The Signal, 1916-1-20, Page 1Storm Sash and Storm Doors
Made any Sias n Style. Order Now,
Shingles, Cement and all Planing Mill Products
I :]
always in stock.
JAMES BUCHANAN, PaaaIDr>f't' Axa XA.(Ausa,
'Phone 47 A. Y.U. Boz 18.
"Sons eit`!A "
weir .l g lbs oedema mess
of the allied sedioas. )Remy
Signal •ab.erthes when paying
for hie paper for NMI tray
have hie choice of this folio o[
tsxeic ora IgM ealeader.
a[1LTT UQHTA TAA, -JS. rep
An catentent nasus, et Na1WM Lem,
Nw 7• A., F. s A M. will be bad r Owl.=
I. a ert.da7- lined saw„ W *Aden p. .
M the e1aYerdi•e • s.rsaretat erv.s
at N. 077 dnnh r ser rte weishietel
txtttw. M.JorMarne11.Sala
W T. NILLA ly1t,, ta. M.
L. )r. DONK ITT,,
• Yat<te rfelr ham tbg eadeMgsed
to.W M swain at ten Hotel.
ache a. J'q.ry n. at p
I.Ai et.
eloAu.i: Now wIIker.. forward
.►alsaMere es w.
and bedew..
call au to Why Marek in. a re
Brad v7 taw npte■eee.d t• be
ps w>r►c given ne riving .au.hetery
Tarawa,-dz smmtb: credit will be sire se
sletillbell bidet tate.. to a drooant of 7 par
coat. per s.wse for ce-b.
t r. THOS.eusDRT.
A imprint.
Jan. R Mali. 18. easl•e.1 b M-tsasr Orr
Oerbud HNetsasaa C•., Tante. I. Item ea
regular yearly Thera ar wlektwk Ykekt
rwtdat.d e II ..-anM
d Berl `eem
thin. linen a Base. Chit oe grime ,lea •
M. id". fwd. retaaw•et It
Thr nasal mmetla a the aserbrn e1 the
IRHL.p Mateal min Im,■teae• t,e
wm M hW et Ike Mw. hall, 11m. . ilii wry
d.3 gdewers Ma, iris f oslm.k p lea t1•
hw.a my tM51he• to resist e mew t •••ed .L.-
teMesftNN[ eterOnatme; wTWyth he w
ine Illemananas „ranee
ee .r M JJoh. 0. Grieve, who are Webb le
J. BPs51emiio. LIiAN, THOS. X SATS.
'dikesemote° et Maser ssallea sl w ru■, tyy
the town e[ rsemey hMSib
Wet.. at the len of s s All
.ettre•at most be Awed wkh las
ewe tie M s. W. I.AN
Dated January K tent et t
liGOODIf.-111R8. A. NICHOLL,
Nares n i• Weltered toy.
tkr.. WI leek
wet newness Ilermrstra. s stW -twat
ate . and else bas
e0M101101 and`w bone so i:•.t
Klee .link .. Wears ..a newer m•., leave at
S8•.i r at my brew Mb& CARLE•
Tu V,
L and grata r • Qsr,.W 1s dee
/tetra. A haw strain trim Harper Park
wm`eatWaLh. Dander.
7 at easesat Ms 6NNS al-t/
yoR SAL,. -1311 ACRES -T H E
Mner Hlsn Arse. wile and • WI north
greoe ili` .. .i»•' .1' : geed Wit;
es as a • .oanlbi
. R IA wt. ''JLTZBAUfa
lead tar . p .ed 8... ss Werke. r •
•inst aae et ami huh bed •; •; a Iretch
N&ni' v , C It•. i One
n v teprphgns M erg 7. s tll-t
M renew is Th. algaal Ilse Mel
We thank theme wtber(bers who
have .bead renewed and preemies
all a great Ng dollar's worth dur
L. the rasing year.
&dieteaan s this week in the local
comp.ay of the 101st Battalion are :
Joe. Calder, (,oderieb.
John Webs, ••
Russell Bates, '•
J. H. Romeo, "
Albert Townsend."
