The Signal, 1916-9-28, Page 1- SEE - " Britain Prepared" -AT THE MODEL THEATRE FRIDAY, OCT. 13th WennetheraWereelieWefiebeireWareWieleker ISIXTY•LIUHTH YEAR -Ns •t SEE -- "Britain - "Britain Prepared" AT THE MODEL THEATRE FRIDAY. OCT. 13th GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY SEPT. 28 1916 TEE.1O$ALINUNTl?a OM. Lpf1 LI. F r el louse THESTFRLINGBANK OF CANADA _ P VOW r.au••r>.,;=+rte ..'w -MP* r SAVE, Because --- Habits grow upon us --for instance the nec- essary habit of building up a savings ac- count. -4 FOR SAILS OR REIT. rlR SALE. -130 ACHEM OF 0001) day lawn. Ii intim mob of Loudreberu'. ug tot 2A. r,.u. e --Mat 13. Hulls.. Two hou,w. Irak baro mod draw iw[ rata , las erduliu[ well. and rtrtrwr et bark of f. 110 Coe reeked to aburth ..ut. ...churl Rural nail alai be raptor.. Pike A„d tern.. til. -wrath.. HnI %HAl'Alt HROM., :i Yat It. H. No. 1, Auburn. H OUSE FOR RALE IN VILLAGE Or Al' KCRN,-Mvs• name. we -broom. ��aatt//�� alai w t 4:11444,11: mood 0•)144.: Karn w Atli Ikrtialwd .rule ..woke house. hawsed b'd, prreelatic, MlrltNMY PAT\and �'Ndr `. AAptrboon l., u -3t PUBLIC NOTICE. Vox1CRN' Llsr POUR -T. due to trove April ;IR 1 Writer u• r S ear. THE'�(�Q NOW ARTHUR MsMATH DIED. TH LADS K Q/ -arUoi e s eon age atsd gttt\enwt.e• FALL FAIR. -- 111E IN KHAKI ! W, Proudfoot, K 0..for p*intllin : His Fan Seemed to Say. "I Hate Done ! My Bit sad An Ceateat. ' Mrs. ideation. Britannia road, re -I Outingto the rain there was a ver steal' letfdaDew at the Exhibition cawed this week tint following layer ha cfr from .nurse in the eaanolty 'datum in {haute. Jnr. O, F. Carry on Monday of Kincardine. end the defends sus Mr. i').a YMuwra anivrd horn ulrw., in last evening aid Dune of the outside ltyllr►d weld that Pie .on, Lieut. Julius E. titrdrllaruPr, of Berlin, and nine to Imre fu (hr but Ianl6nlo11. H• - evesta could be leen. t. mal which her was, Poe. Arthur \Ic\I rt b. i .yowling a.J kfy. wto ►I, ,r,«our he •. 11t dirt from wounds received in acliem : Cotirrtl /ir.agr Carry, bad heron killed Samuel Bekker, of Listowel. opening was postponed G, The (Thor"- Iw Scptrlplwr 'S1. Kr(urr enlisting --- Mr E v 1 awwa., of Uunkip. Ire I..t Fri- day) afteluoon. Thr 161st Battalion 311 Ca,ualty Clearing Station, + der far (:ael)b, whirr hr will 4...t the bk. I Lieu'. l`•ny hada real urate sour in- PROM EX•CU ooURC_ . LON PROUD- ttdw, in the anal )ewe or ht- worm at the (x,• ores at . tx)trr�•w, p�OT•• i uses, An+•ol(oral o'dktr. re with ore of the West- ern _ _ I Ito•. fur 4*y walker. Waterloo .Icer, will .a{{ 1 Iroeire cur Meant Ilse. Oar waling to town teew With tlu 4� Higblasderi at the ' at Bridal. tlr•ubrr dolt. aura thererf.er on tl.e r•ruad N e.a..ae«y o(e4e► raout n war admitted into itMepital vabrPrday Haubly, of H(Ilry i b an Front -Letter to the M. C. C. { Ni . Notts 1 Ir•k Art err )tawdry for Torun. Special Exhibits. v.ry severely wounded. The mtditval'� infant ;xi re month. ,.W, .is „tit, in ,k letter to the president of the to, joyininitegt/ eater ooe of (cod The mistral 'piece in Lbe main hall i. that city. The Crlry.lrmily bite w re• {4.a nfloeregaveno hops of hie wcr,vrtY mat cable trcold in eonnrrti itn with w. l'rtun* Canna flub from Lieut.: rieh- prosier tourer 141/11e. wlww Nus -n4.. occupied by Fred Hunt's display uf' when thee exarl.lOtd rum, «r the Ib. I& 0 