The Signal, 1916-8-17, Page 4I'RE KTGNAL 30DRRTCH ONTARIO
Are You
Awake !
to the fact that we
are offering many
lines of ladies' and
men's low Shoes
at and below cost ?
See Our Windows
Shoe repairing
guaranteed satisfactory.
Ladies' Rubber Heels 25c
Men's Rubber Heels - 35c
Walters & Co.
Successors to J H McCluttoo
The Canadian National Rthibition
pays an manual surplus to alae city of
Toronto of az; Olio t.. betels t. tart
year the divi.leud war. $4.5.0tsl.
MR. N. F.. WHYARI) is
amen ler THE all: \ A L al I w i.aarnoo.
otter- eh .db hien. for -ob. Hutson..
novit rmoia• at iots pr*.tata will to
• .rs• pn511:•1 IiittlitAINI Teeple.,
. tioderw'b Curate r AL
TUESDAY, Aug. 15.
Mr. Thor 1.. Allen returned from
Peterhurte Ino Naturday.
Mites Mu joI le Doyle. of Auburn, l•
speeding• few Gays with ft mud. w
Mi. and Mi.. Hortoo, of Exeter, air
the Kure's • l M.. 11141 M.s. S.wurl
Hueco this week.
.4 .s Maud Wiudmdl, of erskat•'h-
rwru, I. the Koos of ]Ilio Awtwr Mc-
Keltt,r this week
Mi. J. H see and daughter, Mi.
lig&haw, of I.udertcb, c*Iie oo ft•ieudr
herr last Frtd,•y.
Mi.. 1►e1.y Hyan has gone to New
LlskeAod to runt bet. 'natter iu then
not awn Lowe.
Mrs. l ion ge Bulford and Beat, ire,
of (extern:h. ere •pending a few drys
With tired. ni [binge/tam
We err ple.eed to repn5t aha' Mom
Lillian McLemi, who war so ill toot
week, it gradually improving.
The N' others Irwlho el I1,.ngauouo
auJ M..frking had a social time at the
Iikr last s4tutdey 'thee teem
Mies C. A 'gamier, of 1'o. t Arthur
teaching -toff, is .pending her vaca-
tion with het lather and shred. herr.
Mi. red Mrs. Ellie Meaner' rod
little sow of Toronto, err visiting
thou pslertt•. Mr. and Mrs. 1 hus
atm lees.
Mi. and Mrs. Liao. Jeck'iian have
gone mu then »uuur1 Gip to Toone()
rud at. • Jaakwau'.
roup w:11 tie cooed for r few steeks.
Hers* Stewart. and rouse of the
council welt. 1t1 our burg I,.L S•turdey
on bootie.* to connection with the
Ice Cream for the Children
C11I1.UNK'' snu••t .at tee tnnrh lee ('marts. It's the Ii•.t thing
tor uncus 11..1.4,1 and Font Kepi -obi tell us it has Ile We Real
E...1 Qualiti... and ran Meld ui'.r•• netted strength Clean menet
the f.t•el we are now rating. and fur')hv,iuui,' iCs a'ti.<,tb• builder.
That's why you should give plenty to the child, -.•n. They needs
nylhiug that will gi. 11,.•n. lit. .1s-.rt•rugthnras't ;Isati.-ue I,uildcr.
I r - r L,• put.•.' :ani nn. -t w h •I•., .rosy t• i .1 t .n can buy.
I'h• •r,'• n.. an reeler t r s , rt. 1 •
n t. -r a -..ter .linliei
J. E. Robbins' Candy Kitchen
Phone 64 South Side of Square, Goderich
41 bridep known as Dieher's beldam.
Miss Robin* Kirk. of Kingston, and
Mee. (Dr t Wilfred Craig. of Alberta.
with bre two children. are vieitiug at
the hnune of their uncle. Mr. Andrew
Mr.. T. E. Dutton bas been called to
the house of her daughter, Mr.. Cher.
Whitely. of lioderich township. Mr.
