The Signal, 1916-9-7, Page 2• '1'oCts•paT MHrr. i. 1916 + sionat1irnt would 1 Poeft Toronto at the .1- pieuse province.of the rest of the province. It dr-. -1 that the benefits would IN pars toad t + d and that "by owning their *.T w • • THE fillejtiAilo PRINTING 1.'0-LT4, own tamed railway •ystew for muni• o•iprl ter, i,f Onto' if. can effectively 1Pltttt,taltHKn die- rotr. t thrut.elves from injuriuu• e�nlin atdnn. Ttua sounds vett' awe a eat l+ �e W goo e4R11 T\r urtal*1t h efd►s b Tfe rtleual elePh wl ` 11- hut wbe0 the system is in the bands th • seaside co..ttng and shape t►od rah tart.„ o Te vn t arse+ t Toronto wen and the f,,,,s •.a imitated d the name-t)uJJ rl,.•,•.4 4t t'*/'t anew\„ rt ass ,unnicii+•►,t err have sir ��r.�. � ,,, t u tM p•tn:al » t.sfc. noir. ItoArittrio •.ti•rd .brae sat tab t teedity seen dors•-raws The l oared � arlrcrn\•r+ THE SIGNAL : GODERTCA t�NTARTt► r�------ �••••••••••••••••••• I whole is any decisive effort against a A Former dpderich salts„ • SON �' • 7 London Advertiser: Ker. �t'dliaw In foe wtutse Matt is missing. rriulurrrd b ! • ��O ), J rltperieoco in the fe1J, in „„mein (iudwin, litre. tiodwidl end daughters, i i W. /t `v • j� �m A N alai _...tt.at Iwwevrr extaau,ted he be- MST Pearl A. red Ms+ Uracr, hrve (V. • nd taken up their residence alto we rare •s.,.•ow -- - -- 1 indomit•M. visit of our oMcers and at tr�it4 Naitiaud „alert. • pe+c b re acea.mlplisbing yr ("Jain. a ►uewbl'r of alas Ion-•• of IlodJ's Edney Pills are legion. The bolt is imitated. orf tar imitate. tM► the k ow• o .- (tat an `r -.the Ilol.*r w•, rLrI•Anrnoa taNwa. t1 /s adrwce •taw at l rtp&%t •+ h ' tacalt• no say Kidney Pills is im.rdrJ. lmi:.aiax4s ars. start„- 4\e rile M • *,e t w\o taw Poet upsell pro they wotddn t cr oft►e tact at saes„/f *Aimee. Pow I smuntcq.altt A.. will get. II we are to tors haven Y to Beard. bath eta oma , 11. int oWnersh'.p. let it he fent• stn: 41a m. co... regularly tt•�N til to roeur44 a Tu m the ala u.q[Pnleut, t is have r cation 1^.1: :• vection the outride' Kidney 1'111+ hr rrl.4 Tint r i,., a u axis or wig boater • favor \y roy,yiat ,\U. M br 1 c\ne at +ado.. ,„r• Itewittasasp Darr P4, y not yerWally t tea sew whim, by tea Grin. caws. wawa, rode be walls ansa w reerarree Inter. Protinaal „wurr•bip, order diatom. ar ussnea at any time I' Toronto owner►hip. Sub. -rttatsa• sas�s] esat aisles to, dl.ptay ens At)rcNT1YNe 7 aKlrtl. _w'1t Selz ai 4 ell 0a •VVI' arrtrret rd♦ -m,w dverturuel, tea Snot in...moon and four ��" r law hs rotaaepar twice far ase► rb...Aort. tr.ertton. idly nonpareil-twenr ]►w+es sr weak, .+a alae„ rod un •r IntIlLmi. r 111.1. .Ad+rrti.•r , sad under. it .4. ee tr.r. Nttuulou+ Vae4 of Usti Hone. for bale 4 r acaat. altwtiom late at to to fiat. Article rot Nowa tot late �athner.Tweaty- for Cep et c.nottertie•: t Dreier for ant Ora( 0'-„serimtelret'• • weaientmouth- "•IIti)l1L't1LASHAtti. mo&t\. Pif`y t••ot•'f°tw lin lou. Au 1�►Rvr tens. two.,001tpr f tri 11�1p0s. Ten '('hr e.trieep,nJent of the Associated oesneena•'nts 1a TwMtr- from British i t .nt,•per lane. to., ..* los meet d Preset Spot the following eve Cent, AO/ "Pools` 1°'t at oar ir•dt`si Hesdyuartrr. ill Franc„ shortly before ,rsTr 1 b ti ♦ „anent There So they trade on the reputation of Do.a. • i�idn. r Pill+ is not be deceived. is only one (1tl'")'S. h.*7-:' • i+ the o.ri;.rinaL Dodds i, the arae to be can f.:: abut - Th'EiAt tD-o-D-DS KIDNEY PILLS uonr4 c.t,..lder'ad ►e `rr which u the Par,1.11,r7 . cbs odor nt 10ruon, t.o a Oseaerrt.o• of the beginning .01 the Allied offensive lAewprnt and Poston aa. -11 1 m ne To ., 040((54 .tel cordially mora ►0 14 g we • . what ..,snail the irspxtwtble t0 troy dut l'oofvt•eucr, haslrn obliged to r•- eoldier+ sit the outset of the war lire frou. active service for hes church, ••&)tat .