The Signal, 1916-6-15, Page 2Teloa.nay Jutta 15, 1916 TIM !SIGNAL t GOD&RIOH ONTARTo THE SIGNAL IPRINTlitti OU., dao. Pvawattae Tea leastat. Ir p '11t1rdwl • the tam Worm. Oeddriteb TM . s NiE ak se J[•i urrioa Testas. -One Dalkir sod nay . w est yam: tf paid strictly to dvaase One Krellwnl be aeaeeted : to subcrtken Vi.I s1 taDollarStets. the rate is Oohs Dollar r oma r Coate rdat.WO i■ sevsec. $•balker wM1 for muottiuns which should have bees oast teflect4oa as bls public honor. If it is necessary to gratify his vied'. *sties iu this respect, Ic M because of hie sinister relations with J. Wesley Miami and hie determined loyalty to that ladivWuel 1. the (ane of oonvine- fog evidence of the hatter's culpaWl- Ity. The public may be prepared to over- look the Minl.tsls or gi foal connection with Allies. ; It may be iodised to forgive the mistaken policy which re - milted in clic expenditure Is the United States of mihioua of dollars lie _ a home by ampule the phi rk- e r et e.m a asserts • s* 1 tine. e( Mare. la &Mrs& UM 0110 000•••• ..b.wld w $tea may be meets er beak anat.,' woes tmaetsptsma Weak AsivaregenisymesllIssmm-a��.ers u essureet �and wmmt be for ea 0001- tea ett tes create par Ilea low bat laeerttea yaaa4��Ijew�g st/mar gnaw 'vets yse Use tee sash wkrseue•t NI tlleaaured► aa.ale.tseed asapeniil-t ee nags to as lab. Beelasea card. in els new W soder, nes fleiMra par year, Adverttr Vases'. like isae rr anted. dose.' lei SaIs s Vases'. to Item. freer for WIa to awl. low Who. ata, set.aseeMea eve t\ewt. sank besesiea : OwDollar e eel rib, VIM lwNistw bss,�' �..�i.,st �ss rresa�tt&all esinersitssu ID ... s.wsesMss to ..Henry readlag Te. Cowper has. N. astlse kir dose Tweet, eveOssta. Amy amiss. too-.b1..t al trftekr w usenet et any tseivia- wala to es_- 51 se sever yre��e�t sat i5 a .t ser w�rest... y o..dlst► tartt- e.{j Mwat.aweekl reseed sl sa Weal. eredearietenesp. Neese) te wader It easi- er the wetter sot Nit cyan sr ch ne later uta w.dan d se sees THURSDAY. JUNE 15, 1916 UNITED STATES POLITICS. Charles E. Hughes is the Republican nominee for the presidency of the United States, and Woodrow Wilson will undoubtedly be %gain the Demo- cratic candidate. Theodore Roosevelt has again received the nowloatioo of the Progressive party, but has de- clined, for the posttest at Int, to be • candidate, and his attitude remains uncertain. It looks as If it might be a straight tight between Wilson and Hughes, and the political prognostica- tors are already busy figuring out which will win. Roosevelt, of course, is popular with Canadians just now owing to bis un- compromising attitude of hostility to the Germano. it is said the pro -Ger - men element in the United States is greatly elated over the outcome of tie Republican convention, and the selection of Hughes over Roosevelt, and .m• the nattiest iotere(aee Is that Ruttba. will receive inlet persOini en Feder.1- 83 far as war considerations enter Into the contest, Hughe. has the advent+• age of being without a record, while President Wilson has • record which, judging from sus face tedieationo, pleases nobody. it rimy be, however, that surface indications are mislead- ing. There is, we believe. • vet y large ..xly of opinion in the United States which frankly favors the policy, to which President Wildon is practically -committed, of kis the States out of the akar, end'lmw1*►eModiog any lapses of which, from our staodpcint in Canada, Mr. Wilson may have linen g uilty, he will find his largest support amongst this anti -war element at tbe elections next November. It will be for Mr. Hughes to heft his hook as skilfully as he may to keep the pro - German vote and attract as many as possible of tb•se in favor of the Allied cause echo •re dissatisned with Mr. Wilson's inaction. Outside of these conai,lerations alto- gether are other political f.c.or•. not related to the war. which may bare a determining effect in the contest. expended in building up • great Oscar dims biometry. Bot tbs. public, how- ever I.-uienlly it may judge Huttbes the individual, will eve uuthin; of Hughes the pertwsr cf Alllaoo. 