The Signal, 1916-9-7, Page 1MID41111111111111111011111111111111411411111110111111146 To January 1st, i 1 191T 1 1 Thr Signal will Ito rent to a any stew subrcrabrr in A ICanada .r karat Britain Ifor only 1 j 25 Cents I ItMMMp•MNINIP MMMsoma mITT•[IUHTH YLAK-No - A$ional. g ) PS MS Nlli Mill MI N Mtf.MaNN•a i Your j z AdvertIserEisnt I In The Signal j it i. rya I by the . bore people i 1 in A Targe 'Mr ti• n o1 Homo s etmitt y, Haight, blab ede j D I verti.ing is read . m 1106414131! ar the orae roluuu,-, II I1 ' 4 M MMIN N M M IMN M NBI1117 60DRRICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY SEPT. 7 1916 THE BIUNAL:PRINTINU ('U., I.IMITI I . J t ri o1 , 111 pines =tea THE STERLING BANK !. OF CANADA SAVE, Because -- Every dollar saved is another step to victory. 1 .. FOR SALE OR RENT. PROPERTY FOR SALE AT A BAH - GAIN. 1 will *11 my house. lot. garage, cow -told, eldehen Muse end the 4ad • quarter W.8 of elm° ul [Lal for N,;,o cath. of to the vus eke offer. most before Getotor 1.1, Ula l ume sod• • the lora -e ani buy er Irate )our ultra MU. °e mbar 1-1. hula leas -old whits crick bow. .ix norm- nod bathroom lenient floor la ovllar. MKS. ItEI.HA1t1. uritaouu Road. UOdero\ DI 'Lt FOR BALE BY ADMININTRATO1t. Per the purpose of ntoll.r r up so e•t•.:e the National tie -1 t owtawy. Limited. of lwwdo, wBLo.t II t 1.r Mol I der •,f -.is ember . liras, octavo sear.(Mw shat wet. ►..own farm la tiodench tewntL P known r lot number tw•sty 1x ,n the Maltlaod votive..Mo. contain tog se,'.I.ty these VIVO. more or to.. t,n the farm there is a �e.e house. frame bare, sod other budder. 1111 p1001 00 ori. W 5.veit on the 1.1 of IIs ember sod' uwhte .t: easement. mar Io. mode for fall) ppi�ooghins The farm mum be scald. For further yank ..:•r. apply to the .ala lompa.y or 1. Y..KINs0N k r. et Abs City ofGuelph. iV.sitcoms wR EM MALE.- L:+' A('KKb' Ole 000D lay laud. 11 mus urn t3* u( uelasetion . tot 1.' too, a+ -sun L;. Nutlet, Two b.w.•.. wank barn and 't rtr/nit Med . mit r [.thy wNL and spring a: hart of flew ..,1. las Verdant to thatch tad sisal Kur.l mad awl tel•peat8 Plies and tempo. tea.om bl•. Id» T%H Al'SK BROS.. 17 -to K. K. Ne 1. •Mono. I1n18! YORbALE OK RENT. -Ofi Mie street_ stale mama. Pew••nille• the Mei el Peretnt.w• Marr to K w'.. , Semester Ntnel. el It t1 BALE. -TWO FARMS. RHINO est 1a. reeesr,ioms land 1 Godes trh town TM ,.raw MH rental.. Jtty eight se et.. kr 4orr and -a halt house a good barn. • now.. -falling well and a spring elitist -1"h• .oath Wt •Outaln• 'WWW( airs. M- eeryyand�p an •-belalimme, b. W rr.: we Welk awd a.r1 -rank. Apply to WILLIAM and A1./ KED S EXY ERS. qwi:tors flit L'OK SALE --112 1-2 ACHMS OF 1 ant ala.. lan,1 on rrsvel road -troth of D.ngonnw. Large batik harn with .mime tabic - pig pen.. new •do, litter ^errs r large midi tor bay. ( too weal.. apple orchard and Neff,. fruit. Ner•f.,hng,-rwP-•t�k near the baro. R %AI.E.-TWO HEAVY ENG - Mal eleveo•rootu ...mens limed . sort war ter. LIMN P1..1TF: MIRRORS:true feet two • oral matt and trlepar.e : 1644 4, lo rhureb. Inches by ere fest fire inch.- rhe y will be h e u.l sod t Made. Ai ply to AN Deli. W. KIKK. mforsd at • very Mow prier. to 1 hale no further lander,'*. K 11..i. - '-t It u.e for them They ore .tor+ n:ndow minter.. J. H t1OLWIrtNk a•11 THE LAZE JUSTICE GARRO pr's.eot. I cluding Mesons .1 A. Mut- ton and Rt, Vaeatone. of tVinghrw W. B.ydone. of Chilton, Arid J. 31. W• Bert. of Seafortb ; besides the Intal hariieters. Others present wore Mr. and Mr.. J. U. Standard. of Detroit ; Nr. Kenneth McDougall. of Toronto, and Mt'. Robert Oarrt'w, ot McK,11t p, a brother of the deceased. A LEADING JURIST OF THE PROV- INCE OF ONTARIO. For Forty Years a Resident of Goderich Prior to His Appointment to th. Court of Appeal -Prominent in Municipal and Political Life ot This Community. Hoo. Mr. Justice James T. Gartow died on 1 hureday last on a train at Allaodale while uo hie way to Toronto from his summer biome at Minnecug, where he bed been for two months. Though he heti been for rums months iu poor health! he was nut .onaidered to ne dangeic u.ly IIs, and was return- ing tt. bib br u,e in the city are mend at WANTED. the chits of hie u.aoor,. He was in a very weak state when he telt Minoe- c.