The Signal, 1916-11-16, Page 1Printing
THE SIONAI, is ready to
handle your Printing work,
large or small, and give you a
satisfactory job every time. Let
us have your nest order.
Telephone 35 The Signal
atXTY-XIUHTH yLkt-No aMs
.,.. A11fi1lldate'alxrecorm+-wrr,>f,r•T�,I,Titj.::du.da.•+.w+•,..y •._�•+.•,yar,ursfrule.r+ 2
OF C rANAI)AJoa,vinumeserreosi=80.4eureerv, G., .."111C..
icin attll
Because--- rue
Cbassctes•-it•reflected in a savings
Woe the purpose of %teeing up
UHr: ESTATE Olt tHK Lars: JAM1.y HAY"
said in pursuance, of the order made 1r. the
Supreme Court of Ontario, m the matter of t he
♦,rata of the mad JAMILS HAY. D,ar105 date
thrill day of June. W15. three w111 to -old • by
Y r.Thos• (lundry'. aura looser. at the Co tet
Hou .r, In the town of Ooderleb, on
----e-- BAT('RDA\. the 18th day of NOVKMBIat•
et the hour of t. o'clock Ivor. the fotIOWtnrt
lands and premiers. NIL :
t01 .!'Matte 26, 19 Till MAITLA$D oealarlswr
1111119. 1,09 9111111. Or l.OUKRkri,
• in the county of Huron, eontainiag 7:1 aerie
more or lessal the time of hisdeath oe•ceplyd
by the Mil Jams Hay. On the Gum 1- erected
a .tone Mauer. franc barn and other butldingep
!lees t- a salnabie Patel pi
laea�nd a l.r
farm nom which considerable ret voile night
oe dent% ed.
NOV. 16.. 1916
Prank Foster Writes of His First- Trip
In an Aeroplane.
Mr. Frank J. Footer, son of Mr. apd
Mrs. Adam Foster, of town, bas sent
home a very readable description of 1
his first eaperieuce in flying. Mr.
Foster, Who had been studying at
Regius for outrance to the legal pie -
(emits!), took the officers' training
course at the University of Toronto
and went across to England in a draft
and is now preparing for acowutission
in the air service. The following letter
itp ubllebed by kind permission of Mr.
and Mn. Foster:
Royal Flying Corset Cadet Battu.
aesplaf! • router thoroughbred Tamworth
ores holo herd of lode of Corinth. Terme
Iris wok privilerre of return if necessary.
Jose liortiYRBY R $ONtt 38.11
FOR TAXES in the ounty of
uron will take place In the a lertaoune. in the
town of Ooderlrh on Toe -dry. the twenty-
eighth day ut November, 19111, at 2 oclo •k p. its.
Treasurer IMoe y Huron.
November 1.5. Isle. W :el --'t
Denham. Bucks,
Oct. U. leek
terday 1'relized an ambition which
has been *•mouldering in my system'
since I first began to read the graphic
accounts of the British air aervice. 1
had toy first Hight in an aeroplane.
The 1'aptain of a Flying School, situ-
ated nut far from this camp, watt kind
enough 10 take we up. It was about
1,3) at the time and the sun was jot
beginning to go down.
I climbed m the machine, which
was of the F. E. (fighting experiment-
al) type. I tout the front seat, the
one occupied by the observer under
lee'tvice conditions, and the pilot
climbed luso the back .eat. Afier 1
was securely strapped its and the e0•
gine was tested we travibed around
tete field so as to ascend against the
wind. As the tt4�ttrot to *as gradually
opened the wachlns gathered speed
and we were so oft the sewed.. -
One could hardly�distiuguieh the ex-
act moment when the machine took
to the air ; but gradually -we •see seed
to leave the earth behind us as the
machine ascenged. It did 11ot take us
long to get up 1,1110 feet. The land-
scape widened on all sides. On our
drat turn the pilot ••banked" the ma-
ebine:et an angle of almost forty-five
degrees. Of course I naturally grasped
tbe vides of the machine, for 1 felt I
might fall out. But on t be next turn,
width was in the oppnette direction, I
did not have the save inclination to
grasp the sides -of the 'machine. We Major R. R: , Carr • Harris, [Mer
kept alicetsding gradually higher and commanding the 72udQ•Ieen'aBAD ery,
higher until we reached all altitude of Kingston, was, in town this week
3,0111 feet. The machine we were its to icing up recruits. Major Carr -
was travelling at the rate of 11u -miles ifarris will be renielututed se a recti-,
per hour, but at that height it seemed dent of ti,dericb for several yeas or.
