The Signal, 1916-4-20, Page 1"Soap d &A " cootainiag the mussel hong, of the allied ealfeee. Every Signal subscriber whin paytag for his paper for 1916 may have his choice of this folio of music or a 1916 calendar. Ten Pages Ten Pages q� sryr�1 1 ILbSU s Now Is tie Tie to renew for The Signal for IW& tie thank those ,aI crfbers whit have already renewed and promise f all a great big dollar'. worth dur- ing the coming year 1 1YTT.R10HTu TRAIL --Ma Me GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 20 1916 TUE'RONAL PRINTING CO.. LIMITED. Pvaramms 1IE STERLIN6BANI OF CANADA SAVE, Because --- The practice of moderation now will ensure you comfortable security in the future. WAIITKII. NOTICE TO CREDITORS OMPRTENT MAID. -FOR FAM- NOTICII rO mum rolls. et two. flood wage. gihee. Apply to Re. CAESAR, Nelms. au eet. hi nag Least or Wlcirsw Latic'A•TS. Hos- Tull. LATS OW Tan Tows sit (,louuurte. I, EACHER WANTED FOR U. 8. 8. Tax coven' se *care, moccasau NO IL ASP PI ELI ). Duties tot om mess Mt. Nal \ppty eating Paler, and es- t e THII A. IM)U(HERTI . R IL No, Nation 1. nevem gives. t unread, to IL N. Lt. Mork•b. Out. ad! chapter 1n1. mem M favi an pete.tae Weisel Maher mated the w.tare d the mid William hammer Hence. Neaa.ed. wso died es or IARETAKER WANTED AT ONCE. ahem Or ab 4.y of !larch, A. D. Ism are ere -- r.adred to wed et dearer, to the •Wale•.. AppllraWn• addtew.wd to W made e.fa5ad I emMMon ei to estate et the sae oerrad a will rewired up to Satotday Aern fYxd, dee tab 4. .1 !l•I. A. D. ISM thea ass the parities d caretaker of North rivet and •0ruawe., •Ldr..wm sled da.- MdOodid chorea, Detre sae other !storms- the tall eartb4ian.d their Naim.. a lion ono be bad from tM u5denlgned. Appal of their ..reints and 11e mime et cont. will Mete relay expected. there eerltie• lit amyl ho4 by them. JAMItb TAMS,AIM feather take or ire that after each Mat 17-St Ke.ordlag See,. Mese* date r{/ esecwtun TfL� premed to dletrib.lw the asset. of tar decsawa s the perdue entitled there o. hartug resited to WANTED.- YOUNG, INTELLI- i the Waiter of which they •sa11 toes bare OICNT a.ms to lean .bipban0({sag�,, at 1, 41.4 teethe. W that the mid executers Hood wager. Maay .hipe ceded le fut.re. win aid be liable for the eMd awwte.er say p071 Api,1y C'ULLJNdWOOD SHIPBUILDING ty�pt to ss� perces or penes. of naevi OOMPANY.LTD..Conts wod.Oat unit dada/errienssumeat lave hewn remitted be thaw at taw time of sorb dlwribstion. WE WANT SOME WOMAN IN Dated tie lith day of April. A D. 1110 OODSRICa.Mse M • easiMF worse MP LIMN KATHLEEN HORTON. act as our i p.ad l(mg leekature maw 1'MARI. MI OAFJ;tUW, aasures. oo .rylptl.. We win b make lIzExecutor,ids wait may. plea•tand Tory peeMable. Oar /ie.Wtdt Oat U1{t sa Wm. ate very Moral sad the preened. will be very areeptable to ypu or to your Caroene pa- . trio:die society. Waste at ones for tem. and n- ' tiers ed Antrim CANADIAN HOME JOURN- AL 71. 01 Rieharead St. W.. Tose!. GIRLS WANTED GODERICH ` KNITTING CO. MR. FARMER Do you REALLY. went to sell that faint, or are you merely hanging up "the Kluft?" Spring time is upon you and in a very short time the soil will be calling for cultivation and seed once more. Why not give tee • chanes to dispose of it' for you ? We do not coater alone to local trade. but we are in touch with prospective buyers from outside pointy. Write us or call and see us. Let us talk the matter over together. REAL ESTATE. FOR SAII FOR BALE.--ABOLT TWENTY NEW. ten esell of the Marred Reck end Wino Roes •t ,..'eves irearameed all hiring at the t u A ) a ge•Mral paaprrr •r0 't cents tmse fid. Ap- eaOy to irh MURRAY. Newgeto�rtest BALs. -V sliil6Ofr1 e+►t 'tn1Md` A* EOS FOR HATCHING.-BRAD- TOLAT lured Rrk.o,,Gelid and P1tt.- Keara two of the hat.tset Wring '.[ratal known. lees SI for 1, 1n . 04.-.emh hu. Leghorn. we Yawn 1Ml sola pen d a:ull,l at d Detemete fe']ale. to Narrea'e roc -dent.. Importsd direst from [m- iser. ohm* dame M• ,,weird d° ra ems• .'r Tref.. Rga• per 1, Pen t- +t oa Mumble mated to (Juliet cockerel.. Egg. at SI 'r, per 1 Apply to A .