The Signal, 1916-9-7, Page 7a: n n n o il • by the It h- Bartle .! t_ elt,ng• l.tio ial -reword w: the • •.... nn n•," rad or. t the J .'t kn,.yr (saismus hist a •is h• be eery wt -h• t "t sir r it. .r, ' ,(,. ✓ time •,. hr )gh and n. was I lir ening ask. •- ws.M•t NI Tors Boyers ievue in Dunlop jobs.' —1 fancily Assisi. THE STGYAL GODERifR ONTA1'10 Perfect cooking and baking with lett es� heat is assured by the double flue syNat l twice around the oven of e Come in and P11 show you wtby stita iga good as new long atter other ranges or replaced. Sold by FRED HUNT. SCHOOL SHOES THE time is here again to get your boys and girls fitted out for school. They will need stong serviceable Shoes. The kind that will stand the most severe test in any weather. In this class of footwear I can show you a wide range of leathers and styles that will give' the very best satisfaction. You will also find the prices most reasonable. REPAIRING DONE! Geo. MacVicar North Side of Square Goderich, Ontario 1 1 Electric Fans and Irons DO YOU know the advantage of Eec- tric Irons and Fans. especially' in hot weather. and how easy it is to live and work, in summer especially, with these appliances Ironing out of doors, for example, is both practicable and pleasant. and our electric flat- irons certainly smooth the way on ironing day. Do you know of the comfort of a fan in the dining -room ? The residence fan is de- signed for extreme quietness in running. hand. Let us give you a figure Electric Fixtures and Supplies always on on wng your house. Pisses : Office 82 Rea 1!3 1 Robt. Tait ,vg:I Esprit lotsu.Renos. P. U. Clerk i ol auperiort—•P'an't un- derstand this •ddrw• sir. It rend• 'John Jones. Y. I1o(e1 There's no such betel bete." Italy►nor , Linking at it t—" Where wyour wimp) Del Iver it at the W 3 &a- dotte hotel at once." i "if the fighting business keeps much longe,," says he. "when Il A proper man is young siwey• over 111 And toyed, tied to an old w .Herr Voeehwits, aged fifty year&, mad man."—Rochester Tion&. Titottan..T, sit or. 7 leo:: y COUNTY and DISTRICT (surge Elliott, of Stanley t,wn- ship, suffered a .1..1 N•atr.l .btu der when his burse took fright at a bicycle and threw him out of bis tntggy, The hou.eof 11r. and Mrs. Wtiter Davidson. and hue of Morrie, ha* been bereaved by the death of their only daughter, Antis M..y, who parsed • ol away un Acurt .5•b after a brief ,Il-, nise Ati St. John. N. Il., on Wednesday, August £4 d. kilos Janet Y., daughter undo of Mr and Mrs 8. R. Maxwell. was wtird to Ur. John Wilmer Peck. ogroomHenaall. The groom is • son of Mr mol Mrs. Nathan Pr•_k. of Sttnlry. The Pre•hyteriisos of Kir/pea and Hills Green have extended s unani- mous call to Rev. W. E M. Aitken, , Ph 1)., of Buse.. Barrie Preshytory. not call include- w stipend gusrantee of $1,U15, a fres manse and four week,' holidays. Mr. and Mn. James McQueen. of m Stanley township. announce the en- gageent of their only daughter. Mies, Elsie May, to Lawrence Forret. eldest } son of Mr. and Mrs. \V L Forest, also of Stanley. the marriage to (,eke place in September. Henry Scott, of Chicago, died sud- denly at the hover of his brother -in• law. Wm. Dennison, of Varna. He' had bred buffering from a heavy cold and he complained of a weak spell and before medical help could strive be bad passed away. Jacob Quackenbush pasr.ed away at his home on the town line, Hay town - ...him on Iaesday. August '9cb, aged fifty-three years. Mr. Muackenbuab was taken Ill a few week.' ago with stomach trouble and although