The Signal, 1916-9-28, Page 2TUE SIGNAL PRINTING CU.. LTto. Pvtikt*Hltae THa tlle.al la l•uWbhed every '*chorea• eat the oat s• to Tlie Samar Betiding. Noll it a attest. (Iodo,t h. thaw u Taboos•• So M. jcwcrierlos Tsrw..• 41tae Lienar and rift) nut. pit y..tt . if paid .t eta ny tit &tsarina one LL Uot wUl be accepted : to wb.ceibers 1 tot vatted Mare- the rote v One Irollar aaa row Cervi. strict lr i ad.•uay. $ub.ortheee who :all to roost. r THE rim s•I. r.•arlarty by moil willcolder s favor by a.Wu.lerAna the publotb en of the Net. at a. nazi! •dere at prtble. Whet. I chatye ut tta.;c•. I. desired. hots aid and (ne new adage* ►hnq,a be risen. lteeslttalan- war w Made by boit .delft. e*ew.e roar+) order, octet -u ce or,h . ur rerietered letter. maySulocripr tot* mayoonieoc re at any titre. A»YIKTul so Tr rein -(tate. for dinner and cataract •tl.'er" Lemont.* will ler at ren au wppli cation. Lear•:snit other sing flat mdverto-roeot, ten cent• trot lire for dt.t looerson and four per line her each oubeequent In•ertlott. &s*.ured b) a .wale .11 Aniel nonpareil t welvt line. to an loch. gothic , cant• of six how sod under, Fire 1hdlar• per year. Adverb*. wont. of \'carrot ;tit Wet. round. Wtanted kb.. wee (or o'tae r, to Kent. Vann. fan Kale to to Iter.. Article. for etc.. not a ueatufs ofrht hoe-. Twenty OvetW one Muller for llr.t &tooth. Ft hr tent• for+... ors t. quest womb. Lure.( •dared-uteut• W prolurt ton. Au solnc-(dent. to ordtnsry resdtar type. Ten (;nt. per line. Nu nowt. 1•-t Ihru 1 wentit- Pre Cent, hlch°the w,e.uurthe b,aed of any llnd vld' othtw 111 01 a.�e•u.tion, to hie n.n.rdeted au •doer• tl.eoteut and eh.., red ac. old trimly. To ttax,.r,.snm,Ta.-The cooperation of our tut.• ober-and metier. 1• t ordially utvlt atltoward-mtktnfrToorho.ml. weekly r.x,rd of all lowevont) mud (1i.•rl.-t doing. No arm muu..twtIon will he ai tended to uole.t it m wltgthr name and Adana. of the miller. not ancettsarsof mood f.i• for pNew' Itoon.reach . put anevidence SIGNAL omese not later than N'edoet•dar notal of wen week. w •the( ho od, to the *walker which ' 4 be war has imposed. It ie to be! hoped that the proposal will caret with the eatue quick approval of the 5.,t%luunrtut that it duns with the public. - Time cars when Hon.'•Hu1i' Rogers pretty well carried the Province of Manitoba atom d in his 'ret -pocket. But toilet; chabge. A few days ago the Hou. "Bath" weir called before Judge Balt. who is conducting au iu- ve.tigatiun into matters in connec- t with the erection of the Agricul- 1ttal College i uildings at is inniprg under the Rollin (1 vertun.nt, in which Mr. Ragan was the Minister of Public ‘Corks. It bed Ieeu shown in evidence that the Minitter had pro- posed an increase in the tender of one of the cuuuactore, and very shortly afterwards a 'fury election worker called on the contractor sod secured campaign subscriptions amounting to $7,501. It looked bad for the Hon. -BA)," and Lino essayed a counter- stroke by coolly IOWwrking to Judas (1.It that any mossy• rrcrivrd by judge. fol conducting such investig- ations were purely and *imply ''graft." Following this certalu c.xu wrote were made uy Tory Our unlet, in (twit luipers which were adjudged to le in contempt of et ort, amd three journalists. four of th •w. war a n11 committed to juil and three of them were also fiord They •lief wards se- 1 cured their tetra.+ from jail. This r.'.t has ete'ated A great stir in Mani- toba, which woe perhaps ju-t "chat the ileal. ' B,th" dr.irrd, as it bis drawn attention away from the in- cident 01 1be baited tends amd ti cawp•ign (onotbntinne. Judge Oast. it 11115'.' hr rrlmkl ..• d. le A tJuri•erv:v Cale. WHAT OTrtE4S SAY. What Has Been Done i' Toronto (+tar .'t the nutret of the war the (`son• - diau (:urentnleut announced that the. price. of the nesoes-•ries of lite must any, have been taken by not be unnecessarily increased, and Went bot ales , wo i1 I t.- tabu by the Gov- A heeded We rt nw••t• t o -re that. not long of this kind o.- door A gone) drat has tan Lowdo• .idvorti i.enro: Vs. WA), AIM writer •tep., if In tit Ker lands workml ) ucceator to fdvlh.uaab & Gledhill We deal in Hard and Soft Coal, I.itne, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire Clay. also Hard and Soft Wood, Maple and Hemlock Slabs. Hemlock Slabs, $2 per cord. Fresh cars of Lime and Cement just received. OFFICE PHONE: - - - - .") B. J. Saults' Residence 275 W. W. Saults' Residence 202 club+, when %bey way sit at ease. simile, read magazines or papers, play • game of pool or billiards. and enjoy seat drutk• and sandwiches. 