\I. ,I:R. •'abomo Hotel. SSBI► GRAIN FOR SALE. -FREE from neva seed. No -mat. Erwin all treated lam year. Menne: ent.. No. 72 eat.. Daubing eau. 0. A. l'. No A Mary. The two X1011.1 idea• member and Rive ex• elbntA. H CLIT- ieraer price redirect TON.. R R. Nal Uoderkb ; phase 1111. Sew muse. Maas. EGGS FOR HA_TCHINO FROM Hos. the' L. T -M a are prepared to -im- ply mpply • latae number of ems for'hatehing pus. Among one snap. in local property ate hour. poor fres the Wenn. Oaild bald to -lay attain on Cambria owl. Month +veer. Vi11o14. street, of Magic Tomb White Lechers, Settles. Nic Gibbon. street We have property 1s S•Itlard p .r 11 21.193 per ler.. 1 raw omelet pas of two-rear- m wo-yearat • bargainold hoes mated with Tom Herron weds We W • •'.1mmer cottage _ to Tent 1 Let cockerel - 11 per 1 Incubator let. • doodah/7. O. hear horn you. Hoitrr..us Poultry %aria. Phots e en 111. Y. Weald you care to purchase from four to W. (AKINARTH.1. Preprfeter• ten acres of laird with building,. *unable for - !'pee n dog being regi-'etb& numbered. ue ppoultrymeant(rdaslryg or poultry meant( home in, s1 0. RIiAN FOR SA L1 .-IN THOR- deoerlb•.t ...4 en.ed in the elite of the col ic out. J Ot*OHLY Mood oseditien. Aaoa.e•eosd- kvtor of tato-, Town Hall. • tag will be 1 -..ed. Dated tido 11th d.y of April, l918 L L. KNOX. .17 :M ?ewe ('lakes FOR SALE OR RKNT FARMS AND TOWN PROPERTY rots MALL A dein. Seaere tare. well Word and ma- rrwlmt to Oodrrka. AL end a 1. ea ware land • well tensed. need ezabard, ealtahle bdidimat Peke for quiet sake, N,11. Tb Ir ars worth half a sante !baa the • std Me W wyse tares. Kam am geod. well lamed lamas k vera. oae.o vet te Ued.Aek. at prime .ad tear that abs4 be atlrsetire to aoyoae wwtlag a tura PROPERT 2 IN 0011ER1eM TOWN A geed mooed/ -half story hon... • good sewn bare sed gable. ■.d oue•ac70 hit. In Melee mealtime. . ph�aevlag a See email,' d frau pow pa • tw.ebs•rioc. etc.. on IL Ce.re.- iteaett It aulattltata An tx eau+ads-yltasleeemty Mw, wrsteered Aire tea, furnaee•hesLed, fleeter - BOWL _iunM bathroom � veratall) O .pgnt�eMMar 1 we hits !nese .•coot% ills valuable Rey 1. offered st daughter W oe ter 'nick .ate Oa the owner'. health le paw posad he wham Ww n. (Myer proper! es 107 ,.ala Por all par; !aids• seem write not EV J. W wet rroock•imet. Ooderkb. 1r .t R SALE. -IN THE CITY OF OALT. a voter,tors •ltd eyeht-room welWrg• Mick building: 0 erything up to due. ibioo good cosh trade. For further par tau at. •pel) to to •[ ti. Gem. 011. 07 Im ftrOR BALK OR TO RENT -A TWO `- stem frame hour, with eight rooms and hitches; hand and .art wear. &Situated on 1tr41ge street, Drat U T 1 ..t.Uon For part apply to EDI! .\RD 81.10. Elgin + 71.50. (61111 R RALE. --GOOD BRICK HOUSE wad -eves mere. of land for sole In 8.4t - variety Geed bank barn with .tone .table ; large variety a .telw fret'. and apple oroaard n ever-fal.leg rimming • ' Ing Hence L. la err- el.w. repair. An Al Pisa, for a lame for Say- ers.eFrtartherycnitular.apply to WILLIAM we MARDEL on the pprea,lw. or adders R. R. Na L Odrleb. Ont Mho FRMS FOR SALE. Two ard.clas. farm. In McKillop. 100 acres each ; two mils from 97.101th ; good bund- ing>. ; oboists farm.. Will be rid separately or T. Apply to PROCOFWT. KILIARAN COVER Oodufek. VI-tl. PUBLIC OOTtcs. THE GODERICH ELEVATOR AND TRANSIT COMPANY, LIMITER The amend geared meeting of the shee.- holdersMt Elevator and Trani Company. asT, will be hold to the roam. W ore the nk. North street. Goderich. on WEON.K•1DAY, MA 1" :tad. Geo. at 13 o'clock aeon. for the olootinn of director. for the en u111 )rte end the 1,.ma.iJou of any other Lu in... (net may prey„. l7 be brought beta.., the miscues. O. L PA RsION:a. 8e rotary-Trea.00er. Uailer4ch..t pill 1:dh, tele .0-A OUSR14.11 INDUSTRIAL h$ 1.14.-9&4. S0(.- VTAZSDINO FIELD CHOP COMPETITION. ION)- I'al,l I%('I 1I. (10VCRRar'T 1a IRS. 1. 1 oo.lw•tnioo 1. in (tat.. Fl. Id. for com- petition 111 .t be not 1.•w thea rive our more than [went) 'We?.. Coate. tt•.r- ran make only one entry in ooc Soca-tr. ,.u.t mud be or become membra. now of It c lied,rseh In(lnwr(,.I and .