The Signal, 1916-9-28, Page 5SIGNAL : GfDERTCH : ANTARTO TuvaarAv, sit PT y1, 1.111 WHEN YOUR MOTOR -CYCLE NEEDS ATTENTION i•ring it here. where the .1.1:n3. o• e•1 be repaired nr broken part. rept eye 1 skillfully and quickly. And remem• err that small defects grow larger when neglected. So at the first eir;n o(trmitee vend your metor.40e herr. R..o cluing you will ...or much future trouble and much tepee- . t Street Garage C4 sue ad Os.r•w ... • t'reat.e4 n•.1. • M 01 OVER Phu... 14J burns and sores Used in all Hospitals in the Allied Countries for the soldiers a' we!! as in hospitals throughout the Dominion, United States and the Far East are cured by Mecca Ointment An unsolicited testmonial from Mrs. C. C. Hull, M.D. of the Women's Christian Association Ho'pital, Council Bluffs, Iowa, " We have used Mecca Ointment in a severe case of burning, which under ordinary treatment would have been fatal. I was surprised at iia soothing effect aad quick. relief from pain. The sloughing, which was extensive and deep quickly assumed a healthy process and recovery was remarkably rapid." 25c. $5c. -75c.-$1.25 sizes raw saws)• teat ae.e r...r.t b Foster -Dark Co. Limited Ibeesssss.dsd ad sold by JAMES A. CA11PBELL Toronto, Ont. JOB AND COMMERCIAL Printing? tine %ic nal LOCAL TOPICS "Britain Prepared " The plan tar the greet ale produce nor."Britain Peeps' el." wild he ecru at IIIc M del The. tre on Fridmy, (k•to- ler I), f 111 to 12 a. lit.. front 1 U• 1 p. u,. and in the ...ening at thr usual hews. Prier. '2i as.•, and rio ; for altrrnrun production, 13: and 2,c Prospering in the West. Thie Pat agree!' frau The CAn•dian, published wt Mori tach, Sark., refers to a former OMerseh toy, a on of Mr. and Mrs. A. S lehrsheal of town ; "l'berlie l'urvatal'r big new Karn eias the serve of w merry dance Wed- nesday night, when young and old, front tar aid near, gathered to par- take of generuu• hr..pilality and good ..herr et the l'hry•tel home. Mr. Chi yodel has alio just completed a flee new r.•ridrnre, and hie farm le now one of the beauty sputa of the eolith country." His old Mende in Goderich will be g'nd to learn of Cuarliu'r evident pow - pert y. MacEwan•Goldthorpe. The wetilageof Misr Alwa Minnie, daughter of Mr. J. 1'. Goldthorpe, to Mr. William (ie MecEwan wsrsolenln- ized at St. lleorge's church on Wed- nesdwy wotnirg at 6 15 o'clock. The rector, Rev. J. 11. Fotheringhuu, offlssted The bride, who was given away by her father, wee very becom- ingly attired) in a hoi• of Bordeaux veining, with hat of the saute shade. She wore a 'tomato. bouquet of lily -of - the -valley and Fein and carried a letralgit is Rheumatism ..the face. Uric Acid leis i.rth blood by div wdl'red kidneys lodges along( the nerve w 1.ie h hran: hes froni the eye over the forehead, and acroee the cheek to the (ride of the nova. The cause i. the .:.me as in all I:I.rumate.m disordered Kidneys. The core ie like - seise the sa.n-- Dodd's Kidney Pills MUNDER NEW MANAGEMENT ODEL THEATR WEDNESDAY aid THURSDAY OCTOBER 4th aid 5th 1)4 Iirl hr,.hm.01 T. • - Mai guei ire Clark 1•' •4.3TILL WATERS" Spwctel I'r..lu.;1. . liners 1I4- .,1d - Don't Miss This Friday aad Saturday `th-']la OCTOBE►a Fannie Ward in "fHECHEAT" Famous Players