conveys bis tbankr 51 fen .tio. -a.Will .Inel to ser n'uuor .t mark r� Q uorum, plumhin(l rood,. etc, 1'hete •hrrpbel bid pe*eI meted the '.bel' men I lbs war, as five eons h..vr ire.. over* the Club fora box of Where° rttd ellethe home of her (camel+. err rwWDles of the rim ire Kin tor- m' with for Canadian Oster*. Two P R and h,fltcted severe le a to Ihr ��r► stetter which he had use ree.eivwi, 1 P.wr to her depart ine howl I•:c-ter to take .1 D ice, Empire steel ranges Em ire I y j y rem' la•yo. Robert and Louis, are Pi gr D bowels. They did the last, h• could ( Lieut. .. k -d ot, Abu kit, l *padswith p uu.nto, Ile Krw*nriur -r. 5 *noel .tan. bursters --all orenufactured by the Cana -1 and. removed the wysilr, but it war „( fighting In France :- l wo others, Harry with the :itn1 Bat txliun, is now wit b Ir11+. ..‘,1,..,,,....1 +toe. Hsmdton. dansntrr or rill: Mast Harting 4 Ventilating Co: Thesad Phihp, ase in England IrenvPt ing Jw.1.4ll, y the of ur,dencn. w:a, pry1 R I no avail. Your d Yon paired away pfl Hlghlwndrta rt tb. (role, • rented by the Frr'er high reh....1 pupil. wast. Tilden electric wa4brr also is shownfrom w dr trot a4. wt Ihr (rout, j" very quietly end pe h,'I wt t4 p m. and a ted co cal h ruclthed show• lour «u .1lain-- of •WW.. wWa. a, d • nr,.d.an•• in operation• on tbn 801,h Sr sew suer not fills n hrrn grave .owwwhrrw are-.u•g r t. M,- Hnn{aeon h.t. ront- p ) f .tor la,y, hr i.0 Pratrcr. Mr. l'rrey her the dee in kilted costume, He writes fr.,m � I, enrnl nor .,ors ai \b,rAreline r.ai ab-• H,dgens Bros. occupy their old Awa ton to ski 1..• o m x fr.nnl, l S sentences August 711, Ion after •• (ew r'nnr. .. n" w.. .a t tri.[ there int her, h•, c. at the north end of Ibe ball. (N((' 1 s u4. 1h an we le of (irdrtic (" P4,ty 1 Rot your tuidrrwrtja bis Payb't(rk- ' iia the Iasi of bis tlupr�)�.unK won. sentences of apptrciat,on of for Club'. r� tuned to b.4. n•mr h. re. Their exhibit comprises some hand- i wow: w,,tB you k. l Again a lioderieh b.y has made II Id of PERSONAL MENTION. defendants not rei.r.aenttd b roun.eI. Mn. Theta F: Mnnbury. North -treat, will • Judgment for plauuff. (a1r >{1'J 813.x1, M4Ivr Ihr n4. -t TAar+d g oI evek mol,tn. interest and coatis. 1'h. plaint if. are Ith•s ae'tru r Mnnr. h.te. oA I,klwhon,A City, W m. J. Morrison seal James ravioli, 1• •peid,ufr ho►idwy- .4 the M.uie of h.4. 1" herr Mr. LL l' wn.b„f-. band was on hang, however. and gave a program of fine music in tee hall. Meat cif tbe inside exhibits were in plea.. std a rut vey 01 time. was iu- teresting. 11. h 1' . France. $a•pt. tl, 14518. My dear Mrs. laical.., h. -1 regret this letter must csaitain very had news about y.wtr dear run. P. e. A. W. McMatb, 4913tt, 7th C'.t+adians. He suraucs hu►(M and he went .vrtw ern lrtralinns. Be woe urasri.d in August, 1u15, to idrugbter of 1.1 -Lor. .114. w• bo w l - - - - tthen lwd I )t • a BAILS born° rug+, matting■, carpel+, per- keit looked and srnlfet, but weer on - Herr. and other things for the hou-e. alder to ray r word., 1 am sure bit - including the Eureka r,acutlnt cleaner. thoughts were wiiJ YOU All. H. oar+ 1 tLBARIK(i AUCTION RALE OF The /rwour 5'u.1..e corset also is IA nP of ill t blot hers who is 1 V o e navy, and my br.,'t *ch. d for Nit H W (RYAN One of the entre. of Attraction is his loved ..'es s.1 far essay; My lirur- felt