The Signal, 1916-6-29, Page 3AIR SIGNAL ! GODERJCH, ONTARIO M HE THE RECRUITING PROBLEM. AND Some Things That Should Be Done Differently -- ONLY Compulsory Service Is Out of rho. Question, but URINE System of Registration Could Be Adopted. SEW ARE OF 1MITA- TION8 SOLD ON THE MERITS Ob Uttawa,June 211. -What the shrewd- be near her son. The Militia Depart- esi arida eesptels d le net the sleek. meat onaki save this count y a lug of Dees of the Ooverement 1e recrultloojg I money by paying( operation alio - bee the wae'eful and inefficient meth- aur only wbere separation allow- ods It empluya. Cosmos store sed as anew are needed to keep want term eye to eeosutuy are two lhloge moss the door. People who r geed the sap - seeded at beedquarlere Jest now. The &ration allowance as ultra pocket pose heinous Kitthewr uil.unts to Ma- money handed out by agenerous ouun- err 1 Yir Sam Hughes are a pale substitute for teal ideas un the past. of the Minister of Milner. 'I he ppeoeral optoloo is that If `Jnr baso Ilugbes did less prancing and tow0 hand woe k things might flet along better. It goes without saying that so Cana- diao Government could favor compul- try should be given to uoderrtaod that they ate noibiug more then spoogers Another eoetly abuse is-hatmeo, Wlosten Churchill drew atteatioo to this incteaeing boid• of nun-cuwhal - ants. some two hundred and fifty thousand of theta employed In valet- • JUNE 27th T4swnto Canis Market nem, shake ate.;rs..,p19-160o611.1, 40pod 6.40 10-00 Mitsly choice, dry -ted., 4-56 10.21 Bratehen', good 11.40 1.76 medium 1.76 ' 1.26 e 7.60 5.76 do. handy grass-fed8.00 0.21 Butchers' cows, choice7.10 5.76 do. good 4.10 7.40 do. nettam 0. N 6. N Matchers' bolls, choke7.76 2.61 do. medium to good6.76 7.76 6.76 8.76 6.10 8.26 do. bWl a 6.00 ler[ to 1,000 lbs8.00 6.00 do. hulk Stockers, 1M/ to 900 1be7. N do. pad. 700 to 800 7.00 7.60 do. ted., 660 to 700 6.60 7.00 do. common, light.. 1.14 1.10 Cutters 6.110 6.71 1INiwry nervier of Canadians in a war tog office,' spear they might be better Milkers. choice, each80.00 IN N Il three thousand milieu distant. Our an- engaged in fighting. 1'be Nieman is do. common to med0.00 80.00 LININEKT ststasee to the Mother Count,y in this •11 Kog(li.b institution. He is a relic Sprlhgers 40.00 110.00 great world war is a true Rift of the of the old days when the British army medium 10.00 12.00 spirit d bow eager that spirit is may was oMooed entirely by aristocrats 4 already. To costes that spit it by coot- vent in times of pear.. As the Brit - be Wn 8.00 10.00 be seby the easuof our help who seers accwtuosrJ to a nnam-ser• do. coinage would.60 7.do. [rase 4 75 6.28 puleory service be to wrench it bb army is constituted tole an army BobBob calve., each 04 300 7.60 If not ewer the strongest tie that of citizens, Woes of whole officers have Lambs, cwt 9 60 12.00 binds the Brit ids Empire together. It bora accustomed to batten their own Sheep, ewes, light. - 7 60 8.60 is a safe prophecy ;hat there will suspeoders, and Ian their own shoes, do. heavy and bucks 6.00 7.00 never be conscription to Canada ex- eke batman ban anachronism and ado. culla 6.00 6 00 ceps un defend of os r own shores and snobbish one ct that. And if be is out Hogs. weighed off cars11 .50 11.85 then the chances a•e that a will not of place in the British army he is do. fed and watered 11.10 11.60 to Deeded. Not to put