The Signal, 1916-9-14, Page 1e• MOIR /fMIMIDID iM M1t1.1 W 114141 To January 1st, A A 191T Z The $if(etal will be sent to I 2 any new subscriber in A Alambda •.r Great Britain = jfor only 2 A 25 Cents i RMMasides iMsow seassoma IMETTEMIIITE SIL♦ L -ole a GODER.ICH. ONTARIO, 'THURSDAY SEPT. 14 1914; ra................ _, ars •_eae ....__ �. - ,..1111111hC SAVE, BeRiuse-- Every dollar saved is another step to victory. FOR GALE OR RIM% L OR MALI OR TO RBNT.-T E 1 •r K�ieI�� slant (sew ed bar Ifurrrierm. dntia gable. Hoed loe.nsata.lfaa1 bee tythttorts et er..eta otery. re s. r Maher .fti•r lap- }Iasi��tlre watt, /or fwrteer atoneable •apb 10 ]IItN L WHITELY. ne wb Guest. Y iwY►, It PROPERTY FOR BALK AT A RAS- OAIN. 1 will sell my ho..e. lee, `arses, caw ,Mse Gratis. ,(sass below and are sed se msetr ra •f amanita seal for this cash. or to the new =sere most before (/,totter t.•, (!L Lie sed re the Mar .14 bey or 1e. I • rine ewe ie.,1.l. eagle- eta -•.'d white seek Men. Aa t�re1esoumrd bathroom. UereatIwr is M11r' . KkI N H AK r, bnt:rYel Reed.lett OUR SALE BY ADMINISTRATOR. Fee the pawpaw of radian •p ea lwati= Naaseel Treat Ceopuy. Limited. of wdllrntil lhd 33re day of age eabee .i$KjM.ivs min jot that men tees. Ara la thelerek terwaskle knows a. et member tweedy 4x in the Maitland oesear.ies, erwaLakee ,w Mase aides here or tar Os rlane r aha• Y a Glee* bear. -han.. 1a.i sad ether baddler.. Pah pastries can le them in the 1.4 of Dee estaker mapaeans. bW srasaemem . wee 1. We tr Mblman►e w ee Tlana hebe sok. Por 1u.t� pan Malaya ani. te a1 said Caa'esay or to ?t(KIN%UM & HOWrTT.of the Otte at Heel oh. It -wheat ars SN It MALE.- 150 ACRES UP (3001) elaylaed.It meet north of Laudation, es. A coeel.dm, l3 Heleta. Two lacer. mask barn and &Died abed : m.tertaaer war sad sprain at book se hew . edit One t to cieace and wheel. Rand email .Md I., kw+al tares. sea seembie HULTEHAVKR REM. San K. K. he L Ambers. LOOT AND FOUND. 1 UIf1. A MAIN'S BROWN TWEED Pali straWisle w awn eager* La. Nam . nun y 6tn ep rasra�ar d t'a(Mn,a Pleas Iso. r urn. N ♦1. UiFICK. WOUND -A BAR -PIN. - APPLY a at 81U ALOFTICL NOTICE TO CREDITORS. THE QEBEC BRIDGE DISASTER O M NI MI IIMIly M M N'1Mft14111r1; = Your = Advertisement t In The Signal a i i 1 1 GUMMNtMat/MBeMNMI Mlid ► is r•«I by the to •t pee.1 le Su a large eeetH,ti .•1 I.,;t.• 1 ...minty. !fright. ft. -11 ad- vertising iM read L. dgerly oaths sews column.. IP 4. r TUE tl♦oNAL:PRINTINu CU,. LIMITED. Pi•u•ase F1rr the w•rond t' • disaster has overtaken the brbreI.ridg.•. in ,cu ,• rse of on1110i.• collet over the St. Kneeler !fiver at the .'it v .4,1a/tie-bee. On M..niIay ulontiug la t the hula anti weighing 5.11.1, ton... while Leine hoisted into pima- to•twts•u the 1.... shore. Llan. .4141- dlnly-.w-ayoil. lin .Le away and dropped into the river. ib. ut fifteen 111111 vivrecarried into lite river with it and of -these thirteen .ii uuareount.d f,.t- and are sol, o,e.•d no have lost the it live.. The above l.iet.ur•r .1 the fridge wa.. taken when - , fatal phuuge to tltr bottom of the St. LaaDeen.r. .4111 the idea n honing a1. n-1 t•1eh .,f tyle ,raft in the pieta Th.