The Signal, 1916-7-13, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERIOH : ONTARIO BICYCLES ONLY FOUR LEFT. Two and wo Massey* twlos Standards Prints : MO, $40, $34, a *29.50 In order to clear out our stock we will allow a discount of ten per tent. on these prices, fur one week, commencing next Saturday, July 15th. EAST STREET GARAGE Owned and operated by a practical limn. A. MI. GLOVER PHONE 243 Specials This Week TOMATOES, very choice.... isc per pound FRESH WATERMELONS-- just received HOME-GROWN STRAWBERRIES. No. i quality. 30o BUSHELS OLD POTATOES; very choice. Try oar New Potatoes by the peck or by the pound. CALIFORNIA FRUIT -Peaches, Plums, Apricots and Hothouse Cucumbers. ,79lescrnaro l't)lRNl•:I{ moNTRE.11. sTitErr :\NI) THE SQUARE 11. nor st•'r.• wiq is...p. ii on the 1st •.f July and4111 day \Vtd- n...la} •. ) • ICVeR1t HOUR WJxmar mor ',Writ's. aso • tv maw tare MA TVcrZTT G L =▪ vL - isms 'NAM crrr- Tuckers CLUB SPECIAL Cigar F. 11. WOOD I. Tobacco, Ggars, Pipes, etc. Next Davey's Jewelry Store The Square Galeria t• SUNBURN. BLISTERS. :ORE FEET. tiJOERICH M.Ril=T3. n-*' .•h 1rh-l. . N 1: .•, I, 0,i.1.. t ani:r. 1. • ,,a.1 LOCAL I TOPICS Mr. Dee. Woods Resigns. Mr. lisotev Wood.. who has been principal of the Saltford public loch mil for the last seventeen years, bas tend sired his resin nation. For oevrral ysue Mr. Woods bas been making a study of Hb insurance and henceforth be will devote his whale time to this work. • Smith--•BChaefer. • A quiet wedding took p1 tee on Tei as day of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Schaefer. WIrertoa, when their eldest dsuebter, Misr Vine Margaret, wan united to mar - nage to Mr. Ooldis 11. Smith, of Oode- rk h The ceremony was performed by Rev. S. II. Beam. The happy couple left fora short honeymoon and bays sine* returned and taken up their residese* of Albert street, God. ries . AMID '•From Sunrise to Sunset." As stated in the adverU.hlgedumba of The Signal this week. users et water for lawn services are allowed to use the water on lawns "frees sunrise to sunset." Any person infringing on Ibis regulation will be liable to prose- cutkm sad it might be well foe the public to consult the almanac fre- quently to ascertain the exact time the sun set*, At present this order means that It will be illegal to use water on lawn services after 8 p. m. s Court of Revision. At the adjourned sitting ofthe court of revision. in the appeal of 1'. M. Davis agein.t bis aasssemeot on lots 219 and 172. the assessment was confirmed but the business asse"wtrent on the front portion of the lot. on wbicb sonde the red bare on South street, was struck off. The assessment on the Bedford hotel 'was reduced from 510.000 to $9.01)0, and the b mines* assessment was reduced to 52.2,). -,l A Chicago Wadding. In the First Methodist church (the oldest church in Chicsg••) a very pretty weddin4 was solemnn:owl by Rev. Dr. Macafee, at 4 p.m. on Thurs- day, June:Bth, the groom being Mr. James Beojsmin Allen Smith, of Chi- cago, formerly of lioderich, and the bride Miss Marie Leontine Liedstrom, of Chicago. After the wedding cere- mony was performed the bride and groom took the train for tioderich,•:on a visit. to the groom's mother. Mrs. Abraham Smith, Smith street. Thiry have since returned to their home at Chicago. Enforcing War Tax Act. There is a prevailing impression that the act governing the affixing 01 a war stamp on all patent medicine pareele is not general y enforced. A local business swan galled The Signal's attention to this condition this week and pointed out that a Montreal drug- gist was fined Bite the other day for neglecting to place a two -cent war stamp on a box of