•wn.e gives us strength ; for owing to iii -health. Luring Isis mini•' try. be has been stationed silt years is •Il 111 different cbutche• in Laing**. and he rod hie tames are bring mel turd tiv maul old friend* to the city. He has abs had l.burcbes in birders( , tit. Thomas and other important cen- tres of tbs conference. ti .we years two be vas obliged togive up sit renuuats 1 work owing to tailing health,• we see lighting for eivibzation. 1bos 4. who have lar. ked to us tor victory will have their pM sin rewarded." A lieutenant in the trenches knows rs much ut when the blow will be sillies as a collie cosonandet or a staff depettmelt head. A quwet order fmw that 1nirt 40(110 And torn will tome the struggle, which by the token of the commander's strong chin and ituperturtab"hty he will carry tbiougb with unbending reeolutiuu and Mcutcb "eanaruew.' goes Being • good ',col, he R every Sunday morning t0 • tittle wuoaie11 ( dame the outskirts 4f the head i Collette and a junior medallist iia run wrrnt rrtert w1 1Y �,ewwW bresnnnt •taod {ivit+t in sellar -like Z con, No n4htary leader i• more averse to e.1uwsrd-m+ at tow 1 01 all local. county rod dtstrietdataes. ° aoniortlon will t.e a•111oded trip. the nam„ And „caeca. O • • OF • e A • •• • • E place on sale a a • W Natural Chantung Silks..,, • • heavyquality and will wash large purchase of • �. to 36 inches • and wear wide, per and • • to satisfaction. Regular 50c, at p y parlors end wept 10 l3weaburg in the hope l • o • that lighter work might •tr biw an 3 7 • opportunity to regain his K,'onglb. • Miss Pearl Godwin• the elder daugh- ter. who hos accompanied her parents • inches to London, is an accuwpliebed must-� • Blach Satin Duchesse Dress Silks, 36 Prnt.yteaian ebrprl which Dna been clan,* medallist to Pasoo u Today's market in sing- • wide, heavy quality, erected on t alta it s u quarters town. 'Ther„ hr Sita in tAM tag of the same in11 il...0 ' The b tflcer. nod wl• ager daughter is still III school. won ►t daughter, M a cut.. ,t pp° 4ihlicit ti murk„ more silently r i0tmrnt is the wn:er, not p T tar •.> e•Weuc. tin lrouglar Hag, the Hlitirh Com- eteraut to them nuts and whoever hoe rt his chateau is expected to be- 000eo.•a:+lt fur peWiestioa. td ream TN1 of lay! froth.office 1 err item. rummer t+f each oAlrc bol trier thea N•eda•.ei.y °O°° ' who areto v im portunaterfote. the offensiive of eras meet;. t}ratie•ce and yet again - 'hie answer ie. •; --� Itt1e1 1 patience, while the new monition T1i1 RatDAI . SEPTEMBER i factories brgit t produce and be con- - -- times hit building. His generals say EDITORIAL NOTES. that hr neer„ tell* thew his plane, only what they are to do. Islet ready for the fall lair. Ptubrbly not 005 moo out of ten of the million tat more under hilt cons - Id recognize him if they nuc there un the iuiqut'. *..'neral Hr - stoartrrs Owe. There i+ little cere- mony. Life at the small chateau has a ruldisrlV simplicity, At luncheon the soldier servant places the ford on the sldeb0aId, and everyone taker his plate and helps bituself, Few gtse.(s color. Sir Douglas keep' his time to biutrrlt for his work and hie own (choice of recreation. `One of the aides receives the caller ; and a minute later the loan with iron gray hair and mustache. •tardy, ath- letic of build, slightly above medium height, who coiner iota the ball could not be w»taken, whether in or out of uniform. for anything hut a soldier. though sotneltsiug about the well - chiseled and regular features also sug- gests the scbolrt. -Oxford and Mindhurst and India,' said .one of his admirers. "and hard work at a desk when be was nut tak- ing exercise in the opea sir best des- cribe bile. lit one of the room+ of the ground floor the walls are bung with maps, including a series which have been crowded on .