• failure of a reefing on the lifting girder is gi built to r.- .*are the one that di-olt10-aced in the river. NOTION ION TO CRRDITOR8. about a nullion " ,lullar�. 1 Vine yeaA ago-,sn 1u ,i t :II KID). 240 f f LR! .• ma.-ne centre .pian %We being rai-.,1 1,11., position anti only a few nt. te fore it 1.o.lit. vowels nn the river turned I.eee• their whi-t len in jubilation when the -t,,-I was ,•onn,a•t, d. 11 a. the rause tit the areident- The.-antilever arra- are uninjured and t rete .pan will 1.• his will delay the e. ntpleti,.n n( the bridgei.•r a year and w iI1 .entail an adt1itna 1 rt. t of 7! wavxaa or JAMS \aey ,, un or rota Tru.ws 0• Dt'NUaa,aoa. 11 nor Cathay Ir Meanie, WIDOW. D►a-earaD. Nods. M Mn elven, eueeu.nt r the Ihal.lr r that behalf, Mat an per -on. bewail sae ceder epaniat'Jam Wluta d..no dr d on the Nth day et January. 1,16, at lemeannon ,•Ghats( eao,rodor. tee eltb day of tReweiwhe dbeerr.�HI to Pad b ;.o.r or d•hver o ealhanuel F WItajrnd ands da !' Whyard. arne. benne .zees tto s of the win et y wld dere.rd, tub petticoat. of th•M alrihs t aid that atter the awe Iett-we n Hefted date the • tor. will wowed a d, -- Whets tae .we1..1 Iib, said des r -ed arse. tho peewee entitled (beret., haslet ear to Um Wailer sae & they .h.111 time lace trod settee. sad that the .end t.rmter will not be liable teethe Bald a.e1•. or any ;art tbrmf. W ..y 1/s.•at ed whom clam Lary obeli mot Manors melee/ not oe. (Ahad et Gehrich the 3th day of $eper. er. tr1,C PRODDriIVT•t uironsst CHOKE. est $ulic est. foGederr ..id nip. r y.ad klecl.:'lr. rill/BALl!f-=TWO FARMS, BRING .'A1I „I, . Ia, coav-.un• 1 and Y /eaten.# foe,, (1411,11.A RI, t+T, K h yelp. Tee north half tsoW.- -.sty Mehr new.. ha. -tory ...I .. half be. .. a coo/ barn Me. elk, F. ill.: \ \ • neon f.l'lep .r.. ed s .mein( cock The will •ei1bJ �eubtac rialtos at ''iK A.i•„tce.- meek. half rewtaln. enable •rre.t .gryans' -. W. If lbiburne /b. tweet. Lyal am ... heel a_ Apply.hank bon. two well. and aapr fwyt ,w a q• RKKVFRS,Prue.ww..W.aM wad ♦111.41 NIONDAY.eEl'TeJ1/01:.kh. ?4 MALE UOR ,SALE. -11'2 1-1 AURK•V OF A." fret ram hand on IRa•el read .hath of Darpannon. Lige boa barn with : one labia. pig pe.. De w .ib, title, ..r,0 r. large abed for key. 1 no weal...pale orsWd wad well fruit. Never failing ,reek near the bars. loaf see. •1 room eein.•el bons :.ott water. • oral wail and :.deplore : sear to claret, chose end . illese. trot) to ANDKkW KIRK. Oadertrb. K K.... Yl41 LUOt•SE Fl)K SALE IN VILI.AGK �-1 OF ACHUHN.. 9•e. ea ra••r1-..Yashrooh. F�alr7 sed wcod.hen : treed cellar : barn web eNpk--ll.ed want*: .mole hors frame b-,41� lag Metal. frnit tree. and rre,seu. ♦ppty os. renals*. MURRAY WIT N Arbon, lea IMBUE NOTICE. IN THR SURROGATE COUR1' OF Tlik COUNTY Ur HUK" 1 stet MATTER Or JEAN Ra.owaa, .10 11Nawr Inman nem .tut os. ?weary ores Team Neater la hereby Metre that Wier peteleate. Moms ter twenty days le Tie threat eon. wear. Aimee tee I.b. et Ibe tomcat (l derick. e the emery et Herm. ruts• ,rod weenie. win air all? Make tt.rnwsi• t earl •f Ilae cosent mf Tare to M apo intsd rwerdee r Jeer eslekw. atm r e•de. et the said Iowa ef (1Me. rich. IAM rhos re 'salary aslskw. Woof the add W■ et /Iod.irh. �br. aro dee e wYwwer ..A nate-rat• a imr abaft tie 31.