The Signal, 1916-5-18, Page 3.'4 tHE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONTARIO THAT 0I161NAL AND ONLY GENUINE. T I' Institutes. of Outs.iu pre.enlat;we and lite „orders the ITNE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. A New Organization to Take the [date of the Farmers' Institute. tar rrwrl. 1 one ulthe oldest aguurultnralorgan z- 1'1r.rnl Fntrurts' I,i.litutc sullle!ent lotions of I be I't ov ltlrr, Mate rat 011• blur to st rouge for the d'rti it .1 li.ltd in 'Set I,v D1. Jennie.. Milk, ex- Meeting to be hr1.1 in May or Joins, president of for t)ulatio Agricullui,.1 which will hr el. voted th.t to winding College, (smell.'. The Inst illue her, up the telfshs of the old Institute a n.1 11 R W A K K , been .t mod' Iluoogh which most ereuti•1ly to urganiz ng a llnatd of coulwendanle Moak ha. toren dour AO A 111111 r • • OF lbtingir•g to toe tat 'sorts of the floc- The 1)v1 11tineot will insist un a ince utt todevte a grieul111.1 10(01 1111.1410 1. ical co ullui ter 11,111g Appoint 911 for IJI ITA- lion. '1 his to game iti. n her been ' r telt westing u.kr.l for. We must 1'IONl3 Ist*redly ►uppolle.1 Lythe Provibci$1 inner arot,nowe froul representative i Deportment of Agrirultto e and much local teen Ih tt they will c i -operate in N U L U UN opt.eciated by a huge iwieeitage of an ..Mort to awake a short coarse mr the taimerrof t1.e Pro .ince. 'Those meeting .t *wee** tefore speakers THE who ate clime -1y s►rucielsd with the will be assigned. '1''r offi •rte of the Instituter and other agricultural Hoard of Agiicu torr will be regnir.11 MERITS UP as -o, ial corms and s Hut is have decided to get out •1weial advert ring tm.itre nal after crateful ei glory and considers- for each meeting, and on this mo- tion that if the IL.rt iLCte it to wain- nom nceturnt a deltltite pr ngratn Must tain its high standing as an educative, be given. agricultural iortitulion, it roust b- wTheore l'Iepa than esti id prepand to be * i . lar as erode 1.1 tdthe The new rd of u tune known cerned!tf'Notcharge will be made id for Iioatd f A (lure" each R JINIRD'S UNBENT B()0KB! N 1IN(i MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. 9O1.D Lh'rFKRINO on LEATHER 000D8 AU order- promptly atlaeded Le oo lavlrrf eco at 1111 SIGNAL, Goist4ct A. K. TAYLOR. thwATirotan. ■EDICAL 11K. l:EO. II1:ILEMANN, UFirE- Li PA7 H. .pectatbt In Monro . and chit dens. disease*. acute, :aron c and nervous dlr- rtl v deai- wd threat,1.• ... I rye. ear, Da.e dee- m°, Ieab.N load eaevui.tw ootwfiooa ede- nam. rem..a0I atihcut the In titre. tater at rsmearr. ooreer Nelson and eft. Andrew . wteet•. Al beU.eON«Maeda) .. M-ednr•darr awl (Saturdays: say ea rasing by .ppolotment. ikR F. J. R. FUutiTKR-KYE, KAR, i ca Yo loo th 11 awl Hoole ~town. eve Yost load Aural (~town. 77laioal Arid.. eMawl 7hrwt Hospital. 1ledeea Squats. aad Yeorogstd, Y7. Rears aL 9ii*J d.00pposieH Hoot lurch. Waterloo s V. • tl ► m.. t to 4 P ••. 7 to $ p. Tehmewae W. AUCTIODU cott- on a u grtcu Boar d institute the same r tenitory as etlhrr service..ur rxprnd,s of 0p•sker+ covering 11111011AS UUNDRY 11 ACC•Tlu\g= sox 5s. lietMrlck. AU trl*.U* tees` imat bra at Wgoal °Mee ) • sed.d w. lta.ideecr teiepeooe,l 15 LEGAL the old Intute in all *Idiots south and the grant to the Huard.. of Age. - end east of kluskoka. Any person culture will be more liberal than W interested inagriculture,on the pry- the old Institute. Theleoardrwill he come of member ollfee tt isuDowd, whinge either (loon the tto igrant the township s .rc directors lobo(( consist of the county council, and the Depart - i.) Two reptesentalivea