Production. Usual prices. Monday- - "The iron Claw" Tur..l i - Mutual Program GEO. E. KING, Proprietor white prayerbo.'k. Mr. Carmen we, at the organ and played the Brunel Chortle from Lohengrin. Mr. and Mre, MeeEw+n lett by (L T. It fol a trip to Nlnnipeg and on their return will wake their hole in Goderieh. The bride and groom are boll, well known end popular, and lhry will have the beet wiettes of very many ttiends for l appiness and prosperity. Death of Mr. Robert Black. The dew h ,t Mr. Robert Cowan Bla. k. which occurred at H.wlltoo on Saturday:, irhau..a so old stud highly resp-ct•.1 erode -tit of the -fetich. 111r. Bleck left by wutnr cer Sunday. the lith it sr., ace ompanied by Niro. Black and their sons C herpes sed Hata y. to attend the funeral et Mr•. Hisek'. mister. Mrs. Win. Green, at Duud*r. Mr. Bleck was taken ill on the we; down and the' evening wee removed to Mt. lo.epb's ho•p. el in Hamilton. IIn Tln,rsdey an operation 4.115 per -- fin er -fou u,. d, a tech war followed shortly (t y the bursting of an at tee v And YOU intend buying" a Piano sem2 day and have been waiting until .a gond oppor- tunity offers. THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. " Every instru- ment is a bargain, has been care- fully tuned and polishe&and is in the best possible condition. $35.00 Piano Cast- 6 Octave Organ, I ? stops, 5 sets of reeds, in good order. $45.00 -Blatchford Piano Case 6 Octave Organ, ma- hogany wood. A splendid Organ and well worth more money. $50.00 --Weber Square Piano, rosewood CAW' and a good Piano for the price. =215.00-Wonnwith Piano, beautiful mahogany, very latest design of case, splendid tone. in the very best condition, used only 3 months. Original price $325.00. Don't miss this bargain. $285.00 --Heintzman & Co. Piano, burl walnut case, used 18 months, as good as new, beautiful tone. Original price $400. One of the beat opportunities you will ever have to own a Heintzman & Co. Piano. 5285.00 l leintzman & Co. Piano, in perfect condition, and possessing th splendid tone of these celebrated Pianos. I Da eat wait for someone else to get ahead of you. Cane today. We have sooetkii1 to twit you. JAS. F. THOMSON AGENT FOR HUNT/MAN & CU. GODRRI.:tl. ONTARIO The holiday season is over. We are all back home for the fall and winter months. How about your smoking requirements. Just look over our assortment We know we can please you with our stock, There are still some cigarette smokers who have not yet tried Tucketts Ar -Na, Army and Navy cigarettes. A full flavored cigarette, of selected Virginia tobaccos, medium strength. Try them. 10 for 10c. FOR SALE BY F. H. WOODS Next Daveys Jeue'ery St .re Goderich WOMEN OF CANADA. Fort Coulon*,', Quebec.-" 1 am tvtnev to tell you that your medicine did me wonderful gond 1 was troubled , with we:iknees and I tried wines and other things hut received very little benefit. I was young at the time and knew very ht. 4¢'tie about metlirine* ` :!j' I ( till a lady friend sir -,� came to me with , . 4 a bee l le of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. I became strong and • vrar afterward b.id twine," -Mite. J. iiaanT, Fort Coulonge. tj.lebe.'. Thouatnds of women right here in Canada who are now Mens.