The Signal, 1916-9-7, Page 8r t.oaaaaY. Sari 7 1318 THE NEWEST BOOK Which Is Worth Reading by 1lnr,nid Bell Wright author of "Winning of Barbara Worth" , "Shepherd of the Hills" etc . etc. "When a Man's a Man" 1 till t lath Price $1.36 Net. NOW IN STOCK k All the new Colden Rule Root, Ned Cbd.lrru'. story of the W. wha.h are required for the Punt, Scb•..t,. GEO. PORTER : -i . th:r ..r3 the 'est) amers. I a, pictur Cost 2 �i ,ottip O. %%" tb i .hay , r at 2 itiLS5 pm ln'and' Ose-e a line. Prclr:pt Service • !a A. I .Ca!dwell, Phm.B. Prescription Druggist I.11"1-- 1!, .t %Nu I:1 It • .Iri 11 `1111: tQ('AHE IN REPLY TO THE TOHONTO STAR. The Signal remarked th,t "tie o..'- k'paw. of the editorial offices of The tit •l.e sod The Star mit.bt do a little •uadeiing'• (seer the result of the S ,uthwr.t Toronto 1 ye-ele^tion. The stat dons not like this gentle bout, sod in a half -column article declarer that tt baa nothing to consider. It s)• • 1a w, far as The Star is concerned we do not see how the result in South lift t Toronto 10 wy way affects ue. Let The Signal do bonne considering. The L,t,eral party and The Star ad- vn•rd and urged for Heart lioverte anent to enact the prohibition law that goes into effect in a fortnight of -o. 'f'be opponents of prohibition. be- ing etrtog in Southwest Toronto, de- clared that they would defeat any can- didate the (iuvernmeot would pot in the field. The l'onrervative candidate declared against probibitioo in the hope of bring elected. The Literal party, as • party, recused to put a can- didate in the Heid -refused to benefit by anti -prohibitionist anger against the Government. But Or Lib -rel was oounineted in defier the organized party, a candidate acceptable to the anti pn.hibitionist•, and be was elected. The Star did not .upp.rt him, but objected to his nomination ported the oil candidate in the tleld would have been in spy grave ere this if it had not been fer you Vegetable Compound. "-Mrs. Bl-LxcHE JEFFER- SON, 7(6 Lyoo St, Des Moines, Iowa. Before submitting to a stlteel& opera - GRANOTil NK SYSTEM WESTERN FAIR LONDON. ONT. September 8th to 16th Return tot kets at re.luted farts to l.owdon, Ono., from stature. in lint_ ono : l elleville, Scutt t Jet., and south or we,* thereof. Spar al train ser... e - .1 low rate excursions frown p.rtncipal !wools on certain date.. not full par tn. plass, regarding train .e-rvi e, fare., kris, etc., cols.tilt Grand Trunk P .ilc •v Agents Tickets a.d fall information on .l1..cation to P. P. LAWRENCE et rON�. Phase a. i LSE SIGNAL GODERICH ONTARIO _ • gtISIYANO OBJECTS TG O?ERAT!'JN Wife Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Des Moines. Iowa.-" Four years ago I was very sick and my life was nearly spent The doctors stated that I would never get well with - o u t a n operation sod jJrat without it 1 w d not flee one year. My husband objected to any operation and got mesore eof Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound 1 took it and commenced to get better and am now well. am stout and able to Jo my own housework. 1 an recomment: the Vegetable Coin - pound to any woman who is sick and run down as a wonderful strength and aril opposed his election. We w hrsith restorer. My husband says 1 wbu declared or prohibition and ap proved of the law which goes into effect in a fortnight. and which the Liberal petty 1s g•llte as reepnnsible for as is the G0veroment Thr Signal i-. we believe, a supporter of prohibi- tion it is wise to try to build up the What wnutd it have done' female system and cure its derange - Would it have thrown tip its hat for menu with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege. an anti probibi lioni.t who wit.. run- ning iu the hope of getting the liquor vote f - The Star is. of cot.t.e, gtiite !see to rxerci-r its own judgment as to esti• Ili w.1 ice -it will becontidenti*L it ,boulal support or should not st.i. poi 1 : 1.111 ill COUr-e mhould bice ern..