\grlrul- tural Society. and nel.tmost not be mon thaw eft.en mile- oven a solemn!. Net las- than ten 1ntrle- tan beaecepd. oil the Sutwntnteudtnt mu-tt be mottled not later the. ,11.> 14. 19111 1 - Evan!! for Ind... Mind entries. to be ob- tained hear tb secretary. meat be tilled in nod returned to him ea or before Mayas 1. 1110 to be forwarded to the Department J. ADk1M FOWLER. S.erei cry . 1'. 0.140X 171. Goderieb. O. 110 WN OF GODERICH. 1 PUBLIC NOTICE. w sed after May Id all dogs meet wear attached to • collar • Oodorteb dog li.wn.e tag. In accordance with Bylaw No 14 of 11.7. Aa) dog running at hinge control to the eosin.* of the bylaw may be captured. killed or otherw(..e dieposed 11.1. Ap you dhtwai•lIed with your present loom (Mair wl.11 to moire t We ere the perWr to Mark n n ea to where the1. a home table �a Ig re sees• town proper. for le r Our .y- AOR SAL!':.-CF.DAR•POS1hi, ALSO tem of sole excel. all othefele We will deal L. µes t-. ,bier's Apply W. T. ItIDDELL boot -try and honorably with yon, sod it we Aebora. fid tf tail to ger re.ult4 we wu1 not ask yo.dnr one cast. When you are no town give to a call. You are cordially welcome. We are at your .verri for t0 moist toll, We care not where your property i. -11110•ed: we can 1111 it just the vane. 14 -member the .pnt. Jost oil the 8.4o.n; O'NEiLL & COMPANY. The Real Estate Peoplie, North street, Goderich. hand mane. W. L. TAYLO/1, Neth ststraw CARDS OF THANKS. SINCERE THANKS iS HEREBY .■'ended to friends and neighbor. for the4r toed aeaMtan.* and ernepathy In mre- mot - ttbereavement. JAepcCLACHERTY. Te LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. Miss Chandler. matron of Alexan- dre hospital, has tient {a bur resigna- tion to the board of hospital trustees. The Meneeetunw Ciao Club has re- ceived • Tetter from Lt. -Col. Comhe,O. C. 161.6 Battalion. thanking the Club on behalf of the officers of the battal- ion for the minstrel performance given at Clinton on the nth inst. The net of the performance were )Hadi, the amount being added to the funds of the iattelioo. NOW f IS THE TIME A YEAR FROM NOW MAY BE TOO LATE Young man, enlist t oday with the 16I st BATTALION -HURON'S OWN -and help in the great fight against the enemies of liberty. Information as to terms of enlistment, pa) etc., cheerfully' furnished. Recruiting Office for Goderich and district in Horton's Block. The Square, Goderich. LIEUT. HETHERiNGTON, Recruiting Officer. T ALL PERSONS HAVING FURS AT the Mandel t.noery, eakMs4 ase er wrested to tali for them oe or teem Thunder. May 1411. If not. mer nett b .Md at pale sevum. H. B. MAEDEL 00.11 1.1AIRGOODS.-MRM. A. NICHOLL, Nero., strrelle prepared to do .11 kind. halt work madh e em nut hair r combing.. • ad u des Mfr tr orders rientitio treat assn. cleaning etc., and Mao hr for oar toilet ler ter Weems Herbed and Mt( plANO TUNING. , W. C. TAYLOR. loath street,Aed.T(ea. P.O. Boz 1112 Higher tevUmonW• in town Tuning In town. Vitt(); outside work accord Ing to AMtaete. ENIGHT, DOCTOR OF CHIRO- g. ha. opened • peennent of - ss f- at W re.idenoe, darner al Nobe street and Cambria tart. Oren hems: lite I1 .. m.. ta s p a. and T to f p. a r3. Meilen tree. Left Mtteedant lYlls NOTICE TOTHE PUBLIC Hiving been desirous of enlisting for some time past. I balee finally succeeded in making arrangements with the Goderich Coal Co. (P. J. MacHwan, manager) to take over and carry on my cartage business dnridg my abeeetl e. I have therefore signed up with the lfilst Battalion for active ser- vice overseas, and i would respect- fully solicit from the public gener- ally. and from my old customers particularly, • continuance of their vistaed patronage until snch time as I can again resume my occupation. Any husiocss affairs entrwited to their care during my absence will therefore he thankfully appreciated by Toe. Telepbooe all orders to 'phase 44. ALFA= 11. JAI'if8. 