symp so hire are wi to you, hut, no • Pie. John White. ton of Mr". John I White, t.1 (rodeo. h township. near I�cnutillrr, is reported killed. He en - bated in the. Writ -. en Capt . William u hie McLaren, a II m C p Humphrey ooh u( Mr. J. A. McLaren, uf Toronto, is reported killed. Fir was twenty-five FARM 01OCE. shown. w vel t e u i the t lot •, will - 11 by public sus r ., sesaeselon Mance., 10. Cumin, 0n Handsome Heint)ttratrr it Co. the exhibit of Thotaa.ln'r m1uiC .tore. Wkl►NEdi AT.01TOPER Iltb• Victorvietrd.ae. Edison phonographs ,.r 014• 0i,4..4 .harp • ,mrd •%bite sewing merhines are dl•- .r,e need more. heerydreft,-etpo..-t to be Draped. Much interest is shown in III foal ,o Hon. •I Jd,n : 1 Immo -draft g•Id,tg. he 'Vbiu• motor retying machine, :. seat. ash.. .trod by Itaksraeld ; 1 brera fatr..n which is run by a little elect) is motor { reldu,c. Y year. tld. erred by Rue Irl : fwhich can be attached to the machine hews) ural gel.linit. It years okt,.ireo by l w4. retie : 1 drivtur mare- 9 yea.•- old, quirt fur • in a went. - wtlw.nt0Arne : Irising Ally. tw.)dr S' 1 1), Milia,A Mon.(f (b. Scotch Store. eow..5 year. old. dile to tiler ata A n ; 1 tow, year. uW. ,iur eu r .ire Apra. ishi ' 1 0•w, am terve a di.p try in which cattail drew torsi...I0 morn :. 1 better. rl.tng 1 years old. g.oai. . are ■ prominent and moot •t.' Cur to rw1v.. )e(ru*r Atli; 1 hail. r, ;Wind 3 tractive feature. The exhibit in.: yawn old. dlr.! to Calve Bay lab ;1 twrruw o,w, eludes also e,►f ► curtains, Scotch tl) err• Old , 1 heifer, rising 3 yran old. dor +u . (165,...%11.1,1 Yth : 1 hwfao, rMlsyt•S year+ akl. Ate tuner rug.. and some Coats rid the: I:L d or to ,wh a April thb : l hurter .w• or. )p. IIP* reaeuU r al Ina I year- old : 1 seder, rtsltg-3 yr a.. ord..uv Char. C. LOC a well-■riringed 's- tv.d to be h.e0U . 1 w...7 rear. old. dm to habit of *loves. ranges and (dumbing ..4.1.. lily 1s4 : 1 f....tort.3Feet. old : 1 :elder. goods. He cello special attention to 3 )ear. old : S porter, ,Srgw, roar [ r Feat. akk i t be ••IIMMr• electric w hrr, having one 3 .terse. and 1 heifer. r4,ng 3 rent• o.d • Y pew C 414. end.. 1 ahortboaa Lurb.un bull, with pedigree. 1n the dlkpdsy , which was used all ; n -Mine a$1r.: w -th k. of •pawn rummer at Hotel Sunset and proved l hutM•t. realm(: Inas rtY 4f hoot*r, Aesrlock i4.•' ooli ear, lest i •lalitiee, Woman!' u,d {.rhe : 1 Dn ode.. 1 ori 4 .. r. • nth t•. 1 R p 1 brood w.s, run IL a Ile pit. ; e tis•.0 rw,Yb. work 1. being made lighter by such urn. - •inVPotinne as Ibis. 'yxeas _.vl: -IOP' eyf to. mrd 4ndrr. Mr. L B. -tape has a.sbilait of o..r boat ana00et. IY wroth. credit will '6e 1 n 01rr., oft turaiehln[ appeased Jaur nal'* A t !.Villager sewing machines nostalgia, and dl..'ouul (,f'.i p.4. (ett. •trslght rlIJW11 tot the Isdirw ares-pecially inter rated In e a.b on rrddlt *mutat . (lieP I• ( Musk Tapr'r fabc work '..revues rut besaeteM.r,Itsaolaleer- Y H 7 login•, farm : . gr ni•• R vv'. RYAN, T.QL'Au)RRY,,I � J. H. Colborn'+drygoodehouse is rPptr.enti d by a display of rugs, cur- - tr1,1 material., liboleuils, ere., and 1 lirr�s poral s,a_ _��_ •-�al.liie•:Mawr, t�in'fnt•n"1Fiii'tsro,� Notice i+ hereto riven that a court .III ba - 5.54 honr:int to IM Ontario VO:rr. 1.14. Aot, by H1. Houw the Jedgmi of the Could) 1'ourt of the mom, of Heron. al the 0011:1 11orn•.r, Uuderkb. oN for torrent h d*) of October 190. at r o'clock p ,n., to hear rod determine cca.Yl•m Itrts of error. at d uM.tuo, in the voter.' 