1Vby not herr 1 The duty of orga.tiziug such +swot(§ doer riot lir entirely with the sen who nerd thew, but, at least partly, with. Owe., who have lent their •id to the bringing ah tut of prohib- ition. It is a euuetructi•e work which should immediately tulluw the work of destruction. Modern Samson Not Wanted. Nouut Ferest Confederate. The Flesherton Advance rays that • eilspsciou amounting to a cuovicuion nbtatoe in wavy gnarl.+. that the Hydro Commission is in danger of bring shorn of As hair by • model n Unita and Its strength dissipated through the machinations (.1 he1i1 c - Jane and pullers like the city of Tor- j unto. That mei tw quite true, but n the other hand uwe don't want the Hydro Commission to develop int t a' Mamson that ally bring the whole house down abut our eaThere is considerable danger that it may d - vel••p Into a gigantic, powerful, uneun- nulled bureaucracy, with a one -wan power at the bead of it. which will i sun the municipalities of the Province into diesatruur debt. There are pul- lers like the city of Uuelpb and some Well Ili it that •roe chins their influence in an ambitiously .elllsh manner. and the Iegulatule with being wide- awake to the rituatlou„ and in retain- ing some measure of control. They are mon immediately under the power of the peaple than the Cooutiseion is, and lees likely to act in au arbitrary. way. To talk •tout the municipali- ties having control is .beer floors*. They x oar like the three hu tired • •••••••••••0••••••••••••••S • W•. A CI-�ESON c�c SON • • • : Wonderful • Bargains• • • • • •for Fair Week• • • • A list of special at tractions for • • • fair week and closing September • • days. In nearly every case the • • prices are away below manufac- • •turers' prices and what prices • • will be, we believe, for years to • • come. Our purchases made •a year • • or two ago were enormous and we • �• offer unprecedented bargains. • I. • o Dress Serges i •• • Navy blue Suiting or Dress Serges, old dye, several shades • • of navy. All pure wool, 40 to 42 inches wide. Valve • • todayil.^•i, at per yard 85c • • • with the Hydro -Electric l:uwwiseioo We find no fault with the Government THt-RSDA1, sIEP .i:MBER 'a+ iDlit EDITORIAL NOTES. Gen. Fccb and Gen. Haig are Alar t- int( their w.v ;hr tush the l: •i'tuan di -fent -re in Fiance. It i• a giganl is task, bat steady progress is bring merle. We neglected to mention 1 ter week that it was through the courtesy of To.. Tor, alio Stud Weekly that The Signal was enabled to publish the splendid view of ((Aerial harbor, The picture first appeared :it that ad- mirable piper. The Salt!ord Sage says he is with the Toronto' sinister who has an- , pounced that he dots not believe in eternal punishment "1 don't want it for ruyself," he say*, "and to he con- eitt••nt I should not wont r for other.. Isn't that fair.?' •' Ili a P:ovincirl hyo -else• ion in New ' Btun•wick last week. two Conserv*. (Ives were elected id. lout•' Ili•j critics.' The re-ult is chiefly .ig•ttti,'ant from the Lot that it has given I'•nlservative editor the first chante to crow they -Lave had lot a Ing t Site. There was a severe frost in Elites county nue night laid week and .. gt tiat deal of d*walie era. done to 1. - mstues, tAisneo and corn. The liana- '1ia belt aposrontly ba, moved murtb. I as up on the shore of Like Huron wet are still awaiting the first •It.rp frost. A new agricultural school is t o be established in Etstrrn Ontario, a site' bictng horn eh.cern near the town of Eempt'illr. Besides hieing in itself •. sed tri we, tide prnj -et, is 'evidence • the Omer.., I).'pnrtment' of Agri - cel e -'i.4 ant wiiVV. There were some dAlot* alt .u• i°'. Answer Your Telephone Promptly. A practice that will do much to improve the quality of your service is that of answering your telephone promptly. Promptness in answering is a courtesy that your telephone caller appreciates—delay may cause him to abandon the call and turn to a competitor who realizes the importance of a prompt response when the bell