8. Belk will,
Wei.OPorte, "
A. C. McGregor, Bay6ekl.
Claire Andel ann. '•
Tb. last-named signed up swami
weeks ago. but was only rec•stiy re-
leased from 81. dutlee in the Starling/
Bank, and he joined the company here
0o Monday.
Mr. Jack Noising, son of Mr. anvil
Mrs. Dudley_ Holmes, and • forgoer
member of the Bank of Commerce
staff bete, arrived bonne from Toronto
on Tueedey aced will enlist for overseas
service --Wtngbes Advance.
"Jail." is a grandson of Dr. W.J.R.
Holmes, county treasurer.
In n letter received this week by
tire. Geo. Kell from ber 80,8..d,
Sergeant- Bugler K el', t he writer speaks
of having ,net his first espetienee
'with German gas, but says it dial not
have much ill . R-ct. He say. the mod
of Belgium i• the worst thing be has
to contend with. Sergraot Kell is en-
gaged in taking munitions into the
Lista. R Y. McLean is absent o0
knee attending the funeral of hie
father, the late M Y. McLean, of Sea-
Capt. T. R. Rundle. - Sergeant Otago -
bees and Pte. J. W. Straiton are at
London takkR a supplementary course
in signalling.
Lieut. Ernest Porte- r hes been train.
(erred to battalion headquarters et
Chalon as aasivant adjutant and
Lieut. A. F. Sturdy is again attache/'
to the Godericb company.
The following have signified their
Intention of going to Guelph to join
t M artilk ry compote v there : Basest
Swart., Clifford Webb, Chalk Mc-
Arthur, Ernest Pegs and Elmer
[*utenelayer. • We understand that
theofficete here are protesting against
reareita hang enlisted boom this
nuswty for any but the 161st Battalion.
A recent able from Losdoa,
safollows : law
18th Battalio0, C.E. F.
A Gant Officer Who Has Given His Life
for Britain and Freedom.
'!tit following messa1e from the Adjutant-Urneral at Ottawa
realped by Mot. Sale on Wednesday afternoon :
"DMIffily regret Inform you Major Charles Edward Sale, Lith
died of wounds right kg at No. 6 flrld ambulance
J Ili.
Ths • quickly spread •lout town and was received with
pression, of regret_ The Major was well known and
Godnieb, and his self-sacrificing action in pining the
Lan contingent for service overseas was greatly ad -
leave" a wife, formerly Mies Kate ('smpaigne, and
Ned. aged seven. and Katbryn, aged four. Major
is London township thirty-eight years ago and
resident of Goderleb for twelve years, being engaged
of irentiatry,
be east his death can at present be only conjectured.
blur hod been received at his home quite recently.
s.rv.e will be hell at St. George's church on
argaais tisn Pentad to Assist is Watery
Matteis in Tap CeesiKf..
bold ai
!lath nth iw••i ,- ' Art tet
IN boat teati.s1 L In Iowa
tan e r sena, NW; welds walk sees lei
tK N I GrrH'r, Du(n'O R OpsMts Ca.H•II RO-
•e•eervieMar ss mer et to
m. eyei/it
fatpa..m tesp.e,:se ata o„
Lade at1asast. tar trsa
in U
bs lepep. mei heeA ..arme t ar+►AA.ndswasst aa ..
bpeae■ e ssea.ssd, the *58-
Valk• Pep. Uwe smut
. lincisRdeArre wenytteM of =
resat, pun,.
CaajneLSAieL11.-A eP1U.REBRED JBR-
Water papabe me for 1918 u$
now glue and during this mast! -
10 per .sent. will be a/lowed an
payntests.All in arrears are
earnestly requested
he same without delay iso he S
the requires the money )1
and arrears must to collected.
W. T. MUR.NEY, Chairman.
`w.. -r.__._.- ..ti..J
linos. OUISDR T.
