The Signal, 1916-6-15, Page 8• TgvasuaT4117l1 Ilk (Pie Always the Best of Everything for the Least Money - May we solicit your consideration regarding buying goods in your Home Town especially when you can find on sale the very best British -made Goods at prices (considering the present market conditions) that Cannot be beaten anywhere. Bear in mind there is a dilfer- ence between goods that sometimes "serve the purpose - and a really hist -class article. We guarantee our goods to be exactly as we represent them, or money refunded if they should prove unsatisfactory. PRESENT SPECIALS -JUNE WEDDING GIFTS Just b.lk in our .how windows and get an inllii g ..f what i. inehle•. Then step in and',elk m04 111(1, 04-0.111e inagnitl I ‘C.ddiug (lift« en display. 1:r.•lo...• • higiegra.le English Chinc from the high.et-grab• pot ter- only. Hovel Crown Derby. Minn.'', ('..alI...rt are our sl.u•taltias, We M'e Itte li.h K,w•k (`Metal and Cut (i .i.. in t olvyright drwi1un (swop ,1t ., Sherbet Glasser and ninny other lint•. too 011lu. r•,1u. 1.0 Illrntl.Mi. Sterling Silver anti Silver Plate. finis- the Is•-' m.etr. Sterling Plat Silver Plat %Vere, Knives, 1''.rks, Speen... ei . 111 full .1al..lanl weights. Iland-I.ier..d !silver Plate ('as..•r.,i,•i with fir-pr/of white 'porcelain finings, with extra silver coyer.. (the very i.ew- e•,.l t.na hi, Silver Plate F:ntru•..n.I Muffin Iii -Mer. etc. Fehr.. almost Ieaeonaile.. The Colonial Book Store GEO. PORTER 1 LY M A N'S Water Glass for preserving eggs. One pound tin will do about eight dozen eggs. 1Sc TIN 2 FOR 2Sc amen A. Campbel l ?Mies. $. CENTRAL 'DRUG STORE Corner North St. and Square Goderic h Res- gI 'PHOyiH.'4 MacEwan Estate Exclusive agents for SCRANTON COAL for Goderich and District. Best Coal Mined. Any quantity hest all Maple Slabs, Mixed %Vont, Hemlock end Kindling (Cedar or Pine.) -TM.EPBUNEs, slice 9e --residence • 13 or 6e Ansco Cameras AND- Speede x Films Wit It an Ansco Camera Ansco Speedex Film Cyko Paper you ran w it h the levet cleanse of failure ex- press your rectum .t..ry. A. L.Calda ell, P6e1.B. Prescription Druggist Prn.t.,.. 19 A inn to 11 Agee. hr Willard', Cbeeletes (1ena.la'. only Forkdipt (7h....letea. PATENTS f:;i1•lidi '4.AtilL1 . ta sfl ..sunt -1•a A.k for sur bNVEN- s s AIIv1SRacwAsea will be sent free MAlltpOw • ItlARION, t! S Yee mete Ss.. Me.M,'tia. '4t albs a bet of Llggetes Choe.a. YIN Tern sereetbeares afore, - easlaehrel b all R.xall deur Ooderteb, (ODERICH TOWNSHIP. Perry 1' Ile loattwo cows and a year- ling during a recent electrical atom'. The annuals were lying under a tree beside a rii. a fence. and ev there was nothing to indicate that the tree was 'struck it is thought that the electric- ity was coudu,ted along the fence. Mr. Clifford Lobh, second son of Reeve Lahti, has bought the, farm of Mr Percy t' de on the 18th eomoeesioa. The faun cog1sins sixty acres and the price paid was $6,000. The (arm ie well adapted for the growing of email fruits and vegetable. Dien IY Has Yol:mi.-Mr and Mrs. E. H. Wise have the sympathy of the community in the death of their youngest seen, (Terence. st the early age of twelve years. The young lad had suffered for • long time from spinal trouble, and lair the past year he had heen in failing health. PATtnrr•t. • Wong. -Mrs. 1'. .1. Johusten, 3rd concession. has kindly offered her hoots for %Wednesday, June 21st, to the members of the United Patriotic Society fora sewing. Ladies are cordially invited to come and bring their tbimble.i. Knitting will be supplied to those who do not 'sew-. A halo eI-gl.ede ttr"b ,ren for- warded warded to the Red Cross Society. Toronto, •containing the following : PyJanna suits, 51 : hospital night- shirt., .it ; socks, 30 pairs : and a few rolled handage•s. Thirty.two'psirs of rocks have been donated to the Worms,'+ War Auxiliary since hart shipment. vrii Andrew (linn .neer the early settlers of this township, is dead at the home of her daughter, Mr.. John Henry, of Mall.y, Sa.k , at Ise advanced age of eighty -tato years. Mn. Ginn was born in the town of Mains, Queen's county, Relent, and cave to this country with her parents when but a child aril reified in Godrrich town- ship. She was (wipe married, her se.