front each ment bow to $5011o, ill make( a ran g t Farmers' flub or Junior Farmers' Association. upon the am••unt received from local (h) One ,r ptearntatire from each sourees. he emcee with the tactimpress's that it be Agricultural Society. Ick One teprrsentrtive from each necessary for them to take action and township, unless tbeie are none of pioope'tly organiz+a Board of Agr,cul- the abote•numed orgauizatinne in tore in each electoral district if they the township, when two wctubers w b t F,ve meetings next winter may he appointed. fit ole of Agncult t ldl Diaul.'t repreeenrative. tel Three reprrrrowtivea from the District \\'uusen•s Institute, one bring the district secretary. it, The pre-idei.t, v ice -president and sectetsiy of the Fat•u..•rr' In- etitute for the previous year. tg) The Board will have power to adi to its numbers by including re- presentative• trout any other agri- cultural organization in the riding or trout n Board of Tiede or Public- ity Asocial' . The Hoaid shall also elect a repre- sentative executive committee. who -e duty it shall he to suprtvis- all the work undertaken by the Koaid of Agt &culture. The aim of the Boards of Agricul- ture shall be to improve the cloture of the publi: meetings bald In each dis- trict controlled by a Hoard Fewer' meetings than formerly will be held, but au energetic resort will be made to wake each one cif a highly lrneficial uatute. Only the t cartupetent O C', HAI'`i speakers wilt be employed and each ILL'. will be, .o far as such can be secured, BAKKIaTKB.. SOLI 'ITUK. a siecialirt in the particular line of Yt°Lit . 6'lc. agriculture ptrvatting in the district 4/444... -Sterling Hank block. Hamilton ti-reet. whirr hr 10 .rut 10 .peak. iaaetho. 'l ewers... sr. The !ApttturretwIII encourage, in Meal Fatah* Loan. and Ineursece. sorely way, the organization of _ - Farmers' Club•. While these Clubs PRUI:DFOOT KIL1.ORAN't000EE ur exixetrd to rely principally on their own utewihen for the dos u.su.0 I intrrwtng topics and thus develop MARKET QUOTATIONS Toronto Cattle Market r. .98.$0 to $9.35 s.60 8.90 8.25 $.6O e t,i, 8.25 -.:,•) 8;00 t ice 7..-. 9.00 6.75 7.2'. 6.00 6. 6.50 9.0o 7.7, 6 (est 8.51, 6.00 7.85 7.26 $.60 6.00 6.60 4 76 110.00 76.00 110.00 10.26 8.00 6.00 6.26 7.00 13.76 12.00 10.60 9 00 6.60 11.80 11.60 11.16 Heavy rho: o bit Handy ...noire e.. I:utrhet g •:xl d .. mediuUl do. r•op000'1 Butt her i cows. do. good do. hi:odium du. common Itutb her bulls, choice... 7.23 do. good 6.60 d,. bologna 5.25 Feeders. 90 Oto 1,000 lbs. 7.60 do. balls 6.50 Stockers. 800 to 9b0 lbs. 7.25 do. good. 700 to 800 6 60 do. med., 650 to 700 6.00 do. common, light5.50 Cutters . 4.75 ('ann.•rs 4 00 Milkers, choice, each .. 75.00 do. medium to good 60.00 Springers ..60.00 Calves, veal. good 9.25 6.00 4.60 4.76 2.00 10.60 6.00 9.00 do. medium do. common do. grass Bob calves. each Lambs. cwt. Spring lambs, each Sheep, ewes, light do. heavy and bucks 8.00 do. culls 4.00 Hoge. weighed off ears11.40 do. fed and watered 11.00 do. f.o.b. country10.65 -oronto Grain Markets Manitoba wheat -Track, bay ports, r. t No. 1 northern. $1.27%. No 2 nor - The new oa -Agriculture there, 91.26 No. 3 northern, 91.225k. should decide at an early date what Manitoba oats -Trac k, bay ports. iueetinge, demonstrations or course of No. 2 ('.W . 