The Signal, 1916-9-28, Page 7+e THE SIM':A1. GODERICti ONTARIO THtrtuoav, nem :8 1916 7 " Clean, smokeless and odocises oven m~mousand baking. This is aaured by cos foil • �iuc%s1-coated none -rust steal Wag is Pandora It won't be hard ro deckle what range you kitchen after I show yon the Pandora's Sold by FRED HUNT. 7 SCHOOL SHOES THE time is here again to get your boys and girls fitted out for school. They will need stong serviceable Shoes. The kind that will stand the most severe test in any weather. In this class of footwear I can show you a wide range of leathers and styles that will give the very best satisfaction. You will also find the prices most reasonable. REPAIRING DONE! Geo. MacVicar North Side of Square Godericb, eat Electric Fans and Irons DO YOU know the advantage of. Elec- tric Irons and Fans, especially in hot weather. and how easy it is to live and work. in summer especially, with these appliances ? Ironing out of doors, for example. is .oth practicable and pleasant. and oi1r electric flat - 1 irons certainly'smooth'the way on ironing day. •• Do you know ot ate cornfortof a fan in the dinytg-zoom : The residence lin is de- signed for extreme quietness inarunning. Electric Fixtures and Supplies always on hand. Let us give you a figure on wiring your house. Res. 1113' Robt. Tait ISI s • STRATFORD. ONT.. Caasereisl,-SLsrtissd sad TR wtndau•sm.*1, De at any time. W. place stradamee In po..ition•, Dsrieg July tied August we received appllent ion@ for over SRI ti'essi.tants fortge could not supply oar tree catalogue at oars. D. A. McLACH LAN, Peiasipv .Ask Your Druggist for •.jt� t t CP IL GIRLS WANTED ren ecce work to 1111 the places of men oh..'•.s• sees et ere mans to the front. Moet r WINO ewe render three %w • V..Iaelalae, r W. fit` esatfe.t+e. e special C.er•ra of training In Hook ( treeing. i•ho.tbend sed as saber 1.1). menial .elder.. now In wetness I et odest • a.t"ttted a•l ossa. me.trated Ir.t.lser fe.e. etft�OM Ce e, l.ti, Uw Itrl POUND. ONT. C. A. FUMING. Prissiest "."-""*"." YOeN WOMEN MAY AVOIO PAIN COUNTY and DISTRICT Hottfreid Wein. a highly reenacted citizen of Os.diton, Is dead at the age of eighty-two years.- Mre. Findlay Lyn.. an esteemed resident of Howiek, is dead .t the see of thirty-six years. Eiston Catdilf has p,trchs.ed the homestead no the 5th line of Morris from his Whet . Mrs. E. Johnston, a (Armor resident . f Whalen. died in Victoria hospital. Loudon, following au operation. • Alex. Campbell. • former resident of the 5'h line -of Morris. died at Van- derbilt, Michigan, on August :fl.t. Hem Kslbfle(sch, a pioneer of Z.irkh, died on Mondagof last week. He was horn in Germany eighty-three yenri ago. Mrs. Albert Moeeer' of Mount Car- mel. died at jilt.. Joseph's hospital, Louden, on Neptemtter.Itith. fibs was thirty-eight years of age. Miss Evelyn O'Leary. of Parkhill, daughter of George O'Leary. formerly of Stephen township, died no Satur- day. September 14:b, aged eighteen years. Rov Finley, aged sixteen, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Finley, of Turn- berty, WW1 kicked by a horse on Sep- tember 17th, and bis Jollities may re- sult fatally. George Jordan. eldest son of D. Jor- dan, of the :xh line of Morrie. has re- signed hie position on the gaff of the Bank of Nova Scotia at Piston and has enlisted with a bewvy briery .t Cobourg. • Mrs. ,V. I1 Lowrie died at Rnsselt, Ontario, following a short 111...e freest heart trouble. The dece.eed was a former resident of Hay town -hie, be- ing a daughter of the late William Wilwm,of that township. The residetce of Mr And Mrs P. C. Scott. Jan.e.towt , we. ,he weer of • pretty wedding on September 13th. wben their dwgbter, Miss l'art.ariee Isobel. hecawe the bode or. Wilmot McLennan. of Gr -y township. The ceremony was performed in the pres- ence of an.,u• ...ver.ty guest.. The home e f M r . and Mrs. Robert Fortis, Mullett township. was the serene of • bappv event on K'edtre..isy afwn,.