?atm; ' Trane /arts,
UsCwsd in All Countries,
Write for fres hook-PAT1D[TA PROTIDC-
TION.- Tear all &beat sad how ts net pot•
emir. BABCOCK t WM. et•haAad 117,
torsterls P.tsat ladles Itza ester, Mauer «
Patent Law., Reatbrd Paint Attorneys
etc, WK. Jana .hast, Me.tnal. Fenner -
nnerOttawa sad Waahhrgtss. Reewatwuves in
an Mels. saatrie..
Self -distrust 1. the cause of most of
our failures. In the sae rear. of
suengthh there is strength, and they
are the weakest, however strong, whit
have no faith in tbemeelves.-Bovse,
Important Notice
Signal subscribers who ate
in arrears are hereby notified
that the Publishers' Adjusting
Association. ei-Kansas City,
Mo., is no longer authorized to
collect accounts for The Signal.
Payments are to be made
directly to this oifioe,
Limited. Godeilch. Ont.
for 161st Huron Battalion
1200 men wanted from the County of Huron
for the Battalion to represent this County in the
Canadian EzForceELIST NOW.
Recruiting office for Ooderich .and dlatrict in
Mclean's Block, Eingtoo Street -
"Your King and Country Need You"
test was she bast shearing
he had sort, not omit of the Casadia0,
(JoThis is dMch artillery."
especially interesliaR to
as g Platt, Archie
RaMaurice Masson ate all in
this de.
Two sass of George Noble .md two
sons of Charles Noble, Montreal, all
four beteg erwodeoss of the late Philo
NolAr, of Ooderieb, hare enlisted with
the Canadian overseas fore...
Mr. Maurice Griffin, son of Mr. John
Griffin, who has been working for a
short time et Stratford, has enlisted
for the Army Service Corp. with the
110th (Perth) Battalion. He is home
today for a short visit and maks a
etalwert figure in khaki.
Miss Gwendolin Colborne, of Balti-
more, Md., daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Colborne, of town, and her
brother, Mr, Harry Colborne, who hes
been attending Queen's University
Kingston, have joined • party '
will knee shortly for Cairo. BOypt,
The sixty Army party M forty-eightes
and sii
rps sawn.
Mie Colborne sod•Co
ttwolotbbse young
ladles from the Johne Hopkins hos-
pital, Baltilnoes have hems .d as
nurses of g
Colborne went to
e Tooto oat Friday
to meet their daughter, who was o0
her way from Baltimore to Kingpin..
Mr. Harry Colborne was boss for a
day or two this week to my good.lsye.
Their(odericb Mends wish the brother
and sister the test of good luck In
their venture to a far country.
Well-known Lecturer Coming.
(ioderich is again to be favored with
& lecture by Mr. T. H. Hate, the field
secretary and lecturer of the National
Stanituinm Aa.oclation . Doubtless
many remember the leetore given some
time ago as intensely, thoroughly in-
structive and eminently practical We
uoderntand that much new informa-
tion, a number of special views and
most interesting moving piettue* are
to be presented at the lecture, which
will be gives on Panda -1 ...sing, Use
]grd inst., at 8 1t) p. to., in the le.'turs
room of the Presbyterian rbureb
1)e. Strang has kindly commented to
ocoapy the sa•ir.
No charge will he made Ins admis-
We cannot too heartily emmrated
this leotsrs to our readers.
MIK r leery's Mil ed vee !
Nall; read w der en an.
Me. Iib• woe : he ..tread,
Italie well yen aeon es
Tiaavoajsthe viems
ariter'a en warmer lea.
Till they nave the Hain Jan.
Rake seed the .01st.. bol. :
Won Me Wee of Mete
No Crowder err bosh[
Far mann whiles:
Henn death amid the win
Tho. • ba.e and meta* We
Red r round soar .orerdd.. bey-.,
la the ei totalis•/:
With Me iorka•d bard[ -:Y
Twine the maple rat.
now .rias fell'aneld the bay
Frear tar Flanders earl today.
Rally roast the 1p8., boy..
Thr rear valiant beet :
Br the power at W who abed
8wu• the,wrya hen.
Until war. forever mass
And R. mints whom new i. Peace.