•nnd hush.nd being Andrew (;inn, with whom she set t led on the 2nd eve -t- erse -ion of Hullrtt township about orly.five years ago. A decade or so go they left the lures and took up heir ateele in Clinton. where Mr. Start Tomorrow and _Keep It Up Every Morning Get_ In the habit of drinking -a glass of hot water before breakfast We're not here tong. so let's maks our stay agreeable. Let us live wetl, eat Well. digest well. York well, sleep well. rind look well. what n glorious condition to attain, and yet, how very easy It is 1f one will only adopt the morning inside bath. Folks who are accustomed to feel Idull and heavy when they arise,' sent ting headache, stuffy from n cold. foal tongue, mod) breath• acid atomaek.4 ran. Instead, feel as fresh as n daisy by opening the slater. of the system each morning and flushing out the whole of the Internal poisonous sty. Want matter. Everyone, whether allele. sick ar well. should. each morning, beton breakfast, drink ft glans of real bet water with a teaspoontul of limestone phosphate In It to wash from the stomach• liver and bowels the previous day. IndigestIble waste sour bile and poisonous toxins; thua eI.anntng. lsweetening and purifying the !mare ellmentarr canal before putting more 8001 into the stomach. The action of hot water and limestone phosphate eta an empty stomach to wonderfully In- vigorating. It cleaas out all the sots fermentat1one, Mee,. waste and 1 acidity aid gtvell on. a .Plendil j septette for breakfast While you are en,ioying your breakfast the water and phosphate is Quletly extractlag a large .oluase of water froze the blood and getting ready for a thorough flushing of all the (aside organs The millions of people who bre bothered with ecastIpatlon• baler spells. stomach trouble: others mobs bays sallow Alas. Mood disorders and sickly compiestess are urged to get a matter pseud Iii Ihmetose phogbMis from the drag slew. Thu win ,est eery tittle, bet p'Mo t to told yo anne a Creak as the •.Meet ei /81188e4MMig before twee . fast 1'NF STONAL : C4fl$itten A REMARKABLE STATEMENT Mrs. Sheldon Spent $ 1900 for Treatment Without Bene- fit Finally Made Well by Lydia E Pinkham's Veg- etable eg- � Compound. Englewood, 111. -" W hi le g o i ng though the Change of Life 1 sabered with headaehes,ner- onsness, flashes of sad 1 suffered much I did not what 1 was at times, I t ;1900 on doc- ent/ osend not one did One , and said she had been as sick as I was atone time, Lydia E. Pink - Compound madewell.• s V. o r t ab l u I her ao I took it and now am just as well as I .ver was. 1 cannot understand why wsmse don't see how much pain and .uf.rint would escape by ta�king�oar m. ia.� cannot praise it toe k saved my lite and kept me �iero.a�t tss lamas HospltaL"-Mrs. E. 8aa.ort, 8867 8. Halsted St. Englewood, 1I1. Physicians undoubtedly did their bee battled with this case steadily and could do no mor., but often the most scientific treatment is 'allured by the medicinal pry erties of the good old fashioned roots and herbs contained in LydiaE. Plnkharn's Vegetable Comported. If any oonlpllcstion exists It pays to write the Lydia R. Pink - hem Medicine co., Lynn, Miaaa., for special free advice. Ginn decocted this life a few years later. When well on w fourscore years of age Mts. Ginn made several tripe to Saskatchewan to visit ber daughter, but when she left last she regarded It as her final long railway j`wr.ey She is survived bybee three daugbtare by her 'Poonmer- rialto 'Mn. David *teep. 01 Stapleton ; MIL Harry Rutledge, of New Lis- keard. and Mrs. John Henry, of Mai- S•ek., also by one brother, Mr. Robert Lee, of Foam Lake, Bask., and one sister, Mrs. Henry Stewart, of Brantford. MLISERAfZ(Y AHD KIDNEYS HURT Deialr lob of slate[ toad stop rating (spat tilt a wl1ls it y' 1llaiflstr • Mello you. When yea wake up with b'aeCwshi aril den missey in the kidney region it pa mo eraily means you 's sating too muck seek says a well-known authority. Meat forms uric acid which overworks the kidneys in their effort to alter it from the blood and they beoom. sort of paralysed and loggy. When your kidneys get h sad clog you must, relieve them, like you relieve your bowels; re- moving all the body's urieous waste, else you hare backache, sick headache dizzy spells; your stomach sours tanner L coated, and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine 1. cloudy, full of sediment, channels often get sora, water scalde and you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night. Either exlsult a good, reliable physi- cian at once or get from your pbareaeist about four maws of Jad Saha; take • tablespoonful i■ a glass of water before break -hug for • few days andyour er kidneys will then act ane. 