The Signal, 1916-3-9, Page 5hi» •
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ed 11
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TIWIlteDAL Mance f. 181d
This tire has given extraordinary service to
local users and now thahave the chance
to buy at about the sable price as an ordin-
ar# tire. you should lose no time in getting
your season's requirements filled before the
price goes up.
1Itvncd and op»•lute,! by .i pt•at•ti. al titan.
Cutt • -Crawford.
the Wednesday. March 1st. a quiet
wedding was soiemoteted at the rummer,
Lueknow. when Misr Catb•s- ue t'raw-
ford, of L•rsde•b'ru, wait married to
Mr. J. Calvin l'utt, of liodrricb. Tbe
cer 'stony was runJnetwt ty Rev. .1.
G. Reid,'nf 1.u. know. Mr. end Mre.
Cult have taken up their residence in
From M. A. Macdonald. M. P. P. -elect.
The following messag- from Mr.
Malcolm A. MxcdonelI, member -elect
for Vancouver city in the Hritiab
Columhis Legi.laturr, has tern re-
ceived by the.duor of The Signal :
"1 was particularly pleased to get
your wire of t-otgratulations tem -emitt-
ing the gooti tad town of liudericb.
Pieties accept my best thanks.
Y. urs sincerely,
" M. A. 111.ti mos [Ince'
Fire at Planing Mills.
Shortly after 11 o'clock Monday
night the alarm was wounded for a
fire at the li.xderieh Monitor .Mills
premier.. The Iwo etor y warehouse
'mutts of the main factory building
was on fire, and it looked for • while
Leif the whole plant would go. hard
work on the part of the fire hiigid.r,
couplyd withtbeapleodtd construction
of the mein building. prevented& die
Nitrate eontl.gration, however. _ The
Sale Of
Stamped Goods
and SCARVES at
Now is your time to pro-
cure a beautiful article and
silks for embroidering
Bath Towels, Baby Towels,
ordinary Linen Towels.
Nightgowns, Corset Covers,
Combinations. Di ease a,
etc.. at 10 per cent. dis-
Other lines also.
A few boxes of genuine
D. M. C. to hand.
warehouse with itscootents,including
large quantities of glees, moulding..
nada. ecc., was destroyed, lire lows
firing at g;r,tsst or gtSsss),
There was [sone insuratt.-e.
"Movies" on Sunday Afternoons.
A show on yundrye is a novelty in
liotlericb, but the war is getting us
accustomed to insult strong'. things.1
Next Sunday the Nodal Theatre will
put on an attractive pfitr.otic program.
Swig.. *elections on the bagpipes,
mats uutentails, speecbrs, e11 by well-
known talent. will 1e given, The
meeting is called for :t ,;clock,. NJ
nnr under the age of eighteen will be
d . tad. Major Harris, of Toronto,
will M. the chief .i..aker. No charge
is wade for admission. The arrange -
'Brenta are in the bands of the local
War Auxiliary'' and a meeting of this
kind W stimulate listtot ism has the
comment of the Ministerial Association.
B arton -Falconer.
A happy event took place at the
home ut Mr. and Mrs. item Falconer,
Hayfield, on Tuesday, Match 7tb, when
their younger[ daughter. Edith
became the bride of Joseph A. Hartoo,
of liodeneb; youngest eon of Mrs. G.
Harlon, of '•Kilmore Cottage."
Howick. wbo wee pre..rnt at the wed-
ding. Hey. W. H. Hartley. of Dela-
ware, broths[ of the groom. conducted
the ceremony. The bride entered the
parlor oo the arm of ber father to the
strains of 11endeltsubn's wedding
march ply ed ry Mrs. J. %V. Fraser, of
Go dericq. Thr bride wore a pretty white
dress of figured voile and carne) •
sheaf of roues. Afterwards the wed-
ding breaktast was setved and early
in the afternoon the wedding party
left for Godericb, where Mr. acid Mrss
Barton took the train for Toronto on
• honeymoon tip. Tbose w ho at ten-
ded etre wedding from sown were Mr.
and Mr.. J. J. McEwen. Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. F i a»et , Mrs. Timmer and al i ns
Eve!) a McLean.
Masonic At Home.
The members of Maitland • Lodge. No.
i, A., P. and A. M., were ••st home"
i t.. their lady farads at the Masonic
!Temple on Tuesday evening, when a
very enjoyable tis.e was speot. The
I proerecioge opened wills the Maseer.
