The Signal, 1916-9-14, Page 44 TieriMIDAT. Karr. 14. Ipte The High Cost of Clothing A wholesale manufacturer of Clothing told us that cloth is now codling three Oases as much as it used to. You can imagine there- fore what ,.w will have to pay for Clothing. You need not get tnghtene.l. however, . wr err show- ing to mane a oar. Just as gourd value• as before the war and in other cases a blight sodsamps. Don't put off the p4rcha.e of your Suit until these val- ues are gone. then yogi will have to pay the higher price. Our clothing trade has been good -people. know we keep good Clothing soil our values n.l.t. We are showing g mod val- ue+at $12, $15 and $18 NEW FALL HATS NEW FALLFSHi?RRTS W. C. Pridham SPECIAL ORDERS FOR -0th Century Brand PHONE 5; GODERICH ADVERTISING PAYS The Saults Coal Co. --•."'••.-•. 4tdluaa.k it wed' to I:e.; LU'.itvE AGENTS FOR LEHIGH VALLEY THE. c .u. TIIAT sAT1,F*E:, We deal in Hard arid Soft Coal, Lime, Cement. Fire Brick. Fire Clay. also Hard and Soft Wood. Maple and Hemlock Hemlock Slabs, $2 per cert Fresh cars of Lime and Cement just received. OFFICE PII..NE' - - "-, R. J. Sault,' Resideti:r W. \I-. Sattlt.' Re,ide : .. r! MARE SIGNAL 3ODERICH t ONTARIO PORT ALBERT. Wamisnioay, Sept. 13. Noma -Serge away of the C. A. D. C.. London.. and Ile. Hayden,ar- old Ord, of Stratford, were weekend visitors at Mr. H. Hayden's Sev- eral from around here are attending the Lortd.r. Fair this week Miss' Jessie McMillan visited her sisterMrs. ' Het h. Morris, of llaltf.nd, last west. Mrs. Bert Cunningham and Wile daughter, Betty, are visiting with re- latives h. re MIli James Young, of Gore tray, is ensiling his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tb<anas Wilson, or.... Pte J.i.rph Rockingham was the guest of Mr. sod Mn. James Oliver .least.. Thomas Dickson and Richard Kent are away oil • trip to the West ..air. iaiUtl Kuutz and Mr. I. A. thorn sod family motored to Carlow o0 Nonage. and were miens ttif 'Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kingewelt....There will he no school here 1ltuieday and Friday of this week. as Min McLen- nan intend,. attelld.ng the teacher.' eonveetion to he held st Go derich Mr. and Mr.. Lane, sr., of Louisville, 1 were visitors at Mr. Frank funning- 1 Yam's last week . Rev. H. R. and Mn. Williams and Mrs. Jones, of Dau-, ganotw, wet a visitors at Mr. H. Hay - deter this week Mr. and Mn. Thos. 1 Richardson. Mr. and Mea. Time. Green! and alts. JA4. McWhinney motored in Mr Richard,.00'+ ear to London today. Pte. 1\'w Huddoek, of the 161.1 Battalion, wig. herr dile week to say farewell to hie family Pte. Wm. Gilbert. of the Ittlst Battalion, spent the week -end with his wife and family. i . The lulat expects to go oversee. short-, ' ly The Pre►hyteriao W. M. N. in- t tend• meeting this week at yyee home of Mrs. Jas. Johnstone lllis. May Dickson, with a number of (needs.' motored to Trwwater to attend the jfuneral of Mi.1 Janet Arst.truog... A i party of four auto -loads taint Sidi ford bad a corn -roast ben last week. ST. AUGUSTINE. \V I OKKI.DA Y, Sept. 1:3 The weather rnntinues very dry. Mise Alice Wells, of Godericb, has hero visi•in,r at the home of air. and N•-.. Wm. McAllister. Mr. and Mn. Wm, McIntosh and daughter, Marie. of Godeti:h, visited friends bere this week. Quite a number .t people from this neighborhood visited the Toronto E2x- hibitiunand A large number are at London tbi, week. DRAT t1 ria' %Vm ANDRRw-s.