Whitely, era understand, her bent
• ill:
The Dungannon Women'. Instituto•
delete. any pereii having »pare cloth -
1 lett to bring it to the 1)ullgiunun post-
ern •e. The nletuhrte will he very
thenkhd for any dou.tionr .rut in --
retire ineu's, woolen's or children's
Mi. end M.. Wm. Ryan and Me -
land Mr.. Chews. Smiley took toe
'•' eirut ►1"o' r.. i h•• tWeat
Inst Tuesday. •Toile destination it
S,.krtchewan. whet- they will rewaiu
f •, the rewaiuder of thy seemlier sero
SU. .'Re•'4I•L EVEN r. The acid •n
pas ty held .•n Mr. Chae lir two's lawn
ori Fr1.1e) -vetoing, under the eu•pices
,.1 the Mote ute,
Y l • derided en I
e lucce 1, notwitb.tau t-
iugthe busy .recon of the year and
the fact that the weather thie•tentd
to be unpleasant -a threat that. how -
r, •• •-• nut fiddled. A ti.untiful
rips t oyes •ee end no Never.' trundled
temple et t,.bl• • ,•n the 144114. Afton-
)aver 1, en • xc.-h-ut IGO !i',rr..1 pr,.gr sill
w4.. 1 11 Ili h.•d by the K ew..rt ulchem-
• t4ofG I.• 1.h; Mts. George Andel-
...n. .4 Leeks,' r, sung two suis ring
p.1.r••i.' 4.n.g. i11 a 111 y pleasing
ern ore : and Mr. E;Iior1 Miller. of
se Helen., and Mr. 1'.••.rg. %Viteln'. of
Duugennon. Kaye tie tenons in dra-
matic style end were herrtilyy encored.
The chair wet. occupied I.v Mr. Joe. A.
M•Ileugb. Du. ing the ryrnicg a re-
heshnlrnt tooth did • thriving bun-
! newt. The proceeds were in the neigh- of $13.1, which elnlll is to be
devoted lu Red Cross wank.
Tett• teoie, Aug. 17.
11i.. 1,1a VV'hvatd is spending • week
at t:udrn. h.
Dungannon will observe its civic
holiday on VVednesdav, Autust 23rd.
DEATII .oh ftp M. 'HAI KLe.'TON.-
1'he village was .hocked to beer of the
death of Jlr William Shackleton, $s
very. few Lnew of his illness, which
was very h. ief and was not considered
.Alone He passed away on Monday
in his sixty-fl(th year. Betore coin-
ing to Dungannon n1, nit six year. ago
he hall lived far many Y•'at, at ('t ewe.
Hr leave.. betides bis w.f., two sons -
Matthew. on the old homestead at
err n r, and E1us'r, of Dung melon -
and foul 41 ightero - Mto. Robert
Rim'. whose house is in the %V est, and
the Misses M ggie an I IJ., of D•in-
gann in. and lierthe, of Toronto. Mr.
and Mis. ilei 1 have been visiting bete
for weeks M. This Sh rek-
letnn. of ('tree, is • brother of lire
deceased. The tuner -el nn NVednes-
dey ,afternoon was, Ia.gely attended.
The .rrvirra w -re Canditetrd' by Rev.
1. M• K4•Ivir, r•sia 5•d by Rev. H. R.
Willem.. end the panto trete were.
Mr.b... Stothrrs, h:s•phstl
S.other Hersey Jonr., Jos. Maize.
.14.. it'id •rid laugh Finnigan. The
int. -talent w.ts in Dungannon ceme-
Titer. 1. more c:.tarrh 1 t th -..Tion of the
country than :u1 other .1,e-i.e. pu' toeet hr-.
and for year. Ir a •a..up71-1' 1 1 • ter incurable.
