The Signal, 1916-9-21, Page 10-t RIF STGNAT. CODERICA ONTARTO
/s Going to Control Safes of the
Pia) r
The demand is here and must be
supplied. We help you with. our
big; advertising campaign. People
are enthused over this rnusical in-
novation. Sales' possibilit.e: are
:mmensc. Our arrangrmer 's are
.'beral. •You must act prumptlx as
territory is 'tieing rapidly taken up.
Write or wire.
53 Yocum Street Limited
the Pighifilek a Phonogitiphs
Cnas-cosotty Coonectoos Better Than
Dephut's= of Steam Linea
The FIr►brrtou Advan`rrays:
The lioderlch liignal calla upon the
eouotrY prr.s W ductus the problem
of etre, i ie railway. *hu tiun►p..rtatiure
in the Province, with a view to
cov. r tug just what. value .1...e illi.. I
will he to the Piovitt r + v., o'r. A
suspicion am..uutit.g to .
obtain+ in wady quarters lh..t the
Hydro Cousuiissiob Is in danger of
bong Sporn ni its hair by a modern i
Debi. and its .t rength dissipated
tbtough the machinations of pohtic- .
tins and pullers like the city of Tor- 1
onto. If the pe.:ple of this country
once get the notion that the Hydao
Commission is t.rirg msnipula;.J Ly i
tbe politician► for their own tris
ends, then go.. 1 -bye to enterer tie. and
farewell to further development of
electric lines. for the Reason that no I
municipality w i 1 guarantee bonds
Which they ate but stirs will 1.. taken
up without having to call on ib.
municipal exchequer. Under such cir-
cuni.Lrnce► (lir public will never ac-
cept an assurance tuat projected lines
will pay and will absolutely rrtuse to
invest. The Ontario tiovernwent bas
recently wady an attempt to corral
and destroy the Hydro -electric India-
' live, making it imp•w..ible for the
I Coniwtusion to go ahead without fins
I getting consent Iof the lioveiuruent.
Tbrouah this it is made possible for
the oviscr.upulnus politician to draw
any proposed hue to bis bottle town.
regardless of the financial po.sibdities
The Hydr,-Eleettic Railway Auto -
elation now calls upon the Govern -
mem to irpral certain clauses bestow-
ing upon it the powers iefsrred to, :
and tt is hoped the tiovernwrnt will
take 'the hint and allow the Commis •
sion to transact its cwn bunnies..,
which it can he ti rested ro do in the 1
future a, well av it bas in the past.
Years ago a waiter in Jo. of the
hotter utagazines. when electric rail- t
ways were bit.• thought l f, predicted
that they would never lin used as
trunk lines but virnply as feeders for''
the steam railway. reaching out on
either tide 1 kr antennae. Ibis would
seem the more reasonable. Hut the
oppt site idea stews to prevail in tone '
quartets and electrics paralleling the'
steam lairs air advocated because i
they can he ion cheaper and would
tusk.- .t. ung competitors again -t the
steam, largely. destroying the sterna
truffle. The w i.d of tbi• is yeti
questionable and will not receive the
sanction of the wisest. It is s Suilding-
up that this country inquires now
more than ever before, nut a teal ing-
dnwn. The feeding and linking up lit
the straw syaeuts by,couhtry
connections r. A urcessuty,but destruc-
tive competition is a thing to he [linked
upon with strung disfavor.
Coltingwood Bulletin in Line.
The ('ollingwoud Bulletin quo'es the
. remarks r -f The Or.11ta Packet and 1 he
We offer these specials, to make it pay in dollars and cents to
have you visit our store, and we want to become acquainted.
t% igl.-'s Pet..xidr 1'.a•th 1'a+.t.• C93.' R'igle'. Itrat Pill. as
\\'iglr's Nyrup of \\'hitt lino and Tar....i5c' �\'igle's l'art>;.lir Salve 15.
Wigle'. Little hives fill. 26c\\'i�l.. S.•idliv 1'owdrR*
All for 50c plus war tax. All for 50c plus war, tax.
101'. Brown's \\'.situ I'ow.fl.•r. ..•
tui. Brown'sWhiteLiniment ... ...... C'.-.. Yourchoice of tv '2.. ta
any tlu.rt irk,lir. Br..wn'. Pet..xid. Fat, Crean. -'cin• Minted in offersI, 2 And a
All for 50c plus war tax. For 5Oc plus war tax.
E. R. W IG LE, Druggist
North Side Square Goderich, Ontario
`signal tan radial railways and adds
We *requite in accord with The Pack-
et and The Signal. Tne radials have
their advantages, but as ewphaaixed ,
they bay, * tendency to ultinintely'
destroy the trade of the smaller
places, if connected with at large city.