534sc; No. 3 1' W., 61%c; lectures would be most acceptable and. No. 1 extra feed. 51ikc: No. 1 feed. i NOTARY helpful to its+ mend re engaged in tttn 50%e different hi 'Inches of agriculture to that o a •surrucr 'r on the is tt t lond (bed t everything p's.ible will he done by the B. aid to create local interest in the proposed uieetinge and that a live local committee has been appointed to strange for advertising. securing stork for demonet ration purpose., el C.. Ilse Department of Agriculture will ro-operate in supdIy111k speakers and demonstrators competent to make all meetings of educational value to the members of the Board of Agricultut0. tiro. A. PUTNAM, Super intendent. Department of Agriculture. Toronto. THIN -BLOOM PEOPLE Often Become Seriously 111 Before They bulk seaboard. $4.45 to 94.:•5. Realize It. American corn -No. 3 yellow. 8-%c. - 'reed. 72o to 73c. Canadian an corn F (a r Ontario wheat -Ne. 2 winter, .per car lot, according to freight outside, No. 1 commb.rclal, $1.04 to 91.06; No. 2 commercial, 91.02 to 91.04; No. 3 commercial. 99c to 91.01; feed wheat. 88c to 90c. Ontario oats -No 3 white, 47c to 48c. Peas -No. 2, per carlot, 91.70; cording to sample, 91.25 to 91.50. Barley -Malting, outside, 64c 65e; No. 2 feed. 60c to 63c. Buckwheat -69c to 70c. Rye -No. 1 commercial. '93c to 94c. Manitoba flour -First patents, in Jute bage. 96 70; seconds. $G.'_0; stropg bakers'. 96• in jute bags. Ontario flour -Winter, track, Toron lo, prompt shipment, according to sample. 94 40 to 94 50, An jute bags; ac- to Mlllfeed-Carloads. per t •a. deliver. Some p.„plc have a tendency to lie-,, ed. Montreal fse:gtdl: Iran 124; come shin h o.,ded lost as r.tli-r. hare! shorts. 926; middlings, $26 to 927; an io'reited tendency to rbraiwatistu good feed four, lag. 91.60 to 91.70. or nee sou. d o.order.. The condition in which Ihr hit oaf ler a so thin Wholesale Produce that the whole twirly buten. euwes oe Toronto wb:lrstta4* prlc;i to the so gra .tooliv drat u.ytnur with •nater• trade: . al disponi ion in that uirection .1 wild s tear• folic. Blood- Eggs- their watch (lir .,u.pt P1 BLit Y tnoetal candled (cart'.'.l$ ._5to9 .- thrix own lural talrut, the Ilrpsrt Irs.newr revs Ie u,nrctrd wurr rwsil (Mice me the Squat e. •ecoid dent fres Haat � meet will ass..( thews ('1111.0 1.y rend- ih Ihr ea, her etrgi 0 than Ia'rr, It Specie candied ens 6 Ytru sura, t,waurl. h k td r p•',, i of du t, itte g the 1 1 Dred feeling 111/1 test ButtEr- . W. rout tubo. Platt n TWeneo.e, MAY 19. 1916 8 New Curtains and Curtain Materials \\'t• would draw large and your special attention to our exceptionally well assorted stock of New- Curtains ..and Curtain NOVELTY WINDSOR CURTAINS Windsor Curtains in voile and marqui- sette are the most popular Curtains this season. We have a large assortment, handsomely lace trimmed in ivory and ecru, at .... $2.50 to $8.50 per pair THE NEWEST CURTAIN NETS A magnificent showing of the newest Curtain Nets in all the latest designs im- ported direct, suitable for all windows, in white, ivory, cream and ecru. Prices ranging from .. I9c to $1.25 per yard The window is the most important decorative feature of the inside and the outside. i\Iatcrials NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS Special values in Nottingham Lace Curtains in entirely new designs suitable for all rooms, in white, cream and ecru, at all prices, from 60c to $5.00 per pair HANDSOME SWISS CURTAINS The newest designs, at popular prices. SCRIMS ARE POPULAR Plain Scrims, fancy Scrims, bordered Scrims, lace edge Scrims and Scrim door panels. Special value in Curtain Scrim, in plain, hemstitched or colored borders, in great variety of designs. in white, cream and ecru, at 15c per yard the home both from NAIRN'S SCOTCH LINOLEUMS We are indeed fortunate in having a big stock of these famous Linoleums, which are now very scarce goods. The four -yard width in block and floral patterns in suit- able designs for all rooms 65c per square yard DOMINION OILCLOTHS Dominion Oilcloths are the best popular Oilcloth to be had. Made in Canada by. Canadians for Canadians, in a great variety of floral and block designs, all widths . 