11.114=" ALEX. Me1C�iZIE WRITES. How 11e Artillerymen - March -Sane - times It Is a Tough job. The following letter bas been re- ceived by Ntmbriek Me1,5:is, of AM - field. from his bewllhr, Ale:.. who M a driver in the let B, mettle. C. l'. A. (first Canadian oouungeut ) Pleader.. March It 114* MISR R0IIY,-1 think 1'11 just drop you a few ones the night just to let you know j'es well. as usual. I hops this finds all at hole in their mural health. There isn't esu.:b news 1 can tell biyou. "Apra* la glsorre !foie"s (that' • t of Frond' ;everybody known -it rueaos "atter the war is over") I'll tett you all about it. We bad • little trip away from here lately and are hack .gam now lo our mum wbere we've sport • good piece of time. We had a few different marches' of it, com- ing and going. la's kind of nice to get ou the march again. Yee have a tine appetite and are ready for your blank- ets, too. 1 think I'll tell you-ometbing about the match. You have to hustle around if you are starting in the morning and gat the borers watered and cleaned and fed, end it may be in the mud and rale. tun. tl.:metimes each mut takes his uwo rations in his haversack and sowelinset the basad • nd rations and canned beef are put In a sack on a wagon. 11 doesn't take long to har- ness asnets up after bteekfsst, but it takes quite a while to strap un all the kit. The dr leen and mounted men gener- ally roll all their ►pare undershirts rand ,tuff and strap them to abs back of the .addle of their riding -horse. You step your saddle blanket for your off horse andour other sleeping blankets on the back of the off burse. Beside.. you haws two nosebags and water bucket and rubber boots and cape to hang on your saddle. This all takes a lot of tinta in the mud. especially if it's windy or raining. eo you have .to hustle. The gunners wrap •11 their kit up in a rubber sheet anti -strap it on the limbers. Besides, there is spare harness and the day's hay and some oats sed elides (?) or pots and all kinds of junk on the limber., too. eo that with the ammunition there is • good load if the toads are not good. which they gene' Ally ate. We h+ldly ever go off • walk on the w+rcb and one day when the toad was Innen hard WEo'egi(DAY, April lit. and slippery with is little snow on top occasion. An opening chorus by the the horses having uo corked oboes Band was L.Ilnwed by a dialogue er- Mn. Bradford. of lioderich. visited ooeld hardly stn 1 up so we }fast titled "Mother Goose and Her Flock ;" friend. here •t the weekend. 1teweeiedalooRtill1 rhiapsdant- You recitations by Urea Ramsdell. Elsie -re" is visiting has nese =.10r411=14,1= igttr, Vgro �yrn-�t FjpMt at S . orasDoffibis sank. lftIIQ IfaaM, M� and ds►eRbw tress rlsear►s •big nein oft nee 0sbooldeTS, log by label Edwards. 0,0 •hn solo , .Pr's ea itibg brigade u Su afford forEast CHURCH NUTEM. Mr. David Nicholson, of Cornwall. Ont., will officiate as organist In Soo: church the n.11 two Sabtatbs. 1be Presbyterian Synod of Hamil- ton and London will meet in St. An- drew'schurcb, Stratford, on Monday. April 24. The annual convention of the Huron County Temperance Alliance will bs held in Wesley church. Clinton. on Tuesday, April meth. lhere will tee two •eeano4., in the morning at 1u.:1) o'clock and in the afternoon at 1 Al In Knox church. Rater services will be conducted morning and even- ing by Rev. Geo. E. Roes. The sacra- ment HWatson f both Batter of baptism will be edminietered y, at the morning service. Parents with liuserr1pb7, who bas obeenthe chty.en ss nne their children are requested to mesa sea draft of 11x1 men to proceed oyer• Mr. Row In the vestry at 1U.4.. I seas shortly On behalf of the choir Mr. Jos. A. Campbell hall been ab- Rev. 1, B. F utberingbani presented (iunswr Watson with • Id piece and pointed superintendent of the Brptiet euoday school and )jr. Gordon Drink- chamois pouch. A montes! program, welter assteta01 so ntendent Theycon.IMing of .lections by the choir have already commenced their new .and songs by Mr. G. 1. Parsons. fol- lowed, after which u luncheon was duties. served the company. THE LADS IN KHAKL ?4r. A. H. McLaeblfa. of Stratford who was acting manager of the Oode. rick office of the Bell Telephone Oo- foeeeverel months. ha, enli■ted with. the 64th Battery at Guelph. With two other recruits from Koo: church Bible class of Stratford, Mr. Me- Lacblio was honored at a social event on Monday evening of this week. On Monday evening of this week the choir of Si. George's church assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Watson, \Vest street. for the purpose of honoring • former member, Hunner North street Methodist church will have special Good Friday and Faster services. Rev. W. K. Hager wt11 preach on Good Friday at 11 • m. bith Batley v at Guelph. Mr. Dickson Subject, "The (Shadow of thin ('row." is • li,derich "old boy.