The Signal, 1916-7-27, Page 4• 1 aeotY. hit.! 37 1916
you ,Must
to *ye
a' good
Don't think that
"tailors' do not
make our C lo t h e s.
On the contrary, the
best tailors in Can-
ada put their best
workmanship into
our clothing. The
best materials also
go into our garments.
Our Suits are alt
ready to slip right on,
or if you prefer you
can have them made
to your special meas-
ure either Society or
zoth Century Brand.
Walter C.
We sell
"Better" Clothes
FRAMER–ion u4K04.--Cllftuo Cot-
tage. the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
W. Wallis, was the scene of • pretty
wedding on Wednesday, July lath.
when their sirtrr, Miss Clare Richards.
was united au marriage to Mr. David
B. Fraser, of St assbutg, Sask. Ube
cervmuuy was performed by Rev. A.
Macfarlane, of Hayfield. Promptly at
l'S.:le noon the prim. entered the parlor
on the arm td her brother. Mr. Cherie*
Richards. of \Vaterdown, and the
couple took !Aril places under an arch
of evergreens draped wilts • large
U Jack and banked with ferns
and flower*. Tole Nide was dressed in
white embroider -ea lacecluth trimmed
with satin anti pearls and carried •
• bouquet of white roses. After the core-
' u oby dinner was served in the dlai•g- The toast to the bride was
propose[( by Rev. 1. B. Jones and re-
plied to icy Mr C. Richards. Among
thaw* present were Mr. and Mr*. Ja...
Donaldsun, `fault Ste. Marie: Mr. Chas.
Richard.. \Vaterdown : Mrs. Forbes
' and the Misses F trbee, Ancestor : Mr.
A. E. Richards. Hamilton ; Mire Agnes
Fraser, Vault lite. Marie.; Mr. and Mrs.
George Ricbmrds, Copeumn : Mr. and
Mrs. John Fraser. Hayfield . .fir. and
' Mra. U. J. Wallis. Clinton ; Rev. J F:
and Mn. Jones, lisyfleld ; Mrs J. For-
man and family, Listowel ; Mises Mar -
1 gam Uameliell, Mr. Jas. Donaldson,
Bayfield. Many beautiful preseotr
1 testified to the esteem in whicn the
• young couple were beld. Mr. and Mrs.
I Fraser left for their home at Steam-
, burg, Seel.. Saturday morning, the
bride travelling in • tailored suit of
navy blue *wife with a grey bat.
Showers of good wishes follow them t
their new home.
MONDAY, July 2a.
Mr. Gerald Sullivan has arrived
!home from Detroit.
Mini Mabel ('piney and two brothers,
of Cargill, spent the past week with
:cousins herr.
( Mr. and Mrs. Con. Foran and child.
of Wawanu.b. Mr. and Mrs. Peaty
and child, of London, and Mr. Michael
Form. of Saskatchewan, visited Asb
field friends on Sunday.
Misers Margaret Dalton, Marie and
'Eileen Sullivan and Irene McCarthy,
and Messrs. .1. F. Sullivan, John S.
and Walter Dalton, J. P. Sullivan and
Gu.. McCarthy vt.ited St. Augustine
and Dung+neon friends on Sunday.
is the deadliest and roost
painful malady W whi.h
11 nktal.+seine.t 1)..14.
11'111. M.11 cure any
case u( iinght's !...ease.
They hay. never tailed in
one single case. They are
the only remedy that ever
has .Dred It, and they are
the only remedy that .an
There are im.tat.ons ut
D .IJ s Edney P 16–pill,
box and name–bu: tions are dar.gerous. The
original and only genuine
cure for Bright's Disease is
ootid'. Kidney Pills are
fir y cents a box at all
Oamp Borden tee a mega& to *suet at
the harvest.