• roller. Any portion. of the tient in all its details whe re. hy cr etre tuaod woo The Bulge» w411 soon i e It raw tutu. \..t given to reviews or what's coming to thew. any kind 01 display, this quirt Scots- twin was the choice of the progressives "Victory- ir. *be message daily re- and driving element of the rrWy as the cne fi: by equipment, training and °rived trout the Allard armies. ' experience t„ sneered Sir J .140 French. At fitly -five he is bine years younger Weil, anyway. King Cuustantiae than sir John and ten yeah younger has tried hard to be a model of a .uai- I than Jake u a or vat y that d entered the tai! husband. I army as the result ot,a boyish wager. The Signal is always pled to rr- He went thr otgh Oxford with distinc- tion twfore he went to the military orive soldiers' letters tart ptlbacation• school at Ssndhur.t. di+ choice of We are all iuterested in the doing. 01 arm was the c4tvrlry, which has bald our boys in khaki. little to du 40 tat in *hi. wad. But no ___�- I sooner hid he received hi.cummiesieot. Mark these dates as your calendar- later in Isle than wort ad !cm ►wcaum hr had spent at Ozfutd, beautiful sheen, our • colored -edge woven quality. • • value is b i . 75 at. Per yard • • $1.35 • Yard wide. in browns, blues, • • Silk Poplins mauves. blacks. greens and greys. • • Serviceable and handsome for sults, waists and dresses 1 35 • cnwpadu of $ )ltd n Jou Airs R 1. Mc- -And during s good Scotch ret An o f er -And a long one, too. Cormick, of Blytb, accompanied by her husband, Rev H. J. McCormick, .a visiting her parents in their new! Aa aIt Is Mow. home at theEpresent4wnbnR tame. Orast -Will-- you marry nor, Rim pretty mud -` "The evening wore on," contipurd the How many cylinders as your au- ern who war telling the story. tomubi{e, sir ?" she said. -Louaydle Excuse me, interrupted the would- 1 l.'auriet-Journal. n you tell us what the 4t"ednesday, 'lhanday said 1,A 'dry, of the a set tnau be set taut w.th the [huraugt►ue+s :erred 4+ in • m•+arae. against the Srpteauler '= , '3 rod 'CI. They rte the ..1 the lit uderit to toaster every branch 1 of wall the ll 3.011 011 O.* *dei more maps the Oates 011111(00's arrwtebt (sir. ot his p * in it ars se Brtlin in the nineties . Kali age and some of e m s and nse Now the people id No.thern04.1 trio that Imet i ('eptalilsHaiti. w .o-tu; s`nth as+Lnr+a turhe n ut aeroplanes of grey - say cowplrrntut: of tat.-lraidrut 11 tat •ray *aid an l ugu+tuurn. "} ars sp.culaturs 'the wry III, Kat aid uf, struck b hi, industry not • 1+Itlliaot laud rj.eculstul. Is to 1 .x tew test 01 mar. pet lisps, but a round and well ellatenCe. I balanced one. A little hesitant of speech ; whist he did boy went to the Since the ruction iu the LonJun hr. 41 of things- t e, b 1-' 'He studied the French arwy, Wilt. 1 city couoca the ploLer have and the billet' cull uampai,iUe with way„ b4-.0 un 1411141 .at 404)..'4! meet- the sy4tcwanr thnroughnrr+ that he I t why a member I J t 4 evrr.tl..ng it wa» the lugs. Lows *141. rx , ata app ie j ("ice --ratty al- 1. with hi. prrnine.. as hi. Pru(e•' or ri t c11 is i0 se•sioo'' ul l:a.drto'b's Iw l(m le fru tray. et the town hall when the cuuu- siunu he stir rhe hi hiw•P fd taafi rsticla•s golf player, though the toren he •bowed did not excite the envy tat pro "Work• for tI The Farmer's Advocate:trsinnal-. Staff College, where and 144,09* the Isle 1.04 w Ilial the 11mf „blew a y Staff C l lirge was e people who are now beginning to see walked man before he acted as Chief ru04rth.ng i0 areal": re wiH L' ul-- of Start to I•'tench In South Alt 0r* in to rd to