•g, but his death, whicn occurredrud- drlily ar [lir tr*in reathed Allendale. was wholly unexpected. The remains erre taken on to Toronto, and on Sunday evening ret -tyre, WAS IoW AC the tsu,ily residence, 411 Sc. George street, and wise conducted I,y Row. Dr, Thomas Eakins, past,+t of St. Andrew's Ptesl,yter ran chinch, of which the de„rased was • member, end Rev. T. Crawford Blows. Many meat ers of the Iencli and hair were pre.eut. '1 he p alllearel a were !Jar %S illiaw Metrdith. Mr. Justice Mager. Me. F'estbrrston Viler, Mr. Angus M.- MuIAhy, Mr. J. G. Sitandaid of De- troit. Mr. McDougall. Mr. Justice Britton and Sir Allen .tvlesworth On Monday the remains were in - trued in Maitland cemetery, (itrt}r- 1 ich, the funeral taking plat's fru", the residence of \Ir. C1,azbt-. liartuw, North Street, after the arrival of the 1LA1 O. T. R. train. Thr services at the house and at the graveside were conducted by Rer. I)r. Eakin.. of lor- nnto,. and the pallbearer. were Hie Honor Judge 1)o.kerui, Ml. 11, M -Oar.• Add, Shrr,fl Reynold., \1,. W. I'mut.J- fout, M. P. P., Ors v1'. J. K. Honore WANTED. - MACHINE A N D b...eh �headslfaatt machine .env work. greedM. HALL & salt I. IJ (e wages t1ord. fore. Bre herd. HN. (v II4L$ WANTED. -EXPERIENCED T bead. wanted : for wa►In yiretery, sire girls W kern making berlr,*. Rohm( stag.- pp�ayy and trey tr'aaetrrrts-bn frau any town to Debut 1Ql to Tut M»NARctl KNIT- TI\lI, 1(: LTI. at. t:athafsr. 0.t. Jkn YOUNG MEN. Yeaag area or when. who are arable to en- Il.t fer ritornello wrt1,. can 4414• Ibe,. King wad country by helping w notritrus work KVYRY MAN 4Mj t LU BI[ 1aPING HIS BIT. ,steady wink to good wenApply to rH L Iu,nrT. BEL(. E\ul\y: it TB1U8HER Cu. L• rLm SesealL. (lot, 2.31 • WANTED-OO4ID, STRO�ee"; RE- LIAKLK t$'.Y..ixu•n to e,gbt e'n year. of a5•. wasted al ton. to -arse 1(1 mid twain Lb. bolehrring bovines.. Appyis penon THOS. I. LL1O. Outrider. MEN AND • BOYS 'WANTED - rive or -ix tardy men or boy, sawn!. Amity to PAUF:T GRAIN I.UUK t O. Made Mb. (R IJ8 I WANTED � AFPLY e GODERIf'I1' KNITTIN6 co. LAST AND FOUND. - LOUT.I- BET ESN IiODERII'H acid s.11arn. a beagle Pap. •.x m,Pthe cid : eerie Meek sad ta•. "trader 14..•o Dotty ',RANK JOKES. Ilu,•rad - -- -- ---- ---- ----.-1 FOR SUL.Z IJOI SE FOR RALE IN VILLAIiK 11 OF Al: Itl'KN.-Se4 en rooms. waebroem, pally nod wood -hes gear cellar ; Isom with . reek lined metre . *mote house. tram* *aid (.5 41020; fruit trees andK A.ptr 0 peni•. a-. MtKR.IY 1'.1T1w,OU\ 1111 r.. AUCTION SALES. UlTION SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY. STUCK AND 1M tM EN Td. 1 Mrs been ls•truetet by Mit ALEX YOUNG. of the ynlaee of KJutall, to el.•r for .ale by public auction un TUESDAY. St:PTCMBRI( IRE. a_,.1' es at I t,.L.ck. the following 4a'n' air. F.rov.e, ty A farm, of •e. rill •11 .err., well watered. with a 1108 f.inn5 ., nft( rime, ea which I.. t+o•lmmdon• boa.', who h sea•, formally the Ottertail hotel. len tae property ase two ban. and other outbuthling• In a good .late of re tor. hes' yMak man, : pea•- old .- 1 1 beery draft bone. 4 roan add ; 1 ke.r1 draft hors. r year. old ; 1 hoovylrafl ally. 1 soca. old ; 1 deletes bur.e. tr y ea n dd. Carr -nix - [Ilse row. year. old ..n mooed 1 n Ir• In gait: I COO. 1 row,. oM, ..ppo•.J to be in esti ; 1 tow, a >10.1 Old •sepia^. +d to he in calf ; Y hirer, 1 yeas Nd ; 1 .t s. , 1 year aid weerto sad. Dori One M. -Cormick binder, *fora awl; t lle.Nryt mower. eifwot rut : 1 Nearly new ]Ira omn,t•k rake. 1 wagon mut rack. 1 buggy. 1 Alec barrow. 2 plow-. 1 wet doub., Niro.-, 1 set boA.ls4Sh-. 1 f.n"ing mill. 1 sea of double harw•an. I nnt Navy heroes., 1 sae et driving haemo a One braced waw. doe to farrow le September. =amerced rind Owl.ehald earar n e T JlS, -All mon. of SA aM e.sbr, o..h OM that ea.ewnL twelve smells' erode Mil he•eo Nrniehing appe.tmad e1 miles ; • Mof s pee met Me ,Ni se erode eras. AL=YOVNU, JOHN rURV's. A eetrkassr. AU(JTiON SALE OF FARM STOOK AND IMI'LKMCST5. MIL ALDKN ALLIS will esti b7 poblie.settee1M 1, ,uno.w e.om E W. II. tOebee. Mame. Naw Mattoon sad tariewTHLMID AY.ICPTZMBIR no esmeesneleg at 1 11 o clash mere oM diR re. rkdeg f years eW, y pd/ll N M ` 1 eel Per W IIwmp leen W as be w der Is Jima asp ;; lie a owe. Ireepeard tlo�esMal�ee dm to r MY• ,w le F.br�r7) : 1 wpm.. MI I'ee�.s••r• W he b esM. -'too rw��A�/1 ) I tom. 1 ��leeyeye old 1mplp .sd to be 1s eVl dM le JYn aw old twallemed to be I i me. ds.tie awe 1 *e1 rises 1 eld 1 war. creamars f er• eel; la w 1 ry�:• M.pj •..