•w .4 lur week, when their .khat daughter. Ida lileecodine, and Rilliam B. B••11 we.- e►nited in mar' - het v. neater of Knox • R s1. 1511. ••1p sleglls wi.eRas s./ MW was r .....~...ter. •.wrens .Wt be vises se maws me see is se essay IS• SY* whet t •ma mow' ter Md. ,1 Tk'kei.'t ass . wen 11 e R••• e � w brag w saes w M teen M poem w 11WWww' • Tar st. -•-raiz riles. • less. set maw ter sat. sow t!ss a r*s was ss itT 011412. ISM e111111011101111.1. 00. AI oA=Ats& tlitlih'!at ?sass o.•. *MI Mas. as. Ailermos-*au. tt.i a rtage. RIFT . J,. . church. Land ■ M• fitted in the preeiet.ce of t1I�yC i WC .. Mat lire. £ for Goderich and 1 tends of tau. trmet:ng parties. and District. The oarei of Elie\May. only daugbter , Mr. and Mrs„ times Mc - Q teen, of, 4• littler t .wnshi to I,,,,.I,,,,.•- • ,enee F.tr,e-t, eldest .on Mr and Mr.. \a/' I. F.,rre.t. alas. a :Stanley, era• yen blenized, on Sstu v. Yep - eoih*t hath, at high no at resi- dene. of the haat.. p•ret.t.. ha- v. Halj Woods, of Union church. ii r ce- re Need Only Trust to Lydia E. Ptnkham's Vegetable Corn - pound, says Mrs. Kurtzweg. Bufab, N.Y.-" My daughter, whose picture is herewith, was much troubled with pains in her back and sides every month and they would sometimes be so bad that it would seem like acute in- flammatioa of some organ. She read your advertisement in the newspapers and hied Lydia E. Pinkham's V e g e table Compound. She praises it highly as she hu been relieved of all these pains by its use. All mothers should know of this remedy, and all young girls who suffer should try it." -Nin. MATtt.DA KUITZW.0, 629 High St., Buffalo. N. Y. Young waren who are troubled with painful or irregular periods, backache, headache, dragging -down, serrations, fainting spells or indigestion, should take Lydia E. Pinkham'■ Vegetable Compound. Thousands have been re- stored to health by this root and herb remedy. It you know or any your wo- man who la sick and need. help- ful advlceiask her to write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn. Mw. Only women will receive her letter, and it will be held in attic/MA conadenoe. -t • • • • 1RacEwan Estate Excktsive - agents for SCRANTON COAL r. red Jin. 14 mc Jarrott. of Kip - pen, receirea • letter from their eon. who went oT-reeas witb So. 10 West- ern University isrartns.ry Hospital. Lnod .r, in`. rising them of his •air er- r.Tal a. ' i •tort if-; F.nglan,e. 11 - sailed on the 1►Ivurpi••. which ...tried over ti,U.t isoldiete a• Toss and wade the. presage in five day*. YE.IFORTH. M ;t )n Chesney hati been teaneferred how''t5r.nno to the OrOtis baancb of the Daiii ition Built. Mi.. Ne;lir A`telte.on and Mise Ethel K-rr breve gone West t' spend • couple of month@ visiting A ntccm.eful ladies' bent/nig rui- msent for th.. parterre of rat !l iinev' for the Overseas Fund wt. We Alp the gt eiPff here • few days ago. Sirs. R A.. Wilson, who had spending sorsa tittle wittg tie& pwren Mr. and Mr- W. E. S mt are, has returrii•d treallif home in*New York. E. Hirst t received n telegram on Twistsv'announci,g the sudden death of . hie brother. George Hincbley, at bteLhowe At Victoria, 11. 