scams that after alt there is the operation* that made French's uldirt •s K+Wier i .,n .rv.trr-lona waren. -� art hu*ioe++ st- d what it can pn ace, oldie had nattily earn 0 r staff ees oi- thus unJr.u'nrt rm.Ire woe ker. I ganizr ion. The Pirautllce Department, it is air ers 1 Of t'le ern of c.,nmuand rank in the tar in a town ant ion away. Sumo:l- and to chiefs of the d.tTerent army coat' in a d1.ky field of „bell and mine craters„ make one think of the dead world of the 41104)4). Out of doors is a field of daisies and birds singing -a typical sunny day in Nottbern France. From I hi• retreat a vast army is being trained, and ill orgsnitatton ly completed and dtrecte i Chief 'ayutn- du! lug-nf-war. f, r -the manila tau alloy still le the wrkiug- 1 he .' alt atwec+ refer to ban a. "the l'hirL" 1'h.•re is soulrabiug iwper- 100:41 1Loit it and yet personal, fot he is absolutely the Chief. There is no euggertiun of any cuu.mli•.)rn ay stem in the command of the artist) stony tbe.e day.. Toe man and hi. suet howl are ori quiet as the room. With a wt'Ielront .vhiett tewaina in the same place monw1) atter month. the routine of his a • mot k ha. become almost ss ort as bar woo. had w ( sl 1 hahltatton and not unlike rbai 1 *I i heard f' antncrat of solar gt and [bouKln the p t The u.4thi0R 1 hal cru euf pose e the old tarot rrpu1 iL100- He wr+ mooned, ie IV issue a new stamp. British *limy in Al4use. 1. . mown in cola", to take the place of tar WI 111 B .hert•00-„malas„ sur Ute combined two -cent (1+41,45 and ,linos 111344 who had risen trove the war' tax stamp. ae prrauulr, I d+nk-Wrre•and 'the two s now iwbftlf Staff Lon - were wl•prsiwei uwcanar sf the r .4.4,44 the slaw(" by the generation 4it officers maws had now issued has hod atom the pu1.l hav- ing prepared thm'usel ee fed alliCe Soli; l•r the ica sdike( - The threatened tallssay suite u. 1he tine of large bodies of troops un the calcul Cuntiurltal warfare- They l nttrtl Statre Law been averted, and weie not tat the magnetic, They Yres.dPlll \'tlsuu has male himself , trader type, hut 'iKtnirer+. '•sola& with a larxr rule by hip course lining out in command of the Forst Ar a v of the i1. ml -h Expeditionary Finer, Mir D.•ugls+ had .evcnt...n months expelarncr - Mon-, Ypees, bud (,.nee- -of the Wal Lal4 of the western ttont, which all agree is the t•'ugheet Little Job Big ins tit *oche*. be it Grit atoms, lutelh-• gence, Ordnance, (1t Supply, come to hien in succession at hours set during the morning to Make tepo.rts and re- ceive iorttuction.. They do wort of the talking. and they have lesttied how not to do more than neer+vary. He listens anti necklet 1f r longer conference than nate{ is de -sited. it *nay conte at lunch..., 11 or later in the afternoon. when he tee turns front (4i+ ride, which he takes teetotally ' curt) day. 1 heti more work until dinner, and then •tole after dinner. 1f be Roes down to the line.. nr perhaps to confer with Gen- eral J, Hir. 141 the car *hien alone of Oen- midllrerab ngrying the roads ,Hiies tlhe11H110 11 Had. the routine for 4h.1 dry i4l broken. Like (.en,ral.loffre, be sleeps Long hours. A rested blind is a clear mind for gt0At responsibilities. Like von Hindenh)'g; be never reeds fiction. When readin• has not t 4 do with his profession it .r of .erinlle books and nonwhite& anti plait -r1iev. Even dur- ing the battle of Ypres. When it wag touch and go with disaster, he slept as.throlMettle. ttre At s11 ris..iirg the 01 the atle of rt - treat from Mons he t•eruarked. as quietly as if hl' were giving a direction to *n aide. W. ,hall have to hold on herr for a while, if we all die for it," Again during the retreat, when a certain General lo-eawe somewhat (IP- utot'IaSd, Mir Ihnugl..