'jble salts is made from the acid of alentos ^a coweedmbined with gkpi>sdb.. generalities to n and stimulate sluggish ,.dea also to neutralise ands to we urine so it no longer e irritable, thus ending bladder Jed Salta L a Rife rover for 'regular meat esters. 1t is tam -pensive. cannot injure sad m�� driat• delightful, Mer - 1 L emend lith Sheet Music and Music Books Less Than Cost. 2000 sheets vocal and in- strumental Music to be sold at 0 cents per copy or 3 copies for 2 cents. As space will not permit the name of each being published, we suggest that you call and look outer the lot. Music Folios, regular price 75c, for 25c. A great opportunity for musicians and music teachers. Sale of Music to be continued until all of this lot is disposed of. Two slightly used Piano- case asnetmOrgans, , at od Rai* prices. THOMSON'S MUSIC AND STTS�IORNRERY ONTA 0 iT. AUOtJSTINE. TuiereiY, Juan 13. Ms.. lase lehestee asd Ethel spent Tuesday pi Wa 88at s.ter'a. weekemilleifth Ms. alai -spent the N•eeil he � ✓K�iIL awd ya Ila Messrs. A. lOreaby and D. McAlli.- tee look Wire Guelph essursbn on 87:11• 1. Eiaiaedeon, of Woodstock. la wised a lsw days with meads in this., Rev, to immea after spending • few day. wt1t1/Lrets hie pan, Mr. and lire. G M a,a.� -Forum. -On Widnes - any. J� v et Sacred earl ding was Hears cthlara tit wuguat,ime, whom Miss i'c Mrs. Aa and the n daughter o, Poe - an, was gaited in matrimony to lily. Jolla MuOersick, formerly of Lin- wood but late of Toronto. The bride was attired In • very becoming dress of white satin with shadow lees and pearl trimmisgr and woes a log tulle vr11 and wreath of oraeg. Mos - some end cast ie d a shutter heaven of bridal Arae. and lilyof-tbt-valley. She was attended by tier sister, Mian Selina, who wore pale blue silk and wool taffeta, with hat to match, and carried a bouquet of sweet p.sa and maidenhair fern The groom was supported uLinwood. pteby hie brother Thomas, of Alter the ceremony. which wasby Rev. Paster D..n, the party accompanied by the immediate relatives motored to the home Of the bride's mother, where • suwptuous dinner was served. The groom's gilt to the bridesmaid was a beautiful cameo necklace and to the *roommate a pair of gold anti -links with initials engraved. In the even ing about one hundred invited guests gathered et the bride's borne and spent the evening in euchre end dancing till dawn, wises the bride and groom left amidst showers of confetti for a trip to the COMM. where they will spend some time visiting the bride's brother before returning to their home in Tor- onto, where the groom is an employee of the C. P. R. The bride travelled in a suit of blue silk taffeta with pink silk crept-deebene blouse, and a blue hat to malek. The bride was once a 8t. Augustine gitl. but for else past yearsfheld responsibleble no.torts with the Re rpo�ypewriter Co., at Taranto. Their many friends join is weiiing Mr. and Mn. Mcabrs wick a kong and happy wedded life. "trophy has retureed LOTHIAN. TUESDAY, June 13. LlyrstaN Locate. -Mr. Chester Rit- chie, of Detroit. Mich.,` is visiting at his home hese Mrs. Neil Beaton, of Loodom, is spending a few days visiting ber,si.ter, Mr. Rachel Mac- Donald Mr. Charles McRae, of Hamilton, Mont., was the guest of Mr. Alex. Mclean for a day or two Pat Gilmore and his mother spent ■ few days at Landon, _last weak_ _ . Dick MyacDonald and sister, Mies Mary, visited (rimed. et (ioderich on Monday. Anniversary rervices will be held in Ashfield Presbyterian church on June 25th. KIN(iSbRIOGt. Tug'enAi..lune 13. Mrs. De :4 lrco and child, of London are visiting Miss Julia O'11,e111y. Several from bere attended the moonlight excursion at Goderich last night. Mrs. George D. Vaneni and:daugb- ter, of Calga.y. are the *nests of the" former'. patents, Mr. and Mrs. John P.il ton. The funeral of the six-moothsold child of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hogan took place to Kingsbridge cemetery last Friday morning. 1hr sympathy of the community Is extended to the bereaved parents. DEATH Or JOHN RElYHAKDT.