to be, just Hoat.iug over the green an engineer ontheC. ,f a Pa R. 0 to u
1 e towerthe
peannualexandra :Marine
end General Heeeital will bemeeting of the ! held in the tours
Mouse Ire Ib. evening ofiTue+day. No, ember te.
at 0 orloek. A report of tar work ter the Isust
ewe will be eabvrnted to the meeting and the
IlOerd of Trtaatees elerled for the ensuing year.
Alit itJsnee are urged to attend.
PHILIP HOLT.I're.ldent.
Y331 H. K. HOIKi ENS. Secretary.
lOWN01i 000ERICH. -
E. 191(1.
Tisa•1+ - Thr farm will be seed !Mort to a e k ble a1 m7 ore
e. nal. The purrhasrr shall at the time 1(•ih res erieh. If I,e id by
• of eat.. pa) down n deposit oft len per rent. of 13th Uetol o Per det 0 If not paid until
the purrbas• noottey and .hall pay the rrtnato Wlh November on1y one per cent off.
ler of the purrlu•e money within 70 d:•1- there yay prvmpely aoel .-eve your di.00uot..
efts wh.n po...e #on may be taken Further WM. CAMPRkI.I,.
{,art Mutat • sod varmint air of **le will be matte 1 {,umber Yah, 1111.{. lteikrl ur.
known at tine time of sale end in for into oboe i
may he bad from the .aid administrator or 1 `*AIK(i000H.-a,1R$• . NICHULL,
from It- solicitor. x roet, i. prepared to do a1I tnda
Doted tins -214 dos of October. line I of hair %wit rued, from cut hair or conbiugs,
e real
e ..danUB L
.0 .•hes halt
for cell n
Unrlph 11e11ed.Or- for t he Nal im,al 1 n,-[ ural, r rrntoa, rlr , auA also Aar for wale toilet•
of the lite
' ♦ NON k HU
w' ITT.
31/ h
I. .
Safe Arrival of Oast and Other Bat-
talions Officially' Announced.
Ottawa. Nov. 13. -It it officially
announced through tbe-Chief Frees
Censor's office that the following
troops have arrived safely in Eng-
land :
The 110th, 11t1b, laird. 112.nd.
150th, ltilet, Itflod and ninth Ontario
The Iritth Maultlbt Battalion.
The 11)C)tb and _Uri b Beak•tottee
wan Battalions,
The I31e1 British Columbia BM -
The 198.h Western Universities
Draft@ : 192nd Alberta Battalion,
Artuy Medical Corp.. Engineers
and Naval [tanner.
reputri1e., apneia. Iawd•:,s, tre•m Ire Basuto
0.1.10 of 155,50 Her 110510 0 1 or m steam. Herb,ts and Ukrs @Arse. .1(1
1 l to
1 1 •
s Pork H Dp7
• �_ -.__ _ Mat•, AI irks A y. n avenue.
l cimeetty. limited, -ldndeielteine- u1 Ibe
-'" RENT (if /11°A ON WEST
NOTICE TO CREDITORS street.firemen
11�, 1{ N LI F:Id
Cyt MK w*TTKN OF OLlvaa C. Wsurgi-r, le•
I Lit Rh1911, SP HOUSE it 'RENT.-
acn,v►at J. M11 noon., all modern, rvrmenlenees, cent.
d 1rleaMtt Iteot tta.unaole .\Veli •t THE
'Metlomie hereby riven that (Meer I'.WI ' env , ,810 V A L U Fiii' k. f
m the. town of on buirn, Ia the county to OR RENT.-HODERN HERS- -0N
moron carrying on biss new* e- • Rn �
6eserich. has made an 'epignv.rnl nr-Ire th• U1o000-ter Terrace. Apply a Jot. 1:.