- a brother of Easter Sunday: Morning subject- Mr. Ju Dickson of the county -regi. - "The Holy Spirit and the )Leen Lord ;" t, y office. evening subject, "The Light that Cast - the Shadow of the Crow." The young wan referred to in the North street Methodist Epworth following paragraph from The Strat- League held its annual business meet- fcrd B•wcon it the son of Mr. and Mrs. ing and election of officers on.Tueeday everiog. The officers for the coming year are as follows : lion. president, Rev. W. K. Hager ; president, Mr. .1. H. Johnston : 1st vice-president„ Miss Mr. Albert Dickson, - late of the Bank of Montreal et Ottawa, hey joined the A. M. Kay. formerly of (rode ieh: Stratford loses another popular young man in the person of Archie• ay, who left this morning to report for duty with the A. M. C. et London. Marjorie Aitken ; 2nd vice president, Archie is widely known throughout Miss Rhoda Cooper ; :1cd vice-presi- dent, 1)r. Heilemann ; 4th vice-presi- dent, Mr. A. M. Robot tson ; secretor y. Mien Rose Aitken ; assistant secretary, Min Doris Megaw ; treasurer, Mtu Allan ; pianist, Mr. Victor Kerslake ; assistant pianist, Miss Reta %Vorzeit. The annual entertainment of the MacGillivray Mission Band of Knox churebis an event at which the little folks situ to entertain the older mem- bers of the congregation, sod for this reason it cootioues to be an event of exceptions) interest to ever y family in the congregation. 'l,bere was a good attendance la.t Fsid.y evening and all present thoroughly ruj led the program which was provided for the the city and is the only eon of Post- master and Mrs. A. M. Kay, Church street. For some time he has been emplcyed in the Perth Mutual Fire In- surance Co. and although his many friends w ill regret hie departure from the city tory will wish kiln every success in the new field he has chosen. Mr. Healy, the new Mader and vio- lin soloist of the Stewart orchestra, will appear in several nuwhere at the concert in North street Methodist church on Good Friday evening: Be cute to hear him. DUNGANNON . PERSONAL MENTION. Yr. Tho. Hart.. of Deaver. Cot.. a rating 1. toe,. Mr-. .2. L9weoe sad Ma. l.aewn re ',ion- ise •I io - ise•I brow . 111.,. Mario, and Lillan Fraser will ..pend lute at'ro.0 to Mae Ruby rttuddart has taken • pretties In P,r.e.'. boo& .1,..e. Mn. Pied W. !sty le away nit • shit at her old Lome •t I.an•1ag, Nish. Mr. J. ('. Mecham*. alt ().ren Sneed, Tinned the o4 keine bre lar week. Mo..• Annie Stoddart and J...le Foster will aper d E.,. et alth /Ae_d. oil Detroit. Mr. I) Mael11na4, ele.k or ale county ('ourt. a. on the ark lid (he wee*. Mr. culeton returned Wt week from r three munt1e visit to her nee at Clinton Pte. r rm.' A. Wanes •pent the pot week on u • 1.4.03 rea•U,04 u Burs. Palls Mr and M.. J. H,Jek»M.. will mead W La -ter holiday. at Mr. Juhn.loe's old hems at ( 01lwRwood. Mr.. Carrie. Cambria read. has returned house after a .la1 a ell. ural wets. at Leo ten end ole r point... Mn Ellen Sellar. kite returned from les- don. where Ake spent the winter with her dangbter. Mew Jae. Loot. M•. 0. W. T om.on •eturn..l I..4 week from • .I.41 .d+eesrsl 113041111. will 101.4i.e. at 1111.io and Brantford Mrs Wesley Foche. r^d two .Itlldree. of ('histo, *re vbiuug et toe bosun of the form • er , parent-. Mr •ted Mn. J H. Prondfoot. Rev. O I:. Ross is in Toronto thi. week In at trn.lutee lal a mewling or the tested of foreign tuts. ion- of ler P obyt.n.a rhnrch. West Shore Railway t.itigation. The action against the Toronto Gen- eral Trusts Corporation is proceeding lIowly hut making prowler. One trouble was settled easily. It appears some years ago the question as to the payment of the ten per cent. was before the court and an order was made shed as to this payment.!