W. T. Millar, presiding. Rev. .1. B.
Fotberin,tbar• was called upon and
gave an int.:esung address um the
orison ni Shrove Tuesday. Mr. Alex.
l'brystsl shat lade • speech. A
pr. gram of inimical numbers was reo-
des ed by etre following artists : Mins
Aoken. Mr*. Freak SauoJers, M se
M-l'oll. Mr. W. Shipman. Mr.. 1, h.
Parsons and a quartette composed
of Mostar. W. Goodwin, M. Fletcher.
.1. M. Thomson and C. Tweedie.
Leach having been disposed of, the
remaining part of the program was
son old-time donee. stab Mr. SAM
\Vestbake es door manager. Great
p on• had been taken w,th aloe decora-
tion', which were arranged in attrac-
tive patriotic designs. displaying the
Hags and standards of the Alli -s.
On Tuesday evening a bo -key team
f H Company, 710, Battalion,
Stratford, played a gator with the
lio4erleh Iroquois at the West street
risk which proved to be about the
beet game played here this Deacon. At
the sod of the Ants period the more
was 1-1. at the end of theereood period
the visitant were Modiste by a more of
3 2, and the final score was 1.3 in
favor of the soldiers. 1t was a good
clean game throughout and the local
team are yet wodrring why titer did
not whs. The Ir. quuiehad'hear redo•
lar line-up with the exoeption of Mal-
colm McDonald. who rrplrevl Smith.
who war Injured while at lira Aire.
John Wiggiu. decoding, as referee
were undisputed.
On Wednesday evening the Iroquois
went to Mitchell and proved themselves
victors over Ibe Mitchell team by a
score of 941. The game wits clean and
fast and the Mitchell fans admitted
that tine better team woo,
The Iroquois are keeping up the
loca! interest in hockey this Deacon
with s good sample of the great
winter gams.
The Doughty Patent
Process is an exclusive
Dunlop BicycleTire feature.
k keeps all wired -on tires
absolutely uniform. The
Doughty Presses simply
cannot go wrong.
Dunlop Bicycle Tires
have lways led because
the only original
c■ w 7 tires. Try either
er « �w
You'll find them un-
eq,lialled for general
Dunlop Tire 8c
Rubber Goods
C Limited .ed
Big Success Stored in Two Great. Per-
formances Last Week.
Hamper bosses greeted the Menem -
Lmog Cann Club Minstrels on Tbunt-
day and Friday evenings at. Victoria
Opera House. Almost every seat in
the hour was taken at both perform-
ance.. and the old tittle popularity of
the M. C. C. \liustrels was still further
increased by the clever production
that was waged. It was three said
bourn of music ache fun. and the inter-
est of the audience ear. kept up to the
'up notch until the very end.
In the first part the Minstrels intro-
duced • series of songs which were
sustained in excellent style by the
chorus uAdef the direction of Mr. E.
Sex.mith, a..iattd by a ver efficient
orchestra of seven pi... The inter-
locutor, Mr. H. J. 1). Cooke, and six
funny end•tiro, Mees,. G. I.. Par soon,
If. Smith, C. H Morton. H. Sturdy.
.lack Reynold. sod W. E. Kelly, made
• great bit with their songs and j .t.,
their rallies teeing received witb up-
roatious merriment. Nolo sod year -
tette numbers were given Gists by
Messrs. Sid. Belcher, W . O. Goedwio,
C. K. Bounden. C. Tweedie, W. Ship-
man and Jas. 1'. Thomson. Practi-
cally every song partied • recall.
Indeed. Ibe uwstc throughout, both
vocal and instrumental, was • strong
feature of the production. The first
part closed with a patriotic outhuret.
• Union Jack suddenly appearing in
the hoods of every marl on the stage
and a large Hag unfurling from above
sa the cboru. wog •'The Flag that
Will Rule the t)ay." Deafening
applause greeted chid very effective
The old favorite.. "George and
Henry" Ili, L. Parsons and H. Sturdy i,
put on ore) of their mirthful -kits, and
Mr. W. E. Kelly gave an amusing
The finale. -Night-time on the,
Levee," intoaft-crd another eerie@ of
solos and ehorttsev, with cakewalking.
slogging and other frolics that kept
the burse on the tiptoe of expectancy.
On the ..rood evening Lieut. Frank
Doty sang•ae an interlude, "Keep the
Home Furs Burning.' the soldiers and
others in floe audience j.,ining in the
Mr. Dan Martyr also assisted aft
Ft laity everting wit b some fancy step-
ping re. y cleverly, executed.