11.1 of the alrblrlp4lit) of cation.. for 191(1 Dated nt \4.l.- tela twenty -dr -t ds) 0f `lei, teethe,. 1Wa. R. Mct1,vv AIN, 14.► 1 ( link Of Colbert.. Tow n•hip. TOWN OF UODBRICli. TAXES. lbiw. Tame fir dila an. wow Y•yMe at my Dale. Town Fiwll. Ka -t -• net. Boom kh. 1f paid by 45th 114•t4.tb-r two (err runt oft If not mad mutt/ Lith Nuverta•r our) a,• Ami a os let. P•/taus Y)V sad ivy Tr eo•ar•- wM. 341113 -Lb. depfewbr Mb. 1914 (•o)ketor. `l`IPECIAI. NOTICE. --Mit. JOSEPII. 1.3 Bow tin. N. the end oil and [wotlitr urn, ateo the eau tier to which the people of srleb bate Dort. wtraattliaR bias and be h ome to be able to a•uatlane to supply Owl - want." in tame line, - , Wit HBO. K. 8CNBURY. A. A. G. O L. h. C. M.. oresaLa tad Choirmaster of Churr11. Teacher piano. Notre, Derma t inalbnn 0lud,.- W prepared red fix - eta n Meets street oppo-lte 1)4.. Ballow 'e. ' UAIR0000)M.11 -MHS. A. NICHOLL. Neiman street 1+ prepared to do all khat+ .4 hair work trade from rut Mair or carrlint., sad`,111,04,.. het? for order.. .dentist• treat- ment, real- r. a .A si-o w. for -ale toilet n ele,aeti . et r h are 1, nt regulator. .hu.rire, ).owde,., Cretan l e. Nmol• a4. awawit cream. herbo....d 6Iae.elfoc. 5511 FOR SALE CROWN HURON.. RAPfl3li 'FOR was. App45 a YRii. J turn. stmt. it L'OR. NALK.-TWO ORAIR BAR - 1" bar elm,' and tabes.sst$ d. Apply to J. B t1HOHT. Anbnrn. that. 3141. 1)OTATOW4 FOR SALE. - 4FHE 1 underaintd will hart a quantity of chooe tabs potatoes for .ale at • re..onaW. , OUT October 14. Thom lib R. R. K t'TT. 3311 SUR SALE. -A (3001) DRIViN(; Eno ApW to OE0. STEN'AIIT. VOR NAL::.-1:KDAR PO$Ttt,A1UK S r H. ('. .hingko .►poly W. T. RIDDELL. Reborn. 113 tf WANTED. ftirIN MID B()YS WANTIiD.- /Me e4* howdy area er wawa. to r'AOLT ORALS DUOR-CU..liede '� LD FAiSE T 'TH WAN1'ED.- ws Icy op t t won not or brdtrn ,et.. Mau toes and we will mak. MR, r. If nM .wt lefaetnry will ,yen teeth. ('ITY T•r)TH WURK�'. 3 S ('hawber ed tlowmrrre Rulkl.ng, It,erbe-ter. N Y 31 5.. GIRLS WANTED APPLY GODERiCH KNFI' NG CO. NOTICETOTHEPii BLIC Having f enlisting H been desirous o K g for some time past, I have finally succeeded in making arrangements with the Coderich Coal Co. (P J. MacEwan, manager) to take over and carry on my Cartage businews daring my absence I have therefore signed up with the 161st Battalion for active ser- vice overseas, and 1 would respect- fully solicit from the public gener- ally, and from my old customers p>lrticular1y. a continuance of their valued patronage until such time as I can again resume my occupation Any business affair* entrusted to their care during my absence will therefore be thankfully appreciated by me. Tea OO. all orders to phone 44. ili,FRED H JANE Apples Wanted All kinds, for packing, peeling and chopping. D. F. HAMLINK Uoderich • The Western University.. London, Ont., Sept. 2.1. -The science department of the SVestrrn Univer- sity will be greatly strengthened this year by the installation via new, up todate biological laborwtoty which has just hero completed. This. with the splendid Iaho,atory in physics initialled last year, and the two science lobo:stories previously in existence, will materially strengthen