•, with rube -1 health cannot underettwd why thneeend.• of other women continue to worry and suffer when they can obtain for a trifling alto Dr. Pierer* F avoea i'res.•rtption, which will surely and g1►.•kl' ban'. -h nil pain, distress and misery' d restore the womanly health. Young mothers who preserve the rharms of fare aped fig'tre in 'r t" nt an wereasing family and the carr of growing children are always to he cnvirl, Favor- ite Prrriptino' gives thI' etreneeh ani health upon whi,•h hat py mntherh.s.l depends. 1t enable. the reetbrr to nour- ish the infant life de;e-tii.ng on r, end emir* the happin.w of v 1'rhin the d• - velogaent of a perfectly healthy child. Tb. crrenrou was pet formed by t:apt. Bev. J. K. VsirIuI, (emplane of the Idiot Huron Betts! and pester of the bride, in the presence o1 alwut thirty friends. eed relatives.. The Midi was given away by her father. Sax wore her trseslling rut of tunvy blur serge and pretty whits. silk pe blouse, and corned a beautiful bouquet 41,1 orchid.. and waulenhs.r fern. Iturirg the c• -re y the couple ..tamp ht front 1 f s hank .•f palate, ferny and purple motel.. The couple wrrr uua4 trn.lt,l. Thr welding •is. waw ple)'e11 by Misr Elsie Hibben and dur- ing the signing of the regirtrr Mw Lillian Rair(ul rang •'1'rrfeet Day" ver nicely. After the ceremony the wedding least wa4 enjoyed. The dee- Demenn., were pick and white throe) b- ne( the dinir.pnuom. Mr. and Mrs. Htbteet sceosupaoled 1.y Mr. and Mee. Nelson Hill motored to London. in- tending to Leave fol their borne at Kurt Fraser' by way of Chicago and Min- neapolis, where they will visit friend*. - - - -- - -- They were the recipients of many as to it. reeee„rt seine*, being eras eimewiwweiftmem good and costly trite, which elbow the high ...Arent us which they lie held. They will le followed by the beet wiebsa of a host of friend.. - e L��tIIo� ARK OF CANADA i Keep tie Family Savings fa a Mat Account In the names cif two or more members - Husband and Wife, Brother and Sister, or Father and Son it Is an all-round convenience, as either can deposit or withdraw money, and in case of death the balance goes to the survivor without any formalities, forming an immediate source of ready money. Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOM BE, Manave,. LEEBURN 'Ibe1UA Y, i4 pt...NV h. Llcg$t•Rw iws•At.R.-Minn 1n• Waitaki* home bout Clinton over M tat,. bandC Mee. May m1 Mr. . euieron and family, from the "Mon," ere 1he guests et Mr. and Mar. Pole Stens'''. Mr. and Ma Nits. Harare Horton end f*.i ity. M114.1 Edith Horton and Mr. Harry Horton motored to M,rat- 1 Rally Day herr, ihr.e wa... la ge at- 1 tendance of the child' en as well as of t, the '(m I. at the 54.11"% e .eer,t lel. rwrt ebusct. Moine people belie. a in nothing -4e •t least, In only what they run undea- ',tetnd, and it way All/011111 (41 the sante thing. It is mid that in`llndie • widow is burned with her late htrh*Npd. In this w euntry • wsdow taker &not her and r. mete him. ford on hridsy. returning the saute1 _ evening.... M,. J Moser and his gang of men bare leen out from 4 •alerich putting a renteht foundation under Mr. HPHI c 111,4100'4 hues., which adds mu •1t t., ite appearance a. well WHY YOU ARE NERVOUS The nervous system b the alum systea of the human body. In perfect health we hardly realize that we have a network of nerves, but when health is ebbing, when strength is declin- ing, the same nervous system gives the a)arn• in headaches, tiredness, dresml•1 sleep, irritability and unless corrected, leads straight to a breakdown. To correct nervousness, Scott's F. simol- oe is exactly what you should take; its after 1 richen.triment is into the blood and drat h . o -mrd on Saturday evening. 