On the other hand, if built through or
.acro*+ country- now inadequately t r
inconveniently nerved, they would he
of much .e• vice. and the Radial Union
can do its duty by the public only 1 v -
urging *rid pre*•ang for lines that will
Jo nere;aary linking up.
Earn Special Commendation of G. T. R.
' General Agent for Creditable Belunor.
Thr following is at copy of a letter
rec.-iced by Lt, -Cul. Combe, O.C. ltilst
t Hurn Battalion, from the general
agent of the tirand Trunk Railway at
Camp Borden :
t' women, tint.. Telt. 13th. III,
Lt. -Col t'onibe.
0. 1 tat -t HAI 'Alien,
i'Mut, Horden. u..t.
1)BAR SIR,—i feel constrained to say
a word of prriae regarding the con-
duct of your battalion while they have
been )b our trains for week -enol leave
or otherwise. i think i can safely .ay
without danger Of twang .lisp t -e ed if
undue fluttery that the Itilst Battalion
has cot.duetrd itself at all times in
such it manner that it could not he
ronaide,ed otherwise than highlycred-
They have reapeet for their officers,
for their Battalion and for thewiwlvev.
and this has taught others to respect
them. 1 sin sore that .nob conduct
will bring its own reward. Thr"way
in which they got on and • ff trains
puts them in a class by themselves.
Yours truly.
(ienrral Agent.
There war it thousand good talkers
in the world to ea: h good thinker.
Itow happy we might 1•r if the order
were reversed.
For Immediate Purchase
Porcupine Crown
DIVIDEND of 3 payable lk-t.
2nd. 111111„ to shareholders of
record Sept. rah, IAIH. 'Vied
at current prier 1.1 per annnm-
l'y.H off stt.Gty
Et I 7,1 I IV'
< <BRITAIN 1'RI•..PARlil)" re-
cords the facts in pictures that,
the censorship refused to re-
veal in words. It s)i.n •s what
Britain is doing, and .i,1ing is more con-
vincing than any written c.tble des-
p.itche.. These pictures turut.Ii their
own proof. Britain i. performing 1 stu-
pendous task, .tnd is engaged vvitll all her
might. The work of raising, equipping,
and training Kitchener's army was not
dour: in a day. These picture. show it
in all its dttail.-iii an hour, and leave no
room for doubt as to Britain's intention,.
She means to win this war. :Four mil-
lion Hien are in training in til. front.
The pictures show how the raw recruit
i. transformed - - hundreds of thousands
of them - into :in efficient modern -ol-
dies. 11440%4a the great transformation
Lloyd Georg& has evoked itt the muni-
tion factories, vw•he•re thous:inil, of women
are helping to make shell, and equip-
B1T it is by the Grand Fleet of the
High Sea: that the greatest work
of Britain has been done—that
vast machine which has policed
the world for a century, and which is
even now blockading Europe in behalf of
the Allies, and .lowly but surely chok-
ing Germany's insane ambitions to break
the barriers and defy all law.. human
and Divine, in the lust for power and
world dominance. .The pictures of the
fleet—moving pictures as clear as though
the beholder were himself on a war vessel
in the North Sea --show what heretofore
has been left 10 faith and imagination,
the awe-inspiring might of Britain.
With the assistance and co-operation of
the Admiralty. the pictures to be shown
at the Model Theatre. October 13, were
taken to supply a fitting answer to the
query : "I. Britain Prepared ?"
From Actual Moving Photographs of Super -Dreadnought Queen Elizabeth in Action
NL)ER royal patronage, and with the full sanction of the Imperial (:oyermae
nnt. official moving picture records of Britain at war are to be shown in the Model Theatre, Glxlerich, on Friday,
UOctober- lath. These pictures form the most illuminating proof of national ea se*. in a cause that was ever produced. They show Britain is in this war to win, and that she is throwing
into the scale not only the whole strength of her magnificient and predo•rtnating t, but also the available manhood of the British Isles for the army. and, in the industrial organization that
supplements the military operations, the availahlc womanhood also. for these pictures include the great arsenals and munitions factories where thousands of women and girls are at work
They give an insight right into the heart of Britain aroused for war
Nobody within twenty miles of Goderich should miss seeing these pictures. Films take 2: hours to cover all fields of British activity
MODEL THEATRE = _ - Goderich
By Permission of the King, under Patronage of Duke of Connaught and the Auspices of THE GODERICH SIGNAL