The Signal, 1916-9-7, Page 44 T111risSDAT, SEPT. 7. Mtn rHR KTGNAL 30DERTCH : ONTARIO The High Cost of Clothing A who:•sale manufacturer of Clothing told us that cloth is now doting three times' as much a. it used to. You can imagniethere- fore what sou will tiayr to pas for Clothing. Vou need not get frightened. however, ;,s we are shoe- ing in ma1:v ca.e. just s.. good valor• in before the war and in .Rhes cases a slight advance. t)u,i t put ad the purchase of your Suit until these val- ues .ire gone. then . ou leill have to pay the higher price. Our clothing trade has ..ern good -people know we keep gocei Clothing and outisalties ri.;ht. We are showing goal val- ue.:., $12, $15 and $18 NEW FALL HATS NEW FALL SHIRTS W. C. Pridham SPECIAL ORDERS FOR 20th Century Brand PHONE 57 GODERICH ST. AUGUSTINE. '1'vx.loay. September 5. Mr., Mtg. and \'allerr Wilson lefts on lus.day morning for Totouto R -v. R. A. and Mrs. Miller, of Mil- verton, visited Mrs. J. Thowp•ion last Ft iday. NI. 4, Minn }: and Mr. E. Shanahan, of Holten, rla:ted Mrs. J. W. Style last week. Mre.r.. %V. R.• !mond and Wm. M. Tile Allister left for Roulette, Seek., o0 $at trrday. Born. -U0 August ::Ath, to Mr. and Mrs. Dick Finnigan. a eon ilirorge Kitchener t. Mrs. Graves, of Seaferth, and'Mr. R. Hiekinglottow of A•aburn, called o0 friends in this vicinity last week. Aliases E Wilson. of London, end V. (',rcuth, of R'inghani, and M..smr.. E. and A. Aitchiaon, of Lneknow, spent the hol.d•y at Win. McAllietes .. Th. monthly ni-t0.e of the Wo- men'. institute wilt b• held at the house of Mrs. .P.hi. Thompson, on Wednesday, Septrsuleo l:ft'h. at :311 p. 111. Mn. Mark Wilson, tubo had been visiting friend. bene for the Inst Ohne ,uonlbs, left for ber bona at Mnser- j.w, accompanied by her niece. Miss Reil, ut auburn PORTER'S MILL. W enitgeoAY. Yfept. B. NoTEii.-Mr. George swath ani sister Imogene and Ruyd.n Start, of ('urtir's Crossing. are •.siting at O. W. Potter's Mr and Mei. Will Proctor and children. of Clinton. .p •n' th • h •li.lar at \V vel ey V seder - hunch's Mr. Hiram (Lea is ettewd. ing the Toronto IixhiMt.on .. Mr. Ha.. Id P•.ttei. of Hirkenn, spent the week -.soil at Mi. 0. W. R.ue.'e A picnic wider the u spiceo of tee Ladies' Aid will he held on flaturday aftern.x,u at James H arri.on's grove. 1st conereeion. }:very b trey welcome Come and bong your ha•k.ts ... Miss Sara l•,x and Mies Roberta. of Mtre? fo-d..pent the week-.nJ at M n. 1'. Newton's . Miss Taylor. of stain - try. tubo Ilan been engaged ae te weer f..r the co.u.n,r year. cuutmen ted her duties on Turmas. morning . Mess Mae Lindamerity. ofUod.rich, ent the holden at 11,r anther's, Mn. L'nds•y's N,ss Mina Johestos u visiting at Trowbridge. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with Ozal uppl,eetian.. ae they 4not reek the ,eat of the d.<i..e. Cat arra. N • 1.. W di• Nr.e, -treat.) inn..rntef ►r ION tenet condition.. and le Mast so rem 11 You mu -t take se Hearse! reniegy Hair. . atar:a. Cure i- t.kee ietererty and ant. through the binyd en the Misewo surfaces of tar •r .t m. H•1. _ 4 ..taut C.se was' prooriboil by one of the bin-' pb r• mesa. is tkl. c Mot rt for year, 11 1. is, epo<u sleeve er tot bel 411i-• nown. con&o.ce .eta. .nee el 1M b.d bland purifier, Dor perk. r rollkleellen of tae in eredient. rat H..1 • t &terra Core 10 ebb pro- hduce. _ ich oronierft.l Malta 1n eat.rrael . ale ition. Send fur teo1s s iaY. fres r.J CH [X[Yk1Y►., dors. Toledo. SAM. All a se tatl.i.t ". ' "r•. Halts Family PO, -far cwt4patlx