every thing possible was done for him death ensued The Health ' and Beauty Bath is aasnred when Lifebuoy Soap is used. It kerpe the skin radiantly clean and giowing with health. Lifebuoy is an honest soap —unwrap a cake and smeil it. A mild carbolic odor is there—that means an ut- terly healthy skin. But. the odor vanishes immediately after use. IFEOUOY A bright young life way ended on Sunday. Augury !7 h. when Anne B. Abraham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Tho,uas 4brahaw. of the lit line o Monis, pooled army at the byte o thirty-six year+. Sue hod been a euf- ferrr ?sour heart trouble for several montba. The community of Zion mnurps the HEALTH Y SOAP street. Neither ear was on its proper' r side fur passing. b On Sunday, Augu.t :li, the call higher came to Mi .Tho.. It. Forte,. at ti,- huwr of hrr eon at Tara. Mts. Foster was a farmer minden' oI Chrt- t ,n. her home hring bete te.twrrn the }gars l o,si and 1.74. Ws'lkas .H at Steep. a native of Clintaitrato .slat Stern -tow. Mi. hig.n. , Hr w At'.v.one yeah of age. notate. .unf J .lite Strip mot Mu.. Dodd .Ind Mi•. ('sntrloo. *1I of Clint•.r, tie brothers and si.terr of the dreemiel.es On a recent aftrrlt,K.h a Litt User, ,laud car 111111,h was going towards Srsfo,th upset when it turned out tun far to peer a rig. i'be occupsnlr wrsr Ill thrown ot.t but t.,rttinatety this fill slier of the car. A bent axle was the only damage done. At n.,., , . 1: 'Vednesday of last tweet., at the houie of Mr. and Mrs: A. J. Holloway. the marriage tool play.- of their only daygh•rr, Hattie Alberta, to Isla.: Hance Katlroiury. Rev. J. A. Rubiniou.ofticiated. Thr y ,nog couple are aw.sy on a wedding trip to New York. In future all electric wiring in the town wool be door under the direction of the .uprrinteodeot of the public utilities commis/non. The object is to have the work done at flr'st rust and eliminate the profits of for middleman and thereby induce wore leeidrnte tost inall the service. I VVith keen regret citizens of Clinton ba ed the Anneuuceuent of the death t William (rewire Wheatley on Mtut- day evening, August 27th. Heart, trouble war the rause of his unex- pected drrni.e. Mr. \Wheatley was • horn on .t Iran un the Huron road . fifty-six vett, :ago. For several years !be had. hoed in Clinton while he worked hi. taint on the outskirts of 1 the town. Ile is survived by his ..mood i wit,. and woe son and one .taught. r. Save The Children. were brought to Wingham for inter- ment. While motoring from Wingbam to Wilton the other Jay C P. Smith happened with a serious accident Inw paing a horse, drives by a . young boy. the horbe trade a bolt in front .4 the car. which resulted in the animal's f death of a respected citizen in the per- son of Addie Taylor. wife of Ephraim Hero. For the loot three months. sbe had hero a rutierer front hearttrouble, hut hopes for her ultimate recovery were entertained until a week prior to berdeatb She was ill her fortieth year.'. Oa a recent evening the Evangelical Ase.•iatlun of Malliey met at the bowie of Mr. and Mrs. L,,,.. H,.-gv to bid forret II to Mr. and Mrs. Klrher before they left for the \V• ot. After a Pent/rant ..f +pushes and songs wa. rendered Mi. and Mrs. Klebet were presented web an addrrw and a purse. of money \Ir•. Robert Maxwell. for upwards of fifty year, a resident of Biuevalr, .hid at the reridencr of her Kob,rt az Well: near Le•soint;too. on Auttuat •'M •h. Mr.. Mazwell was horn in Durso toe., R-,.tIand. righty -two year. ogo. %hr,•.ime t.. ( snails in 1�:: 40.1 in the our year epe war MAXrird +! Lett to hrr n..