1 etch bl .out feeds the tiny nerve -cells while Mr. lileek wee in his .event.-srv. the whale system responds to its refresh- entl, cera, h+vi• g hers been at lien.- mgtomcforce. Free from harmful drugs. Scott i Dowse. Tomato. out. Iltom 111 the veer 1`4N7. IR- had lived in d• derich abut fnrty••ix years- 1 For some years he ma. in I..trtnrrrhip with Mi.:t. S. 1 h *real in th. 1..1le.- making business and artetwood■ tilled the position of e.gtnrri for the (iodrrich t►rgan U '. tar a I'ug pet i d; end Istteris had leen wet, tar Deity ngine l'". in a similar eipseity- Hr leaves. ...rides him wife•. 1'• ,r eons Hewitt •1.1, of P+a. .aren)',ler. : \\'il-) tam, ('hence end Bart y• ".dt . f town I He au. a Prerhyt.-.can. a Lt►ernl, and a no (liber 44 the a ns of s'4) I:tod. The re.uant. carte bio y:'to li.slr rich 011.1 the Ionr...l took 1.1-e 1r40111 the f .oily reed -awe, et. i►.ve.F.itreet• to y1 Ottani! et .u, te. y ,s.1 Tues. lay wltro:l on. Rev Je-. Hsm Item eun- dueted I he sewers.-. 1hit ir►g Ilse service Iv the hour Mrs. W V, lt.wet dera-MCR -The 1' glee D,y4" amt M'•. Laver Elliott w+s at 'the plane The poll• trivet- wet.. M... -r.. J Ileegetth. A. M. Plat y -t tl, .1..1 n \j;•Donal.t, Nim. %leo. ,ewlll• J. 11. Kelly ens J •s 1►. Wile .n. A•uvng th •-e present wt the tune, al from out of town were foui hen; here *1141 a 5111ter 1.: 1 he 1. reseed : Mr. rendiew BI.ek, et Lyndrn, Out. ; Mr: Jets. 111a -k, of Hs•uilGn • ‘lees.. John and Davol Hlayk, of 1)-tro11. end tlre. Janet F rs r., of Lo.kuuw ; sb-o 111. went \I•.. Jt-. For -ter, of Lucknow ; Mr .. A. F, ,Ink lti•omlw John and titmice Sutetus `and An- do w }let eerie c. Grtensville, Uot. A GREAT BOOi(: THAT EVERY WOMAN SHOULD HAYS. CHURCH NOTES. Key, E. I1. Sewers. of N' Itf,•d, will (weepy tee pulpit .•i Knox church on Sabbath lu.'it. Thr B . pt jet M,nd,ir ..*fen it w ill hold its gunnel .el;y r1rz, Send.) *Bete. to on at:1rie11ek. All ftieurteof the chgtl are invited. At • meeting el the I'r,s'l'e, v of Herm, rot Taredoy l., -t, al Blyth, the cell flue, Calvin cli nth, M,n•re.1. to Rev. W. i). 'I Ian -n. 1•i "Illy' h. was pirecut et( anti Pom,I111.Mi,mrr# !Min that church, .les-rs Keened y end Richar.l u,1, s,;pest ed 1t in ,.hie wi- th epees. Mr --t s: E der, elri.low*h, 1'. pplestoh.• and Te Slot, rept .•.rt..ing St. Andrew'* church, Itlyt1. while r•grett Mg the 11.•pertule of NI r. 'Furrier could not hilt acteliPsre In his 1, nnslatin'i 1 \I mt real. The res- ignation of il.