The Signal, 1916-7-13, Page 3s!
T HE 1
BOO kill NDINu
booed or repaired,
ABenbeimprempily &Raided W • Mavbtg
aem.t TRH SIONAL, tlederiolt.
( A. IL TAYLOR. St n&rrnsn.
K..Ie., ru /STRI -ICYB. EAR
.r .ad threat say. Bear ammo
Yak Orathalsahe ud�aa�A.ral l ate
A.L.mliter. Auire. awl latla. glnid Eye
matt orpital
$£ .shad. U r.. M 0. Waterloo Street.
.ppa.ite Hem Much. Hems S.
• tile. ss is I is., -7 te /pea TWphoe.
..' OSu. HKILSMANN, 081'130
g��! ,PATH, e•sseietirt ie wsalss'. and se►$,
L tW.. . ..Me. *genic
and mil a d
.ya ear, ear w
e ms lambago anti rbeamatis onsiditima Ade
aside remove 1 within' the knits. Omc..5
reddsace. corner Nelson sad $t. Audrew'.
!seta At home Wire Mesdar.. Tbut.days
sad • any Amin. by .pp.iatmest.
Om V. Goderib►. All lostraclasse b small
tact at thecal oles will be rimiAly et
ea..d t.. Itemid.aee t.i.paea. ib
l'. HAYS
P t: it kite
Oise -$teniae Rank Block. BamOtee Ln.*,
3.da4ck. Tesephiren 5 .
Real karate Loans and insurance.
Mfgt. on the Square... end door from Ham -
Mrs .15 el, liedrrich
- eriratr fund. to Wan at lowest rate,
W. Pout moor. l•.5'. J. L. 1deu0aaa
H. J. U. Comic.
.otlaltor. notary patine. Mims
015,5*, Inwierlca, Yard dem fro
E�a.t.. Al Cltulm thurelay of each week is
on Albert rtreet occupied by ler.
r. Oars hour, it am. to • pent.
VLIAltlAiti HARROW, LL.B., 5A14,-
MJ0Tut..ttarser, .dtettor, etc.. God.
Meat, to Ned M lowest rates
Js Mane. Notary Public and t-eover000er.
files-C..rt Hour todertcd wl2.s
in sva•5ci co. -Farm mid belated
t wry SIIeerty !seared,
Omen J. B. McLean. Pros., se.tortb P.O.;
due, CeawNl v5o -I'i w, Ood.Ad P. O..
lea. PC Hart neo •Tee..., 0eatert3* P. O.
uw.eie,s-u. F trioti 0s.tortk ; Joan
e.'., Winthrop; Wg m
Bwtaeweb, Wodbagsu ; Janine Hyena.
wenn ; l4.
WFMi., Blasisek ;
AaNsO : J. w' Ten. Hatssssvlll. ; Ales.
Irick (Amuse; .!'111405 / BeaIIrt3 ;
s: tataoal.y. 0estortb. yeller -ho 4 r1 ern per
u JMu and get choir muds r.eetpted at
on*.k . t k.IM.g Stere, CUM.., K. rs.
(5a.• Greeenk5ne.we street. tsdsel 0.01
3. B. Rei'.liri.rral+.ere, Bayfield.
((��'1jj��II,,, PIUVATK FUNDS TO
IV,UVV baa.. Array to M. G. CAM.
COON. Barrister Hamilton .15..t. 0odalrs
h asMA lbseler s.niusa t British. Calmed/ea and
Abiannieg,tirossomiITT : The Ocean� hair OT 1.Yau.
nwt mid Om -ULies Leaks&ps. tea
lm.1STT a*D duuaamit .Ttrn DOOMDO.: U.S.
Fidelity and Garaseteseempaay
Moe at raid..... -ortho.R mem et VIo
Mile .d eta David's streets Phone nee
Patents, True larks,
Secured in All Countries.
write r.r fres bock "PATENTS PROTEC-
TiON. The about ad how to gets pet
sats BAa(:5C5 a: 0055. esta►e. -d 1617
feemsrly Palet kiss Saamlese, Msster et
PIMA Laws. Registered Passat Attw•.ys
era, s tet. Jams street. Menus.!. 0sseakss--
Jmsws .M W.eklegt.•. Repro saWlvw 4
i knew evseutas.