• _ reference to the iota rests of the rause, j or causes, which it professes to have • at heart. It speak, for the ••orgal. • GIRLS WANTED ized party," in -3. fiance- of wbirh a • w -a to nil the sews- of table Compound : tt has saved many women from surgical operations. Write to the LydiaE. Pinkham Medicine Co... Lynn. ala+a., fog .n t.. • Lilwt al wee. ,,,,unrated foil the Tor, 1. • . •• r. •:d. r l he W se at. Who i+. or -who are. the ...IP? • ♦ i• w.- r ..rd eu.me.. g,tuis.d pasty '? Where end when. • • •• 1 -,-- ret `. ,took did it meet Hoes .fid i• leered i'- • ear- i esti - d It'd itits-1/..T1., Star to 1 • .. • ' i -"nee.. I • of the very evident deme , t the• Northern Easiness College, Ltd. • era!s of the (-oustttuerry to secute .. t,-- • u,1 -..i .1..:, election ill Mr. Drtt,ut :- An -tegat. • C. A. F '•LIN(:, Pr ir.• 1 patty', that -u,. to :n •h-- drtk 1 ...Natalie 4.0••••••••••••••••• 1 Je.,•rI Yrs ho more C. neide• b 1• 11 than ' - tni11t. nietauce it received Ir. la the l'e'Islotl 1 - - •,n 1"..•'riled purl the Socialist eat.did .: •- , i dttlac, • L . • VO, ets. 1 One would flint flow The Stat Pickling and Pre- serving Season is on We are Headquarters for BACKACHE, Li7BAG0 AND remsil'r that the tate o1 pwtt-hitiou BHEILIATIC TRO` BL . was in some wag invcltrd. 1t waw IDow .elfr. C-.:; nr-I wish to .1.11t4tLb c..ecrrled,lowetre', kefore the election ' I suff.rs� 1frr.up from bao•lacbe, Ia - that { r.,bibitinn etas "nt t ir. f..eor in' Saco and rheumatic trouble, I used Southwest Toronto. K'by. !h. n, i.ad 1 • Anuric.' the faun: discovery of Doctor , . - •t t. . Pe•rte for back.,. ' e and iid'tey troet'es, I. p-. ono: [ can ch.. Y.::'p rr: mm' nd the ta..-Iapp...1 : 1' p . i, . wa- rt • Anuric Ta'_:M.. to ary_nn suffering danger; was it good tictit• t 1 di•plar from nay or these.xaladtea. • its w.•aknr,e by derttosi-trw•itog that it tours J. F. Gem & could c• tumand only Ii:; totes in e • . iturne of robed 1'! issi vote r If all that is worth doing to Pr -vin, ill polo is to encourage. the G.tve-r- ment to et set w pr, hihit:,,n. why. the nate of all that 1. ressunable, The Star. yid The Globe.. too, tisk,- such all lame of prohibition in a cool - atituency in which it -was well tut that prohibition was wig-Tutu. tVhat would The Signal have don-• - The Star stoke. The Liberals i -e .', J Teri 1,1-11 take. the position that. a prohibition lira• Icing on the ,tatoire book. there are many other thing - that could protltahly he discus,, -d In a bye -election. But, says The Stat. if the Liberals put up a candidate, the antt-probibitinnists will vote for hew to spite the Government. Weil. let thesis du it. An wnti•prnhibitionist has as good a tight to Tn a as anvhody I else. Why .huuld he t..- der..ed the - privilege o1 voting ■gainar the 6,,e. eminent when, a. The `.lobe says 1 (*.net the .-Ieetiotll, "there are hell ♦ i dazed gaud ,.4 .l. why' this Gov't meat should 1•.• Toted out et office i ape, t entirely from probit itioo'? (The election has at any rate opened The Molar/di rye,.) Hut. ";'he Star would say, this will discourage the! lioverument end .rare it into repeal- ing prohibition. For `tow long. in the opinion of The Star, should the Oppo- sition efface itself in order that pen- hibition nifty -stay put" : Five year+?' Ten years , Three are other questions that de - mend dimcus.ion. In t it Toronto election nickel was an i.-. . of out- l standing ttupertan^e. Surely it we. right and proper -nay, imperative-' Oust the question en boldly raised by The Toronto World should be di.