The Signal, 1916-9-14, Page 31 HE SIGN Ai. GODERICH, ONTARIO 1` Hsi THE WEST IS DRY HF i ER SIXYEAS[0MARKET QUOTATIONS AND THE PEOPLE APPEAR TO BE SATISFIED TO HAVE IT bO. IND ONLY IENOINE BEWARE OF IMITA- TIONS SOLD ON THE MERITS Or IINID'S BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, k PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. JOU) LETTERING on LKATHER 000D8 As es4... Marble /sowptlr sttesdaa 10 ea r u TB SIO.' Al. Osdri.` A. R. TA Y I.OR. th IATPnitn. MEDICAL DK (IBO. HEILEMAKN, 081%0 PATH, peeWbt to w.atsen'a sad chi 0w••a esieriel► seetr, hewn awl aervens ala riven s7L ear. Doer red Owlet. partial deaf esti l.rlege awl reeue0atie ressitieen Ade setas resnevel wltnest Uwe knlfs. Ones .t wr6e•aw .weer Nelson and alt Asdnw'a seee.a At here mike Mondani,'1l.reday. • tfrt•riays: any erratat by .ppe4etmest- -- DENTISTRY R H. t.. MacDONELL. -HONOR tir.duae Ton.nto ('nt,enuty. O,ae..•.. V d olleere of I octal burgeon.. Seroe..w to the late Motor SSa1.. (hada trimer sews awl -Asset awns. ue4 ,t b. . AUCTION fnMOI&AB DUNDRY. jj ACCTIUNIIit Men C. oaderic . AS Iwsirecabas by a tett .t Mama! eines nut be trsrtair . aided tie. 11«16..., tekttaoo, tis LEGAL L! 1. HAI'S HARBISTSK. &•.L1r•ITuK NOTARY Ise t1Wi. bat. oglerStarlingI4.t:► Klock. HaaJltea Sleet. ederted 1S44444. nil KW /.tat* Low,. and taseresees PRUC Ui•Y)O'1', h 1 LIA)RA.Y a COOK E auLKIST talk b'/LI(1Tu4(4. NOTARIES PUBWC, (gaol on :be square. -ecoid door from Ilam this ,Dee,. ties.. re b.' 1 rn,.:e rods ler .0441 .t :Der.% rat... W. Pout urwt. 1►.t . J. 1.0_ W1441m o la J:'A coma. Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta inner Prohibition -Motels Can 0.t Along Without the Bar Trade - A Neutral View of the Liquor Question. sty l b.. I: lbu.etas. (.nowt Owing to the fact that the Province of Ontario will in a few days go (try. it may be intervening to Ontar•iaas to know iota exactly bow the public. of Manitoba, 8ukach,wan and Alberta are Seeding the prohibition measures enacted a comparatively short time ago. In passing tbrougb those Prov- inces last wwnth 1 endeavored to get au expression of public opinion from the public anis not from prejudiced in- dividual.. 1 did not consult the loog- faced miui.ter, whose nunss_teotid us convictions compelled Kw to say that • emelt ul • wbukey bottle was cquly- alent to walking over the inferno on a tight rope. Nor did 1 talc "bot•ze" exclusively to the wan who had once sold it, with the result that silver and gold dollars weighed down toe scale. on the balance of conscience. Agan. it seemed ridtculou. to ask the women what they thought of the -grog," for that very word a.uficirnt to .)pen a tirade trues them upon the l.quor traffic. The Temperate Man. But I tri.1 t•. till the wan who., appe*ralce gave our 1 he impre0ion that he once bad used liqu..• and could let it, aluoe••-if necessary. 1t was the clerk. the tradesman, the mechanic or the trainman that ap- pealed to We in ibis It..t.nce. When 1 was a boy u1 Toronto 1 was alwayr Ind to relieve that farmers, considered it •n ou:rrge it they had to drive in the country for mute than five or rix mites without stopp+ng at a tavern. Not only in York county, but to malty ',theta, there tavern. were eowsidered ru absolute necessity. Time tolled on and gradually one by one three wayside bars di.aprrared and the preu►iet part of it all was that nobody flied for the 10.