The Signal, 1916-9-14, Page 8) 1 11wvr1AnAv, Nest-:. 11 1010 GLOY The New Liquid Pasts .klway.n'.i.ly for %i.e. uu .• water re m•J, w,, water -well. all spa••• filled with p s s t e. Adlu'lalrl.• finish - Miklos p,• vent. ietioky finger, Never become:. hard .te humpy, very 0..11- weak -tit for luau*. .ir null••/• tr... 1'r11•r !10 large sir.' .settle. •. a Ask 1 a. •.ns. $1.41 e, Ir.aullsain 1.,,. witL- .f J.01M the beet. value on the market 4.11y. Nye' -nal salting agent. fere N'atenuarl's Ideal Self-tillingus *.stain 1'••11.. l'n,'• i'LSO up. GEO. PORTER 10 PIESERI E GOOD LO!KS I ■ w;4n In 11111.• �.. -' •.1 het r,,ui- ple 1 .i. ' only lh< l.r.t .d tonlet I.rejsit- two. wdl..l.y.,.tely rreard her efforts. ' 11 Ow w,11 ..,r vit.!' 911(1, a..'ottt co1.1 creat... Joe 1 ware tteftt water. 1011 e'.. .osis,. etc :he lenelts to fief ceet.pl• 11 .n 0i11 1r. -urs. and •rertsul NV: in. ilea (I.it fr..n. la.lie+ who wed' to }•res.-..,. their -yuitli, aw.1 het:it). A.L. Caldwell, Phm. B. Prescription Druggist Raver• 1v. eat le. a.rth Sidle ware RAN�.�R r RAILWA SYSTEM WESTERN FAIR LONDON, ONT. September 8th to 16th it Retort, 4, k.. .t re-lu. ed fares to ton i ,n. Ont., fr'en station, in tint - too int -to.. belle, ale, Scotia Jct.. and south ^. w.•-1 thrnvi. Meese! train *revue owl. 1 .w r urea, urwtens from principal t*opt, ou I rrtain .late.. For full 1..ir- 4 o •g.l ultra, r.yding train ,ervicc, fares,w t, kct., et,.. coll't Grand Trunk ksd*ty Agcul... T.(ket, and full information..information..nn g.t.lq.t.'',1.1.41 1. P 1. 1.1WM1.NCI 1x When Your /S1oniach Goes ■ Wrong the chances are year liver needs cleaning. It .•41 sill mix t *0 teaspoonfuls •d Peri alar Liver Sime in a belt geese of • 0l1 caster and Jrrnk .t while it's effervescent, the result will Ile an active titer and a relieve,' stomach and head. Sold in two eve.. tic and :Or, and e1, ra.y to take. Get )nes.. lode,- at JAS. A. CAMPBELL, Ka. B. CENTRAL 'DRUG STORE l -.,net North St and Square Godrnch Ko tut 'PHONES Res 311 the M i All mon are invited t, the Monday (soh meeting a1 10 a. i glow - day m•.ening in the parlor of North flakiest.'street Mettendi.t eberch flakiest.' foe t• d...1•eion, " flop+ giving varied' tie givrr, Nev. lies. H. Kong will sing at beth omelets west Sunday at North meows Metbodl.t chorea Her ennrwlag sees will be, ' Tell see the old. old .tory." 1 HE SIGNAI. CODERICIi ONTARIO SOY SCOUTS AT TORONTO ! Walt ONTARIO FOLKS SAT. boder•cb Keys m Treep that Hears Du st Cesesvtbt'a Farewell Address. Serveateen hundred Hoy Yacouta, the I..egr.t rtutulrr of Scout. that ha., r. ei .seen wee in Caumbe •t any nage time, were present at the Toronto K,t- Iublt, Iu Iu 1'uredsy afternoon ut last week The boys rrprr.enterl not only t lir T.'ronl., 11 alp, but oilier 11.wns as well, liodrricb being represented by a party of seventeen. in .has. r of Mroul- master Canaan. The whole l..dy was under the rouuuawa of Lieut. -Cob lioo.f"rham, geom. l'anntoi•.ioner for Onto I.. H. It. H. the Duke of Con- naught presented ('ol. Iiouderbawt with the coveted badge (d the !Ohre Wulf. the highest decoration • Scou ra11 Iecelve Thie watt its ron.idrratio of the excellent work done by 1701 Goodes ham for the