rings. Prompt service over your store telephone is a welcome evidence to your customer that you and your staff are alert—anxious to serve. Why not make it an invariable rule to answer your tele- phone promptly' OF CANADA. Autumn Display of New Styles in Semi -ready Suits !b y • w little fuzes that i Minot) .aught and turned tail to tail, and pat a tlrebr and in the midst between two triss and sent them into the rtandsug :urn mod burnt up the shock., and the •taud• ing Corti. with the vineyard• and olives. It is just as well to keep • Sowoon'• bait cut faitly .hurt, wbethe. that Samson be the (Sorel 14- • • meta of The hydro Commission. New Coatings • • :i4 -inch alt -wool Coatings, cream, navys, fawns, fancy • • checks and stripes,' Value $2.'25,at per yard., ..$1.75 • • • • • Carpets • Pard -wide reversible all -wool Carnets at per yard. 75ci85c • • lard -wide union C.trp_ts at per yard55c and69c • • • • Underwear • WESTFIELD. ` Tct'tuAY, III:(Tit nF JAMES B. Httonosn.-It • i• oath Much iegiet that we rhrunicle the death of Mr. Junes B. Red d, which ocetitled at St. •luwpti'e bo -pt - MI, Litodon, oh Faiday, Meptrnilwr 22. W The deceased had beet. ailing for wane • tine, anal despite the fret that the • hest ulydical attention was aiveu death prevailed. 11e was the 1. utth win of W the late Joon I:edw•nid and Was 1 di lhitty-eight Yeats of age. He lied spent • the uu.t.t of his time in this sec ion and had made, hy hi* dices tnl duposi- • tion and kind-heasGalile *. a host of friends. For at car years be lived io • Alberta. redo ping floor peaty ago (*- cause tit the de.th of his wife. Snow : th«n he hod tern at his old Benue at 1S'eet1el 1 for the greater p:ot .1 the • time. lis is-nrvive.l by two. children, • John andMa.y, who live with their grancpatents, Mr. and Mt.. (V. F. • . 'Young, Loyal ; his h••r, two •istels-?Irs. Jame+. Hyle, St. Aucus- tine. and Mrs -J. J Be11, Barons. Al'w : and four too: hots -Michael, of 1,-.0Mil.': we. 1,-.0 John a A Wi.1. of l'Fi'yarp and I(.vo:ot1'', a' lined+. The funeral • wm, held on MoAidav ft tin h.. home 1 to tat. Ai,tosithe and Iva.'Iargrly et • tended. Requiem mama was sung by ' • Rev. father (lean. Interment w•a u.ade in St. Augu.'ihr cemetery. The • pallhrvr r+ weir ?l -.sr.. W. Steck- h w -r, R. Mot I, (i, km/dr-ie. J. I • Bn•-hauan, N' R..htnon and A. liras- • 'they. Thr heartfelt sympathy of the an community it ezi,ended tm the sorrow -i ing relatives and friends in the hour • of ttreaYeinenr. Penman's n itural Underwear for wotnen,,all sizes Vests and Drawers, both makes at old prices, per garment. $ 1.25 Penman's ladies' fine wool black cashmere Hose, seamless. Sizes St 9, 9i. 10. Valuetolay gac, at .,.t s e e s .. •50C re is a hour T,ir)il ) +atce ere1'0 *- n. w;cniti.iriTGi-".. 'al&i+..ibo i•••••• v. Lberefur. to I* tatted 11 public . elilntcription. ?Zany pi pie cotrri.lrt' that elicit ncf:ene', while pr.i.e*nthy in (hew trlve•, should be left until after the war. and that any ictinl••y nn{ other wietr ueetleii should hr di-vy;ed to war purposes. A militia order has Bien issued granting permission to soldiers to shave the upper lip. This stats away meth ttlr Itadriouilhat every «either) wlr.t have • ruo.s.tachr-a tr•il•tioii that solos of the youngsters bound it hard to live rep to. l'uliormily i+ the ) Rtrat thirg in the array. but the hay+, when they did succeed in growing a; brash, could not s11 get the sante c.loet so the new regulation pet wits then to stop toying. Ther+ is again talk of a general elec- tion lec-tion for the Federal Horner, and chit ►torr it is the Literals who Ste doing the talking. The Miguel a year ago protected against a wartime election, and it tors no reason now why one should hr held. The pi esent (4tvrlai meot assuredly is not nuking a bril- liant record in adnuaistration, but if •n election were held and Literals et Id tate the place of conservatives st rte head M affairs it would hardly t•nd to promote harmony a t the people. Except for most agent tea eons. there should he no general elec- tion until the war is over, or until victory is absolutely sod fn•Ily oe- nsrad. - _ --- Toronto Mtar : Tbe'eugseetinn has been made that a silver erose lie awarded to the mothers of Canadian soldiers who have fallen in the war. The ides has been put forward by