too One a point mets mon so ro our Canadian army, do. f.o.b. country' 10.76 11.36 on it, the Militia Act covers IMground wbnes object ought to be to prove t already and nn further legislation themselves eves good soldiers and stout ToroMb would b needed. democrats all tbrougb the piece. Ilamltobs sohnto«Graint-Tackar, eehay porta. Meanwhile there is no valid reason Notbiog can be usurr Judicious than No. 1 northern, 11.18; No. 2 northern. why the Government should not in- souse young sprig of a lieutenant, with $1.1656; Na 3' northern, $1.121(,. augural.. 1 system of registration a fnurue-n collar end an Adam's apple Ilanitoba oats -Track, bad porta which would verve the purpose of pro. that works up and down like an rle- No. 2 C.W., Ile; No. 3 C.N., 51%c; viding a list of eligible retluita end valor, raising along the street with a No. 1 extra feted, 61c; No. 1 teed. 50c; protect workers who are needed at big, turly batman ten paces to the No. 2 teed, 40e. home from the irdi.ciiwinate tumor. rimer. Wbst .pent has a lieuteywnt, American corn -No. 2 yellow, 841,4c, tunities of the urgers. What the re- wbo never bad any inure vide:nag be- track, Toronto; 81c. track, bay ports. cement; Deed oboe. everything else is • fore than • Greek would give hid aloes Ontario wheat -No. 1 commerctrrl deficite statewent of these who can be for five cent', -wb it sight has be to per car lot. according to freight. out - approached without detriment to gyps strong Walt out of the fighting side, 98c to 911e; No. 2 commercial industrial welfare of the country. lust to oonrt, pts herr for him ? A 94c to 94c; No. 3 commercial, 88c to Um five hundred tbousaod wart colonel may have sane use for a bat. 50c; feed wheat, 83c to 85c. by the Heiden Government is to man -because a _oluurl hue many Ontario oats -No. 3 white, 49c to anything more than stage thunder duties -but even • colonel would he 60c. the Germans to bear, it mu.t be better without one, hooter pulling on Peas -No. 2. per carlot, 11.70; ac - rived at in a reasonable er•y. The one'• own boots is the heist rxtaosion cording to sample, 11.25 to 11.50. outo'•workr, the idler., the young exercise in the world for improving Barley -Malting, outside, 65c to 66c; the wind and taking down the paunch. No. 2 teed. 60c to 62c. The b.tnurt draws s flghtet'a pay and Buckwheat -70c to 71c. he ought to he allowed to du a fight r'• Rye -No. 1 commercial, 94c to 96c. work. When this war it over we Manitoba flour -First patents. In went our Canadian officers to ne good jute bags. 16.60; seconds, 16; strong Canadians still, not poor Imitations of bakers', $5.60, 1n lute bags. Hie British peerage. Cut out the hat- Ontario flour -Winter, track, Toron- men. H. F. GAonay. to. prompt shipment, according to sample, 14.05 to 84.15, in Jute bags; balk, seaboard, 84 to 14.10. M111feed--Carload,, per ton, deliver. ed. Montreal freight,; bran, 520 to 121; shorts, 124 to 125; middlings, 125 tri 824. good feed flour, bag, 51.55 to 11.60. ® BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES boamd or repairs& .OLD LETTERING �s.s� ysa.soun LEATHER GOODS esti at TOi /I m. oederlskts w "wing A. E. TAYLOR. SifATrORD, 1¢DICAL GGEO. HEILEMANN, OSTEO PATS. •essianin is eremites and Man L theses. -sad tksoa6 aeeesis sad wNal~deaf. AY We. amb ser, sat. s,emceee9 ewer the If set tbe ar- Mee s sir ft Asdz.ww. men with no r•espousibilties ,►.J the sed [alesders: s▪ o▪ y swans saseek sett. woods are full of them -are- the ones ii____ - " to he reached. The present methods ADCTIODU reach too few of lb,. sort and too many others yrhoesreal dutyand high - THOMAS OUNDRY" est usefulness is at home. AUCTIUNZiR Macy invidious comparisons have �a b been made as to what :his Peovinee or a t at Bloat �sMos wW 8. "roa.