• this order 1t was also declared that the payments the Corporation had then mode were right- ly made. 1t is now charged by the municipalities that they were not properly made. When GAN was set up io the present suit the solicitors for the Corporation objected to it on the ground that this had already been de• cided by the court, and en order wile made refusing to allow tbi• to be set up in the present suit. As Kincardine and Huron were not parties to the or- iginal order, Mr. Malcomeon contended they were not bound by it and appealed from the order lately made. The ap- peal was_ allowed and the point will now he fought out in the action. Had thie not 1 een done a eonaidrtable Walt of the p.a[WPM smndeby the cowpony would net bare be.n inseetigaled in the present action. Itis hop -d now 1 . go on 'with ter &coon. -Kincardine Repot ler. The Scotch Store. A e21aoge of . dv.rtiwment for *t). Millar & Mon eerie to ha -,d 100 lair ft r this week's issue. Attention • and the moeeseent of TOUT hot -see Helen Howrie. • trio by Alice Nairn, Rev. H. )Villi ,ma wears a her makes it eat is more. Y,tsr knees get I1wrolby Marshall and 'Vera Latimer, PD1 called to house -furnishing .reyuisitrs cram , wed robe. tile', when you iesenile these dart. A young son ar- inti nre,led nest now et hone. - not used to 1,, but you c00 61 that by Loll sa.od r'Marguerite King,Lymburner rlveaf Tuesday of this week. t'.,ng,at. stein tg time,me si.n nit Nalrn'•8cue getting a guuner to spell you O`1 and two choruses and five dialogues, and r ulMi.. 1 . lin drums. ()median oileloth4, carpets, irks a walk. II I Mrs. H. Bellamy has returned from curtains, nut_ The !botch Store bas %1 a got along pretty well this time, f melds of songotion he(1.' five w1rhe ove er Godrrich, where ebe spent some days every Nine in carpet .yuares in axmio- but we've had some miserable ones. 1 $*4. a portion of which will form a 1 with her husband, who is in training .,ter, Wilton, Brum.els and tapestry, When we matched trntu Valc.rtier too'contribution to the missionary funds )))eaves bought helote.the hie advance in lost Quebec we weir wll night in the mud; of !fres church. The select of the en- DI r. 'C G. Allan, township clerk 1"M. and now offered al keenest prices. An mud rein and soda, k that a1 times 70'1' tert•innlent was due largely to the tin- Ashfield, it away on a bootless trip to rally inspection is recommended, as couldn't sect this pony aheadof you. 'tiring effort..effort..of 11i,N Peterhorti, looking after his lumber Wiggins, the mane of the linea cannot 1>,' purchased All-night marches MX! "00 NAL- bat � (ai fol president of thr:llission Band, interests there. agnln. • night march in rain on • dark night ,,,cit.„ the able Assistance rendered by A overtoload of hat Friday young people n •rove to is mighty tough. The battler it rains her co-workers. Mies Irene Saulte and K the sleepier you. feel,' end lois of fel- i Mise Adelaide Nairn. take in an entertainment entitled "The lows do sleep. Their is no excitement Minister's Bride ' They all report to keep you awake and if you happen being highly pleased soh the play. to have done a picket the night before • The M. C. C. Minstrels. Mt-. John Savage arrived home last the motion of'a horse just rocks you to The Clinton papers comment farce- Monday from the \Vest, where he had 'deep. A fellow often thinks shout ablyon the minstrel rerformence put spent two weeks. He reports a seer - what a g. 1d deep he will have when on ithat town on the nth inst, by the city of farm help' and an nzeie17 among the fmrwen owing eto tbe march is over. and when it i9 oder Menesetung Canoe ('lub of Goderich. be doesn't feel sleepy at all. The News -Record sacs : 'In the the lair spring and lack of help. Well, it is getting late, so I'd justevening w grand entertainment, under The following are taking in the Ems - close. Riddle. 