The Signal, 1916-1-20, Page 3THE SIGNAL GODERICH. ONTARIO •.Ve C.AY. JAMAS? * a TNF OtIIINAL IND ONLY GENUINE $IWAEB OF IMITA- TIONS BOLD ON THE MER1T8 Or JINIRD'S LINEN' BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. SOLD LBTI'BRINU OD LEATHER GOODS An owlet. promptly aereaid to es 1.•111M hsm.t TUN SIGNAL. Gedssfst A. B. TAY L4 TR, 8'1 tt•rroaD. MEDICAL 4,....„ TU. Hts1LBItaNN. OeiTE- PATH, eprotaint M eemse* sad Mil . dtt.sars. arta. *NSW aid serves.dr Iles, ear. sats sad tare•[. medal Ilent- oaw lsashaw ltd eissmaW mailltises. Ade. says meows I ugliest toe kali*. Dam at siablemiboban iAt bsibs Mesdars es sad ed r.Matardate: say ender 1►y •pselat'assl- F. J. R. FUBSTER-BYE. EAR. res seeTort oo4 Asset iIl,, Ness.%7ykrslst tT.i. s. Pisa Il $ ti s4 gT'M' stelamit..ftSaelist. a R. �_ AUCTIONEER. THOMAS UUNDRY +a At1CTIoNEER; lm. /vast iistt at iederlek.rt i� role mum gilded to latmedanot ret.pesee lM. LEGAL 116 C. HAYS DARRus1'ER. 80LC1T1 1 . NOTARY p�pp_ !•t.BUHL Tt. Beak ]gtlsrtoa las t Meek. Hamilton 8.met. ]gReelioSeats l.sas. and ia..arasco PROD DRUUT,1[ I LLORAN t 000HE YSItIttTil2115 >tOtr=i IfAN, • Gree as the liens e. err dna trees Salm Ora .wsss. gettsriok. ✓bunt% toad. to Isla ILiswest tate.. W. Peooneoor. Lc. J. L Korean lt. J. A Gaines. ]( 6. ti7AMERON. K. O.. ELBRI8 II. Ta) -YrMt. weary pak8a 916I.a�wnoaJselfwa At l7hates eeralal/siticRa_a/el la Yeepar. ie vacs helm a •.at tee ►m. 1/r. GAIUWW, LLA.. ft1K- eA less p.y,este.. Gide ' IMAGER, BABRIBTER, SOL y1 ge-ere.g ei y QNtWIC&, LOAM ETC. COUNTY and DISTRICT Miss Mihei Goy mod Joha Moir. of Calmar. were married at W,nghas' ou January 13th by key. ?Mbar Fallon. Mrs. W. Anderson, as old lady of e4010y. who smiths, near Biuev•le, fell while 000tl.g down stabs and broke bah her wrists. ' Mn. Ellen Cloak wooed away at the hums .1 Mrs. James Lamport, at Cent- ime. oa Ussery 9.h. A glows -up family survive.. Mr. John Mtagroye, of Turuberry. reeestly underwent a..riousr pn&tion in the hospital et Perosis and i. still under treatment Mies Pearl Gibson and Geo. Cole, both of Mortis towu.bip were teat - ried on J %Hurt y t'Stb. They will tr• side in the West. John Ouemore, of the 2nd cones• Ilion of Mut ne, has told one of farms and tented the other to rAgar Bt.u,ofTerse strt. Yr. J. Prteter, •.( Zurich, has pur• chased the bi Lk blo.k that be has been doing business in for • number of yeasts from Chas. Orris, of Beano, Wm. Clark, r pioneer 'resident of Turtiberry township, died at Day too. Ohio, Januar% 11th the sequoias were interred in 11; o gbsm cemetery Robert t. Uun.muor, who was re- eently •ppoiut.d posture -der at St. Thomas. is • native ut Tuckersmith. Two of his sons are in the lousy. Dr. John Gardiner, • former rem!. dent of %Vettou 1 reality, was married at Cbic•gu un New Yeast'. Day to Mir Edith Miles, of Mount Morris, lllioci.. Harvey Skelloo, • lunger resident of Morris towable, was married recently at Bay Oily. .Nigh., to Miss Maj its Smith. They will reside at Detroit. Miss Fl.saie E. Lowrie. of Hallett. was married ou Janusoyy 5th to Syd- ney A. I)oltu/ge, of McKillop. The c -Lemony was poi ft,tntrd by Rev D. Cu swell. Ales. Stewart, of Howick, was mar- ried oe December :1).b to Margaret M. Hai per, of t.'