• of thew. If they were necessary in tweleiate Ontario, one wou!d imagine that their usefulness would be two -fold on the probe, where the traveller is at ihr mercy of terrible forces of na: e. Loop Miles Dry. To think of • th•) uiand utiles we.t of Wisutpeg. co di) -''hat a ,tral•eller cannot hate * little "toddy-.' at first *pewits oar. -Over the d•N,r+ o1 the Canadian Nort Lem c(Vrh was rloce,l the sign: "PUbhc dtiuk'ng sttict:y prohibited within the Ptoviuce t1 Maskatrhew*11. ' Although it most INE• .rid to the credit of Ihosr temperance rrtt•cates that as a rule the passenger' un ;rain+ Are much improved by the prohibitory our*autOS, yet 1 atm two torn with a Kittle •.ailing se -tamed Arlts to the women's washiuw. ThP porter had 4, remind thew w-beie they- were. rte.. and the ‘topped-1,r:eer 4p east. In Manic slur, ane. thou I'r• ince bas beeuidry for three wont b.. the consensus of upinton era• 'n favot of pi°hid inion. From srverel so4e1:ee I understand the •'disprnsarir." in S•.katchewan w. re not •u sa11111a' t.'ry as it we. hoped they would be. The result it that the to -ogle wiil be asked (i. CAMERON. K. C.. BARF418- TL1t..u,ic34.44ef. weary probe. (Mor. tea tenet. Ueeer4ch, ; 1.4ed deer fr., deur.. At t hn•o., taunt's) f each week io steer on A•te•t - reef ,..,,pled b, Mr. l4a•Rr. OM.< t i n A 4 oi. lo'. y.in. tkL KLK:i UAII)UN-, L.L.K. BAtt- 1 / lu r►!t, Attorney. .ol.o.wr, etc. dude Moser to ;.Ld 04 Worst rats SKAGEN. BARRII4TKR, SOL- O/. OL'./ lodp.r, Nu .:y Public .ed t'on.eyenoer. Wise -Dart Ho -e tioderkk, intim IISUWANCE. LOAMS. ETC. UcKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE 1N- 13CRAN 1 C•O.-Farm and belated Uwe proven, trouts& wia.41y. Pres, rteder4.a P.O.: Jas. 41,.o.. Vk.-11x. Hme.bweod P, (1; mama.. a. dal :Sec Treas. 4wdor k P. Cl. LMre for. -U. F. lietsre er 4.04.{a ; J.4. 3. grieve. wiat atop; WItlwra Rroa,Osaata•er: Pena beano wet., Brod bag s. ; tree. lirt•art.ey, ambit► . Robert herrn... darted ; )lal.ola ale►swa,LidiVBrtroeaeld. 1.: J. w. Yeo. B0•.vm.; lies. CUaton , wdfer l'1,ss41sy� 8e•forta t t ory. sestet Is honey lslaae41 MA/ p. "eiemmeaus aid get their Ganda resdptad et H J. Winn'. ck, blas sloes. Chaser K '4. ears 4)rec«t. ttbwwen mow. oodrao, ac. J. ii Red'. (Steers! Stere. sayNW. �• Mil PRIVATE frM.(4. TO )♦fiV'tro/ loan. wooly M M. eh CAIN �t1N fimr4cer 'Wanton Maeet. Oederl it. l4. ROBEitT.'iON. . IN8URANC2 Aor14T. Fens apo Lrouysua Menai, C.WM. aaa Asaertmus. 1100166 1.1_, 8lcaa *10 tr•rttas' Llano.ereT r : nnrat. as Oce.. Accident .ad Ottwra.ter .'.rerstree Ladled. of Imedoa, isms erasure rasre sap 4 k t..Ksta o TBoee : T1s V.& flatlet, and on onto, C'erp.ay. Ursa ut r..Ms.te, oetae•et cantor .f Tie torts and 81. David-. dere. nese 1111 MAaaiaeE AMUSES Ui ALTICK E. KELLY, J. P.. O4JDUUCN, ONT. dtVtR OI 1CAR&LAOK WCICNttm Patents, Trade /urs, Desi;/s Secured in A11 Countries Write ter hue look "PAT1NTS I•ROTCI 11014. Tells all ahem sea taw to get pat seta HA/OWE & SONS. .rtakb.aea NW; formerly Palest 4 Mee [x.aawsr. Menet K now lawn Reetdee ea Passel Murry. ansa. 0 St. Junes Stec«. Me.tsesl. ltr..ene► ,Beer• end W..kiaato.. R.Rwrat.Uv.e 1. V rrelfe menus. elitoreeifeemareeteseeenosemeawesemWee Brophe3 Bros. 00DERICH let Italie! Fueeral Directors &ad Embalmers Osiers eag.f.E y attended to M all boars. eight rr Jay. •) vote 1.11 tlirlt :al. clition At Edmonton two geu:lemen 'vb.., ookr.l like general mei chant,. re- marked that the number of flunke for the month of July was reduced from some thirty to three. They raid it war their belief chit the liquor business w is going for good There I* no use diacu..ing the pros and tune of the I.yuor business in British Columbia, for 1 b. llcve plohib- iti , in ;te general tette], has DeWitt been tiled thele Holes Deteriorated In many local option r'mmunities in ( !uteri., 1 have found from *-inc) expeti.