1'. The d.. - ceased wa,A• native of Hullett. BRUSSELS. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Richards cele- brated the thirty-fifth anniversary of their wedding on Tuesday of last week. Any quantity belt all Maple Slabs, Mixed Wood, Hemlock fleet visit hack. J. Feelliet's new F era car overturned while be was out driving the other evening. The car was badly damaged while the occiap.nts escaped with a s &king up. tiro. Bedford has exchanged his store Inc • 15tamere frim in the county of Elgin owned by Mr. (lower. Mr Bedford intends to follow (ermine •e an et,ii •inch. Miss Emily Case. a former reeidebt of Kaman. passel away at the horse of her sinter, Mrs. A. W. Wright, of AIu.a, Well.. on Neptewb•r ldtb. 8M was in her reventy-third year. On Saturday, September 15th. Mies Ina M ty Delve became the bride of Private David Gordon Appleton, of the halter Iliatt&Ilon, Camp Borden. The w arriage Look p lace at Heosal.. Mn. Viewn Clarke, wile of WOMAN! D. Clarke, manager of the Moleone Bank here, died oa Friday of last week after an illness extending over several .menthe. fibs was thirty-three years of age. Moving Pictures From An Aeroplane Sensational Feat of Cam- era Men Who Made "Britain Prepared" Film. How great and bow tin illing a part the aeroplane playsin modem war- fare may well me imagined after seee- ing the moving pictures of •'Britain Prepared," the ofticial film of the Britieh Army and Navy. which h ea freer brewed foe preeeotrtion in the Model Theatres li•der.ch, under the auspices of The Signal. The spectator from be. seat in the M ,.Irl Theat ra sees the great birth tieing from the ground and flying straight towards him am though they were peering over hie bead. Then of a sudden he haw the aes•ation of being up in an aeroplane himself. He twee the earth fadiog be- neath him. He enters tit- cloud. 111101eee ptently they. 1 a, lie'b•low hum like a rumpled carpet. His machine sways and ewerre. And incliner at an angle •s it make. • turn. H. can slimesslimesin feel the wend in his face, end .tnael- ively he leans first to one 1400 and tb.n to iter other Al though 10 balanUb ce e machine as it sway* and slant. in its swoops..bird-like swops.. Three pm titular pictures were taken ly a wh ovii.g camera operator wive went up in en aeroplane for thepur- pose.oee. Tory illustrate not only the sort of work the u.ilitery airwt in has to do. but the daring eni, it or the men de who mathin wonderf.il film, and the determinet;on of the• British Hoveen- utent, once the polity was .ieridrel opnn,to'mike w thorough job of show- ing exactly 'what the army and navy were doing. •'Britain Prepared" will he ehown et the Model 'l'or'e, Friday, October add Kindling Cedar or Pine.) • ' Is. • - 1• • portant Announcement. (•• - I PENSION ALLOWANCES. residence '12 in di Chairman of Pen'ion Board Makes Is- • TELEPHONES, office PI Little Job or- Big Arthur Wald has rented his pproper- ty on Turnherry street to (tenrge Itreuter. and will remove to Bran t - ford George McMillan received • tele- gram on Monday of last week advt.