- cussed witb the electors. Fattier The World wan right. and the G iTeroment should have been called sternly to ac- count for a flagrant dereliction of duty, or it was wrong. in which came law- ful!,like The Star and The (Mobs should have presented • the truth of emitter atter so that the feelings of the people should not be lacerated by thoughts called up by The World'ses chat gee. The Star wulrtantiall) took The World's side of the controversy, and yet, by urging the electors to support Mr. 1'onner, it risked • fataldivl.iun of the vote in favor of giving the (i„n,n veyent the eaatigation it richly deserved. The World might 11011 pont to the creole of The Mat a. support of its charms that the Liberal party has merely h.en trifling with the nickel question. And there are other things that should he brought n w1 to the attention of the •Ireton such en rppottnnity o Eery a. • bye - election eonteet. In our humble opinion The Star. by its aIUltele in the resent -t j-aign, served neither the interest, of prob tion. of the liberal party. nor of the ea -emit t y The campaign in Southwest Tovvroto eebibited • great ind.p.nderee leen the part of the voter* and • r'efreshieghh disregard of party '•wbioletba." should This he silrouraging to anyose mho believe. in a free and •atrmee fuelled exprsastoa of puki., hlie opia mei The star doer not 1. itself jamb. is appsaliag to the authority a the heed party." Perhaps that • eir- ppw.ied pest " e what le Itis ei.stter with the L T of Octane.. II N wr ew itso star is be Nil roost y p PURE SPICES OF ALL KINDS Wkek Mixed Pickling Spice 34YLb JAS. A. CAMPBELL Pb. B. CENTRAL. 'DRUG STORE Cacuee North r,t. and Square Oederirh gss. oe 'MON as Res Jia 'Nom It is nor .alerted with cow ilderice that thee, painful effects doe to uric acid .0 tl:e -tem are entirely eradi- cated A new medy. cal- d •Anurtc,• has been di.ccvered ty Dr. 1'..rce, and b the cane! of - drainaq. (toward of rho uric a. 4 with t'bich it cum.'- :n certacs within the body. 1-t will ward off back- ache. headache. and the dar::n« pain- and ache. of .r.-cular or mu- ul-.r rheuma- tism -of thee di+eaw which are caused by ton. match Uric acid,.snch al gout, asthma. actatiea, neat ea1-_t:. •An- uric • proloane I:fe because oil people iso- all, suffer from hardening and thickening et the walls of the arteries', doe to the citil tsue . uric ric acid to PIA blood and e Dr. Pierce, who is dlmtor and chief physician at the Invsuda' Hotel sod !farcical Institut". Buffalo,, N. Y., has been t ,ting this wonderful =edict's' for the relief of overtworlied and weakened kidneys The relief obtained by sufferers ►aa been so satl.factory that he deter. =toed to place •Antr'ic• with the prin- cip•l drurg os to u•• n when people eould pf•t th:ll ready -to -use mediccine •Anuric • 1. not harmf .1 or poisomes, but aids ,ttars to throwing off those poisons within the body which cause se vouch suffering. pain and mt.ery Seism lists onset tins remedy is 3i timer taote apt than tubi. Send 10 cents for si ry1' b trial s building aunt• bill g op a repotatloo Y m�as Dr. Pierce's other well-knowa inns which hive been proved roll - able during near) fifty years. such as Doctor Pierces Favorite l'rescrtptloa for the Ills of women, Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pollen,. the liver regula and Doctor Pero-4Pero-4Golds" Medialtor Dlacovery for red t.lood. DUNGAN NON. MR. N. F. WHY►RD is amps ter T H C cite V Lt. at Dusgaa•ee. (Warr lett wills Ma ter .udrrl/Uso•. &es ieereete K )sls tsrtstlaa will io•- ester pretext mimes. Teleptene .lioder.et h trap r `tial an -Ong I.lersla there hie for eeverel yeast., been a feeling of re•sut• meet ewer rho dictwtwm of the •-Tor- onto eliqu- ? Hcfor • the 'oi ganiz-d par' y" stirs to run any more eleet•one it .h' -old g.-• out in t1..