The Signal, 1916-5-11, Page 2• Tsva.Lar Mat 11, 1916 THE SIGNAL PRINTING OU., Ltu. PUELlaaaae Tose Omega le tshsd iireeeiThur.•. sw the oma 1. Tlwsraatdaaryrrltdlt•g. North eeriest. (indertch, Onar tro Telephuae No. Si, arse airrlua Taari..- One troller and fitly at*l. tar )ear; If past strictly to (advance flue Will he wu.Vaed ; to subscriber. la the anted Moate.. I he rate Is tine Dollar end Fifty Coate *lovely in adv.ncw Subscribers who alUtoreel%s 1ne cru. 4)1. regularly by mail seal neater a favor by sogwlntlag the publM►- .rofthe tactatasearl •daiss.pwlbia When mesas of eddies.- le dodged, both old and lari wave addre... -t ..nM be Elven. Remittance. mar be made by bank drab, express money order. po+t.olttoe order, or registered letter. cheerio, toes ,•ayoaliment* at an time. AnV[arI61.0 Tanga.- Kale.. for any and OJntract advert ea -intuit.. will he alar en on appli- cation. pplecation. Legal and other .imilarsdvertlaments, ten Dant. per lino tor ars( lu.rrno,l and tour -eats per lbw for each cubeequent insertion. lassourvd by a acid. of soU l nonpareil twelve linos to an Inch. Bu.tnra. card• of idx Linea and under. Five Dollar, per year. Ad vertlsr. %seta of last, round, latraysd. Situation,. Vacant, Mt um ion. Wanted. ticu.r. for dale er le Rent, ►inns for bale or to Kent. Articles tor rt.le, etc.. not rnr.ed ing eight line-. Twenty ave ('wets each lis err ton : (toe Dollar tor first mouth. Piny Ceuta for esy hint es-uurnt month. Larger advert i..emrnt. in vr0i 1t loo. An. oo,aos.ent- in ordinay reading type, Ten Geatmpee lune, No notice 1..s than Twontr- aveCents. Any .pecial notice, the object of which le the pecuniary benefit of any indlv)d• eater asocial len• tube considered an ad%er- tlesesent and charred accordingly, To Coaatwr,, Int T.. -The cooperation of our sabieriber- and re.dew 1• cordially invlt- ed towards making Tn c N insties. eekly mooed of all Boal. county and dl -t r4et doing, No nom munketion will be attended to 'ole.. it con- tains the name sad addrs... of the writer, not oeeswriltyy for nablkotion. but to an evidence of rood Mill. New. Items should reach The Knai at silos not later than Wednesday noun among week. THURSDAY. MAY 11. 1916 "AMERICANS ARE,WEICOME." Toronto Glol.e. ti Atuerican- tourists need have no fear of border annoyance when visiting Canada during the coming sutumrr. The war has limited the world'. Held of summer recreation in many la- mentable wage, and many in the United 'ewes are turning to Canada in search of needed relaxation with pure air and pleasant climate. Fre- quent ingllir it's as to b order restric- tions show that the fear of unpleas- antness and disagreeable interference is likely to deprive the Usaninion of tourist tiaflic and alio deprivesome of our nrighlots of the pleasure of an ideal summer outing. Theft dr of bor- der annoyance is entirely gucundleee. The possibility of conscription has also been mentioned in some quarters, but all wiskivings in this regard are entirely groundless. Even if Canada were to adopt conscription, which is not even a remote possibility, Amer- icans would be exe npt. 'It roust he remembered that feeling is naturally strong in Canada. 'Amer- icans who have been active or demon- strative in aidirg the German cause would find an steno-phese in the Do:- minion o=minion that would not make their visit pleasant oredventageuu•. They, would encountt r a reeling decidedly hoetile, at.d might forget that what could be done with impunity in their own'countty would be a serious of- fence and treated as such herr. Hut the hulk of the American people will tied Canada as free as their own coun- try. and their good faith in visiting the Dominion ace, pled a11.1 greeted with eve r y porsible considr ration and coot - tesy. • • EDITORIAL' NOTES.,, Thr t.tte of the steamer S. 11. Kirhv, whi.