•ucr Ihat when ibe carer -fifths vote tr.mprllyd the hotelkeeper to class his tar the hotel went back. and tb,. was eve, ywrte noticeable, rspee- islly in the tnwla ■rid menu, but in Vanco•tvrr and Seattle 1 bad exper- iences that w.11 live as everlasting ar- guments that a man may keep aronm• - log house and without Melling liquor make a combo table living As prrhap. everybody know.. the State of Washington pawed prohibi- tion • cunsidrtable time ago and now is ac. 'dry •• a hune " While in Seattle 1 stayed at the Itainer(irand, • hostelry of rather pretentious proportion,. 1 was given • splendid nem' with plicate bath. two w•4Lbwnu; etc . for $1.50 per day. The ,n.nmger informed me that he was making an much .a when hie "home" was under berme For ex- ample, be saved • wety heavy 4ieewee t that went up into the thousands year. ly. "Why." he said. '•I save $lW per month by cussing my dining room, which hied to stay open with the bar." There was no noise. Everything was orderly and there was no iodicatioo of deadlier*. ('owing hack to Vancouver. b*Wing bed a certain hotel recommended to me, I engaged • loom there, not specifying what floor. only that it have aprivate hath. To lila. top floor 1 was .torted, and it was not /.early as nice • room ss my recent borne in Seattle. 1 nearly exploded when 1 found 1 bad to pay ! per day tot the ton. only and extra for the telephone. In the Seattle bot el it was free to guests, Now 1 know what "milking the tour- ist" rnease. loo 1 have pictured things ss 1 have found thew. Whether Ontario will ice vatirlled under prohibition or not one teapot safely prophesy. bat 1 believe those otrgaited in the Museum. will Dever want to go hack to It gala when they Mars that she trevellteg paid* will pity for fly aeeaw.ndatIos whether Mawr is served or not The Innkeeper a one a the most useful agents of modern society and for years he has in many. many cause bores t• earl the stigma placed upon bob by alien who have taught the Male in believe that be Ie of tbe worst sample asd kind of .waklnd. by amid not an hotel gluier ho e•gatiod is the sa.e 444M -Kasd. Of SUFFERINC Woman Made Well by Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Galosh,., Ohio. - "1 had almost given fig, 1 W hoes sick for six years with female troubles and o ervouaama. 1 had • pain in my right aide and could not eat anything with- out hurting my stomach. 1 could n ot drink cold water at all nor eat any kind of raw fruit, nor fresh meat nor chicken. From 178 pounds I went to 118 and would get so weak at times that I fell over. I began to take Lydia E. Ptnkham's Vegetable Compound. and ten days later 1 could eat and it did not hurt my stomach. I have taken dm medicine ever since and I feel like a sew woman. I now weigh 127 pounds so you can am what it has done for ma already. My husband says he knows your medicine has saved my life. "- Mrs. J. 8- BwiLow, 1424 South 4th SL, Columbus, Obio. Lydia E. Pfnkb.m'a Vegetable Co.m posed contains just the virtues of roots and herbs seeded to restore health and strength to the weakened organs of the body. That is wb Mrs. Barlow. a chronic invalid, recovered so completely. It pays for women suffering from any female ailments to insist upon having Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Cam pound. u ` r ire e• a ,..rchint (r pr, fes-ional wen 'r 1'• rh..p. that day 1, not far distant. Auto Tours, The ideal month for an auto trip i. !telt 'n iwr, and the auto r«t rite at. for.f.d 1.y C. & 11. lane slratuers from Buffalo makes the drlightful touring territory adjacent to Cleveland iu Ohio pa, ticu!ai ly avail*' Ie f r the ..ntr.af two day. or !.anger. TLP new $15 aitto rate takes your ear 1 y ste.turr Irutn 11,Ral•. t • (lees. land and hack for a two duos' motor 1, ip, this ori y low tare Icing made for .11 care less than I.. i inches wheel- hear.