- .ne hien of the death in action of his i@ at pre•ertt on the firing Ifoe and had youngest zoo, Private Charles McM 1- I never even his .on. - an. Rev. W. F. Hunter, B. D., end Mrs. 1 NOVA SCOTIA MAN SWEARS BY Hooter, ofrsnc B h Cls,coney P 1 THEM. 1 1 From the repairing of a faucet to the installa- tion of a �COrrlplte plumbi ng system, we are equip- ped to do the job. W.R. PINDE Phone 153 Hamilton Street Idose, chair n of the I's,rd .4 pens /ion comutierionere, in .rddree sing a recruiting meeting on Iwhalf. of 1.h. Irish -Canadians Rangers in Dominion SellarsSars herr tonight, gave the IoUow- iog figure•. (or pensions for euldiety and dependent.. : For tototalJiesbility, rank and file, 1 the prn.ion mill • be finer a yser Myriad t'uuotinder, Merge oat bl..jor, ('.dot -Sergeant or other 14...,gesnt., $:)10$:)10; Iteg mental !i-, grant -M .jor, $0211 ; Lieutenant, $7C'1) ; k'aplarn, 91 5J1). fbu.r entitled to he nwarde•1.pen- eions ate diva led into six cleese-, a. I follows : rust close., tor 1.4al dt.nhilitv.4.5) per e. rel • rweend tl..., .ghty twat rent.: tf�l,!�itl clam., vis,y p r 'cent • 1.,ural cfsse, forty per coltit 't tilt • class, twenty per c -ret. • aiztb rlas. Lse;Lao twenty per .cul. To e.'s-b of these up to and including; the rank 'of Li.-tatenet , , 'utility diff- ble.I, anti in 111/11111.14111111/11111.14111totally helph.a-, * fsurtbf•t'-nillnwneire not ex. -et -dings 4230 a yr ar m ,y h.• m.nle. 'Those up to and tux the rook ..f Lisuttor- not dis OiledOiledand m li led to •i perk' in the ft,.t three e.e 'sse.11,.11 le@ paid, .u, in addition to the personal pe.un, • special alk.wence 0P ail a month tot 1 each child. A member ember of the f.rcee is killed Ile widow i11 entitled to eighty per cent. of the full pension for heir 1.1e. or until sire remarries. If the marries again the pens:"' .s to be paid to ber for one year afire woad. hod (ben it erase.. Thew ado v ie ei.titled to draw an allowance t.n wl.aterer children there are op to the age of sixteen for w boy. and sevens/eon for it girl. If w widower is killed in the army sercire each of his cbildien ie entitled to $12 monthly. A widowed mother or step- nentior ser a grandwamfbsr . who i* wholly dependent ons the Member o. the force killed b to rere yr sixty per cent. of the total disability pension. This also applies 10 et father twiny dependent spun • son killed in the ..nukes Chairman Roesalso wnneeseed that the 'I boo d of pension aumsslwioners u hauthority to snake provision for caTrimmed vocational traiesing of tned soldiers. ala to supply ertif tial limbs. Chi* work now beteg dose by the hos- pitals commission. tee - r&nla, have been visiting relatives ben. They made the trip to Brussels by automl.tile. He Cues 1 His Backache with Dod l's CLINTON. Kidney Ville. South West Velton, Inventive Co., 'The *castor of f RevF. r hases: R. S., Sept. 2iith (Special). -••i lief- per as de of Willis♦Villds ehoreb has fered for three years with backache bees A Walking Club ha. hewn orgseised with a me.sh,r.bip of about twenty yobs people of both sexes. A frame house on Albert street and its eowteeta were destroyed by ere on Tsesday morning of last week. Private Hamilton Harper, of Tor/ onto, formerly of Clinton, has been officially reported killed in action. Dents Phalen, who he. loononiti sleeted with the Jackson Mfg. Co. several years, has here wont bead -Butter to s.ac:ssd W. Lolly who bas recline. WINDHAM. fi,rgt 9. M. Wil b.s here n- pseted Ruing multiple gpn- v robot • • an 1 Priv a daft bas boas isjured by sbrsf+ee1. , SPLENDID SHOWING AT McLean Bros.' Store -- -- OF FALL VW WINTER CLOTHING At the first opportunity you should arrange to visit 'our store and examine our exceptionally fine line of Sweater Coats Underwear „Overcoats Suits and, in fact, everything for Fall and Winter wear. Don't forget the place. McLEAN. BROS. THE SQUARE THE SEMI READY TAILORS and two b .x-• o Dodd'a Kidney Pills cured me counpistol y." This straight and simple statement by Mr. D maid A. ,McAr her, a well - Ito two end highly respected resldemt h ere, is j•u.t one more evidence of the g reat work Dodd's Kidney Pill. are doing to this neighborhood. That Mr. Mc A,thus 'srrouble was from his kidney. i. 