► s oo l .pt•mbe.1• .1 eye, dm 11M•bw M : 1 Denham 11ex 3 bpd ereem sgrster. 1 My feerG I harry oral spew puma end ~Mr. silt bareew•e. 1 est of wages wham asia od seeded sole he sold Mee Midst MIM..„ 1! Ito wed ,w i. mewa 'ter ply rr are er ;Lit TWOS, GW(DlMY. C. PHINGLE! FOR SALE.-B.C. Mt'NNIN(ut. tf L'j OR SALE. -1 El/AR POST$, ALSO 1' H. C. .hlyk.' Aptly W. T. RIIDDELL. Auburn. ri tf &NOR HALE. -ONE RUBBER-TIREI; C McL*igblin b.mty. toe Gorden* ret Merle karma. and iwo gond rotor. Appy to RUB(' IMP K. Soutb.lreet 9611 DENTISTRY i►K. H. li. MAL IS/NELL.-HUNOK 11 (emdwle Toronto University. Utndua'c Royal College of (rental 8ur{�ronrI Setewwr a the late Myor• tae Irks•. 0erwer equate awl N'c.t erect. Utdwtrh. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. A DisneRfisbed Ca rear. Jame, Thompson Darrow was born at Chippewa, Oetario, nn Mar: h 11, 1843, the son of Edward and Relee'a lfarrew. A few year. later for family removed to the township of McKill•,p and In t be year 18111 the late decrasrd became A resident of thio town, where I he eon Unued to reside uotil the year (11812. He was a student at Uodench grammar who(1 and '•onipletrd hie law course at °retouch. Hall. Toronto, I, and was called le the bar in Ibli9 He 1 married in 1971 Mies Mary Balfour I Fletcher, w daughter of the late Rev. Charles Fletcher, of t iodei ich. He Imoon took • prominent position in hi, profeeriun. rod 15 tittle became ane of I the leading 1.p1 prectitiooers of Western Ontario. In 11.1si5 he received 1 the rppointmrnt of King's Counsel Ifrom the Dominion tiovernwent. in He took an active pert in public at- 1 fairy, and woe for a number of years Reeve el Lb. town. said needing. '.'rrd- en of the count of Hut,m. In 1815), succeeding the late Hon. A. .M. Ross, be woe sleeted to the I.egisla(uie of ;Ontario assoruther for %Vest F1uron, He continued to represent the euit nst- I money at Toronto until IlJ(t and erne iecogtriz•dent; s one e wu.n Literal wlxn of pf ;the thHouse. prinFutt tate (amt there years Me was or member of the Cabinet with it portfolio. IIn In4T1 he waaipp anted to the I had resided In tn•, • city of lc .unto. He carried it. hie dypiea on the heneb t3*e qualities of cies judgment, indur- itry and fait -winded which had al- ways characte,ixod tut, and h•' ran- , deteu ahle anti ututatguirhed service* es a rocas, her of the Appellee Court. fir 19888 he Iiasappoi ted a member of the u,/wltlte+inn tor r revl4.on of Ore r•atute. of Ontario, and in 1910 be was made a local judge' In Admiral: y for Torontodi.tnet.' He war a Presbyter i.n, a weather of the Masonic ord.., and an honorary and lk'. A. Taylor. ,M..rt HI the rues.- president of the Huron old HH'.y. As- hets of the oar o f Huron county carie I atrcuOon of Toronto. He is suraive.l by Ota wife and fem- - _ _ _ --- - - --- - - sly or *even : E. F'. rrow, .,t Toro, - rURLIC NQT1CIL to. srCr.tpry or huh America ( Ann ranee Co. : C ser s. b at etatrr. of It rd • ic1 : ?tin. J. 1.. '14,aodald, of Court of Appeal an since (bit time WITH THE 161st HU'RONS! I By The Signal - own curre.poude0t CAMP BtIR 11EY, dept. 4..1 The presentatitIt tit the colors to the Mist Battalion on Thursday Inst was carried out under typical Camp Borden conditions. The temperature was ate,ut ninety in the shade and the wind blowing a gale of fifty or sixty miles an bour. Nand filled the air and the visitor. from Huron had a practical demonstration of • Camp Burden sand- storm. The day was DO worse than many others that have been experi- enced bete doting the past month. The Battalion lined up on its own Parade ground at 1.30 and before prc- rreding to the plains wbere the preren- ta'ion of the colors war made Kergt.- Majnr latuer, of lied.-ticb, war 'pr. - armed with a long -service medal. Mrs. it'ul.+ Conine made the presentation. On arriving at the plaint.. whet.