The Signal, 1916-1-20, Page 6• TrvetanAr-JANL A6Y $), THk SIGNAL GODERICH ONTARIO l� ORAPTDB L Tse. IMITATING ,air. THID moon rode high. but oral - none clouds were rushing to - want It -clouds beery with snow. 1 watched these clouds as 1 dro,r. recklessly. desperately 01'01 the winter roads. 1 bad Just eil.,,•d the desire of my life, the one precious treasure which 1 coveted moil lay whole uud,sclpUued heart. and, not being wh,t you call a man •t self restraint, 1 was chafed by sty defeat far beyond the bounds 1 bare usually set for myself. I rude on. hardly conscious of my Oourse, (II: the rapid recurrence of several well known lacdtnarks harped are that 1 had t,lleu the congest route home and that to another moment 1 .bould be skirting the grounds of the 'Whispering fines, .r country club- house. 1'lie season r as over and the Clubhouse closed, a:.d when, the great stack of chimneys coming suddenly Into view against the broad disk of the still unclouded moon, I perceived a thin trail of smoke soaring up from Mbar midst I realised with a shock that there should be no such sign of We In a house I myself had closed. lacked and barred that very day. I was the president of the club and telt responsible •I turned b at the lower gateway. For reasons which I seed sot now state there were no bells attached to my cutter, and con- sequently my approach was noiseless. I was careful that it should be so; also careful to stop short of the front door and leave my bores and sleigh in the black depths of the pine grove, press - tag up to the walls on either side. I was sure that all was not as it sboald be Inside these walls. Our clubhouse stands, as It may be. necessary to remind you, on a boll thickly wooded with the ancient tress I have mentioned These trees -al pines and of a growth unusual and et en aspect well nigh hoary --retell& ealy to the rear end of the house, wbc, • a wide stretch of gently un- dulating ground opens at one. upon the eye, suggesting to all lovers of golf the admirable use to which ft is pot from early spring to latest fall Now links u well as parterres and drireways were brag soder an eves bl•obet of 'sinter snow. No other Wilding stied walk a half eats gay dir, . tuna. felt the Isolation as I stepped from the edge of the trees and prepared to cross the few feet of open space lead- ing to the main door. 'In some moods I should have paused and thought twice before attempting the door. be. kind which in the dark lurked the us - known with tta naturally accompany- ing suggestion of perils But rags and disappointment, working hotly within me, had left no space for fear. Rather reJolclog in the doubtfulesse of the •drenture. I pushed my way' over the snow until my feet struck the steps. Here instinct caused me to stop and glance gaicliy up and down the build - tag either way. Not • glade of Ugbt ,met my ey1 from tbe smallest setatil- lattug pane. Was the bootie as sound. less as 1t was dark? • I listened. but beard nothing. I hates. ed again nod still beard nothing Theo I proceeded boldly up the steps and laid my band on tbe door. It was unlatched and yielded to my touch. Light or no light. sound or no sound, there was some one worths. rhe ere which bad sent Its cumulated streak of smoke up Into the moonlit sir was burning yet on one of the many hearths within t proceeded to enter and close the door carehrlfr D. - bind me. As I did so 1 rest an Ievol, notary glance without The sky was Inky. and • few wandering flpkea of the sow rapidly advancing storm cams whirling In, biting my cheeks and alines, my forebead. Once inside I stopped abort possibly ID retee agate. possibly to assure my- self es to what 1 bad Wet do nest re. drew. was protouod. Not a sound dbt•rbed the great, empty build- ing. My own tootIau as I Mend teemed to wake extraordinary echoes. 