•h broke in two while battling with a Morin on l eke Superi'nr on Moodily, tuay throw some light on the disaster of N netuber, luta. Only two men of the crew of twenty-two un the Kirby are known to be saved. The C. N. R. i* again dipping into the public treasury, arid the (.rand Trunk Pacific also is at the game. The men in control of the C. N. it. are re - timed to be aosong the wealthiest men in Canada, and the people isi'e getting very tired of their repeated calls fur w+.ist•nce. Parliament at least ought to make sure that in caring for the fortunes of the C. N. 1l. it is not saving the private fortunes of Mackenzie, Munn and their wasoctates. Mr Vail*re Nesbitt, K. ('.. who blocked the Proudtoot charges at Tor- onto, is trying to work the same trick with the Kyte charges at Ottawa. One little 'cheume which he tried to work on the commissioners was to slate that there were two men in the room reporting the proceedings for the benefit of Germany. Mr. Nrsh,tt'• obvious duty -if he believed his own statement -wee to have the two men seized and interned ; but the commis- sioners, who apnsrently know the "big lawyer" pretty well, merely laughed at him Loyd Oeorge is reportedailsaying, in hie .peireb in the Wit fait House of l)ommnne in support of the contouls- ory service measure, that '11 Great Britain had s'.mmoned men to her colon throughout the Empire in the game proportion as France then would have been twice as many men 1e tier - view." This h an unwarranted •t4)(.- west. and no doubt Yr Lloyd George was challenged upon it, although the edible report doe. not say so. Great Britain bas no power to impose milit- ary.sr,ie. "throughoutth.Reaptte--' fe inetaaee, in Canada and Auslrelle ANA Iles other self-gnvereleg 8emsfw. legs; sad Mr Lloyd Geer. entail h.ray hare assent to loc se& 1e,Na Is TIM IdIGNAL : ut)LKR1CH ONTARtu his calculations, Break Idritalo bas done magnificently with the volun- tary syMem, and it ought to be lett to Lord Northcliffe and men of bis stamp to throw dirt at their own door. The Shell l'owwittee investigation begin" to le interesting. After some dull but useful spade -work, something of the true inwardue6s of the opet*. Gone of the Committer 14 now bring revealed. 1Vhile a newly -hum oviird United States • psny without any u)•uufaeturive farilltles was given an order for two and a half million fusee, a well-established and reputable Cana- dian cnnnpany, powwowing a large plant, was tinned down fist when it sought a contract. It was nine months after the contract with the Yankee company was entered into before the that small delivery of fusee was made. The trail of Allison ap- pear. in the evidrtier, which bag al- ready gone far enough to justify the investigation And to call for explana- tions from the responsible members of the Coniuiittee. The introduction of the bilingual reboil question in the Federal House is a Mistake. It will provide fresh ammunition for that element in this Province which tighta with the we,ap- onte of racial and creed prejudice. end it will rwlstrraes those in this Province who seek a reasonable settlement of the difficulty. It is not a religions question ; it is not necessarily a racial question. It is essentially a question of proper administrative methods. If we but a Minister of Education capable of tskipg a statesmanlike view of the situation and of enforcing prac- tical measures along the right lines, there should be no hilingoal scrim question. Surely there is no nted of making a national dispute out of A situation that calls for the placing of it few good school teachers where they are most needed. The Rebel. Oh. I'm e, -o) of the war 1 p the hill to church, 1 .bould Ilke ;u be lite wind In the -doer birch. I .hould like to he the amain Singing t0 the sea, v or the -bub o .. of . w ih wings Woven cation-ty. Ora r.hbit in the brake, Or aspeckled trout In the green ural gloomy pool. lazing it abo•a Why .hould -ucb ►s 1 abide, emu-tlt.g I ke s blade In s mildewed-.