- about half • hundred stertors from Huron were gatb.led, the Battalion formed three bides of a 'quare and the pt'eeen- Lotion wee node by Mir Combe and Mrs. (Majo; l Hays. Rev. Capt. Frit - full read the awl vice resigned for the coorecration of colors and the crte- mony was completed by a march peat. first in column of piste., lis mot then in column of coitlpauiee. The colors were the gift of the •i1 - lege of Exeter. One of the etandanir is blue with the design and load ippon in go'h4et bd tbet ther is red and gold. •• TheSth Ht ig.ul.. ef which the 1n1st is a unit, had a new experience this lest week. '1 he IL Bade left camp nn Friday afternoon and went etyma six miles out on the plain.. There supper was prepared end arrangements made to bivouac for the night. H-foe'car- per was over a downta'ur of ra10 came on which lasted until P. :tri And rias s' of the men were p..ieetly soaked de- .pite their 1.1enkrt, acid nihler 'alert( . i Ar midnight, it turned very cool and the men were pretty well chilled by nit 1 :ng. By the aril of. large camp - firer they third their oluthes and took pert in a sham hattlr which limited ural a w eloek Saturday afternoon. I when the men returned to ester • • ! Anne g the v e.tora to the 1i11 -t NI eh lb.- past week were M. ,and .M r. (renege Batts end Mia. •iren.- Marrow. of (3''drrieh, ■nd Mr-. teapti Fairfull and MIAs Lthan FAlifull, of C'unton. f�rtl'VN t'IF' GODF:ICICH: . �Urtlui. Mt.. 11v111 r; of "I'u1 1.' At therump fiend d c held on tt'r,1• James. of the Bank of Montmrnl, lid• or-d,c of last work Lieut. \Vul'ri ..t NOTICE 1'O NVATER-TAKERS ' ►non°... ' Uap'.ut Alan Ii+itrow of the th .... t t h sr std priz.. in the 9•11. --- 74th Battalion, now 111 Englarad, *'idsh ot-put. The town era>.r moo!). wit be .but orf in Hatt porion M tbe town ea -a of Moak -trees ae.1 r,rtb Of East a.reer from a.Yatght of Sept•u.ber 14i! . until the mown tion of the , rw eat rmaio to tbe K.echter factory o r..mpbtes on sane. lay moo. All w,.'rr-'Aker. 10 phi. portion of the town aro reque.ttd to Put in at lett ; .814. huur- .appt, of water By order W AT Iiit A V U L I t: HT CUM MISSION. , 4d.. KSOX. Secretory. IN THE MURRIK4ATB t'OCKF OF THElOC1TY OF HCRu\. Id tilt. y.TrrR Or Jr,'r BRI.Clirm.. JCS INFANT UNDER THE .1.,: Or TwzNtr Odd Y4.4e14. \,e ice is hereby given tear eft er pnb;Ication hereof for twenty day. in The Signal rn, pwprr, Aar .•- Yrs I h. of the town of Uo 1r: ice. In the county of Hnrnn. mored won..'•, writ ap wto etc :surrogate court of the county et ee t0 be appr inted guurd an to Jean Helcher. who teddies at the -a d than of 4: de rich. infant t hilt of :•tido, y It. liber. I .' e M the -aid town of liodench iIumtrr, who died a widow,•• and bereeta'• mm or ab tat the 11.• day of July. 19 or. and *About appointing toe 5088 dian of the ear i"hot. the -.rod ( ne. RWI1 Mona t he maternal aur t M i h. -aid infant. 114tot 4• (Ioderich It i• et h day of September. eta PR»UDFOOT. KILL»: tS k tit tog E. haat Solicitor, for the Appikanc tODERICH INDUSTRIAL EXHi- T HI rhlN. 1)4111. TENDERS riFt,ll'ESTEP Pi K NOTION TO CREDITORS. 1 3u{,toy of -1-so to be out o -4.u. and pen., Three too.. to be weighed on mw kat IN Twa MAMA n1 JaNg Written, LAT!: or TAR YII.I.a1.k or Dr Nna!t!toM. IY rite (nevi's or Btiros. Winoh'. 1'at-gaaco, Nelk'e 1. hereby term. wnr cant to the Statute• i. that behalf, that ala persons having any elalw,s .(4> ' Jane N bTard, who dl it on the Pith A., of January. 141*, at Ilunpnuon Ont.. ar- v.:mo ad m+ er anter. Abe yin day of Rept1wh.r. 1318, to •end by pest or deliver to tM ender. itwed..dleio'rw herein foe Natbniel r W haya d and Id. F Wheare. rxerulo - of the will of the said d,-nea.ed. full {'Articular. of their claim.: and that after i be *old loot -men- tioned d.'e the •1rruton will prom.d to ow LeeNte ane 5.wl. of the rid d•e.s.ed am.ag the venom entitled thereto. Myler r4s'a eddy to the claim. of which they *boll the baro W mairw, and that the mild evocators wW .et be Gable for the mid .amts, er any part thereof. to any penon of wham claim they Mel wet then Mee reeeteed not -ea nom el Odwie* tM Sib day et 8.ptember. ISM • PROUDPtxir. K ILLOR. 5 at (COKE. lf, Ontario. Mx .dlcitor,toe ?aid Executor. NOTICE TO TI PUBLIC Having been desirous of • listing for some time pant, I havit finally s ed in making arrangements with t Goderich Coal Co. (P. J MacE an, manager) to take over f and carry on mycartage business dnring my absence. 