40c square yard BEAUTIFUL CONOOLEUrl RUGS We are showing these popular Congoleurn Rugs now so much in demand in beautiful rich colorings, which must be seen to be appreciated.' All sizes in stock. THE LEADING HOUSE -FURNISHING STORE McCALL'S PATTERN y OLD BLEACH TABLE LINENS PERRIN'S GLOVES ' PHOiiE561Vlillar s to ri.0 at bwv.t non. tog spec r wgtns neo r a trexrr. ILc. J. V lsint.oru� ruhjurts dr•irrd Lc the t'luh tiiemlrerg. dor. tot meets. 1"."'II'. tromplrxitot' Creamery prints, fresh... .29 •nl H. J. a...voice. Lie II ML. U. CAMERON. K. C.. BARRRIE 71.11, eouvetor, notary public. tikes .,-mermen amen. tweet le b, laird deer fro •Sousse. At t lento* 1 ht.r•da) t each week In *floe w. An,r.t ,. r tart ...eons( by MI' 1111101A. I. .rt.a lions '...a.w. to 4. i..... i4iAKL! lxAitKU\\ , LL N., OA ti, 'reeding ch,M .,cod 14 lipping R+aocu storms the weakened systs ut to health l att. attorney, rotwiwr. eta. Dude- the t 14jit'elis pn of those or \I r. l• {. F'. Ashfot•d, Itonr'%-llurkwheat, barrels. '7e to Moe. to Wino at lowest rp thought 7 70.1 to 8r; clover. b0 lb. any nth g f rt. rlouno , U F tins 13►xc, lu-ih: tins. 14c; 6 -Ib. tins, SEAC1 ltBAItRISTKRr advisable y1 log„ my condition ! t.n comb ho y lee In+tiwtre Lt:,och, Deportment Become* pale slight exetton produces Creamery, solids 28 29 of Agtnul uta wall P' bie•athlrssuesr and 'rad c Choice y, s l c�-o rate with a het• and ..riots ._5 - lhr tuuirt rrptosentativr lord the backaches' frequently follow. in the •2^ Ie,al Hasid of Ateicultute to an en- 4 y Ordinary dairy prints.'24 24 treatment of troubles due • to thin blood 19s1t1'rs• .. " dearur to inept the „kw ii,, di, of tng no other medicine has hedsuch a &treat Cheese -New, large, 1: t_.' 2194X: eho heck of fodirt.ud ii lid liveg success r.e i)r. N'dlian" Pink 1'111+ twine 19a..,. to 2oc; old. 'anal Quirt k. by oee!or tl.r judging of iter They girt ii :ht to lite toot ol. the September, larks.=Os_s'; twins, June 'and stork, by w0wi.ting in like formation of • • trouble melte riob, red b', cal thus Ir- triplets 211•. Wei aces tions, mod in and strength. rich. a"`v -- - -- other r ricniturlo copier note , rat. says : our years! �c tins - SUIT' t h the (lowed of Agriculture. 'name so serious' uc No. ]. ter dozen, . hour, Notary Public and l ouv' at.cer, The Farmers' flub., ARricu tura that it scented to cur I possessed party' 9x.60 to c;,. No. 2, per dozen, 92 to Mies-luurt Hvu+s C+vderich Societies and 1 pain and ache ani every morbid ff et- 92 0 1KSUKANCA. LOANS. £TC. �IcKILILP MUTUAL ?IRA IN i O U H A N (: lti C• U. -Farm and t.olated t.wo property tnaured. Ulcer+ -J, H. ViLean.ce-Prem. ... Pres. P P.O.:. 1a.. ash. ty. . elea.Treas., ue.forth P. O. f somas k- limy sisal th . John o township reeves ant clerks havr been *.ked to appoint re- prr.ent:Cicr. t.. the B.tard of Agri- culture for their respective distracts and to stud the names of the persons appointed to the person who is to act as uecretaly of the Board in the mean- time. In moat canes this is (be aeere- taty of the I•natlone and in soinecsw•s• t/usctur'-U, if•Ic lregOr or lateen, W inthropp''R�' Minim Rtme. a onetat.ce, the district represent*ave. %Ve wish Julio lisuorwels, Brodiwceu; Jamey levan.. u--t.,••k - Malcolm to impreea upon the f*rtnera generally beech wood ttobert Ferris, that meetings will be given only to those district, which take the nec- essary taction in appointing repre.rn- tatices to tie Hoard ; :o those town- ship councils which have not yet taken action and %la desirous id having one or more agricultural meeting. should send the namrr of reptosentattvt•s to the secretary of the Hoard at the rat11 .1 date pus-ihle and not later in any case than the tech or 111th of May. thus giving the secretary, district re sic kw en, brutxaea. .