ST. HELENS. TrIMDAT, Sop•.:. Mies Margaret Miller left on Mors- , day fore' trip to the West. Mr. Hurry %Vebh and M- Hoy Aitche.on Irl: on Saturday •Cor the t1 est. ! Mrs. D. Laid has returoea to Wing; haus' &iten spending is few der+ •,.,t- ing ftiends herr. I Mt. Peter Clark. Mr. Harry Macey,' Mrs. 1'. Todd. %lis Miller, sr . M,•. Ed. Thum and Mise M Little are tak ing in the Toronto Exhibit' in ibis week. -Mie. McPhers.ir. Mr. and Mrs Moore and Miss McPberr+o mot, red up from (iuel,ih on Saturday and vis- ited Mrs. H. Min "mild and friend., returning _u Monday. So. 1 sash xt:op.u' '41 nn Tuewdas with Miss Curran. of R•••I.y, as principal; and Miss ('. R Miller teacher of junior classes. Th. Dew 1.4121 nor being quite t..mple•ed. t be ela.se, will tee 14Le0 in t'lae old huddang ! The teachers and 'nucleate hive deft for their different schools. Miss ' W. Rothe, font w,lt t -'chat L,tcb:now. Mise May l'ameron n -ar I. siow.• Mina 4ioe Woods a! Lanes. Mi.* Anna Stuart will resume her studio. at W Ingham big} sehnul. Miss V. Woods and Miss M. Durnin at Lu.•\ - now ergotism', ion school, Mtge Pearl Webster at Toronto Normal t hoot Back f0 School ! We have a large new assortment of Scribblers 5c sad 2 for 5c Exercise Books Fountain Pens Pens. Pencils. Inks Rubber Frasers Pencil Sharpeners Drawing Books The old-time low prices on all of these goods. JAS. F. THOMSON Millet atsi Stab.sery Strafe MEN ! W H Y SUFFER ? DR. .4.55. TN Stow saw mord _ 'o_.. w v: taw moodSnomoodrtiw.ttee t►e Mar, wield .vert 1t e 1t tin trete •••'•' 4c N. saws tw roti -(to MILS W. =IT, and ala[ST Cam leasee r renal seamen It mw sur • eeRw.r t.._ u gavots. hoose. OLADDSa or 'TOM.r. N ARr.MENT. MIAs. IIS. T1,LA. or ■WCTAL MALADIL4. sR eek D. WARD 111155 N tow- V .wait snob eras Ism not only pnwv, .•winar,. sew SU 155105 u lin nodes, t.-..t- rer ,m rood or rem ..•..4 nod the 1lrmwe.t rant =eel Cseemasy sane sew .0 ether rano& bare rens Illaw s�awM�d' Z&dio - Poam Sem o -On Taw. SLOOD MOON wawed Li manned. as VITALITY. ona r bast - won •e'er teres lea ere Te rias yam 1'.- sw ens •vat -W - AN1NT. Case and we W WD'S womb .s.... 1., era. merest of tin eek. d Gar WOWseanima simensisay Wham Os Arrive. ww5,t..� 011eaell ia r 1.- two s o d W Dl. .o. beta l a .segnw r emn.ro .5 ah. *11 Wawa estld-tW Wad mamba ser w•es woe' DR. WARD. ■UVFALO'S LEADING SPECIALIST T Maws Sew+. Opp. McKinley Mu.. ..l INC/PALO. N. T. Op�rmes•� Ream -Yid., wed r.dU. weans',-il es O. Smwdr. Hamner and teddy -s r A 5..e.,s-14 ro L ns' w 'aha teres.!.• Ma ,. a.%nth d MLN 1 kW tr..i. .wm•ne ..ss' is tin p•Niro lo• has worn the ben., d Ida Lf • gnaw n o4r Mle IDA Daawaas m.+.5 w A. and 5evmee'. ort ►..p,a,. R- ani rases' dl einnalo b of e'er. Anne Plea a.•• 1.ww.,u M u - ke r. 8,� X:..and annoyed eel,- .kundr•boenrol =id r.. nniammenssee Wan and Mtome se inn,. ► wows inns sent Meir nose The I..swt ter rammed sad wart. sew .is te..i r IS AMAr Autumn Display of Imported Millinery Models Miss Campbell announces the autumn opening of Imported Models and Original Creations for September 14th, 15th and 16th Charming is the word that characterizes these new modes. 