Hoy scout move silent in Ontario. One hundred an. ten Scout. were piesented with ws 1111.1..1, for work done during the olio mer At the close of the review th -„utiue.Iers ware ore:wilted to th Dille. ilia Royal Highness. then gay hi. tuewrll we..agr to the V, ow.: n ([platin, saying in patt : •I want to tell you how very el -aid 1 .iii on this may last vi..it to To,ont at having the opportunity of .rein you ,.11 herr. As you air aware, .he: are • over seventeen 1 lreJ p,r.ent the .herra parade of Hn) s••out. ear held In . e. 1 thank you, one end all for 1I .• 1 ,1, rret you Iota, 1,feu in the it..)• . .ut Innermen', and I suis proud 11.1' Juan;( the last five yeer., while 1 have leen Governot-(.euerwl, 1 lure liven ) l'hief Scout. It i. with deep !rote( th 11 I give up the app ,inrruent wbo•h ha.• iv en ms. w• Blurb pleasure and that 1 Pare taken •o wnrh inter 1.t ui Many Mentor hive j.onw 11 the d. fence of your c,,,,,, t v rod mie and all have done their duty. 1 hese heard many stories of their bravery. It es your duty 10 !scone go..l eiti• yeti.. Too may have many tempr,- hone and difficulties to a pet.. with trot it y.lII only viand true to your pt in• ,plc. as MI Sr .0;.U.441 aro aura you won't go wrmtg. ' +. The prineiple+ to which PI It rya. Highness called the Boy Scouts to stand tinMediocre arc : ediocre 1 . any or der given, nn ma••rr whattit is. w;th" oil ►roe ling n- co timid ng. Loyalty and Fatlijuhi : they .bould b- ..yl ke Hamidm, Oat. -'This is to state thief 1 have received great benefit from the use of Dv Pwrce't Favorite Ptearnp- l1011. Nome lime a(tu 1 was run down and weak, suffered lura of appetite sad waa miser•ble. Four bottles ofthe 'Prescription' cured me up in 61.14161.141shape; it did m wonders for e and r• I can rutnma1J it very highly lc WPM, 1,110n1,110 are ailing. ^- Mum Malta r Mui -aa, 1.7 Hem St., Hanultou, Out n Brantford, Ont. -"Some few years • ago 1 got in a very much run-down - co0dl0on. Was very weak; could not de I aaytbing; had no strength at all. I be- t gen taking 1)s.. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip- - lulu; 1 only took bee bottles and it put e sae In splendid condition. I felt better P than 1 had fur year... (h her metubers m (1 e sty family have used this medicine and f found it equally as beol-fci.J. 1 can highly recommend it to weak women "-- Mas. A. Git-tsuca, 71 Brighton Row, n Brartlord, Ont. gThe use of Dr. Pierce'a Favorite Pre- s 1ptlou makes wr4•,..'u happy by making them healthy. 1 herr are no mn• ore ctng spew. "Iavori'r 1'r.•.cription" make.. 'weak women strong. week woolen well. Like an open le -k. our Los tell the tale of health or ti,eal.e. Hollow cheeks sod sunken Pyre, listlrw steps, sleepiest. nights -tell of wasting debilitating dueaee some place in the body. It may be one place or another, the cause u generally traceable to a common !MON... Get the "Pre•w-nption ' to -day --dither in liquid or tablet form -if you want to better your physical eoodittoo speedily. Dr. Pierre's Pellets regulate and in- Ingo:ate stomach, .neer and bowels. Keep the body clean inside as well se uutalde. 'um row to ti•r.r nffd rr-, stick by then.. no nat'e•r what h pp re, •r,nr1 •rami"h or s.. h it lrra,p, l';,firer•• • Ye mils 411..