11 the two must ,teed or tall ,.nether then Hughes moat tall. Inc Alban' has al- ready fallen. The public Itas quite made up int mind about *Mem. A mita who bt been shows to have trafficked in .11 kind* of munitions butanes., capital's- . lagthe friendship and Influence of the Minister of MUltle. wlabing himself oa legitimate manufacturers sad tak• ing his toll at every step of wb•t both he and Hughes eepresaoed as • p►teio- tic mimiuq avried out in an honorary capacity -what two opinions could the public have of such a man ? A man who states oa oath that he "an t remember" not one but worm Of se- eeyntial facts connected with stupors - dims transactions, • man who swear+ hie inability to recognize hie own signature to Important telegram•, • men who hands out sums of 150,OOb to parties in m.nitions deals by rule of thumb, decleriug that tbia amount just mous red to him as the right tad, g -what two opinions can be held of him? The conclusion will force itself upon anyooe wbo bee carefully fol- lowed the *videos. that the interven- tion of Allison in British munitions orders has oastOreatBritain hundreds of thousands it oot millions of dollen. It has cost Osoada • great industry euppurting an army of skilled mech- anic.. It has fa all probability cost much more than this in enterprises of which we cea we the neuron but are forbidden to sxsmine the Interior. It is for the public to measure the responsibility which Sir Sant Hughes must accept tor allowing ouch • mats to operate under his official auspices, and 1.o measure also the degree of vin- dication that the Minister of Militia can ciaitu on the beds of his renewed affirmations of faith in Allison. "A COSTLY MIDDLEMAN." The M`ootreel Mail. although a Con- servative journal, takes an independ- ent view of lite proceedings before the Meredith -Dull commission. Under the heading "A Costly Middleman" it says : RoyalUommiseions usually end with both sides claiming a victory and chia we may he 'ere will 1.e the attitude of the partisans of the contending inter - e -t. to the Meredith-l).iI iuvest.ga- ti-in. The Hughes faction will argue that the Minister hat been gloriously vindicated. while his assailant• will deign that • sweeping ase bas been made nut against him The public which is the nod jury in the route will ant he disposed to accept either of these extreme conclu.,nna. Hughes has not been acquitted : neither has he been rnnrietuned. Enough has, however„ hoes hr.olrht out in et 1 lance to awakes g ave pill lie di■taut of the adeninis.ra.t.n of tie M111ti• Dept.. partirul.rly in the ernes - int and es yet unexplained relations between Sir Sam Hushes and J Wes- ley Alllsnn. This distrust is accen- tuated ht the politic entree -lido,' th.t the whole story has not yet been told and that behind the wall of wettest. erected 10 head off dangerous di.rbie- urea there are carte of Infi.sitel ✓ oider Itepo.tanre than those which have been revealed. Some of the soma important chan- nels of .ngniry were closed hy the ar- gument that the I.formatiou sought would aid abs enemy :rakers were Per - blocked by the pis that iaw oa ,inn. invaded the ferbid is esgrp.s�. of per- sooal private anal atia others peeved fse.esssilds by resets* of the reatrteted of tbe .Ratty. The cause et je ted ppatriottism and the is,a*aa of the (loverneeent itself would have here better served If the O.mm' - -i ted rejected the *heaved /l0ll1100twWI tear of giving ones - .r, Mthe � violating the of new 411711.116111t= ala 11 Jay the 4 4 t hit t71h* to wee ■o weed of Craft err to EDITORIAL NOTES. Spend Dominion Day with the crcwd in Godericb. Huron county council stands ataunehly by the War Auxiliary the l51s*BatWion. and Nothing doing at the was front& this Nisei-exceptChe R.fssiantt who are doing the Austrians rather well. Hashes. the Republican Presidential candidate, is known sa "a silent man." No relaticn to our Hughes termly. Now the obituary poets are busy with Kitchener. Latcky fellow : be doesn't have toped their "poems." Too bad the circus came so early in the reason. The small boy feels that the best put of the stunner is gone already. We haven't noticed yet that any- body has nontineterl Northcliffe to take Lnd Kitchener'.' pace as Minister of War. General Hughes, it menet, was ad- vising Kitchener how to run the war. There's no kuowlog what great men bas -it to suffer without letting 90. Carvell, M. Ir , says that the expo.