.rrick township. Rev. A. H. Gibson. of BelmoIe, pet tot toed the ceremony. 1 OCEAN j LLOP sPana seTUAL at IN astawd Piga. fasdeetk P.O.; 41 wk.P.0. • Jets lltlaatiOsaEvart t errs JJ.. ir; Yee, Viiia willsties. i Ilr•se1a1. ttM/srtLtir{rMrikahr m at Ware etas " L +. iv. a ..s,,. az.e.tw . er J. iii Retd1 errs vest Me? . lied O(1(J PRIVATE FUNDI TO ruro Ieaa. Apo 4 Id. 0. CAIi r, 8tarrt.ir I4eeDsas Ansi 0.4.1s► a . R. ROBERTSON. , 111 INSUS ANCs A61LYT. Finn us llsnrents : arldsb.Ctematia and arrow nue asomovstr' Dario. AND AN= Pa : 1' . UJ. ettyr Messg. adstlteaes a et T1► Mead navolo, 'Plow* 111 lti'ai.6E MUSES WLLTER E. KELLY, J.P., lOa. ONT. mum of MA sizaos laciprams. Brophe3 Bros. OODERIOH The l eadlet Funeral Dir0Clere and Embalmers Orden osrfwfly attasied to at ail hours. sight rte day. Allem/ tka Sent. 11 Pays/ •TT t�fT.r rPP60, HOWIONG WILL THE WAR UST? The Wu Apiast Health is Qriddll Faded asp ?i I.•d i.«'. MRS. OCWOtft East Ship harbour, N.R. 91 is with treat pleaauri that I write to tell you of the wonderful benefit I have received from taking 'Fruit a-tives'.ForyearsIWit adreadful sufferer from Caeslipaliois and lle.d- arGes, and I was miserable in every way. Nothing in the way of medicines seemed to help me. Then I finally trie+i `Fruit-a-tives' and the effect was splendid. After taking one box, !feel like a near /mos and I am deeply thankful to have relief from those sickening lleadaeheti". Mrs. MARTHA DEWOLFE. "Fit UIT• t-TIVES", the medicine ma.le- from fruit, juices, has relieved more sufferers from headaches, Cassel - "chow, Slawarh, Liter, A'idwey .ad Shia Troable% thaw awy idAer teediciwe. .Ae. a box, 6 for r".bo, trial size, ^:rc. A t all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Arvills 0wendolco, the seven•yeat- old dartghter of Mr. and Mn James Dow, of the 101 11 concession of EastWawaooshous nature and after pulsing his junior ones the the only died oo January lith, She matriculation taught scbo. 1 for three daughter. matriculation When nor broke out he en- Tbe electors of 'Zurich by • rote of listed but after reaching England was 105 to 6 gate i he police trustees per- invalided home. The funeral took suasion to Issue debentures to curer the cost of the installation of • hydro- electric light and power system. Mary B., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos Oomeili of the Parr line, Hay, dru bier, Mtzdalene, of Elk hot was matried .t her hour, oo Jan,zar Man , who move 1 to the We -t from lYt\ to Robert R McAllister. Rev. herr. lbirieen .ran ago. are visiting Rtcbardeon per -tut used t Le cerenromy. their h ietsds here fora mot. t h. Mr Howlett, father of Mn. A. Bar- A H. Mu -Lard, Roy Button and J. too, of (.icy township, died *1 the F. Reuben, of the Standard Bank, bow. of bis daughter on Janizary lOkb. pla.:e at Se•forth and all the ministers of the town tot it par t. BRUSSELS. M. and Mev. Win. McFadieen and and A H Milligan, He wan in hi.