Doctor. pre -elite -d heel rewedle•.and by co,
atartts, fa li a to cure with total treatment
prof,,,,, d tt n•c'+raMc. ('at rt. I n 1. a 1n. .11
et.ew..•. anally inHncnail by corr.rrr:llooa:
conditions and therefor stay..i re. con*• i'.urlooal
re tr rent. *1.11'.(at ireb 4 ,r•. manufactured
by F. J. 1 hates & .'o.. Ohio. is a roil
-Irutlonnl rrni.•dv: 4- r..k,.,, int -r, 1117 Hud
•- thnmehlse blood Or. ate nn,co..•e-
of the .,-trui One t i hu!,d dull tr. .,i.erd i•
otter d fur ....yes r th.r' H Ho- .*torr lr t'ur-
fa11. to r.lre. t4nd for circular. and 1.•-i
F. J f'HF.\JCY k ('0.. Tu:ado. Ohio.
�1 td br dHterrt-t-. ie.
Hall', l'.taiily 1'.I1. for co•., -t ipitt Lon.
Any q•tentity of dry hemlock slabs
for •unnner wna.J at MacEWein ',
(phone !Ir). 2}••1111) per rot d. tl
You might just as
well throw your
money away as to
buy unreliable
c0:11 is an Un-
known (quantity. Its
merits are hidden.
There is nothing on
the surface to show
whether it's good, bad or indifferent.
only way to get
of satisfaction is to buy coal with a rep.ltation for reliability
coal carries with it that reputation.
Buying coal which you have never known to perform its duty is just another
way of throw ing your money in the waste basket. We serve our customers
with clean -burning coal that holds the percentage of waste down to a
Put in,!4ur winter supply of Ledigh Valley Coal now. You'll save money.
the fullest measure
and quality. Our
Any quantity of Hard Wood, Maple and Hemlock Slabs and Mixed Wood.
Lime and Cement. Prompt delivery.
( Succassn to &Omagh & CLAW
Orrice Rheum 76 B. J Sault*. Res. 276 W. W. Sault'. Res 202
Qac d the mon danger-
ous and repuluse funds o1
Kaley Deese ie
ix which Dadd's Kidney
Plan ars the only certain
cure. In Drap,y the Kid-
neys are usually 4..1 awed
re. and the water, w holt
,('tnlld he expelled in the
form of urine. [tows ba.k
and lodges in the cell. of
the flesh and puff. out the
skin. Kemoae the filth
which plug. up the drain.
Restate the I..iJney. to
health. There is only one
Kidney M,Jicim
WEDNESDAYi August 1*S,
Mn. Art. Ptmr, of Hewer I.ake, is
visiting het aunt. Mrs. Wm. Jack«In,
Rev. W. Conway hes invested in •
new Maxwell auto mud is 'raining the
art of driving.
Mr. Joseph Carter, of the woollen
Wilts, Sault Ste.:llaiie, Mich., is home
for a taw holiday..
Mr. Joseph Lrwwln and gang, from
Crediton, are building r crwrnt eine-
meat at the WalLerburn bridge.
Mi. Muer• Patterson ie moving his
household effect* to Went Monkton,
where he is acting ea C. P. R. •Krol.
Mt. and Mas. John Sywiugtou
started for Wilkie, S.trk., oo 'Tuesday
to visit their daughter for two months.
'Mrs. W. T. Riddell started on Time -
day on a trip to emit friends' iu Ne -
Masks. expecting to br ab.eeot two
Mr, John Evan., of the Steeling
Sauk. Winnipeg, aesl,tan.
heir, is sprudiug two weeks' bond iy,
an our village. He looks is. if tete
West adored web bite
Arraugrweuts ate being completed
for r great: big day to Auhuan on
Wednesday, Augurt'rird. this i. the 1
date of our civic uolidey, and we ex-
pect the people of the ueighboring
townshipa fur clime mound to cele-
brate the day with is.. The prog..lw
is twiug put on wider the Auspices ut
the Keil Cross Society, end, the ptus
cardt will be devoted to sllevieting the ps of the boys who ate fighting
our battle, iu E nope. It; the •fter-
1I/00 a picnic will 1.e bred on the river
Hate I-l.utbwest of thehtidget bout 1
to 7 o'clock. A pr 'grain ut spun t. in
wilich *11 way p.4rucipate-wen. wo-
men. 'bays ova gi. Is -has been at -
rauged. and si veto special feature will
be it Iodieli b•selivll U1.4tch between
the Londeslx,ru' and Meliuwau's
teaws. This will be no awkwatd-
•y.i. 1'g.uue, either, ba[ a real live
geese of beechen. dipper will be
served scum i to 6 oclock, and the
lythe, are stoked out to forget Weir
hark-te. There will be no adwireioh
ter L i the pi :11ic, but the Red Cross
Society will 1:ike uo n collection un
the gl Gond-. 1 he Aohurn *455,5 14414d
will be in at•endance during the after-
1,nnt1. lel the iturn l ug, ruwtuetl: lug
at le '.'.lock, there will ear 1 conceit uI
lir Foreetet.' H 411. A welt -balanced
program, ii. sn •ddtest by Rev.