• ure of military grafting has only com- menced ; tbn re is . tut more of it to be shown up. And Unwell, M. P., ie the boy to do it. Sir William Meredith remarked at the Shell Committee investigation that Ueser.l Hughes "would stand by the devIL" Well, It isn't altogether a bad quality to stick to your friends. Talking about the little difficulty at Berlin (Ontario), The Toronto World recalls the chap wbo, not liking the name that had leen bestowed on him, chose • new one for himself-Uag- $dib Gigedet* . Moral -Whatever your name is, it might he worse. I War everywhere then" days, even in the Presliytuian General Assem- bly. The ••unionist." are conducting what the •'anti." consider an "offs - wive" movement, and the "antis" are digging trenched, throwing bombs sad getting ready to use asphyxiating gams• WHAT OTHERS SAY. Sams Merica ea Anima. BesMM Eapedtor. The [ktig's Birthday tumors do sot the rime of Jobs Wesley The serviette of this gewtle- mss le the Bemire seem to have Mea sly ter4owelY overlooked. Halifax ('hraslMM. A Ism per cert eommlesino, total- ling 11111111,060, for the introduction of his eoutr*ct-,eeklog 1rleed. to Col. Careers N Col. ♦llietie's idea of moderation. It le lucky the Oo$on.l was *01 Inclined to hag Maws. Tercels star 001. Allison is d..sribd as •"giant of btsdsees." Perhaps the saqulry will end with an ander that as ejll p.�1g� d him be pieced In the Na- tlon.l e.11.ry. Proving she Proverb " 'Di.cn... leads .daatemat to the view, some post nape." eel. ills a1s nY $ism el tpwiYe This Advertisement may Induce you to try the first packet of 11 but we rely absolutely on the inimitable flavour and quality to make you a permanent customer. We will even offer to give this first trial free if you will drop us a postal to Toronto. ails STEAMER PRICE iN COLLISION ? Aastber Wrecked Steamer May Be Ly - tag Near. Sarnia, J mos 12. -The steamer Charles 8. Price, which was lost In the groat storut. November 8 ll. 1913, and is as LM bottom •b,rut el.y.n miles above Port Huron. wsa in collision. according to it report made by divers who have examined the wrecked boat_ The entire port side of the Price for forty feet is torn out abreaat of the toiler and engine roots. The Price was apparently stru.:k abreast of the boilers, and the hig break in her side leaves the boilers sad engines exposed. Th. examination was pot thh. but the divers ars satisfied that the Price was rammed by another steamer. That probably means there ie wo other wreck close to where the Price went down, and this mayhave been what the 14/1400010 struclast Thule - day while coming down Lake Huron. The obstruction knocked two buckets off the Hamonle's wheel. Captain Alex. Cunning. wrecking master for the Great Lakes TowinM Company. wbo has charge of the work of floating the Pike, wee in the city today. Captain Cunning, who was present when the divers made the ex- amination. sari the anchors and chains are still hanging on the steamer end that her deck -house i+ all gone. The steamer, he days, Is flattened down to the spar -deck, where lobe rolled over. Mental Nutrition. "Just thine of it ! A whole splen- did dinner-sm-p, fish, entree.. joint with two vegetables, *ween •tsd cheese, fcr two -pence !" "Wonderful ! Where can you get such • dinner at such • price ?' "Nowhere ; but just think of it." - London Answers. His Duties Defined. Bre-I wanted to speak to you, lir. Levom. ahem Tonyettenstone to Mir Sweettbyngs during office boon. 1 hired you aa billing clerk only -no cooine.5eoti.esed. That will he all for the present. -Paterson Press Guar- dian. COUNTY COUNCIL. Continued from Pagel. N"IDN5NDA V. Reeves 'Taylor and Elliott moved l hat the bridge at Ex eter he raised one foot and that the county construct • permanent roadbed for one hundred feet at each end of the bridge. Reeves Neel) and ymallacombe moved that the abutments of the St. Joseph bridge be repaired. Referred to road and bridge com- mittee. Hue War Auxiliary. Mr. W. Brydooe, of Clinton, presi- A Little Job or a Big One From the repairing of 4k faucet ,to the installation of a complete plumbing system, we are equipped to do the job. A small pro- fit with a customer's favor is more to us than a large one without it. - Wee' `MI W. R. PINDER Phone 155 Hamilton Street weidesedeliMifterreeelesselioniebeMeietielaina Baked Dainties OUR baked dainties are dainties indeed— dainty to look upon and dainty and delicious to eat. What's the use of expenrjing your strength and time over the cake board when you can get the very nicest and choicest of fresh -made Cookies, etc., at our store. INIe DAVID BURNS The maker Elegetme Street, dent of the Huron County War Aus- t tory. addressed the council. giving • summary of the work done by the Auxiliary and • detailed statement of the expenditure of the money rswived from the counell. Lt.