-eventy-eevewt.h year f the Bank •od f Nova b , G ItaoktnScoti •. have and recently setutned from the West aoppli,d to abtir re%pective head ,races Rosie J., daughter id Mr. and Mts. for releart,um dui so that they map D. Gammen*, of Mensal. wan tarried enlist. 41144 ltaoan C.ztbolie shureb, Zmleb, Councillor Fred Burchill, who was .olOnaJJ•nuu' lith, to Paul Mame, of St. 1��etal b. 4ey. - ei met dt 111 room, bag listed srrtn �M"ar� Fss►rl, danghtsr of Mr. and � 16 et Battalion. As he wsigbs Mr.. Koss Johnston, of Blake, wad over 209, there wale no uniform to taerried at the � stock to fit him and • special outfit maw, Varna, on Jan- had to be ordered, eery lids. to Feed W. Turner, of t**MsJohn Currie, sr., padded awn at his the ceremony. riAnn Qum= Terre Cattle Market Handy c'lo'cr stetra....17.56 to 13..5 7.15 7.66 0.66 7.14 4.01 5.66 7.25 7.75 6.75 7.'3o 6.7_, 7.00 6.25 6.75 7.21. 6.00 4.74 6.76 5.26 4.60 rim*millY; slearneem=s eCtillee• kr see, Mrs. R. B. Harvie, who until four years ego resided 1st Wroxeter, died at Tomato oo January lith. She was in bee sixtieth year and is survived by her bu.1'a d and three daughter,. Tbe rearms were iatarred in Wroz- etar esea cry. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Brooke, of Mitch- ell. cebbested the.sveit.eth anniver- sary of tbeir wedding day on January tab. Mr. Scoots is ninety-three and Mrs. Brooke righiyosine. Since the war commenced Mn. Brooke has knit 1118 pain of socks. Eire Beattie, daughter of Mr. and Met A. C. Hutchior's, of Fordwich, wail married at bee home there on January 12th to Norman T. Mc- Laughlin. of the 91.11 000camion of Howick Tbe ceremooy was reformed by Rev. A. B. Dress. Margaret, daug\tee of Calvin Roger, of the 4th rlocession of Howlek, wan married at the manse at Fordwicb 00 January 6th to Thos. McLaughlin. of He.tberdnwn, AJ- herta, fee erly of Fodwieb. Rev. A. B. Dobson performed the ceremony. 1. Williams. a rearms of Eirktoe, war the victim of • peculiar acciddat. He was carryiog a heavy belt oo • tock -handle serum kis shoulder when the fork -handle !trots and Me. W8 - limns fell. the proap of the fork en- tering his al.doroae. Little hope is entertained of his recovery. The .osmoses toe the Reran coun- cil baring failed to qualify atter the regular nom'.nalion meeting, a second s..mioation was oeaeseary and six candidates were on the ballot for the election held Out Monday. The suc- cessful ones were G. C. Petty. (deo. Rodeos, Alex. Smith and W. Platt. EXETER. Mr. (leo. Peabale atteoded the fun- eral at L resdoe last meek of his sister, Mrs. Alfred Bayley, wbo died there on January 6th. Mee. Jos. sVaiobotd was celled to Poet Huron owing to the death of kir sister, Mrs. Geo. (ester. MO deceased was fatty -three yeah old. WUfr '.d smart bee passed the tsxansiosa Losdos toe the motor tzwaapott carps and N at present is tearing dere prior to being called to join the transport eoeapaay. Willism Pierre rased away at his horns heron Jaeurey 10th after • few days' Mame. He was bore la tie township of Blanekard sexy -three tran ago, bot had lived piaetieally all ie life la Uebotae. His widow air swo daughter eerv(ve. SE&FOR H. The sue of 11W0 wee rseeatl see - Meted her, foe Hs*BeBeier� lefoiM. Mrs. J. D. Herilfeu, wto