+ bereft h'.•r.evsd. 4/es Januar. Neth ,t1 tbi. y..sr the cel.brate.l their diamond wedding. A rands .f .even bitd,s tion -iv.. V.tl•gr ('Ir► Mord ,•'k f ilersall ha. r7r�l,fed a ..,i.$luroratiun form '. be //1 yJn> Fleet r .. P„ VIII 1 ori.,.. gibe. s.vswg ib.. rears for tae delay in sett'sg the fu,sb,. p„wee .ea, 1lewsail. ' carroty of mat., rat ar.d far.., t• give„ r Isle rioter ..t tM Matey while the el- •• e. is pro ee winb000s, r•, our lay r•e thy iwn.r,pslut art from SI ssi to. n ••'e thee sea« ar first ester wed 's. ages airs. *al he sit 'least nh y pet teat Y.giee wrsuatais L F. Igsskiep tram; pseeh,as.d the brWt voodoo. art •Ptres.k street t.. "woo to tivf.-wrest setare &Awes Unitses..at Aleslieise H•• for swssral yeses bests. ,d the Adrane dart, heel vest• keYw m sa auw a•- Cs/wt at "saussee., gest. The vel sews was e'ry eed beee by ►w tsrotlier that Willows s Halliday had Played away at V eeto.vsr He bad safes is poor beaftb f .•, weverat ai.rnt h•. E,,,T..nata baa e,s,gN,l hie posh. coos ssbriI .? is the Hark of Commerce hese and has takes • pennon with the MrL.ugbl.. Motor Co . ..f °ab - a tee \% ,rd woe received here on Monday .1 !alt week of (he death of Mew Leeks ftasaist.v aI Tors,ero. Toe detested was • daughter of Mr. Awl Mrs. JAI, ('oulter, of taws. The electric light eranmiite. ha. •wtsen.xd rnastruetion work on the new dam in Lower W Ingham. By the ■ erection of this dam the committee bop.. to teases the eget of operation of the elertric Tight plant. A new salt well has been dog on ice John EI!iott's farm in Fut Wales - a' no.h. Thr supply of !rine ss larger ed than that !obtained in the old well, •o captain in the iwndwher, nsart•it> about the time the war not vet twenty. root.. Leen dragn ging on ad hr :.t the 'root. he has sp•, his comrades about s mat his tweet. began. a w the war b hoe contiou ken 1 sten to that the fetor* soccer' of the Wingham ter very pear salt works is now assured. In In the resent disastrous Voted fire which tared in the vicinity of hew up L1.kr,r•d three former residents of 's Winrharn lost their heels. They were o- Mr. and Mrs. Robert %Vo.tlilland hi 14,4 Oertn.de 1. Wellwoed. The remains ` TRACTION TREAD leg being broken. In driving to Wal- ton for a we:enmity the car overturned and John Q iitk, who was with him. was.t.adly shaken up and bar since been confined to his home. 1 SEAF111THcarrs becsu,e toe rno:hrr dues not — Moth -et. who keep a box of Bob)'. that Ihr I.v.s'1theirlittle one«are :ea- eonably sate during the hot weather. 9towoch trouble., ..bulera iufantuw and d.orrhaea cue: ry off thoustuds of 111111P ones every sunieueot in Ing t Uwn Tablets in the house may teed Children's Wash Suits and Rompers What is left of out •.t.,.k in these hues we will . l•..r I r► HALF-PRICE The unusually brisk tle- tnand for Watm Weatherr Goods has depleted our stock in many lines, but in Lounge and Negligee Shirts we can still supply you. A few STRAW HATS at Clearing Prices. McLEAN BROS. THE SEMI. READY TAILORS THE SQUARE GODERICH have a safe medieine at hand to give tum .'lye Baby'. Own '.I. r/ Mr. J. C. (.reig ha. Leen app.,need , police magistrate to fill the sacincy P { y1 lets err cau.rd by• the resignation of F three troubles, or if given t eeiu unblh• Hulmeatgd. to the well child will ptrvent their coming •,n. Thr Tablet. ar fled trod Ly a" (.overnuieht analyst to be absolutely barmlrra even to the new- born babe. They are especially good LONDON, ONTARIO ;1n .umturr. omen... they regulate the lbws -els and keep the atrm.wh sweet S and pure: They ate sold by medicine (dealers or by ma:I ..1.:.5 cents a box from Th- Ili s..1::..tris Madi:me !Brockville, Opt. U. Gifford, of, U.n:.ws, ha. joined' :the .51.11? ut the Collodion }lank of l'Jmwrr c r. -Mi♦e \V,:rare Howard has returned to Klmorton to resuusr her duties as school teacher. Wm. Urlhridgr delivered five hole. to th,• Exeter u+atket vel. cin wriwl,r.1 :eitopoin,J-. A' twelve. rr.t, a be r er•vrd 3117.1i0 The hog.