�4.4MMv ff Jal'r. H'\ cod weeded .pesfeeatlt .y mei; of isle Gatti , fast. the teed Agfa. blies t o henna( .•.rt at t h rH 1.Af- 1. ie�al at Oahe 'eh the. eke day a Sept•wbee. en ritesunt/o r, E1LL(1K a V t txJoK►:. SA teMaMw . few the Aped. art. HBO. N. SCNBIIkY. A..� ""A��. 0��tt 0.. V 1k C le , ,suns a e.d lael arrt r of tamely dTeacheerryplaalm twee, Asa► gem a Dr- t>wEaaema i. 4:111, GOODS.-DIRS. R8 A. N[ [MOLL. hashers etemrt e prepared lV��as waft _ tarts dr wt kale r eawJ11dt1R ••••• Hwhws Otes�a a{ (( NOTICE TO Til E PUBLIC Having been desirous of enlisting for some time past, i have finally succeeded in making arrangements with the Goderich Coal Co. (P J. MacFwan, manager) to take over and carry on my cartage business dining my absence. I have therefore signed up with the 161st Battalion for active ser- vice overseas, and I would respect- fully solicit from the public gener- ally, and from my old customers plarticnlarly, a continuance of their valued patronage until 1 peh tiler as I can agar resume my Art (patio. Any business affairs entrusted to astir care during my absence will therefore be thankfully appreciated by me. Telephone all orders to phone 44. ALFRED H JANE •waao,eet.i g At Lw, (4400 11. m. Gere genteel Doren, gelding, role, : year- old : 1 renter( peri•.•, Aid i,,a. n-1ng 1 Year- : 1 eaels.:) ear* old. 41114. 10 1 .h a IIeeember bl : I row ,i year• old. doe .o calve t a. toner 1 w. a year. .Id:.upposed to be :. calf. du.. Ariz 1:. 1 tow, , years old. iallsing - heifer-. reamer' yea. old : 6 -leer, nein./ ; f -.n Old , 3 Meer•, Heine = yearn oh: better-. - friar• rid . 1 bolter-. n-ing 1 year 4/11. 3 conn ;wasp. 1 breed .mw. dor October 7.. 3 core Kr.rythi., adeertl.ed end be .01.1 wa:Mtn rear. e. ser the p-ops;.tor ha. at toou, to eau ler theta. TaRoa-.\!1 •nm. .•4 tl,. A:, 1 in Irl run weer that •,count. • month. credit will be given on turni•bu.a apprweed ,ant u :,.- di.cant oft per oro. -tr Debt .Lowed fur.•a h on revels( amount.. • UKe1.h.ba.\e T.(a:NDKY Proprietor. Auctioneer 1 1.'CTION BALE OP VALUABLE FARM PKOPIeRTl-, ITIUCK .tNL 1)1. LKMt1Td. 1 - ret o ones( sup eretrueture tit the Quebec bridge solutes d ami sixty leen were killed, the direct monetary has being e-tiulat.. at the time at 111.10 of t�► noir church was well represented I LIBERAL SWti;EP IN B. C. I P •1 the Presbyterial meeting of the won first nzr and Vrear+, Tape and Griffith teok second e i e ehl on breetf slowing ledierlay 1,..in1g 11in )11 Attend - week. di Vaocouver, B. o, Sep!. 15:- Nearly for next week at the- Mod. -I Theatre. ane.: Jde•da,.,. Kelly, 1Varnoek, lecmplete rettarsa yPstrtdey'. else -t Wrdoeada• and Thursday ((natio t+fiariing, Clifton, Macdonald, M*. -14y, , tions show thirty4)ree Liberals and I Farnham will b1 •Pan so • The ('all of •• eltrarhan, Strang. l'Ierk and M. Math j fourteen ('onaervgtivrs el•t•tr,I. Alli kb.r.w nom),,,. wd,. plmvmnyth( Charles and the Mists. .41'rn and ('lark !the Ministers. i ludo( t6t K probably Neville Buck. defeated. Wu-' The register monthly meeticg of the Women''a Miseinnaty Serie,y held in l ite. Some good !Patine. are. on the hill If it's quality you want ",..l !thick- Premier Bow..rr etc ne'wdelirious ire el Pam for all oc- marl sufft age est casino-. Phone 211*. i:y and indication. a tbtt ptohi1'i;ien' 4nrth rtretrta:ua• n-11Nonduy sten- inn at 8 o'clock. • .4 toll attendant. ia- ray trots.,(. a- scene imp vl ,t letsinee. (tun ie holding its annual Meeting at I returned it. Vanes4v, I. the ro.uplete •r.•garding fb. orgariuti.nt of the `to- Victu•jo 'school 4.J.v sod te.w. n rose, Lite -rid ticket twine sl... elected in the clef y i+ to be disci --td. *:.capital. The af)dier vote, which num- Tie- remains of .1 hn Finn. who met friend ' •dPetl Lyointgem..Por- Red Gretalirciesv+will1•e.heldin the has el -o carried. or Liberals are ,Tho Weet Huron 'Tea.:brn' Aa.(Mia- .4 friend in newt a • r u• hers 3 * (L'O and ta1�11 not tf._ counted tlratb by drowning near To1vdn, am re - Always have roe of F. J. PtId1 am'e I pone l in The Signet lest week. Were. v suit•, l till 0ctotirr Ilhl>...is not expected to hinted in the cemetery in Gust vitt- - I make much diff " e in the results. The rapid dr,..rup,uition at the scaly A (pptiintr (sweet i• Edward ice i prevented the relatives ofTii dec... . fes 1M1lSeks trairda jbur wlia!'i Ti Phone _*e.1, LtAL 11{ BRIEF(utlutltlrfer rahtlixTfialent �ie1A%`Wittf(Sden 1'.,• feat .t•o'Few poi ar:r•• \ • •.terve 4 11,1 ediwr r.•knvwledgr. wit0 inlo.tifr.•t OP Solna day next. and faro• j thanks tile receipt of new.paper•fr,nu hP•ition will he the law ret the Prov - Mrs. Mrl,eap, l unrnt, 1- lolida, end, noire H11 ^Ceo o t Thu. been •*dry ' ' Min Hioch,ron, London, England res Ahrt.."' ed l'uaptrr, 1. 0. U, E., will for two year.. Arid ren-wloently the bold its regular tnenil ly merging on Provincial• Ar: i. of 'stitch Ir•s intet- i aeyoday atternwon, September I ,th, wt ter heir than in other parts of the , if'4 o'clock, it) the court Louse. II Pi ovfncy A howling tournetuent was held on I Min Cameron wi-hes to aanonnrp - the W .-.i street ptr.en on \47. i1netday i her, fall and wins •r millinery opening evening. Messrs. 'lumber and lief.ry so on September Itttb abd istb. A BIG IDEA October 6 and 7 Will be the important Gates J. H. COLBORNE 1 ha. t pear /mtelleta( by NH. AMEX YOUNG, sf the village of Klota,l, to offer for -ale by public $l04i n pre TUESDAY. r,►:l'Tt:Meklt 1a,4 a•sreedaB. U. SHINGLES FOR SAIF:. -KC, pp at 1 oe{oek. the fdew,nr rs:u A (wrm setentyelx acre.. weal watered. "nab • neve. -feihneeiriug ewer. ata win. h i, • LOUR SALS.-1 EDA H POSTS, A1.80 oesaredkw• house, what.wa- formerly the r i. c. •Airafk. Apply W. T. HiDDKLL. Kelell betel on the pretnny A e two ban.- •Oben- ai tf and ether ontbuildin . law good -tate of R- Hoaot -One heavy draft ln.. re- ,,,,.r- aid , WARTED. I belay, daft brew. 1 leen oil : I sery .lrsf' bees. 3 year .Id : a 1 becy-dr.ft 4t, : yew • . _ - - sad :1 dnerbona. g boe. A year, old. CATTLE -.,eeeow.;rear. ohL,uppt,edtobe RANTED. -A (104)0 GIRL FOR M taY: Imes. Iles,+ 044. .uapJrd to As. /n ' Accent, h1-.. t k. Good war. given eat ; I cow.. )ewr..Mlapin..e,l le 114 I.. ran : Apply to M H.