bad teat the pat threeasoatb with MInetket MGs E. Hsrmett, base neared to btr kers at Zr4Mad, Alberta. Heavy F. eldest las of Res F. M. LANs. [0ealartbs d5.d Loire* ea Jaa TIB. Tim Irks wee Maes e0 year eld, bora at Charms. He war of a et booze bets on January lltb. a was tato in Scotland sixty-flve years ago, but had lived in Huron county toe many years. He is survived by his wife, two eons, Andrew and Jobn, of Brussels, and two dueghters, Mrs. Gordod McDowell, of Brussels, and Mrs. G. Eddy, of London. CLINTON. Mrs. J. 13. Gottschall, a native of Clinton orad sister of Mr. Chas. Hdyar, of town, died at New York on January 1st. She was fifty-seven years old. Mrs. Catherine Barned, mother of Mrs. C. H. Pugh, formerly of Clinton, died at Loodoo, on January 6.b. Tbe deceased, wbo was eighty -Unto years old, had visited here on a number of occasions. Poetmseter Scott. wbo has been superioteodeat of Willis Presbyterian Sunda *root for the peat thirty-four years, � resigned dust prier. Mr. Chas. Lindsay has been appointed to replace bio. Mrs. David Moffett passed awn at the home of her datzghtee, Mrs, Mw gnus Pickett, on January Ilth. She had bast a rasideot of Clinton for the past forty years. Two sons and two daughter* survive. The lore of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tlplady was the seen of a quiet wed- ding on January 12th. whets their only daughter, CooeMnce Evelyn. was mars ied to Rev. Donald Macleod, of Montreal. Rev. S. J. Alain performed the ceremony. Mr. and Mire. Mac- Leod will r..de at Montreal. where Mr. MacLeod is pastor of Rosemount Presbyterian abut ch. WIAGHAM. Mr.. Fred Johnston bro1,s her ankle while %Gating on the river one day re- cently. Mrs. Sears' Youbill, • former resi- dent nt Wiogbam. died le Minnesota on January 70. Her husband. who died thirteen years ago. was at one time aaseseor for Wiogbatn. W. J. Elliott, editor of The loges -toll Chronicle, who was recently elected Mayor of that taws, is • b,otber of H. B. MIlib•tt, of Wingbsm, rod was Women • foresee resident here. Darman A. Me()illivrsy, sun of Mr lad Mrs A. MNJilllvray, of Wormhole", arse married at W 1anipeg ne New Tees's Day to Miss Ogre Flaresee Rid), of that atty. The yeast' rapt* will mate their house at MacGregor, Manitoba. The Leataow Drattaa(de Oo, played -Under Two clap In the Whirls opera house or Monday errs( of last week, Maid of oke Wingbre bar pital. The prodoetl.M was a .lever our, doles 'meek reedit to those who .took part The net peered* were .beet 000. Mee. Was. Daniel has bee.retard was killed iaa retiesher bureads es Dassabae.>Mllt. -1141Ibt Butchers', guud do. aril -cu da smarm t Hellas% .be.t3 do. good .. du. wedicti 5.71 Butcher cows. e(1olor6.25 do. good 6.75 do. medium 6.26 Butcher 11.11s. choice6.25 do. medium 5.50 do. bologna 4.00 Feeders, 900 to 1,100 lbs. 6.50 do. bull. 5.00 Stockers, ;50 t-, 911(0 lbs. 6 00 do. med., C.0 to 760 5.53 6.00 do. light 4.75 5 50 Canners 3.0) 3.75 Cutters ... 4.0') 4.50 Milkers. choir, esch80.00 100. ( ) do. mediu::t 45.011 80.00 Sprtn3ers . "50.00 05.0.3 ( .1..s, vest. god 9.00 10.50 do. medium 3.0) 9.0u do. commo;l S.6d 7.00 do. grans . 