Two KtNAwAY AsY'IDENTa.–While
Mr... Rupert Ferris and daugh-
ters were revise their horse •
diiek at S. S. hu. J .churl house
last Wednesday. the • is i ase a I
took fright and rut away, leaving the
buggy at the O. 1' K. bass line en-
trance. It continued to Auburn hotel
stable. 'Jailing Lbs shaft* as it went.
The hoose wag slightly bruiesd and
the abaft* considerably d•wsgrd.
Repairs were made uud t he journey
h was wade the Whine evening ....
On Thursday fore. m as Mr Siwsoe
Sado* was engaged drawing water
from Mi. (:surge Hamilton's, the
horse became frightened, and the
di aver losing hie balance, was thrown
torwaid across the shaft.. The horse
was stopped oppurite the butcher shop
and Mr. Barre* we' rescued front his
perilous position. Ile received several
bad bruise* and kicks from his pony,
and is suffering cuuaidrrebly from
TUESDAY, July 25.
Miss Olive M.cMurcby is visiting et
Miss Jessie Johnston visited friends
I at Stratford last week.
I Mise Una MacDonald. of Toronto.
is the guest of Mn. Kenneth Msclvor.
Ktntail brooch of the Women's 1e-
eti•ive will hold it+ annual picnic at
i.akeview Perk, Kiiitail, 00 Friday,
July- 24th. The weathers trust that
their friends will be prepared to enjoy
ac outing at the lake on !best occaeiuo.
lu last week's Signal we noti.4 the
following names of Kintail pupils
among the successful candidates at the
entrance examination : Lottie Mac-
Kenzie, Alberta Beckett. Albert Thain
and Willie Johnston. Congratula-
Mr. and Mr*. Win. Mutch and chil-
dren. of Clinton, are visiting relatives
Mimes Bertha and May Armstrong,
of Brussels, visited their uncle, Mr. S.
Mr. Sutton is on hi. holidays for
two weeks, being relieved by' Mr.
Mr. Thos. Wiomill and daughter, of
(aakatnon, strived to spend a month
with hie parents.
Oar town fathers have at last de-
clared • civic holiday, the date being
neat Wednesday, August 2nd.
Mr. Robert Jones has arrived from
Reels%to assist Mears. Chas. Asquith
and E. Helwig with their building
The general business meeting of the -Mrs. M. C. MacKenzie is visiting her Mr.. John Lowson had the mistor-
United Patriotic Society of Go,lerich sister. Mre. Thowaa 'Telford. at Sault tune to fracture her ankle joint last
township will he held at the house of Ste. Mane'• Sunday. The accident will confine
Mrs. 'Vila', conoeesino, on Tow Mise Mary McMurchy has entered her to her room for 'tome time.
day. August rat. A large xttendanoe
Ithe Alexandra Marine and General, Private. Colin Campbell, Oliver
1. reque.ted, as the annual ,report of hospital. (i..derich, where she intends Lawaon...Chae. hiving, Russel King,
the year will be givers. to trxiu a• a nurse. G. Helium. Earl Beastly, Russel 13ently
Wo4EN'M INSTITUTE Plo'Mb.—The and Frank Sturdy are home from
For the Hoi Weather!
Summer Underwear
WEDNbsUA v. July 'ARIL
Huger*.–Miss Hogg. of Winnipeg,
who bad been visiting her cousins.
Mrs. Edward and Mr. Chas. Robert-
son, took train for other points
Mrs. K. Henderson. who had beeu in
Chicago the peat winter. isruntmering
with her sister. Mrs. A. Johnston
Pte. Frank Berry, 01 Camp Borden.
is asristiug Mr. Chas. Robertson with
the harvest Mr. Will Claytou ie
laboring very diligently at the hay re-
cently purchased flow Samuel Shep-
peed Mr. cad Mrs. Arthur Cul-
bert, of Duog•nuou, Sundayed at
Maple Point It is a question as to
who is going to have the potato
crop, the bug or the nun The
hey crop is eecsedingly good
thus year. One man stored 135 loads
and none of it got wet Humors
are to the effect that we may see an-
other auto in the neighborhood soon.