-4J.4l Comas, of lobe Biel 8e- taIkte. also addressed the p000etl, ex- plaiaing the requiretneots of the hat - Whoa, such as meas 1.01., ate.. Dot provided by the Militia Department. A motion by Reeves Setallaoombe and Harding that the onuo(dl grant the War Auxiliary {Loco, soder the same reetrictioas M governed the yam of MM,AX10 .Dade at. the January msselag, was not to the executive committee. 8.e. J. B. Fotberingbam was beard to the matter of caring for returned wittier, and advocated the establishing of a Soldiers' Aid Association io the comity. petal a q.aisl atlas o. Wary to as- sist s wct The satoreleg a ether' of Temper- ances thee d.-- putalioo were Rae. E. U- Powell sad Mr. A. T. Cooper, of Ol/otos, .. J. F. Knight, of HH8v eisan, sod Mr. 0. Seger, of floderfcb. Committee Reports. THURSDAY. Mr. W. A. McLean, Deputy Minister of Highways for Ontario, appeared before the council and explained the meaty rod a met whiph is encour- aged by the Prbviocial OovernmenL Mr. McLean replied to a number of questions asked by the members of he eone.il, and a vote of thanks was tendered to hie for bin address. Te Aid Discharged Primmer'. Sheriff Reynolds wrote the council as follow. : "1t sometimes bappen. Chad when • prisoner id discharged from gaol he has no means whatever to procure temporal y sustenance, or to enable hie to get t o bi+former place of abode or other destination. 1t thus fre- quently occurs that voluntary contri- butions have to he asked from offi- cials, and others kindly disposed, to give him the oe.xesary amount re- quired fi r this purpose. The hat should nut he required to be pulsed around on behalf of • destitute dis- chsrged prisoner leaviog • county io- stieatiun. 1 would respectfully a.k yusr hndy to sake prosiaion fcr -such caeca, hy authorizing ,tbe Werden or clank to ray such amount as may in their eC:.. ,.Elco Ansa • eareema1•)e, to the gaoler, on hie recommend -ill in, for this tearoom..." Referred l0 executive enmmi1tbe. it was moved by Reeve Stewart tAab/eld) and Deputy Reeve Dalton tMt11a� bridge over the Nine Mile River in the township of Asbfleld known as the Dungannon bridge be assumed and built by the county this year Referred to road and bridge ,onuuit tee. Road and Bridge Committee. Th. report of the road and bridge committee oma a•ioptraj. as follows : Re motion of Erwin and Ford regard- ing B tyfleld bridge. that the engineer and road and bridge coq.ditt a in- spect the same. Re motion of Taylor 'and Elliott respecting Exeter btidge, that no action to taken. Re St. Joe - ph bridge, that the engineer and road and bridle committee examine sante Re motion of Bisset end Stew- art respecting bridge on boundary of Ashfield and Colborne, that the engin- eer and radii and bridge committee examine same. That the ruling of the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board respecting the Roller bridge he ac- cepted as final. Re motion of Leckie an.) Milne twpectine approach to Brussels bridge, that the county grant 114.5. Re motion of Smallwarmhe and Erwin, respecting deviation rod be- tween Turnhsrry and' Rest Wawa - n osh. that the .o.icitor'e advice be bad and be printed in the minutes. Re motion of Bisset and Doig respecting Saltford hridee, that it be left to the committee. Re motion of Stewart and Dalton regard itoe Dungannon bridge, that the road and bridge cow- ' mitten examine same. House er Refuge. Th. hopes of refuge committee re- ported hsvIng visited and examined the boon" of refuge and found the new keeper and matron, Mr. and Mrs. Brown. and the assistant metros, Miss Rick., very competent and -are- ful officials ; everything was in per- fect shapm. ocean, tidy and