-H. babel Orabae. BesMth.
The opening chapter of The Signal's
new serial *tory, "The Hoose of the
Whlsperring Pinel' by Anna Kath-
aril a Greet, is ptildlshd on pages 6
and 7 of this Wens Elei sfMy is .
tbrillIng one, the iater.•1 HISN.•iog
with each chapter until the canes ti
reached. If you like a story that will
keep you guessing abort the next
chapter, read 'Rhe House of the
Whi*periog Pine*."
Mr. e•nd Mea. BrinlrY.o pr kbwalter. of Port
ttrar7•ea vr$*5 1•ws.
.wa.8. 5*8 Mr. *stet !♦rte Ale0. QaIt.. *1
ten •f Mr. R iL hs1•.r sl ).titin ea r
.dxw nettMore lem en. Ds.laLa•e wod-it
H ( start
Mrw w.. p+4 4r les n as le he the
Mat •erg a ti• animals mess et hoe beakeNe rw. 11r. t11
1. W. lfrlr !W (8. bar, 81 Wrare t•
Ali r tr WI than .herb ha. bon
' who at christen. thee'1 bee em alta* et anentko .t ' . tet.e en et
idesi 41 ire me `ea that
W_ ase eft& asked why Edwards'
homemade sillies resat. sweet-
wen.II le "-..s M the mere nester -
lea and.
theism of The signal ie in re-
Isvttstsos to
1w O • Y Awsl•1M et
y et mems,
ham ham terseed. Repeeewtafiie clo-
sers were merest from aboral all
parts of the cour.ty. (leptons Wind-
• ern of Toronto, was preee.t and ex-
lbe situation,
aim is to have every man, wo-
es, god chill in the county either a
member of this ouxiliaryor an enlisted
moo. This auxiliary will have every --
thing todo with. the assistance to be
given the battalions to be formed in
Huron and will be a medium through
which careful consideration is to he
given to the needs of the boys from
Huron, as well as to all military iu-
ter•tets of county.
Capt. Windeyer says this organisa-
tion would be not only for :he time of
the war, but for many years after the
war, In order to deal with mattere
needing cooeideration.
Lists are to be tabulated 'bowing
the standing of every sound mon of
military age, and the local auxiliary
in each municipality will assist in se-
curing recruits as feat as possible. The
speaker referred to the tact that up to
the present women had been doing
most of the patriotic work ; that rhe
time had come where the men most
"do their bit' in whichever way they
could, even though in' many eases it
should mean a sacrifice of business in-
terests as well as the severing of fam-
ily tiaa-1'a. Dail was argent, the crisis
oval M,.and it was a time of *seri-
Bog on -die part of all.
Officers Elected.
The following o6lcere were elected:
Honorary [u•eeident, Dr. W. J. R.
Holmes, Oodrrich ; president, W. Bry
done, Clinton; vice-presidents, Rev,
J. B. Fotheringham: (ioderich ; Petr
Scott, Belgrave: J. Reid, Seafortb;
Rev. McLSSmith, Hensel': secr'etary-
treasurer, D. L MacPbse.o., Olietn I
municipal representatives-Godericb,
C. A. Reid, F. R. Hodgen.; Clinton,
G. D. McTa`gart,A.T. Cram.; Wing -
ham, J. F. Grover, W. F. anstone;
Blyth, Rev. G. Jewitt, Luxton Hill;
Hayfield, Dr. [%nod., Geo. Lindsay;
Br morels, Geo. Muldoon, Rev. b.
Wren ; Wroseter, W. McKercber, R.
Meek : Hensel,. (l. 1'. Petty, Jae.
Moore: Exeter, Rev. D. W. Collins, L
N. Dicks oat : Ashfleid, Rev J. S.
Hardie, Rev, Father McCormick ; Col-
horne, R. M. Young, N. Keenigban:
(inderieb township, Jas. Sterling, M.
Woods; Grey, John MacDonald, Jas.
Wbitheid ; Hay, Dr. McKinnon, lir.
Campbell ; Howkk, S. Ferguson, H.