Mr. Chas. Robertson and family
autoed to Amber ley last Sunday
Mr. Alex. Youug had his barn raised
last week Mr John •Livy is busy
harvesting his crop of raspberries.
Ladies' Summer Underwear in short and no sleeve vests in many styles and
prices. Porous -knit Summer V -sts, in large and small size, at per garment 23e
Lisle Vests, short sleeve . 12 I -2t: to 35e
A large range of Vests, per garment. from . 32c to 23c
Ladies Cotton Drawers trimmed with Embroidery, each 30e to doe
Corset Covers trimmed with Embroidery or Lace. each
Princess Slips made of very fine cotton and nicely finished 11.25 and 12•15
White Skirts, good width, with fine embroidery, each . 11.00 to 12 SO
Children's Vests, in short and no sleeve. in all sizes, each . . ISc to 25c
Summer Hosiery
Children's Summer Lisle Hosiery in black and white. in all sizes, at per iSc
This is a good stocking to wear and the dyes can be relied upon 23t
Friend Called and Told Htm of Dodd's
Kidney Pills.
Tarhotvale, Vict•.ria Co.. N. S., July
24 tSpecialt.–Cured of rneuwatlsw
that crippled him. Angus W. McLeod.
well known and highly teepectrd bele.
feels it his duty 'at let everybcdy
know that be found bis cure in Dodds'
Kidney Pills.
**twit fall." Mr. McLeod states, •'I
took sick with a severe attack of rheu-
matism. The thruwaticpaini lodged
in the small of toy back and left hip.
I could feel darts of pain shooting
through my loins like shocks from a
galvanic battery. and in two days 1
was a et ipple. 1 suffered In this way
for a week. when luckily a friend cave
to see me who recommended t) odu's
Kidney Pill.. Before 1 had finished
the iecend tax the pain was entirely
gone 1 have since been exposed to
cold and wet ever v day. but I haven't
had a t midge of Wit* In my body or
WF.iNKMDAY. July 21.
As the Temperature Goes Down
the Price of Coal Goes Up
Mrs. J J. Bell and three children
are home from Barons, Alta. and will
spend the summer with Mr. Bell's
mother. Mrs. John Redmond. Mr.
Bell, who was here for three weeks,
has returned West.
A garden party will be held on the
ground. of Westfield church on''hurs-
day, August 3rd. Supper .with ice
cr•e-emt will he served trout ti to M
o'clock Miss. Vannorman. soloist, and
Miss Mitchell. elocutionist, both of
Wingham, will take pat t in the pro -
stain. -Ttrvse-will he a game of base-
ball in the afternoon.
Is it freezing weather that marks your
time tQ buy coal, or is it low price
and sure delivery ? Surely the latter
course is the wiser to follow. You'll
be ready to welcome winter while the
others are freezing, waiting their turn
in the big rush. You'll be saving money while the
others are paying top-notch prices.
When the mercury begins to take its (downward course, prices in coal
fly sky high. That's why you want to put in your supply now. A
bin full of Lehigh Valley Coal in August bears as high rate of interest
as a good safe bond.
Of course you want Lehigh Vane). Coal. Those who get the maxi-
mum amount of heat out of every ton always order it.
Black Princess Hose, in black only. in all sizes, at per pair
Black Silk Boot Hose, in alt sizes, at per pair
Black Lisle Hose. in all sizes. at per pair
White Lisle Hose, in all sizes, at per pair
35e and 3Oe
23c, 35e and 30e
23c. 35c and 50c
Summer Muslins
Our stock of Muslins and Voiles comprises the latest in weaves, cloths and
colorings. Fine White Voiles. in plain and fancy stripes.3 These are
e50excep60c and 75c
waists and dresses, at per yard •. 25c,
on Wednesday of last week: After
the usual routine work Mrs. Hamilton
gave • very full report of the W. M.