'hewn by his other .ymp- tome. Has joists stiff -tied. be was trembled with boort fletteriage, be felt heavy •t:d sleepy miterit meals and be had preemies or .her pain, on the top of his bawd. AU van- i.bRd with hi. bsetach•• whro be teed 's Kidney Pills. That'. why Mr. ether Is rseommendiog them to M.t EXITER. ` . Reid, of Bl theswoM, visited H. T. (111811)11.1k nos ort Me. a Mee. slam be left bete and this was his Met. Oemeheil, of reuse, wee in W I..I .tr to Mid Toms. Rev. _ - _- - -- -- - Dr. Chelstie oMelated. Ptiva•iJot•pb Yn11asd, wise reade enter.hie bone bars with his enter. Mrs. Frank Bowden. tie weal year., has hese repot ed knMd in males. ere The home of Priest. Rest d Mn. Fitt ha. been bereaved he iMut death of their intentions, Marl Elleh- -, ova emus father The f here list week. it 1. !Iffy -flue yeas• nri.LEt'rPI The fsllowrng plica,. for Ford -ears will l t cacctise on and after Aug. 1. 1945'. • $450.00 475.00 495.00 695.00 780.00 890.00 • ,. o. a. roso. oasraalo. ' Thc..• prises :or 1 o.ifivrly guarantc. d .,*..in•t any re- . duction Wort.Auynst 4.- 017. Ian then- r, nu guarantee • against an advance impro c at .o,) tins•. KELLY & MACEWAN DEALERS - - - (C)OEI4IC11 SUMM • r Its .seal .st..4 out tenni; your .luring . the lit ntnutli- Sommer Alien' y.T1t -c.tu use .l • "Safety First" with Firearms. • Bach year the 'booting sermon re - coed* w 10011114 of. ascideots des it, careiewneees of hunters in the forest and in t h.• use of firearms,. A gen wo- ke* tsisg off accidentally and killing the owner. climbing fence' with the gen beaded snit ked, ne .hentibg at a se espanbn i mistake for an animal are eletvoly meow With the k.owkdge the dwsger of hasdliag firearms, it se surely inclieshent upon hunters to sere** e. precaution and koro a •welnealP, before them the esotte "solely filet." etas a eseally awls mate them (t'• w Among literary stars we fled the Avowsasterisk as . jest seeendsgh a thtau putewthe 54. EW 1 Oil Stove ? 1'he nigh-spc'e11 of titlr@C , st :Anel economical. This, burner is .loss to lop and the flame strati' -4 the Is.ttottl 41f + .seat 1. With' this direct conl.ict water boils more .,nickly and it t.,kes ica, fuel to keen it boiling. SCREEN DOORS and WINDOWS Nov.is the tilos to g s 1 .our Scrt•cu ihw,rs awl WI,.,lows nn 1s•forc Ow flies get Lad. 1)o not wait until they .,et in your house an 1 then pot "n screens to kt.l• them in. fall and see our large range of Se teen Doors and Window.;. WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF HAMMOCKS Prices ranging from $2.50 to $10.00 Refrigerator.... ..from $9.00 to $35.00 Lawn Mowers from 34.50 to $ 10.00 Are you bothered 1.y s one hog getting under yore fence? if so, the Bulldog Fence Anchor will help you out 1 Call and we shall be pleased to show you bow it is used. Do you want any Fencing at very low priers ? We handle the ideal. Call and get our prices before purchasing. How About Your Winter Supply of Coal ? We handle the best Scranton Coal at the follow- ing prices : Chestnut Stove Egg $'4.(111 ler ton Soft and Cannel Coal. Hard and Soft Wood Slabs, PHONES ,22 CHAS. C. LEE NOUSE