Mr. W. A. Praiser, the author, in s letter to ter prem, and it appeals to all the deepest ani finest •entlrwent.. It would be unique. No other roomers bre done anything of this kind and Canada might well begin it. The sliver eros• wnsld be the rulhlenr of Ibis vier of w.'mea. the heroism of All t11e new and distinctive styles are herr in Genuine Steno -ready Tailoring both Suitt and Over c o a t s in the prevailing models anti in original designs. ('inch -back Suits and Overcoats will be in evidence this season -and in these we have a variety of models at from CS to $25. " The price in the pocket " - from $15 to $35. Custom-made Special Orden at $Ili to $35. SAW ZEPPELIN BROUGHT DOWN 0 Exciting Incident Described by Serge. Walter J. Buchanan. Aekruwledgiva the rec••ipt of • package of tobacco sent to hien Icy his forts• r emulate. of the Menesetung Cahn« (';nb, 11 .?l. vers'. ,N alter J -- (3) hanan i •mu of Mr mud Mrs Jaw-.. BtichanaI4 write. : "it it such a treat to he able to rujny the tone nice again of goer! o'd ('snuck tobacco and 1 appreciate your kindness very h. The petrel .rrired this morning and was in excellent condition and already m collet.. tet p.ls have j•sine.i me in .m..ktug to the health of the members of the good old M. (. ('." • Sergi. Bo.bstran continuer : "i just returned this morning (mut • week -end in London end might arty that it cam+ one 1 shell nut f••rget for • long time, for while 1 was there the %pp, called and our was hrooght down. It war •hnrtly after 2 a. m. when we were awakened by an explo- sion and we got up and had r• book and thew was one of the Easel's pets sailing along above u.-afxrut two utiles in the air, so they said. It was emote sI gaged hy our own airsbigr and by anti-aircraft Mune and fortunately they gut one oriel home. for we saw her horst into Hawes and then she 'carted to deer -rid and crashed nose on into a field, where she burned to� "Ales. They are a wonderful machine, sod one cannot help but marvel how such a m•usive affair can he kept in the air. It was A wonderful sight and I ant very glad that i was there. They did +•nage to drop a few bootie and for • few minute', between the explo- sion of booths and the shriek of •hells font our guns twitting through tie lir, why. it wet pretty lively. This i■ the second one that has been brought down in England. Yesterday we went out 10.0. the remains, but there was nothing except the mete' para of bar left and the eh"rred tediss of her crew." This letter was written tleptembee' 4th, and describes an incident which ereste•d • tremendous sensation la London Dosch, -•Silks for :)ressrs ter Snits,al o Silk Poplins in black au 1 all colors, 3 ito 4i) inches wide. Extra w;ig;it and beautiful sheen andyt-ality :Specially priced .for Septem- ber.Wl-orth $l.en),atPir yard •$1.35 Sheetings 2 incl( bleached plain Sheeting, value 37;c, at per cari,25C :d -incl( white Lonsdale Catubric, value lk, at per yard. 15C 36 -inch white Cotton (old" stock), warth 17c. at per yard 12 I -2C :11 -inch extra whiteFlannelette worth 20z, at per yard .15C :i'; in 4 t ares colored Flannelette, worth 1.ie, at per 12 I -2c • Catton Blankets• I..t; 4e -t size''-`�'luAlit 4 (2 )ttnn Blankets• nttde vt. tit+ with 112 pink or hers+ lotnler, ttmrtll i''.'_'i, at re. pair. $1.85 • 14'. A CHESON & SON FA.RE S32.2 EUFFALrO-Dates, May 1st to Nov. 15 twee he' W• 1 '+n P. W. Leen Clevel.Cleveland• w 0. 4614•11 4.......• aimed n A. a. Amro CLAW* 7.40a. IL, ..••we • : r' • ..,t . (-..tt,, xw•dtr• Imo, :sir 1 rao'n. $.r. Tends. nevelt a at r:eb war ` I - 5 ) t -.s bee+.e• Ctdfw ena Giemsa entrant fn'' trea�wae� .�It 1 t • • ' • •!atter rimer r t t'. A n. Lac 46-., •,•.r- . -N ivy a•.t"ce •. a-. ,tr. .l•r.vl r^•.. -r .,-.. ,. a r. trio r It Pays to Advertise in the SIGNAL • A bishop recently addressed a Targe assembly of Sunday schrtt.l children. and wound up tsy asking, in • very paternal Way : -And now, Is there any little trey. or any little girl, who would like to tai se • qu»stion r A thin. shrill voice at the hack of the r- om called not : "Meows, s1r, why did the impels walk up and down Jacob's I ladder when they had wings ah, yee-I see." said Ilse bishop. ••Arai new, ie then any little ,girl who would like to answer this quaintest t' / z,• j / ,/*i ;• ,%' -//// /41// .i..v7.