-The death of Mr Wm. Aodrewe• a former resident of ibis township. occurred nn Tuesday in the township of Grey. Thr remains have hien brought to the hone of his sun, M,. Wtu.R. Andrews, here, an 1 toe funeral will take place tomorrow (Thursday) to Dungannon cemetery. The deceased wa4 a bit her o f Mr. James Andrew,., of Godertch. A LITTLE Oa: TAKEN. -Urate to- w soled the home it Mr. and Mrs. Win. J Thoutp..an ou Sunday and carried off ttleir Inti daughter, Alice, lii•t one day over eight rears of age. Though the little gal had Lean in poor health for the bait six uonuu-. at the end her death rani! suddenly. H-.fdrs her parent.. she leaves fire Lrothrn and two st+ten, all a• hcme, who have the sympathy of the community in their Ivrea...meat. The fuo.rw!'Itook 1plar_ to 1) ingaunoo cemetery on J3ack t0 School ! We have a large new assortment of: Scribblers Se aa/ 2 for Se Exercise Books Faustian Pas Peas, Peacils, lake Rubber Erasers Peaeil Sharpeners Drawing Books The old-time low prices on all of these goods. JAS. F. THOMSON Mastic anti Stationery Stare Tuesday. Rev. W Conway, of Dun- gannon, conducting the service., and 1 four brothers acting as pallbearers, 'Among the floral wreathe laid on the I casket was one from the Donnybrook • Sunday school, of which Alice was a imeml•er. Among those present at the funeral were Mn. R.b.rt )'lark and Mr. Ed. 'Gormley. of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. H. Spencer and Mrs. W. • Duan, of flrooklin, Ont. ASHFIELD, The Asbfleld Soldier: Aid Society will weeial the home of arra. Donal.) McKenzie, iib concession, on Sep tem- ' her 3)th. A good attendance of ladies ' interested to work for the *oldie:, is req nested. BAYFIELO, ?uneasy. September 12. Mr. J. 11. Reid and Mr. Amber El- liot retuned on Ton mooing atter a few drys' visit to to and LM big fair. Mr. and Nn, 11d. Weston spent a few day.at Toronto last week. Rev. J. E Jame returned on Satur- day trout • month's vaeatio. at Soso - bra. Rev. A. Macfarlane r.turied nm Moods). alter a tbr.eweeks' visit with friends near Collingwood. Mrs. titauhury sad alias Stout 'an Ia Loadoo ibis week. Melo..) opened -.o Tuesday last with Miss D.O.dd.,ti of Lueknow, i. cheese of the upper roots and Mrs. Ferguson again in her WOO. in the lower room, Mrea, Jaw Ppackrtlais visited her daltgb•e•r, Mts. Pollard. at London on Labor Day. A number of the ladies of the Wo- men's Mig.pnary Society of 8t. An- drew's church attended the Presbyter- ial meeting at Brueedeld on Tuesday. Mr, Juba Fraser and Rev. A. Mediu- lane also at'ended Presbytery meeting at the mane place. Sr. Andrew's Missionary Society Docked a bale of elothino on Priddy last for one orate Indian schools of the West. The bale was valued at almost i1111d. An unvalued bale of secondbagd clothing also was sent. Mi.i Maey R+id and Miss Ida Raid are at Landon this week. KINGSsRIDGE. MONDAY, Sept. tlttt. DEATH'. Do,Noa.LThe remains of the late Ted Octalo, whose death by accident in Detroit was recorded in The Signal last week, were interred in tb. Kingsbridge cemetery last Friday 'morning. The servir•es were conducted by Rev, Father M.•('ormack. The pallbearers we,, Maser.. John l'-turt• 1 ney, Timothy Gr.Mn, Joeepb Griffin, James Wallace, Peones Murphy and John McMillan. The deceased is eut- vived by his young wife and infant Isom also by his 'Bother, seven sister' . and two brothers, who have the gym pathy of the whole community in this sad hireayerrtent, doubly sad because of the recent death of the f..ther,f the famUy Another de over that cast a IgkN.m over tbe people here was that of John Finn, who met death by drOwning at Toledo last week. John was well and favotahly koowo here, having live.) here ant I a few yews ago. when the toruli- moved to ti'rie• rich. Mu'b .ympatby a. (.It tut hiv widowed in 'cher and only sister. QONINii AND Guru.: -)1-r. and Mrs, � ��CEN�TRAA�LI Lfl/�!CG(/ 1 STRATFORD. ONT.. Commercial, Shortland aaJ Telegraphy De artaeats. • vroolenr+ may *int -r at any time. \Cr pia^w epi adu�lw•' in position.. During J anti A•tgua we received applications 1a I• -rice 2x1 ministrants we could not ,supply. %Vrite for our free catalogue At ones. D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal JO I)AY is announced a splendid readiness with all that is new in Fall Millinery. The display for Fall is very diversified. There are nn two hats alike, assuring every woman who selects from the stock real individuality. And there are hats for every purpose, tor dress, sreet. and sport wear. 