sanitary, and the instates were well cared for. The new keeper was doing without .n wiseast, and the committee rec- ommended that the salary paid to the lat. keeper be sow paid to Mr. Brown, and shoo that the matron's salary be raised to the old standard. This means ea Inereeee in Mr. Browe'e ens from 114)0 to 1600 and In Mn. Brown's ease from 1800 to 1400. It was also resnsttseadad that the re- quest of Dr. .1. W. Shaw be greeted and that Dr. Millets Shaw he allowed to act as boars of refuge physician during Dr. J. W. Shaw's nines..e oa aarvioe with the 161.5 Heusi os. The report wee adopted - The education eommittae recom- ioeaded that Mr. Wm- Lase, mustyclerk, be appaistd as lbs entity re- presentative oa the saints of Wester, University, saosedieg Rev. D. W. Collins, esafgaed. This was adopted. Geed Reads Reswes tlelral t (8e+tort b) .ad Nairn moved : Mit 4Y awaell go cm rete- sted air .i..4*ly 1c, favor of good roads. that they beer a Mash with sad Jain tiles ProAsedireeed Reads A..eal.sisw and bay..ism attend their and report hark ltsstllm t orstelord said Stewart ms4sd : Tfat chi. snooty take its thy ipee4I mho gem. mai 1st epgt ae oris as reelable. t Mddhas reamed w special soar aflkM\ ♦mit aorsososonsload ,hot tie swam op - Tin" special committee reported a number of recoai aeodatlu s, 1pcludlog the hollowing: Thai on account ut the lateoem of the season we do net aeoept the kind invitation of the Reeve of Sseter to bold the December modes in lint tows. That no amiss be mks% with regard to the eomm.niostios from the oohed counties ort Motrmost. Duodas and Glengarry tespeetleg het*r- urban roads. Regarding the modern of Reeves Nairn sod St.waat, that * central executive measdttee a the Soldiers' Aid Oommled.e be foemtli is the leen el Q.dseltl; s Msi1 kf the a each the of the Reeve and the as- Anx�lUary�R for the purpose of looting after the interest, of returned soldiers of tide municipality end to report to the sea - teal executive of Godo. ►lob. Further that the County Soldiers' Aid Osco• tohsloo be hok.d up with the Prowls - d al Soldiers' A41 Oommlaioo and that all necessary expenses es- isiog there• from be met by the comity council when cert`fi.d by the Warden. the county treasurer and the pre.ident of the executive of Godelch. Regarding the count road system, that In our opinion this is a move is the right dirsetioo, but we would leave this question to the council •• abuts to decide wbetber *07 action at pressed be taken or not. The report was adopt.o . With referent's to the county roads question. the following motion, re- ✓ outed by Reeves Erwin and Smalia- eomhr. waa adopted : That the War- den, arden, J. M. Uoverrlock, J. A. Stewart ISeatorthl, C. Stewart IAsbfleld) and J. W. Taylor be • 3omemittes to look into the good roads question and re- port at the December .ossios of this council ; also that the Reeves of the different municipalities lake it up la municipal council and he prepared to repoit the feeling of councils at the December session. The finance committee repnrted on e large number of accounts. It rseotn- mended that the statement received from the Provincial Secretary's office regarding the Canada Temperance Act be referred back for particulars as to who received the money to each item. The committee c.ru.plimentd the Warden. treasurer and clerk on the efficient way the recent issue of deben- tures had been disposed ot. It recom- mended that another I•.ue of deben- tures for 1(11.0)0 be made, 11 the coun- cil saw fit to continue the monthly payment. of 13,050 to the Patriotic Fund. The rep. rt watt adopted. The executive committee refused to grunt a request for an additional pay- ment for potatoes supplied on contract a. ^it nt'gbt establish a had prece- dent." The applicant bed contracted to *apply potatoerfor 75: per buebe4 aid ha. twat t•, pay. 11.W (0e l,nta4.us to 611 the contract. ft was recom- mended that • grant of 12 500 he made to the Huron War Auxiliary, under the same restrictions as the grant passed in January. Iu consideration of this grant all .oma voted by the Minor municip.1ities towards r ecruit- ing the 161st Battalion are to be re- funded. The committee recommended that the • of 01,816.72 be deposited to the credit of the fund Inc the