�Irx. ASyut.r: J. w %%Yltawm llhemne7. t,e*1orth, 8. tch, t ey, e' : pa * bwinel1w tieafoa ll'thelr h��lde.ccet pt d at ay . J. Morn .5a ge 1 t J. ]lyre'' rt.inr-tt eo mit. tiodertoi . or e nit. el arra. Klnr-Wo J. H. Held l.u.crrl t•.. n•. Hayfield. ,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO loan. Api(y to M. U. CAM. N. t••rr1-:er Hamilton .treat. Uodeeleh. >� M. KUit3KICTt 0 '1 • !\tlUKANCHAl46NT. Irina AND LttMMTtl'a : British. Canadian and Aoencau. lop ITT The uc sas AND A�evt andsRe 1.I ABM O,un .tee ITT : 7'h. mar „p,,,orauon, Limited, d London. 6,d. b. imus rr AND OV•loasraaWane ; The C.a. Fal.uty sod uuat*nteel: owPony Vic- toria awl )t, 11.1114 street... Phone corner of tl *. MARRIAGE LICENSES NrAi-ahK i' KELLY, J.1'.. 0(dLF:Kf )i, ONT. ctrl(:F:la Off IdAKKI Ant. IJC .N: tr'. Patents, Trade larks, Designs Secured in Ali Countries. N . . . free 1.ss1 " s'.ITKNTS I'I1+1TIA Thr\. 1.11..01 who'd nr.d hos to get eat en;-. It..m.re a k so\e. r-t.,ble-had In:7 Lau.erly 1'atvt,t t flee Rx.eiiner. M.+trr of Paten' 14w., Refl•tered Patent Attmne)• etc., t0. at. am... Stir, t, Montreal. Branches, Miens .a•1 w•a•htnelun. Ilepresentativtw In W foreign teuntrie Brophe3 Bros. I4ODERICH Inc Leading Funeral Directors sad Embalmers Orders carefully attended to at all MMus. night or day. ••••••••••••• RORT. WILSON Ntas.'cey-Harris Agent Hamilton St , Goder,ch p a iitg pu eihle. For mon,hs I had been ( 2Poultry Lbs Dressed ovrrwot ked, altil bereavelnetlt Rdde 1 Old ul nets lir Fc 20c 22c 24cd the Irit straw nrres.aty to 1.re*k Chickens . Ut 20c 24c 27c down toy constitution. 1 had a severe Milk -fed 17c 20c 2:c _dc ever-present headache and panto in the back of the eyes, and at the o:,tne time 1 wad seldom free from severe neuralgic pains. 1 was rarely hungry. and when I was it seemed to create a morbidness which made dly other ills harder to bear. Of course 1 consulted R doctor, and be told me a rest and change of air, joist the thing I was t.n- 1 ole in the care nr»stance." to take. 1 had a part iculatty bad spell on the day toy daughter reties tied atom college, and -110 insisted that 1 should take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. 1 was decidedly skeptical, but she got softie and to please her I took them. The result - After the first Iso 1 was compelled to adroit that 1 really did tort' better. 'After the gerund box 1 ungrudgingly admitted that they wete doing cur good, and atter the sixth box I felt free icon, every ache owl pain :.rad ingrati- tude 1 began to praise the pills to °there. 1 Rns tootling AS lit as 1 did twenty rears ago atilt 1 owe it to Dr Williams','ink Pills. ' You can get these pills from any medicine dealer of ,.y mail at 701 cents a la.x or six txoxt • for $2.:01 frons The Di. Williams' \L•dir't.,, Co., Brock - voile, Ont. 7000 Rods of STANDARD FENCE must h,• s dd by .Inky 1st, 14)151. We hay•' (worse. hauls of the test treks that Monsey can buy end WP have (.ought re. we r rel sell right. 1 • 111 in and See our Stock and get one rice before yam }nay your foto. \V,• need tum• nn.noy amt yon need the fence. Far. Mackiteery e CAI ry a lull line of Fern' Macbin.