'Write soon and tell me the auspicee of the officers of the 161st, err excursions : Mir Lulu Stotbers to about how you are getting on at school;Elora ; Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Sanderson was pot on in the town hall by an rum- Your give all the other news to. tear minaret troupe from Grdericb. It enie Mr. and Mrs. B. Crawford l to visit Your loving brother, was exceedingly laowh-provoking, *asfriends at Tornow Mr. and Mrs. F. Ro1N. At gx. very much enjoyed by the good crowd %V hyrd to t3eaforth, and Mr. Fss preseht and was considered a fitting to Amherley. Too Liberal with Her. ending to the day The proceeds, 1 ttOM0T110.-TDs sad newt has ar- rivedSamuel H. Church, resident of the amounting to about $1:,10, will be used ben that one of our Drove boys, D Alfred Steele Ileo. 4:1111111, has been Carnegie lontiuur, said at a luncheon for recruiting purpoeea." officially reported killed in action on in Pitaburpt. apropos of certain war - April 11th The poling soldier was the atrocities: "The excuse of these aired- The New Er•says: The Menesetunw son of ('Dilip Steele. Snd concession of itiee reminds me of the miner bride- Csooe Club Minstrels, of Ood.rieh, sonofAshfield. The sympathy of the coin groom. A ynung miner got married played to w crowded hoose on Thurs.munity goes w the bwtraced family in and for the first week's houeckeepinw I day evening lent. Col. Cnmhe made • their so, ,• affliction. few rewarks before the concert started, Mir t :u1dM An ... v -Ker. t i. (CottonC thanking the •lub h. present and h.. When a week's leave of ab.encei stating that the Club had none down during which time be will visit Ham - here to play so tbwt the expenses ilio•, Port Port Toronto and might go towards the mobilizationWhitby. During his .day in Tor - expenses, incurred by bringing the onto he will take in the "tioys' work soldiers here that day. The program convention." a department of the Y. M.C.A , and also attend the Easter session of the Library Hoard Assnr- tall.,n. Then. will 1'.• no serviee ie Erskine church on Sunday owing to his absence. ANNUAL Mick -rim°. -The Dungannon branch of tbe Women's Instittite will bold the annual meeting for election of officers on Thursday afternoon, 27th In.t.. at the usual hour. After the election of officers has taken piece A business meeting will h.• held. A hole i. beim ,eked for 1(..I ('roes work, II \I.'[INft.-A the tertnr7 Blyth. nn , .n 6 dna, April R to e t i Hawktn- •.at also • bale for the 1 hildren'• Aid Mr..bswkre.adatytblrr. Society. Any person wishing to eon tribute articles for either of their bales will please leave them wt the village poetof ice. M1.. J. McNah will take the topic for the month, "Our Flog and What It Stands For." which will be diec.eoed. Ever mem- ber who can pnesihly attend i, re- quested to ha present. All the ladies of the surrounding neighborhood are cordially invited to attend thew. meet- ings. _ expenses he gave his wife the good round sum of 91. The girl, to his sur- prise. accepted the dollar cheerfully, and that week they lived abundantly' enough, •Ibeit plainly. So, for the second week, the miner doled out only half .dollar. 'l hen his wife wept for him. 8betold him what she thought of was well rendered and the end -men his meanness. The house reverberated kept the crowd in good humor while they "pulled off' the local hits. The quartette wosk in several of the .ones was splendidly given and Mr. Cooke made • fine "centrepiece," es one of the end -mer. called him. His solo, "When 1 Dreamt of OW Erin,- brought forth loud applause. In the second part little Mute and Master Martyn got heart)' applause for the Highland fling and sailor's hornpipe. Mr. Mar- lyn, of Goderich, ala. gave •n Irish jig. The dancers were accompanied by Piper Young. who also gave • pipe solo. George and Henry had • new line of chatter which kept everyone .mused. The concert closed with • Southern sketch, "Night-time on the Leese,' in which four couples gave the old-time cakewalk. The club orchestra greatly assisted the singer* and chorus. with her indignation. The miner, in the midst of the storm. clapped on his hat and 'talked out, muttering: "I see what's the matter here. i spoiled ye the first week." " AUCTION SALES. AUCTION MALE OF HOt'MRHOLD rl'RNITVRI: AND mos ISRINO:i 8.3 HARDIN() will ease ter ser by pobil sect ion at 1.6...s., deer, at AMrew'• .11 1.1, 0 W90SI7SDAT..CPRII. R -est 1.1 1 u'rlook mtem�ra� .4..'