tooth paste. An- other bu.lnees man iu an Ontario town was tined a few days ago for a similar offence. These- cures should he sufficient to dispel the ides from the public mind that the war tax act is a deud letter. iiRather Warm, Isn't It? The extreme heat wave which his wept ,.ver the Mutilation during the past week recede itself felt at lioderieh TucuaoAr,Jalr lb on M, ii 1.1y, when the instruments at s vt the meteorological station at Ridge -, error Partin, Goderich township, regis- tered .eitenty- ' degrees in the shade. A j p of ten degrees was mode on l'ue.tlay and yesterday the teu.peratilre was ninety degrees. : '•' Willett WANi he same as that registered n•" to ..... in Toronto. The highest.trtnperature .dr to seer. reeord.d last aluuuier up to the 15th -0i 10 '- of July was eighty -;out Negreer. Thr .Ji to . ti. year I111013 grill he rentrmtwrell as • a- t aS to .1, to . ..i to 1.40 to to r '-' to . 't.: to $th. to . ' . • -'toe. WO-.,, t* -. .414 1`."1 11. rr 11,10er. nr-. o • r.•*iw-rr getter .. tear•. ties. pa d..s . Few. 'ota•ne. • • 1 .telt"(- . hs 1.--r ea. 011, be cher- 111.11.14/... •• 110g,Ilea **right, per e.. -hM•o, per. asci 111.1... per r' .1J..,. .le ed. mar I Sheep Pr........ 1. v. -111 .4 7 , .e to • ' to ...Ai to 321 to 10 M to Irani In .It to :to i, to r. '_ee)ingly hot. All of the Ion ter part of June wan vet y warn) and on July 1.1 the maximum temperature wan linnet ra• to and s -half degrees. 1• •,n WALKER'S FURNITURE STORE Verandah Furniture You will appreciate our Furniture fur the lawn and veran- dah luting the warm summer weather. HERE ARE SOME OF OUR VALUES: Rocker with cane seat, at 52.7) A similar chair, finished natural, at $3.00 Lawn seats. at 81;50 Lawn Swings, four -passenger 511.7 and 86.1K) Children's size 84.75 Children's Verandah Chairs, with cane seats, fini.hed natural . 51.75 Lawn Chairs, reclining, striped duck seats.. 51.30 Large Verandah Arm Cliair and Rocker, cane seat and cane back. at ....................... 500 Verandah Shades 5c per square foot Sines -4 x S feet, 5 x >; feet, S x 8 feet. Ropes and pulleys complete. Japanese Matting and Verandah Rags in various sizes and at different prices. Our stock of Picture Moulding' arrived this week, and we are now prepared to do all kintts of work in this line, neatly and proatptly. We hope to b�vc all arrangements completed to open our Undertaking Department by the middle of July. WE EXTEND A HEARTY INVITATION TO ALI, TO t\ VISIT OUR STORE AT 'ANY TIME IT IS ALWAY X PLEASURE TO SHOW OUR GOODSL j walker's -:- Furniture -:- Store THE STORE OF QUALITY Mom the Cheapest Always the Beet W. Wuiksr, Furniture sad UBitetakit. Pleas a Gderiek THE TONIC THAT BRINGSHEALTH Immu° re Up n Whets System Those who take "Fr.it-a-fives" for the first time, are otter adoaished at the way it briWs lies" sir sad rw•bs !dews Jeri idler d/ over. They may be taking "Fruit -s -lime" 1br some apeeiae disease, as Coeetipntiss, Indigestion, Chronic Headaches or Neuralgia, Kidwy or Bladder Trouble, Rheu- matism or Pate i. the Back. Ad they find when "Fruit -a -lives" W cured the disease, that they fed batter and stronger in every way. This is doe to the aseferfel leeic pryertrer et these famous tablets, made from fruit juices. Mc. a box, 6 for 8t.5o, trial size, 23ee At all dealer or seat postpaid by Freie a -rives Limited. Ottawa. bushels of wheat and mete at the Gene - rich elevator Inst Friday. and os Sot - 'inlay the steamer Marbka sinned with 150,000 bushels of wheat and oats. The steamer Mariska, Iroquois and Graham are don with cargoes for the tioderieb elevator. , - anal 'teenier Harm arrived um port on Wedneetay northward booed. It spent the