Brophe3 ' Bros.
'Pae Leading
PMMeral Okedsrs
load Embalmers
Orlon e..•doay Wooded to
at all boom slgbi or day.
• •Mr M. F. OADMY••••••••
Ottawa, July I/ -L radon despair bee
assounee that Yee time* Perky M
on hie way borne to rut iy a well.
earned verities. While oe 6t in the
swanky --and he bide fair to cerins J
Iter• -the whole question of a per-
semma1 eppoiotmsst of High l'amltrio.
elpSer will be discussed. Sir Georg*
Poster is the locum tenons during bir
liming. Parley's abstracts trvm Kng-
The chances are thst at Jitter of Ili.
Sir li verso will get tee Joh for trope.
Sir Omni* Pusior vow* -that be duce
n ot wast it. which le probably lrtss :
and Sir George Perky never expected
to do more than warm the plane for •
little while until the real tbing carve
*tome 1n feet, tiir Ueurse Perley ii
the oISe a' chair -wanner foe the Bor-
den He is a safe alae.
There is no danger of his burniolt any
chair be sits on. The chair will be
there ready for ted permanent meta -
pant when 5 be time conte.. Conse-
quently S.r Oeorg. Parley . bar at une
use or another hien Acting Minister
for everybody in the C.biuee. As •
second fiddler be is bard to brat. The
ct.nsumnsa'ion of his vicarious rarer
oocurrrd when be was 1501 to LnnJun
as High Commissioner pro tens., his
colleague* bring fully confident that
be would not set tie Thames on fire or
create any disturbance that wisibt
mean his continuance in office.
Possible candidates for the position
are plentiful enough. Without half
trying 1 eau mention three -Premier
Burden. the Honorable Bob Rogers
and Msjos.D.n,nl Sir Sion Hughes.
There it also a dark bine who ran
blush them all aside and have it if be
llkee-I the wan behind the
'throne -Beton Shaughnessy If the
Baron's aspinul.nns lead t.. • c.ouotry
gentleman's life in Koglend, with a
town house, a seat its the House of
Lords. the High Commt.•ionei.bip for
Canada to put an edge un hi. import-
ance. and ultimately a tomb in West -
minister Abbey, as • builder and sup-
porter of the British Empire -if the
tron wrote it, I repeat, he can have
it. because the Baron i. tl)r C. 1'. H.
male flesh, and .11 he baa ta do ie to
take an air -line to anything he wants
in the gilt of the Can.dian t+,rvrrer-
Moreover, the 13iron is persona
grata with the royal family in the
sheep' of the Duke of Connaught
whose honored gimlet he ftey lently
wasat Rideau Hall. Indeed, the Coke
was very fond of the Karon, whose
percentage of week -ends at Govern-
ment House averaged twice as uranit
aa any other public's in ('anads.
If Baton Sttangbne..y elects to spend
the sunset of his days in Engluid, be
will have a glorious time and the en•
tier to exclusive circles which `;tratb
coaa Dever achieved. What's utore,
he world make as shrewd .High l'om-
miesioner as Canada ever had in Lon-
don, with • wide practical outliers on
Canada$ . needs and resources, not. to
mention his lifelong 'simile -lace in
baadling the utast comprehensive ell•
terprise in the Dominion. The Heron
may cboosr, however, to re•sarn in
Canada until the railway problem- is
solved in a way that doesn't give the
C. P. R. the etur.t of it. When than,
last hit is iLiee the Baron may convent
to diswiss himself in peace to the
Luger glee .es et lit it i.h pslri ic-.
7'he candidate next in ur ler i. sir
Itotwrt !tendril. wilt would herr is i
objection to a landed estate, *sly in
Surrey, and the title of B.n•n Iltad••u
of Neva Scotia, said N•.va Scotia
standing not only for the Pravince he
comes holo. but also fot the bank in
which be is a large shareholder. Ste
Role:t has • massive, con.titotional
mind and would much enjoy brine an
lwperi■latateemsn with potpie opin-
ions. Sir Reheat baa no children. aad
as England has always been generous
with peerages for Canadians who
bad no families to carry on, the title
would ne an easy natter. Sir Robert
is no lover of the st e i r . and clamor of
Canadian politics. Weise temperas ant
that Jeeves more' placid ttiunrphs.