4.50 6.5.. Spring lambs. cwt. 10.60 11.76 Cult lambs 7.75 0.00 Yearling sheep 8.00 0.00 Sheep, ewes, light 7.00 11.00 do. heavy and bucks. 6.00 7.00 Culls 2.00 4.60 Flogs, fed and watered. 9.25 do. light and heavy 8.75 do. :.o.b. cu'.tntry. 8.90 Sows, fed and watered6.75 0.50 9.00 9.16 7.00 Toronto Grain Markets ' Llnttoba wheat -In store at Fort Althorn, No. 1 northern. $1.22~. ; N i. 2, $1-19%; No. 3. 61.1714. Manitoba oats ---In store at Fort Wullam, No. 2. c W.. 46c; No. 3 c'.W.. 44c; No. 1 extra feed. 44c; No. 1 feed. 4211 American corn -New. No. 3, 81 tzc. ' Ontario wheat No. 2 winter. per car lot, 11.06 to 11 Os; slightly sprout- ed and tough, According to sample. $1.03 to 81.06; sprouted or smutty and tough, according to sample, 04c to i1- Feed wheat. 80c to 84c. Ontario oats -No. 3 white. 40c to 41c; commercial oats, 39c to 40c. Pena -No. 2, per car tett, $1.80; sample peas. 61.16 to 51.75, according to sample. Barley-Malthzg• outside, 60c to 63c; No. 2 teed, 63e to 55c. Buckwheat -71c to 79c. Rye -No. 1 commercial. 19c to 90c; rejected, 75c to SSc, according to sample. Manitoba 11 -First patents. in Jute bags, $6. seconds, $6.30; strong bakers', .10. in jute bags. Ontario Boar -New winter, 14.60 to 64.80. accordingsample. seaboard. or Toronto freights. in bags. Manfred -Carloads, per ton. deliver- ed, Montreal freights; bran, 124; shorts. 625; middlings, $26; good teed dour. bag. 1110. - wile wgss �st�s ewer �,kft ItoL WIC lad ars MUM Mb dein %%tole. vi wra red ata abri8rw ear.lep. W Produce Toronto to deices to the trade: ELS, - Extras ( No. 1 straight storage No. 2 Butter -- Creamery prints. fresh Creamery. solids . .. Dairy prints Bakers' Cheese --large. 19c; twins, ,19�.c. Hooey -Buckwheat. barrels. 644c to 7c; tins.. 7c to 8e; clover, 60 -Ib. tins. 12c; do. 10 -Ib. Wu. 12%,1c; du. S -1b. tins, 125}c; comb honey. No 1, per dosen, 13.00 „ do.. No. 2, per Cozen. 32.40. Poultry Live Dressed Old fowl, 1h 13c 15c 13. 15c t.bickens . 12c 14c 16c 20c Turkeys 16c IS, 34c 2& Ducks Ile 14. 1'c SOc Geese ..- 10c 12c 17c t;9c to 8 .00 .3T .34 .30 .31 .25 .26 .36 .37 .33 .35 .28 .33 .24 .2E East *offals Cattle Cattle -160 can; market slow; 11c to 36c lower; choice to prime native shipping steers, 96.60 to 36.70; fair t-) good. $7.75 to 18; plain and coarse. 7.21 to 17.50; Canada%% steers. 18.25 to 58.60; yearlings. 68.60 to 38.81; but cher heifers and deers. $7.21 to 97.50; best fat cows, 84 to $6.25; cutters, 83.76 to 14.25; canners. 13.25 to Il2.4-; fancy bulls. 64.50 to 17; butcher Datta. 14 to 14.50; stockers, 85 to 84.50. )lags---Recetpti. 160 cars; market strong; heavy yorkers and mixed, 17-60 to 87.66.; t)Mgs, 87 to 17.25. Sheep -Receipts. 79 cars; lambs low*r; sheep steady; top Iambs. Sit: yearlings, 19 to 810; welters, 18.25 to ►8-60; ewes, 17.71 10 9H Calves - Receipts. 800; market steady; tops, 111.50; fair to Road. 110 to 110.75; grassers, N to 15 Omen* Meats Toronto wool• sale houses are Quot- ing to the trade as follows: Beef. foredoarters ...