Wedgar ; Hallett, R. Clark, H. H,
HiillI ; McKillop, Jar. I)orrance• R.
last.: Sta.I. J. Me/fasgt btos, W.
R•id ; Stephen, Herbert Silber, Re..
P. Je f•reo'n : Trk_ewsMsh. H . Crich,
Re.. J. Areoid : Throberry. J. Kindel
Mines ; 17.b•xrse, Rev, Dr,' Fletcher,
W. D. Medd ; Rost enmesh. J.
Cun k, M. Loekbart s 11►est Wawa -
omit, illi Btllle, Ilk CCj7 ag iiswww
Thaw who attended the
trove O dcrich were Msess. OI1as.
Weed the anneold . Ms" B
Reid. 1r, R. Hodg+s. Wm imam Dr.
Dimes, B (1. lfossin0s W..,
Rev../ B. Potbrlagtbas, Gee. P r.
tee and O. Y. siNott.
lbe b he hit is the
on Sib i s CN ,
amt ha to le be he of a p,tt1s-
tL obasomer the yasaN, sad pr'mara.
thaw aro Wham ma. M
• oan at -
Oysters always freshet HMekstone'a
The Mahe. Sleet Cemp•ny wUl
___ens._ • week'. _sitiplosa1 at
Ins Vittoria Opera Bess on Monday. glee N
Re.. H.ger's subjects in North
'street Methodist church nett Sunday
TME DEFENCE OF PUBLIC LAW will te: Morning, Zechariah', Leat
AND DEMOCRACY V leton-Gnd', Congeie.t of the World,
Keening' : ('br fiat's Supreme ('lain' for
Hiw.elf -•'Before Abraham was, I
I aW."
Magnificent Address b7 Dr J. A. Mac- A *oriel gathering, the invitations
donald, of Toronto, before the for which were issued by the 8.O N. Canadian and N. S. L slobs of North street
Glob Methodist church. took place in the
Attendance in the History of the lecture room of the church on Thurs.
Club , d.jr evening last and included the Sab-
i bath school teachers and tnrmbere of
the BMW class and older gi.1. classes
The largest attendance to the history of the school. in part the event was
of tht Uud -rich Canadian Club turned' arranged aa a reception to Hr. and
out at the noon luncheon on Friday Mn. J. H. Jokiest or and Mr. and MIn,
loot. about one hundred wemh,.s C. L Cooltis, and Rev W. K Heger
being present. The attraction war Dr. made • speech welcoming the two
J. A. Macdunali, of The (ilote, Tor- !.rid.. to Ooderi •b and to North street.
ooto, who had never before .lx len in Refreshments wire .erved and a
Goderich and whom the nau.t.eir pl.a-' nt evening was spent.
were peril.ularly desirous of hearing. '
They were not diaappoiutrd ; for they Professor Rohertspo a Via.t
beard our of the threw add, vetoes g, veil In arvurdance with • newplan for
in Goderieb in many yeah .ntrrestiug the aleth•x1Lst lerple is
"Public Opinion and Public Lifd' the work .d \',-;oris College, Proles -
was Dr. Macdonald', tb. ane. He held roe J l'. Rubert.uu, M. A., of the Col -
that the real things of life were not Inge, addreosed ten two Metbo•
"things.' at all but the id'ss which lay' dist cnngregti i ins of Godetich Last
behind. The great conflicts were. not Sunday, Io the U uruing ler occas
those of brute force. but of ideas. The for pulpa t f Vk*orla street ehupreb
Canadian Club was a medium for the
and gave whet Re.. J. E Ford, the
releasing of idea., for (be organization pa.tor of the church, declared was the
o[ opinion. Publir, opinion was the mod practical and be,nslble educatioo-
serurit• of public life and of public : al sermon be had ever hewed. In the
lrw. a gleet Iragedyo[ the present evening Prcfesor Robertson spoke in
world situation was the breakdown of North street church .and incorporated
public (or ioternatiooal) bow, and the in his address some reit' interesting
great abject of British participation in , bi.toriesl inturrustiun rtg arding the
the war was the vindiatiun of public earl da a u[ Gudeaieb .n.1 the work
law and its re eatablishmeot in the of the Me'hodist saddleb•u preachers
world. To the limit of its influence-; of the pioneer day.. The first Met ho
the Canadian ('lub of Goder ich was I diet
preacher who is recorded as has itsg
working for the security of public law made his way is Uoderieb was Thomas
Ls the defence of democracy. I Whitehead, who came here in 1b31.