S General Council meeting which
was held this year at Winnipeg.
Perhaps owing to the great beat or
the busy time of the year, or both. the'
attendance was not up to the average
which was to be regretted, sew the
meeting was an unusually uiterrrting
one. Mrs. Hamilton's raper was well
al.d carefully prepared. told deserved
a larger bearing.
\VEUNY.4DAY..July :78
E1ctstetoN To (iODEKII'li. –A Targe
crowd from B.lytte attended the Sun -
clay school excursion to Goderi.'h on
Wednesday and they all seemed to
have an eoj yahle time. The Blyth
hand was on hand and -rendered come I
line selections The huntsmen wade
their first app•ar'*nce in their new
uniform of grey, which 'tete them oft
U000 HAY CROP.–The farmers are
nearly through with their htying op-'
*rations and it has turned nut a very
heavy crop : in fact. one of the heav-
iest in years ; and the weather could
not have been better for saving it.
The fall wheat will soon be ready for
rutting and it is also looking well.
The oats and barley .leo are lookingt
well in most piece..
111K L&M'M B..w 1.s'ttS.–Throe
of Hhyth M)wlets and one 'trot*. 14+1- i
grave xntoed to Clinton on Friday
evening for a friendly game with [our
rinks of that place. 1bey found out 1
that practice counts, the re.nit heing I
that the Clint rt0 bowlers gave them al
goad trimming. The *r•ote wait :
Blytb Clinton.
'Dr. Alison 13 i Hovey 161
li. McTaggart 6 11)r. Axon Gr
13r'. Mereggart O' t Brydone- lsl.
WRUMEMU.t. July :Nth.
The choir held their annual picnic at
the I. on Saturday.
Private Will Fagan and his mother
visited Mn. Currey on Sunday.
Miss McClure, of Toronto, was the
guest of Mise Baits last week.
Mr. Jas. tiles and daughters. of C•r-
Iow, visited hie sister, Mrs. C. Stewart,
on Sunday.
Mrs. V. ill Koope is spending the
season with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Get. Currey.
Kev. Mr. Hedley and (entity are
camping .t Point 'Farm Mr. Healey,
returns to Nile on Sunday to take
charge of his work.
Miss Minnie Cuney i+ spending her
vacation with ber relatives at Nile.
For three years she bas been • dea-
coness in station work at Mootreal.but
abd has been transferred to Moo.ej.w,
where she will be engaged in church
Any quantity of Hard Wood, Maple and Hemlock Slabs and Mixed
Wood. Lime and Cement. Prompt delivery.
Delicious and Refreshing
H1 -.RES every girl. drink. A delicious refreshing he
Cream Soda. Why not come in one of these hot days
and t: v ont of our thirst -q ienching Sodas with pure ice
creini in it It'. a purr' wholesome krep-cool drink. It's
bound to please y'ou.
Everybody who tries one of our Ice Cream Sodas
conies back often. Come in today and try one.
– 1
25 I 56''
BeIgrave Clinton
Stewartt C•ntelon 14 ; —
A SI'DDEN CALL–The sad news'
reached here on Thuristiax night of the
sodden death of Mr. Kobt. Marshall,
who we. • highly respected citizen of
East Wawano.h end was also well
known in Blyth. He and Mrs. Marsh
all left here • few work• ago for •
visit at their old home ,i &r Carleton
Place. When he left here he was in
very good health. but while there he
war et,' ken with .cute indigestion
and very shortly succmnhed. 1'hi.
remains arrived bereon Sal tit any and
on Sunday the funeral took place
from his late residence arid was largely ,
attended. Mr. Menhell had been a
residaat of E•.t W•wancsh for about
twenty-five years and all who knew
him .poke very highly of him. In
religion he was a strong Presbyters to
and in politica a Literal Besidee hie
bereft wife he leavell two eons and
three daughters. who have the .yw-
st e whole comesttyity in
auto loads from here were at Grand
Hood foe Sunday and spent s splendid
Uy RtWest«tnitis lake Mr, uud Mre.