-,bb.atd l oh. Wherefore was I made With -uch In-ty lively feet. curb a Inas of ,ky. If 1 may not run and I cap ' !f 1 mar rug ny t 1 ani cuica far away Fw,u the church crowned ht❑ ; W h. re the .u, f make.-Uestee roar. Or the Iwo,. lie .tilt. Fna,w, folio., folio. me' Folk ih.t know. a. 1. Hoe ;be joy of Henna carts When the *lad noes by. - Dari. WHAT OTHERS SAY. Clever Asquith. Montreal \tell. When it come" to getting nut, of a Vght c •rner, t'lrimier Asquith is first end others are nowhere. How Germany Loess. Tcront, .t.. r. in (;teat Britain and the United States industries of which Germano formerly had almost a monopoly ate being developed. This t rade Germany will never tecover. Once the industry is established it will be Maintained. Going and Coming, Uualpb )t.-n•ur'y. (Colonel Allison at Ottawa was • good husinew man. it seems to make nl, difference whether they wanted to buy ammunition or sell it, the Colonel was never far distant. He reminds tis of the undertaker who also std a fine line of baby buggies. He got them going and coming• The Irish Trouble. Moidrenl Mail Out of this incident, .Mr. John Red-" mend emerges a stronger man before Ireland and the Empire. and (heat Britain emerges tetter 'fled and prepared for the present task Ire- land has had a boos cleaning and .'nae of the wont neighbors of the Irish peasants have moved. Human Lives More Important. The fel hug , Nee York. Throe are those who are more con- cerned over the fact that England has delayed American trails than over the fact that Germany has murdered American citizens '!'hose who claim that the wens should have precedence over the lives of women and children seer' to he strangely indifferent to the fate of the mail that haa been diverted hy penman submarines. Upon what date will the mail hags lying In the hold of the Lnsttania be forwarded to their .ieu(Inatlon. A Glaring Sin. ( owe?, ne.od nem %Ve often wonder why the Christian pulpit has so little to say on the sub- ject of hlsapMemy. ff then is one sin in ('*nada tb-day that le mon preeisi. Hit than any ether It le the an of tak- ing the Or.rtor's name in vain, The habit is largely coeflned to youngmee, though many men well tap Inear, are equally guilty. In fact the habit of swearing is so oosmoe wltb some men that they e*aeoareely utter three words at a time without ea oath. They prem to think that swearing le eivesesery In twice to develop their suenhond and that the more frequently they ewe take the name of their Orest- roe in vain the mote highly will their aaeo;tates esteem these. We en Owen Booed le .e wares as r.gaeds the ale at blasphemy than other tomes •h.ewaho.t the esohtep. Mt It M bed e....e& to warmer fie 01riatMs parties d the nem Mlty do gfvleg the matter their most serious eoaelderatloa. If any ow doubts the extent to , which the baIMI of ounitst and swearing is prwcttsrd all be needs to do is to eland fur a few iiiowcDts 00 any of the burets whew two er three or probably her or five young men are. congregated and he will 5004) discover for hiwarlf tbet "the half hose not been told hie." That soots should have so little reverence an wpeet for the Mater and Ruler of be unr• velar as to acknowledge Ilia on)y iu prttanil y hi a sad aelied tun on the moral condition of the world to -Jay. and one is almost inclined to doubt whet her we can expect to have the Sword 1,1 Divine Justice as our vin- dicator in the pi recut war. May Be Good Season Yet The Week)). sun. Frequently rains and cool weather are holding back faros operations, And seeding 41146 year will be late' than usual. Prospects are encour tg- ir1g, nevertheless. Parolees are wake ing a ge(d ►tut de-pite the lack of warmth; frequent retina are giving a needed addition to the limited amount of moisture shied in the sell Ia.t fall and winter, and the holding track of Idtrsom bode in orchards is