-The remains of the 1st. John Reinhardt, aged forty-nine, who died .t Lann- i -die of pneumonia on June 3rd, were interred in St. Joseph's cemetery last Tuesday morning. Deceased had been aresident of Ashfield for about eve year., having moved here with his broi her from Chepstow, Bru.ee county. Waco/mut flackterune-Many from here attended the reception given by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carroll, West Wiewano.b, in honor of the marriage of Helen J. Carroll to Henry P. Hogan, of Ashfleld, and a most enjoyable time was dent by all. Mr. and Mn. Mogan have the beat wishes of their many friends here for a long, happy and prosperous voyage on the matri- monial sea. DRAMATIC EVENT. --The presenta- tion of the comedy -drama, a Bur- ton Diamond Mystery," in the parish hall by the local Dramatic Club last F,tday evening was greeted b a large and appreciative audiences may was put on with almost the ane mus- ical and dramatic artists se the pre- vious productions mad was equally popular. An unexpected feature of this performance whish was greatly enjoyed was the step -dancing by Mr. John Dalton. one of the oldest gentle- men of the township, who, although eighty-three years of age, i. Kill a, athletic as most of the young men of today and certainly is • master of the art of dancing. A large number of Reynold people are in town obi. week In conneeetioa with a ease et the County Court. Among them i. Mr. H. W. Erwin, municipal clerk of Bay'De1J, wbn has hese over tweelt-gas years 1n that position and Wines be has been cm the Job longer lbaa any other taunted - pal onset now sertrlug In the county. And be is just • rostra fellow still. A visitor in tows this week was Lien- Dr. 8sltb, !see sriy the known matted practitioner of Reid, wbo � Man overseas witb�, a pe beepltal unit :IetrY at the D•rdan- e Yes and ale, at De716, limit, and v n ew hese toe larva. MUNICIPAL OOU10OIL& ad - WENT TV WAMOt*H. re - oilmen l est alta as per ad. f osemmitet of AAAps 1.1 as a wart of re. vision ee sssessweN yell for 1*w Mestrai a abses . hewing to as s. Parise 1M she br4 Q eiall. � 1 A. MIIIIMMstie, sakes dm reea.ary t*e ■ r ■ r rF r • r se r ,r Really Attractive Styles in Separate Skirts THERE is a bigger demand for Separate Skirts than for years and we axe ready for it with a stock that is exceptionally good both in style and value. In serges there are some particularly good things which cannot possibly be repeated on account of the increased cost of materials. These are all good : One very g..rl style is made front an all -wool Mtge and cunt,•,. in Week and navy. It u a Skirt suitable for g.'o. ral ..true/ ..r h,*ule wear and a lwerfect-fitting, w•rll-tna.leganueut !fust we consider really g's.l '.slur. Thr price Le $-1.00 Another one is made from an extra quality pure -wool serge. It omen both fa black and navy, is neat( triarmr. nd with braid and buttoaThis is one of the MOM p0010141111? styles we have shows fur a klieg time end on..- present stocks an Hold out rennot he repeated, as the anter• ial in it is worth practically this price today. This quality in ail sizes sells at $ 5.75 'We have another Skirt ,lade in eery good quality w hite corduroy. This is a tub Skirt, will wash well atxt stand no end of neigh -and -tumble weer. It is one ..f the learsnn's beet.plrt styles, with pockets. Price $3.50 N'asti eklrte in P. K. rime and Indianhlvd. Splendid range of stylar Q� �(� and priers !arcs. We b. $3.00 Middy Waists More Popular Than Ever Never such a craw for anyone .tyle of waist as there 1s for the Middy Waist, this season. Our stock is particularly good, either in plain white or with contrasting collar and cuffs. Many good styles t., ch,./.w from et..... $1.00. $1.25 and $1.50 Verandah Comfort We have everything for taking a verandah com- fortable, in Hug., Awnings and Curtains. We ,an make straight .r projecting Awning* to fit any verandah or window, and will be glad to funm- ish estimates of the cost at any time. SOMETHING NEW FOR VERANDAH CUR- TAINS that are durable end very attractive are new slat Curtains which ere have just receive.!. These come in nice shades of green and brown in widths to fit practically any olwning. These are trade of wood slats and strong eon(, alaeolutely fast velure, and the joints allow the air to cir•u late, ,making it ..molar than the ordinary duck. • There are the most attractive, vera, Cut'tains Pas oar tIlr'atarieet far a Fong Evils nod have haul an -ase Kale in the'Statte. Haler- 't Home do away darning day. Try theta time you have st..