* took bite h the arm and walked up and down with tut) h0 silence till he w.t. +Iver hie Ht of nerves on that t.rrible Au04lst day. Those who work with hum know that his sign of anger i• a prolongesd sir•nce of s telling kind. H• has • temper. hot dares one le. it get past his lips. they say. His ha., too, a keen sense of hum )$, wi h a Scotch favor The impreeowim he („wee on • caller is that of a leader without 1114t.i0ns ; a soldier who Awes wilt' s soldier'* IoR{C, rl ient, in for Walter. The schoolmaster, Vreridrttt may yet surto ore ►hose who Wive been confidently predl., t •ug his defeat next ovemtxc I sch.ed one •s.:diel ha+'„ver known. &lode: .ch is not the only womb (pal- ` (h114.tiroe» 9 nu y. doubtli w o commandedHaig ity that has trouble with ire "rucuu[ any••e a rnl at the front who was aged ' 111duat les. At Owen mound it j the beet rusts leo tat„ Sir John's pl err it announced that local )Idusturs ate. the &newer wa+ almost invanahly 11e had not cept,lred the In e, iv -Joist, Ii the town t, the extent . f o mayfh imagination, but it• teasoo. sort $. l,,apl, including t l0r lo4a( Toe U ihu to Al our cuwprny The town cuuucil ha* enunla•I4 haat the Ellgl1sh drill •usltucted the 'edict.lx to collect the' grounds' when he i i. t oveto makeid. t rtrrrrp. ___---_ • tan inertnwent which will carry out a Theta's',general upward movement 1 pre soil 'Orme.S 44 011mthe h meet in blab ruougb. but it loots quite modest effort in l'hwwpsKnr, and toe British beside Pwltuerstin'• 4:s -will rate. 1 p at Kincardine thecounril enntewplrtad cleating up an old ovetdtaft by *d - or From the repairing of a faucet to the installa- tion of a complete p,lumbi n g system, we are equip- ped to do the job. W. R. PINDER pbolzs lag Hrw4ton Street 0n. to brains atuouot .ot s luso of 1121. 401 inside 10 Phe new army wee atr'wing in great In (at ra es. (roderich s .its mitt 4 of the I.ernlan. a' ♦ „.dun, the I• re tffort at Neave l'brpwll* and Lee* cunvinre many military eft cies that! the feat is iulpo•+ihd5. Hi. Hat uperat�•'n, carried oat with lancing the tai ral5 (ot tht, year• 4 t,itt a hitch and unknown to the tier- ]'ine would have meant • rate of I 1 a.i., wee the taking over of the untie and the e.uocil un %x'.rnd thought 4 trrneb'o. in the A'rag .5.•104 nrrll1ted decided to les 11ts over41rrft st and end I hr f tench troop- tote••ril for Verdun lbag•re the Han•h an intact front to lay this Tesl'• cb•tges nal)', nub a of about hs• utile-. and wrap decided rate of 'L s win.. upon 1,y the allied cafttnlanders as Next Monday will be Labor hay. sive in the wire awl hog of the fist Ibe most ornerier. and on' fusely.t all country of Fiand4I, and Nor the 4 our stetutoty holiday'. 1. rogues dl- 1'rs om. tett 1t' atter the vacation season, when A wisp t taut roil two -Mtr/M h t wo+et than a preu,atufr Hritirh oft5n- not.o.dy parlo'ulrtly wants • hot and few people know whet to do one when it is forced upon their (Rills Patk/t. lust the same. Labor Day i+ a 41a1- iu n • deetdi.ue the entrance tothe e • Petr, who is not 'Oran t. p .neper thin the! ncc,p,Pd by matt "In your civil war." heroic to a enr- dtvt.ion generals. which is the here{ reepond5M, '1t was • ease of raising armies of untrained hies, while, with wi .rs quartets of the l,•tuwander u1 Ub4.4. Anyone who experts to he ushered into (M... with aide• running in and rend to the .mall buy who has lust out of doors and telopl M11• ring souse to the end of hs summer Moll- iog will fr diarppx+inted. No place days. 1'u Mut scbool attain of. Mon. could Ire further temo•ed h,n. the sunder slid its re- otrogglr nt it" trenche. red ler fo th5 dy, tight after ■rmy zone. 5trstate, *0ull. be • f. ighlful pro»poet. Thr Doty rrccupv4t• of the chateau bol Ih5 elites bululey *florded by 1.a I besides fair 1 .,ugi4' rte hi• private we ting. 1)44 exam the jolt. in.