reducing the danger of damage to the fruit crop by ftost. Th. probabilities are, too, that when growth fairly does start it will go on with • rush, and better a fairly late spa tog with ou setback than seeding in the first week of April and sharp frosts at the end of the mouth. S one of the b est harvests gathered in this Province have followed a fairly late seeding. HOW AN AMERICAN SEES IT. IMr. Booth Tarkineton, the well- kuow-n American novelist, gives the following brilliant suuuuary of the diplowstic correspondence which pre- ceded the war. 1 .1CHTRIA : ( Tal Serbia) You SCOUR - (Del, get down on your knees and eat Leh wouthfule of dirt ! Dr it in one minute or I'll shoot ! RUISSIA : (lb Austria) I'll shoot if you do, (Co Serbia) Eat all the dirt you pouibly can ; do your best to keep him flow ehuotiug. I don't wabt to have ro*hoot. Emit -Asti. FRANCE AND ITALY : (To Austria) Please watt a minute. ( Co Oenuany 1 Austria hi your brother; he does exactly what you tell him to do. Ask how to wait just a minute longer before he shoots,. We eau arrange this to satisfy Austria, if you'll get him not to shoot, GERMANY : No. SERBIA (un.his knees and swallow- ing) - Thur ! I've eaten nine mouth - fele, and i will eat the tenth if you'll give rue just a few secouds for diges- tion. AUSTRIA : No, your minute is up and 1 shoot. , ENI;LANn AND FRANCS (imploring Germany): Please stop him! You are the only- one who can. IVou't you say a wird to stop bre? GERMANY: No. RodeoA (beginning to load his old- fashioned shot -tool : i hope you'll stop hint. See heir, Austria, can't we talk things ever and see if there isn't a better way out Al'wTBI.t : Pei haps we could if-- ligmMANY (Iiterluptiugl: Russia, quit loading that get Hum"rus: I cant wh51e firings are in this 'shape. but I will quit loading At ouce if Austria will pruutise out to shoot Serbia. (i1BMANY (interrupting) : I love peace and 1 have dune more than mor- tal may to preserve it. The sword is fenced into my hande, evidently by (..d, and I defend myself. !Draw. two w.114 lied and loaned guns of a rrlagniilcent new model and begins to *boot, while France and England tun homy to get their Kuu..I-The Metro- politan 1 New York WOMEN AN() THRIFT. Cion the women of the land will rest the gut -Meat burden of success in the campaign lir thrift that has been inaugurated. As heads of the lomat- hold they are the chancellors of do- mestic exchequers. It is for them to bear in wind that expenditure upon articled that are not actually needed na not alone lessening their own ,e - sources but also depriving the (•ountr•y of something that might be more profitably applied. The majority of wen will agree that so far as the household is concerned their women are pretty thrifty. But stinginess, pareiWOniouen0M, or• mi,ellinrse la not thrift. The thrifty woman a•om- Innes with a natural aptitude for economy the whit of selection arid utilzstion. She knows when to save and when to spend. She knows what is necessary and what. can be dune without and sbe Makes the best nee of everything Neither does .he do all things herself. When help is at hand .he utilizes it with discretion. The great aid to thrift is thought - Nine's. In fact. without that el. - went thrift is utterly out of the ques- tion. The thrifty woman, too, not only exercises wisdom herself but sees that her children do the same thing, not by indulging there, but hy dele- gating to then sundry offices of which they are capable, by making them self-reliant. But the woman cannot do all these things by berselt. Sbe meat enjoy the support, countenance and influeoce of mankind. The greatest enemy to thrift is the promiscuous doling out of the money. It is not to boys end girls • sign of good acture ; it is death to the recipient. it poison. their disposition a*d sows seeds of weeds that can never lie eradicated. For that sort of thing women are but