•king. to with next buy. DIRECT IMPORTERS Ladies' Umbrellas at 51.50 This is n particularly good Umbrella. The handles are neat and e p tong tempered steel that wittractive. the lltnnot really bend .or break. The t.ep is uneuttable Gloria that will hob( its color. The price tr very $ 1 reasonable. each only Sweater Coats Strilw.i Sweater Coats. silk mixtures., white ground with tlaek, green or Mif blue stre_ Nrw styles at each e50 .50 $7.50 Striped Materials for Skirts or Waists Jut opened up same very pert tyStriped Material. in Tight and medium weight. suitable for trim- ming., separate waist. or separate shine Never were stupe. ,,are popular or as much in demand a•` they ate ttslay, stripes of all kinds, colors end c.,n.loinations, atm( the great difficulty is to get enough of thruL You will 1* sure to like these we have jut received and there is not enough of any particular'style to make theme( nmin Spec- ial lines enitaMe for skirts. per -qt- yard... .--5.----. .a+..-_I?Iti.t ..vv .- .n line silk ,mixed ('rep•. suitable for $ 1 %taste, per yard and .00 Hodgens Bros. only s-.'1 .est for a change received seiner/tune u limit w.s read, asking that pm t let 27. concessions 1 and 2, 1w aseesied to 31 .t thew lsickh.rt. Granted on gena. n by Naylor and Mal lough. Several r. frosts for chatters in assewusent were 1. ceivel front ratepayers who have eiilattd for ovr,seas service. This muter was laid ost•r until such tial *5 soldiers' exemptions will be considered, on mo- tion by M•Hough and Naylor. Mo. Linn by I'utdon and Naylor thrt as- serhment t;•/ll as rrri.ed and corrected 11e adapted and a check passed to as- sessor for self, y. Carried. l'EKSMAt. RESINtaa. Minutes of last regular meeting and special court of revision meeting re Young desk drain were read and passed. on motion by Naylor and Mal - lough. Assessor's report of semi-en- uual equalization for police village of Man;tleater was d fll.-d, by Navler n>d.Mellou,lh ordered 1,v N..ylor and Mallough that Reeve Murray and Couue,llorJobostoa be a committee to meet trustee of polies village to adjust the payment of neer. e. r y expenw as between township and plies village. Mr. Joynesac. ,emit for she4p killed by dogs and the request for ti:e In Ihingannuu !Trete laid over for next meet ing. Sol- icitor Garrow's letter asking that the council take up the muter in dispute regarding water hetween lot. IA, concessions 41 and 7, with the end in view of a satisfactory adj,i.tmient. Mo- tion by Mallough ,and Puldon that members of eouncrl meet at above lot and concession on Monday, June 5th, at 1. o'clock. Carried. Celineil ad- jouuned to meet as a court of re- vision re asenonenls Young (leek drain bylaw (a per adjournment of GODERICH, ONTARIO . TOUR OPPORTUNITY The %Winter Term now on at THE NORTHERN 15111SINESS COLLEGE OWEN SOe..N�D�j coat rkon se eled bray m.. end nit, r,/. ypewtlttllg ace sere' bear, tai set. s-..(4. to - We bare an enrira'Ied ace Mak t k bra business altar were eor are neularty nu `rent Mewaypliosteoo. fa. C A. et.[nl\t3. t•. e'. A.. Primeval. tr. D. FLIt]1INO. Secretary. 31ay Ie. After some consideration of this matter, in the absence of Reeve Murray this court was again ad jnarmed to meat Monday, Jun* &h, at 1 p. m. W. A. WILSON, Clerk. " " , , e „ „ ' 111 14i ''' � '1' rnllttllrlll.11,tl..l,l,.t",• � -1„ • . , 1, No malts what other tire makers may do for the bettenaent of their product. a close examination generally reveals the fact that we have beam otetiag similar. oe greater, virtues in our product for a long previous. u 1i. is _aver because we are the pioneers of the hrdu ��. aiV11oQT skossld know 'tireemaidue from A to Z we should. We have been manalasateinig tire. in Canada foe newly • of a cautery. No other fire eseapag� beenC.esa� quarter het �t length of time. -yaw j _ makingtires in for .• led the way in the betterments. Dunlop Tire & Rubber Goods Co., Limited Read Office and Factories: Tomtits. • tenches in Leading Cities. ly 5 MIR MI sal sal! ase o sea toe baa 11111asg E tar 11111 1111 INS- IN en ami as no tea ale 11111 10111 MIN all 8111 �- re e * • R•