•e11 nlrvnc. r •• polite to P0011)•ube. no los; 1• r win ft is. Tine )!gaits a,r al..ny- Iwlit.• r,t.•1 .kin 1 to AIL rape lwllr . those-sooew,•it than them -era re, lit n.. lay inn the .M.•.I/l!. ,,theses. hr 1. 1., a pared to r .try lett these 1• 1••ri„I... the i,,.det i. i1 • • os re'mord tW'ed- ne• ley night, ell toed •'•ri, Mir .are mind s4411,4,, Presbytery of Huron. The Pre.ttylr.) of Huron bald a n'u'll s meet ing . 1l T,,eadev at limes.- bd.'. These wet• pue.rnt fir. !gaud., ns.+lerssor,.Ur: Firtrher,.Mrs.r•..L-hn- at., :, ('a1awell, M •Farleine, Sharp,. 1. ting .there, Harp r, Torn"., Car- r'P P and Hamilton, minister,, 'and lir-sr. 11'/..11.,. eiletriow, Mel''ille, .1' .i if. o'. Mel.-a,r, Frwarr,:tirwtwwll. it •1i. iii ilia,,[. Inglis and Teriont.io. el ire.. Mr. Turner was elected 411., el al.,‘ f.,, tae en•u"ng a't UI•,.4 ties A es11 waa Preern•ed frnw Sr. Arni- drr.s'.,Kipp.n,and tittle coee•n,inbyr 1 ref 11.-e. 11r. W. Ii` M.-1;Ikon. signed by N+ti stlenrl rr'. ..nd i•;_h • a•llier- '11t•, prntyiru,u s 'tit r. .1 .1 'SI, 1.. psi wntrien,' rive of Man., ''Y .i 1.`1,, n -.•.A natol41 b..hJas•- ?.Jr'....... Mole an. .Ir('aHr, R.11r•rt•.-n, Alexandra, Iws.i.n, Andlrw.n and ('-matt were the er.mn11..i"nets permi the se...ior.. and congr•gati..ns en tetulf of tLr cull. M•. lltrper resigned hi. charge of W.11 . chutrb. Clinton. IMri.i.In was. poet ironed '1 a conference eoi.ld hp had with eh- congregation and Messrs Turner, Sharp and Laing: ministers, and Messrs- Mclean utd etrans, eld- f ee, were.; al'P"irue•d to ail for the Presby'.', y and to relent ►, soon as Mr. As go, of F:gn.ontlsille, was giv- en leave of ah -epee nn •140i,11n1 'mf 111- hralth,anJ M,. I..rlin sea. appointed WHEN YOU WAKE UP DRINK GLASS OF HOT WATER Wash the poisons and toxins from system before putting mors food Into stomach. Says Inside -bathing makes any- one nyone look and feel clean, tweet and refreshed. Wash yourself nn the inside before breakfast like you do on the outside This is vastly more Important because the skin pores do not at -wort) Impuri- lles tato the blood, catmint tames, while the bowel pores do. Por every ounce of food and drink taken into the stomach nearly an Mare of waste material must be carried out of the body. if this waste mater -1114s not eliminated day by day It quickly ferments and generates pn(sort,, gases and toslna which are absorbed or sucked Into the blood stream, through the lymph ducts which should suckonly nourishment to sus- tatn the A spl • health measure Is to drink, before breakfast each day, • games of real hot water with a tea- spoonful of limestrme phosphate to It, whish is a hsrmlew, way to weak these poison*, gases and toxins from the stomach. liver, kidneys sad bowels. thus cleanatng, .we•eteatag sed freshening the entire alltneutary COW before puttieg more food tato lbs stemagh A smarter pouilrl elf Ilmestoae pbo/ Mite moms but veer little at the drag ogee bet is Inmelent to make says*. ao esthustaat nn inside batttag, Mw abs wagers who are acc•stemsd to wake ere with a doll, aching bead or hie furred toagse, bad teats, oasts Memel. sallow complexion, others whoa Ion trees attacks, acid Monied or onnellesties aro **send of pine. 111111111111111111 iOnponvernest t• both hath aid pppMraaoe sboruy. moderator of seminn in tl.