the Uni- versity at its weakest point hitherto. There has been r coupnurol ie addi- tion to the faculty. which has been lagely increased each of the last three years. The latest arrival is Professor Alfred Buckley, who will lectuts in nhiloeophy end English. and who Ir regarded by those. who know him w eminently yoalified in theme drpart- menus. lie is ales) a good plrtfornl speaker. A number of reeding rlulw were organised last year in Western On- . H. tt'igle, Dnigltist, (iudpticb. tarso under the auspices of tbe Uni- vererty. It is hoped t 1 rnnt:nue this work this year and els. arrange for • LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEi . number o1 public Ierlure• in the die. -- tract The price of bread in floderich has The arta department opens T:l i:.- , beets ►•ird to eight rents for w loaf of day. September hitt, and the medical t'i - and a-balf pu,lnda. department, Monday, Octot'er 'Sud. Mr. and Mr., John M. Deis, Alton, Notwithstanding the war, the pro.- announc' the rnragrmrr t of their perta for the rowing year are gond, an rl.le-wt delight.., Muriel gds, to 1)r. unusually high claw of students from Hltgh (:. MacDonell. Ho derich, the Tatou. place, applying tor sdmiuioa. marriage to take place early in Octo. her. "Pro Bel At 11 :in n'clrk Wednesday morn - "Pro . ing the alarm wits %minded for • fire Th. relief work for the Belgian on the roof of the big barn at the Vol - victims of the war." of which the hotne hot,I. The nervus•, of the fire - president b the moat devoted General men were nit regainsd, however. If Consul for Belgium et O taws, is edit- the blaze had got w .t tet it would have, ing for Borne week, past the paper been 'priori., as w .trong wind wool "Pro Heigtcs," printed in two tau- blowing guagea. The regular monthly meeting of the, i . ((elPrirh branch This paper discloses the ilwibful rein n h of the %Ynroen'r fn- dittos of the Belgian popple so worthy Mtitute will be bele: as the home of of admiration and shows what Canada Mrs. D. M-N«cin on Thursday, ()ri- le doing for to relief. It is very inter- ober 8'h, et 3 p m Th. subject, !Patent M►dicinee.'.hould be very in• has a float cirdita*le exhibit, Prom- inent in it are some piec.s of hand- r ,r 1 , ,c4. csrve(I 1 11141 1)1".1 •olid rnohogwny in (,ill. \t'.r1,h.,ue'7f,r031•C1 •. i+ untog .•4.•he •rear hot tit • .1 • Hi .1 ,h..., � •r • 1 tt. 11•t e. A01,1. of ,til n4. em rxptr-- n,c )� thought Tolstoi; like three ulwwye • • - e• ``Pre '�nefa*. t M' er"tr se wemltabcr he goes on t11 .r It la a funny Iris, sir hely �ifferrnt I GATHERING AT STAYhER. from that of wry previous war. pude- i - --- Ing from the eel sirs of Mouth AO Iran , Farewell to Rev. R. C. Mc Dermid Pour vet , for ibatance That was a 1 to His Departure for Gederith. war of much greater ronttuued hard- sbip than tbi. but I.se ioten•r fighting Over three Minders.' to*Where and and vote skirmishing. Th. *'.. fhs y-{ adhrrenta ofi the Meshytrt fail con. were on the go a great deer of time- gregahon9 et Stryner and Sunnidale long bard marches to get into contact eat down at N •farewrU sapper teen years of age end was merited only with the .name --often eh/rt of ra•'in Ula rundsy school room of the ' last April. end his young widow is lions, Shelling was nrvrr so heavy. church rt Slayurr ou Monday even • - non et Folkeetiaur. - His fisher i+ a Ttr,ch ufollei S. glruadro, rte.. were leg 14.4• turner. resident of (itxlrrtcb and it unknown. As for rest, there seldom. The it .psi WAN the 'leave-taking {wrll, kungen hese, and 'throe will be was any. Herr, rxceut in a Lig show, .f t twit pastor, Iter: R. C. 31eD.ttuid. much tytbprthy with him in hie lose. which 1 have yet to en ter, the )tend hie est'utelee wife. Atter ►upper - work is tiwtwt tontine. You ate in• the .asembly ad turned to rhe and. The name of L'ruty, .