Art of
all hl
Arrftument. andURIFFIN. i . 3df
e,lalt. cash and •a (•t• 10 Thomas 01e ,1-
.t Uoderteh, for the Kennet beton: of hi -1
0 Rl'NT'�- W(1' ----
-_.�.-. A mestl/111of 11 ..-cre,liror. will be held .,L t--ort•creel and the other on Elgin
stere of the undersigned. at ltoderi -I 9i Ael avenge with modern r• nvetdenees. -1pp17 to
enter. the 231h dor of November. line',, at -the •.3111$..1. 1►. MI:LE:AN, Elgin avenue,, 3t't
holo of ll nclor•k In the for rrer•1ra a ARMS FOR SALE. %
ratio -went of sash., to apyolnc 1.4 o ,ter•• and
ax their remer•erwteee. and for the. ordering of -
the attalt • of the era ate p• uera on
1 h the - de scene led d.ith Dlebisili ole riot.d • in •Pt' ...MAO
I_D � ball ofllot gI..eA+hI id, containing I 1
T•t1.1 the limo' required by the said An. of or 1 acres. well fend and watered by •rte -tan
Tl ul:v.le real well and windmill
before the day of curb mese,. rr• I. Another goal ace-. farm On non 001.II1), 11
. IA noticerniburther. greenthet aft er,the:loth 1
day of Ihrember. Mitt the Assigner will porn south ballot north half of lot 3, A•htield, con
rod to distribute the wast». of the debtor I tattlingand
5199 ; 41141t11N ppl k hard:.w'ell
among -t the parties !tI Itied thereto ball, K f y n e --
el to
rticu 1- apply 1 further t
-hall Fir P•
e ala n -of, which „r -a-
n•g,.ro only i YRS. JOHN{tIFFIN,
then hate been Klcen, and I kis he n if, not be - iota 1, Uat.
for t to a-sr1 s or any Dart Lehereof,hst d any {`bran M r l `
gewn or-tr1.05 0 or whose eWm hr..stl mol t -- - ----
then hate notice. I OUSE FOR SALE 1N VILLAGE
• Dated Nosemher Ilth. Isle.' l le OF AUBURN. -Seven rooms,.wa-hroorn.
LUrrtiN F. DAN( EY. pante and woodshed : good rellnr : barn *111
:et • SolicllOrfor Assignee, -I mink lined /trio 1e : amok@ house. Mme' Mild
_ -- -- and garden.Apply re •
Lieut. Conrad Carey Fought the Germans
at Great Odds U cul Overpowered.
The 'Mowing letter, dated Septette -
bee •2.3, has been received by Mrs.
1 Calory from the captain of the cow -
1 pony of which her husband, Lieut.
1 Conrad O. Carey, was a member. It
I will be remembered that Lieut. Carey
(one of Mr. O. F. Corey's sons) was
i k.11ed in action on September •l,1 :
is the life of trade. The mast
successful business Ilicil are in-
lvaritably good advertisers. If
you have an jhing to .ell, tell
about it in the columns of THE
sr -
t a.
THE LADS 1N KHAKI I Ileen wnulld-e e.i
• ilea. F$r+kinr rreeivPd two telegrams
nliu her husband -the first stat•
••My dear Mrs. Carry, -1 regret,tba1
it. is toy mewl unfortunate duty to
Ile sod tell you of your husband's
lit eh
He asked ¢e as a parting
favor to Int you knoll should anything
1 happen bila. He died like a man aid
a good officer, doing his duty to the
last, and it it is as+y-cunsoll.tioi to you
1 nosy say that his memory will lie
held in esteem, by those of us who
knew him and the manner of his
' My company had captured a Ger-
man trench. which was later lost. Ile
was in command- at the time and
when the (sermons counterattacked he
stayed to .tight it out. He killed six
with his revolver before the numbers
were too great. Two who made their
way hack told me Only saw him shot
when they had oyerpowercd him. You
will pardon my writing these par-
ticulars, which 1 know will not make
the blow eny lighter ; hut hiedeed is
one which maker the ►iatlalioo feel
proud, and hie low is shared by w 11• .
"Trusting that pride in your bus -
band's life will partly alone for the
terrible it,ss in his death, I remain,
"Yours very truly,
"i . A. UAL?, Capt."
ing that h.. wise nusawq, rud a Inter
Word has been received by •cable
that Corp. Lewis Elliott, who lauded
in England with the Hurons, is its the
hoepttal with pneumonia. It is hoped
the attack will not let a serious one.
Pte. Thornton U. Fear, roc of Her.