1 have therefore signed np with the 161st Battalion for active ser - trice overseas, and i would respect- fully solicit from the public gener- ally, and from my old customers particularly, a continuance of their valued patronage until such time as I can again resume my occupation. Any business affairs entrusted to their care during my absence will therefore he thankfully appreciated by me. TeIepybbon1ee all orders to p3* orae 44. ALFRED H. JANR For the p. i411e5•• of refr•.hment hootb- randy. fruit, its cream. .ofl Monk.. light re- fro.htuent•, 'oraccu. cigar" at•d notion. -on mens✓. -1 F'nr - Ie of pearnt. and popcorn on Myoa.d. a,.4 ,rand•ta'at. Tend n -notes.' for each pal. Jars to bad d,c.. d to Aker et Ary and narked • Tender." so- rmnrnniell by a deposit 'e •narked cheque pay Mve dofW. earl e.stwntee. le M MO, * p - on Se. today. eep ember a. h. 1910 1'n.uonrwfal bidden. will ti -,e1 ve depo-it bask. No tender neemear117 seeeoted. J. AU[I0 17-3t Hol 171, Oodeelcb, (hit 1 ALIT OP LANDN FOR TAXES. I - Not In i. hereby given that • he tint of (sod. for '*le fir arrest. of taxa ha.. hems pr,aarad. that 10pie• thereof may be had at Gibs ogler. 'bat t1? list 1. bend prbIl-bed In The nwt*rin °*echo of A Ogt'-t It b. lath Mk h and Semmes her IoM. 1418. and that 1n .!stank. of the.y emu of the 'axe. and 1 et. tier (sad .11110 .old by tiro tele auct we a the ,Dart hoe,, la the rem ef Nsderleh. oo T'..day. the 14th by of November. al at Jet -Met p. m. Part of let I. 1. el .and ten lot, i. Ides.se toad Park. all le toenail p ef ('4111..... are in GM list, W J. K. HOL Mits. Trea'mrer. County Treasurers. nice. alnderde4. Anima It Ula 191 -it T THR PUBLIC. Having teen crippled or • swims oarWa, in meet the level tamer No, aid Metro n0 other masa, of ',import, 1 have weu'oe1 a Seem, fever town 10 peddle wool .4* aid e . ros..NNe• d 1 the mond. with y my wee M M Mday set1 t Intend to boodle MI and g ames* of geed quality. and would ,.speer beer seers yews 'Mem °Alt JOIr1PB BOWMAN. H 6O, B. BUNBV: RY, A. A. O. U., flielemeaer pesp m .at. p�awsaeettlw NwN .a..a. •p.mll.6e. Oaew''a AlI000011.-1IRM, A. MIOWOLL, AIp1Nrae�p/[ts. b amend to N at. Mads tlaale hen est bale .. 00N..s, iseenissaseemint rope p eana saMeMae wyl• ememse mem edl Wa gyeadg bss ai lml�eituer�tl�tf M me*rti/a'l•.•m. aid M Larne. John t'rr liar row. at the frost w Fr•nee. The Torontn G!,,Fe Rail editorially : The sudden p:.r•ing of 31 r. Jim! lee Garrote deprives:this Province 01 he valuable .ervices .a f * Iratned sod painetakioyc member of Its Supreme Cour•. .Mr, (i.rrow came to the trench at the comparatively mature age of sixty, after long and successful prac- tice at the bar writ a dofen years of Parliamentary experience. Though' be war a precise speaker and nn effec- tive debater. he was better adapted for the judiclel forum than for the i Perliatnc,mt any 41111*, and in the for- mer his logic..: Acumen, Irgnl lore. and 111 r11))presrn'*r'on ot his finding. will be grrally ,m,i-•rJ. rr enj eyed, as ne deer( Ord. the Cele!", of but,h the bench et it the t.,u. 1 Resolution of Huron Law Association. At a meeting e t the Huron Law A.- 00,•iation held tot Wslur'day arrange- ments were men. for the liar of the county of Huron 'o et; -nd as a body the funeral of the late Mr Justice Oartow, who was one of the charter member's of the :1'.,ciati"n. At the same meeting the following resolution was adopted : That this Asate ietion desires to ex- press its deet est rettret et the de.th of one of its initial members, this Honor- able Mr. Jostler Darrow, and to place on record its App. e,•iation of h.s many sterling gnalities of bead and heart. The high place be 'ceupied in his pro. fession is well km"•n not only id the conn y of Huron ' at throughout the entire Province. His devotion to his clirnis interns[" nae undouhttd and wbbrethr' i lh. Iwo his word 014' ith asis gnat Y bient h'nwd. His sham ter may he summer up in these word.: "He erns a Met And honorable man." At a compsr*tmvrly early age he at- tained a leading position at the new far beyond t be Inu'Ag of his own coub- ty, ea well M Within it, and laver oil, after manJ year.. r assiduous and sm., coseful toll, he Tea tied what sea per haps the eun.mlt ..f his embitiom, a seat in the highest tribunal of the Province -the t' nit of Appeal. His logical and ,o'alyttc*I mind, hie clear grasp of the moat intricate 11.