'they are charming indeed -in Their novelty, their smartness and their becomingness: A visit to the show- room will reveal a myriad of fancy feathers, wings and breast effects, also flowers and foliage. MISS C. M. CAMPBELL KINGSTON STREET GODERICH. ONTARIO KHSGSSRIOOE. MotmAv. September 4. Mr. Jasass McCarthy has joined thel reeks of the endow. Mies Nellie Megmber has returned to bre house In (*getow. W. are all pleased to see Miss Nellie Sullivan in um midst aims. A. O'Lonnor, of Whitby. ie spending • • few d.y. with frieods here. M.. J. !'lent y, of Caledonia, spent iOs- week end with friends here. The Miasmal Ruse end Ellett O'Reilly left last week for Sault fete. Marie. *lies Eleanor Juye lessee this week Ito Fitton' Normal School at London. Wm. and John Long. Wilfred Oat'. rey end M. J. Did ou have returned w Aesuwptioo Cull -gr. Sandwich. Rev. }'atbete O'Neil nod Moran spent a low day. in this vicinity last week. The teachers and students from 11.11 have returned to 1nrir reepecily. schools. Mies Elsie Martin, of Goderich, is visiting ber cousin. Mims Mery Ignatia Hussey. Willie Kearney has. returned to bis home to (iodericb after spending the musuwer here. Senator Donnelly and children, of Pibletton, paid • Hying vwit to his minim, Mrs. Garvey, this week. Thomas Sullivan. Ed. Nearer, ('on. .)'Reilly. John Meyers end ital. Keane are attending Toronto Exhibition. Mrs. (iso LeFrance and children have retuined to their house in Lon- don after spending • tow'' days with friends herr. Messrs. J. P. Sullivan, Frank me- t'artby. Percy Met artby, Roy Meyers Ind Ciereooe Joye have takeu Advant- age of the harvr.term' recursion to the West. __ GODERICH TOWNSHIP. WKDNSSDAY, Sept. B. The Taylor's Corurr branch of the Patriotic Society will hold a sewing meeting at the Bowe of Mrs. H. U. %Vatter,' ou %Veduredry, September I'it h. Mas. James Bell, 3rd concession, has kindly offered ber home to the meus- t.ere of the United Patriutl= Some.y tor their sewing uu Fridey, September Lith. Those who cauout •teens! the meeting may help by working its their homes. Mrs. Andrews always bag sawn and machine -knit legs ber the knitters. Miss M. E. Salkeld keeps a supply of cut-out garuiente ou baud fur the sewers. CARLOW. • W'gu,KSDAY, Sept. 6. Mise Jean Young tains gone to Strat- ford to take a cuur.e at the Normal School. The pulpit of Smith's Hill church was occuplyd by Mr Colin Fingbaud last Sabbath. Mite Isabel Young and Min Vests Fisher havr goue to Goderich to COn- t.nur their education at the G. C. 1. Mr. John Walter had the wisfoi- tuue to lose two valuable witch cover. The loss was caused by their eating to) much aifella clover. The regular meetiog of:sthe Red ('to,s Society of Carlow was held io the towumhip hall. The usual work end business were dispireed of. LEESURN. Toestt', `.rpt.:,. Threshing is the order ut the day at prr.ett. School opened on Monday morning, with Mien McKenzie in charge.,, Miss Cue Williams was home for the wee! -end Nom !.Tinton, where. she is attending Model School Mr. and Mr.. Geo Patton left for De.roit yesterday &fart visiting their retails es herr tor several weeks. Our di. C. 1. pupils, Beatrice Chi•- bulw and Hawiltou (,Cotton, returned to !neer studies again on 'needs y. Mr. Harry Cuisholus returned to Sandwich on Saturday after spending his vacation under the parents' roof. Mrs. John Hooter, president of the Leelmi n Red Cross Association, went down to Clinton ou Labor Day to at- tend the Red Crass cunventiou three. AUBURN. WKDNA•DAY, Sept. 6. 