(nlr a that Province is doing in the way of ie. steiiiww wt . .-'- .- recruiting. It has been said, for ex - i - - aosple, that the West is more loyal than LEGAL the East because proportionately it ihu tarnished mon In s r for toe war. U 1'. HAYS This is only a hsll-ttuth which di+wp- A•nAII1USTIR. miUCITOR, NOTARY pears ehen we cosehler that the Nest PenLie, rte. is largely tirade up from young men of the East whom the hazard of new fot- R(e :� k, llass1itoe 8 -net, tunes look to that part of the ruuntry. Moe [asaty Lear sad lacrosse.I As a matter of fact all th. Provinces are doing their duty. The fault lies in PROUDPOOT,ILILLORAN,k000LE N)e system of Recruiting. which over- works some aOW( ITu1iB NUTABII®, works some parts of "Canada and un- lit hers. PUBLIC. ETC. 1 For exymple, one great recruiting Mas111944.1.611911.s aar• ssseeddeerteemReity in Ontario is at moment. the cents.. flaasillallin fwde to inks u levant masatis Woo regii'f0k in peewees of torn'. W. Psiut'uroen, KC J !. Kti.t.oaaa elem. If two regiments inet.ad of N J U Coosa nine were recruited at •time tar rr- ' suite would work out much better. LitCAMERON, K. Q„ AARRIB i Not only would two regimen s till up T ang=le..., wk.. more lore k13, but the •x venire of At� tALN deer tr.. maintaining • a skeleton oI genizat ion ogre florally of sorb writ ie for the other raven would be cut out w /Albert btre.t sooaped 8y Yr. stees Mar. a ow to•p.a. i until their :urn came. As matters (tl1ARI.M21 OARIWW, LL.B., 1fAtt- .eb.sted now, the hest method P lar been f eegim to kill from and ire Canadian, 14(11'7($ fir' .nses, , 11..d►I regiments the iron[ as lung' M....v V [sag( as tenses, rale. f\ MEAGER. " as powible. Under this plan some `J ER, BARRISTER. 1301, Regiments have been recruiting ever r, Notate ad puerto sCe.v since the war stalled. other* have got l)smetHsess Otldsrle► s►`�°K' as far as Bei muds. When one reflects mem- LUCIA/CZ. LOANii, thC, that nothing cl.afrs an eager soldier like inectiuir. one can eerily see what .i MoRILLOP MUTUAL 101HIl ►N depressing .Nett these stupid delays aOtANCM CR. -Farm sad mohair must have on rrcruitin . usesI Another discouragement is the way lea r I try . 'Pres.. d.alsrtk P.O.; in which trained regiments trent Can - , P. U.. rbssas1. tree -Tees„ 3os rth to 0. sd• ars broken up after they teach eed M, i. o Actin/car. or. dealseta; John England. At et. Julien, Frutuherr, Inot RW.Lea taaos; Lengrmurk. et the Mood} salient r.( pabi rsrrtas,j'ac Jac". Ypres. for I anadi,ns have ewroed a � �g(w l r1od.ld. name for thrrn•elvrs and by the same i ` : J. W lea. Eoi t � a : token they have earned the right to Ywlsy,ttea/srtk. t'e+kr 1° insan p keep that nems for their own glory mad gm Limo used. esesgatoi -, and inscribe it on their own banners,. J. Merrl.k'. erring tete.., Olsten, R. di Regiments recr.ritsd in Canada should s Ur«w. 1•1^."•••1•1^."•••e 4 ..• asairt.e, lit receive some assurance that they will Rad'. General tilt cm Ba aU"."1".