This war has been a great 'worry to
bin*. eepeciatly the Sato Hughes pert
of it, a tbntn in his ride which be is
obliged to eheri.h. It is *natter of
general c,iutwrnt that the Pirmier
has aged ten years in the last two and
that ire wears a haunted look Only
his strong sense of duty has kept him
at a post which daily ineieases his
burderu. Sir It„Ieeri a no quitter -be
will go through with it if it kills him
-but he would probably welcome the
cbence to get away from thalumsand trap a little ease sed nity in
the Mother Country, whet,. 1 e noise
this fair Caned* of ours 'Lakes over
its polities would be scltenrd by dis-
tance. If you asked Sir Robert is ha:
he thinks of it tight now he would
probably reply that it emends too
much like a Sousa march played on
the bagpipes to iia grateful to a wits -
skive ive ear. Beside.. S r Robert can.
not fail to have noticed that now is a
good time for disappearing. Several
of his colleagues hare heard the runib-
lings of the next general election sod
have sought permanent shelter -Messrs
Ooderre and Pelletier on the bench,
Nentel oe. the Railway Commiedoe.
Speaker Sproule in the Senate. Be-
sides, quite a few of the rank and Idle
show the same tendency to take care
of their health and provide for. rainy
day by annexing Uovernslent jobs.
The Honorable Rah Rogers is
another candidate-perbaps the brisk-
est one of the lot. The Honorable
Bob has a busbies.' head on bins and
would probably make the High Com
mirniooerabip payfor steel/ instead of
being • source at expense as it is sow.
If the Honorable Hob brie not premed
ti=ainme before it is because be pre -
loftily in Canada and facer the
Asada he was re.possihle for. thus
dtU.riag from Major-Oeueral Sir Sam,
wbo comes back only when tele-
graphed for. The way things are
gulag In Ms.ttobe this corsetry bse no
chorale foe Bob. Tom Kelly up to
hie ears is trouble and Sir Rodeo ad
Roblin and two of ole colleague. try-
ing to keep toe mid out of their eyes
-it's a trod sight and calculated to
drew tears from a harder bead than
Bob's. The theorem are that after the
war Westminster Hall. !milt i believe
by William Rufus, will have to be rue
ennetr.ctsd. The bet time 1 was is
■.gleed the roof was sbcwi.g 'be
ravages of 'Jose. This is Bob's •bass.
As High 0omrni filmier he would M
*Hit the spot and would be ebbs to
give the superines.dewt of work.
,dusty of good advise Meed o. hie ea-
TROItaDAT, JULY 13 I9$4 i
To Lydia E. Pinkbaas's Vey.
'fable Compound.
Woodlarks Park, ILL - "I ens the
mother of four children and have suf-
fered with female
trouble, backache,
nervous spells and
the blues. My dt8-
dren's load talking
and romping would
mak* me so nervous
1 could just tear
verything to piece.
and 1 would ache all
over and feel so sick
that I would no t
want anyone to talk
to me at times. Lydia E. Pinkham's
vegetable Compound and liver Pills re-
stored me to health and I want to thank
you for the good they have don* me. I
have bad quite a bit of trouble and
worry but it does not affect my youth-
ful looks- My friends say ' Why do you
look so young and well 7' I owe it all
to the Lydia E. Pinkbam remedies."
-Mrs. Rosi. Sennmtl., Moore Avenue,
Washington Park, Illinois.
We wish every woman who suffers
from female troubles, bereausness,
backache or the blues could see the let-
ter written by women made well by Ly-
dia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound.