1 had moved but s few steps, yet to my belgeteoed Genes the out, seen ed loud enongb to wake the dead td- stlacttvely 1 stopped nod stand stock OM Timm was oo aoawertos mesa - ties of movesseet-dart nese. .nudes everywhere Yet sot quite absetuts darkness As my eyes grew .erseteme ed to the peace 1 roue It poncho. te *were the outlines of the nSdows and bents the Stain and the ernes 1eMre tee side bails spouses 1 wea ewes sola los pick out the .tram sped where lbs pest netters .preen themr esteemabove the hat cart. ■del preemie. Lw emu reek tent dIra view with tow et empV pets. vesterear se dt1. eddy suite empty 1 MI reek ldleestad me. I barely ts.w why gad Mlgletdlese et the soba 1 awe. I mice cad ever tett sad ra my hese awing Ike war ssd.rwta Thr rowan was .concur. A _awe east ase Int ism/ it lm e.d w the paw Weed tate hat .w rest LMdtlty Ube faeeudsr, 1 swami drtee • ogee alit sus Met tab e..tww dilersetlea lets gas WI leas eines se net eery =Mos. gad I bed de anstremm u my Mara Met I It en•lble.d where tarp The Empire's Call to Ontario: "ECONOMIZE" Lloyd Georg. t —we are es ss st tan oda n •as� Lord Liklosme 'The noes esp Mob w essay PRIM ana Id �s t.a•dess flee w10 the lu et fbnoru1 e•dusu. Tem mutt .aa *sly be ssbb►- d tf by bard wwu sad onsets I,. tt erez 7Ya t ems,lven sad brltly.- Admiral Jellicoe "In the Katy floe en lbrw art in neva wbbk &Meteor, sseitr dreads. They aro Me - Outten. etrolght •h•.umg. .nd ..d.. nn.,. gad Tteft- paneee usy uest,seably test• crest!, to the pte- motion ..f theme qu.11tls- Baron French war er.• I. n.. tor', flat she arIt webs l' the me7a1 Army Tee.pennee Aero. els I$n. ravel., en mitre .nen Infinlmrl, better sr - Men •sd Letter me. 1f n.ee want In sem rep - neer rite l n,'. ousel - ver• halte•M. smelt sed , mfr,rnl. Ih., meat rite - in. It..., grret memo'sf self control sea self- energise - The existence of the British Empire depends upon the outcome of the War. All our resources must be thrown into the scale. The Empire's call is for men, monitions, food, clothing, and, above all things, MONEY. We are being called upeal to give our millions to carry on the war. Sir Gem E. Foster has stated that the Dominion Government might even ask for a Dameso Loan of $3001,000,000. It is only a few weeks ago that Canadians sub- scribed over $100,000,000 to a War Ioaa Them facts bre iht same to ns that this is, as Premier Asquith stated, "A War of Money well a ,,, ," Qu' Robert Ear Thomas White, Fmlance Minister, and other prominent men have emphasized necessity of economy. Ocesserve alta -wealth. Cut down expenses This is what we must.do. Somethinoo Think About Did you ever seriously think about tin minims Ili dollars ex pended aan- aaalb for alcahoTie beverages in the Ptairinee of Ontario t • 'As nearly as can be estitated> Jam:. figures, based on Dominion Oovttn- m -.it returns, the conzwnption of alco- holic beverages in the Dominion in 1914 was $103,049,129. Assuming that On- tario, whose population is one-third of the Dominion, consumes one-third of the alcoholic beverages, ber abare iunounts.a $34,.34709.66. "wt us say $33,000,00 • In other words, Ontario's Annual Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages represent the cost of-- lst. Rifles, Machine Guns and Field Guns for an army of 690,523 men on active service for a period of 12 months. 2nd. Or Accoutrements, Camp Equipment, Harness and Sad- dlery, Transport Vehicles, Signalling and Telephone Equipment, Tools and Miscellaneous Requirements for 1,269,231 men at the front. 