The Signal, 1916-9-21, Page 9THE SIM' AL : OODERICR ONTAM(0 Langemarck Farm. Asb&Id Township HEAR Manisa. -While the potatoes wets boiling for dinner today 1 chanced to pick up The Ooderich Signal. sod about the Meet thing 1 clapped say eye On was the list of fall fain all over the email y. 1 lost no time in looking up ebe date of the liodet Ich Exhibition, a. 1 was that anxious to bays an out- iagand Ret Ilisam and the your germ outfitted fur the winter at the same time. And tic n I hope you haven't forgot Hist it will be twenty years ego next Saturday since Hiram and me BOK took tip housekeeping together. and es some of the furniture we bad wise to w no our weddingday is pretty near done fur we ere going W oslebrMs our st•niv.rsary by in..stins in some mew piece*. I e -e by this week's paper that V. milker is t tiering mote great h.rgains 1a Just the things we are looking for. He is 'lying ten per cent. off the price of all his goods, eo that looks good in war time. Hodson*. tom&., have a whole page of assnouncements, hut i must take time So reed them ell over later. 1 always like to do awe .bopping in their lovely big More 1 was wondering if 1 could g t as Slee a serge at Colhoese's as 1 did last fall. but l see in bis ad. that be bas weekvalues is that line for fair 1 Hove they got the new front ',•f their *tors ani yet % 1 eat eus- i&.us t.i see whet It looks like. 1'b. y were working on it „last time 1 wise in town. ' My table linen le ewe carting the wore* 01 urea, but it down:. owe we anything. fot to tea tie truth it was hougtt twenty years alto. 1 goof It from Acheson when 1 wcmvuarri.d, w I 1 law he'll have good values for me' to choose from tbi. time. Hiram *aye it's high time I had • new coat. eo 1 teal Pure from the ',in— toner/intent of the Scotch Stole that 1'11 he able toAget what 1 want et Millar's. Tay always hove such good thing,. And then. of carver. a new coat mane • new hat. Mese Ceenpbell and ' Hodges' always have good displays fair week, so FII have no trout la in finding something to look good on me. sod Mary Ann nada OOP, ton. Tom and Sam bot') steed winter clotbi.s, but l think 111 leave their shopping to Hiram. es the McLean' and Walter Pridbem. and Fred Prid• been. too, will do their hest t ► "suit" them. I was so glad to we their an- nouncements for fair week, bemuse the boy. need their outfits right away. New boors for school is soother thing they must have ant Hiram ern get them fitted at McViear's whets be im oo his rounds. Buri. and 1 need • pair for Sundays, so I'll drop in to tee what Walter, are offering. Winter coming on, I think it would be advisable to lay in a few remedies for couebs and colds and the numerous ills of • large family. Camp- bell. the druggist. handles Penslar remedies. He says he has a remedy for eres y ailment, so I guess I'll call and see him. Wigle is advertising soma specie' &Kris. which I really feel I should take advan-age of. and l'ald• well is advertising "the best in drug and toilet articles," which I have beard you speak of, so 1 muat.'t miss ceiling on bum. either. 1 have heen coaxing Hiram fax some time to buy • talking wackier. or ppiton. so we must plan to see what J.m Thomson or Caldwell can do for us in these lines. A •nus,CAI instru- ment would be so nice to beer to en- tertain our neighbors during the long winter evenings. Wary bee taken the greatest notion lately to do fancy work and I Mere promised to get her some nice pieces • to embrt ider et Mrs. Taper. By her ad• this week. 1 will saw he able tip get • real nice witeter_boutset for the baby. lieorge Porter'. 'Dollar Dry an - I oouneemeut is very atr.klng. We 1 usual u.is* weirs his Lorgain,. Isn't it rather strange that cone of the grocer* have announcements? 