+ F. 1 UE.\N. .Ytt t beef• r•, 1 hoer ad : 1 M. e , I year aid ; I tan. ,i __ . -_ _ _ . -_ month. tat I `VANTF11.-MEN TO LRAM,/I Inn snewra-_1loe M'-(orwk4 t leder. 1Yfmt I11w.Mine• re..1 wee* alehe4/wr t• I eat; I Dem ha moose, afeot rut : 1 nearly new abt'i'y. I4r.aseet ort Otte the sinter let 1404 .e0„,b ,.k.-. 1 wagon .,d irk. 1 belswy. 1 team. essay ,moat Aro abate, wanted and . d4• karma, : p1nw. 1 .et doeb.e bermes 1 ' nn. le Were es re re. long. Aprly INTER- • Wsit hekalme.A 1 f.nnln. alb. 1 em ,f doeld. • N.\TIVNAL MALLIABLS IltoN ter . LTD.. .. I tot ben.) harmer.. 1 est of droving b'• 190. (h". It Heeebread - tt.doe t, farrow le September. WANTED. -AT ONCE MAID POE -- =TIN d hove leoandunder. sy.h . I ireasrbf keb.,work f. r a family of tem - i teethe. MRs. T ' ►. 1' N cruet that M LE. s.1 goo •mg.ml.on .t twelve metnlh.�cnd,t m.q ree•t •he vs. en rumba* appvstd ;mite •ore.: (L) ANTED. -- 'MACHINE A N D e d d pr east. for cash en credit TT belch bard. fes marble, bop weft off, ♦ Y=1641. JOHN PCHVi9, I weedy rent. good mums Apply JOHN H. HALL r. LIMITED. Brenthed. ilii FOR SALE K SALE.- -TWO HEAVY ENG- LISH PL%Tk MLKRUHs. four feet two tr. he. by nee net ore in..Io. They .tat he otter.d at Ter? :nes pr,.. w- 1 11•1411.0 further am for t aw. They are .1.m- w endow minors. .1. H Cu1.H•MMN►. . inert Aare longer. A (ANION SAL' OF FARM STOCt LE AND IMPLEMENTS. MR. ALDKN ALUM will Gall M patine tel to el lot 1. car„ .atop y, W. 13 (1 Marva theorem Me0aw daises and Oarisw/ se TRUMP tY.iliPTENSILlt 21.1. t « et I Nadal. Wish. �Mwthe r roma f1 ream old. by Tear •W Imp pard M M la .' dee 1a MaMI : 1 s.t'qw, 1 Faye :II hoppeeed 1a be In cel/ des a ham- aert • mill. -1[ ?saws, hewp. ed r bele:It des. , t 3 7.aew hewed r kD e de Inereb'rssrp); 1 sew, 3 7.a,. thaw leaooll, 4s. 1a at ; I neer, 4 reeve aha Weeeaodle be 1a deb la Jase- twen lr he tidal. dee 1• irk 1 trance. neap tl /y : 1 seer. tateraHefts yerMlrs leader:6.6esteem : aekmM��dta�, t x nes .M i �kst�ap.yd sow Na glossa se I I : 1 wan dsa Or.kw 111: 1 Dams roll. 3 stt .spam/,, I hay 1 vldleR 6.t rain M- 1/we.p . el1 . .apes applapa, soI apple pima aislise. l adee lard w111 le mid wen et M aha teller war ussa-awo.d, ,a marswoes . 1 II1 ae;fa earla='.a AN. eros. cyNMtY, '1 IRLS WANTED. -•EXPERIENCED ►reds .sated ' for a a►h LAP to lean MI melting beater,. HIfWitten .aid sled hv1 tr...psrf$-Inn how any town le ( VI/ u THE I1osiest,H KNIT T1N0 LTD. et ('.11414..., nor- 31-2t YOUNG MEN. let bYowaa . . r.1 .,. Who are enable to ea- e►ess.•. yaw. Me se we're timer Klet aha emmmtr hGfse wwM•is wry ICY [HT 111N0161-101"171111111 DOING Hfe RJT. Moody week be (lad mem. Apply to iES ROOT. MO.(. CN41414E a Tinumil1>M to. LTD. 4lsafertl Usk rat MIN AND BOYS WANTED. - /1rsK ►x waw Ac r PAGET SRAM ppp Q le GIRLS WANTED Ate*L T GODERiCH KNITTING CO. ✓1e.+- r• Goderic/i Industrial Exhibition,.. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Sept. 2? -2829 Three Days Recreation Instruction Of A musement Some of the Features Fine dl. stat pl (Li\•e5tock, 1 oultrc,Uelmestic \iannfactttrcc. Field, llrchard and Garden Products. Fine Art.. etc, Speed Tests on Best Half -mile Track in Western Ontario. Band of the 161.t Battalion (a2 strong) -the best Band of Camp Borden. Trick Mule best comic feature Exhibitions. kincar(line Kiltie Band, with Prot. Dan of Highland Dancers, Egg Exhibit of Dominion Live Stock Commission. Merchants' and Manufacturers' I)isplays Midway Features of Toronto Niartvn and concert relo n L red n Troupe Come and have the best holiday of the year Admission to grounds, 25c ; Children IOc Membership ticket !11.(10. six admission. Carriages and autos 25c B. W. ANDREWS, Dia W. F. CLARK. J. ALR% F![►WI•ER, Prv0(dr•nt. Tr..wetr r. ►1.s,..tory. h_4 1 THE LADS IN KHAKI o'clock Teeeday mAsroaon. Thar. t• a good deal of speculation as to what is in .tore fur the Battalion in the near tutu,... Some believe it will gat »..cuess neer month. /there are inclined to the npinioo that it will b- trenafrrred to soma other camp in Canada for *nether training : not the men would all like to get back to tiodr- rich for the fall fair. MR. GEO. PORTER "CANED ' Boya of Goderich Detachment of 16,st Slew That Appreciation Since the recruiting and orgaolxation of the Ittl.t li.tltalioa war c,ulmenred, toe 11,rmtwre of the local detachment stationed here for several montbs bad rio stauncher friend than Mr. George Porier, and whenever the boys come. back from camp Mr. Porter i• always loreruost to showing (hers say cour- tesies and helping them 10 rnylys that Iheir patriotic spirit is appreciated by those who have to •toy at home. Dur- ing tht ser visit home on leave the past week the hoer -turned the table.," sat to .perk, atk.1 showed that the appre- elatton sea net all on oats. side. Mr. Porter wa- waited on et bis prate of businewr on Mottda♦ afternoon and in- vited to step over 1.. the pat k, where about fifey.1 the Buren* weregattt- ern.t. Sergi.-Jdajoe Janie* stepped forwent and reed a brief address, and Corp. G. E. Jardine handed to )dr. Pullet , on lel•alf of the boys, an ele- gant gull -beaded cane, inscritred thus To Geo. Porter From titWench Boys 1111.1 Bete The satires. waw es follows : " L>K.1K Nil. P(RLIR,-%•e, Che Gide, icb Luys t.f the Idiot Battalion, hat.- assrmbled herr this afternoon for the purptrwe of voicing • our admiration of the spirit of a true British subject. You .were ever ready to see to the comfort* of the buys in khaki and to am.idt in lilting the ranks of the county battalion, and we three - fore drainns to expreaw cur sincere thanks for the men, kindness...shown 11s during our er:atuing in Goderich. \'r ask ynu to accept this cute as an Ievidence of our friendship and appre- ciation, mud on ' re.•11111 after 4P1.• Cling the. ..care with the hat Hon we I hope to are you hale .and heart y.with 1 i the semi rnua^g cher.. tact have 1 marled y,.ur em151'-. dui Mg 005- 11Aii.1- it g and ...sits. :n (i.Alerirh... the 1ecipirna of th/s hend•owe te•sti- Inu vial %Ar 14ke11 pletely t•y w11 - pike and isn't able 1i' give flo. S'goal a verba, 1111 rep. t 41 hi- renty ; but ebe a1+ruonaie esp. in which he miles (hat raw.. Ind file 711111r •h. -t iota .M+ 111i4 filer A• no I i1(t. Net. 1•, ate illi ei.dehe- ttin t he is Imightily plrw.etl, .1< :1e ^,,,tilt to he. \je' hype lbw when the boys req.': 0. aft -r srMalt the .real.ra wish the last Hun," .