- Von hrel- hNasr: Von Dopy leave 11.11.410 .sr.v evening at tt, Art ire in l'I.-velatd at 7.1;li next .u• ruing, spend two da)'.. - tom it g t Akre n. 1'rntnn, Tnt.s1.• .end setter p int. in • he hi -.turf.• We.te,n H••« rvP S r r An. .e earn- ing , f the-aeot:d say at 9, reaching Buffalo at 7 :el the following morning, thus u'*kinit ate ideal outing 'tip at e •111 .11 c..'. 1 ,. GR1lfI.PE LEFT Hgg SERIOUSLY ILL B. Lot., s Kdaey • Pills Cured Her o Bangssund, Ssk. sept i Ith tCperiaL) --About a yeas.,,,' Mrs, Peter 111.1- quist says. ••my lit.Ir 041 was t'ken ut wi'h 'he Kipp.. Site woe +ie: heli foe thrr- weeks with rains in the ji,int•. They weir •wrl:ru.and -t tf.. She hall ••,au:ln in her mu-e'e-, so it '%A• rwf,il bar -1 inn her to get *r.rund f. -r -the lor.g4.• time After rhe woo ,ble to he arn,itni her .41 • n 1r•�awe hanb and 'roily off in scales. Af,er 11.,rg Iwo haiea .•f Iktdd'o Kidney Pill. stns w a. well a. ever -he W.I. in bar 1.tm. She L•.a •tiro ..poi.,; and' healthy ever 4incr." The at'e•-r'feet..1 gt 11" .•.r-'noro to he d,eadrd than the di.rn-e itself. That ie because they ge eially wet On weak kidneys an•t p to throe ,,tit of wets•ne order. So k 411Jnewys are the cit• -e of 1 hemmer iso:, ).ackache. d, op•y And numerous l' her dow•sea, ihr nor out way to avoid thew i• t ' h'•ep the kidney. tared up and *!Hie t . d,. their work. The (rest lefty 'o krrp th. lid - net. hr,lthy i i to a -e Uotid'a Kidney P.IIs. V thee -They *re iv ing t , have an rrche.tr• Ida} the ''Mellitaiion tram 'Thai.' at Haruki • wielding . Won't that tie beautii.;1? Fathee--Hob. it seems 10 0,e 'het there the time for tr.di•atioo wiil be past. -J ENOUGH CNILDNEq erer receive the proper balance of food to sufficiently nourish both body and brain 'luring the growing period when nature's demands are greater than in mature life. This is shown in so many piste faces, lean bodies, frequent colds, and lack of ambition. Por all such ebtktren we say with nnmistakable earnestness: They need Scott's Rmalsiou, and neem it now. It =Lents concentrated loam the very =sments to enrich their blood. It changes weakness to strength; 4lsakes them sturdy and strong and active. sae• a Somme. Tomato. Out. "Do you take any periodicrb?" sake the mini.l.r on hip tiro mind nn a p.rieh 71.11. "Well. 1 (11.•n t,'• replied the woman, "hot my husband takes '•n, frequent. I do wi-h von'd try to Per him to sign the pledge "•-New V'wk Nun. r Every 10c Packet of WILSON'S FLY PADS Chao to by an Dr glob, Orem, Na4 Gambia Bea ami. SEPTEMBER 12th Toronto Cattle Market Steers, choice weighty ..$S,4)to $$.0S do medium . . 7.5o 7.11 • 'Butchers' choice handy. 7.75 6.36 do. good 6.00 7.40 do- medium 6.10 6.00 do common 4.75 6.441 Butchers' cows. choice- 6.30 4.56 do good 5.60 6.20 do. medium 4.50 b 00 Butchers' bulls, choice1.00 7.40 do medium to good6 W 6.60 do. bologna 4.35 6.66 Peedere, 900 to 1,000 Ins6.40 4 80 do. bulls 5.00 5.40 Stockers, r00 to 900 lbs6.00 6 60 do. mad , 700 to S00 5.40 6.80 do. common., lights4.60 t 5.00 Cutters 4.25 4 60 Canner 3.75 4.:5 Milkers, good to cbolce.71. 