The general 'pinion rang to he
that the performance was the best vet
given by the Meneeetung Canoe Club
Minstrel*. aid considering the suc-
cesses of the past this is say iog a g. r it
deal. Too much credit cannot he
!Oren the director, Mr. h- Sexstnitb,
for bis careful training of floe chorus
and bis skillful handling of the pro.
duction, resulting in a f r•eciyion and
general effectiveness that were marked
features of the performance.
The proctee.s are to be used for
patriotic put payee, end an announce-
ment as to this will be made later.
1'ttumeociog March l:tib, the
C. P. R. train now leaving at '.L$)
p.m: will leave at 2.21
The regular meeting of General
lirough Chapter, I. 0. 0.E , will he
held Monday afternoon, Match 13th,
at 1.15 p. m., at the court bout.
Mr. -Geo. Hobtweier is in touch with
several prospective purchasers of his
furniture business here. In the mean-
time he is continuing his clearing
sale for a week or two before remov-
ing to Berlin.
It you want to save money in buy-
ing your footwear. trunks, club hag..
•nitcate., etc., go;o WALTER"!
b wt and show store. where you will
*awe horn 311 to 1110 per cent Repair-
ing neatly done at • moderate price.
The Owen Mound Bun, reporting a
musicsle given by the Ladies' Music
.Cltih of that town, ways : "Mrs. King
of linderich was a visitor who very
kindly consented to appear before the
Club and gave Testes Goodbye ad
The Rosary in a eery attractive mwn-
ier, bee voice being a very clear, full
1 d
\tit ill
are siespl:. k .. t y diaor I i .. The krdtwys
tater the Wood of all Una shoul•lnt be
there. Thebkaod poises through etre kid -
nes sctrev three nu:rotes. IC the hider%
do their work na impurity or :.ruse .d
disorder can retrain in Ila cis, illation
longer than that time. Thereftrc a your
blood rs out of ord.,r your kidneys have
failed in their work. They are its egad of
stimulation. ttrerrgthcsong or doctoring.
One medicine will do all throe, the finest
and insist haitateal blood [medicine there
The ladi.. of hots ebur. h. TAvI0 s
('orner., misdated bv'Ihe Indies of `R,
John'4 e.hur. h, Holme-viile, enter-
tained the Clinton detachment of the
10114 Battalion on iia much to (iod..
rich Inst Fr i.lay. I be lunch was
great iv appreciated b: the ruldiers.
FA 1: EON' l't-cn - The n -et meeting
of the ttoderich Town.i.,p Farmer'
['lith will he held nn Mat :t at the
home of Oliver Edwards, nth conces-
sion It will be a snci..t evening, with
a short pretgrant. and the members
end their famili.. are invited to
;iitend. W. C. C. N.G.-rm., Ser. -Teras.
Pituo iri' 1.x i,rrv. -Tire member.
of the United Petri -vie Society of
Goderirh town•hin will have a w.•wing
on Tueestay, March I1th. at the home
of 'jr.. Isaac Ms'keld, Hayfield rower.
ihonations of $I1.Iki each have hewn
gratefully received from N.@srs. Ant.
tin wed llnwood Nilard y, and $.i
from Mia Arline Andrew.. .\I1 tin.w
having hn.,•irsl ahi•to or wicks will
kindly bring them to the beet emir g
meeting, .0 that a.hmle can t, r stepped
the and of next week.
TVESD.ay. Marsh 7.
Assessor Cameron of Aabll.ld ap-
peered fa the village Ism Wednesday
int his yearly official duties.
Mee. Garrison, of Mohamed Hill
torching staff, wild her home, Mee.
Thos. Duruin's. last fieturday.
Rev. 8. J. Brkigette, of Ashaeid
circuit, will exchange pulpits with
Itay. I. McKelvey next Nuuday.
A el.ighload front oungennoi took
in the Minstrel show in tioderich last
Friday night. Tbey trport r very
gond t i roe.
Min. John Reil, of tis. t) b conces-
onession. Asbfietd, reed sixty years, did
on Friday, :Ird inst., rod wee buried 111
Dungannon cemetery nn Monday of
lids week. Rev. I. McKelvey con-
ducted the funeral errvicrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Ilugh Davidson, of
Weyburn. Mark . who hive i ern v1sit-
ing friends here nearly ell winter,
leave on Wednesday of this wren foe
/salt and Toronto. where they will
remain crew • few Jays before return-
ing to the We.•.