( Ilk, the rotary and his aides, who alts ••crock•.' the army word for alleges who ba•e spring* on a car. hero wounded and ere not ft for e1- 1 +abet pnenre in 'louver tenches n o • Toronto World endeavors to if ter wir�te. to he- alien the tear of tblrw who lehe•e corns an aide M newel have fought �� become worthily eQealve M • that • Proriac wi radial r4Jway els- thea have iJks df'entoe oil • doctor t+Mt u• the small natcleu• of r•egul e who survived the retreat had (1 train even larger fo,e to Meet a military m't hine which had hand for; y year, of preparation. Not only than 144 son, (nit In nl'Rrniaa(4On •1 we ake OW pal Wm superior to 0444 powerful enemy. the training of heltalinl'• and the manodactua. of guns in Eng- land ng- er o Feline, re- presented their the first t stair" M veal preperrtion for our wk. Here they mn•t he organised into divisions, and armies -undo: this aeturl Th ‘176.7.. oxds lrrxw• to f ht and conditions of werfaes. before they so:›* • e • hewn; -hut ca evening wore on that occasion "I don't know that it is important," replied the story -teller. "But if you must know i believe it was a the sa C►� at a rutuwer day• Tames. • A • • S 20 pieces old stock. old dye, all • t per yard • Dress erges pure wool navy Dress Serges, 42 t near) two • inches wide. These Worth today V • years ago but arc crisp and bcauti�ul. • • ' .. , g5c • • $1.25. At per yard •.' 1• t • I• h 'd Th $erges were bough Y • - The Saults Coal Co. S4cCee•on. to M, Domani & tilatl.dt 1:XC LUSIVE AGENTS FOR LEHIGH VALLEY •TIE COAL THAT SATISFIES \\'e deal in Hard and Soft Coal, Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, also Hard and Soft Wood, Maple and Hemlock Slabs. Hemlock Slain, $2 per cord. Fresh cars of Lime and Cement just received. 111'} ICE PHONE - - - - 171 H 3 Saints' Residence 275 Sault'- Residence 202 • .www- -w- ,•.:,r w . -*- \4f w w- • 1000 yards of 3b -inch best qua I Y Flannelettes • plain wl=iite Flannelettes. W jSC • 22c At per yard •i 2 - lain bleached sheeting. • • Sheeting 72 -inch heavy, p25c • • On sale a at • • 3b -inch Lonsjsle C3ntSrics• At p -r yard • • .. • 15e • • 412, • heavy English White Cotton, fin- and • 36 -inch extra 12 1-2c • • • free from dressing. At • • • • W. ACHHE--ON �c •SO�'V • • • �i•••••••••••a••••••••••••• • FALL AND WINTER 1916 - 1917 THE DEPARTMENTAL Ordered Store Ti1ori'4 Managed by F. J. PRIDHAM, the "Old Reliable" in his line. Z Agencies arc the best in Canada, .end this Method uis certainly O�� the coming .thing in ordered tailoring, as, no he Other's endeavoring to e noticed by the work we have been turning outanc101ac1 the pick of the best follow in our footsteps, but - we got Oir first agencies are all the best possible to houses before they got a look In g get in the various grades of work : Classic Cloyhers" "The "`Wm. H. Leashmaa � Co." and the famous "Scotland Woolen Mills Co." - r ecu guarantee that every Hundreds of sample cloths to select from, and a fieQ is act ion given. garment will be made to your order and our remises, adding a well - AND we are not going to stop at that : we are overhauling p garment lighted cutting -room and workshoand o1kpeOplea'p Our argumenition to t in f or of this s that mayofwish r the premises by first-class some of our customers would like our own at(rordeOrsr theselection balance, if satisfactory, when ll that you desire. Our terms are, a ceps goods are finished. NO CREDIT GIVEN. tar French Cleaning is a Wonder ! O Every particle of dirt or stain is removed, and no offensive odor remains. F. J. PRIDHAM GODERICH, ONTARIO. North Street, around the corner. • • 6 6 1 4 4 • s • • r�w t • 1