W. .nd little girl. and Mrt.
(Dr. i Miles and daughter. Sarah, left
..Tuesday to speed a couple of weeks'
holidays at the Beed. Mrs. R.
Robinson and children. who have
been spending the past couple of
weeks with reativee at Kirktoo, re-
turned home on Monday evening.,..
Messrs Moore & Taylor, who have
been attests hen for the McLrwtthbe
and Gray -Dort automobile'. have had
• very sueoessful eeaeoe, baring sold
twenty ears This ie very .trend too-
siderigtt fist there ie I supposed to be
a curtailment of espdoese this tear.
on amount of the war Mins
Annie Spsaoed, of London, is spend -
Ing • oisitOts of weeks holidays with
her siaotr ben Mr. Harvey
Oidley, who has been working in
Algoma foe .owe yeses. returned
horse on Tuesday and will again take
is old presides as clerk in hie father's
t dor shop The band has now
ed • band -stand on the front
and se anon se it is lighted up
with electricity it is the ietsatlon to
he • *cosset each week. . Mrs.fits• I W. McLean sad children, of
11ao.,ver. se speediest eoe. holidays
with her parents here. Mr. std Mrs.
Alex. Bider. Mt. Jas. Arras, on
•cenuet of 'Irksome, bee d to claw
Ws blacksmith shop. It ie b0Prd
awesome*ill reeaperate hie tallieegg
Mrs W. W Sloan she
ans. ot Tor -ones who spent • wed
bore. emerged to their home en Sea-
J. E. Robbins' Candy Kitchen
Setttlr Sit of Square. Galeria
W EusssDAv. July 26.
Misses KINK and Blancbe Shaw
spent a day or tw.. in Toronto last
Mies Olive Ticbhourne. of liodericb,
stent • 1.'w days last week with her
sister, Mr.. Horace Horton.
Mie. Wionifred Shaw has Item In re
low state of Naltb for some- week•,
but with cooler weather her friende
hope to hear of ber complete recov-
Keg. A Williams spent a few days
in Toronto. where he had to pass as
examination to admit him to serve in
tlse British Motor Boat Patrol. He
will leave shortly for K .gland to jots
ki• co weeny.
W. M t+- Mtrrrtto –The W.jii
met at the bocce of Mn- Jobe H• ter
WHEN t,S! iG
(Seecessrs t. McD.sag► & Ghia
011Ise Pitons is B. J. Sault.. Rea. 276 W. W. faults, Res. 202
r hese•*
s. -Sticky Ply
••tisbltetdle• •^^ by
and r . eveeyvebsee.
It Pays to Advertise in the SIGNAL
Special i n Mattresses
We will sell a regular $I 2.00 Felt Mattress for $9.00.
Sizes 4 feet and 4 feet 6 inches.
Thi, 1x n \Int ,t het we hey.• handled for the Ixst ten rear and we
have never had a cost. •r • ,.n.e ieek and make a coin
plaint. s.• M.• M ill nsAke it 1.111--I.s ial in O.alerich. et eW(\
A full stock of Upholstering supplies haw arrived and we are now prr-
latr.d to do Upholstering and Repairing. and any work entniets.d ire tea
will be done promptly and at rearionoble priers.
A i.(K)D STOCK OF FURNiTU'RE l'OVERINOS to choose. from..
\\ . n ill rlenn out the remaining stock of Baby Carriage. at a big
WO* still extend an In-
vitation to any peewee
wls.o hike not yet been
in to seas our dock to tin
.et fit any time. Our
etswk is now complete.
()ur Undertaking stock has+. been
i.ntght and we expect ttoarrive
any day. We will M rilady to 4.
business' in t.hisdepart 'tient about
the first of the month.
Walker s -:- Furniture -:- Store
Often the Cheapest Always the Dot
N. •alkar, Fd owl lM . sstall g
nowIN ,