'John Lannon, 3.1r.: M. Bowler and Mr. • Philip Aostiu motor -•1 r.a K,ngsbridge from t. aderi.•h Lust Fri•.iay, and were Accompanied. h nue 1 y Mr.. -J. T. l/'R.illr ...The Mines May and Emilj Grillo, of (:...fetich, visited frie,il�• here on &arida. Lizz'e G iffin, of Godrrich, i. visiting her .+i- .-r. Mr. 11'v T. t: iris vl- T. F. Crux, Mr.. F. )'ant au.l ehit,trrn motored to KingahrJ, - Ir nm L irks now on Snnday Mr. and Mts. Round McKinnon and nabs, of l: ade- rich, are visiting friend. here r Mr. and Mrs. P••rry, Mies Pearl and Fran. 1. rif?1 . V i.. l:-rrr'ide .1 •yr, of THE BULLETIN BOARD Texture, Durability, Style and Color ! THESE are the cardinal virtues of Corduroys -the compelling features that commend them to the discriminating buyer's consideration. Corduroy is timely and is procurable here in a wide range of the season's colors in light and dark shadings. • 27 - inch Corduroy Velvet in brown, tan, green, navy, copenhagen, dark sky, cardinal and cream, at 668 a yard. Corduroy is having a big sway this season and is very fash- ionable. %Vhv not have your new suit made up of some pretty shade of Corduroy? Separate coats and skirts made of Corduroy are very popular. For suits for the little ones there is nothing so good as Corduroy. Let fps help you pick out the color and style tor your new Corduroy suit. We will help you find exactly what you want. WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR THESE NEW GOODS! J. H. COLBORNE A heumatis is Uric Acid in the blood. Unhealthy kidneys are the cause or the acid being there. If the kidnev.a.-,ed as they ahoulJ the amid strain the Uric A -id out of the sy+tam and rli,•wma- tism would-. t occur. Rhea- _ tnat,srti 14 a K..lney ease. nod! Kidxy Pik hay, mass a great p,•rt of their nortitanon Rae,mati,:-t. So gee at . the moss of those fearf d shooting pains and s:ir-, aching paints. Tissue is but one sure way- Dodd's Marrone. and Mrs. \Vui. O'Htion. ofKidney Iiatonr,artrnderi the tune-, of H.nhe lite Trd I., m'1 host lis-, Henry Reinn.rtit and famgy have ur,arl lint., Kingsbridge. W. welcome them S to oar '1+t. DUNGANNON. MR. N.. F. %VHYARD i+ agent fur TIE EttlicINAI. at Dusiinna.n. 4 O it rn.tt stilt hila fa.r .a )sari-eraest.se pots primas: will I. . vee prnvpt a•trntion Ta•Irpbain. ,t:Jder.ch f:-prali r:t,. g"Vlt41).l Y. N.pt. 13. Mr. \Pickens, n.nager of the Nter- I ng H.inl- herr, left on W±dneeday for is holiday trip to To. -onto, ' t. Cathar- ine' Aid C.mi+ It .,.Jen. Hi. Moro is taken by Mr. 11..Y Wallis, of Oode- rich, M. and Mr.. S..Nicholson, of Au- burn. *pant "nnday at Mr. R M.•-• Kenz t"..and alt, and air+. .1 Mead, of Auburn. ri.ited at Mr. H. M. Doff'.. Rev. J. W. Penrose, 1,f \\'i.ite- .'ho•.•., ex•rhanged pulpits with R+•. 1. Me Kflver loot Sunday. The latter preached anuiven.ary sermons at tYhiteehur_ h. Mr. l'rlehrl• of the Montreal R tbher l'o , was th- Ruest of hi. dau,thter, Mr-. 1: JI••K••Icev, last week. He left on Monday fai Kitchener and Boor points on hi., way hock to Montreal. Oar I„ al •nldiero returned on Toro. dryof this week to Camp Bunten. alter .pending • few days at their h. -,re,. Some say it' was their last I..• lwfore g.,ing overseas, We wish them all a safe return and all the hon- or due them. Mr. Park•• wiggle* returned on Tuesday to Belleville, where b. 1. rat- ioRlp a CO, IMP. %seism C. Elliott. N. Treleaven, W. **lure. H. Sproul wadi. R. McNabb ■re taking in the L,.doo Pair (Si. week. Don't forgot the ice cream metal in heektoes chards beeennest old Mosdav evening, IS:11 toe. PRtegerarION TO 80LD1IIRS. -At a r•ceot meeting of Dungannon Lndg•, No. i16. I. 0, 0. F.. upwards of thirty members gathered to whom, the Preeentasion of a wrist -watch to Pri- vate Howard Robertson and a 'old ring to Sergi J Canon Stating". The following was the address which was read t0 them i To 40. R. Reber.