tittle responsible, but where their efforts sbine le in allowing nothing to go to waste, In melting rte of every- thing, and in exercising ingenuity In food, dress, household labor and the bringing up of children. An incentive to the accomplisblmeot of these things Is a reflection ugt.on the times, upon the needs and experiences of their male relatives at the front, and upon the fac: that every Dune, saved is a contribution to tee welfare of the country and perhaps to winning the war. the value of • man from his chin flows to hie fest averages about one dollar a day. The differess In the sale of rose* is from the ehin up to the tap of the heed : in fact, the real Rales le earning power Is frosts the Ilse up Meths tap of Mis head t tee se marry nes the open. between the akin sad nom overtime. HOW TO MAKE PROFITS BUYING MINING STOCKS There are only two SURE WAYS. ONE Int) og a stock when it is selling far below its intrinsic value and ' holding on to it for further dividends. THE OTHER by buying stork in a proven com- pany which is yarning and paying handsome dividends with actual values behind it. tiirod us a Fiat of the *tucks you hold or contemplate busing. Our statis- tical tatictical department may be the means of saving you Mone‘. .e tar Sena Tonne Plummer & Co. BROKERS f1f1 If you want to care that akta div ease of yours, you can only do s0 by using an ointment so refined as to be capable of penetrating to the toot of the disease. Zam-Buk is capable of doing this, whereas or- dinars, ndinary •intmeats remain on the sur- face skin. Besides its wonderful power of penetration. Zarn-But 1s such a strong germicide that germs cannot live where Zam-Buk is applied. Thus, all germs, both on the surface and In the underlying tlesues, are destroyeed..T'ben the herbal casences, of which Zam-Buk is composed. pro- mote the growth of new tissue. and • complete and permanent cure is the result Prove It tor yourself. Ali drug- gists, 50c. boz, or Zam-Buk Co., To- ronto. for price. maitimetimetteseumweeptmomempreapow PLUMBING THAT PAYS People say our plumbing pays them. Our work is first-class. Expense stops tit' e. No Repairs, for it's done right-inthestart. No Delays, for we aim to do the work promptly. Try llS, W. R. PINDER Phone 135 Hamilton Street seassiewowesseiewsseseweessessewwraowe WILL HURON LUSE ITS BATTALION? t'be Itibst Battalion still need. 25i) men In make up its full strength. Mobilization has been ordered for May lith. If hy th it date there is no rea- sonable prospect of the Hurow making up the regt.iied number what will happen to the battalion? 4•, far as inuieatiius go it will be linked up with some other or be used to make up drafts for others. This is not pleasant to contemplate. Huron county was authorized to raise • battalion of 1,130 sten. For acme months recruiting lass gone stradi'y on, but the result is somewhat disappointing But the chance to complete the battalion is still here and tbere are men enough 'avail/ode within the border of the county. Biller county. our immediate neigh- bor, has not only completed itot first battalion hit has started soother sod has over Sal enli.ted for that 'lb. population of the two counties is prat. tiredly the same, according to the official census, iluron baring ..2,9Ki and Bruce:eh:tbr, in Bruce there are no large centres of population ; it has not even • (ioderich or a Clinton or • Wingbaat. Moreover, Bruce has over 111,0110 of German origin, compared with Huron's 5,000. But Bruce bee recruited 040r 11fJU more men then Huron. Explanations. many and retied, may be offered for this striking difference between the two counties in the mat- ter of recruiting, het whatever may he the reasons such are the facts. Huron has as notch to gain or Ince as Bruce. The demand for increased ag- ricultural production falls on the one ae on the other. The origin of the population is nearly the