J. tthery, .•f Lundr4bcrp, vocal solo*
and readings by Mies ketole Peace
And violin nun11re1s by Mr. Raymond
Holm 1, will he given and rb.iuld
atlt Tact en ()vel H .wing house. Ad-
ruiteion 3'c, rt. -rt yeti sears ale, chil-
dren l:s . Plan of hall at VV':`':. R d-
dell'r et ire. With good weat het -and
we do not eip-ct anything else -[herr
should Ile r Mg crowd fo the village on
the 2:1rd.
1•i. E. n.t v..'trig.I'.:: 11.
Mr. Frank, Griffin has trturned to
Mims Eva Drennan. of Toronto, is
spending her vacali.•o at her home;
�1ias idol. Griffin hes returned from
Detroit. where she had been visiting
for the past month.
Miss M ih••1 Fiela_y•on, of Byrne.
sitar 11. w.•rk•end et the home of
Mi. Phalli,. Stewart.
Mr. :toil Mrs. Alex. Maciennan. of
Chicago, are visiting friends and re-
latives in this locality.
Mise 1.'h M,tcKey. Mr. Duncan Mac-
Kay aria Mr. and Mts. Kennett[ Mc-
Lennan motored to Seaforth Met wrrk.
TuasDAY, Aug. 15
Miss Stella Morrish is visiting Mr.
and Mr.. t'Inr. Wrlrer..
Mises Elan. and Jessie Levy, of Car-
low, err vatting W. and Mrs. E. H.
)Mrr.'•Berriman: wf (lnderieh. and ate.
Georg• Berriman spent Sunday in
the village.
Mn. Wm. (tits and Misses Eli i, Oke
and Helen Mtraughao arrived here
from Toronto lest week.
We are sore to learn that Mr. and
Mn. Andrew Meddle are not at all
well. We hops fee a speedy recovery.
If the floe weather oneti.ue•e until
the end of th• week nowt of tbs grain
well be in the hero.. Threshing has
already began In the neithhorhood.
In his lateet lettere Pte. Kiwyn
Lang eei 1 that his wounds were near -
healed He was in the Canadiao
Coevalnerent Clamp at Kpasm This
is the same place that be warn in nut
spring, hilt he says it is much im-
prov ed now
MONDAY. Aug• st 14
Hiss Alit-. Whiles is visiting this
week with Tarneto friends
Mr Grant i■ 'pending the
week -end with [Ineardl.e friend..
Harry Torrence returned to Toronto
hast week after visiting hie (mother
Misers' Pearl and Laura M•srr..n. of
(iaelph, sire widths( at Fred McDoe-
Pell woatlR, end winds and rain
ises/,teor�r - - - - - - - -
Twelve feces of New York
Muslins p
white ground. Spot, stripe
and sprig patterns. Fast color, new
Muslins this year. Regular price 20c.
Your choice now only ......... 12 1-2e
Organdy Muslins lust 5 P1eCtS
left. In the
regular way a good bargain at 15c. These
last 5 pieces you can buy at lkc
Black rib cotton ho, si, 7,
iery ax
7}, 8, 8i, 9, 9i and 10.
Regular price :DOc. Sale price. 15t
Plain cotton hole, pink and sky, lSc, 90e
and 22c. Sale price 1St
Silk Boot Hose arewanted by
nearly everyone.