E. A. Fear, of Wheatley, is repotted
killed in France October '41Lb. He
went overseas with the machine -guts
section of the 71st Battalion. He waw
tweet -a y -one year. of age. lite 1ttthea.
is a Methodist clergyman who has had
various amigos in this county.
one to the , lfeot that he was in hos-
pital at Rouen. This week she has a
letter, written hy Pte. Kookier, himself
its thelloepilal, stating that the trench
he was in was blown up and he was
buried for three hours. Ills hack was
hurt. but he was getting along all
right and elpectsd to he baf:k in the
trenches soon.
Hydro Engineers Are Making Examina-
ton for Report on Railway.
Mr. 14. L. Buck, of the head riffles
sL,fl of the .Ontario Hydro -electric
Commlasioo. with a staff of engineer.,
arrived in Worn this week to make a
thorough examination of the Ontario'
West Hbore Railway, with a view to
making • report . to the Uowmiiflion
which will probably determine the
infuse of the road. The survey will
,o;cullf twa-or three weeks.
It 1•( hoped that as a result of the
elimination - now being made the i ,
Hydro -Electric C mmission will take
bold of the ay complete it to
and p it in operation, to
e Provincial
be linked •.
system of F
Former Popular Hockey Playerrid,Code:
ricll4N0W Comoaudtog a Ba
Word EMI been received that kitty
(''Scotty") Vallely, of Oodeiltch, tYbo
enlisted with the first Crnadiru con-
tingent and wentinto the ranks in" a
corporal, ie now r sergeant. He\bar
been through all the Ina battle. on Ile
western' trent in which tbe Canadians finer, purer and richer than the 'mita.
hate been eugragcxl and has never had lions which patterned after their
a wound. . , plans, SO4 today every precaution
that hu11lan ingenuity can devise is
Mins. Wm. Itabb, St. Patrirkl street employed to keep Scott's Emulsion
cal weed that her so Pte., the finest and, purest medicinal food in
her Win. H&
Bibb. of the t. M. -C., Lu don, the world. _
is in the hospital thc,ry sick with The r tnjwith f the crude liverequoirnts
measles, attckh'' -ores Sot oaring
ytu available along the Nurwegiap coast
the inial cattaliuu bund, but l) !nag W
bis physical e Blinn he &$ tIaws ba. acv 11„ aP andilh the
de (surf
teemedto thetel. overseas. ticocomplelyd a • ciour retininq pent
Hurons wrist ovett+eas, adjoining their horatories in Bloom-
- : Held, N. J..which rel\ il(i'raicd to the
Lt. -Col. W. 0. Allan. whoee funeral.'
took place at Toronto on Sunday lint
may be remembered by some in (lode
ticb. At the uulueet which followed
the great lake disaster of November,
1913. he. -attended as the t•epieMenta-
tive of the Metertrological Office, at
Toronto ar.d gave evidence as to the
methods pursued in making up and is-
suing the weather "prohabilities' and
the storm signals. - He was commend-
ing officer of the 3rdOver!e BCttaiirm
and met death on the batLlel1alda of
Lieut. Harry Carey, of the "Princess
Pats," is expected home titin went or
fyrlatth� r.. _
'Bob" Carey Tells about the Moot Excit-
ing Week of His Life
Following are extract* fr a letter
received from Rotert Carey (eon of
Mr: O. F. Carey), dated October IStb,
"Somewhere in France :"
••Thisl�ag been the most esoitfng
- Tt was an American bandeau Atm
who some forty-three years ago
showed the world how to perfect the
medicinal properties of, cod liver oil
and make it pleasant toitake, which
immediately popularissld cod liver oil
throughout the wilule world.
Not content with this great success.
however. Scott & Howne have con-
tinued to evolve teetheds vend mite
ehinety to keep Scotea Emulsion
have ever- experience .