- open and find out -f the Li"erel voters of the Piny - ince reco en K g u,a ua n.a s'. Meat. d Her. L, and Mi.. iSei .to end family, of Belmont. lora.erly .1 Due - gaosoe cir.uil, visited Irani= hese the letter part of last week Re.. 1. McKelvey preacb.d at Strat- ford haat Sunday. hes pulpit here leing' o.tccuubuprvo. Mid by r. M,nuu Pleffe, sit Mr. Donald McLean. of Lothian, was the guest o. Mt.Ed. Duro in last Nord• Mr, sty R iili..et Toronto .pnt Sat, usday and sundayatNr.B.t'tewford's, returning on Mc...day ecct.n:iruied 1 y Mrs. %'illi. and tittle daughter Beth. Miser. Myrtle Allen and Lilian Pentland left on Monday to laky a course in the Strait ford Normal$chool, Impactor Tsai paid our school sn utllcial visit un Enda! forenoon, his chief interest iwiog to inspect the school garden. Mies Daley Ityac. '-1 .the junior Croom of the public ethowl, returned from New Li►►easd on Monday to re- sume heir duties un Tuesday muruing Out local leacher's have left for their respective school*: Mier Vera Durtin to the vicinity of Toronto, Miss Pearl McKenzie and alis' Ethel Cabe to Tor -1 .010. Mies .1. Stot bees to Mafeking, i ('ora Allen to Cedar Valley. Mrs. (,..ninon to Hulmreville. lirs. Case end Mlireee Edith and Rae ?Mothers .,re toting in Toronto' Exhibition ibis week. Mies %Yaltuo bag returned to resume � bet duties as milluri at Chas. Elli- 01ll1'rr. ...tend Mr.. Tb: r. Allen and Mr. and Mos F. ti....Prnt Labor Day in liodericb. Mr. Robt. Hasty and daughter) Esther spent a few days visiting frie.de ! at W biteeburih and Wri xeter. Mrs. John l'awpteell and Nre. J. H. Pentland attended Inc women's cub- ! vent ion at ('lit t. n !a -t Mr•t.day. Mr. and Mre. McFaeiyen, of \Wi ni- peg, are visiting at the home if Mr., ``. E Sandereou this week. Mr. Shaw and Mies Jebnston, • of, Bluevele, are the guest. of Mr. Jas • David...ea for a few days the. week. • The Miseionaty Society and the Mission Band of E.*ioe church put- pa-, holding an ice-cream w.Cial in the lra+•rment tf the churcn on Monday evening, September 1ttb. ice cre•s•ru and cake will he served, and a pan - gloru rendered. Means. \\ an. McClure. J. McSaht•, Thus. Elliott. Dr. (:ase. -J. Hrumoue. Miss N \Vbyard and Mi.. M. Mr- t'ourt left for Toronto fair- nu Wed- ne,oav of this week. Miss Ida ,Wbyard 1. ft on Thuradav f -t New York, where she is to take a course as a, traioed nurse in one of Abe • bo.pital. there. We wish her wry cense . MD iiella Kirk hate returned to her seboil at %Vhetechursh. Her saiaty Nos been increased by 113', Sbe NIA now receive Est peer WW.Olt N.., lti-TlTt-t inc Dungeon(n Womb of the \\owes Institut.- writ ru•et at the Presbyterian church onThutsday. Septrml•rt 14th, at '_':11) o'clock. A p.piet will be given by Mn. 1 Dr.) T. E. CAM'. the subject h.ing het.- Duty belle.- A report of the Huron Red Cross c•*nvedti, n •t Clinton will be glre.n at this meyting by the delegates horn the 1n.tutute, A new secretary will 41.0 to at - pointed. (lies Il.-Ilaniy having handed in her resignation owing to illness. ' which will prevent her from under - tett g the work. It la -desired that every Member and every person who poe.I s can should attend this meet- ing. ar tnuinessoi ieis to tee tranwcted The n.utnute bas just Sect a large bale to Northern Ontatin for the fire sufferers. which is valued at $til. Material for another hale is being collected Those who wets 100 late for the first bale will kindly bring in their areondhand clothing or bed- ding and have it at the p•stoRlce in the village at any time and it will 1 forwarded 1he ladies of the 1n• stitute will nerve mesh on both days of Dungannon fair in Robert.' stores D Main street. Evrtyhudy is kindly requested to help in this wort. as It la; for Red Cross put poses and local re- lief It Slipped Out. Guest tat •ra.here Fotell-I -ay. landlord. Tour fool and 'reeler ars werisis that, they were last yew-. Landlord-Imposeibe, sir OILLETTS LYE EATS DIRT" LOYAL. WmDNgot,eT. Sept. H. owing