- taila, hie capacity for twolongrd 'whirr and his restless energy amply gUNAI. Red him to till the high and hinnorahl• position to which he had been sum- moned, and tor, hs. ['socia feel a natural pride in realizing that during his long tenure. of °Mee he was re- trodod se being one of the hest of our judges and his decisions were oilers - ally reserved with the utmost respect and eonIdenr'•. We now hid a 1, ng and last farewell to cur departed hests., of the err and feel, while We dr. +. , that bis memory will ever are : bere'hed by sill who rime within she cir'rl, of hie i4Auewe., •:- portended tb. •slue of his advice or prneted by the ...ample of his bog sed wsees..ful carrot, withaffert)neai. end 11Ne immer•ry was Iweirwet.•d to for- getter{ ails resolulion to the widow and to •sptees the deeper* .ymp•thy d tab. Association for her and for t3*. (wily le their irrwprah1 lo.e. W beVSS't much ase foe 1111414Wn, holt It le tar bettor to frame oe to Twee lessy thee berm It * , t The following Go de, it h men, are taking • coarse for company signal - 1. -r' Pte'. A Osnlan. F.. Mome,saIb. C Andereou, L.John.ton, Geo. Baxter, 1. Young, • W. Hobe, t•on and E. A. 1Varnrr. • Pt., Jesse 31cruntain received a med- ical discharge recently. A branch ot the Y. M.C. A. hos been +tan ted within two minutes' wit k of the 1411st lines, Sunday evening set yirr• are now bOwing held. They are largely of .. I nmaic4! nwtute, with Capt. Frit full as !conductor _-- Satisfy your thirst won one of our ire -cold sada., F lwirdi . ,four body i. ft machine which must Iv n,lyd. There le on Iet!er mei t.. 1*lirieate the mechanism of the hu. man body than through the a -e of a good Olive Oil. 1' not only act. AN e perfect lubricant, but 4 rruvidee furl in the foil') of a perfect food. lier- tnlli Olive oil le au imported Italian oil, has a bland nutty flavor whim makes it yalu*h:. for either table or meiiein,l use, The pi ice has not toren advaneed on account of the war. Pints. Sic, qtr*Its, $1 E. K. NVigle, druggist, Uederich, Ont. If it's quality you went, nae Black - stone's delicious ire cream for all oc- casions. Phone 2441. Slang Up to Date. The jpOrle of a neighboring town hears an anti -slang society. A eertwin miss was nested president. Asked if she would accept she trplinl : Mike. het gosh. girl.. I'm en tattled in my cupid* that lin really whorl on Neb. We are certainly hitting the high pier.. and 1 never tumbled to *rich a poi.' hefore, hot when 1 give you the highball I expert you to get there Eli. end when`{ter up for *I1 that's out. 1 think I'm up to 'muff enough so the files won't Tight on me while doing the president stunt of phi, s0,114.1y art. but I won't eland shy monkey doodle beeinese frons you girlie while I'm running the ranch. We gale ought to extend an invite to the married ladies to get out and help u4 shoot thio slang business. it's get- ting to be fleece." Any quantity of dry hemlock 'la►'or for rummer wind at MarEwan's 'phone RS} $',IMI per rord. if Suspended Sentence Three-year-old Keith had told hie mother a deliberate lie and she had put him to hod or a punishment. Rioting by the bedside, she .sited him what N would do if he had is Vials hay wbo did ouch a thing. .11ft.r a .snieses thoughtful silenee the ch Id replied, -1 fink I'd give him anover .bare..'• -TM Christian Herald. A new.patrer writer tells of the Brighton mtequitoe, "...sting at the ankles of the vox populi." Anyway, Ananias was serer se- emed of being t3*e author of a tomb - meow. Ieseriptio.. THE LADS IN KHAKI.1 On Thwrday of this week the seven London diettict battalione at tamp Morden, the 1/'Sud London, 11(113* Perth, 1lhth Waterloo, 14')th Lamborn,. Inlet Huron, If*lth Oxford and 1418:h Kent. will leave to .end four days In their borne towns. They will not start heck to Camp Borden until Tuesday of next week. 1'he s.duters will he provided with special trains. It Is expected that with many of the hatter it will be the lest lung weekend have (trey will bey.- hef'te going overseas Itis not believed that it will be their final (eaee•, although this will wane within r very short time. Lieut. C. Jones, of the 'Just Battal- ion, Camp Borden, was at hie home in (iuderi^b over Sunday. The latest news from Pte. Elwyn Long re thou he 1. at Shornchffe, hay- ing left rhe conval...cent -homy at Elmo'', and is getting into condition *Kern to return to the (runt. Private John McLeod, SOH of Mr. I). C. McLeod, liloucestrr terrace, was reported wounded in Tuesday a CASA - Alt y lief, - Wed nestley'w rawality list container the name or Pte. Wilfred E. -licks, who was reported wounded. A tele- gram to thin meets has been teemed by his father, \I r. \Villirut Irick•, tit tinder'h town -hip. Pte. hicks en- listed with the ;lot Battalion. Mr,. Fraser, East street, has received a letter from a Ked Crises hoipi'al vis- itor, intimating that her eon,. Private Cyr il A. Fraser, was almost ce'wrlete• ly recovered trove shell shuck from which be had been *Mitering for neat- ly two months. 