Tad sonde dose sheves, but
s as good as a nide. Bever=
a1 times 1 thought some of the ape
preaching ehella had my her, but woryi has been received that Pte.
std I grit war a crack on the nn+r, frno I Ernest Young, l'. A. M. C„ is down
a Hying fragment. Last knight I sews 'with typhoid fever and bas been re -
out mending a telephone wire, close to I turned to England from France.
the front line, and Flit z was more than t -
putting shells around. One hit the!
wile I was fixing only six fret away.1 Mr. and Mrs, 'Thomas Swami. re -
I guess I wan too close for the pieces ceived a letter this' "week flu their
t,r here on sons Gunner Benefit Swart -pi, who le re-
climate of Norway
unusual seminal y
'leisure,* sup
card liver oil in livery to
Ewuhion and place iv a
youd all commercial sutwU
may ec nL "' 11.r
adulterated oils.
nd equipped `with
ices which will
1110 quality of
le of Scott's
ve and be-
ttor which
icious or
Held. tar below• tion nn( n hit nie. A prraon mu.
bis illness and torr whir
That was the queerest sensation I l:exl,rirh hocke
y...ram. • Since he left. a spot to oke what this war •is Ifke. t ouvarit'R-fsoW
'mimic -ed. 1 could almost look evert, Oode ich ha wfore`' W torn China
f oient hit Nome
A�• pt'Pa%ttt ere have the n.l vxnlN r, to r1tnQ. J i -
•Mit Fritz 1 still going xt rung, Io I p .. r ,
v' i1)it • th in nothing left fund RM atwt word few i.xnce-(: ,poral
u -�
and every square fool of grttnd has ,luulev A1acWc51r (sun nl Al r. end Air..
been tern to pieces. It it gruowIlile. Jacor@ IiwcVicar, uC G)wnl, who mors
t•x', to' she number of d.•ad -- ^-• 1 - :- i h ,, l.r ;a trill
all over he ground,.never hating _
hurled. \They are moistly all ill
though. - 'Too aleo err leg tr ale
bend- textt red abbot, The other
I picked up steel heli
that it was t'
Navin c
lnini•1 to such
••I was up at
that it ob.ervat
i other a pat he
th , hme
t e
lsie. age. pelt of the . machine, s u
The coutstt was in the v.nlracatng butlnvsa in
tpeluw 1 its it is caned. ea 3
twluw presrhted an appearance not Taranto. He ha* been .acme+ to
unlike a cbeeketboiild. There were-Eutnlw Twice on specie) service for the
green fields, brown fields, forest 9, vil_1hritied Gof ov orientt and
n ort wet the
cages and vast stretches of water pow
Mg under
us. towwrrailway
weet ek k ( training at Kingston for overseas
which t
n t
like t
horizon ant
extremely narrow, and I (Md men ifronl lioderiitt•h nn)I vicinity
-t het sixty w it which vete speeding along at K
•sixty miles pat• hour looked more like for ' In t ery, which offers excep-
ao.l,;flttlisb_-ct145 al admilittt� rri-4reeruita. The
has complete equipinvenL-+d
letter 4
Y _
l i-
after circling over at number of oil -1 hon -es, gull*, very wild o., of 's
k towards the versify ire- given the use of tine
�jrw the Leer
Th pe�R 1
n. its hospital but is doing well. tie has
n•'; had two oiwratltne rite' has had a bul-
'f let and four pieces.- of ebrepnel re -
Y vied.
The regular monthly -meeting of
Ited Cross Society Will. trito-parees_
the Ninth -street rooms on Monday,
lctotemiter�t►tr tat 13ltrm.-- --- - -- --
The list of lied Ca ors knitters is un-
avoidably omitted this week. NVit
will publish • long list next week.
Owe -sealed oysters. 'solid meat,
fteith\from the teeter !wile, at Black-
stone... Phone '210__
Mrs. Fred Hunt has !ret un,e mu a lh•* (athlete.r
MI-+ Pearl HradfurM, batt ,.f 11111 from •
h0u44ay viae t0 Torn ta„
31r-. 1+', .3. ('cult herst-�l,r rein nee from •
two weeks' .1.11 to ruler lee eat,
ter 11 d from a
I:n .doh
• „fl ha
w 1r•t
1145 Lo �dryrntoayraLula,lwl other _
Mr. Earl AUso, of Toronto {� •uyw tew da>• -t
this week with 7lr. and Mr.. hy.•. Warrener.
klier'Alwtgery Me. ore hit on Atli/Fidel 10 re-
• her sttidies .t l onrntu often a week'. visit
31r. A. Challenger re` ted on 3awnlsy
fro 1-,t!hrrta vi her • he P•. tit Iheeuniter aMl
rwiM hi. srma:
Dr. and Mrs, H. fit
�1leere+•ew. ,rf f'u .
pled, Inchand r titian eon of l)r. spent sundny-in ern lith Dr. Harrisons
accuse 1 t�Frte tt 1 ___
I am been 111 a drug
r ill )(
off, home t u
right 'L 1;tilfxBa who has K 31 r.IG.lmond Mirdtonreld
pings lav sore' wt Burie for some time, flan Iny.. for, fe•w dayy. en a tl-u w 11i0 lj•ircnta,
1' gt rtl'u nines C M .ami NI- II \Ire Itu0,11.1.