afternoon bees and cleared for mauls Rte. Martie is she females. This was the Huron's Nast cab orf the 010x00. Contractor Benalasbem bas com- pleted his breakwater contrast.: Guraks-Bascbler. The following is irom-The Tie Herald of Port Huron, Mich . The marriage of Mise L1. liwebl•r, dadghter of Mn. Xavier B I. !Odor, of Ouderich, Ontario, acid Prank siurele, of this city, todk plane Tuesday morn- ing, June 27tb. at 8 Veber, at Mt Stephen's church, Port e.ar..n, Rev Father J. P. McManus ollh'iati.g. Although tb'e bride's former horns was litdetieb. die has hese • r. -,.tent of t• is city for di years. 5' a was at- tended by her sister, M... Mary Beeebler, of Ooderieb, and Edward Bunke. brothers( the groom. was bis atteodaat . The bride was at t .red in w dress of white net over taffeta with trimming of Brussels Ince. wore with a picture bat of wbite. H.,r conga. bouquet was of white rases and sweet peas. The bridesmaid's 'dress woo shadow tare over Jap silk with trim. ming of pink. Her bat was also pink and white aryl her flowers were earns tions and tweet pews . Following the ceremony the bridal party and a wan pray of immediate trio.•is, ..f the bride and groom we.$te14':3 Rin-Itary'- son street..bers the jvooai bad a home completely turnisbad. Herr 1 Lr decorations were in pink p .••.i.• : "d other 'cut flower., while 1b- tar 1e a,1 whi :11 the ttnrs's trete KI%., i a .un r- hsons owl ling bre skied, w.t. ceutred with a Itrge wedding cart- ln.nng ( il,„ those toe' est at. lbs Inti Ner•.• Mr.. Rrerbl.r, 111111e,-- issiebler and lit;.!Ie. itterliler, ,• O h:r,•.•'.,, and Mr.. Jake V.:Ilutel..4 !+.trail.,, The Orangemen Celebrate. About fifty members of the Inc.) Orange Lnd¢e ,4,arudrd I,.at Sunday evening to Virtot in .tieet Methodist church, where they were treated to a •r:leldul address 1.y the pastor, Rev .1 E. Ford. The Ppeakrr ainted to show how trlUrh the people of today are indebted to the revolution of 1t1814. He gave great credit to the work of rh.• Orange Ordrs's legislative cunt - mi ttee. The special train to Clinton on Wed:- nestlay worsting carried over 300 pa, - meager., inr itdn'gab tilt fifty niemlwrs of thelocal Orange lodge who par tic, - pated in the celebration of the 'liil:h annive,.ary of King %Villiaw'a victory at the I1attde'of the Boyne. The event brought unsterile of 7,400 people to Clinton from various puints in Har•on, Perth and North Middlesex. Women's Institute, There wits a Targe attendance at the regular meeting of the lindr. ich branch of the \Vnmen'e Institute on Thursday last at the hotne of Miss M. E. Salkeld. The district president, Mrs. Kirk, of Dungannon, paid the branch an official visit and Mts. Jc- seph Merrett, of Winnipeg, an ex - member, was present, both addressing the alerting in a pirasing manner. Mrs. Al. M.a)onald read a well- prepared paper• and a de.tlon.tration by Mrs. Hostile was much appreciated. Ar+sogeuienla were made for the an- nual picnic, wt ich will he held in the orchard of Mat. J. T. Salkeld on Wed- nesday afternoon, July lOtb. A committle was appointed to prepare a good program for the afternoon*" entertainment. Members have the paella's!, of inviting their husbands and friends. Bring your baskets ; tome, aloes and have a good time. - Seel'. Harbor Notes. The steamer Fit:letald was in port last week with a cargo of coal from Sandusky for the Big Mill, From the point of amount of grain handled the last two months have been the hest in , history of the Ooderieh Sieve k Transit Com- pany At paean can of resin are heing shipped weekly. chiefly for expect trade. Shine. the grain began to move le the spring there end a -halt nelllion bushels have been baedhd by this company. The sesamer Feedoniara, whieb bas been a fretless' caller at 0dsvisb this mean , has hoer chartered for ocean service. Tb steamer Mehra uaoadd 110,000 Horse Case in Division Court. The rtidrnce io ail intereattng 11 vi,. - ion Coatitea-e wax t.kei. before Jodi, Dickson on Wednesday of ILA a.