The spark of demccrecy brought to
Coincidently with the beginnings o[
Britain by (8, Angles and Saxon'. I Methodism,. n Godericb Victoria Col-
centut ins ago, from Schleswig and the leer was ha' Ing it. rias in the great
mouth of the Elbe had never quite'struggle /or ,epre*eotative govern -
gone out. and it was the bwioes of (Dent and free ins'l1u0c.0s in (-.nada
tbistxesent.Rereration to see that It'The Methodists oppnod the attempt
dos not go taut in our time. Farther of the Church of Eoaland to rw..00po-
hack there b rras the Celtic spirit of bze state ad to education Sad to 18
democracy, Which also had been pre- they laid the cornerstone of Victoria
served through the centuries to thisICollege, the first institution of higher
Clay. Britain had both the Celtic and education in Ontario and the first to
the kazoo democracy, and we in Can- gr*O1 the B. A. degree in this Prov-
ed* had inherited the blood of theorem). ots. ?;ince that time Victoria has
wbo for two thousand years had hem grown in strength and usefulc• s until
"following tbegkam." Our demorrrsey l now, as oce u[ for e,'MRe. making up
todaywas the ourgroe outgrowth. the Rower • the Uoivers,ty of Toronto, it is one of
and reit of 18. Kreggle for 18, 'rev.' the Rrestest educational centres in
efyst of the people for the people Canada.
I11 pelvis that had [marked the
Oa& tits+ s0
la dais firm - Mari
iSo desitsevegy n w
Aral of Sepia oar*:
el the_ Illpast and The mend M tthe i amsbere
One mesa .1 (tie in' Weise,. lay
des,oerwtic then crew today. it' eveot'I' Seppr wan served an
was the autocracy of the crowd that 17, to 8 n'doek, after w.._""'",ithe ro poli
was to be feared today-. "Demos is' (rthe rwembers wse en, tIo report
ki.gj." and Orr problem wan to .sake : from the varlets. o ganisationw con-
lirewewr•da'uwd 'rust and trim clad' fleeted with thatdl a .hsewted,&ad
uueelfrb and h000r.ble. the officers for the yeas els. ted. The
The speaker enumerated some of the financial Statement showed (he church
enemies of public litw and democrscv, to be in a n .Ithv rnoditioo. During
There was the corporate sore, that the year, ice nae. on to meeting the
might be controlled by a sinister in-
running .p pastor's
of len church and
fluence more damaging to freedom i1110a1 the pastor's salary, a note for
than ever a Stuart king war. There against the church building had
was the private interest sole -and he n paid and this note was burned
(the speaker) bad not beep editor of • daring the evening. In all about 51,700
paper for thirteen sears without lod(heyesr and wboutbeen expended on tncal woik dor_
knowing something about that. The g tl )rnntributed
freedom of the prow should be jealous- to mission work, The officers ap-
17 preserved. "Secure for your jour txxinted were A. H. Clinton deacon •
reals," said the speaker. "the liber[ • J' H. Marshall, clerk and Sunday
man must have if e e is to serve tie school sea u r r ; Miss ; stioW t i gC, •m ,-
day and generation - Anotber dun- belt, treasurer ; Mie betides Whiting, mal
gFer to democracy war the man who numb treasurer ; lersthe ober
not vote •t all -"the decent, re• nu of u•bere, [ellen and other
minor officers. A committee was ap-
pointed to secure estimates and report
as to the probable coat of renovating
the basement. This room bas had no
interior fittings placed In it since the
church was built and the need of it is
greatly felt for Monday srbool pur-
poem. Duriog the evening Mr. John
Cballen was created an honorary dea-
con of the church for life. The stat ire
tical report showed that a slight in-
creeee in attendance at all services
bed been recorded over any previous
pear. The Sunday morning service
Fad gained most in this respect.
epectable church member and business
mall who boasts that he baa not voted
for ten ears." .He wits worse than
the boodler and the briber .