'oroptu, with the rank of at•fgednt, Mr* .1. 1. Aitketool
o a 1Lss Mere rte Aitken, itt
Mr. IL Preston
g btolher, Mr, r -
our U• Ye waw 1 1 thettruty 3Irdictl Corps „. r
is were' Som,, of unfit nth Palate
Pres. on toad,• trVeral unsuccessful r.4-lrirtlibi4(9 institute hejyl �r•t week at Stride
Is ro we turn c ower •
with gymnasium .and swim-
els -
el r beim cArl ledfightingrxnkt,
wounded fPlh we K Lrwpt+ to get into tlw
rather than mile or wine• When tbeen aw* train rel Flom t I hark from the front. Fritz saw them, but hr will Ile 11l» the
good service
r were a w r (W from the tap Hantilda tit- Ce.oftl and too,' i was doing his nest tii
ra fault fn the A. AL U.
w •fill A fine type . oC matt has' them Vle.c:our close am On
rte•rall uulr and bet ween two and there Stew fcnis, 1
• l
berodichis. e p e ou r:
below tanked _hke, wnvt(5g dieks1ming btths atsaehrdtehR(1lacrss4'(J
tm 0
( P -Y
r'tl / 1
IPI- 'tT-
I'te.ilhyrh Van l very. of the Ilet h Battalion,
Antietam' *LI 1•01111.011.0110111 Ihr weak-emi at this
hu . of 31r, John YooiKeou, St. David's
"S' t• tthel \yt Mate late of rhe Signal. le
ylr.a, (Js
thousand feel in the air the pilot' shut bernatt1 nb „this HnxUy the @tart I Three (,odetx.h own flgurott 1r. . t
his ruuchine and we vul{dwned Farther intnr�'+t11Rrt4RaPntmPrgit on peer+d over x ridge. atul F'Iitz wits tsrtixv's casualty heti. Corporal Nd,/
nIT I miiC i+ Ivrt its apo inn•
down end matte w magnificent landing I e d of thM i -sue of The Signal.
fulled, otter having wasted about . AIa�Uunald and Corporal W. E. flicks
within the preseritted nests (a circle pug , twenty heavy aheIIn." �wef•r reported wounded and Pte. L« D.
with a scdiue of t an° ogle o yards). writes to Seal -mil -Apt oyster., soled meat sod . Erskine missing., -
s et. T at ren chn ee e�• for Private David McMillan p y ! Curporitl lite nald i+ a aonrpf Mr.
be (•r c R i and*'. Phcur. 'IMI,
L•ittillan. noes fresh, at, Eiiw Cambria roved,
inrnn A vela. MacDonald, Utu1t
to Di ne )l. nn►1
seemeder \ M 1
r ins --all _ n .
ma.ha nh
' ertivelr d • �
• tl The m
P1 __
b tithe fell away nt from tinder not . from '•tin, "fli,;1 o France i' e' rs or pure Jr,Before enleaing with the 71st Ilett
but the falling 'tenant tun tow+ not +ia tad a colds toast
t beef, mead, l utter.s. eitt homemade taflt 1 he worked on the general delivery in
Wes, cold roast twrf, bread, MiUPc • I rr„cnl, i i .hultc"Tftr-1Ttcka, try 11{eck-
juin, peaches :end Creattl. with a piece @loon'-. lotion, _ . ren polnb ��'ilhitl Ili/kx is a son of
(c Prich
n Node -rich
e t t
Of lIr+. Imoig;dgr"s cnkti venial --The Overseas butt of choc- its acid Airs, Ayunelli(k .
Hill I UunpaSg •I -rude hie bent wishes: I 4iviurbip. Thi.. ir,thr second titul••he
He is corporal now." olat. s, ut �Cigl a drttgatnre. "
matte as that experienced by one to
IsF Lbx23; MURRAY P 1TSILI(. .lnburn 1 gmng.down a fast elevator in a high
mender* I,xt office building. When we welts just a
true yards above R
MRS. A. U. McININALD, phoye. Shar-
map true. dlningre set. kitchen PFI, t I
and a holet
FOR MAL!(.-l�'F//1)AR POSTS, A1.14O
H, C. ehlnilsry%Apple W. T. HItllrE•1.1..