- weir two dots Iris :lien five ruontb. old • Mr..' Samuel Pgasmore announces the engagement of her daughter, Minta .lane, G. \Vtltred C. Itubin.r,n, art Detroit. The . arrlagr will take place ynurtly the ototrr part of Sep- tember. It Pav s to Advertise in the SIGNAL r. gnarau Thr rasualts list last week contai the name of Private Janie* J Hutch- int.oc as htving died it wuunds re. criveai on the western ntttleirnnt. Private Hutcbin-on cohered from Sea- f.utb with the that eontiugrnt and served for a year :n Rerwuda before he was transf.•rrrd 1., rimier. Hi. h .we wits in Irebind,. M.jor S. H Mc11cr•lie, who sea,1 re- crutly •wa.Jed the h. S. (5. t,.rhrnc. et v at the trona, was born the Loa - don toad • .hurt distant.. tomtit of ; Kipp.n. -bring A e..n of t1:,' late Rohrrt McMinn-. a prognurut rewriterit.t the ' c .unty for moor year.. Major M. Moolne seat a mei-known and pups. lar weather ofthi� .eaL.rt1i Hurons" foori.+ll tears. -.•sinal tear. ago. I',uvarr Kirit, ..n ..f Mr and \1r.. Mt Klsso, .4 11. tiori..p, reu'et'vrd *warn. • reception on his arrival in rrsforth on {i resent ,evening. A hue• procession was formed sad when he .ripped front the train the wounded her.) was et- ^e,rted 10 the town hall, whirr ad- dr.s.rs of welcome sews giern ty Mas• or eitewart and 'fir local ...et try -1 sen Pnv.tr Kt.in sea. wounded u, the lift Ariel in F'rsn,•e. ne,•-getatui,t r the amps, at'os' , 1 the ,ism at ' Ihr • elbow. . Latter. whin h. woe removed t.. an Engtieh loop 1.1. further amps,. • t .hon was found 1.. r.ua. a and tb.• atm hail to 1.e rrwovrd a_ 11,e .bouldrw Western Fair EXETER. SPREADING GOOD (SEWS BROAD- CAST Wants Everybsd:- to Know Dodd'1 Kaaren POO Curve Him Vi,lerand. Ont., Sep• t b ,Sp., lel — S:r.,w,tr sial hear } sic s n aThr a lung pentad ,.1 weak nee. and x11 health. Luis ('bamp,gn-. • well-krown rest-' 'dint .1 .h.• place, i• op:.an.ng oiled, es/ Ihr g.ises news that lie- f minx new h slth and strength `un U.ald'. Kidney Pills I F„rug 1 ,ng turn..' Mr. ('h.tmpa(toe i t •rateo in an interview. •'I suffered from kidney de.easearid bsckaeh.. My appet.tl was uncertain. end i got up in the morniU ( with a 1 • ter (Arte In I my moot!. Tbp(e w.•,.• ft:taboo of s light before my eye.. as .1 1 had a drag- 1 rsog sensat<no across Ihr loins. My J hmhe were beayy and 1 was alw.y. tired Then 1 drooled' to ti y Dodd's Kidney Pull., and 1 ase gi of to be able s to say that two boxva 10A.lr me well. 1 recsw.wend D.xld's Kidney Pills to all 1 those who suffer trove irrhlenew or had k,dneys.” Lawrence Ste:.tc,.a wet: -known char• acter in and around Eerier, died in Victor s hospital, Lyndon. Strict was an unfoctiwgte pet.nc rn that he bad hot an arm and srverol (Inger. were witetng from hi. r.'.tuMh Ing hand He was a nstiee of P.:arid hu, the girst.