If you have any symptom about which
yon would like to know write_ to the
Lydia E. Pinkbam Medicine Co„ Lynn,
Masa., for helpful advice given free of
prrieoce with Parliament buildings in
Ottawa and Winnipeg. At soy rate,
he would know how to let the con-
tract so the contractor wouldn't lose
Last but not least comes Maj .r-tlen-
eral S r Sam. Wnat becomes of bins
depend' largely on t be repot t -or re-
ports -of the Duff -Meredith Commis -
.i .o. 1f the War Lord gets a good
whitewash for bis cw.Uy friend -hip
with Colonel John Wesley Allison he
may stay at home ,and lead a khaki
e'ectinn, vice Premier Borden trans-
lated. If the report isn't wholly soak -
factory Sir Sam may decide that his
future lies in Kngland. He may de-
ride it, or his colleagues may deride
it for him -in any case, they can't
lose Sam in tiny other way than Sant
chooeee to be lust.
H. F. ltAnsnv.
Summer Heat Hard on
No er.*0n of the year is so dangerous
to the life of little one* as is the sum-
mer. '11*. rxcersive heat throws the
little .tc.niri•b out nt order so quickly
that uule.. pr.iwpt aid 3. at hand the
baby slay be wrund all human bele
eefene'the mother reel./ el he is Ul.
mer es tl a seven' ♦sc n webers Juin hors,
cholera inftenon, dts writ. and colic
are nimbi rirvalent. Airy one of these
troubles uuv pi*5. deadly if not
Nome ly treeteo. Dining the summer
the' mother's heat friend is Itah}'s
Owu Teblets. They regulate the how.
el-. ewee•rn the atoutech and keep
hahv heal hv. The Tablets are sold by
mrtlirine dealers or by mail at 2.1 cents
a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Tho' the days le dark and trade he
tough, We always well to make a bluff;
to tete the world with cheerful eye., as
too' the goose were hanging high. -
Walt Mason.
The things (hat a mut intends to do
when he gets the time never help bin
up the Tedder of success.
I Vi. F.\ sOUNle, UST.
i- open 10 reeeire .indent. any day
Airing tae Holidays tor a short holiday
were• or toe regular ararne of .t udy.
Veen. women should �.In wok's`
i r ,ratbo a* oars ro ell IAe places of
IV rite for particular. and a reslar.
r. A. FLEIIINO, F.1'. A.. PHnelp.l.
11. 10. FLE)MING. Secretary.
Massey -Harris Agent
Hamilton St., Godericb
sums wanes
7000 Rods of
must be sold by July 1st,
10111 We have two ear loads of
the heat fence that money can
buy and we have hought so
we can sell right. ('all m and
FPO our stock and get our
price before you Ivey your
fence. We need the money
and you need the fence.
Far. rackig.ry
We Barry a full line of Farm
Machinery always bo hand.
We have m' all � sod
d oes. A Iarwe assortment al-
ways o0 our floor.
11 you need a few tong of that
STEAD F1131 !MIN we
h ave a carload just in.
Hard or Soft Wood delivered
to say part of tows.
Pboae No. IM
JULY 11th
femme CHIN Market
Steers. choice $9. 7611e$111: 00
!etchers', chokes has Wade 0.111 0.75
�• good 8.76 0.26
da medians 0.26 8.76
do. cosmos 7.36 0.26' cows. chaise7.00 7.76
do. good 0.54 7.00
da medium 6.76 4.14
Butchers' bulb, cbotes7.26 0.00
do. medium to good 6.76 7.25
de CM 6.76
Feeders. 900 to LOW 1bs 7.73 0.60
do. bulls 6.75 6.26
Stockers, 000 to 900 lbs7.00 0.00
do. med.. 660 to 700 6.00 7.00
do. cease., light5.50 6.60
Cotten 6.00 6.76
Canners 4.26 6.00
Milkers, good to choke 70.00 .00
do. common to med50.00 70.00
Springer 55.00 90.00
Calves. veal, good 10 00 22.50
do. medium 7.60 0.00
do. common 5.50 7.00
do. grass .... 5.25 6.26
Lambe. cwt. 9.00 10.00
Sheep, ewes, light 7 50 8.60
do. heavy and becks C.90 7.60
do. culls 4 00 6.60
Hogs, weighed off cars 11.40 0.00
do. fed and watered 11 . 15 0.00
Ip. f.o.b. country ... 10. 65 0.00
Toronto Grain Markets
Manitoba wheat -Track. bay ports.