3rd. Or one year's Clothing and Necessaries for 330,000 men. 4th. Or Rations, Subsistence or Money Allowances for 226,027 "boys',' on active service for one year. 5th. Or the Canadian (]government's Separation Allowance for 117,773 dependents for the entire year of 1916. The foregoing figures are based on the war estimates of the Department of Militia and Defence for 1916-17, as published on December 31st, 1915, in The Toronto Globe. Eliminate This Expenditure The Citizens' Committee of One Hundred believes that as n war-time,measure, if for no other reason, this colossal expenditure for alcoholic l,everaizes in Ontario should he elim- inated. The ('ollllulttee• also tlas evert cant)_ deuce that the 1'roviaeial Government will move in this important matter aa rapidly, as public opinion will enpport them. The fun -tion of the Citizens' Committee of One Hundred is to orvanize, crystalize and give expression to the proient state of pt,,!llie opin- ion on the quc'ti.,n of prohibition. The Com- mittee believes that it can demonstrate to the Government that Ontario is overwhelmingly In favor of prohibition. The people will shortly be given the opportunity of signing' a petition for presentation to the (invernment The Citizens' Committee of One linndred Is the executive head of this hie new prnhibidos movement. It represents the whole Previa... It numbers men of both political parties—men who welcome this chance to work for prohi- bition now that it has been taken out of poli- tics—earnest men who are working together for the Common good. The public, and this includes those living in DRY municipalities, are urged to join hands with the Committee and insure the 'nieces', of the movement Doing so will show that you appreciate the benefits of prohibition is your own municipality and add great strength to the Committee's campaign. If ytrn lice in a Local Option munieipality your signature to the petition is just as urgent- ly wanted as it would be if you were ander license_ Provinee-wide prohibition would not only confer a benefit on people living where Local Option does not prevail, but would also help to enforce the law in Local Option munici- palities. Signs of the Times England TM sale of User has Mos ceeta/led to an and ese-h•11 Man per ay. Wet t France meat e 1 asp p(. ata; the eats sal harry heel. tar say wenRo oto adaishy wrss.. T eRaaussmV4iaa lo ?be most esrsb.atsat \btery tt - Un...r the bow* bet- u.: use rl erase with m. aliesd loth s w ms Oe. .,rad e► yWtalma•s t� e Isaa •eeeents. Watt German, Oa rsitess%k 1a1,1sasd�1gM 1e Q.nral C lamallostssised• Moe. say Yash. sedb epi ea ws.td bS ses- a .waa7e.,'• 1. ilie MIR 1 closed .e. United States Ivens son Steles toted "yes- on Doom - bee 30th. for Rare-wtdt prohibition of tM sus• Mariam sad re of Meer. KEIT 1 CanadaPrim Mtwara Ulm, Is dry. Mama Meda is an se- ar probIbIte. .sot•rt the city of Hatlfan Flew Rran.wlek ben ► Mlbitles Is les est ed Shwa nestles and le two of Ila three eights. Qwe.e hu ase dry m51cllltles • a e os11 =V wet insttobs out vire. as pmebl5tes t\le rear. Makeleberaa Fen Mr wen nosed s. twat tell last. Albete-Declared for pr'eh1Mtlie es July 11.t lett by 11.110 metes. r • uler SLIM Prins\ Columbia_ -TM (3etsr.me.t Is pledged b take • fleblee11,. Ontario mit noa.kelp.ntl.s ant sow dry asd 11.re an liners 1. eel? VA Thea manta ■s try the menletps Mire mored err on J...•ry are i1•rlei the Met an Years sely it erste we eteltanry Is Ontario has tone beet (roe. poshieiUs. to Ihreer, Level pre\ Mit los let pr.M as Imet.eet ernes Tee ere asked ke "sr with the Cys mlt5 K Oro WsOdre,t le tM gem ed Ar e Owers to enseeeare se Province-wtdy *sties, ties of the trace. C' ‘zens' Committee of One Hundred K. r' r. Devitt. G. A. Warburton, Chairman of Executive Committee C. P. R ReaRabig, Taranto. Telephone Main 22411 V'&.