1 don't believe in senoins to the city for anything/ that can be bought in town, but 1 do wish the gr, core had let u. know about their special liner for next week. It looks as thouab 1'11 he pretty well tired ow by the time 1 get illy .•hop- ping done and bad a look in at the Ifs r. but it would be ♦ shame to take the children home without a visit to the movies, which. under the new pro prieror. I hear are especially good Well, mother, this is • much longer letter than 1 inter/led it to be, but es Hiram says, when women get t .lk• Ins about styles ess0 list -gains they for I get about everythring else. Anyway, we hope to see you nee: week. Your affeetioate deusbler. P. S. --Will you please go intq Fred Pridbam'• end find out it be can clean end press Hiraw's suit the day we ere in. ma we have d-cided to have a family group taken at bellow.' i• WHAT SOLDIERS WANT Capt. Brooke. et No. 4 Company. 7111 Battalion, weittes front the frost, says: 'Mw then would be very grateful to **woes who will sad them Zam-Bok. 1t 1. 1a great deemed foe cats, buttered heels. eta Parcels should be rod. dressed to Co. Sergt: Major, No. 4 Co.. 71b Batt.. B,.le.F." Be sure to ler-lode some Zam-Buk In year oext par- ol to 111* frost. Sec box. 3 fot $1.25. *1l druggists, or Zan -Bok Co.. Toronto. AM-BUK R. J.Arms!rong MERCHANT TAILOR IAM opening a new Tailoring Establish- ment in the store in the McLean Bhxk on the .south side 'of the S,Itlare until recently oc- cupied by Thomas': res- taurant• and on and Ott.: 1 riday of this week my slick will he ready for )-ottr inspection, consist- ing of some exceptionally fine Fancy Suiting. ( )vercoating., 1' a ntings- Blues and blacks - - all lines which should catch your fancy. Give me a call and see the t alues for yourself. Prices moder- ate. pont forget the place —in the McLean Block. BEAUTIFUL WORLD AND i INFERNO FROM ABOVE ellWv.tlen.Trip In BNMsb War Plane Dseertb.d—From Garden to DsaMatlea Witting ,from British army head- quarters In France. a special corres- pondent of a London newspaper de scrtbea a trip In en aeroplane over the batt.e area aa follows:—"Under any cond:tlona. one's first Otgbt in an aero- plane eroplanemust, presumably. be a thrilling experience: het It 1s not given to many to make their first eight under surli a time and amid such *erroend- lase It was a day of bright sunshine. with a tittle Mase. and a deep bine sky across which little *clouds floated. arnding their shadows curiously small and dist:net. chasing, across the sun- light land below us. We kept the cl..ads--bar.•ty scraping one now and again—st from 3.000 to 4.000 feet up. both tr-,au+e extra height world have meant le*s visibility and because, 1f we were likely to meet company any- where it -amid be et higher levels. and It was not an Occasion when an air eght to the upper sky was being Invited So we flew comfortably low, and below u spread all the beautiful hued. It is really a touch mere beau- tiful world as the birds and the angels see it All Very Distinct and Ban "Next to the neatness and beauty of tt a11. 1 marvelled molt at the' emptt- aims of the white roads. For some four weeks now 1 have spent many hours each day upon them• and nothing • cold hale seemed more pre- posterous than to call them empty. Troia above I saw all tate usual things --tbe long trains of lorries and horse transport, and the columns of march• lag men . with much more space be- twees the ranks than you would sup- pose until you look down on them from above). and the individual vehicles bat what was most surprising was the Mimeses extent of white road left on which there were no vei:rcles or men. Over MS Inferro "Parallel to the line we passed from n orth to south and agate from south to north. There was no clean cut edge to the belt Of desolation; Only ' the