No. 1 northern, $1.22%; No. 2 north-
ern. 61.21%; No. 3 northern, $1.1814.
Manitoba oate-Track. bay ports.
No. 2 C.W., 50114c; No. 3 5' W., 49%c;
No. 1 extra feed, 49%c: No. 1 teed,
49%c; No. 2 feed, 4$%c.
American corn -No. 3 y. flow, 8914.',
track. Toronto; 86e, track, bay ports.
Ontario wheat -No. 1 commercial
per car lot, according to freight, out-
side, 97c to 98c; No. 2 comms : clad
93e to 95c; No. 3 commercial, 87c to
89c; feed -wheat, 83e to -bye.
Ontario oats -No. 3 white, 47c to
Peas --No. 3, per carlot, $1.70 to
$1.$0, according to sample, $1.23 to
Barley -Malting, outside, 6&c to 66c;
No. 2 teed, 60e to 62e.
Buckwheat -701 to 71e.
Rye -No. 1 commercial, 94c to 05c.
Manitoba Dour -First rstcnts. in
Jute bags, $6.60; seeded', $6; strong
bakers', $6.80, in jute bags.
Ontario Dour -Winter, track, Toron-
to, prompt ,shipment; according to
sample, 14.06 to $4.15, in jute bags;
balk; seaboard, 14 to 64.10.
Millfeed-Carloads, per ton, dellver-
ed. Montreal freights; bran, $12 tc $20;
shorts. $23 to 124; middlings, $24 to
$26; good feed Dour, bag, 11.65 to
Sutter and .;h.ese Markets
Kemptvllle, Ont. -219 boxes of
white, 646 boxes of colored. all sold
at 15c.
Perth, Ont. -1.100 boles of white
and 500 boxes of colored cheese sold
at 15c..,,a��
Danville, Qtt•�
,- 2.0- boxes or
theism': sold At fiE: 2S
3t. 'Hyacinthe, Qui- -75 package•
butter sold ht _bear: 9 boxes cher-s•
sold at 14c.
('owansvi:;e. geefactories o.' Nomi
fered 1.246 packages of Nutter. Three
$factories sold at .'%c and M factories.
sold at 2(?.c. Two Ltc;oriel unsold.
itellevill- - 2.905 Ia.r••.white of
fered. 620 sold at 15 1-16c and bel
since at 15..
London -b .factories offered 502
boxes. No reales. Bidding, 14c to
14 S -16c.
Vankleek Hill, Ont. -1.290 shite and
^,56 colored' offered. All sold; white
at 15e and colored at 15 1-16c.
Watertown, N. Y.-- ('brew salts,
10,000 boxes at 14.,
Wholesale Produce
Toronto wholesale ; aced to the
Eggs -
Special candled , cart's) . S .32 to $ .34
Candled. ex -cartons .... ..29
Creamcry prints, fresh.. .29 .31
Creamery, solids .:8 .29
Choice dairy prints .26 .27
Ordinary dairy prints.24 .26
Bakers' .23 .24
Cheese -New, large, 18c; twins,
trlpl:ts, ISter; old, Juno and
September, large, 22c; twins, 22e,4c;
triplets, 2214c.
Poultry Live Dressed
Spring broilers 30.' 35c 40c 45c
told fowl. Ib.... 16c 1°c 21c 23c
Ducklings . 22c 25c 30c 32e
Beans -Hand-picked. $5; primes,
$4.50; Michigan, hand-ylcked, $5.50
primes, $4.60 to $1.:5,
Potatoes--Delawar. -, 12.10; west-
erns, $1.95 out of store; in carlots,
15.' leu.
Maple Syrup -Imperial gallon, $1.60;
014 -gallon tins, groes, 11; %'gallon
tins. wine, :0c; quarts, wine, $4 dos.;
sugar. 1Sc to 15c lb.
East Ruffs:* Cattle
Cattle -Receipts, 3,800; heavy qt -
1'.' slow; chipping, 8150 10 $10.7
butchers, 87.76 to 110.25; heifers, M• t
to $9; cows, 14.25 to $8: tali., $1 to
$7.75; stockers and feeders, $6.76 to
11.50; stock heifers, $0 to $4.54;
srringen, active. $50 to 1110.