('laude. 4, Put., the tstnches for a whirr, then in test1 itot tau of the church,* he, to add tosses tit T. obtain appear• in nils t1 *hi. billets. In the latter wi' have :t c• nc. i were drlivrrsd by Ihr local cte,gy- twrr► + casualty Itis. H.- hos hewn Dirt..' test for a day or so. then get' men expneaoive of their high, mega!¢ admitti4 t011.►pitrl at Bet mg Arlt .1.wn to drill and 'smirching to, lot thein brother ufntllter. 'gunshot wounds in th-chert, thigh anti ! -,u trtsn up and ler 11 in ah.µ*. 'l'h.kr , '1'p.. wo•t interesting mother ori ' ,nsuoier. $rrurding ti, a c.trr(rrl ivsd •'- little exerri.e in the ttrncl,r . the program mer a presientation to 1 y tris family. Lieut. Pole lived iu While there itis patnc'palh• a 'strain' Mr. and Mr.. Mel/tumid, eeconpabled trudertch )ur.,s... d yraT•, 10ihpl or 11111 the nears, *Wait log snwethi.g toy by the f..Ilowirig giddiest.: the met/ a1 :.he tlt.e netalo Lean l'4.. IItaPlrrn• 11 IL t. Rot [llllrl yt•u riling- . litwynrr,deptedber tlit b, IWa, 'iriswit.Ore d,.uplbt.r.t4Mit. 11.t,cr!ireFritsisuptomieehirf:tfhe.1Ntt, Tits,Hic 1K4xt.tt.('.Neukertu,t1i,r�ea. Ib••rt,•u .•1 town, lie Wo 1.1 0 rrsees'alittle show. or soma bet talil,n other I abs. yours doer,wi,h fair gttill•r) l;:arNr ab•IMrmul. The r.inrn ..000.tb ' with the :;nth I ittaliul • u . '4.N r ,u A Idnnnidalr, n. 4.r *Amo you 1 I h,. b;hwrdnreat, yt.0 are 1' Ii led to ea afoot htue ln,nl+irr roe aiun(ht ser r.. ! Jtl J h T I I I whrthrt it is a, little b.cal 01tgeir tic iv c.u,twl ..'low thi., c•'x-torr t•, IN . w :hot 4.x. r. t1 t ung..D :Alt 4.s,... Ins-•1wt t i )nn :torr wtr.•rtloran. r i(ad set word Ih•at hilt anti Pte Ili ca gt'ipR ffi.drv.iupynro.uruvthinit Lig, rp-•notn'k,nuty.wrlifeand work innag t►c V'nluywg, trp,rrtrd as ',orator Inst if 11.rr. i+ iur• .the )'Kolar pni$.111g Aiusut-Tom otr1-4-', t feel c.nfldt+nt rt 'r thutg Ip O, ti. end p • I lagro. It it t:pet•tetl t nt h1* A:111 err wtl M .Nur w,rnn)tr, ,Ml let . r Mmaey ex= nt.cf *i .. d ff tin rot vice am" :tlloivti d there is nothing to wort y *bout. Ti,.. amWet r 4. r, err d . u'. Y or. to return home to soon as be i• able W as. 1 have -aid, fa a..,Ny'wight Ire celled -•nuai e u .the to t'.4. pasta,. to the prayer- r.ntinr. work. 1 c. .n't stawk , f a,Y- Mwt roar , t rt, u• h. n)e•. 4.1 mu r.,ar..uret. melee I be tiip. fore iy a wt) •I (vn whund am h art e iu true + { I lblrg h•R. hr)t wrtdd rat'. Aa yell n,•y cool :gm, root k. coy, gaast teVs o.vun-ate a, truLia It1 n �e week, ha+ hid her O ht t4. nt aw n,. tvi•h a few shill. tat illi Int. t t .1. you 1 a Mich tde•I ..t dury.ay. )t.nr traQfa.t K I eons•,- tae• r.- here ashen tare ou^a, a .ad• Rather f, torr r io "M.4.,.. that I hes war, n . r' n%l'•tr.l our boayeas Ir i s ow 41 ,1 t4.-. +w .•yba4i,t1. hill awny'rileia 1►telwn t b0' wa4t na.•-a.u, gr of +- tieTr far rat*. tytto•�r trotter (i