11e roil cotupl*ins of drainers in one ear, but xutheavriae feels, as well as ever Lieut. W. Proudfoot, formerly Mem- ber ef the t.odecirh town rounril, who went over ,*11 will, [b, 11511811 n. ie now with the 1N h Hiihlandrrs and has been in the trenches since the 13 h ot June. The T)i.tinguished l', ndurt Medal bac been awat'tl,d lo S•r'gt. Leonetti A. Cut?, "fur "Kaveryd Drvotr' u during an enemy whack . or 1 hiriay- sit hour•," say, the cm -e•.l tr. ityd, -be commended a utarhis,r non , sew, and the r.l•li{{illl.'nt buried. tri.. tripod destroyed. notwilh•t%mime he 1n o- wed to get aper? pal to and keep the gun in Met 1on,'' Sol WI, l i,li ir, a son 1.1 'Mrd. W. A. H. Puff. of mint, and was for ervrral years engaged in Mr. (aro. Potters s h.n,kstore. Several years ago he went to Fit ender., whets. he wen vii y successful in burimrss. Mr. And \les. Jame. Taggart, King - et '11 sleeet, have received word that 'dirk .on, Private law.-tivn Taggart. who was reported i11 at Sbo"nehtf. of spinel turningitie, is not yet out of deluge:. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. The tr,alerich fall fair re only three weeks anmy. \Ir. liet'rge Wood. bee been re- engaged as teseber m.f .altfotd public school for the fall term Thr regular meeting of the W. C. T. I'. will be held in thr'Trh.peeance Hall next Monday afternoon at i o'clock. Labor Day wit. • quirt day in Itode- rich A number ti ok advantage o1 the .penal railway sates for a trip out of town. A. the result of a t•onferenc'e iota concluded et Nuntreel, 1.. T K. train- men are to receive nage increase, of Inoue five to eight per cent. The 14. T. K. announces epr tial rotes for the %%'c -tern Fair. list your tickets from F F. Lawren" • & Sona at the down -town office. \irs. (4 1V. Ando ws woulml he pleased if tbe person who left a table- cloth at the petritlti'7 pieno• at Bay• field would cl*un her properly, The monthly meeting of the *3*- nM•ekChapter, 1bomb ter•of the gin - pre. will be held in the const hoax on \bond*y otter noon et 4 n'clut k. The Mignal wee in error lest week in announcing Mr. Alex. Youngs Bale at Kinteil for septemtei 12th. 1'or,alay. the I1)Ih ina[,, is the correct dale. The clouds of dost flying on the streets 1 days the. week were en nnpleaaant reminder of t ho• town coun- cil• failure to deal wont he duel ques- tion this rum trier. CHANGE AT MODEL THEATRE. Mr. George E. King. of Torocto. Has Taken Charge of Popular Proses House. Mr. Ie. li. %Vatmore, who hof ran. du, ted the Miele° Thrat rt. for the pa -t year or two, has sold to Mr. heotge E. Kine, ot Toronto, who took pa.u.e .i, n on Monday of liar week. Mr. Kiog is a skilled violinist and Mrs. King *leo is a rsuaiciar,, .inti 'fl e choir it infuriated that the new proprietor pu le:mew'trekeng the MW - cal mot of his nightly programa i'ne rd. the very Attractive lr.tnr.-.. Mr. Kong has recently lawn in the picture thou tter business at0. illi• *imI tbrtrug3* hie wide knowledttr of film eowpanies and their ,,tribade, coupled with I.is long cxperietire 113 (be 1 urines', be it in a potation 10 promise an A 1 terry, e to the p*tranr of the Mod. 11'heetre. Further partb•ularr re to 31r. King plane will ►e mini u ...di next week, but in the meantime theatre-g"e'u u1 (4oderu'h may lock forward to A art lee of successive Orate, 'etre eery hitt' - clays diol ptodu.Oune b, Ing allrady arranged fou. Mr Wetmore will rennin in (iotle• rich tot the present and will take * rest before deciding em ailed I*.vOon. PRIZE LISTS ARE OUT. Preparations Under Way for Horon a Great Fair to Be Held Sept. 27,28, 29. The direetore of the O. drrich Indus. trial Exhibition air' completing ar- rangements for tire annual fair, to by held this year on Wedneeti*v. Tbnre- day and Friday, Srptemlwl 27 IN and :Y1 The prow -war has mot yet been fettled in all its details, but an an- nouncement will be wale urlt week. The prize lista are out this week, and copies may be had on. application to the ►ecret.ry, Mr. .1 Ade. Foyle*, P. O. H". 