•nd, mlrvor sop ,tr•o...r bed. Wend. finished In e. inlet. side b meson: � mattrew. yam. evades carper, mss) Ib-therrAAmmild widest ( 24,1•. or w�wty�� kmra i . ersl =, , .. tsar. 1 wals54 ehlgbsrw p Al•wwel: 1 saMg•ev�•Msw/ dMgalt table. 1 amen w5taet- I makes tabr • makraee�kw7e a b NP s (tlNdretAlj 1 F 1 I:bt&erand %Leine sssea, Weida. sesfales, piss, seeds r IM. -area Crewe Anew dove sed piffle, I masegne aide beaed s Metre t. riffle. �0ts� Iron, 1 rest Lnbeetee 1r.s.. sM to ..., ate Mow(imam i i.. , eteaesir vision, the market •fforde, prepared 1 ft..., at. war a baa(ges wawa "climatic 00 the scientific principle known as .s: iratlss, ea w fete WI wawaiwsaAty of "diatetic blending." s•e1s eeaesfry of Year favorite dish, as you like it, Is pd c.-ai.s end mammal m.y be am jrtyed at reaeoeable cogs M r amidst idea) surroundings, whits TAGs tiUNDRY, lray.0159 ca Lb. Oaaadlao Paei/e. Amaiseser. N Attractive ing-(Jar Mervin•. Probably niothing helps more to make a railway journey really enjoy- able than • visit to the "dining ear,' especially if it be a Canadian Pacific dialog ear. where the passenger is are- wred of the highest form of efficiency in the culinary art, the choicest pro- ' West Shore Railway and the Hydro. Kincardine Reporter : It will be good news to the people par ticulatly intet- eeted in the )Vest Shore Railway to know that it is to be included in one branch of the Hydro -Electric Railway. Considerable work has been done to' accomplish this, and in • recent ,tate- nrent of routes laid out to be built by the Hydro this is included. At 'first the best the Hydro would promise was that when they built through Wing - ham or near there they might be able to harp a branch across to connect with the %Vest Shore. Thi 4, however. would not have been very satisfactory. However, the route A9 now laid out is to he built from the main Hydro road near Exeter. through (ioderichto Kin• eardine, thus Inking in the whole of this road..l,,.t .what terms the Hydro will want with 'he municipalities io- torewted {. n .t • •1 nettled, hot it looks. ale if we may y. have a running road in.tead of it den i horse. No doubt the road in the cn.l will not atop at Kin- cardine. P. M.lcoms.n i1 taking the matter up with the Hydro. He en- deavored to see. Hoa Mr. Berk wben in Tocontols.t week. but owing t'1 Mr. Beck being engaged in the House could not do so. We trust some arrange- ments will he matte to make this • go and see if we can't get something tor the money the municipalities have oink in the road GUNORY'S AUCTION SALE LIST. Wxnzman.v,A pelt .X .\uetlnn ',le of ho•. -e held furniture. 8. J. Harding. st Amin e'. .l reef, proprietor. MORN. NILE. WEDNQIDA1. April 19. Ntt.e Nonew.-The W. M. 8. 21414 the special Easter .ervie. no Noaday morning Mr. (gorge and Miss Lucy Peagan, of Zion. spent Sunday at Mr. Joe Mc(aan'. .. . Mr. Lloyd Mc- Cann la employed for a time at Mr. Arthur Me)�eil'e Preparations are going forward for the anneal tea- sosatbsg dad enooert here cm Vkator4a �g prograes promisee Who .a. esllent. l'APIIORF -In Okra... (11 . AMA (20042wwn see•, awn k to Mr and Mr.. Harry 1 . Primer, • .Ce (John Neem). MARRIED. (1. (1'..2N )11ORRIAli At the Vlmmie .test Het nodal pae.enace. enw.dne.day. Sprit ts, by rte. J ►' r ord. Mr Wesley Mr Leen to Mk. L(IRe Morri.h. d,o7Ater of Mr and Mn. Witham Mrri.h. both of (I,derleh NEW AOVERTISEM NTS -April 20th. Pore. VI trnlm for +at. signal (161., I Weisel Meeting Ood.neb Elevator mil Taws.it 1'e. IAA 1 Nitre R R Martel Meadrg Fetid Peep 1 'vosUlen erl.11 lmdwtvlal end Agrieetremit fltAty.. I 41 Mr RsM-Ja.epk Meer., .... ' . Sale- a A idiar .. 1 eseneer wasted Timm A. Oeaeelq 1 Card of Tabs -Jeer I4gt.2sorta 1 Maid wasseg-.Yea Amer New I neemelsk Mr♦bttffr-R. T. MA4A Amhara. t 9'an Its iadrls-A. AYse...... ...... t