Veale -Receipts, 1.000; active; $4.60
to 113.
Hogs - Receipts. 7,500; active;
heavy, 110.60 to $10.55; muted, $10.14;.
yorkers, 810.26 to 810.60: pig., $10 to
110.25; roughs, $9 to $9.16; .t*gs,
64.60 to $7.60.
Sheep and lambs-Recelpts, 1,000;
active; iambs. 17 to 111.50;darling.,
15.60 to 89.60; wethers. $7.71 to $i;
ewes, N to 17.50; sheep, roiled, 17.14
to 67.71
Chioaga Live Steak
Catt)s--Reoelpts, 11.000; market
lower; beeves. 67.76 to 111.35; Moog -
ors and teeters. µ.60 to q.1; oews
and heifers. $3.66 to DEC eaives,
18.64 to $12.
Hog*-Rec.I ts, 40,000; market
steady; light, $9.66 to 110.10;
$5.60 to $10.00; bevy, Of 85 to
rough. 0010 to 0.01; Olp, 0.1
14M/Mf lambs -
market „R.eks, if
steady; kinsbe, 01N*s
to $1L
WE have just passed in stock a large shipment of
Fancy White Wash Goods, which are so
much in demand. -
Novelty White Voiles, in stripes and fancy designs. Very stylish for dresses or
Seeryrate and waists, at 2 C C c oc hoc and 75
per 5,35>,45�5 C
Plain Voiles, white and colored, beautiful even weaves, double width. Prices
per yard
25C, 35C, 39C and 50C
Calmont Batiste, white ground with stripe pattern, in colors of black,
green, mauve, pink and blue. 31 inches wide. Special per yard...
Delhi Batiste, white ground with large colored spot, in green, blue and
black. Very stylish. Double width. Special per yard 25C
Special values in black and white stripe Batiste Voile, etc., in
wide stripe, at per yard 20c, 25C, 35C
narrow and
and 39C
Handsomenovelty designs, in marquisetteand voile, white ground with rich designs,
in mauve, blue, yellow, green, etc. Double width, at [
per yard 4vC and 50C
I nda n Head Suitirg., so much in .,
demand for middles and dresses.
36 itches wide, at per yard....
I5c, 20c and 25c
Women's Black Silk
Women's black Silk Dress Skirts,
made from rich quality Duchess
silk, in the latest styles. Special
each.... ...$5.00'
Niagara Silk Gloves Kayser Silk Gloves
McCall's Patterns and Publications
PHONE 56 !Vlillar'sPHONE S6
Scoth Store
White Piques, Bedford Cords and Repp.
These goods are in high favor this
season for middies, dresses, skirts and
nurses' uniforms. They come in all the
various weaves, at per yard
20c, 25c, 29c, 35c and 39c
Women's White Wash Skirts
Women's White Wash Skirts, in pique,
repp, linen, etc., in the season's newest
styles. All sizes in stock, from
$ 1.00 each
Printing?r_ the %kine!
Twenty-two yews experience means that -into
Dunlop Traction Tread. and into Dunlop Special. we
put all the knowledge which has been accumu-
hard throethose years of successfully serving
Canadians because we thoroughly enderatend
Cartadi.n conditions,
It means that years age we fared and mastered
the issues with which other tire•makers are con-
fronted to -day.
True. a iew ais& eons aeseeienelly owisig :hair
allegiance from Dunlop to some other make, but it
is almost a certainty those tire users will come
back to "Dunlop Traction Tread" or "Dunlop
In the end it is the tire resirttaiaing the beet
quality average that wits oat ; and we ..rely know
more about quality average. in Canada than any
other maker. seeing ear experience is as great as that
of ell other tire makers in this country combined.
Dunlop Tire & Rubber Goods
Co., Limited
,/ " lb's •
Long Loeb
•4 Beek to 1804, illut
i've Been Making
Truly -Canadian
Dunlop Tire. all
That Time."
-Jd..A Ano.