1`r►. NE AL •• %VAT( its u. -Pte. Neal,
who is in tr g .at Galt, ♦;sired at
Mr. Abe rullwrt's last week, and while
there on Wednesday evening war pre•
.anted with a wrist-wal.-b, is he did
not rxp.•t to he hack •.gats berme
going to the Irons. Mr. Neal Irl[ very
grateful to the people t t 1)Jng4t11/on
and vicinity fur their interestiu bite,
and would asenre them that he would
chi, tab their gift as a [nkat, of their
eatrrm. lir promi.e.b it lar ever re-
turned the gift would return with him.
'1'nK 411K Lbrr.-t)ur sick loft this
[sere k is unusually Isrg••. Nis. Dairy
1:yen. hasher ut 1hr junatr room tit
lite public reboot, wry .,-,eitti•tr.l to the
house all Bret week and 1. stili ratable
to rr,unie her duties. 11 Voting. ear
err surt•y t . retpoit, is .till keeping
poorly. Mr. Wm. 'I'buutpaon is re-
ported very ill with an attack of
pneumonia. Mr and 'Mrs.. Writ.
Sproul also are runllnrd to the butter.
We are glad to 1•rp rt that Mee. Nor-
man Treleaven and Mrs. H. M. Lhiff
are .teadth- iutproving.
MI.•t \\'Hv aH11.• DKPARTt'HI•:.-Mise
Ida \Vbyat•d :eft Is.'. Saturday far
Glider ten. whets she will vier[ friends
a Iew days 1e fore lean mg for New
York. Miss \Vbyard will tr greatly
missed in Dungannon, as she has been
as.rciatd with to many useful lune
Done, lacing organist in the Netbt dist
church, a. music teacher, and a teacher
of clans of young ladies in Sou 1av
action!. The latter, on the occasion of
her leaving for li,.derich, presented
her with two books of poems. together
with a nieely worded ed,lre... ani -s
Wbyud always felt interested in her
• class and no doubt she• will highly
Lc -cream, in bulk or tinily their memento in severing
bricks. at Blackstunilt Thane MO.I her connection with them.
Rev. G. M. Holmes will preach next
Sunday motniogin the Baptist ebur.h
on "Joel. t he Last of theProphets." Io
the evening, the subject will be
"Matthew, the Reformed Drsoiple,"
being the eighth sermon in the eerie"
on "The Twelve Apostles." Visitors
are cordially welcome.
Next `Sunday, March 12tb. will be
anniversary Sunday at Victoria street
Methodist church. Roe. Thos. Mann-
ing, D. D.. of Stratford, president of
the London Cnef.rence. will be the
smasher of the day. A.tbaakagiving
ring will be taken.
in Knox cbnrcb nett Sunday will he
a day of pedal Ist.nit. At the even-
tsg savvier the choir will be composed
eat sly of ern la khaki and this sol.
lchoir will lead the seeds. of
aae. indading military hymns terrier,
a theme. At ;be close of the rrier,
a S AS. the weekly recruit!'" meat tag
win be held la the church. Rey. Ora
R. Rose will preach even-
The Iambs HMIs alae. .1 Victoria
street Irrtbrsll.t etrwteh held Its
tiaassl meeting at the hose of Mks
Herta Plnasorie. IL David's street. on
Monday evaalag, ■ebewy 21th.
Heparin for the year wen reed mod
the dsiMwiag crawm ware elected :
Teacher. 1rn H. H. Anse; amtwaat
leader. Hes. Andrew MIS : prvef-
deer. Jessie Feed : Henle cw1P11t.
Irene Thorley; sreeeta
blase . tawnier. Roby Knight.
THia LATE W. L. H..HT. o ;
Goderich Low One of Its Leading Citi-
ssos-A Man of Many Interests.
lioderich haw •.tTrr+eel a severe In -s
in the death or Mr. V.L. Ho. Ion, one
of the towh•s most t yn,mle rot citiz•'n..
Mr Horton, ath.had been .0 failing
health for revels' years. p wad away
at his home on Monday omitting. sting. A
native e,f O.drrch, he was interested
io everything concerning the welfare
o[ the taw.., rend -rad great s. -vice in
the devrl••purer,t of the Icwu's indus-
tries, an.1 fur many years wail actively
engaged re the condos. of some oo its
roost empaoitan, court -roll. Io numn•
ciat and [rang»rats[ circles he 'was
well known in the Province.