patchwork of ripening grain and flaming mlalard and growing crops ceased There was an Intermediate country of indeterminate greens and browns, and then the waste. Beyond was the terrible belt of smoke. Smoke. too. rose here and there on this side of the belt, and from where we were shrapnel and high explosive shell alike seemed to be bursting on the ground. No sound of gunfire or shell explosion reached us throukh the noise of our own propellor and the whistle of the wind Like the farmland and the 1 villages. It was all part of a painted picture I "O*e tarts wh1:h the experience made me understand as I had not un- derstood before was the amazing value of aeroplane observation. Proof of It one has In many stories which oes bears. and in the beautiful photo graphs with which our Flying Corps keep the army supplied Thome photo - peeks are wonderful In their detail; but still more woaderfnl le the clear• n ess with which each detail down be- low stands out before the eyes. Opera House GODERICH ONE SOLID WEEK CassaseeciaMONDAY, Sept. 25 Ti1E FAMoi"S Fide Marts Steck Cs. KC PPI)STI Xu F in all Ernie aa playa.you I�ataet comedy and dramatic .tteltrmee. Change ,tf bill nightly. The opening night's attr'arti.et " Why Girls LAM Hem " Advanced Vaudeville Specialties ihtwsen Arts 61,pMt Costumes appcial beroorp Neste rte sale after Ttsasway at 'awards' tads. Neu a ISe, 251: ate 1k UKE BATTLING OF BNS 1 Describing a voyage over seamy Maes In Prance with a Brittdi airman • s.wspap•!r correspondent writes: -One thing which 1t taught me was the joy et eight My trip was o.ly • trt- *1a, tacIdsst. But It has increased =Add ay great •dtatrsUee floc the ir'e who beadle these machines. •e my pilot baadlsd Mae. wbe tato them up to three wed tour times the height to which 1 *est. set •tayfag ea this site of that dreadful Ilse of deselatt1e*, Wet pl.Mag K. and patrolling. ay by day. these liner r • glee. of 1(0 ~ars metra• to ed him whims he rises there above the studs. ad Mat eta Iowa to earth ag•ta. War as'Indays• d meet .f Its aspects le • terribly sordid thing. Bat this aghttag of rte airmen is more Dim the lighting of ear anel.at ber- ms. nM comes seater 1e the Willis et the .M gds taharLabrlialt th•i sea bare tees se 'RLE. will 1h• one of tl:,• 1.-0 ,-,.tri,. fe..•::res at the t:o.Irnch ln.tu'tri+1, Exhibi- tion on 1\-c•lnt-oitit, •:a.:r..'.,.-:,:: i Fndat, September *7th. Titin and 2Jth. meiecnce Jnvalid� Now in Good Health Through Use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Say it is Household Necessity. Doctor Called it a Miracle. All women ought to know the wonderful effects of 'taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound even on those who seem hopelessly ill. Here are three actual cases: Harrisburg Penn. --M When I was single I suf- fered a great deal from female weakness because my work comppeelled me to stand all day. I took Lydia E Pi kkani'i Vegetable ibmpdund for that and was made stronger by its we. After 1 was married I took the losnponnd again for a female trouble and after three mnnthr I passed what the doctor called a growth. He said it was a miracle that it came awe as one generally goes under the knife to have them removed. I never .font to be without your 4 Fulton in hoHarrisburg, MrsPena. Mum %ixost, 1649 M'bna. Hardly Able to Move. Albert Le, Minn. -5 For abnnt a year I had sharp pains across ray beck and hips and was hardly able to move around the hoose. Mybead would ache and I was dirty and had no appetite. After taing Lydia L Pinkham's Vegetable tbmpoand and Liver I am feeling stronger than for I have • little boy eight months old and am doing my work all close. I would not be without your remedies in the hoose as there are moms like thea"—Min F L Your,111 Water st,•Albert Ie, M. Tree Doctors Gave Her Vis Pena. --A Your mediehie has helped mawonderfaly. Wham I was • girl 18 old I wsa always smote rod delleMe sad w/a+ed from irregularities. Thee doctors gave me up and said I would go into onmaa .ptloa 1 took Lydia it. Pinkbami Vegat ble Oo..pommd mod with the th bottle to flsel battler. I soca beams regular and w I bene two Mee steed hea11Sy children amod shortly after I was nd able to work hard every dap." — Mrs. Ci. 