dame sod one would expect (be response to to of the .setas kind. They ate both itch moun- ds in land and men►.in • natio0al CAW* one naturally loelee to ouch arse' for gees* reams rens Goderich, our roaoty town, has 16) teen In the ranks of the county bat- talion Fatty4)r fluty more than that enlisted bet or mediae) or other rew- ems were rejected. It was otiose*. when recruiting began that (Coded* and its tem eedleie aeighb et►ood asst/ figuis► ;SI leen. According to 1ha mesas rot the tows there ate 4131 seough omen of moitary age to ooes- piste the (pnoe. Many Wiwi goes to Ober hatWlons In Stratford, Loado., MMAp► and Tomato, but this is erne at the other parte of this county and oleo of Bruer manly. When tbe lest reer'altlag eats was on may VOMI t I tared s4) were given. As a whole the citizens were • mpatbetio. No ons was dim covered who expressed the hope that the Berks►ane would win; all seemed loyal and patriotic. Between seventy and ninety said they were "consider- ing." One or two could not leave busineee. Four or five said '.others would out let thew sign up. But the time 115.. come for • decision to ►w wade. It is the last call for liodericb end its retuoty battalion. %TiIl Huron lose its battalion: it doomed* on the neat fortnight. Huron gets its name trout the trite of lmdiate who flourished in the district north of its 8111/ years ago; they numbered, it is raid, about AIM). Today there are s few descendants down In ll.tehec, not even using the English language. Itsvisbed by the Iroquois in tritest warfare and thinned out by disease, they were deported to Quebec about 17111 Huron as an Indian name is practically extinct. Are the Hurons to he extinct alio as • fighting unit in thio war? Men are the need of the hour. The heck of German strength is not broken. The British Empire is still in peril. A battalion missing may make the dif- ference between defeat and victory. For the honor of the roomy, for the redeeming of a solemn pledge given, for a cause sa1red in its origin and just In Ire intention. let the situation he faced eareeatlyy. Proud as we are of all that bas been done, let us he proud enough in Hutou to fi1i the ranks of our own h sttalion and send it 101th a% a unit, besting nor name, equipped gnu ready t) face the com- mon fie. HCROY WAR .tCXILIARY. Canadian Pacific Great Lakes Steam- ship Service. Effective at once. Canadian Pacific steamship Manitoba will sail frutu Owen Sound, IL(s1 p.m. each Wednes- day during the season of navigation, tot Sault rite. Marie. Port Arthur and Fort William. Connecting train leaves Toronto 5.2S p.m. Full panic - tilers, reservations, etc., from any Canadian Pacific agent or W. B. Howard, L`istrict Passenger -►rent, Toronto. Veracity. A farmer in the country last autumn gave a job to a seedy -looking indiyid. ual wins had applied to him, and who assured him that he never got tired. When the employer went to the field w here he had put the tramp to work he found the latter lolling on his back under 1t tree. "What dor-- this mean asked the ewp!oyer. "I thought you were a man who never got tired. "I don't.- c-ahuly replied the tramp This doesn't tire me."- -Sacred Heart Review. Planting Weak Seed Corn. Althcugb geed corn has tested fairly well at the Ottawa Laboratory, corn - growers whose seed has not been tested would do well to take special este this season that their seed is of strong vitality. Owing to unfavor- able ripening and harvest weather some of last year's seed cern crop may lie low in both percegtage and vigor of gemination. This seed should not. be planted until the soil is warm and the weatherat its best to encourage the growth of the young cern plant. The rate of ceding may b, increased, but no amount of fairly Wed( seed fs likely to give a good stand of plants unless the conditions of growth are most favorable. -Seed Branch, Ottawa. NEWGATE STREET LiVERY Having' purchased the livery business of Wm. Knox. 1 am improving the equipment mod in- tend to provide Good Horses Prompt Service and Up-to-date Rigs yt Al! orders will receive prompt and careful at- tention. TELEFHONK No. 173 for a good turn',ut. H. R. STOWE •••••••••••••110•00•0•••••• • • W. A CHHESON & SON ; • •• SALE OFmm`"- • O" :cARPETS AND RUGS • •• •• •• •• •• •• • • DRESS GOODS •• • • TAFFETA SILKS • • Our stock of Carpets is larger than it usually is at this season owing to late.delivery and we re -marked dozens of pieces for clearing price. 