Auburn. f, •r, I1
OST' ti UST 18111, NEAR HEU-
cigarette rim) Rotel
with horst,. had a �lsmrleel on
frau. Return to This OMee and reteltr rr-
i st
the round the mach-
me ora. brought parallel with the
�_- Perth and we gradually descended.
EACH ER -t' A NTC',: D. --FO R�The shock was almost all abuot►ret bt
Tw;had section No. 17, kelbneldr Inoue. to the under coinage rage of the machine.
ro •
re •tonal oerlieowte prcfeetd. Apply, tarintc stsitm ,lace I scrambled out of the
m,KNewtfonm and l•wlar7 ex to UA\ lTl R I
Pas K - tlhep machine Mal With w smile of tlpti--
1 I- mmettee Janonry •1111• 11117.ars -tel-ebVte elle Alt et we had t ravioeti back to our
It ILN AIA Sfe Tr. lefty,
ward. j
MiSS NINA W O U L iC O M -- F., *Doty to PAG1E•T GRAIN DOOR CO., (tel
TE:ACHIMPIANO.-PetalsDnpsred'for rich. t �a
Toronto Cnneri'alnry examinallolrs, Apply at a---__-_ _---
residenre.Teatatrer street.(Ojndettdh. 10111' Mul•h credit may he .lilts the mite
/�1HFs0, E. f9UNHUliY. Ar-A,-.(� O who dome her own housework, hut it,
�L i" ih r x1., enehe+t end 4,11ol -o. org b. takes money to operate • hired ser-
nox Chnneh. TPnehlrr' t•ia^^• eche, organ. s,,,••
Pupil- prepared for exnminabenee--8LMWIQr- I vxtit.
North street. opposite Dr: Gallon's.
, • r.
p*idtdn OM. Phone. -il r 0. Dungannon. * 11 fact ion w00 u1v face thanked the Cap-
WANTED.-p1AUNINiH9 . /il�t, tis"' for his taking me op.
neer 1 never felt the least b.t .ick. The tons -make for id opportunity
ons and regular
mar•hiilo work. Splendid Op; Ottunity tone'- trip dame f6 an ,nd 5114 t eo 550(5. He
coal young men who have ambit inn to becrtle told the I could comes back Again and i
foremen. ADPIyLIBUX .h, TNF. ,ION Al.. 1 am going to try to get a long cross -
TIUNs as help is ma Mill. famll7. +DD17 et
(lodedch. countgj, igbt next ;Monday,
81(1!tAl, orrice. '
our son.
.� MEN AND BOYS iyAN]'M11. =
11 Fivc or etc handy men or bol• won
Autos etnd
C t.l nob' m' es
i11 ted V
Call • and make
arrangements to
have your paint-
ing done this
LET "SHINEd.::_--
The Dominion Road
Machinery G,O.y Limited
Hatrisoc the Jeweler Announces a Popu-
larity Contest.
In the advertising columna of The
signal this week will he found the an-
nouncement of w contest which will
undtrttbtedly create a good deal of in-
terest. Harrison the jeweler offers a
*441) diamond ring and a Slit bracelet
watch to prizes to the ladies receiving,
respectively, the Iargret and the sec-
ond !argent number of voter. Each
cast purchase to the amount of 2trc
will entitle the purchaser 1.0.twenty-
flve votes, a $1.1M1 purchase to one hun-
•ired Votes, etc., and the purchaser may
I vote for whomever he (or she) please*.
The contest opens!_ November 17th
and doers December Z -$rd. Thom. who
"get in the game" eartie.t. will, of
rour*e,have the hest ,oppot4,mity to
h:•ati the loth; so the young holies and
their admirer* should lose no time get-
ting stertlfl in t.hp rare for the din•
1 mond rirg and the bracelet watch,
Gb1)ERIVH ..
.NiTTiNG Cni
On the Balkan Frani.
,IM, life in•itut,ce bu.lnea-•ttel W111
represent the Loudon I.4fe lir the smutty of
Mi.. 1, R. Young: Mrs, ah -Nally and Mr: •
M nnlo
h Mcl
o0 l
, Mrs.