135111.14. - Miss Elms Mutch hes titlru a p041000 u milliner at Drub - wood and left on Monday to commence her duties .... Mr. John Ferguson coolie Moue Dom Toronto for the week -end (iso. F. Y ungblut, Ed- ward Johnston and Moe. McCabe each rhiptwd s car of cattle to the To- r.tnto warket on Saturday ... Mrs. - Win. S.urdy bas been visiting Wing - ham friends . Mr. Jas. Jaekson, Mrs. Richard S hung and Mise M. Reid took in the Western excursion on Saturday ....Missies Ethel and Laura Murdoch have left for Zealandia, Sark.. to joie, their father there. We are sooty to Woe thew two young girls from our community. They were eccos)panied by theit aunt. Mies Make Gasoline Your Motive Power This is the season when a Gasoline Engine would be a valuable asset if added to your farm equipment. Just at the present time we have on the floor of our ware- house all sines of Engines from one and a -half to sex horse- power. They will do a great deal to take the drudgery out of life. Call and see them. UMW OMNI BORT. WILSON WerkirtaWebainsWeinewenaelerbrunasseanierseasseel -T 1 J. H. COLBORNE FOR THE FALL OF 1916 What We Can Do --and What We Can't Do ! We can't control market conditions -but we CAN give YOU the benefit of our "foresight" in loading up with an enormous stock of materials which enables us to offer our lines of FALL DRESS AND SUIT MATERIALS at most reasonable prices. Complete lines of Velvets, Series, Broadcloths, Poplins and other popular cloths. These are cloths that wear and satisfy. Latest Styles - Best Qualities - ReassnsNe Prices WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR THESE CLOTHS, • • A SHOWER of comfort in warm weather you can take any time you feel disposed when your bath- room is fitted up in modern . ,tyle with a good shower apparatus and bath - tub. Let us put you in improved sanitary plumbing worth. .of the times. If we do it, it's done right. Fred Hunt H.%M.ILTON STREET 'PITO E 135 CENTRAL rooceesion, the ►•ern took fire and was burned to the ground. It is ',opposed • spark from the Hrel5)1 caught in a stark just outside the baro Mr. %Vat• ter. Inst, besides his Karn, seventeen pigs worth about ISO. all his crop and *few implement.. He had no lnsur• aocd. Mr. Hill al'0 suffered a .evere lose in th•de.truc•,on of his separator. He i+ getting* new one this wrest from Sarnia. PATENTS [.a_,IAtfVit3ld.1LtT_ 1n a'1 eeunt.'.s A•k tar our INT104- SU1t d AI tt'ISER.w:.): b • f:: Le seat tot MARION & MARION. SIM University at. MMttrieb SEPTEMBER VALUES at Walker's Furniture Store EVERY department in our big store bustles just now with interesting offerings at interesting prices. Basement Bargains $23 Brass Rel for _ $26 1 Hr;us Rel for 120 +►I5 Brass fled for_.t 513 =B Sar Coil Springs for 5S $7 Chil.t'. Iron Cot fur.. 55 6:D4 Rahn Carriage for. 321 !Ifl. t1 Baby Carriage for 514 STRATFORD. ON T.. Commercial, Sito.tbasd and " Telegrapiy De artmost& Students way enter at any time. We pito-. graduates io position'. During July and August we received applications f, r over 20) as.i.tsnts we could not supply. Write fur our free cat,11ogue At once. D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal Mabel Erratt Mise M. E. Blyth opened •"bool on Tuesday with • good &ttendanee. Vies Fern Patterson left on Saturday for Lindsay, being engaged there as teacher. Mr. John Robertson, of town, spent the holiday in the rillag. Mooers. Wm. *nil Fred Mutch and faouhes, of Clinton. drove over on sonday and .pent the holiday with relatives here Rev. A. Laing and Mr. W. T. Riddell es;h took an auto -lord of Red frena' wreckers veer to uttered the meet- ing at (',intni. on Monday Mrs. W. T. Riddell arrived home from her trip on Monday Ur. John Short spent the holiday at Toronto fair sees Mr. H. H. Hill is having • new ver- andah added to bis house. Mononine ANRIv ERA SUIT 81R - V erg..