'I'AI'I'>lTRY 1'.tHl'ETS. 27 inches wide, heavy pile and in splendid, neat, new pattern*, suital le for 21111' OM/1M hall ..r stair, at per yanl.. ., 00o, Ofio. 00o nod 700 UNION l'AHPETS, dol inches wide, reversible .. 1tio, 00o and OOo tl.I-%VWL ('.tltl'h'N. yawl wide, at lt•r )vurt OOo, (1400 Ana 51.00 BRUS.si:Ls ('Altt'El'M in new gatt.•rns, at per yard 800. 51.00 and 51.15 TAPESTRY, HRt'SSKLM and 1VI(.TON RUGS in every size, trove slnalle+t size up G. 4 1l yards. flrtge..liufttnl•h+. Hrad,•Mths. Worsteds., in all pure wool and in no,. shads,. blurs, gnr•n., br.aus; rat pre yarn SO* to 52.25 • • •• •• 1 • • _ • • •• • • •• •• A uraitnitice•nt selection 4.1 new Ihswa Silks in Taffetas, tl • Duchess, P,lilo(tea, all robins and black, yard wide, at per : yard ..... ....050, 51.00, 51.20, 51.00 amt 51.78 • • W. A CHESON & SON = •••••••••••••••••••••••••• '.111, .1' ,5 80 4 "f, \a/at °MADE IN CANADA! IN strength is motor car safety—dura- bility economy. And proved in actual service, the Ford is the strongest of motor cars. Many of the first Fords are still in use. One hundred -thousand miles is not at all a remarkable Ford performance. In practically every country Fords have es- tablished unusual records for endurance and satisfying Service, under the most trying conditions. Climate or roads hold for it no terrors. It is the king of cross- country cars. The Ford's world-wide re- cord for economy and efficiency is in no small part due to its unequalled strength. W. E. KELLY DEALER - - - ( )OERIC Si Destroy Sweepings. Sweepings from threehing floors and granaries are fret uently d teed in the barnyard and later brined to the land with Ibis manure, The sweepings from the floor and its cerv- ices are usually foul with weed seeds. Unier. the yard scrapings or manure, is thoroughly' rotted w••.1 of these weed seeds will retain their vitality and pr(dure a vigorou. clop nt wet -ds. Burning the sweepings wield be a much eater method. If they contain grain, boiling will Rake them a mite teed for poultry or live •trek.—Seen Branch, Ottawe, - Loo -sided Flight. Aloe (riding furiomily up)-(.eneral, the enemy has captured our lett wing. Whet 'hall we do ? lieneral-Fly with the other. Eftlrieocy mean. lemming Adequate rewulu, 4)01 explaining why you did not, 11. lbeans making caleulatione instead of guessers. it weans snaking' demonstrations instead of (Wet Mg opinions. GRAND TRUNK SYS EM ARE YOU GOING WEST ? The Grand Trunk kailwav ti).teoll wiil run 8omeseekers' Excursions CACH TUESDAY Marcs 7th to October 31st ANCCU.IVE) Tickets valid to return within two months inclusive of date of sale. WINNIPEG a.d return - USAIR EDMONTON Sad return - $43.11 Proportionate low rales to other points in Manitoba. Saskatchewan and Alberta netters and full 1,,formation on appl,....o' Y. F. LAWRF:Yt ks 'IONS 1'ff,,\►'R i GOVERNMENT OF DOMINION OF CANADA 1t 5% ex BONDS ONDS ' 1 Du December 1, I!?5. Dated December 1, 1915. Semi-annual Interest payable June 1st and Dee.,n ler 1st at any branch of any chartered bank M Caned(*. Denominations: 3100, U00, 31,000. FREE FROM DOMINION 0V CANADA TARE! Pr co and DMa'lpthr, Circular Upon Application Banda spill be dlisered, free of expense, et purchaser's bank. /asesaas ss Batu"• A. E. AMES IL CO. IIIMO1 SANK S ILNNO, TORONTO as TAtlatMo aT*Tls* nestassss (aawtwtal EatteLiskd IMO