00 30.00 do. common to cued..50 00 70.00 Springers 55.00 35.00 Calves, veal, cbolce11 00 11.60 do. medium s 50 lo 60 do common 7.50 b b0 do. grass 5.00 6.00 Sheep. ewes, light 7 50 5.00 do. heavy and bucks 5.00 6.00 do. culla 3.00 a 4.00 Hogs, weighed off cars 12.00 12.10 do. fed and watered 11.75 11 14 do. f.o.b. 11.15 0.00 Toronto Gran Marietta Manitoba wheat -Track, bay ports. No 1 northern. 51.681=; , No. 2 north- ern. $1.66$p No 3 northern. te. Manitoba oats-Trackbay ports, No.• 2 C'.W , 67c; No. 3 0 W., hie' extra No. 1 feed. 56c: No. 1 teed, 554c American corn -No. 3 yellow, 934c, . track. Toronto. Ontario wheat -New wheat. No. 2. 61.33 to 51.26; No. 1 commercial. per car lot, according to freight outpWe, 51.25 to $1.25; Na. 2 commercial. 61.21 to 61.24; No. 3 commerual, 61.17 to 61.30. Ontario nate-According to freights outside: No. 2 white, new. S:c to 54c; No. 3 white, new, 51c to 53e. Rye -No. 2. new. 61.15 to 51.17. Peas -No. 2. 52 to 52.10. Barley -Malting, 34c •to S7c; feed barley. 8Oc to 82c. Manitoba flour -First patents. In Jute bags, 58 60; seconds, in Jute bags,i 68.10; strong bakers', in Jute, 17.90, Toronto. Ontario flour -Winter, track, Tcron- to, prompt shipment, according to sample. 56 to 56.10. in late bags; bulk seaboard, 56.50 to M. Mlllfeed-our lots, per ton, dellrtr- ed. Montreal: Shorts, 529; bran, 526: good feed flour, per bas;. $2.15: mid• dunes,- H.tv-Liatei. No. 1 track, Toronic. new. 5.10 to $92; car lots; No. 59 to 59:50; straw, 57 t • $‘,. Butter. and Cheese Markets Napwnee-- 567 *hi offer«d at the Cher. at 2 .c. Al xa tria- S41 of c. n . 1 at i Tsumsoas. 8mrr. 14, 1910 $ IMMO lb 1 ID.MILLAPt?50N SHOWING THE NEW FALL GOODS GABERDINE 3, Serges, Broadcloths, Tweeds, these are the recognised materials for the new Suit and Dress. The new shades are indeed very rich, including Italian grey. tornado blue, mulberry wine purple, French blue and navy. WE have them from - $ 1.00 to $3.00 per yard Cord Velvets Cord Velvets for women's suits and coats and children's wear are exceedingly popular. Rich wide Wale Velvets. satin finish, 27 inches wide. All popular shades 65c per yard The New Coats Never have we shown such a superb stock of Coats as for the coming season. The styles are most becoming and the prices are most reasonable. Our special values are - $ 10, $15, $ 123, $20, $25 The New Silks A very large showing of the season's newest Silks for dresses and evening wear in rich new colorings as well as pastuel shades. Rich quality Pailette Silk. all colors, 36 in. wide. $ 1.35 per yd. Taffetas are Popular Rich quality heavy -weight Taffeta will give every satisfaction; black and colors, 36 inches wide, $ 1.75 per yard PHONE IMO 56 Millar's ,Scotch Store PHONE 56 = MacEwen Estate • • • Exclusive agents for • • 1 • SCRAN• T and 545 co: - • O N ll.ard. All ..:� • :site a^d 4•i h: Z C O A L• "Pia°, r RhL' • • 4.. artrs hoard..1 : 1 all , , r 200 boxes. sold • •• 20 . s.:'0 at 29?ac, baton... at • • 0 1 i • V;. tr.-:ai Ie. . Que.-1,500 boxes • •• were -offered A11 sold at 203,,0. • Pr. l - 1 colored and .1 • • box's Rere boar.: • Best Coal Mined. • for Goderich and District. �oo w• ::e :.•'d .'-5 et are sold «t .and .Tor. -d at 2e1I4c. - Eir.,4:ion--7,.0 A. r , tiered at;d. sold at Su 1.16e. St. Hyacinthe, Que.-1,00o boxer were ofered. • All sold at 2114, ; packages of buttrf sold at 354c t'oeaxscille. t u' -11 factories re... 7 . 'p.., w .t. - of !' 41ter: r'; - - tact: ries sold at . 