The safeguards of democracy were a
free Peril/iceboat, a free church. the
school, and a free prem.
One of the most moving passages of
the address was the speaker's story of
hit visit to the home of his forefathers
in Scotland, where he war told with
pride of the glen school, twelve miles
from a railway, with its 11I) pupils
and seven teachers (four of idem
M. A.'s). Sad its ex-.tudeste in eve, y
seat of higher learning in the country.
Scotland s sons Irl[ her and went to Blackstone's toe -cream in bulk or
all quartet• of the globe, but rhe ; bricks appoints t" everyone.
gloried in the pr(xtuct of her glen
ecboole. Huron counts and It.e town
of (foderich had • tradition which
should he maintained as their proud-
est betel -"the only thing we hereto
export is educated pmt roe.
' I hate war se 1 hate hell." declared
the speaker ; but II itein was never - _
truer to benelf than when she bung GUNDRY'S AUCTION SALE UST
herself across the Channel in defence
of the rights and liberties of little tt-aUsaiDAV, February: -Mersa
Belgium Out of war would come w attotJS
better world ice which e11 nations that ' t►m. ts.
love freedom .od democrscv would etsee7lbkwt ttas,s n'_rlslse
join in establishing public law and the bl. blew.
The Feldman -Christie Musical Com-
edy Co. held the boards at Victoria
Opera House the fire( three night* of
this week and pet on performances
which were greatly enjoyed. 1t is not
often so large a company visite (lode -
"httle peoples" should be free to live - DiED.
their awn life. FHA'S/IL-la Owiterleh,ea
Dr. Macdonald we. Ioudl • !.rennet'
y applauded et Caroline A. F?asor,
as he :oselsd•d his address AiTKRN.-1a Dederick,o. g.ada January
Mr. M, O. Cameron, K. it'.. ex premed ia. R Whelk (88 MIK of the We Jelin
the great pisasere with which the L Akba, nod N
Wf1.1.1A ken.
address had been beard and Rev. J. err i' w Memaq. Jana.
B. FotherinSh•e, president of the (Ask V1'1 a't e(' sit Mr.
the speaker for giving WHITKLT.--ta h t el Bwtnr'
• opportunity of bear- day Ja.sary I Albert beloved
ton of Yr. •d t. Charles A. whbtN) .
ag,d • eaathe sad S dye
T.0.- i. °Werth. w T.mdap, Jarman. Ill
Nowa Wema.eett,n , nth. leu .Mean
Cleb, thank
the m•mbse
is bim.
fn the evening Dr Macdonald ad-
dressed • crowded public meeting in
the Clinton totsn ball, the admission
fes being d .tad towa)de the ee-
rie* of teeroptag the 161*[ Batt•1-
lonRvemy Setttsda wale's Blackstone',
wisdom' for specials.
the Remember the pets -Wile night at
wt' Theatre, Thursday. Jaasary
always fresh, et Edward'. Phone and
i as. eesvlsed !bat we have a de.
the M Sad 18st so email one,
het tssl wds of mane. -
OOL131'R()RPIt• In Uplertck, ea Th
3...ary r• Minnie Ales.betb, beloved wife
et Jeer" T. uaduaorp.,
The funeral will tab Nam [seat (he t•.atly
, 15.lem armee. s■ ran,. Ja
10 `•bap[ it f lar • eberch, eh we • wevie
semi ley ►lea, •.d the... M
Cedar Pew wad `
mega! Mame 1•r [lel*-w.
Peas Tiestr•(Aq R lRek .. .. .. ......
Y>Mt1Ylt- MMkrns 1.sMrs A r.
The `Mhs8 i. -A-- d one suw
wwrla R opsin. 11111011 AssMlall.....