'rico Demean4114 Gardner et,TTo'yAiI1,Pkeeburg, AS WIIIIMOS aro lavOted fa wells rMLONatr MimaS - tee meow ~�0S the MrMtll 1. GLORY OF CANADIANS: MOUQUET FARM THEIRS NailsReviews Spothal Imperial Movements on Soma se—Air Mastery Absolute A British official communication teeeed Monday evening gives • more complete ac..ount of the flghttrg In by Somme region of France of Sep- tember 15.16. The communication ��M�e: 'The result of the egbttng fe of great importance, and is pry ably the moot effective blow which W wet been dealt the enemy by the BzWab troops. The damage to the essmy's morale is probably of greater coosepnence thea the seizure of dom- inating positions and the capture of between 4,000 and 4,000 prisoners. "To date, since the 1st of July. the British forces alone on the Somme battlefront have met and *mated thirty -eve German divisions, of which twsetydine have already been de- feated and withdrawn exhausted. Canada's Part 'Troops from Canada and New Zea- land shared )with others) the credit for these successes Me capture of Martlapatch end Cosrcelette) Duthie the past week to the bottle area Daly tour hostile aeroplanes have bees re- ported u crossing our Imes. while oar machines have made between 3000 wad 3,000 flights across the enemy's Uses." Later Canadian Feats Ottawa despatches oa,Mosdaf said: Only very meagre bulletins have bees received at Militia Headquarters bore as yet as to the part taken by the Canadian dl:lsions In the big allied gains of the last three days ons the Somme front. These batteries merely state that the Canadians had a con- spicuous &hare 1n the taking of the grooms won and that the casualties arenot as heavy as might have been expected. cotisldertng the ground gain- ed and the Impetuous character of tqe Canadians' attack. From what 1. kbown ben of the position 1n the British line held by the men from Canada. 1t is believed 'that the cap- ture of Mouquet Farm -and of the "Danube trench" may be placed to their credit - BULLAR DEFENCE OF MONASTIR CRUMBLES Serbian, British and French Armies Threaten to Surround Foe Armies— F1oitna Fal,* ---Desperate Battles Despatches from London on Mon- day said: The entire Bulgarian right wing• In Ma. edonie in in the - gravest peril of belttg captured or annihilated by the Franco -Russo -Serb forces (riming the Allies' left. Monaattr, the chief Bulgarian base of support in Mace"nnta. Is menaced by an Iroa ring which is 'threatening 10 throttle the defert,dicg army in its clutch. Florina, the southern "gate' to Mona - stir. seventeen miles away, fell to the French at 10 o'clock this morning in a dashing assault that came as a climax to a ferocious battle lasting all day yeste-day and throughout the n ight. The itulgar' were driven into a wild tout not only hcre, but to the west and st•uthwerr of Mona+.Ir as well. '. hic-re'tl.e Scrim 'nal t.•d crush- ing defeats on them. taking by storm the tirst• and second Bulgarian de- fence lines. Ea Ser Serbian Wine The Ser:,:an troops have won a briulant S:r.'-sae on the left wing of tt:e the Itritis:, and .Pencil fur es were ads :rig s:, u.tl;y northw::rd uu both Sick, of al, Vardar Rni fir, h:::g Pet.•r a itoiuL'ra scut:; t. rwarl to an o;'t•ra- taor. !hat 9'Aco: tit' H.;gar• bock inure than n:n•• a..:. , r,•• :..ltu' .l tour sIL lases and in".. .d- .'norr. r :s losses on tine ane Ti'v. the bao:y i•t•':uding twtnty-five cannnu Kaatoria, ka::idie, t'.,rni4,-t4 an: ::1:',. S,t, ail tis.