•el• .'N. ate Lad W. tee r..( Lades. 4111. 1 I. rr It gathered l.e.fhse osaWlit ,aisinte.t .n • n-ise term ear appr.elntise et lb* se' flat lee M.. Moe In Inkieg ■p sews is dries• d tae Methorlaed and Hee NM, Ramiro of w 4,4 we as Area part W. ere erre' et re❑ Iry dew sen lar. basil the nal arid r•.ro-•4.4 Tow br. Our re r.."v- mrm . -4 H we ev.rr, .care.^e. '8444 emboss sed e4snetw N M w at rte klriid sa bled Iry we 4... tell apP.etet d t eve kowtk- av e..d ►r.4eel pt r otos *telt u. _ +Ibsen), r wr.rt u,.1 •rser r .Mat t0 log !w t.p. Ari r •se et ..t t• arksept dal. wineend this now Nano kn...I it Y a 114444 Of a 1.e •+sett.r br trent tact n mar pore a non se me e- . w is. more we Mid res, and ea.uwkrawe et Ger teetW bre and area ♦ are tae• Is nor Lod.r p.w win altos. be.. erne •ne h • '.k • ant 1441444.44 In ,war IleglaeMy this Meta, Mand !e 1411 W ore rwi hoer* are 4 • flet .ey My be cosiest torr. ape nose of r .b. sag w tiger. ae heron was Mrs goy toot der,. sw insole .e Doaaa.a.a lays, t. V.Merit IN Thr !meg men iasis •ei•.hls re - Oen. a..d *lt.eu ids • social time was twat Were tb. tlgt Ie.*. top with &mopes belgeed wl4act for tabs boys la Ir Rohn toe in Vioutor- ••And bow i �an inane Gemmel, did you kill %" Hoed Tommy -'•1 don't know bow a g many 1 but twee my 'nate .housed, 'Shale yer blaorniu' i.,yonet, Bill: them six on it !'" PATENTS 1n a'1 en•ir,-I..s. Ask f•,r Our IYVY.M_ Tl)1: d Al,ylt)i:A.wa.ch w.:' Lia mat be. . M.%KION s MARION. SR utvverelte at. rsgntrgith w A stiuwL•'R of comfort in warm weather )ou can take any time you feel disposed when tour bath- room is fitted up in ntodern style with a good shower apparatus and bath - tub. Let us pot you in improved sanitary plumbing worthy of the times. If we do it, it's done right. Fred Hurst HAMILT'ONSTRF.FT 'PHONE 13.5 MEN! WHY SUFFER ? 1•t s. .5./i em •s• :rr/ -}e DIL. T.u, n. ere. •s• .0 w. .tor M prowl rss•r +sato ,.soil. o.14birl Pao ..tor. .otww twos IA. • 111C17.11 Mal se la saisii•el 4Y,a�a.. were tow► r dam [mynO. w As J•1 .....ane • a *.,.n of tea • r me tn.. ramie a...••• y www' s ,tor. or O... ea boa 14.1 r, •• die .tor, .1 • a 4•04 t .r. .-4..+4 Ars .44.. ..a • ....Al.,* rat R. e • •1. r• m.. r.. +-r Momenri. of wK AOI.. v.. .. y .,� m�.,..nalya.Mewm,Ag .1•• .. Immo rW `k.•. �•• ..river mea .-J�• i sinal M is Mr k.•• ere aloe wet ./1a. ,""..1":1.....•O1wawi sal ter ,T. moa .•afro. T - r wr.�y..faUara..a pas. Pan Vona. mewgt• 11".Da wti Tld reme-elp Prep Or pot irble• int e.wnirtia M•� DR. MARDI IU,PA'•g LaADINO SPIC{ALMT �s.4LAK 1iL! c one Pais Best? The person trained in a Commercial School. We guarantee to give a Stenographic and Commercial Course equal to that given by any School in the Province and to place you in a position when you graduate. Write for rates and make arrangements to enter as soon as possible. Fall teras begins September 5th. Students may enter any time. School of Commerce CLINTON. ONTARIO. B. E. WARD. B A , M. ACCTS. PRINCIPAL PHONE 208, 1111111114111111111411114111411114111141141141111111 SPECIALS 1 at Walker's Furniture Store 1 only solid oak Sideboard. heavily car -rd, large British plate mirror, siiglttly used, taken in exchange for one of oar new Buffets. Regular retail value, $45. A very attractive piece of furniture. Special price $20 1 only solid quarter -cut oak Buffet, taken in exchange for other furniture. Regular selling value was $30. Special sale price els 1 large Extension Table, extents to ten fe4t, extra select quarter -cut oak. highly polished. Was abo talon in ex- chlllnpte for other furniture. , Rkt;ular retail price was $28. r special bale price i , i $12 Watch for m at the Goderich Industrial gab have some s We pedal fnl'ntt�Te for this occasion. WALKER'S FURN1tURE STORE THE STORE OF QUALITY *MINT FOR 8RNDRiJIOrR ►TAROS Ohms the Cheapest Aheays the Nast here P. e - Rsidsaei Phu IN