% it Ilea?. lord, Te • essser. NEWTON WYLIP, Sect easel. • Ike t': . -'-. could be found 1 bad seas deli meta 1 puled through the Mhos earner to the ay. 1 began to more that way slid pee. catty cane creeping beck wltb s ma . hos ball Lull of matches 1e my brat. But 1 did not strike one then. 1 ha& prat made a more to do so when the unmistakable sound of a door opening somewhere In the house made me draw back Into as quiet cud dart a place as 1 could god. Tbla fay 1a the rear and at the right of the stalrcae, and as the sound bad •ppedred b Mme from •Dove it was the most nab- gra! abera! retreat that offered. Anda geed roe1 fou 1 bad bardnditly taken op my stand wises the darkness above gave tray to • faint glimmer and a step became audible coatag from emu one et the many small rooms In the second stogy. but slowly and with .vtdest baiter tion The Ugbt steadily Lectured wits• each laggtag bot surely 'drawing step Then the uncertals step paneled, and a sob came faintly to sly earn wrung from ups stiff with hums angolsb. The sotl'hd of the •1+ •crock sbudderIogly os us ear, fi4 lowed by the rwewal of the step and the almost Immediate appearance es Use stale of a bea.tltul young gin MI seventeen bolding a cues, se. sees -band and shielding her IgD reddle with the other. Nothing could have prepared 'i.e for an socounter with this wands •aywbay that sight after what bed ,L4 a aaatilara IMM. su.. IMILOga ts0 rat' C.mmi — 'between se and the wreck dm had nods et my Ufa Bet kern L • piece es remote sad dsestate I bad bedtated te eater tt myself. what was 1 to Matt How was I to resscfls so laws desbt a tun with wbst I knew et her is the pad; with what I Japed teem her l■ the retard 1t was 'ended that we grkly fest. Noe •tarfag Muer. had eget bar In this stamp retreat. SWIM pia speaks with a Merest I0•gna a ft'em that 'bleb 1 read be bar vlorted features s..d tottering. slowly erup- ts( p►log thea what bad happened absrst Ids had .moped me to eon Ws what My nee reseed te ab, tray, labs reseed to me re, •tad I; breail.5 at an 1 dM es with eat Mn)ese • of rastrslot that bar 4'r weer Mead my way. act wee whoa she had reached the lowest step gad passed ter • moment them seeing" feg le psis er seeertataty. 9•r tams towardwas tensed mere telly and I had Jest bogus derma eotmetitag b It besides its trade beauty when she meds • quirt ewe and Maw est tM melee she belt, Than there MM • Rads, teamed by the sssd or dyt lg test. She W /tag the easdl..tteh ear et bur bold and was htrnedly er.selag the baS I acetate de was reels. my wity mad iadtsetfvety drew bark agsbt.l the wan. Bat she stepped tar shed et M and I beard her gtnplet •hoof, thew give a weds• •prtsg the !tint doer. It epees&, mall ailed se gleM Is. I Mk the edit Mew spew my lace sad rating tempest. Them all was deist hut ewe. law had ofd muietly eat the door had swung te bra Another laded and I heard et dick et the awy •e It tweed d ins Ink. heard 1t ads mad. •e cutely, web the spall. wet the Mwtidermenn it sty taestWst Thea 1 tett all emstlose glee way to as al= wdrra deM•ded immghte action feg the del had gone out without se ewsdep ter Mr bead amid gay he had coil It weft 1 must renew pad dad her sad reeds her It waft Alm the anew. lllewbt myth aerated tis dew d desk It 'Weeny. it wee Asa I M te the wladowa - AMmdgfw yielded madly enegepk. and lbs whamw. tiam.Meea One Ml • bes sled. amoebae eaemed her dismay tied I was .tlr will the herr whoa I Ward • ttlnel Ilhel the hair am p aldd fbe•ad whoa asma •trestle. l Mild bp amid done eau !!Ms WIMP some ens ta the Lr thmbmda.d SIMS II �ntd.M.• wed • eweJ . emir le wbeeh 1 w Mel > • eps.sre moult. vet himeelm II W we tadempag �c•ede til tl.— .a tfr AlMegs alt► -•h. throe wee ee ILlearLJ (bout .. , 1' .