•r port of his :.re w.a .prim[ in Can.Wa and in the ie.:alit-, A car owned and Chiron la: Nelson liter. woo wt. ,4••.7.su:s..n;rd by two other men. crarbra d.,avt. the eu,bink- wrnt aPtb. r.. rah .rCr 0! the bridge Oce day baa: week. The ear had xe-n led the en,tth bill Aryl ;t -,.d the bridge at is fairly g . J •pe, I al.en the when:. become tur!e• t fed in a tut. Mr. Baer endearned t., get it out witboot •Iackeninghis speed, with the result 'tat the car roe' veil,. crashed no. the fence and went down the eno- baokm-art. Waea help arrived the hree o...tpa'titot were s it A.! Iht wr.cit and th..v were it -card to the tiesrr•tt house where medical ..1,1 w at inure rumrnor..11. 1" wit, toe rid on ex.sm- notion.kh t: the• driver. Mt. Beer, wa+. j .verety Mort ,normally. Mr. \\'oll.aui lilt was- &offering ?tutu a broken wrist and other erjutie•, while Mr. artier Bogey- euffeted s test ruts and wound. in his I. g. Th.. eor was washed r.evnni repair. string A total wreck. M. Biter was taken to a ho. - ..cal in Linden. CIA STEIN .1. W. Treleaven, prin• pal of the Collegiate, has ynalifi-d Aa s teacher of ° elementary physical culture. Mr. (i,abam, of Toronto. has been n enraged as mathematical martyr on the Collegiate imolt o1..•,t to fill for vaenncy cau.,•d by the resigaatinn of Mise Train. 'g A Murderous Naos. A Frenchu,an twos waiting ata rail- way station in Ireland when a couple 1 natives sat down br.,de hitu. Said n. : "Sure, Pot. it'. down to Kilmary 'er been and 1'w on me wv.y hack ow to K,Ipatrick.' "Ye don't say," said the other. "it'. 'newel( that s just after ht -in down to Kilkenny and 1 stop herr a bit before 1 u to Kilm..dx... "W hot aasarins 1 ' ex-I•im...1 th. hocked Frrn,hman. "\V ".1.1 that 1 ere safely hack in Front* :' Two auto,, -biles were somewhat damaged on 'sVrdneeday afternoon of a lust week when they collided nn Huron w SNOt i.LISNES rifted gn[ Cities. A. 99 100 sureK• wNITE •TAN EEP YOUR SHOES NEAT P. P. aAu.rr O.., t..,... (.4.. H.e.t.w, Ciel. • 1 eptember 8th to 16th, 1916 WESTERN ONTARIO'S POPULAR EXHIBITION 1 ART. MUSIC, AGRICULTVRE AND AMUSEMENTS A FINE. COMBINATION AT LONDON'S EXHIBITION A Real Live Program of Attractions Twice Daily I T.0 bpeed Events Dads FiREWORKS EVERY NIGHT New Nrecross Building Evers Building Fun of E.h.Fits SINGLE FARE over all Railways West of Toronto SPECIAL EXCURSION DAYS Pr:e L,sts, Ent, y Forms and ..II nilorm,tt.On ', on, the Sevriarr W. J. REID. President A M HUNT. Secretary 1 1 SUMMER GOODS! 'Wile In: ro;.teel out doing our tile 'tot months'nnuucr wht•II )011 ,•an 11•e a CLARK JEWEL Coal Oil Stove ? The higti•spetsl nit burner is fast and economical. This tuner is clog to the top au.l the flame the bottomi of the vessel. With . this •titact water bolt.) more: •Iniikly-and it flit! :.. k.• 1i it boiling SCRELN DOORS and WINDOWS Now is the tittle to get )mgr Screen Doors and windows. on 1. fore the flees get NO. Do nut wait until they g.1 m )rnir house .In 1 111tH put on screens to keep tIstnt in. Call .ctrl see .mr large range of S. reit n Doors and Wile low s. WE I1AVE A LARGE STOCK OF HAMMOCKS Prices ranging from $2.50 to $10.00 Refrigerators from $9.00 to $35 00 Lawn Mowers from $4.50 to $ I0.00 .-ire you iw)thcrt.l L' )0111 ).our fence ? It s,. the Bulldog Fence Anchor Call anti We shall le pleases! is mrd. i)o you want any Fencing We handle the Iulcal. il'afl before purchasing. hogs getting reel. r will help you out he show )on Nott it at yeti low prat ' and get ons 1;•tic,•s How About Your Winter Supply of Coal ? \Ws: handle the best S. t.uttien Coal at the follow_ tug prices : Chestnut .pe 110 per ton Stove t!% Iv. .. .. Egg !; ;e „ Soft and Cannel C'o.1. Ilarsl and Soft Wooel Stabs PHONECHAS. C. JFF. STORE u I HOUSE 112