Kirk. f eluu1,Htr uitplu mena
M•tate t.c•NlVnton
at litoidon hot week
Mins E vidyn dhuel loo 11.1. W111. has been vfait
ing her 5n'.oit-i,.ttr, slat 11 r•. b. Marlhinatd
sails! ren loton Sat Asia), on herre-
tttrttlo E:ngtuud. en.• mal hr srr.•nlp+udcd by
her 148111. Mi.. T. 1e. Brough • f 1' redo.
• Mr, T10 utas Tubb ri'tlrne 1 lest wove from
Maple t n,ek. SA -15.. when. he spent .:vrral
R+ 8s-1.tiue his I.rnO,ers m harve.t ing•
Ila neninrt. cWnllII ,n+ eel y anal w that section
,I• a result of the ! Irndfd Plop. hod year dud
the fair clops: ws.•-@Jab I Bail. his You.,
In the select. n of the simpler reme-
dies for the tie -t c '11+ end ail -
menta a drugst, 1't' Mei pelhap. its hest
•.� t,I4lortunity 1u prove it.. policy and
lmethod of serving the writhe. "It's
,1 I the MI le things that -recant •' BPc,l•ae
„I peetpasntions for viole yt proposes ere
in Irnyntnanll isn't l•HlntnII5 111.11181111 1 s
all 1110 10.01... lePt►san 5111y the y
1slioi0 be r-viefltlly selec,(•(1, even if
the 1111110W. they ere to `teem lira 11'11-
1 iiiiii•liiij lightly. - We have it preptrw-
non ilia -we reroruimenel re Lfwrie w ho
n -k 1 "1 a "geld physic:*- l -t 1e i)r, -
l litown'• Fig ?Apt up, a plet0Ttii'Od,13K;, _
gr. raid? fruit inxaiive -Ihat induces
prompt and pnitilete art' of the.
howls. Price 25 a bit' L•, You will
le1tkv lt. (•:. It. %Niki@, Drug -spit ,limb.-
' t'ie It
-y nw►•w%.p f may,.
q.:k f:•< -//ev ':;�,aRwm1."r.-r .k; !: .. ,. .rz b$'nM.S"e'':�� �irwlq, "ItF`:t "4.Ira..
t�pl�; rut, elwl.�„
The picture show'. Serbian new nn fennis and *bell pt•e11 helmet. in n Ricky pass nor the ti,.r
ni ,5 mountain picking MT a tench Mu ya tAr away. I'iie g victimhins 141 1 r the cm eatown h. . conn, yut
feeding atBNHlnitiou atlas tl • mac) • loin.
I.ser, 1:1, , v, Nov. 1e,-Aert inn ss1of tahiabls...
Ipnn. hen g TM VC, In DO` 31:1111%151 ctxu•r-•noel
of liesfi•rlvlt tnwi-ili{e. MJor Ling to (ho 00.1410
�.u411,e 1.t1' I:On,•. I1+el..e Iter noon hone,
tinder' ,tr-s,-1:' O',lo•k lomat. Tlt,11. (J %&sv,
*,115 i.s,le•r.
I(•I...-.I.. M1'ie111wE.I lai1it hoi+ eldo,-t• I10",d. ,uelit MInar,h41y,
8 VOtIIW1 IY---1TffW144mwt„w.-1iwnwt+le.
-y,a{r:.,i+n,,, .,o (la:ke uw,hl•,
. .
NEW ADVE1tiTiSESI. II4TB`- sloe. it?I.
•.I -!air{•-.0-,1 Tuck M',keri wept vd Elle 1',
,;,,,,i ,r . 1.111` Y.01 .'1V: 11.11•.rrie•n..... .. Y
WCantd.t .11 Ply at uittna! I 'Mee. . L
*not, 10 Inifttlr' 1r.. na 41.lranrey• ._. I.
HoC'fbe eel vire John Spaeth) It :•tons
} Tetan
aee :.Waeled Davill M, !twain.... 1
%tee W.Mtr11 1'!n,1 Arse -•t.'- Bantry'
• II
I Adjourned +ah• ofYnnds for faxes -W. J.h,
' cI•10• for Salo -Mr,. A. 11. McDonald.• 1
tln.tme to hetet Aignal1
(IMr.' . • 1
Pottage to HrnL.•llert Macdonald.