54c and one fa. t• -y of" 1iaxr.. Tao factories unpaid ` t i -- 2.14•' boles were been! r•i; : t. Asx4 a cold at :O1.C, 24u void at 2 i 1'-16c': balance -re :used 4:_: last Lando;) --Tea tie. •oris•. offered 1.0:6 boat.: 6s boxes of w:site sold.al 20yc. Bidding from 19'. to 201.,,c Wholesale Produce Toronto wholesale prices to tba trade: Eggs- Sgecirl candled 1 rart's1.5 .31 to 6 .44 Candied 0 ex -cartons I ... • .34 . Butter- l'ree.mery, prints .36'' .37 Creaaery. solids .34 .33 Choice dairy prints 29 .::1 Ordinary dairy prints.27 .25 Bakers' .25 .21 !'Leese -New, large. 21c to 214c; twins, 2114c to 210%; triplets. 2l'vt to :2c; June and September. large old. 22',c; triplets, .:Slee Poultry Live Dressed Sprir.g broilers 19c 20e 26c 28e Old fowl, lb.... 15c • 16c LSC 204 Ducklings . 1_c 13c 15c tut Beans -Hand -ph -ted, 56.641; primes 8:.. East Buffalo Cattle Cattle-Re:elpts. 4,400; fairly ac tine and steady, shipping steers, it to 510 50; -butchers', 56.75 to *1; halt , ers, 66 to is. cows, 53.60 to 57.25; bulls, 54 75 to 87.26; stockers and feeders, 56.75 to 57.25; stock heifers 55 to 8S 76; fresh cows and springer 560 to 1110. Weals ecelpts. 1,200; active; 54.60 to $ 376 Hoge- ipta. 15,600; active; heavy mixed 511.26 to 511 35; yorkers, 511 to 51126; light 'otters 59 60 to 516.60, pigs, 56.26 to 59.60; rougba, 59.60 to 59 76; stag., 57 ti 58 Sheep and lambs --Receipts, 8.000, active, lambs, 56.60 to 511.75; peer (Hogs, 56 60 to 59 26; wether., 58 ti 6825; ewer. $3 to 57.60; sheep, rats ed. 67 60 to 57.75 Chicago Live Steak nit tle--Itorelptp 26.000, market weak; beeves. 16 50 to 511 35; western steers, K 16 to 15 26, stockers sal feeders, 54.70 to $7 60, rows tad heifers, 53 60 to 85.26; calves. 58.6) to 813 Hogs Ree.Ipl• 30.000; market work, 16c lower. light. $9 AO to 511 16 mixed, 85.60 to 11115. heavy, $5.51 to $11. rough, 59 50 to 81 70; pigs 56.5* to 85.M, bulk of sales, 59.21 to 516.76. Sbep-Reeelpts. 13,000; marks, Gm. lambs, maths, 57.56 is 111.40. • • Any quantity Lest all Maple slabs. Mixed Wood, Hemlock • and Kindling (Cedar or Pine.) TELEPHONES, dace ;3 e residence '12 cr 68 II 11 oasOliehleseceereaseerWereseereeeesearealne Little Job or Big I 1 ▪ From the repairing ,of a faucet to :the installa- tion of a complete plum bi n g system, aloe are equip- ped t -o d o the job. MM. •i W. R. PINDER ( ,?hose 15:1 Hamilton Street Good Bread Makes Healthy Children And what is gotxlfor the children is good for the grown-ups as well. Our Bread is made fl'om the Best Flour, 'baked in a spotlessly clean baker y. hence it is aperfect product. Try a loaf today and you will never fret over home baking again. DAVID BURNS iI Twenryr.two years experience means thM into Dunlop Traction Tread. and into Dunlop Sp•cel, w. put all the knowledge which has been srroTu- latcd through those years of successfully among Canadians her •u•• we thoroughly understand Canadian conditions, It mean that rain, ago we fared and maetered the lenses with which other bre-makere are doh fronted to -day. True, a few fire utters nrrawon.11y swing their allegiance from Dunlop In sr me other make. but it is •boost a certainty thnae rT• Dr. users wdl come bark so "Dunlop Traction Tread" or 'Dunlop Special." In the end, it is the tire maintaining the beg quality average that win out; and we surely know more about quality average. in Canada than any other maker, seeing our e.penence u as great .. that of all other bre makers in this country combined " it's • ��''•' Long Look deck to Me. But I've Been Making Truly-C.•adie• Dunlop Time all That Time." d141dk Aria •