-Thel•nniversary services bald in the Methodist church hers oe Sun- day last were • decided success, especi- ally from • financial p 'int of sieve, • much larger amount of moneybeing *ma • than wexpected y the trustees. The services were eosdeetsd by • former peator. Rev. R. A. Miller. n ow of MAsertnn. The suhje.•t for the afternoon service was hared on the tett "Who 1. this that cometh out of the wilderness like pillar, of smoke?" and for the semis( on : "Vault of vanities. mitts the preacher. 'snit of vanities, all is vastly." Mr. Mil 'a popularity with the coag of this circuit evidently has not dimin- ished by his removal to another sphere of labor. Daring the attires inn service many could not obtain twits is the church. while in the evening many could not even obtain stand's* mem. the majority at both eomeragstioss being youngThe largeattewd• ince was Ise sly a a personal tribute to Mr. Miller, he having totted a worm t prt in the bear. of the !flung people d t bis eieldt. Na ilk. !t. *hes a D„TPO ' TI V W rutRNs -O Os Th rsday •••••••i4•404a, tad ItrNl. Mr. Web ffo II r rse st Mtfv vas. sly NI dsh fi..511 Verannah Chair% for 53.50 t►rre-half doyen Surfacet►ak toning !'hurl, furl set rife .mall and one arm chair. regular value *l3. fur _.512 Two -passenger Lawn Swing, H 7S, On the Main Floor 1 Buffet, surface yak. f•Itt, for_ ___. - _.. 514 1 Surface Oak Dresser. large bevel plate glans, special value at . .39 Introducing the f.amoui Kirsch Kraft Novelty Curtains of Sturgis. )Ix•h., we will well regular 15 value+ for -5=.30 and *Lao per. pair Kirsch Extension Reils in sclyet finish -Inv win',w rola list to 51.10; Rn.) for d.x46:e curtain. Sly': Rod forstan,Lard window -654 Pedestal Table, 'Olid o.ak, fumed finish. for --511i.30 1 Brass Jardiniere• for 56.,g,60 1 Brass Coal Hod. for - - - - - -- gm0 1 Dininrroom Set. Pomnlete a, shown in window. nebr.t design in pali.heet walnut, consisting of chins cabinet, pelt -not tattle, buffet. and net of leather upholstered d,ners. all to match. Regular pricer 111X; special price to iutrrslu• - some clam, furniture s� Dresser, with large British plate mirror. .now•whtte enamel,neat Draw trimmings. regular price 111,1. special 514,60 On the Top Floor 1 Davenport, convert:',:e into 4 bed, complete with mattress for 563. Regular price is =1t. Library Tables, strrface oak, $4 and $7.30. i,ibrary Table, solid oak, filmed finish - 512 1 three-piece Library Set, uphol- stered its genuine Span is h leather, solid oak. fumed finish. special price . Sea i/ ihrary Table. Jac'dnne finish $15 T.. Introduce 11114 store andto the trople to know that se are handling House Furnishings, we will quote some very interesting prices in Flax Coseringa. 1 her stock is new and well assorted. In our range of ayes, qualities and price. of Rugs we feel satisfied that we can meet your require- ments. -Take Notice We do Picture Priming neatly and promptly. Our fall stock of pictures will arrive in a few day. 504 it will be worth your while to come in and see them. Some of the most beautiful subjects ever shown in Goderich will he among the collection. our .tock of Furniture Cm-ering. and Draper -tee is now400mplete. *homy can shoyou some very attractive patterns at interesting e.. An invitation is extended to yon at all time. to cno#e to and inspect our store. "If it's new it's here ; if it's here WI new." WALKER'S FURNITURE STORE THE STORE OF QUALITY Often the Cheapest Always the Beat W. Walker, Faraitare and U6iirtaki g Kae M Csdsrk o. •4 1 1'4 s'•1 v •t 01111111111111111111111111111111•641111114111110•61.i ,