. • w't!R in this pular* would then be serving suave useful purpose. tiThe Dominion Government bas is- sued en -order-1n•council declaring it illegal for dealerstto hold foodetuffe et el'creeively high priers. That le about ell that could !w expected fr•ou1 Ut-' taws. An honest effort to .get the producer anti the clnrurner closer to- -gethltr, by -feedlug out unnecetoary ' ltllrar...4 ii ln•yond the .supe of . pres nt-Joy steteanranrbip, 'rite nickel question le again acute. !The 1'*ovidence Journal. which on more than cite occasion has shown on alimost_micau ny boors ledge of German ttuingrettd'deelgn.on thio continent, elates,' That the nickel which the llrureehland it taking to Germany on her second trip came originallyq!row Northetu Ontario. An inve"ttgation .Ja l y*ude by the eanrdian author. tries. -13ir� iikTdWATn 1nm; )eon 1iii�-Enndtnt at which the Duke' of Devonshire, Governor'-tie/noel of Venetia, was pree.'ut, l.1td !Jeffry said : - • New;err- la4ions4U.yxl'i.4e after' the war, be- Iwren outsa.Ivo* And the 1luwiniogs, hat hour 1.111 la• as ntrutlg art tlo.e which are irinding no glow. iteirjar talk glibly t.1 r new 'ronhtitutlun. t'.-lI, I iota rrmsprrative, and the cid cin,•ti',+on is gruel eru'igh for tar - - when 11 givra hues reoultt....4sx.-•SytN'trg Tit["K�l*.11. N411'I ,:i. iv, lull} the• n •Ill war." Lurd 1)tytay's`, %i'•wh will clod wide aceept_oiee iu SIU SAM }iUti * 13UJ'T. • I 11. ;' i 1 tnlfh rrat. , cots I tlh" • 11 , .' re- orf tfu:.•rs I t r r• a l3tlj;;