- mean. time. ' De. Fie' cher thanks 1 the Preehytery for tl... .ywpathy •bown t•, hien dur- ing hi. great tria', through the death o! .1•. ditcher. .Ir it. U. 1•.'. rrnn i"esented in lis .-"f 1: woid. ;hr outs of the d,- 11.- t in tilt elm: c.1 fund! ar,,l the need tut mai, ;rig w great .1!' tt :.t Thank -- g. v ilia tl c:ses" off th it Jeht. Rev. J . K. Ilehde• sono formerly of Henan. 1s to visit the Pushytet iii. connection with the matter, and bn Mabbath, Meptember •lith, -he i+ 1. preach at Raytit:hi in the morning, Brncrtleld in -the aftern--on, ar,d Menial in the evening. end at other places on tbe evening. of the week following. Re:tal ui •0. in ••'uneoti,,.n with the tereoval :of Jlessr., Ricbardepo and -thew rind in "(41 41140 lon with the work of the W. al.. s carte read and rag• g,141414•411 on rbeniinu:•s, O'. nuoi•.u,ne.a the OPneial Aa- pii•ly IP .....d'.hri- i'trodanee and u..'i.•.t. .(wars. S1341 p. Jobostnn 11,1 Suresh and their ..Idris - were ap. 11 e,: to examine tool rep it upon s.1, reysiita 11._tulbe A-.rwhly. The 1. I tering also were _est p..inted to r. - vi -e the wending- brder.: Meese.. 11 outdo -an Isaing and McDermid and there elder.. • A call hairiest ;+wed from Calvin r•h,lr'^h, Noniteal, to Mr Turner. of Myth. an adj mined meeting was coshes. for Septe,,tt•er _K:b a. 1•1 o'clock de,,, .a: h .t .floe the ar.rpt,r-.- r-1 the ....II 'r .It. Ki. -.a . h.urh, (iodrrn 11...havn/g 1'• eo t rr.ived, the itliln' tion of - Mr MrIJrr id wa4 appointed to take place et 7 30 on the evening of Tues- day. October :drug next, Mr. AI•ery to preach. Mr. Carswell to address the minister, and Mr. McFa,laoe the people: Arrangements were made also for the induction *t Kippen on October halo at 2 p w., of Dr Aitken, air, Mrftt'rmid t..preach. Mr. Wood. to addrr+..tbe minister and air. A11ery to adders* the people. Eves ?body eats Blackstone', deli. clothe ice 0100- of •up•not .1umihr). Did. vs delivered. KINT•IL. Tus.ney, 'ept. 1. 'nurseling is the order of the day. .14 is, t,.•". Ferg.l,-n and children of S.Itford, are visiting at MarMurrh) .. Mies Flora MacDonald i. viwiting friends at Toronto. M Murdoch McKenz'.. KAII MacDonald," John Mackenre, Filed MacGregor, M. C. Maekenz.p and Hugh .Isekenzie atten led the Exhibi- tion at Toronto last week. Miss Minnie Cathcart ha. returned to %Vinni.pog. M•s.r. Margueri'e Maclennan e.n,l Anna Mackenzie. of P. r' Albert and Leehurn respectively, .pent the week- end at their homes here. ON October 6 and 7 1 But Wait ! J. N. COLBORNE ,r • TRAPPERS! Scsr,d your RAWFURS toJOHN HALLAM W •'.sew .•e.411 amp, lb. moo 4Ia•i.. r...•• W. - on eft war .4 W• law t+a .r =dark •• ...�.b••:••seer•*.• 8 ,....fir. ...1 w4..tst.. r. •••►•.a..•w.. t., .4..s..• w. re./ OP •44 eMw r. orb 6111•44•41 .lase •w b� 4. 0�� FREI".,,Raba • -� .. • aura.. rr• ••as. T,..sr4... esus. ••suss Poem.' •.•e.• r Alb..' JOHN HALLAM limited 147 MaMam Selldlry, Torewts TME BEST EVER. Goderira Exhibition This Year Will i Have Many Attractive Features glacial features already arranged for the llode.lcb Industrial Exhibition prorriN to make it the .1 interest. ' .ug fall lair yet held in 1: eierieh. By metal permission t/ L;s1 t.