William Lancaster Morton wait barn
in Woderieh September i2th. Iri,P. He
Wee ednat•d at the I:uderkb pwbl,e
■net gr•esnruom schools and at !tack -
wood Ar4de.ny. Roe ti auntie', of
vers he wan w»oociated with his
ether. the late Hume- Horton, in the
office of the Huron and Bruer Loan
aad Iuve•tn.rnt Go Nod on bis f ether'.
death .sicereded him ae manager of
the (.nrnp.,.y. *h.! um. ()o•upeny
was amide • malted I wt b the S•adard
Loan (l1 . • f Toronto be eosttinned as
manager .4 that C••nspsny's brencb
office b• re snob in be turn chic Com-
pany Wiwi swerged tin ties Standard
Ritissso■ 11tw *ere Coep.w•li. n of
Turrets ref wh c . hrMest .a director
and cautious -it PO until his 'Math.
When the U ism M .nk ..f C made
rimmed it branch 1 • Oudseleh h• he
~we i w flr t Lea) o.•.niser. host retired
after • fi w ). ar He was trewsuree
of the town • t l l . s.i kh from 111111
emit Dec. mho., 1810.
111e e•enn. eu..,r . O. b the (ioderkb
iClrvn or ssnl 1 nu 't ebwepw. y en..
eyed the • ern. .ef that Company a s,ne-
(bewtol ,.pert•.:m in obs stn -,nag. and
sbippng ref K Gin -.t this pct, and101.1164 w h be sows swam .ry-ir•ae-
urasr and meager ••t *be Company. to
whose an Ire A• d erred d much of hobs
dm* and at (ret i,Ne .
Fie b .d a large Jerome be the Mart -
Mei wO Tea Save 1S
yea Mal Saes Mw?
That& your salary or tncotne
CI no doubt Increase. a0 will
your sxpenssa---aid marry fled
[that the latter more than keep
pap with the former. Nov b the time to start a Reserve Fund
-and the Savings Department of the Union Bank all Canada
La the place to keep It.
Deposit the extra you haw on hand now -yon can open op
account with any sum. down to cne dobar-ar.d draw Interest t d
Godericn Branch -F. WOOLLCOM BE, Manager.
We can hatch your eggs cheaply because
we operate on a large scale. It is time to
set your eggs now, to have Winter layers.
We set small lots of eggs. Call, 'phone
or write for particulars.
Mfr France. Witgin-. of Detroit. b foie ter
• ♦hit.
Mls,.e..ilix `tu:[der- Mabel Doty are
.vitiating at tirll..
U4+liih,on. Ibf Waterford. i. the cues:- of
Mr.. W. le. tAo,der..
Mr..Andrew Oliver. stlial:, i- vi,ltiag ber
steer. Mn. Alex. Hounder..
Mr. Jo.. G. Goldthorpe. of Toronto.. pest' he
weeknd At the home of hi. uncle. Mr. J. I-.
Mr. Des Snell. of Doelph !.echo.. wanst a
true -teat the bowie of ht, sock. Mr. Deo. Head -
ford. rarer Sunday.
u4- Jrnsie Wens, of Landes. wahent
over Sunday vino.rg her parent., Mr. .e nod Ilan,
LM Wella., h.ytield rood.
Mi.. Ca'rlck returned from Port Perry on
M'Kultht, whom she had been hat.
i•ay la -t •.companted by her obeer. Mts.I
v den
Rer. J..... Wit..., of Taranto, w•- ro t own
oil tiat.,rday. Hr ha. 'been In poor health and f
i, takiug a re..t from hi. ruinMterial work,
Cee J. l're Stewart, of White-bnreh. w!:h
up, Stas art sod .•nit.trca. 1, tlaltaa@ •hw •
week at the home of hl, p.,,••ut.a. Mr, Arad Mrs.
The Notheri Club wilt uteet in Cen• iff
trail echoul on Toe.d.._y afternoon at I
4 p. m. All interested in the care and t
training of children are invited to be 1
Wanted at Once
Representative man to secure
prospects for Life Insurance.
General agent will snake peri-
odical visits in closing. Liberal
commissions will be paid foe
this service. Previous insur-
ance experience not necessary.