en- forcement of the Canada Temperance Act, as demanded by the L`tense De- pattmeot at Toronto ; and that no •c• Lion be taken at present in the matter of assisting discharged prisoners brought to the arnotion of the council by Sherif Reynolds. The report was adopted. VRID.aT. The county p operty committee re- ported having visited the various county buildings and found everything satisfactory. The matter of the grant to the War Auxfliaty wan opened up and it was decided that any further expenditure absve the amount named in theexecu- live committee's report ip2,500) that may be considered necessary by the Warden and treasurer shall he guar- anteed by the council. Eq.al zatroo Report. The report of the equalisation com- mittee eras presented. as follows : Towsshlp.. Aer.age. Irgealtse4 Fq•aliae.l t alum Valu. per A•r. . Ashfield . 64,191 12,596,840 a 40 Colborne 34.:101 1,523,011E 44 Gudetich 52 731 21416.90 41 Grey 64.762) 2,867.500 44 Hay. 51.1489 2,407,000 46 Howick 67.710 3,381.9(4) 411 Holten .53.541 2,57100 48 MoKillop 53,111 2,678.800 51 ,Morris 56,17 -ti 2,491.800 45 Stanley 43,9X) 2,135,100 49 Stephen ..56,879 2,741.400 tis Tuckeesmitb40,762 2.411,3)0 59 Turn berry 35,007 1,,910,000 45 U s bo me 42,700 2,417,500 511 Wwanneb 1:.41, 741 1,604.801) 3R Wawan'h W.41,725 1,613,900 34 Towne and Villages B.yfield 1,771) 141,400 Brussels 416 8!1,010 Myth ... 49R 27000(1101041 941 604,400 fleeter.... 1,300 536,200 Oodericb.... 1,010 1,441,600 Hewell 491 70,400 Se.lorth Buz) 750,0110 W ingbsm 6R0 HMO Wroxeter. 4631 mos 144,501.400 There has bees no cha.ge in them agoras Inc several years. Reeves Doles and Powell moved that the easeesment of Howlek and ?Newberry townships be reduced 13 per aero, Lost. Reeves Bisset and ('rich mored that the equalii,d valise of Colborne teerushlp be reduced to MAR per acre. Luh. 'Ae report wee thea accepted. ♦ eapp1aestary report from the lease* ssesm0Nso mantawdsd that sine s eb. e*mpud, sa.w that mir- for wows! sad other ammo, 1114215.46 will be required, oeaeleitt{Iag a rate of ten sad me - eighth lib .n the defer. The roper, was adapted. • mode. was edapMd that for mil - leg the dehs.taew bleb member of the *...lilae he paid bie amn.i e*. t�ms hov f w ei`ee miss of r•••••••••••••••••••••••i= • w. • • • • • • • • • It • • •• passed, heeled- e.- ( tsn� the loss • • •• •• •• •• •• A CI -I ESON & SON ro — • BeautifuLlIl.I •• • • •• •• • ••• • •• •• •• • Wash Goods NEVER before in early June have we shown such a lovely collection of Wash Dress Goods at special sale price. tooatterns in new 3o -inch Crepes, Voiles, Organdies, neat designs, in all colors, colors warranted fast, regular tsc to sic qualities. at per yard 12 1-2C 38 -inch Voiles, Organdies, Crepe De Chene, new French designs, floral and scroll in a range of brilliant and beautiful colorings, at per yard 25c, 3Sc and 50c • Silk Poplins • •and Taffetas •Largest selection of new Crepe Poplins and • Cord Faille Poplins we have ever imported. • Twenty new shades in 36 -inch to 38 -inch • material, at per yard $1.00,11.25, $1.35, $1.50 ••• • • a • • • •• •• • W. ACHESON SON' •••••••••••••••••••••••••• It -Pays to -Advertise in the SIGNAL -- .i t a rr ...If "WADE EI CANADA Free gasoline for thirty-three hoicked miles -- the Ford owner's saving is one year. The light. economical Ford with ita smooth -running engine averages about twenty-five miles on a gallop of gaaolice. Compare this with thr ga oline con'umption of the Sixteen-Miles-to-th--Gallon car. Then figure the difference, baying an eye on the present price of ga.o:ine. Si. thousand miles i. a fair seaaon'a travel. The Sixteen -Miles -to -the -Gallen e:If . going tit thaw and miles, burns up one hundred awl thirty-five more gallons of gasoline than doe. the Ford going the same distance. This means that the Ford owner ,ares enough dur- ing • single sexton to pay fog his gasoline for an addi- tional thirty-three hundred and seventy five mules. W. E. KELLY OCAtLCrt - - - GOOUSGH !NOW! IS THE TIME TO All Paints have gene sip in pries. Government reports taken of and matins of Paint show that LOWE MOS. Pant is the + best Paint on the market. Balance of our Paint stock will be cleared at last 4 year's prices. ' 4 PAINT s "The HowellNvr. J: Aew:t9 tr L e 6 , .4.