•l'.d Combe, the splendid hat dot the ll;1.4 Huron Flattalo,n, tbut)•LNu vtrong. will be here and will playon all tbter days of tar Lrabib.t un. is so+urs• Inuvic.l [teat wulth coming many wiles •o bear. In wdditior- the Kioc•rdine Kiltie trod will be bete ; .t' there *Ill 1.e abundance of urn.i The race Ir•t•k was never in lett. r condition and tome great *pled•vrnta are hooked for. The trick mule wnd troop. that wade for best combs feature at the Toronto and London Ezbinitinu. have been•imaged. Prof. ihu M•rtyn and his troupe of Highland danrel• will give Ierloreu- ao001 on ib.. glaod.tabd. The dire tai -s belie burn fortnnat• in .rcurluy the egg exhibit', of the Domiulon Live Stock Cr mwresion whkh has a.tactrd ►o remelt atten- tion et Ib... ,t y exhibit ions. Tnis ex- hibit is a v.luable educational feature :.1.J will he pa t , ululy interesting to Moe engaged In Jesup. t• and egg pto- du, tioo - Arratigemrn'• are (ring made to have an exhibit from the Provincial Hoard ut Health. showing dlsinage and water system.ard giving pointers o Intik supply and health probletu• g. nerd.*'. Ti.-- cn.IJren ••-:-or wnd old. will 1.s. pleated •..lemon !bet • inert y -go- d will lir hate, '1'hr glas.•nl..w.•r. and other good al.,dwiey features also are expelt.d. The lathes will he interested in an rxbibit of elect i. washer. to lir made 1 v An .olid.' 114 114. Local wrrchant. ar,1 manufacturers also are prrparu g rxhilot., and v nearly all tis- .1 n'•e lis Ihr main ball is now taken those who wisp to make exbibh.tbould make early ap- plication to the st•eretary. The date. of the fair are Wednesday, Thursday and It idly September '17. :Nand 21►, Prize lists and any information may h#' bed on •ppleetioe to the .ver -1- w v, Me.- J. Ades Fowler, P. 0. 13:x 1:1, G^detich. LOYAL. Touo».tX, Sept. 12. mA number left from here today to attend the Western Fair a• Londou. Our travelling atotrl-epee. air. .1. A. Young, is still oil for toad and ex p•. its to continue his rounds fur a while yet. • '1he.peepl'e rue getting ready for the diets net la•r• at l,.derrsh and L11 doubt a good share of the tel tickets Will come to Loyal. Hee: A. Laing hes ret urned from his holidays and resumed his pastoral work. He'm.:ends to start a teaehi.••s' training it connection with tt,r Smith. 11•.1 S.I.hath school FARM \"TP. - -The 'farmers world like tu.ee .. the titin. The wells are nearly all giving Oil; those who base arteaan wells are lucky. Pao oies are poor and owing t • the dif i •.,I v of working Ihr grou,.d very Into. tall whist will Ise put in "file teats in Mr. N1•. F. Toting'. big Held err r 11 en- ing a1.d the pr...)eep, so- fol n Iwo yield. Tile lin o)e•^„n'loosed di ought has r:n d. uht had i.- 111• rt on the-cv•p. One crop that **good tbu Sear ,e - the i•o•n: Those.%ho have not 'tilos' ire ronrrlrenemtg to cur it. (i.wttt LAYIIKt.,-The Trig poultry min of 'hi. ne,ghb•'rlieed r. Mr. 1%n,. %I'•• Phee. Anynoily who w Ont• any point - eTs on p-wltry nerd not go past hi. place. Mr. McF'h.•e reports n •ucoe.