Reply, stating age and present
occupation. to J. H. Brinker,
Manager for Western Ontario,
42 Weltington street south.
Hamilton, Ont. 2t
Further word as to Harm Carey. of
the P. P. C. 1.. 1.. who was reported
woon.lwt la.t week. is to ebb roast
that the wound is a iamb,. one. and be
expects soon to be hack on the Hr:ng
The Cbibdreo's Aid s rciety well held
Oil regular monthly i,r .•ting next
ruesday at 113 p in. in the .• o art
house. All are web Jose to .attend.
ton Dredging Co.. was .. ()Hector of
the Ih.minion Road Machinery l'o.,
and was at one time pi ridden, .1 the
liodericit Organ Cnnrpany. Limited,
for a number of year,. 11. Waal al.o
for ..,ane year- manager of the (lode -
t ich Curling Skating Asworialion.
1n politic.s hr was au ardent, Liberal
and gave his ptatt' stannic!, end loyal
support. He was for a n Iwr of y• ars
the local eltainyan of the party nrgsn-
icatinn. He creak, have had tatty pluse
h. wished in the gift of the peaty, but
het never aught pt-.litical hones, br-
ow content to work in the ratite of
the patty for the interests of the
Literal cause.
On September 7. 1140, he man ied
Emily Kathleen hall. wh , •ora tees
[Goin Hint tnolbe•r, Mr.. Horace Hoe•
ten, one brother, Mr. 1'h,lip Ilorton,
pian of the rank of Montreal at
I',rt 11 pe, and four sisters.also sui -
a ive. The sisters are Mrs. A. U.
[ramble and Mrs. l'• `I• rote, of
Toronto ; Mrs. i(tlanort) Hill, of Regina,
and Mrs. B..ker.eftown.
Mr. Horton was a Mason, being a
member of Maitland Ledge, No. :13,
and Huron Chapter. No. Ji. He was
also esonneeted with the thldfelloon.,
the S••ns o4Mentlar.d and the Indvpnes-
den. ltdet Id Foremen..
The (marvel service waw held West-
nesday afternoon at St. Ororgds
church, of which the dereeod war A
nae tuber. The rre or, i6v. J. !jH.
Felber it ghem, officiated At. M t-
ired einetay the Ma- ' burial r-
vieee was h It. The pelf eal••r+ were
M. G. t'am.•on, K C.. R. C. Heys,
Ates. 8sto,dert, J n•. dials. Jae Doyle
and J..-, Kidd.
A.n. •ne 'hone p e• nt at i bo funeral
were Messes. P H. Horn.., P•,rt Hope;
Nretteno 1)yn..o, d B .,e; J. H. Teom-
e��iito►►•i... W,tS, INm,rn ti a d
(iamlrle, M 1'rw..ntu t H. J. t1 Weth-
s rwton, (i. T. R. irve-bowl agent,; te; H )Nn •t, of Mbtehell;
Wm. Beewlseeham, 111. •t. m ; J. ll.
Maass, Po.t Itsllse•u-r.: M jot R. 8.
Hays a ave Woo . Poor« t. Merlertb.
Canoe Hill arrived tr • e Regina on
Get them at ebo:e.a:ar tax: r.•L r•^r!
Made to Order in 4 days
from British -woven Khaki
-guaranteed good service
British Warms, tailored to measure from
English Frieze; British Warms. cf fires
Khaki M.Itons.
Tunics. Breeches, Great Coats and Trousers
of best materials and finished to order ac-
cording to correct Impeti .1 dress regulations.
Send for or see s,empics of the Frieze,
Melton. Serges. and English Whipcord and
English Bedford Cord.
Breeches made with
plain lacing. or
leather facings.
'Tunics and Coats are
made to measure
without extra
charge for rank
6enitinu *rini-reabg cIatluring
McLean Bros.
Tke Squaer - - - - - GsaericL, Ost.
To Builders and Contractors
We have a Targe stock
of Square Timber up to
1'2 in. square to lei feet
Hemlock, S p r u c e
Jointing and Scantling,
all widths and lengths
up to 20 feet long.
Lath, Ontario hitt
Shingles, Pine, Sprn • Hemlock
and Oak I,uirther. All grades.
Hardwood atHd Pine Flooring.
Dressed I'ine and Spruce. Cali-
fornia Siding. Always in .tock.
Mouldings -Sash S t o S k on
Sectional Poultry Houses an sixes.
Estimates cheerfully furnished.
;;'r,„;7; Paget Grain DoorCo., Ltd.
irartnry 27 i