• pert..at yo:i.;a ,n !•., l:lgars' first line of ei 't'n: c. w, -re r., r;,.l y store. Fo::utvlrg ;ice t u-nrd:t.atrd artillery and , vy... lou t:.e Serbian t ava rya dc -,t -ed !crit _rd Into the open field at..1 ,_ :ca •.,r en.! yrs d: -ori ganl..e": :, r b.. w alu:l$ a wide fron.. So. ,' r:•asst+ ,•f Baigr.r trots war, roar. :. ,i •d 'wh,'e 1,,e 'i.•id ul batt:- a•a, ren:, M1:l1 tt:::ls. light arms, and i i• ll.u:lie:• 1 :a the wild n.gat : , , :•e :. , .. t.:c ,,n, osh- ing i orsen..'n. t the same :.'_:e :'rac c Rusalan for�..t in a et•ttemenr.completely cleat -41. the ct::ire region south ut lake Oetr, TO f a .0 a:., e u. a ,re than forty tulles. ':•..us 1110 Pu:;cars have been driven from t.rlually the whole of the lake, initrovo region and the French anti Si rb,au turves are now free to toni.Iu( t..c.r thrusts to the nortkt.ard tato :,sru.-, without danger of flunk attacks. The a.hanre of the Brftt..a troo;,s cn :he :'act bank of the Vardar .bar rare. ,i thein c consider -able distance .north i,1-Jfakaku.a, whir., was captured by assault. here they h.:e ,•.tahuabed themselves solidly, .resin:inm all attempts of to eoeu.y to regain lost ground. ASQUITH'B SON KILLED Brilliant Young Barrister Was Eldest Son of Premier London despatches on Monday said : Lieutenant Reymond Asquith, eldest moo of Premier Asquith• was killed In action on September 15. 1t was an mounted today. Raymond Asquith who was aged 37. was a graduate o Oxford. President of the Oxford Union and prominent Member of the Bar, and before the war broke at was made junior counsel for the lalasd Revalue Department He was mad. Lieutenant of the Grenadier Guards d 1e14- Two brothers were worded le action at the Lmrdanelles la lel. Onta$S New Dry The problbttlos law went into efset In Ostart. at 7 o'clock on Bateedsy evealsg. There was a tremeedosm ran ea the liquor stores for bottled giros Aerieg the last few days of the 'wet' regime The Levaat Is 'tarring. *ceorelag M a. Amorleas wemaa who remedy se. maned hum Syria by way of soma emsaatea. Tmuwo* , *seri'. 21. 16141 • YOU intend buying a Piano some day and have been waiting until a good oppor- tunity offers. THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Every instru- ament is a bargain, has been care- fully tuned and polished and is in the best possible condition. $35.00 --Piano.Case 6 Octave Organ,12 stops, 5 sets of reeds. in good order. $45-00—Blatchford Piano Case 6 Octave Organ, ma- hogany wood. A splendid Organ and well worth more money. $50.40 --Weber Square Piano. rosewood case and a good Piano for the price. $215.N—Wormwith Piano, beautiful mahogany, very latest design of case, splendid tone, in' the very best condition, used only 3 'months. Original price $325.00. Don't miss this bargain. $2ES.00 Heintzman & Co. Piano, burl walnut case, used 18 months, as good as new, beautiful tone. Original price $400.' Oiie of the best opportunities you will ever have to own a Heintzman & Co. Piano. $285.00 Heintzman & Co. Piano, in perfect condition, and possessing the splendid tone of these celebrated Pianos. Do not wait for someone else to get ahead of ycu. Cease inlay. We Lave ssmetbieg to suit 'ea. JAS. F. THOMSON AGENT FOR HEINTZMAN e!t CO- GODERI::H, ONTPk10 A e NlkHt -•-*r Prining? NNN JOB AND COMMER be %ia» NM , We guarantee to give a Stenographic and Commercial Course equal to that given by any School in the Province and to place you in a position when you graduate. ,Write for rates and make arrangements to enter as soon as possibk. Fall term iesau September StA. Student, may enter any time. School of Commerce CLINTON, ONTA11O. PHONE SOS. S. 1. WARD. M A . 11. ACCTS. PRINCIPAL