$ 9.60 to 610.60 do. hindquarters 13.00 14.00 do. carcases, clear 11 00 11.75 do. common ...... , 9.00 10.00 Vests. common. cwt.. 7.00 9.00 do. medium 9.90 11.00 do. prime 13.00 14.00 Heavy bogs 10.50 11.10 Shop hogs ..- 12.50 13.00 Mutton, heavy 16.00 12.00 do. liget 11.90 14.66 lambs ... 18.60 19.60 a 1 PHONIC Sb 36 a at Millar's Scotch Store D.MILLARuSON • January Clearing Sale Special Value in Sweater Coats cleanup of our regular stock and many' special lines. Just 36 Coats in the lot, all marked at the one low price of $1.95 Women's Knitted Skirts, all colors, each $I.75 4HN aw Special value in Cotton Pillowcasfys, sizes 40, 42 and 44 inch. A great bargain 1Sc each Special value in Flannelettes, bought many months ago and just delivered. A good 'heavy qua:ity, 34 inches wide, only 1Oc per yard Special value in Waba'-sa Canadian and Ht,rrockses' Old CountryCam- bries and Long Cloths, at old prices while the present stock lasts, at 8c, lOc, 124c, 15c. 18c and 201: per yard Children's Winter Dresses clearing all Children's Winter Dresses. Not a great many left. To fit ages q to t6 years, all at 25 per -cent off former low prices FURS! FURS! FURS! All Furs must be cleared in the next two months. We will sacrifice all profit to do so, and with almost'all the Winter weather ahead of us this makes a splendid opportunity of buying Furs at the proper time at less than wholesale price. See our Furs before buying. All Women's and Children's Coats being cleared'at sweeping reductions. ' If you have any coat -buying to do for yourself or family now is the time to get a genuine bargain. Terente Fruits and Vegetables ok Wholesaler* sell to e trade r follows: Pineapples, ease 83.50 to 119.90 Oranges. Valencia 4.71 5.50 Lem( c. r. s 1.60 4.60 Grapefruit. rlortde 2.76 4.00 Dazzler. beach 1.10 1.35 onions. bas 76 Ib . 1.76 2.26 do Spanish. case4.75 0.00 Cabbages, barrel 1.10 0.00 Cider", Cal.. crate6.90 1.04. !tweet potatoes. hamper 1.40 1.00 Castlflewer, Cal. 3.50 0.00 Chia,* Cattle Market slow; • beeves, 14 4* In 01.+40; cows stad betters, 13.40 to 11.40; esivtat, s7r to 310.60. stleakg: 110t. $40.75 to LH; mixed grit hi roes hogs WO to 67.70. g beap-illesalate. UAW; amerbe• 51: sesugg; aolos. rum 40 67 Al limb& rat% An $1171i. OW Bleach Lamas 11 PHONIC Limaimmormumminonimmosir .1•11°V } i' A New Year Resolution EL ECTR1FY YOUR HOME HEADQUARTERS PORTABLES and FIXTURES 14.00 and up ELECTRIC IRONS TOASTERS TOASTER STOVES HEATING PADS HOTWATER CUPS BF:DRIDOM HEATERS All above appliances trill be kept in repair, ree of charge, 5kc=i1g4Hroionceseistiney A complete line of Vacuum Cleaners. Fans, Portable Lamps, Cooking.,Ranges, Domes, Shades, Tungsten and Nitrogen Lamps. A New Line of Flashlights and Batteries on hand. Take no chances around your barn with an oil lantern, but use an Electric Barn Lamp. which can be carried same as an ordinary lantern -turned off and on easily, and if knocked over in the barn will not set fire to anything. We have a full line of them. Price $2.25 each. A NEW STOCK OF ELECTRICAL FIXTURES JUST ARRIVED )Let me give you an estimate on wiring your borne, officr, garage or place of business Office 82 Phones Rea. 193 • ROBERT TAIT WEST STREET, NEXT TO POSTCIFFICE GODERICH ONT. ji