* he kept t eget her when they reach the firing line and that chums who en- listed together will not he drafted to different tests of the fleld. 1 he Cama. duos bave .hown their mettle. They a0000 PRIVATE, l?U 4D14 TO fvvvvll�� Isaa. AIAty 1.. 1L 0, CAM- \. flarrleter iImslNsa won. Oed.etsk. R. ROBERTSON. need no "steadying.' from British bat- t`• INSUB.AN('L AOENT. Wiwi, They are es good eeldiers an +n in the wend. Whet". those, their officers. lately at least, have been thor- oughly well trained, its well trained at all peyote us the officers linttl•nd i■ now prnvidin4 for her citizen army, and should be allowed to retain their commands atter reaching the front. We have yet to see the Eton h iy who is good enough to supplant a husky Dung Canadian lieutenant who pia hook. The sett tithe Maio` (General Mir Sam Hughes goes to Eng- land he should discuss this matter with the War Office. It is far more important to Canada than his views rro the Ypres salient or his high opin- ion of Uolonel John Wesley Allison. Another leak that can be stopped is the matter of double pay to M. P. soloists who aro supposed to be rais- ing regiment• but wen are really rais- ing the wind. Tbs aifncvrty can b. wired very easily. A man is ah M. P. or • colonel, according/ to the dug on which he le actively ',pared 1t his duty calls him to Use Sousse of Cntn- mons pay him ..sial indemnit y as a member Pas -est : if hi. duty keeps hta♦ ad the b&d of his regi- mwl pay him M a eslepel of the Cans - diem K a psxf I t lows, Fore.. Separation allowa.oes might ahro be looked into M.ay poor but proud panels Wow to Mewl ,theirl crountry by phite p- as'adlon allowances to whilalh are :dry Athi.d. Rot all Lbs pitZs in ad than •pooraito not sad ch and pried. Quite a Ire beamis taking all that's amazing t to thorn. in nus case that i have in Sid -sod It ifff only one of many --the _altar d • Canadian omeer who is In tnwllgt of his roll civil salary of 00,000 a while h.le os duty at tlhsrs- GM draws Ms fell separation s me- OEN of as tl�i[_Ia It to the run bliM •l►lia t w,. tee keep A ahs b to E+glaad b rani &IL caro see t Brtusk. Comedian obit 11410•211.1komank atm iaraor Loam /fa4TTn 8 0.... AmMdeatt sod aemewstoe rlimYcs motel seem._ trarpu o U.& tri sand as. David s. *umiak. ssetaissa I . sAMSIAas uczllsskk WA.LTSR E. KELLY J P,. entontWCH, ONT. IJleL'ER tH MARIt1AOL t.ICENSIII, Patents, Trade Nuts, Designs °scored in All Countries. write toe tree book -PATENTS PRUTD' T10'. 'Erle nil about sad bus to gel. pat wt► BA IV t teK t BONS. est-N.ad 1a77 fesrawty Patent Cies Exasflesr. Master ef roomer taw., R..gke..red Potosi Attorwer. 01.0110*. Amos IIre.t, Il ie.Ueal ses-s•- Aaaws oma Woubl eros. E.fi..atrytv.. V ell wreiga easatrt... Brophe3 Bros. OODBRiOH 1 ae Ludlow Pumerd Directors aid Embalmers Orders etrsfally attiseded to at all hsa_, night • day. Regulate Kidneys AND Relieve Ooustipatio■ Gin Pills are aeiaawiedged to tu.e the large.t male of any W medicine 1g( C•.