to ill -health Nis. Wise bas not been able to resume her work as tescber in No. 1 school and M. Fesgen is supplyin,t for her until Tbankagiving Day. Mr. W. F. Young hassold hie beatify cattle to Me&eoaie, of Lucknow, at Mj tents The cattle will ge in the neeghbotbood of I.500 the Mr. Allen Green has awarded the contract for a fine new house to the' liod.ricb Planing Mille. It is to he an up -t3 -date mansion and will make a decided improvement to our neigbbor- bood. The material is now being placed orw the ground and it ,s expected the hour will he completed by New Year's Day. Mies Mabel Young left on Monday to resume charge of her school at Dublin. atter spending the vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mts. Jame. Young. Mies Hazel Young and Miss Spell are atte.dins Gonench Collegiate 1n■titute. R.ye John You.g ham returned to ptpg Sams at Pittsburg. Pa.. alter a risk M biz relatives In this toweseip. Mise Dale. of Granton, formerly tearber of our school, was bare 1..t week oe • visit. Mae was accompanied by bee ai.1.r. 1 1 1 Stud. nos .t Work Again. The total attendance at (ioderieb (Collegiate lostf•a1a this testas r 1 but the ..mneme may M i shortly by ten or liferen. In forst IV there ane sight etednste ; form 111. A. 1 Y : forms 1 t 1. lYtt : form 1 I .. 47 : form 1„ N : e.mmeveial form. IA In its wilessa industrial einem. op- ward..1 duty der r.ywea le the e,ibis[ e1.... of wae.,s. Mrs Ttt..W t le the washer, thirty heal enrell.d. Miro Cent bre eighteen 1. the eras .stiesnnaies elan .M shout a Mon. Idia ale be like Knee's millinery ie... sr yews! Mbsee ofd serf ela.Md wbo are ingested• y t. bels even if all remora *there ere - - M soot ries ( I 7 g IU 11 1 i Style Demonstration Featuring Coats and Suits for Fall and Winter WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY OF NEXT WEEK, SEPTEMBER 13th AND 14th, WE ADOPT A NEW METHOD OF INTRODUCING tHE -NEW STYLES IN FALL AND WINTER COATS. 0 N the above days we will have IA ith us a repre- sentative of one of the foremost makers of Ladies' Coats and Suits in Canada. He will bring with him their complete range of New Yorks latest models. These models reflect the very latest styles as shown in American cities, many of them being cdpies of imported garments. This gentleman is thoroughly versed in the garment business and understands it from the ground up. He will have with him a complete assortment of all cloths from from which the various garments can be made. Special measurements and orders will be taken. You may select any style shown and have it made up in any of the materials from which it can be made. A perfect fit will be guaranteed. , We feel that this is a particularly good oppor- tunity for you to select your Fall Suit or Coat, and no two orders will be taken for the same style and material. • Whether or not you wish to order a new Suit or Coat. the styles that will be shown will be worthy of a visit.to the store on Wednesday and Thursday. Showing the New Millinery on Saturday Special showing of advanced styles for Fall on Saturday and next week. New models for early Fall wear specially prepared for this occasion. Date of formal open - ng will be announced next week. Hudson Seal Coats -e you contemplating buying one 41 these ban•l-tame garment* thn. season? 1f so, we •auuld like to show -you just •how gco.1 valve we :an give. Months net. we nadle, a large contract for these gar, nient. and while the supply of skins Iasis we can give ... tetter tai;:*. than are obtainable today. Ever C.•a .1i..nlate:y guarantee.!. Nemo Corsets A large .hlpment just passed .into .t.• i .-1 three *moil. health Corsets. Nothing nude quite .o gnu'I is the •• Nemo" and there is a stale for lorry figure. \nv style not in stock can be had on .i few days notice, but we carry a full range i:t the t t selling popular lutes. r' 1:11.t•ra .osis. •e. mr.iel furs r sip-h.leter furniture. .