•t y ulwayd on bans(. Boggle' and Carriages \\ c have them, nip •hopes and stare. A 'erre assortment al- ways on Honer. If !'on need 1 few time of flat F'.\Mol•M 1) 1. D H u M E- I4TF:AD FEW' Iii'/,ER, we have a carload just in. Hard or Soft Wood delivcrc.l to any part of town. Phone No. 166 Logs Wanted \We will ply the highest rash pt wee for all kinds of Icyts delivered at the mill in (:odcrich. (;n•totn •swingdone promptly at nnl' time. ri Grain sad Chopping We will *Is.,I .n grain 1115 our elevator and will 1 ,e1 the hest mar- ket grit es. Oi del s for chopping of• rolling grein promptly and ear..fully at- tended to at our ch.,l'ping all. J.E.Baechler Mill and ',deviant north at Mac- F.wan's coal yards, (io(ier'ich. Scotch Store PHONE 56 st_ 1 1 hbfralo Cattle Cattle--ii.cetpts. 3.(i00 head; ship ping. 98.75 to 910 30; butchers, 91 t•' 99,75; heifers. 97.50 to 99.25; cow 91.25 to 9`; bulls. 96.50 to 98; stock. r and feeders. 7 8 to 98.25; stock brit ers, 96.75 to $7S•0; fresh COWS and springers, acute and steady, 9.•') to $110. Vea1s-iltecelpts. 2.000; aetive; 94.50 to 911.507 Hogs- Receipts. 14,600: active: heavy, 910.'.5 to 910.5'); mixed, $10:,19 to 910.55; ,yorkers. 910 to 910.55; pigs. $9.75 to 910: roughs. 99.35 Id 99,50:; stags. 95.50 to 97.75. Sheep and taut!+* ---Receipts, 10,/100; active: lambs. 1'. 50 to ;1C'.91: yc.lr tinge. $G to 195": a ..th''rs. f . 58.75: cmc+. 94 to 9•. ; :1.e..•_•, raised. $4.25 to 95.50. Meat: -Wholesale • Toronto vho!eF .Io houses are (toot ing to the rad: :.a follows: Pert'. forcii,;,rt r.811 tri to 12.00 do. ' hind . . 16('arcades. ' o'. )3.0014.un do. co:.•- 11.00 12.0o Veale, con... in 7.50 9 11 do. ince ..:ti 113. 11 12 J . do. 1 vie. r 13.00 14.911, Heavy'1501 15rl Nhdp iu- Abatttiir 15.•oe1 1'i je1ntro:t. h...,y 10.04) 1 do. 1181,1 . 14.50 1,: Lambs, yt . 20'00 do ,, , $') 1 Celcaao. C C e Market ma I Cstt K• MI 11.026: fi• rm: rPd. }� 1,1 l0 919.26: atM'• and fa. ere. 16 +.1 9t SS; row. . betters.94.40 to 89.90; calves. 4; 910.60. ' Hogs --Receipt, 12.000; mt.r- straw: Ile!,• 5' • 5 to $10.70; r' 5981 to .$10.::0; to Airy. $9.110 to sl, - rough,. II:'., , to 1/.9i.. pigs. 97.: 19.65; balk t1f sales. 310.10 to 91'. { N,tPPp-gree etpte. 10,000:. ut eirott9; t •,t' ... 97 90 to os..3; Ian native, 98 1x'_50. 11121...d Hay and datraw I Mcreha::• . buying on i Toront, . • loafer pricy Baled loot). .••' 1.917.00to9 M. No. 2 14:00 Sated etre 0.60 MODEL 4911 "Chevrolet" $675.01) F.O.B. Oshawa 9 a '-iia la . e .* r.. -;.- • spI/ 1 mw The Wizard of the Hills Do not forget that this "Chevrolet" climbs the hills and gets over the roads like a Jack Rabbit, and always runs quietly and tides so delightfully easy and its high-grade Carburretor (Zenith) and Vacuum Exhaust give an average of better than twenty-five ►Wile: to a gallon of gasoline' Three speeds, forward and reverse, and can be left in high gear 95 per cent. ‘.1 th5 time and also that it is e;wv to operate. It has a Foot Accelerator which 'Inc. away with shifting Throttles or leves Steering �by the Foot Pedal DI'le'nty of leg room anControl the both infr front atwo ti rear compartments. EQUIPM EN'S' Including speedometer, ammeter, mohair top. nvelope and sick(• curtains, clear vision Ventilatingwind shield, electric starting ad lighting system, valve in head. and complet ly electrically equipped. NOTE Owing to the gre4 demand for t 's cal we. woulrl sug}fest plac- ing your order early to cnstl c deliver) . WF ARE NOW HANDLING GASOLINE., ) Ail 01 HER U'1(l MOBILE ACCESSORIES AV OURGARAGE A AGE ONCOLBORNE S M. J. FARR, Agent COLBORNE STREET, NEXT CANADIAN BANK OF COMMFRCE 1 1.