We have the best in the trade at our
prices 50c, &Sc aid $1.00
Early Fall Serge, Ree are showing earl• fall serge, in black, navy, cogen, green
and brown already. Come and look at them even if you
don't want them just NOW.
September Standard Patterns are here. Also the Autumn Quarterly and Designer.
The Colborne Store
r vessr ....sisrsewara
40,000 Farm Laborers Wanted
Leave TORONTO Union Station 1 1:00 p.m. - Aug. 17th. 19th, 3I st and Sept. 2nd
Aug. 17th and 31st, from Toronto east to Chaffeys Locks and Kingston, also north to Thornlea.
Aug. 19th and Sept. 2nd - From Toronto west and south, including tie N., St. C. and T. Ry.
DESTINATION TERRITO4Y -Tickets one-half RETURN FARE AND LIMIT. -rine -half cent per
cent per mile minimum :dk'i till Sept. 3lth. t.
1816, ,T1 :1r m:nimun)a•
l :.n . Winnipeg on ur before
west of Winnipeg 40 any coition r,4st of C tlgirv. Noe.. at.:h. 11/16. plus elb.W from Winnipeg to
ledmontot: and Tanni...[lta. orijee t' starting point.
For Nckets and leaflet shor.nS number of farm 'aborerl repsnyd at each pant- also wages paid. app!) to nearest
C. N. R. welt. or J. W CRAIGIE. Torn Arrant.
have taken the place of the hot dry
spell of a few wens% ago.
Pte. ('leve Aitchison, of the 161.1
Battshun, Camp H rdrn. spent" the
week -end at his home here. •
Maw Rose Smith 11111.d home from
(iuderich on Satwday atter spending
the holidays with relatives there
Rev. Me. Cooper, of Mount Forest,
occupied the pulpit of the Pre.byter-
ion church on Monday.
The majority of the men 01 the
1tl)th Battalion on het veto furlough
have to report in London fur duty on
the 17th inst.
Mt. Frank Tate, of Palmerston, was
in Ihu vicinity a few d ys recently)
trying to seem*. help to *fork in thel
factory in which be to employed.
Mr. Doupe. prioc.pal of the public
school here. returned from Toronto
last week alter completing • special
course which he was taking. He will
',recd the remainder of his va.•etiuo
at the beach ■1 Poiut Clark.
Lccarow BOY A (JzNIIRAL.-Victor
Odium. son of Prof. Odium. of Van-
couver, who tpoet part of bis boyhood
days in Luck new. has been promoted
to the rank of Brigs.hrr-(iener•I in the
('anadien Army in Fierier. General
Udlum went to the f ont as second is
command of the Vancouver Battalion.
On the death of Lt. -Col. Hark McHaig,
Major Odium was then pieced iu cone
timed ..f the battalion, and became of
his valuable services in that capacity
be is now made a brigadier-georr.i.
He served as • private In the Salmi
Atricaa war.
To be bealtky at arweety, prepare M
forty, is sw.d weeks, because is tba
steefselt of middle lie ins loo oft,. beset
er esreless trine -
meet dee
.g1k andsail�eW
streeith sad
weabmeos hr letter yam.
1e be etrosiger when ails, keel
bleed pre mod, .4 . set., with dm
semi* -balding amid Wad-srwriabima
of west's lilim ami w�ieh be
iwi • asd a m.�eimerM rtsm btl�le�i y�
blood Melt, alleviate mad
avoid slimeaa. At soy drug Men.
aeon a been. Teems. oat
It Pays to Advertise in the SIGNAL
A New Shipment of
House Furnishings
HAS arrived at Walker's Furniture
consisting of Rugs in Brussels, Velvets,
Wiltons and Tapestries in various sizes and
qualities. Before you buy a rug give us a call
and examine our stock, because it is new and
u p -to -date.
Linoleum,, 2 x 4 yards wide, have just arrived
from the mill.
We will give a special discount off all Verandah
Rugs and Verandah Shades during the month
of August.
Picture Framing and Repairing promptly and
neatly done.
Walker's Furniture Store
Often the Cheapest Always the Best
W. Walker, Farailere sed Utadartakiag
Kase a Galeria