• the addrein puts it, Mr. Por- ter will carry the cone At the bra 1 cif the Huron* its triumphal pre. wain. %'hat i• theme. .-f waking yeah.,(( him t able when the... 1.... ni aril hap - piney., wasted that mold 1e a. -ed tip. Get year Cloture from P.idh-aru 1' J. Ft.P-FHF.Vzt7n ('*r ie.. \Nn STta'K. -Your ear Ile and ho, env cannot thrive if they are ronaeetly petered with Nie«. The annnyanre will earl-.- then, to her poor in fl..h and low in vital. My. 1•.s. lir. %'111, on.' Fly 1/...t yore, lend your .tock well newer be bothered by flies or ether InuPrtw. It 1s ,'nail.. Applied and doe* not harm the annual in any The announcement wise -rr- eeived with deep reign-, this morning that Priem.. Arthur \\'illiew \1cMath h..1 nestle the wn.r-m..err,Nre for the ramie of ltlerty. A tripgram from the *tercel 0111 -e sr 4)trews stetn,g th (t he had ward -ON wounds At N.,..1 ,••aanal•v .luring uatloo on M.•ptewber . h. PilTate Me- \larh NAs a eon of the Iter. .1 AMPS M'' Maar and of Mr- J--ndie N.Mlath. Brtansiw real, A ld to hie w.d•.wed toothet and then -dater. 1. •,corded the heartfelt rymp.thv of the rom- mutshT 1n •h• 1•.e. of for only KM and hr'ntber. 'Pro' (. N•-.M.1iit w • ori• of I 'ostler •h'- ►n -t cote t i tee 1,114 to. tIle r., L.'of the t'al a.lian army. H:4 n,.merotos frier)* •nd eeserS- else in li.oleticb knew him AM • young roan of .terl,ng rhara.•ter ;and • xeutplat v rendurt, whose prooperta fret the (abler we.,- of the Lrigt:teat. in the Signal Hier. .where he le iroed hie trails. a. a printer end fur years. wise a %.IUed Went• rr of the -'aft, hr was never known t1s -hitt it duty, and the notes , f his untimely- death r.an✓a as A shack to (hoer who had learned to know him and tet love him •0 well Arth•,r wee the fir -t of the' signal li.y. toanewt•l 1hr cell of his country and he wit. the Not en give his life for the court.. In .duly of Net y)e*r he rnlistetl with the:tied Battalion at Lon- don. Fatly in this year he went over.ea. and after ti *Wing at shone -Bate for a rheas time be • ruo•ed w. ,o.. the ('hams,( in •. draft to till the ranks ,( newt Mee I'attalion. He had 1.-.n on the N iug one atttwt tic- months. Hr aa. only twenty Iwo years of etre. Another :leach which bringe the war close how* to (leder irh is that 01 Lieut. John ('re Garrote, new. of which way received this mootong by his brother. Mr. Charlie. tiertt,w. lLieut. Gamow woo the youngest son ot the late Mr. Jostler Garret,. whoa, drat tacrairrr11east lw.. eres•k!1to. He wloar an inGoderich el.,ut twenty-six • y ewes ego and when hr rnlis•e.l hi. had Yost finished his law your.