171, lireirrich. As cruel, tbe track events will be an attractive feature on two slays, of 1 hr fair On'I'hurstlav the farmers' tit 1. or pare and the 2441 trot or peer, and on Friday the °ler-104-Ail and the green race will 1e poptel*r events. It it hoped that the framers and citizens will co-oprlw'"r heartily to hake the Exhibition lhi• year a cridit t too th-U art•• Look for the announ, 'went nest tor. k. CHURCH NOTES. Rev. M. 11. Eaairuas, of Port 8'ar- !rr, wilt Pontine( the ..rrv'r.s met -rung Arid evening Iii Knox film. a 1 est Sueday. The Men's Munch'- i'!n►, tor• t .t 111 oat lock docility 11 r.rnirg: in the - Him oh varlet- M heehulrhparlorof Nor th .Rett \Cabo. dist ehu,eh. All Hien ale welt., rue. Suni..-t for disens•ion--"leo we .vast' time in reading the newepspexu The Vicloria street Epworth Icrgu.. whirr wag •-h.eed during Ja:y and - August. hes- again horn re-nrgan•ted with the following s:Rleet. :-Presi- dent, Mandl 'slillran : first vier -pr dent, hung. l homer...it •scent virr- nr►ulrnr, .leash Wilson rod 1-,y Elliott. assistant ; t hied vi •e -president, Addie Jenkins : fourth vice-president; 31ruumr brown ; seeretarv. Olive -Me. Nee . treasurer, Fra.er Newell ; pun: let. (►lis.- 1'4(3. Visit nes Are cordially Welt.orned to the meetings of ' the LeAttue, earl v Turas*)- evening at K Kvni vlealy ears 143 iekstone'. ciuue r•e 'ream of superior quality. Orders delivered,* • The New War Loan. The Sterling Rank of Canada has re e:•eilIn,nl4 of apnlicstion Ior the new war loan end will handle same for the pulihe beginning with the 12th day e 1 the eh and rlreing on the 271.1 day i t the in with and wilt *imply any isturlu*tion upon application, For a reel lr.at try one of cur i .ream hr irks •.,441.. to order. H. 1'. Edward'. AUC' ION SALES. 71 o..o,s beptrm4r Iv 1ietion .p le M fano and ho"44 rfornerty Kieran ho'c'). fend -tack. implcaten'e and hoau whoa f• rotor?,.t1 the prewl.e•. Ktntad. Ai •x. Yet Np. proprie- tor Ju110 Pt' Mild. nnctle.eer. tnr aHn'vv.rert. 21 -Aeolian .A1. of farm •10er •n -t imNemen'.. 'M {r• p^Hy of Mr. olden Allot. lot 1. ,am•.•.inu 3, w 11, ('dM'rre II*'ween Mrlinw •nn, n And 1 4 11.111, I. ton ne•11e', ng at I. T' n r lo• k. 1' 4;.''.pay. aur toe 8' N., or'- of Holt.. !bath. and Marriages YS .rut- •.n ingmtmon. Io -nbcrtber. of The atonal. free. In Memoriam Police. a, tent. on insertion. Additwoal cha'gr for Iri.sthy notice-. The mnn'hly m •.t'nge ,tf th • ('Oil- BORN. siren'+ Aid Nociety• will (e r.'.nmed PI'Knn\ - It Vit. H.rlr'.. 1n Angn.t t1. obir month sed the !te t?ei*ilet meet• Mr ar'A Nr• Jana. l'unbO,, •daughter ing will he held next' Meseta% the 12th eel:I:lel, At l,eehorn•onSu'day,Anga•t iest., at 4.17. p. m., in the eons hotter. I- to Mr ate° Mn J. h la,ri... of la•hurn, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Strmuahan, Ben - miller, Ont., announeo the enema,- MARRIED. mint of their youngerdaughter. Nellie LjTnl'ERL-terwel,Y I . Torontn, nn Rat Lena, to Henry(I. ark.', of Toronto; 81.4.1• Srt'iembrr aatlt by ser u the marriage to take lace in Septem- ber. 1Meakn, ate.. Mary A7v h 11Hety, k, p t Dr. Jamie 1t IaTo.•el. et oro••. ber. I --- Thr house of refuge committee met NEW ADVERTISEMEN S -Sept. 7. at Clinton on Tuesday and made the Pure uaugl inspection. flrding everything in Farm ►, , Sale by %dmu,1't rotor McKinnon eeti•faetory ditlon Theare I a Hewn(. (1e.lph .ight onnn 1 time. tai If anyone wishing to .ern for the Croon Cn.MoeI. y will rail at Mr. l'nl- born.'s More on Friday afternoons a member of the ro•lnottrw will he they. in futon to distribute cut-out material. ('apt John M.rik*naM suffered • set inn. shout lose •hit b ti rltrk on dwhim Tu.ay evening, wha 'park from a pawing locomotive ignited some Mess fieMwg nets Before the ass could he extingubsbsd awn prob. were horsed sed o•se Sint) damage was deem - •^Aria.^ ._ - _ .._._... ...-. Sr, Notice Ie WAt1r taken loon 1f Gedarieh t M'rrr... me Rel J. H. o d*r.rne Western University . NOure no comelier.- Pruett fent K,lkwon heft 4 nnk... . l Int** Mineral* Court -I'rowdfeot. sod taste Auction Ma Alden Alb. A..' ion (,ole Alpe Yonne I N.'11'. Ysa4. Muted -Jean Rall le M.. lerw.lf..d_ (list. Wood TM Mnaa.M Knitting e . 1 Ltd . et. (1tMe*e. ..., , 1