•dd s -an achievement moiety due to their remarkable virtue as • Kidney •nd Bladder remedy. But aneroid Gin Pills have discovered that thi.lnraluat,le remedy al..., arts as a m Id cathartic. The evidenced hundreds of letters we have received establishes the very Iogics1 fact that in n.mpundkag • medicine to -bawl and tune up the Kidneys and Bladder cereals d the ingredients have a stimnlatlag effect upon the other organs, especially the bowels. Ili. important to know, in the rose of eoa- Mip..trd patients, that Gin rid:. do not act harshly on the bowels' there is no griping, but • gradual zed gentle reltoraltoe et the function. Try Gin fills for a-na,pation. In this vehrvicg the bowelsyou safeguard your- self against poauble K.duey tro.ble. Gin r i : I. • re :Ac, a hn s , or is bore. for t12 '0 at your dealer •. A treat treatment will be seat upon request. to NationalDrtls & Chemical Co. of Canada, L•mt•ted, Toronto. ••••••••nesse RORT. WILSON Massey-Ilarris Agent Hamilton St.. Gederrch mass 7000 Rods of STANDAR D FENE must he 4014 I'v July 1st, Mitt. We ha,• t worse loads of the hest tenets that m..nr ran buy and we ha,. ►•.•ug�it 40 W. can .ell right. I:,ll b and ere nor stock end get our prior before you her your fence. We need the money and you Deed the fence. Fars Machinery We carry a hill line of Farm Machinery always on band. ionise and Carriage. We have them. all shape. and sites. A large eseortment al- ways on our floor. 1feve need a few ices of that FAMOUS (I L n► If 0 M R- ATRAD PERT HAZER, we Wiwi a carload just In. Nara or Soft Wood delivered t0 any part of town. Phone No. 164 11111••0111w•••••• Sutter and Cheese Markets ' { Napanee-1.430 hoses of wl,Ite and 1,176 colored cheese were boarded; 480 sold at 16 3-16c, 300 sold at 164c; balance refused. Iroquois -1,190 boles were offered; 444 boxes sold oil the board at 16c; balance sold on the curb at the same price. s 1 TWIlee*Y. Jew' IP 1/14 i fonsmaggmassommmnimminnums, 1 New and Dainty Muslins We are showing the most handsome Summer Muslins in the newest desiins, in all colors, and at no other time this season will- the selection be as good. Handsome figured Marquisette, in stripe and floral effects, in mauve, green, black and blue, 40 inches wide .Sec per yard Splash Voile in rich designs, white ground with floral design, in pink, mauve, green, blues, yellow. 36 inches wide. Special. Foulards for the matron or elderly lady, in the newest designs, in black and blue, 3o inches wide, at.,,, , t 25c and 3Ss per yard Palm Beach Suiting, in natural shade, for summer dresses and suits, is very much in demand, 36 inches wide. Special 35C Anderson's Famous Kindergarten Galatea This Galatea for children's wear is without an equal. ‘Ve have a large range of ly fast color, at.. plain colors and stripes in twenty different designs to select from. Absolute. ... 25c per yard Steel -clad Galateas Cambric Shirtings Fine Wilite Shirting, small ,tripe, patterns for Ladies' Waists and Men's Shirt.;, :12 inches wide. 2Sc yard Steel -clad Galateas, a similar material at a lower price, but will give splendid sate - faction, at lac yard .Special Value in Dimity Quilts Dimity Quilts are very easily laundered, light in weight, very popular for summer wear. We are still selling what remains of a big purchase at the old price, full size, only =1.25 each New Neckwear Just to hand a shiprnent of the newest in dainty Neckwear, latest styles, f:onl...25c to $1:50 each New Silk Waists The newest styles in Silk Waists are here for your insp('ction, the very nicest we have ever shown, from ...... .$2.00 each McCall's Patterns. Pen -angle Hosiery, Niagara Maid Gloves Kemptville-331 white and 676 color - j s %� ed cheese were boarded Isere; all sold PHONE 56 1 �/l ilia. s Scotch 1�. Penh ---1.100 boxes of white and 600 colored cheese were void. fRlces, f c ermirrem 16 1.16c for white, and 161,.; for color r ed. Cornwall--Lfferiugs: 317 white and 2,413 colored. All sold at 131.c. St. Hyacinthe, thee. -100 packages of batter Bred at 2S4c; :,00 boxes. of cheese sold at nese. Cowanevitle. Que.