• titions moderate and w••rk .u.tr.tntee.l. Hodgens Bros. Direct Importers Goderich. Ontai .0 •L- 1 1 r fa Irl Sri ■ I■ (iOOERICH MSRIkEtb. u r[wuwy, "tweedier:. :. tee,a.t` •1a• tail:- `lar.. t*. .S • to Mote, 1'.. •; Ri to I'rw.. ort :-• .. 1.M• t. 1. • Ru tole ' ( 1 •-1; • - fbur. t..n:: 1. i+•r •. a. `'lour. cotta•. ;+ 1.• r.-, ter r••• New B..t• ore •nee. too•.. Y•• la and, orr 101•1 1h.+rr Naa•'. I.: ''rents -T au ter 1OEM �IMO 1 - Necessaries for G'Is to - the School Sul re :�i t.\tr esu, to AM r to .11.110! win to law ..tee to IL* fat. •.In to 4 . to .:111 -: .: tjj.. frier,. Ver .•' . !t to .? Y 1 w P.•...t --. pe tot to 1 i' •e.t•le 1.u' her. r-ls-•obis per c al. ;,. L. : S' 1'a, tie. bu • h, r. r ..ib.n .. cr cwt am is 11111 11‘,6 -,cls. 0,100 1,..t e.r. . 4'0 10 1; 1^' MM et . 1• r c 0' am' t• Mr•- t+1 lb ' a1tnw. •enders•.. pet .•• . Sb.ro Pe 1110 1%1i s ae 5 110 Si :0 .4. Everyone Should Drink Hot Water in the Morning washaway all the stomach. liver. and bowel pe(ss-.n before breakfast 'To feel your bast Clay to and day oet, flame. feel cleats iMlds; no sour bile to boat year twos and mule's your break or dull your bead: so emotion poa. Mese attacks. seek headache, scolds. rheumatism or Wei. acid *tow sett. yOu oast MRM ea ib' inside like Yoe $Sine wM4S This r Tautly more WSW, the .saIt1Us `sails potte the s blood logni,wbiM oke Mord gores do, says a well - To keel pekoes' ' and toxins MMI tesbag'if*esi tba atomseb. Itva•r. lateen est bowels, drink Wert break- fast este day. a grew esf bot water :with a teaspoonful tit •mssisse phew .bats 1. tt Tlie .NI ohen•w .a+4 est reabea the swim arn.Reer trace, seas ttasse rat two the Aosta.q=r poem at immoobarmda.s . it It..0 rIMO Is ets_ bot sneer every le 7.111 two st time 'Se switearar: Tsturabnpausi lasefinal: ides be fie. 1 It NOM ! awns slid4 •wiseVIM biome . i=: wIM am se wmerala• elf bulbhitgla t!N tseat�a.R Glad above 1k lel las=lrtksaleas�bit maw est IN ails m~~gest se ebeselaser eel MI *W. MOM as&MJ ► • 1 1 1 u Hair Ribbons. Middy Ties and Middy Laces for the girls Necktie! for the boys. Middies and School Dresses A few left of different sizes to be sold at cost_ Stamped Goods always on hand. Get a - Blue Bird Luncheon Set. Centrepiece. Dollies and Serviettes to match. Very pretty. A full supply of materials for fancy work always in stock. 1 1 1 MRS. TAPE SINGER STORE - GOOF.RICH OEMS ADVBRTiSING PAVE Try Walters & Co. Goderich - for your Boots and Shoes Notwithstanding the enor- mous advance in all kinds of leather goods, we are still selling most of the lines at old prices. NOW is a good time to buy the lines of Boots and Shoes we handle. Once tried, always worn. We have a first-class Re- pair Man - Walters & Co. The 1.ow Price Maker GODERICH PHONE nal WESTERN UNIVERSITY, LONDON A god University in your own district. H..pidty coming into the front rink of Canadian Uni.,rs,geo. Opens September 27 Rome feat urea 01 the last three year: program, - Ali. Faeslty nearly trebled aid Medical greatly strengthened. Government grant dtlahted and total ineowie trebled. itittalletie's of new 1..hawatories, all hentwht nn to date. Ynrebass of • vise of ICD sew. uuequalled la Eastern Canada. A He.Ntal Unit sent overawe. N.. Legacy 1 New Gyemeefum f New Peholanbip. ! Slaw stan- dards! it.iwtly, when only 1 1 t of the yowag mien of the Coifed States bid a univ.r.ioy edueatios, .Mat ole half of the members of oesorose were graduates sod most of the others had part t/ s aap,gv erimi. while two-thfrd. of all the great l_ tial pesIs osvw/wof the country were filial by ox.liegr._trwin.at ties. ry PAYS TO NAVE A UNIVERSITY EDUCATION. Poe C komdar or flambee eartieulare addrms Presided w� y, 'Lada: !k 4