•- ful year with hies Ii •ck. 11. has about ninety hens. and 'once the gird of Jan- uery he has ankh Tdir down eggs. At an average price 'nf thirty cents a dr zen .-.rine . 1 the rage 4',, g .old- for batching'. thio trpreeecte a tidy little •oris. -lis addittnm Mi. McPhee 'hap About a bundled young bird*. Hie ben. ane of ' I e brown Leghorn 'train, 14 the teat leylog sir•ibs that can be got. be chains,. 10 • iu •• h 0 -DIRECT IMPORTERS Suits Coats Furs �FALL� Fashion Display Millinery Dress Goods Silks WE heartily invite you to attend our Autumn Opening Display of Millinery and Fall Merchandise, which we have arranged to take place on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, September 21st, 22nd and 23rd, and following week. In every department of th store you will see the seasons newest merchandise. The Millinery display will be one of exceptional merit. We say without hesitation that we have never shown a more beau- tiful display of Autumn Millinery than that prepared for these Opening Days and the prices are extremely moderate. We want you to see it. Come whenever and as often as you can. If not convenient in the day- time, come Saturday evening. See the New Furs See the New Millinery See the New Dress Goods See the New Suits See the New Silks See the New Coats More Coats and Suits TO HAND THIS WEEK Late shipments of Coats and Tailored Suits for women have just come to hand direct from the makers. These are showing in the season's best and most approved fabrics, designed and tailored by experts, and reflect the latest ideas in Winter gar- ments for women. Of practically all we show but one garment of any particular style and color, thus guaranteeing you that individuality in dress so much desired. Never was there a season when early buying was so desirable as today. as already it is almost impossible to get materials that were fairly plentiful early in the season when orders for gar- ments now in stock were placed. Ladies' Tailored Suits - $16.50 to $30.00 Ladies' Coats $15.00 to $30,00 HODGENS BROS. • GODERIC11, ONTARIO 1 1 1 1 1 w r` r all •1l .01 Is Going to Control Soles of tlta HIM .4 THIS 1.-1 1/1 'i:11,L ('O1tN Mr. Chas. E. Young in his gaolers, R.g.•nt .tweet, where corn grew drip •,•ae.'n to • height til Iw'r10e fart. CMURt:F1 NOTES. Rev W. K. Hewer will preach at ioth .easier. in North air eet Metho- dist etbo- dist church nes' Sunday. Mwniog subject. "Press Beoedietion to D•,: elegy evening subject, 'lie Cure of Lnnrlines.." Evangellcral ehnreh-Rev. W H. Campbell, Lit. R., H D . pastor. ('r.lt■era0 servile at 10 a m; Snn- day wheel at 11 a. m. 7•.nn presetting services at d p. ge ; Moeda! school at 2. p m. Th. motor willprrweh sn Pdoeatkx.- el ...untie at M.• h ('.dhorne and yens. The Y. P, A. will meet at 7.Ir K Et. at Colborne. A repine of the resent jub- ilee eioneration. held at Kitebe•er. Oat., will be given. The demand is here and must be supplied. We help you with, our big advertising campaign. People bre enthused over this musical in- P'waton. Sales' possibilities are immense. Our arrangements are • beral. You must act promptly as territory is being rapidly taken up. Write or wire. role COMPANY OF CANADA 51 Yaws Street Lis& TOScIfTO zb, nsplr,njek sen;.unot.t0, 1.