-;.► Alex. Starling, a fainter in Coll-, rue town•hip, was the plaint Mated 1lrirt•. Ili nton. also of Coils,' tie, the, drfrnd sett. Early in March last Ilse plaintiff purchased a base from the defendant for which the latter received as pelt payment it note. for- 5142.50 wbi -1r he- (the defendant: had given to William Sterling, a.tnother .1 the p:.inti?• several months prrvmu.. Th' avid• core went to .how that twelve dry. after Sterling had 1.14144 -14 ir)chierion of the animal one or it. eyes Iwsame atTeetel• resulting event a t:1) in blind- ness. When the deal %Aa made the delendant offered to let the purcbas+r have the horse fur a Perk nn trial. The plaintiff said hr did not ser.• to this proposal and declared that he had received assurance fr Horton that Ole.. was nothing wrong with the horse's eves. ID..t ton denied the t he was yae$tioned on 11.4. paint , but Ink nutted that a few set 1.. 'before the day of the .al.• the ho,.e bad te,n treated for eye trouble which a retro - that' y surgeon hap 1141 hitt, ti vocable, it tieing cau.rd by a diarodei of the constitution. Late in April 11'. Welling sold the hor.e for 5110. and he is melting for j]origrnenl foe $12 .10, which is the difT u i,ce between the 'sloe of the note aril ''In which was given in payment sr, 1 the pries at whicbhe 00141 the anin, .l. Judge 1)i• k - sun has nut yet given hie dc.:.. ion in the case. Death of Alex. Davidson. After a long and tt V.1 g Woes' t • oro a malady of the h. a. t, Alexander Davidson, a well -know ti citizen •of lioderich, was c.11.1 to his eter'al home nn Thursday oI 1-t week. Ms Davidson was horn at Netlike, Ab r- dren, broiler:d,'ixtf-nt,)eyears ager. When he sits a 8.J of thirteen, his Parents, M.. end Mr. Ale:ander Davidte n.ted to Canada and settled at slier" the late deceased receiver his education. He was mani.d forty-tbn. yams, age to An now 1 inert pal toer-io-lite and after farming for a nii.s.lsor of years in Colborne township be nenio..d so Ooderieh, where be had since lived. Bends• his widow he io survived by one son and on. daughter : Mi.. Annie, of (Sod/whir, anal Mr. H- J. Davidson, of Ernfold, `leek. He is survived alien by one •i.ter, Mies La- bel Davidson of l'olhe in. township. One brother, Jaws, of G4harse town - 'hip. died wisteen years ago. and two sisters, Miss M wad Mrs. Ran. .rtaon, ales. prvdecea it hien. the for• reser passing away in 75 in l'atbor•n., and the latter in it Ki at Holland, Manitobs. Mr. Davidson was • nrem- 8' r of the United Workts.w anal for ever thirty year. we. a measlier of Nos tb street Methodist ebe rah. The femoral last Newsday to Maitlewd cloltettelY woe lo shams of bis paha.., Rev. W. It. Haim hind rhe fsn11- b.a.en were : J. W. V awwtte., Rob - i art Ya nag. Nassu.l Ruse,, Witham I Mos t sah, WeRie..• armlet ur g and Flank Smith. Mr. sod Slre. R. A. Kiss, eft NOOSE the were athose whirMI the feneesl. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. • mew freed le being put is the store of Mr. J. Y. Colborn Wi• week. Tb. Wt... beet ea Wedneida raised two Werke of cement sidewalk mai Beat N reel . Abash k Chapter. 1. O. D. X. will hole, it. 'erudite Chapter .seting o. Monday neat, July 17th, at 4 o'clock its the court home. Registrar Coat: garde., with its butsdreds of row bu.ber, is oat of the eights of the town just wow. 11 is • veritable bower of beauty. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Walter asaem.e* the segagemeet of their deu1bter, Dere Lwiw, to Mr. Asgtr C. Me- Ouge., M A., of Maryfield, Sask. The m•rnage is to take place early i. August. Troth is mighty ad will prevail. Tbse•e have been too tssaay goad people swindled 1. their clothes. Go to Prdbam F. J. and be will tell you the whole truth about every garment you trust hires with. All 'MOOS having accounts agaia.t the First of July teiebration commit- tee are asked le previnit these to Mr. Lane. the treasurer. at otitis, ae the mannikins wishes to make as ins. ssseiate adjustment of its tiff vire. Mews. O'Neill & Co. put throeih soother real estate deal this week. having sremised the rale of a lot o. WHEN USING WILSON'S FLY PADS READ OIRECTIObS CARUuuv AND -.. iNCIFIW : TTHEM;: (f xAtn� - -- sir more effective than Sticky Fly Catchers. Clean to handle.. Sold by Dniggisb and Grocers everywhere. Manom OF CANADA i Are Tor Gars Leann/ M Save Mosey? Each maturing son and daughter should have a personal Savings Account In the Union Bask of Canada, with opportunities to save regularly, and training In how to expend money wisely. Smelt an education In thrift and saving wIU prove Invaluably). In later life. Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. the corner of Montreal and Market 'Smote. the property of Mrs. E. l'ar-! ter. Mr. Fred Hunt was the put- chaseTr. ie oceed• trove the "chain teas" 18.14ud ring the last three months have amounted to :>4l. The lady promoters hope to mire 512 more within the next few weeks. Ubu. stak- ing a total of 51110 for patriotic pur- poses from thip source. While operating a ' ripsaw at the Paget limo Door Co.'.Sfactory one day tart week, Mr. Thome. Lacey was "truck by a strip of lumber and.vrre- ly injured in the aleloraen. Mr. Lacey • cooaition is node serious and le causing his family considerable ansiety. CHURCH NOTES. Rev. Father Melton is at Sandwich this week attending the :manual retreat of the priests of the dil.crse of Londoo, The Altos College .Ilnl trier whnol 1e in -evasion this week at !+•. Thaws... The delegates in ..ttrn,lancr North street Epworth 1.-agoe are Misses Marjo, ie Aitl,•eu, Ln•ene, lirul- win, Rets Worrell and lirart Woo, - ton. The Victoria .4 rewt Epworth League is represented by 'Mi -s Maud Milian and Ilii+. Willa I•'.trd. Colborne Evangrlii •1 1 hnrel. Rev. W. 11. Campbell, Lrl. 11. B,D., paster. Colborne -I0 -a, w. ?.ion -3 p. m. Colborne -7.:10 p. as. on allsraaN Sunday. Sunday school --Colborne 11 a. ea., 'Lion 2 p. 1*. T. P. A. ow the Monday that there i• no preaching service at 7.3) p. w. Subject for Sunday evening. July itt b : "The Achieved tj1lvetion." .. J The Saults Coal Co. traore.-ors to Meliorates a t tlr•Ihtn ExeI,U%Iva A4;KNTs PON LEHIGH VALLEY T) -IK C011. TIIAT SATISIIK4 We Ileal in hard and Soft Coal, Lime. Cement. hire Brit k :t Fite Clay, also hard and Soft \V.s.I, Maple and Ilemlo ck 51ah•. Fresh cars of Lime and Cement just received. Ovi icy 1'tt,)NT: - - - JI. J SAt•t,'rs' Ne.itlrrt. c 275 W. W. S.tt'l.'r1' Read, nae 204 ou know why 1 is the largest selling gum in the • world ? (111.1.2tyt Fawor a;a:.J t7s t-��.., ties•"-"., ' ..,,,-lalIe�en$' �' ~ �� rate `. J >_.--ar: WED are three big reasons; And the ✓ciao it gives in long-lasting, Lw-:eficial erjoyrcnt is a point that people npVre6atn 'r. - air -tight package keeps the fL^ vor and quality as fine as when mrde is the wonderful Wrigley factorit.3. Write for the Sprightly Spearmen's fanny Mother Goose book. Address Wil. Wrist./ Jr. Co., Ltd., Wrigley Building, Tc r auto, Otttit. Chew it after every meal Two FL ,cors ria, a ;el Cc.:ada Sealed tight -Kept right At7LL "Z -r C42