- and learn called to the her It•• went ot•rrs,w• 1n the •haing with the .4114 Baaaliiut and after w few moat h• of !reining in En Ian 1 crossedto g France. Ile had been in the trenches only a few weeks, At -im, of writing nn p•ertsrulere had h, -,n received by his relatives here. further than that his death occurred on Tuesday of thio week. Lieu,. Barrow's anther. Mrs. J. T. Barrow of Toronto, arrived in t:.ieir- rirh Wednesday evening to vont Err .on, M•. Cherie* li'rrew. eche and the other members of :he family will have the !Sneer! •yu.pathy yf the people of G,derieh in the 1••e. of, h, gallant young Ilewtenanl. the ,-.« d freak in the family cir•IP withi a fortnigh: Canada is giving many bright and promising young lives to the cane of Britain and el Pieedom ktt,b Beaker who end Worl received 1 in Pt.. Charles with tbs. filet Battalion, and who wee in bropit.I in England for come time, is (hat he is now at Oiney Comp and i. doing ..f See work. He saw one n1 t he (:Prtnan r Zoppelion no tb. allea.,on 0. a recent N.arly e11 the men of the idlat Bat- talion hone Beds.rlch and .•trroundl,n`` tnwnehips arrival here I.y speeds] train Thursday evening on thole monthly "leave" from Camra Borden. Khaki was mesh in evidence allot town for "veers! days, .until t►. hoys left on their return 11 camp at 1 WaY. IMA. a 111e*4ant a 1..,. Vnl.l iu cane at :tic, 1114• and El ret it, E. R. Wigle, druggist, titolerich. New Fall Millinery. I hey.. •In4•.....•tinnofht•,. ant teatime rats ret reasonab!r prier. Will ha. *.lenses( to -how rtiwni after sep- trtuln•r 7.1 11. Mr.. P. T. D•aa. AUCTION SALES. her 14 .\•retort .d41 of farm nest hon.. it. sly Kin'.,lAO'e't. latus .111,11, implerrwnr- d bnur.t h,'n',al ore at 111,e pr.mtw, Kn - At at T04,411. proprie- tor Jon.. Pre.. .t1•tloneer. Ten '..i,.v, `iia h lure i,••. - 01 term -taw w aha Ispeawn'e. • be Dr •It,' of M•. \Men Allen, Int L elMr a -b .,o as to (Die.wwe A.tp.w1 74,41.. •tw•i••n ♦red t ..r!ern, nm- nael.e.ua..11.31.,.b'k. L •iesnwr,Alt 'loneer. \I...Nar, sea. 3; t Isarfnt "Ile ne tarn, •••eek her.-., earths and OW.' -an lot 4. e. -nee.. •100 W D. 1 °Mame. eiasetweeine at 1.7. 0. lora 1•. na Gh.. F, Nr A'.4P:ot victor. Two. to N1/41v. An,1,00ter No' Y 1 IM. of Flirt... Death. and M..1 n al,. '. rent• .to In.*rtion. To seer rlb.n or The sear.!. tree 1„ Memon.w nonce. 1a even. an insertion. Ad/Intone! ch. -ire for lenethy notice.! BORN Drl'Et'ame.-In (lodrrleh. e. Toe day. A`. Mtrr temiw r 1 10 Yr. end Mn. Leo., %% row or {4u.lr y A daughter 1{'h Ih. y Margaret,. eB:4.I I nne --At AI. Ara ho,paa,.bled.- t'.ember t. to 11r. .•d Mt- Maws Niwardowe. a .on. heli, IItl• tat eyeteeth., A to. Mr and Mr.. J. l( Hotfoot a won'kcowerh tonlent DIE 0. T UMI'•e1N- In Wee Wawa/nab nesiarnd.►• M.,tewlmr 1•'. Alit. K. d.uih,er of Mr. and Mr.. N a J. TM.op.on .gid a )care And 1 day. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Sep(, 14, Page W.r t,..an-Deanneeen rel 1'anode War Loan- A. R. A mts t r ti Torswt• asst 3 Mt„, for *tae we. Red( Mho L Whitely 1 Men and Pei. Wanted Iatereetisn.l Wane. ably 1110 (•a, 004.k Girt Wasted -Mee C 1, leas. 1 i areatese crew*-P11wtr•r It Ca. Thome 3 WON Theatre -Ow K kiss ... 1 Harter Mr. P. TAM*. _ 1 o•dsrh•k Iadooms Es0Mtle . t Poi toss-ithaal omen • 1 MW L r` 1 War ase-War Raw Fw.-.1laba dew 3 dens••-4ad Mks e .t l