-14 'factories of - (erect 1.515 packages of butter; twelve factories sold at 29c; two factories unsold. Belleville --2,905 boxes w`i re offered; 2.00u sold at 10 316c; balance sold at 141„c. London -13 factories offered 2.000 boxes. Sales,' 1,7.45 boxes at 154c to 1 b... Wholesale Produce Toronto wiroitsale prices, to the trade: Lee: - Special , ^nc:e'. .ran', 1.1 .30 to 1 .33 Candled. ex -cartons .... .'S .29 Rutter - Creamery prints. fresh.. .29 .31 Creamery, solids 29 21 Choice dairy print.' .25 27 Ordinary dairy prints.24 .26 Bakers' 23 24 Cheese -New, large. ISc; twins, I814c; trfplcts, 18'2c; old. Jun.: and September, large, 22c; twins, 224c; triplets, 224c. Poultry Live Dressed spring brntlers 40c 41c 60c 65c Old fowl, Ib.... 17c lfc 25c 27c Chickens 17c l9c 25c 27c 11111k -fed 18c 20c 25c 26c East Cufale Cattle Cattle -Receipts, 2,900; slow; ship - Ping. N 10 nil 10: hoteliers. 57.75 to 19.75; heifers, 17.26 to 1110; cows, 64.25 to 17 75; bulls, 15 to 11.85; stock- ers and feeders, 14.75 to 17.60; .tock heifers, 86 to 87: fresh cow. and epringers• slow, 13 to 55 lower, 110 to 5105. Peals -Receipts, 1,010; active; 54.50 to 512.60. Hogs -Receipts. 11,000; a tire: heavy and mixed. 110.20 to 110.26; yorkers, 89 7:. to 110.20; pigs, 19.76; roughs, 18.60 to 58.75; stags, 16.60 to 87.60. Sheep and I.mbe--Receipts. 1,200: active; lambs. 17 to 812: yearlings, 88.60 to 110; wethers, 84 to KIM: ewes. 14 to 17.60; sheep. mixed, 17.60 to 57.71. CMcago Cants Market cattle---Rec•elpt15.000; smarted firm; beeves. 17 si n 511.35; western steers. 18.30 to 80.40; stockers and feeders, 16.75 to 88.76; rows and belt ars. 13.76 to 81.76; valves, 52 50 to 111.76. Hoge --Receipts, 11.034; martin weak at 11c adversees; HOS. 9.10 to 30.10; sized. 51.10 to $10; hese,. 14.16 to 110; roach, 31.34 to 5050; Me. 47.40 to 89.20; balk of .ales, 00,73 to 81 16 lbw* and lamb.-Reevstpea, 14,0401 Warhol steady; native, $7 to SS; atltvs, 17.10 to 83.35; springs, 1� i store PHONE 56 WecMing*tionery Let us print your Wedding Stationery with the latest styles of type. Moderate Prices. Workmanship Guaranteed. The Signal Printing Company, Limited //1 !!(j//ll The traction engine was made to grip. So was Dunlop Traction Tread. Nothing has yet taken the place rf the traction engine for long, continuous service. We don't think any other tire will ever take the place of Dunlop Traction Tread for the same function. In a certain sense. Dunlop Traction Tread is lamer than Canada. "Traction's" (.me a limitless hear imitation. .re to be found in many countries. Men have written from venous portons of the world seeking the agency. "Traction" hold. the Canadian transcontinental tire record ; has never failed as. skid -roaster , mane it possible for punctures to be • forgotten evil; drove out the dust nursance; made .uto- mobilmg by women more general; gave men allover the country • new idea of mileage. In short. Dunlop Traction Tread has popularises! motoring; and, for the first time is the history, of the motor cars ha. made Safety • certainty. Dunlop Tire & Rubber Goods Co., Limited DUNLQ4•RE4D tit „+ 14C t# 60 Less Ra d .� Friction T 141 Ilk"( 1