•v, F. C. H*rper, B. I►, of Clinton, was ecceptelf, to take effect after the lith of 1►c•ober. Mr, NI*eferlene of Hsy field will act am Moderator of sresto . is Clinton. • Cellingwoed Bel:ruin : If -v. H. C. McIM, 1, of Stegner. was a retire in 1 eau Nfo des. 14(o roo.1). A- hi. t r 1110 ler fruw the Harriet() the 11,.,,n Piee- levtery 1114 now he. t, .arrange.1, he wi{I he moving in the Lake Huron p nt os teoderich in ;he co,lr.e ..f e enuplp of week.. Mr. Meltrrtnid Iles $e,mplishr,l geed .r o1 is in yi'a4ner tiering the few ye*r. hr has barn there rind hie re al is not only a dbitinct bee to that chi, eh, hot to the Berrie P, ruby -trey generally. Alai„ get hia fell". men he has * wide cis 9y of faired. who. while tegeetting hie re- n..•.al, . r11lulate bun on the et - pr.•cir.•i •, if hie p u oil work for the great Meet!, 11•1 mamte•ted by the rail to the wider field whi.•l' is afferdrst by tieing p. -tor of the Preabyterieu church in tlyderieh. AUBURN; WenYRsI.AY, Sept. 27.3 ,lr. Arthur Lawlor, of Toronto, rune hemp nn Monday to assist in nursing hia tether, Mr. Henry Lawlor. Mr.. Conw.y'.i her, wl. i had hero •Iend'ng ,he pa.t month hoot, ..it•ted 1-.r her tonne .1 S'•kel.on on Turwday morning. Mr. end Moe. Frank Hihtert',erred over • millinn copies of the "Thr '►t Tuesday a/tr, no n by l' P. R. My People's Coinn.ntlSense Medical AdRtcr" 'heir hi ?nee as. F, r' 1 roues.-, alth lbs are now in the hamt+of •be 0,01,' it it tf wi..h •ot Ihrir h,»t • f 5,,.nds, a bark that pvrrynne shou!A C1)ave and readw-Ttltt H noes nT Hit.r. ss f fir ire). -Tile is ease of accident of s.ekne , home of Al.. and M r.. H. 11. 1111, Mssd fifty newts (or etwnpsl fee miuline Aul•urn, 5544 Itis .. rnr of w very r�h�•r��pw t. Dr, Plrree's Iwesli.ts' HMi'l. prr•t] and harp. even o,. \\ r.inrw- B.Aalo. and .nd„•e this notaee e m . whr4 and vow will receive by return mail, all the Ir only dtugbier, Mery Evelyn, was Mantes and eustosa duty prepaid, taw nailed in mart imp. t.. Mr. Felonry* Rd- traluabl• book w in Hibbert, of Fort France., Ontario 14. TRAPPERS! Send your RAWFURS toJONN HALLAM .•• ,..woe i,r►.4 ...5 ,rase a maamy u. a.+. ear Oa ..r. I1i4rw.wolno4•w..e. nW IrW+ W. s... p4. .ver es. beer..... - •5....• 111..,1 rents.- bees♦• 11057 very ri., 1•4•A•e� •••11.••••••••• 4^a•/ l., then. IM ,,•••.1,11.1.4 , We b.., 5...,. I.sta .Iresel lot ,>Iia.-,.104Memop , 'r. w. In Coma. `r n..Trapp.,w . Trar• ab1110= t`--tQt`Lt`. Hun.. .....,'.men . o...la.. 11.144 . e.. aur 40.05040 nu1..•. liar ,.,1. ern.► 0 ~Y.., Seal r... o• ••••••••1,•Mr•.. •• 1 1.15.4 JOHN HALLAM Limited 167 Hallam Building, Toronto 1 Boys' and GeisWool Caps. white and colored .• New Winter Goods FOR THE BABY Fine Wool Caps, Bonnets. Jackets. Leggings Mit tens. Bootees. 1 1 Stamped Nosehies for Christ- mss Gifts For very small outlay and somewosk you can make beautiful glfls. SINGER STORE GODERICH Materials for doing Fancy Work always on hand Also Tovsellings, Linens Pil- low Cotton. Scarfing al in stock. MRS. TAPE OEMS 41 ' L, .p pry es `rnr Wrigley :sears are constant friends to tez' appetite wad. digcstic'i. Woiae:i wc7-irers relish the refresh- ir�g, .comfc.'ting i iience of this tootnsoni , !o_ig-lasting confection. Its hcl' e t:, . re rw ay - its cost small. Trhr•t's why it's used around the world. i loll:in:1 else can take its place. C12037 ,TI after every meal Write Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co., I.td.,WW-rig;ley Bldg., Toronto, for the funny Spcarnlen's Mother Goose book. Made In Canada Two Flavors